Builder: The First Baptist
Builder: The First Baptist
Builder: The First Baptist
I will enjoy my time that I will be taking in a few weeks. One reason I will enjoy it is because I will have given my tithe before I leave on vacation. Yes, that is important to me. The work of the Lord goes on even in our absence. Our commitment to Him and His commitment to us do not take vacations. It is important that we honor Him by keeping our commitments. After all, can you really enjoy spending His money on vacation? I couldnt. During this very busy summer season the Personnel Committee thought it expedient that we have someone co-ordinate the work of the Youth and Youth Ministry. The Committee chose Hildy Conder to be the Summer Youth Director. Her job will last the months of June and July. She will be responsible for carrying out the plans made by the Youth Advisory Committee, communicating with parents and youth about events, and providing hands on leadership for events. Thanks Hildy for your help. I hope to see you this Sunday in worship and study. Paul Memory VerseJune 5 Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God June 12 Romans 10:9 That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Sunday, June 5 Early Worship 8:30 AM Bible Study 9:45 AM Morning Worship 11:00 AM Chancel Choir Bonus Rehearsal 5:00 PM Evening Worship 6:30 PM Monday, June 6 Property Committee 6:30 PM Tuesday, June 7 Mens Prayer Breakfast 7:00 AM Wednesday, June 8 Childrens Activity 6:00 PM Family Supper 6:00 PM Youth Bible Study 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY FAMILY NIGHT Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM June 8, 2011 Chancel Choir 8:00 PM 6:00 PM
Sunday May 29, 2011 Budget Receipts $8,221.54 Budget Needs To Date $405,990.85 Budget Receipts YTD $358,276.81 Receipts Under Budget By $47,714.04 Shell Annex Renovation TD $115,767.64 Bible Study 333
Many thanks for all your calls, visits, cards and prayers during my illness. Hope to be back in church soon. Ruby Hall
EXTENDED SESSION June 5 Randa Barr, Tonya Allen, Kris Powell, Crystal Kelly, Carol Inlow, Debbie Shepard, Sandra Heath, Brian & Mandi OMara, JoRene & Emily Medley, Tina Richardson, Faye Young, Prissy Barber, Sandra Wilkinson.
First Baptist Church P.O. Box 155 Bainbridge, GA 39818 Phone 229-246-1563 Fax 229-246-8182 Rev. Paul Medley......Pastor Rev. Art Bruce.....Minister of Music/Senior Adults Rev. Earl Barron....Minister of Education/Children Clarene Jones....Office Secretary Virginia Smith........Administrative Secretary Email: [email protected]
THE FIRST BAPTIST BUILDER (USPS 042-040) Periodicals postage at Bainbridge, Georgia. Published weekly by First Baptist Church, 200 South Clay Street, Bainbridge, Georgia 39817. P.O. Box 155, Bainbridge, Georgia 39818. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the First Baptist Builder, P.O. Box 155, Bainbridge, Georgia 39819
PROPERTY COMMITTEE The Property Committee will have its monthly meeting one day earlier. They will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 6. Mark your calendars. FISH FRY FELLOWSHIP A word of thanks to each of you who helped make the Catfish Fellowship a great success. Many folks pitched in to help with food prep, set up, clean up and serving. The cooks labored for hours to make sure everything was just right, and it was! Thanks also to Harold Kelly, Aric Aldridge, and Ray Boyette for playing some great country pickin and grinnin as we ate and fellowshipped. HOMELAND. . . Is the title of the new patriotic musical to be shared in the Coliseum on Sunday, June 26. Singers, please plan to join us for our rehearsals on Wednesday nights and Sunday afternoon bonus rehearsals. This Sunday, there will be a rehearsal for Soprano and Alto singers at 5:00 PM in the Sanctuary. I appreciate the quiet conversation as you wait for the Evening Worship time. INSTRUMENTALISTS NEEDED There will be rehearsals of instrumental music for brass and woodwind players who can play for the Patriotic Celebration. Bring your horn and meet at 7PM at Bainbridge Middle School. The rehearsals are Mondays, June 13, 20, and Thursday, June 23. Art
Children Ministry Summer Fun Theme: Being Fit For Christ June 8 June 15 Skate Night 6-8 p.m. Local Skating Rink (No cost) Wild Adventures Dead line for sign up will be Sunday June 12. We will depart the church at 8:00 a.m. and return to the church at 7:45 p.m. Cost: $35.00 for those without season pass and $5.00 for those who have a season pass. Everyone will need to bring a sack lunch or your own cooler. Children under the age of eight will need to have an adult with them. Older children will be assigned an adult chaperon for the day. No child will be allowed to roam the park by themselves. VBS 9:00 a.m. till 12 noon OMC Night 6-8 p.m. NO Activities (Church Conference) VBS Worker Meeting Sunday, June 12 5:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall Camp Victory Update Well, summer is here and summer camp is just around the corner. We have grown to 32 children who have signed up for camp this year. This is AWESOME! This is the largest group of children we have had. Our deadline for final payment will be on July 8 (Friday). Please begin to make plan to have this taken care of by this date. If there is a question please fill free to give me a call. We will also have a parent meeting to go over all the other details of the camp at the end of June. Everyone will be notified about this meeting. Mens Ministry Event June 25 Hank Parker and Friends Outdoor Spectacular 7:30 A.M to 6:00 P.M. Perry, GA Cost $ 10.00 Deadline for sign up will be June 22. We will be leaving the church at 7:30 a.m. and will stop for breakfast in Camilla. Will be arriving back in Bainbridge at approximately 10: p.m.
MARTUS is growing, but still needs keyboard and bass players! Evening practices will begin in July. Contact Toby Roland 726-8568 today. Sunday, June 5 SNAC (Sunday Night After Church) Meet at the Cooper House following Evening Worship. Wednesday June 8 6:00 Bible Study in the Sanctuary 7:009:00 Supper and Swimming Glenn and Lee Ann Heards Home, 105 Redwood Drive Bible School June 20-24 8:30 -12:00 Youth Helper Sign-up sheets will be in your Sunday School rooms or you may contact Stephanie Darley @ 243-1709. June 24 12:00-3:00 Youth VBS Workers Party, lunch provided June 27July 1 Youth Camp Epic Cost is $85 per person. A non-refundable deposit of $25 is needed to reserve your spot. (Only 5 spaces left)