Pension System RFI

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Request for Information

1. RFI Purpose...........................................................................................................................3
2. Specifications:........................................................................................................................3
2.1 Contributions Department....................................................................................................3
2.2 Registration Section.............................................................................................................3
2.3 Contributions Collection Section:.........................................................................................4
2.4 Combine & Merge Pervious Service:...................................................................................4
2.5. Workflow Management.......................................................................................................5
2.6. Benefits & Service Termination...........................................................................................5
2.7. Financial Specifications:.....................................................................................................5
2.8. Regulatory Adherence & Reporting....................................................................................6
2.9. Data Transition....................................................................................................................6
3. Queries...................................................................................................................................6
3.1. Overview.............................................................................................................................6
3.2. Enrollment...........................................................................................................................6
3.3. Contribution Collection:.......................................................................................................6
3.4. Retirement Administration:..................................................................................................7
3.5. Data Integrity & Verification:...............................................................................................7
3.6. Data Protection...................................................................................................................7
3.7. Access Control....................................................................................................................7
3.8. System Integration..............................................................................................................8
3.9. User Experience & Mobile Access......................................................................................8
3.10. Deployment Timeline........................................................................................................8
3.11. Pricing Structure...............................................................................................................8
3.12. Testimonials:.....................................................................................................................8
4.0 Contact Information..............................................................................................................9
5.0 Proposal Due Date:..............................................................................................................9
1. RFI Purpose.
The primary objective of this Request for Information (RFI) is to acquire comprehensive
details about your pension system offerings. We're keen on understanding features,
capabilities, integration avenues, scalability, and other pertinent specifics to evaluate if your
system aligns with our organizational requirements.


2.1 Contributions Department.

The solution should be customizable based on the pension rules and regulations.

2.2Registration Section.
a. Entities Registration.
 Enrolling new entities
 Update and edit entities.
 Multi-level request approval processes (internally within system
and external for employees)
 Adequate reporting based on data available.
b. Users Registration:
 Enrolling employees within each entity
 Update and edit employees.
 Multi—level request approval processes
 Adequate reporting based on data available.
 Possible integration with HR system to view newly
recruited employees.
c. Transfer of employees (internal vs. external transfers)
 Employee history should be moved from one entity to
 Internal transfers within entities that are registered in the
 External transfers with other funds — (Possible
integration with other funds)
2.3 Contributions Collection Section.
d. Monthly Accrual.
 Accrual should be done automatically at the end of every
month based on available data.
e. Contribution Sheets.
 Entities should be able to create the sheets based on changes
that affect employee’s contributions.
 Changes allowed are predetermined by SSSF.
-Based on HR laws
 The solution should allow for documents attachments.
f. Contributions Collection.
 Payment should be based on prepared contribution sheets.
 Integration with payment gateways h finance department
 Recording of late contributions payment fines based on
payment dates.
- Cut-off point is defined by SSSF.
C}. auditing of contribution
Multi—level request approval processes
h. Back-end accounting
i. The solution must have flexible reporting and analytics capabilities to
track all pension related data.

2.4 Combine & Merge Pervious Service.

j. Combine Previous Service
 Receive requests and calculate the fees
 Multi-level request approval processes
 Integration with contribution sheets and registration to
extract required data.
 Possible integrations with other funds in the country to
extract previous services of data.
 Adequate reporting based on data available.
k. Buy additional years.
 Receive requests and calculate the fees.
 Multi-level request approval processes
 Adequate reporting based on data available.
I. Service addition calculator for fees
m. Back-end accounting
n Fees collection
 Full payment or available payment plans
 Integration with payment gateways
o. Issuance of required certificates

2.5. Workflow Management.

Capability to outline workflows based on needs.

2.6. Benefits of Service Termination.

Compute termination benefits and retirement using SSSF-provided formulas.
Notify all retiring pensioners and manage the procedure
Generation of certificates upon retiree requests.
Secure storage for all retiree documentation.
Oversee end-of-service details, entitlements, and obligations.

2.7. Financial Specifications.

Pension accounting based on a structured account hierarchy.
Reconcile bank and account discrepancies.
Subsidiary and main ledger operations.
2.8. Regulatory Adherence for Reporting.
Solution adaptability for regulatory compliance.
Mandatory report creation for oversight bodies.
Financial statement and disclosure generation.
Interactive capabilities.

2.9. Data Transition.

Capability to transfer all user data, inclusive of attachments, from the previous system.


3.1. Overview.
Outline your solution’s features.
How does your offering cater to our specifications?
You will be able to provide a solution architect*

3.2. Enrollment.
Elaborate on the secure enrollment process for government staff.
Highlight functionalities that optimize registration and ensure data precision.
Describe synchronization avenues with other systems, like existing pension platforms or
governmental HR databases.

3.3. Contribution Collection.

Clarify the secure methods for pension contribution accumulation.
Explain the tracking and report generation for contributions.
Describe the compatibility with financial platforms for smooth contribution operations
3.4. Retirement Administration.
Describe the secure management of retirement perks, from computation to disbursement.
Emphasize data protection measures.
Elucidate on integration with payment platforms and secure archival for retiree records.

3.5. Data Integrity and Verification.

Describe how data accuracy is maintained.
Detail validation and verification processes.

3.6. Data Protection.

Outline security protocols, considering encryption, access restrictions, regulatory
compliance, and data loss safeguards.
Describe breach and unauthorized access countermeasures.
Discuss secure login methods and potential enhancements.

3.7. Access Control.

Detail how data access is managed, emphasizing role-based permissions and activity logs.
Explain how unauthorized access is prevented.
3.8. System Integration.
Discuss integration potential with platforms like Government HR, messaging services, and
SIEM tools.
Share success stories of past integrations.
Describe API management offerings and its customization capabilities.

3.9. User Experience for Mobile Access.

Describe the user interface, which should be intuitive and support Arabic.
Will you be able to customize the UI based to make intuitive and user friendly* Discuss
mobile app features for varied stakeholders.

3.1 0. Deployment Timeline.

Share a tentative timeline for full system deployment, highlighting key stages.

3.11. Pricing Structure.

Detail the pricing, covering setup, licenses, and upkeep.
Highlight any extra charges for our requirements.

3.12. Testimonials.
Share references, focusing on projects with integration, Arabic support, and mobile access.

NOTE: Please include any distinguishing features or advantages of your solution compared to
market competitors.

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