ESEN-Listening Skills
ESEN-Listening Skills
ESEN-Listening Skills
This course aims to enhance students’ English language skills to adapt to the changing
communication environment. Lessons in listening, speaking, reading, and writing will be
conducted to upgrade students’ ability to engage in meaningful communication.
2. Listening is part of the whole communication cycle. Messages are interpreted from the
very point of view where they are created.
3. Listening is not a natural process. It requires preparation and practice. Listeners need to
train how to accurately draw meaning from what they hear.
4. Listening is not mere hearing. HEARING requires healthy ears that involuntarily receive
sounds. LISTENING requires focus, mental processing, storing of information, and
reacting to stimuli.
5. LISTENING REQUIRES EFFORT. Notice how some of us complain about getting tired of
listening. We actually use energy while we sit down and listen. While listening, we may
(1) filter unnecessary sounds, (2) think about the words we hear, (3) remember
information we find useful, and (4) prepare to respond.
1. RECEIVING is a physiological process where the sound waves enter the hearing
2. ATTENDING is the conscious process of filtering other sounds and paying attention to a
specific sound.
3. UNDERSTANDING refers to the process of making meaning; the listener either gets
meaning from or gives meaning to the message.
4. REMEMBERING is the storing in memory the information gathered from listening and
retrieving it when needed.
An Opinion is something which people think, believe in, or prefer without evidence or
Public Speaking is a presentation delivered before an audience, which can cover a wide
variety of topic.
Lecture is a form of communication that is similar to public speaking, except that the size
of the audience is smaller and the members belong to the same institution.