Legal Due Diligence Note
Legal Due Diligence Note
Legal Due Diligence Note
(b) Provide background of the proposed transaction, background of the target, nature of
review and timelines
Before starting the legal due diligence, team must understand the scope of the following:
(a) Mergers and acquisitions/ strategic and private equity investments/ joint ventures –
investment or purchase?
(a) Manufacturing
(b) Services
(c) Retail
2.4 Mandate
(a) Detailed diligence report or focus on specific aspects – tax, litigation, contracts
2.5 Timelines
2.6 Confidentiality
2.7 In case consultants are engaged for tax, environment, technical diligence – avoid overlap
3. Background information
(d) Review earlier publicly available information about the company e.g. annual report,
stock exchange filing/s, website of target
4.1 Use format of the standardised due diligence questionnaire and make necessary
modifications depending on the nature of the target company and the kind of transaction.
4.2 Circulate the questionnaire to the client first and thereafter to the target!
(c) Issue of shares duly authorized and shares are fully paid
(f) Articles of Association (“AoA”) - special provisions in the AOA affecting the
transaction (e.g. ROFR), board structure, special powers
check authorization/s for appointments, execution of contracts, loans, leases
etc., charges on assets;
5.2 Contracts
5.3 Employees
(a) HR structure
(d) whether contract labourers are permanent – registration of contract labour, returns,
outstanding liabilities
(f) payments to and terms of various funds (provident fund, gratuity and superannuation)
(i) existence of employees stock options
5.4 Financing
(d) charges over assets and procedure for their release, filings relating to charges
(f) Onerous clauses which our client should be aware of prior to entering into the
(g) contingent liabilities - existence of guarantees and their continuation after transfer
(a) Approvals and licenses from the government or other administrative / regulatory
bodies / authorities
(iv) HR related
(e) Any notice received or action pending in relation a breach of conditions contained in
any license
(iii) notification/ approval of the authority
5.8 Litigation
(f) determination of any threatened litigation on the basis of review of correspondence
(g) due diligence questionnaire to define litigation very broadly to include actions before
regulatory and quasi-judicial authorities
5.9 Tax
(d) Entitlement to any tax holidays, benefits, exemptions or deduction and whether they
will continue after transfer to Purchaser
5.10 Insurance
(f) Any claims raised by the Target under any of the policies and status of such claim
6. Review of Data
(a) Registration for all team members to use the data room
(b) Assign a team member to verify update/s of documents on the data room
6.4 Order and prioritization of documents - on the basis of the nature/business of the target
6.7 Translations of documents in the vernacular - Translations certified by target may be relied
on for most documents. Independent/court translations may be sought for critical documents.
6.8 Communication with the Client – Do not wait until end of diligence. Highlight key issues
from time to time
6.9 Discussions with Target Company – Obtain clarification from the target prior to
highlighting key issue/s and/or submission of report.
7.1 Review the responses and copies of documents provided by the target and raise further
questions if required
(a) relevant
(b) explicit
(c) complete
7.3 Avoid
(b) repetitions
8.1 While writing a diligence report write ensure that short sentences that are simple, clear and
easy to understands