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[Rane*et al.

, 5(7): July, 2016] ISSN: 2277-9655

IC™ Value: 3.00 Impact Factor: 4.116

Prof. Nitin L. Rane *
Civil Engineering Department, J.T.M. Polytechnic, Maharashtra, India

Value Engineering is a creative, organized effort, which analyzes the requirements of a project for the purpose of
achieving the essential functions at the lowest total costs over the life of the project. Through a group investigation,
using experienced, multidisciplinary teams, value and economy are improved through the study of alternate design
concepts, materials, and methods without compromising the functional and value objectives of the client. Value
engineering is the process of relating the functions, the quality and the costs of the project in the determination of
optimum solutions for the project. A cost-effective solution is achieved by an application of VE principle for
different components of the structures relating its quality and quantity. This study mainly focuses on new
techniques, methods and materials that can be adopted in construction industry, in which, its cost, quality, process
time and feasibility are considered. Value Engineering focuses on accomplishing the required functions at the lowest
overall cost. It helps in eliminating or minimizing wastage of material, time, and unnecessary cost, which improves
value to the customer.

KEYWORDS: Value Engineering, Value Engineering Job Plan Techniques, Cost, Quality, Value Analysis.

The engineers have always tried to reduce the cost of construction without affecting the quality and the functional
utility, however their approach was based mainly on the past experience. Keeping the costs low with traditional cost
management has been a commonly applied measure to improve competitiveness. However, keeping cost down alone
is not enough, there is an increasing need for improve in schedule as well as efficiency and effectiveness. Saving
money at the same time, providing better value is a concept that everyone emphasizes. Value Engineering is a
proven management technique that can make valuable contributions to value enhancement and cost reduction of the
construction industry. With the advancement of science and technology, it became comparatively easy to reduce the
construction cost, but the concept of functional utility was not given due consideration. Reliability and
durability were of little importance. Now a day's Engineers and Architects have started taking Into
consideration these important factors i.e. reliability and durability with functional utility to optimise the cost.
This subject has got emphasize in last few years whose object is to effect economy, in the cost of construction of
project. Value Engineering is an organized, creative and cost search technique for analyzing the function of any
product, service, or system with the purpose of achieving the required functions at the lowest overall cost consistent
with all the requirements that comprise its value, such as performance, quality, reliability and appearance. Value
Engineering uses the best combination of any proven tools and techniques in management process. Value
engineering is thus arguably of greater importance than cost management efforts. [1]

Both value engineering and cost reduction aim at reducing costs but there is a basic difference between these
techniques. Value Engineering is functional oriented where as Cost Reduction is production oriented. Value
Engineering aims at functional cost effectiveness by avoiding unnecessary costs; it involves multi discipline team
effort, and applies innovative and creative techniques to maximize value. On the other hand Cost Reduction aims at

http: // www.ijesrt.com© International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

[Rane*et al., 5(7): July, 2016] ISSN: 2277-9655
IC™ Value: 3.00 Impact Factor: 4.116
changing the method of production to reduce the production cost of an item, it involves usually an individual effort
and generally its emphasis is on analysis of the past practices and processes to reduce costs.[2]

Neetu B. Yadav, Rakesh Kacha, Neeraj D. Sharma & Hiren A. Rathod,(2013)[3], states that Application of Value
Engineering/Analysis is done by using Job Plan which is an organized and systematic approach. VA job plan is the
key of success for a value management exercise. It is through this plan that the already identified areas of value
study are subjected to in-depth application to seek new and creative alternatives. The Job plan required the
formation of a multidisciplinary team representing a cross section of technical field to conduct the program. A multi-
disciplinary approach generates more and better ideas, gives greater impact of decisions and costs on all services,
and develops better communication among the members of team. There are different job plan existing and are
selected as per suitability of the project and requirements. Five phase job plan also known as standard job plan is the
most suitable job plan of value engineering in Indian context.

Shichao Fan, Qiping Shen, Gongbo Lin,(2007)[4], defines value management (also known as value engineering in
the United States) is a structured and analytical process that seeks to achieve value for money by providing all
necessary functions at the lowest cost consistent with required levels of quality and performance. Shichao Fan,
Qiping Shen, Gongbo Lin also adopted Group decision support system (GDSS) for identifying the problems. This
study presented an experimental comparative study between Interactive Value Management System (IVMS) and the
traditional ways of conducting VM workshop for generating new ideas.

Urmila A Mahadik,(2015)[5], states that VE is applied in an organized process known as VE job plan. The purpose
of job plan is to assist a study team to identify and focus on key project functions in a systematic manner, in order to
create new ideas that will result in value enhancements. The VE job plan consists of five phases: Information Phase,
Creative Phase, Evaluation Phase, Development Phase, and Presentation Phase. She also concluded that using value
engineering by multidisciplinary team, value and economy are improved through study of alternative design
concepts, material and construction methods without compromising functional requirement and quality.
Akintola Omigbodun,(2001)[6], stated an optimal solution for the building project design problem by various
contributing factors subjected to its costs and performance. This study also mentioned various methods and optimal
design with respect to concurrent engineering and total quality management, and these methods are compared with
various other methods for its cost minimization based on VE aspects. Akintola Omigbodun also concluded that in
applying value engineering to a building project, the multidisciplinary team obtains a solution that emphasizes the
functions of the project and the best judgment of the team in making final choices, and which results in a cost
effective design for the project.

Xueqing Zhang, Xiaoming Mao and Simaan M. AbouRizk,(2009)[7] develops a Value knowledge Management
system (VE-KMS), which applies the theory of inventive problem-solving. This system also helps in creating phase
of the VE process by making it more systematic, organized and problem focused. This study proposes a VE-KMS to
support the knowledge creation process, code and retain ideas from historical VE ideas.


The value engineering is a structured, disciplined procedure aim at improving value. The value engineering study
uses a systematic procedure called job plan. The job plan outlines specific techniques to effectively analyze a
product or service in order to develop the maximum number of alternatives to achieve the products or services
required functions. Adherence to the job plan will better assure maximum benefits while offering greater flexibility.

The VE study is composed of five phases: information phase, creative phase, evaluation phase, development phase
and presentation phase. All phases and steps are performed sequentially. As a value study progresses new data and
information may cause the study team to return to earlier phases or steps within a phase on an iterative basis. [5]
Following are the five phases used in value engineering,

http: // www.ijesrt.com© International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

[Rane*et al., 5(7): July, 2016] ISSN: 2277-9655
IC™ Value: 3.00 Impact Factor: 4.116

Figure 1 The Job Plan

Value Engineering is applied to the Shreenath Enclave Offices Complex, Nashik by using following value
engineering job plan phases.
A. Information Phase:
All necessary and possible information regarding the project were collected by visiting the site office and company
directly. The information includes financial and technical aspects of the projects. The data were collected though
meetings, interviews and questionnaire with owner, consultant, contractor, architect and users.
B. Creative Phase:
In our value engineering study of the creative phase, we have used the brainstorming techniques. During
brainstorming the various problems are identified that may affect the cost, time, quality and quantity of work and also
durability of construction. These problems were mainly identified on the basis of construction material cost saving
without compromising the quality of work. The main problems identifies were,
1. As river sand is the basic component for preparation of concrete for R.C.C work, as it is required in bulk quantity
in the construction project. But from the recent study in the Nashik region, it has been found that there is shortage
for availability of river sand because of various reasons due to which price for river sand has hiked.
2. For any concrete structure, reinforcement is as important as concrete also it is required in huge quantity in
construction project. So, in the overall material cost reinforcement costing is considered as a major cost.
To overcome these identified problems various alternative value engineering technique are analyzed and quantified
for achieving benefits in the terms of cost reduction, quality of work and time saving. VE techniques that can be
adopted are,
1. As river sand has shortage for its availability so use of crush sand can be an alternative as it is much cheaper than
river sand. Investigation carried out by varying 0 to 100% replacement of natural sand with manufactured sand
with increment of 20 % and in critical zone the increment is of 10 % in M25 mix. The compressive strength was
determined at 7, 14 and 28 days.
2. For reducing the quantity of reinforcement at the execution stage, use of reinforcement couplers can eliminate the
method of lapping of bars. Moreover, reinforcement couplers give higher strength than lapping of bars at a
feasible cost. Investigation carried out for 16, 20 and 25 mm diameter samples by calculating ultimate tensile
stress by using universal testing machine.
C. Evaluation Phase:
1. Use of Crush Sand Instead of River Sand
The experimental work of use of crush sand instead of river sand was initiated with characterization of the
locally available materials used for the making of concrete. Prior to starting the experimentation, mix design of
M25 were carried out as per IS 10262-2009. Design mixes as shown in table 1.1 The standard cast iron cube

http: // www.ijesrt.com© International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

[Rane*et al., 5(7): July, 2016] ISSN: 2277-9655
IC™ Value: 3.00 Impact Factor: 4.116
moulds of size 150 X 150 X 150mm are casted and compacted on vibrating table. The compressive strength of
specimens is determined after 7, 14 and 28 days. The change in compressive strength of the sample for 28 days is
shown in table 1.2 respectively. A graphical representation of this result is shown in Graph 1.1

Table 1.1 :- Design Mixes (M25 Grade Concrete)

Crush Sand : Natural 00:100 20:80 40:60 50:50 60:40 80:20 100:00
Cement (kg/m3) 447 447 447 447 447 447 447 447
Coarse Aggregate (kg/m3) 1291 1291 1291 1291 1291 1291 1291 1291
Crushed Sand ( kg/m3) 00 00 109 219 273 328 438 547
Natural Sand ( kg/m3) 533 533 426 320 267 213 107 00
Water ( kg/m3) 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192
W/C Ratio 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43

Table 1.2 :- Comparison of compressive strength for 28 days

% of Variation With
Concrete Mix Average Compressive Strength
Respect to Control
Crush Sand : Natural Sand (Mpa)
33.29 -
(Reference Mix)
20:80 35.13 5.53
40:60 35.87 7.75
50:50 36.13 8.53
60:40 35.79 7.51
80:20 34.93 4.93
100:00 33.14 -0.45

The table 1.2 shows that at the age of 28 days, compressive strength of reference mix (0 % crush sand) was 33.29
MPa and mixes 20:80, 40:60, 50:50, 60:80, 80:20, 100:00 were 35.13, 35.87, 36.13, 35.79, 34.93, and 33.14 MPa,
respectively. Maximum compressive strength (36.13 MPa) was observed for 50:50 concrete mix; it was 8.53 %
more than the reference mix (0% crush sand). At the age of 28 days, percentage increase in compressive strength
was 5.53, 7.75, 8.53, 7.51, 4.93, -0.45 % for mixes 20:80, 40:60, 50:50, 60:40, 80:20, and 100:00 than reference mix
(33.29 MPa). In investigation, it was observed that compressive strength of concrete increased with the replacement
of river sand by crush sand up to 50%.

http: // www.ijesrt.com© International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

[Rane*et al., 5(7): July, 2016] ISSN: 2277-9655
IC™ Value: 3.00 Impact Factor: 4.116

28 Days Average Compressive Strength

0% Crush 20% 40% 50% 60% 80% 100%
Sand Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement
(Reference of Natural of Natural of Natural of Natural of Natural of Natural
Mix) Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand

Avg Compressive Strength N/mm2

Graph 1.1 M25 Concrete mixes with varying % of crush sand for 28 days
2. Use of Reinforcement Coupler Instead of Lapping of Bars
The ultimate tensile test is conducted for couplers as per IS.1786.2008 which is the mandatory test compulsory for
the manufacturer in house test laboratory. The materials used in this experimental work were mechanical threaded
coupler and HYSD Rebars (Fe 500). Fe 500 steel bars of diameters 16, 20, 25 mm were used for study. Table 1.3
shows the average tensile test result for 16, 20, and 25 mm bars.

Table 1.3 :- Average tensile test result for 16,20 and 25 mm diameter rebar for splicing
Requirement as
Results per I.S. 1786-
Diameter of Bar 16 20 25
ID Mark
Sectional Weight (kg/m) 1.581 2.441 3.831
Cross sectional Area (mm2) 201.47 310.96 488.02
Gauge Length (mm)
80.00 100.00 125.00
0.2% Proof Stress Obtained
547.70 522.10 548.77 > 500
Ultimate tensile stress
638.07 618.87 642.90 > 545
% Elongation 17.76 16.19 16.21 > 12

Distance of Fracture from

20.80 25.80 32.04
Centre of Coupler (mm)

Bar broken Bar broken Bar broken

Remark outside the splice outside the outside the splice
joint splice joint joint

http: // www.ijesrt.com© International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

[Rane*et al., 5(7): July, 2016] ISSN: 2277-9655
IC™ Value: 3.00 Impact Factor: 4.116

D. Development Phase:
The results indicates that the alternatives, use of crush sand instead of river sand and use of reinforcement couplers
instead of lapping of bars is better than the existing idea. The cost analysis is done for above both alternatives along
with the existing one. Cost analysis comparison is made between crush sand and river sand in terms of the strength,
economy and feasibility. The result shows that when 50 % crush sand used instead of river sand the cost is reduced
for per cubic meter of concrete. For second alternative cost analysis comparison is made between lap splices and
mechanical splices in terms of the strength, economy and feasibility. The results showed that the use of coupler
instead of lapping of bars can achieves the best savings in the cost.
E. Presentation Phase:
In value engineering presentation phase oral as well as written report is put up to the management / finance
department for approval, mentioning the cost of the concrete and steel after the application value engineering is
considerably less.

It resulted that, using 50% crush sand in concrete for R.C.C. work instead of river sand; cost is reduced by 3.90% for
1 Cu.m. of designed M25 mixes of concrete. Instead of using lapping of bars, use of reinforcement couplers resulted
that cost is reduced by 47.95% for 16 mm diameter bars, 49.39% for 20 mm diameter bars and 58.09% for 25 mm
diameter bars. The results showed that the use of coupler instead of lapping of bars can be considered one of the
most important methods of the new construction techniques, which achieves the best savings in the cost and time.
The case study indicates that the proposed value engineering technique can be successfully applied to a real
construction project. The proposed technique greatly assists the decision making process to the owner, designer, and
the contractors. In addition, this method can be used for the evaluation and selection of any construction system by
following the procedure presented in this research.

It is stern guidance and grandeur of him which has brought this work in a proper channel. This guidance not only
helps me to collect the knowledge but also to gain the confidence which would help me in future. My association
with him as a student has been extreme pleasing. I would like to express my gratitude towards my respected guide
Prof. P.M. Attarde. I pay my sincere thanks to Prof. P.P. Bhangale, HOD of Civil Engineering Department. I would
also like to thank Principal Dr. R.P. Singh sir for his encouragement and valuable suggestions. Finally heartfelt
appreciation to the all those who directly and indirectly helped me in completion of this experiment.

[1] Dr. S.V. Deodhar,(2010) "Construction Equipment and Planning," Khanna Publishers Delhi. Fourth
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[2] K.K. Chitkara, "Construction Project Management Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling," Second Edition,
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[3] Neetu B. Yadav, Rakesh Kacha, Neeraj D. Sharma & Hiren A. Rathod, " A Review on Value Engineering
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[4] Shichao Fan, Qiping Shen, Gongbo Lin, “Comparative study of idea generation between traditional value
management workshops and GDSS- Supported system,” Journal of construction engineering and
management, ASCE, vol. 133,2007.
[5] Urmila A Mahadik, " Value Engineering for Cost Reduction and Sustainability in Construction Projects"
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[6] Akintola Omingbodun, “Value engineering and optimal building projects,” Journal of architectural
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[7] Xueqing Zhang, Xiaoming Mao and Simaan M. AbouRizk, “Developing a knowledge management
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[8] M.S.Shetty, Concrete Technology-Theory and Practice, S.Chand & Company limited, New Delhi.
[9] Indian Standard Ordinary Portland Cement, 53 Grade- Specification, IS 12269:2013, Bureau of Indian
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http: // www.ijesrt.com© International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

[Rane*et al., 5(7): July, 2016] ISSN: 2277-9655
IC™ Value: 3.00 Impact Factor: 4.116
[10] Indian Standard Specification for Course and Fine Aggregate from Natural Sources For Concrete , IS
383:1970 Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 2002.
[11] Indian Standard Concrete Mix Proportioning- Guideline, IS 10262:2009, Bureau of Indian Standards,
New Delhi, 2009.
[12] M. L Gambhir, “Concrete technology-Theory and Practice”, Fourth edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Education
Private Limited, new Delhi, 2009.
[13] Indian Standard Plain & Reinforced Concrete Code of Practice, IS 456: 2000, Fourth Revision, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi, 2007.
[14] Indian Standard High Strength Deformed Steel Bars and Wires for Concrete Reinforcement-
Specification, IS 1786:2008, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 2008.

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