Lec-Five 240401 200917
Lec-Five 240401 200917
Lec-Five 240401 200917
Muhammed Al-kafaji
We can understand shielding by understand how electric charges move
around in a conductive medium. These charges move around to shield out the
electric field, or cancel the impinging field inside the conductor. There are two
cases to consider: the static case and the dynamic case. The physical
arguments needed to understand these two cases are quite different.
Moreover, since there are no magnetic charges around, the shielding of
magnetic field is quite different from that of electric field, as shall be seen
Postgraduate Studies/ Advanced Electromagnetics Lectures Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammed Al-kafaji
In other words, when the field reaches the quiescent state, the charges
redistribute themselves so as to shield out the electric field, and that the total
internal electric field, E = 0. And from Faraday's law that tangential E field is
continuous, then n^×E = 0 on the conductor surface since n^×E = 0 inside the
conductor. Figure.1 shows the static electric field, in the quiescent state,
between two conductors (even though they are not PEC), and the electric
field has to be normal to the conductor surfaces.
Electrostatic shielding is the phenomenon that is observed when a Faraday
cage (as shown in figure(2)) operates to block the effects of an electric field.
Such a cage can block the effects of an external field on its internal contents,
or the effects of an internal field on the outside environment.
Figure.1 The objects can just be conductors, and in the quiescent state (static state), the
tangential electric field will be zero on their surfaces.
Postgraduate Studies/ Advanced Electromagnetics Lectures Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammed Al-kafaji
which yields
( )
The divergence of the electric field is related to the charge density by
( )
Inserting this result into previous equation yields
Postgraduate Studies/ Advanced Electromagnetics Lectures Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammed Al-kafaji
Figure.3. Image system: (a) charge configurations above a perfectly conducting plane;
(b) image configuration with the conducting plane replaced by equipotential surface.
Postgraduate Studies/ Advanced Electromagnetics Lectures Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammed Al-kafaji
Figure.4. (a) Point charge and grounded conducting plane, (b) image configuration and
Postgraduate Studies/ Advanced Electromagnetics Lectures Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammed Al-kafaji
* + ( )
, ( ) - , ( ) -
∫ ∫ ( )
, -
∫ , - ( )
| ( )
, -
B. A Line Charge above a Grounded Conducting Plane
Consider an infinite charge with density ρl C/m located at a distance (h) from
the grounded conducting plane z = 0. The same image system of Figure.4(b)
applies to the line charge except that Q is replaced by ρl. The infinite line
charge ρl may be assumed to be at x = 0, z = h and the image - ρl at x = 0, z = -
h so that the two are parallel to the y-axis. The electric field at point P is given
Postgraduate Studies/ Advanced Electromagnetics Lectures Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammed Al-kafaji
( )
( )
Substituting r1 = ׀r1 ׀and r2 = ׀r2 ׀in eqs. (2) and (3) into eq. (5) gives
( )
, - ( )
( )
for z ≥ 0 and V = 0 for z ≤ 0 . Note that V(z = 0) = 0.
The surface charge induced on the conducting plane is given by:
| ( )
( )
The induced charge per length on the conducting plane is:
∫ ∫ ( )
By letting x = h tanα
∫ ( )
Postgraduate Studies/ Advanced Electromagnetics Lectures Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammed Al-kafaji
The image configuration is shown in Figure below. Three image charges are
necessary to satisfy the conditions. From Figure (a), the potential at point P(x,
y, z) is the superposition of the potentials at P due to the four point charges;
that is,
Postgraduate Studies/ Advanced Electromagnetics Lectures Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammed Al-kafaji
, -
*[ ] [ ] }
( ) ( )
The electric field due to this system can be determined similarly and the
charge induced on the planes can also be found.
Note In general, when the method of images is used for a system
consisting of a point charge between two semi-infinite conducting
planes inclined at an angle Φ (in degrees), thenumber of images is
given by
( )
H.W If the point charge Q =10 nC in Figure shown below is 10 cm away from
point O and along the line bisecting Φ = 60°, find the magnitude of the force
on Q due to the charge induced on the conducting walls.
Answer: 60. 53 μN.