History of UK

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1953 - Coronation of

Elizabeth II
410 - The Roman leave
1949 - Ireland becomes
a republic
1973 - Britain joins the European
Economic Commnunity
1939 - Britain declares
war on Germany (WWII)
1997 - Britain handed Hong 61 - Queen Roudicca (or Boadicea) of the Iceni tribe leads a
Kong back to China bloody revolt against the Roman occupation. It is suppressed

1920 - Partition of Ireland

43 - The Romans come

1914 - Great Britain decleares war on 20th century
to stay
Germany. WWI begins. The Roman Period ̣(43-410)

1868 - The TUC ( Trades Union 432 - St. Patrick converts

Congress) is formed Ireland to Christianity

1833 - Slavey is made illegal

throughout the British Empire
597 - St. Augustine arrives in Britain and
establishes his headquarters at Canterbury
1805 - Napoleon's French fleet is
defeated at the battle of Trafalgar 19th century
The Germanic invasions 878 - The Peace of Edington partitions the Germanic terrtories

History of UK
(410-1066) between King Alfred's Saxons and the Danes
1707 - The Act of Union
is passed
973 - Edgar, a grandson of Alfred becomes king of nearly all of
present-day England and for the first time the name 'England' is used
1782 - James Watt invents the first
stream engine

18th century 1066 - The Battle of

1783 - After a war, Britain loses the southern Hastings
half of its North American colonies

1171 - The Norman baron known as

1788 - The first British settlers 1688 - The Glorious Strongbow and his follwers settle in Ireland
arrive in Australia Revolution The medieval
16th century 1215 - An alliance of aristocracy, church and
1660 - The Restoration of the monarchy merchants force King John to agree to Magna Carta
and the Anglican religion

1284 - The Statute of Wales puts the Whole of that

1649 - Charies i is executed. For the first and only time, Britain country under the control of the English monarch
17th century 1588 - The Spanish
briefly becomes a republic and is called the Commonwealth
Armanda is defeated
by the English navy 1328 - Scotland is recognized as an
1642 - The civil War 1534 - The Act of independent Kingdom
begins Supremacy declares
Henry VIII to be the
supreme head of the 1580 - Sir Francis Drake
church in England completes the first voyage
1603 - James VI of Scotland
becomes James I of England as well round the world by an

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