HANDOUTS Morph&Optimization
HANDOUTS Morph&Optimization
HANDOUTS Morph&Optimization
Training handouts
Direct Morph Terminology ……………………………………………………………....................... page 06
Optimization Tool
Morphs Creation/Deletion
Morph Entities in
DataBase Browser
Manipulation of
Control Points,
Edges & Hatches
Modification of Morphs
(If Morphing Flag is Active, the
loaded Entities are Morphed)
Direct Modifications
Various Checks
Box Draw Visibility Toolbar
Morphing flag
Form Entities
Transition Entities
Some Design actions are available through the Feature manager, facilitating the morphing of specific features.
Activate the Feature Manager tool and press the Parameters button, to recognize the features.
Select the Holes 2D and Stamps features and press Recognize.
1 2 3 3
2. Select automatically or manual openings (Select in range) of any shape according to their diameter and press
3. Set the value 4 in the field and press the Refresh button to change the holes’ diameter
4. Select to switch between the initial and final state to inspect the change.
A Morphing Parameter of
HOLES type can automatically
be created, using the “Save>As
parameter” button
Extrude directly a cross
4 section in a specific direction,
by left clicking on it and
5 dragging and dropping it in a
2 specific distance.
2 3
2 3
2 3 4
4 5
6. Go back to the PM_LOFT entity and this time right click and select Geometry> Update
7. The model is updated based on the new cross section
8. Loft also recognizes fillets as PM_ARC entities. Open the 3 rd arc entity card, change the radius to 8 and click
OK. The fillet in the cross section is updated
9. Switch back to the PM_LOFT entity and update it again. The model is updated
6 7 8
8 8 9
2 4
1 2 3 4
The Add/Remove
neighbours functionality 4
can be particularly useful
while selecting transition
entities. Also, mesh
improvements are
available after exiting. 5
1 2
1 2 3
4 5
1. Select Design Change> Position and select a PID from the model that will change position as Action Area.
Select the movement Direction at the second step and press Finish. The DC position is ready.
2. To add a Flange constraint, create a new constraint from the Constraints Tab .
3. Select the Flanges, the contact area and gap, the Transition and the Fixed entities. Once the constraint is
ready, activate it and confirm.
4. Apply a Distance value to move the PID while the Flanges maintain the gap from the contact area.
1 3 3
3 3 4
1 2
3 4 Remove automatically
curved areas of the
Flanges by selecting the
Remove Action.
1. Activate the Direct Morphing> DFM function and pick the Translate mode. Select the Control Entities (here three
green areas) that should be translated, as rigid bodies and the respective translation Vectors
2. In the next step, select Morphed Entities that should be morphed, following the translation of the previously
selected areas
3. Next, the Bounds of Morphing are automatically defined by ANSA. However, the user can manually modify them
1 3 Bounds
The Translate mode of DFM
function can also be performed
as a Morphing Parameter :
CONTROLS> Parameters [New]
> DFM (Translate)
1. Activate the Direct Morphing> DFM function and pick the Rotate mode. Select the Control Entities (green area) that
will be rotated as rigid bodies and the respective rotation vector
2. In the next step, select the Morphed Entities that should be morphed (magenta area), following the control entities’
3. Next, the Bounds of Morphing are automatically selected by ANSA. However, the user can modify them manually
2 1
Upon confirmation, the user can view the Direct Items that has already defined, and
modify (if needed) the specified Values (degrees of rotation). Press the Apply button
to proceed with Morphing.
12º -12º
1. Activate the Direct Morphing> DFM function and pick the Edge Fit mode. Select pairs of Source (green) and
Target (orange) Curves
2. In the next step, select the Morphed Entities that should be morphed following the fitting of the curves, that were
previously defined
3. Finally, the Bounds are automatically selected by ANSA. However, the user can modify them manually
1 3
Origin Bounds
Curves 2
3 1
1. Activate the Direct Morphing> DFM function and pick the Surface Fit mode. Select the Source Surface (green),
confirm and then the Target Surface (orange)
2. Next, select (at least three) Pairs of Nodes from the Perimeters of the Origin and Target areas. Pairs of Nodes
from any internal perimeters can be selected as well
3. In the next step it is also possible to select and pair inner feature lines
4. Next, select the Morphed Entities (magenta elements) that should be morphed following the fitting of the surfaces,
that were previously defined
5. Finally, the Bounds are automatically selected by ANSA. Here, no Bounds are needed.
1 1’
Activate the Direct Morphing> DFM function and pick the Offset mode. Select the Control Entities (green) and confirm
1. Select an Offset Value
2. Select the Morphed Entities (magenta elements) that should be morphed following the movement of the Control
3. Finally, the Bounds are automatically selected by ANSA.
1 2 3 4
4 5 6 6
1 2
Free Hatch
Loaded Elements
Internal Control
Control Morphing Point
Point Edge Tangency
The aim here is to translate the B-pillar forward or rear, according to a specified
distance. The B-Pillar must slide smoothly on the feature lines of the model
1. Activate the WORK PLANE visibility flag to make visible the existing Working Planes
2. Select the Boxes> New[Adapt>Bounds] function to create a new 3D Morph adapted to the shape of the
selected elements. Select the appropriate elements and confirm
3. Select, optionally, two working planes that will serve as bounds for the new 3D Morph
1 3
5 6 7
Accepted Frozen
1 2
Activate the Box Morphing> Angle function. First pick the Morph Edge that is needed to retain its position and
confirm. Next pick a neighboring Edge that needs to be moved and confirm again. Set the appropriate (relative)
modification value in degrees.
The goal here is to Fit the front feature line of the roof, to the
Target 3D Curve. The rest of the model will follow smoothly.
3 4
The N.Deformation
option is available
only when the
Morph points move.
Target 3D
Target 3D Curves
Apply Boxes> Cylindrical[Curves|Points] to create Cylindrical Morph based on selected Curves (If the axial curve is
not available use Boxes> Cylindrical[Middle]). Select the Axial curve and confirm. Define the Radii of the two
Cylinder’s Bases. In the same way define Morphs along the whole axial Edge.
Axial Edge
2 3
Outer radius
Inner split
Outer radius
Inner radius
In many cases, 2D Morphs are more suitable for Morphing. Additionally, they offer a much more simpler view of
the 2D Morph structure.
target FE-surface
3D Curves
The Default 2D
thickness value
can be set by
2D thickness Optimization
Specify the
parameter (here 0.5) After the first split, do
in order to split the not exit the function.
Right click to apply Apply the
2D Morph at an HATCHES>
exact parametric splits quickly, at the
same parametric JOIN function
position to revoke a
BETA CAE Systems - ANSA Morphing & Optimization training handouts 74 www.beta-cae.com
Morphing with 2D Morphs - Fitting the 2D Morph to the Target surface
The morphing of the model will be achieved in two steps. First, the bonnet boundaries will be fitted to the target
curves and second, the inner splits will be fitted to the target FE-surface.
1. Box Morphing> Fit[To Edges] : select sequentially Morph Edges and respective Target Curves. Confirm each
group selection, using the middle mouse button.
2. Box Morphing> Fit[To Surfs] : select the inner splits and confirm. Select the PID of the Target (red) surface,
define the projection vector and press OK.
Group 1 Group 2
Group 4
Group 3
Be sure that the Morphing flag
of the Option List, is activated
so that Morphing is applied
during this step
Load Radius
2 3
1 2
1. Activate Boxes> Links[Create] function, select the existing Morphs (half car) and confirm. In the window that
appears pick the Symmetry tab and keep the Default Symmetry Plane option. Press Apply to create Linked
Morphs. Control Points on the Symmetry Plane are colored in Blue, which means that their movements are
restricted on the Symmetry Plane.
2. All Modifications applied to the parent Morphs, are automatically applied to the Linked ones.
1 2
Rotate Linked
1 3
• The Working directory is defined at the lower part of the window. All files are referring to this directory.
• The right side of the Workflow tab contains the Design Variables list, presenting in detailed mode their types and
• Bellow, the Responses Ansa & Meta list presents the respective responses from ANSA entities or responses
extracted from META.
The appropriate Direct morphing Parameters that change the sub-frame's members width and height, are
already defined.
4. To automatically create Design Variables from the existing morphing parameters, open the Parameters list
Controls>Parameters select the parameters and from the right click menu, select Assign DV.
1 2
DVGRID entities are created from Morph Parameters. Three DESVARs will be created.
1. Select one by one the pocket_depth and middle_curvature parameters and click on the Create>Dvgrids option.
2. Taper of the piston rod is controlled by two morphing parameters. Use the History tool to record the initial and
morphed state (morph taper1 param. by 1 and taper1_auxiliary by -1.1). Select both the Initial_State and the
Taper states, click on Create>DVGRIDs and choose to create a new DESVAR. After finishing, select the
Initial_State and click on Apply to return back to the initial model shape.
3. Correct the bounds of all three DESVARs, from the XINIT, XLB and XUB fields in the Database Browser..
1 2 3
Design Responses
Design Constraint
Parameters 5
Design Objective
Solution Header
Solver Output
Double-click on the RUN task item to specify the path of the solver’s executable file and any necessary run option.
Right-click on the RUN item and select Run to initiate the solution process.
Double-click on the VIEW task item to define the path for the META executable file.
Then, right-click on the VIEW item and select View to open META automatically. Load the *.op2 file and select the
Shape Change option of the results in order to visualize the optimized shape of the various optimization cycles.
Design Variables
Design Responses
Design Constraint
Solver Output
Double-click on the RUN task item to specify the path of the solver’s executable file and any necessary run option.
Right-click on the RUN item and select Run to initiate the solution process.
Double-click on the VIEW task item to define the path for the META executable file.
Then, right-click on the VIEW item and select View to open META automatically.
The general functionality of META can be exploited for reading and post-processing the results.
Besides META’s general functionality, a dedicated toolbar for SOL200 Optimization can be used.
Select User Toolbars>Optimization>SOL200 Plot, browse the *.f06 file and create plots based on the available
In order to update the nominal model with the optimized values, the UPDATE Thicknesses task item is used.
Right-click on it, select Edit, pick the update_fe_model(pch_filename) and confirm.
Right-click on the same task item again and select Run. Browse the *.pch file, select all DESVARs and click Apply.
Double-click on the RUN task item to specify the path of the solver’s executable file and any necessary run option.
Right-click on the RUN item and select Run to initiate the solution process.
Double-click on the VIEW task item to define the path for the META executable file.
Then, right-click on the VIEW item and select View to open META automatically.
The general functionality of META can be exploited for reading and post-processing the results.
The Topology Optimization toolbar opens automatically while the results are already read. Define a Threshold Value
of 40 and export the shown Isofunction.