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English Revision Worksheet Class 7

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English Revision Worksheet


QI Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

The Alaska pipeline starts at the frozen edge of the Arctic Ocean. It stretches southward
across the largest and northernmost state in the United States, ending at a remote ice-free
seaport village nearly 800 miles from where it begins. It is massive in size and extremely
complicated to operate. The steel pipe crosses windswept plains and endless miles of delicate
tundra that tops the frozen ground. It weaves through crooked canyons, climbs sheer
mountains, plunges over rocky crags, makes its way through thick forests, and passes over or
under hundreds of rivers and streams. The pipe is 4 feet in diameter, and up to 2 million barrels
(or 84 million gallons) of crude oil can be pumped through it daily. Resting on H-shaped steel
racks called "bents," long sections of the pipeline follow a zigzag course high above the frozen
earth. Other long sections drop out of sight beneath spongy or rocky ground and return to the
surface later on. The pattern of the pipeline's up-and-down route is determined by the often
harsh demands of the arctic and subarctic climate, the tortuous lay of the land, and the varied
compositions of soil, rock, or permafrost (permanently frozen ground). A little more than half
of the pipeline is elevated above the ground. The remainder is buried anywhere from 3 to 12
feet, depending largely upon the type of terrain and the properties of the soil. One of the
largest in the world, the pipeline cost approximately $8 billion and is by far the biggest and
most expensive construction project ever undertaken by private industry. In fact, no single
business could raise that much money, so 8 major oil companies formed a consortium in order to
share the costs. Each company-controlled oil rights to particular shares of land in the oil fields
and paid into the pipeline-construction fund according to the size of its holdings. Today, despite
enormous problems of climate, supply shortages, equipment breakdowns, labour disagreements,
treacherous terrain, a certain amount of mismanagement, and even theft, the Alaska pipeline
has been completed and is operating.

Choose the correct options:

1. The passage primarily discusses the pipeline's

a. operating costs

b. employees

c. consumers

d. construction

2. The word ‘it’ in the sentence – ‘It is massive in size and extremely complicated to operate’
refers to

a. pipeline

b. ocean
c. state

d. village

3. According to the passage, 84 million gallons of oil can travel through the pipeline each

a. day

b. week

c. month

d. year

4. The phrase "Resting on" is closest in meaning to

a. consisting of

b. supported by

c. passing under

d. protected with

5. Give one word from the passage for “permanently frozen land”.

a. tundra

b. canyon

c. crags

d. permafrost

6. The word "undertaken" is closest in meaning to

a. removed

b. selected

c. transported

d. attempted

7. How many companies shared the costs of constructing the pipeline?

a. 3

b. 4

c. 8

d. 12

8. Which of the following determined what percentage of the construction costs each member
of the consortium would pay?

a. how much oil field land each company owned?

b. how long each company had owned land in the oil fields?

c. how many people worked for each company?

d. how many oil wells were located on the company's land?

QII Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.


There was a young man whose graduation day was near. He used to admire a sports car in a
dealer’s showroom. He knew that his father can afford it, thus he asked him to buy that car for
him as a gift. Finally, the graduation day came, before the young man could go to the set venue,
his father called him in his study, and told him that he was very proud to have a fine son like
him and then he handed his son a beautifully wrapped gift box. Curious but little disappointed,
he opened it, and found a Bible in it which is beautifully laced with leather and his name
embossed in it in gold, He got furious and shouted at his father and said, "This is all what you
bought for me from your money?" He put the Bible on the table and stormed out the house,
then he got good job , got a good wife and two children, and a beautiful house. After many
years the young man thought that he should go and meet his father as he was very old, he also
didn't see him since the graduation day. But as soon as he packed for going, he received a
telegram which said that his father passed away, he quickly went to his home and regretted for
what he did, and after everything was fine in few days, he searched for some papers in his
dad's almirah and he found that Bible which he didn't receive as a gift, he opened the Bible and
saw keys of car falling down, he grabbed them and in the label attached to it was written the
dealer's address and also it was written 'PAID IN FULL'. Tears filled his eyes, he regretted
for what he did.

1) What moral do you get from the story?

2) What did the young man desire for?

3) Why did his father call him in his study?

4) What gift did the young man receive? How was it given? Why did he get furious?
5) Which word in the passage means 'beautifully printed'?

6) What did the young man receive from the Bible later?

7) Why did he think to visit his father?

8) What did the young man receive after he packed to visit his father?

Q III Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow.

A Bird Came Down

A Bird, came down the Walk -

He did not know I saw

He bit an Angle Worm in halves

And ate the fellow, raw,

And then, he drank a Dew

From a convenient Grass -

And then hopped sidewise to the Wall

To let a Beetle pass -

He glanced with rapid eyes,

That hurried all abroad -

They looked like frightened Beads, I thought,

He stirred his Velvet Head. -

Like one in danger, Cautious,

I offered him a Crumb,

And he unrolled his feathers,

And rowed him softer Home -

Than Oars divide the Ocean,

Too silver for a seam,

Or Butterflies, off Banks of Noon,

Leap, plashless as they swim.

1. What is the poem about?

a. a normal occurrence in nature of a bird searching for its food and its interaction with a
b. a fight between a bird and a poet.
c. a bird eating a beetle.
d. a bird teaching other how to eat a worm.

2. Find antonyms for 'careless', 'cooked', 'courageous' and 'slow' from the poem?

a. convenient, raw, frightened, rapid

b. cautious, hurried, frightened, rapid
c. cautious, raw, hopped, rapid
d. cautious, raw, frightened and rapid

3. What did the bird do with its feathers?

a. the bird cleaned its feathers.

b. the bird spread out its feathers and flew.
c. the bird used the feathers to protect itself.
d. the bird used the feathers to push the beetle.

4. Why has the poet called the grass 'convenient'?

a. because the bird could see the beetle in the grass.

b. because grass is greener on the other side.
c. because it was easy for the bird to have dew from it.
d. because the bird could see the worm in the grass.

5. How do you explain the 'plashless' in the last line?

a. the poet tells us that the bird cannot swim.

b. since the bird does not have oars it could not splash in the water.
c. since dew was on the grass the bird did not make a splash
d. the poet compares the flight of the bird as though it was a 'swim' in the air without the
accompanying splashes on water.

6. The bird did not do which of the following?

a. cook the worm and eat it.

b. let the beetle pass.
c. unroll his feathers.
d. glance with rapid eyes.

7. How does the poet describe the eyes of the bird?

a. watery like dew.

b. like grass.
c. like frightened beads.
d. like butterflies.

8. The word 'cautious' is used in reference to which character in the poem?

a. the poet.
b. the bird.
c. the beetle.
d. the worm.


Q IV A Write a paragraph on the following topics.

1. Examination
2. Chandrayaan 3

Q IV B Write a diary entry for the following topics.

1. While going home you came across many children at crossroads with begging bowls in their

hands. You are shocked and disgusted at this unflattering picture. Record your experience in

your diary.

2. Imagine you won the first prize in a painting competition organized in your school. Write a
diary entry and share your experience.

Q IV C Write a summary on the given passage and suggest a suitable title to it.

1. Kavita Raut (born 5 May 1985) is an Indian distance runner from Nashik, Maharashtra. She
holds the current Indian National record for 10 km long road running with a timing of 34:32 as
well as the current Indian National record in the half marathon with a timing of 1:12:50. She
won the bronze medal in 10,000 meters race at the 2010 Common Wealth Games, the first
individua ltrack medal by an Indian woman athlete at the Common Wealth Games. She also won
the silver medal in 10,000 metres race at the 2010 Asian Games. Raut’s personal best for 5,000
meters is 16:05.90 which she achieved while winning a bronze on 10 November 2009 during the
18th Asian athletics championships held at Guangzhou, China. During the 50th National Open
athletic meet held at Kochi, Raut set a meet record in the 10,000 meters event on 18 May 2010
while winning the gold medal. She bettered the previous meet record held by Preeja
Shreedharan by clocking 32:41.31. She is a recipient of Arjun Award.

2. NEW DELHI: With the wild only 4,000 snow leopards left in and 500 of them in India, a new
report has urged countries to take urgent action in the wake of climate change to save the
endangered species and conserve its “fragile” mountain habitats. The World Wildlife Fund
(WWF) report titled “Fragile Connections: Snow leopards, people, water and the global climate”
said that more than a third of snow leopard habitat could be rendered “unsuitable” for the big
cats if climate change is not checked. “Warmer temperatures could see the tree line shifting up
the mountains and farmers planting crops and grazing livestock at higher altitudes, squeezing
the remaining snow leopards into smaller pockets,” a WWF India report said. “Climate change
could drastically alter the flow of water down from the mountains, threatening the livelihoods
of vast numbers of people across the continent,” it said “With an estimated population of 500
cats, India has been a leading player in the conservation efforts to secure the snow leopard and
its habitat in the Himalayas,” said Ravi Singh, Secretary General and CEO, WWF-India.


Q V A Fill in the blanks with the suitable idiom from the bracket.

(a canary in a coal mine, the lion’s share, bone of contention, on cloud nine, cut the mustard, sell
like hot cakes)

1. As she won the competition she was _____________.

2. The project was a __________ between the two.

3. The symptoms proved to be _____________.

4. She said that the shirts had been _______.

5. The kids enjoyed _____________ of the meal at the birthday party.

6. I didn’t ___________ as an opening batsman.

Q V B Identify whether the comparison is a metaphor or a simile. Write M for a metaphor and
S for a simile.

1. Katie swims like a dolphin.

2. The wind was a wolf howling in the dark.

3. The alarm clock is my siren, warning me of a new day.

4. The small boy jumped around and played like a monkey at the doctor’s office.

5. The voice of the principal over the intercom was as loud as thunder and startled all of the

6. This blanket is a soft bag of feathers.

7. An ocean of garbage is taking over the garage—it’s time for a yard sale!
8. The lady’s eyes were fireflies.

9. He smokes like a chimney.

10. Her heart swelled with a sea of tears.

Q V C Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of adjectives.

1. This room is _______ (large) than the earlier one.

2. He is not ________ (hard-working) as his sister.

3. This film is ______ (good) than the last one.

4. In my class I live _____ (far) from the mall.

5. It feels _____ (nice) to sit out in the park of all places.

6. Our vacations always seem ____ (happy) to us.

7. I have not heard the _____ (late) news?

8. This is the ______ (long) essay in the entire book.

9. The film is _________ (interesting) as its prequel.

10. The classrooms on the first floor are _______ (bright) than those on the ground floor.

Q VI A Fill in the blanks using the correct form of tenses.

1. I (learn) ____________ English for seven years now.

2. But last year I (not / work) ____________ hard enough for English, that's why my marks
(not / be) ____________ really that good then.

3. As I (pass / want) ____________ my English exam successfully next year, I (study)

____________harder this term.

4. During my last summer holidays, my parents (send) ____________ me on alanguage course

to London.

5. The students _________ (write) for two hours now.

6. Summer holidays begin next week and my school ______ (reopen) on the 1st of next month.

7. But while I (do) ____________ the language course, I (meet) ____________ lots of young
people from all over the world.

8. There I (notice) ____________ how important it (be) ____________ to speak foreign

languages nowadays.

9. Now I (have) ____________ much more fun learning English than I (have) ____________
before the course.
10. At the moment I (revise) ____________ English grammar.

11. And I (begin / already) ____________ to read the texts in my English textbooks again.

12. I (think) ____________ I (do) ____________ one unit every week.

13. If I (pass) ____________ my exams successfully, I (start) ____________ an

apprenticeship in September.

14. And after my apprenticeship, maybe I (go) ____________ back to London to work there
for a while.

15. As you (see / can) ____________, I (become) ____________ a real London fan already.

Q VI B State whether the verbs in the following sentences are Transitive or

Intransitive,mention the object and also the complement if any.

1. She advised me to consult a doctor.

2. Let’s invite your cousins as well.

3. Bad people hide their faults.

4. I received your letter in the morning.

5. I am going to send her some flowers.

6. He has changed a lot since he got married.

7. Suddenly the child woke up.

8. The loud noise woke me.

9. Let’s discuss your plans.

10. I heard a lovely song in the morning.

11. Can you lend me a few pounds?

12. The wind was blowing fiercely.

Q VI C Do as directed.

1. He did not have enough knowledge. He could not answer the question.

(Combine the pair of sentences by using infinitives.)

2. I studied my lessons at the last moment. I soon forgot it.

(Combine the pair of sentences by using participles.)

3. Mala sat next to me. She pondered deeply over the problem.

(Combine the pair of sentences by using participles.)

4. He lifted the receiver. He dialled the number.

(Combine the pair of sentences by using infinitives.)

5. We finished our shopping. We went for a cup of coffee.

(Combine the pair of sentences by using participles.)

Q VI D The sentences given below have some errors of subject- verb agreement. Rewrite them

1. Most of the vegetables in the fridge is spoiled.

2. None of the dresses which she liked were affordable.

3. A committee have been formed to elect the new president.

4. My uncle, as well as my cousins, likes spending the weekends at our house.

5. Most of the questions was discussed by the teacher in the class today.

6. Three Men in a Boat are a humorous book by Jerome K Jerome.

7. Not only the teachers but also the principal are in agreement with the suggestions made by
the school captain.

8.One of the students are not wearing proper uniform.

Q VII A Fill in the blanks with suitable articles.

According to ____ National Weather Service, ____ cyclones are ____ areas of circulating

winds that rotate counterclockwise in ____ Northern Hemisphere and clockwise

in____ Southern Hemisphere. They are generally accompanied by some kind

of ____ precipitation and by ____ stormy weather. ____ tornadoes and ____ hurricanes

are ____ types of cyclones, as are ____ typhoons, which are ____ storms that occur

in ____ western Pacific Ocean. ____ hurricane is ____ cyclone that forms over

____ tropical oceans and seas and has ____ winds of at least seventy-four

miles ____ hour. ____ hurricane rotates in ____ shape of ____ oval

or ____ circle. ____ hurricanes can cause ____ great environmental

damage. ____ Hurricane Andrew, which hit ____ coasts of Louisiana and southern Florida

in August 1992, caused ____ extreme devastation. In terms of ____ environmental

damage, ____ Hurricane Andrew is one of ____ most devastating hurricanes ever to

hit ____ United States. Fourteen people died because of ____ Andrew’s effects.
Q VII B Fill in the blanks with all, both, whole, each, every, either and neither.

1. ______ my parents are doctors. My mother works in a hospital and my father is a dentist.

2. I gave the boys ten Euros ____.

3. Insects live on _______ continent.

4. It is the duty of _____ citizen to pay their income taxes on time.

5. _____ of my two brothers are married.

6. _____ of the family members knows exactly what they have to do.

7. It doesn't matter which of the two coats you wear. They are _____ lovely.

8. I spent the _____ evening preparing for my speech tomorrow.

9. _____ you do what I say or I'll complain to the boss.

10. ______ option is good for us. We'll lose votes no matter what we do.

Q VII C Match the following.

1. break down a. hit by a vehicle

2. pull through b. stop functioning suddenly

3. run over c. attack violently

4. let up d. save for the future

5. fall upon e. lessen or become less intense

6. put aside f. survive or recover from something difficult

7. set off g. delay

8. set back h. explode

Q VII D Transform the following sentences.

1. What great chefs we are! (affirmative sentence)

2. This is the arrival lounge. (negative sentence without changing its meaning)

3. I should put this away. (interrogative sentence)

4. The child slept well. (interrogative sentence)

5. Your friend is very brave. (negative sentence without using ‘not’)

6. They do not have enough support. (affirmative sentence)

7. This slice of bread is stale. (negative sentence without using ‘not’)

8. This is a loathsome scene. (negative sentence without using ‘not’)


Q VIII A Match the following words with their correct meanings.

1. feigning a. exchanged

2. indignation b. damaged or spoilt

3. swopped c. pretending to be affected by

4. marred d. those who pretend to be somebody else

5. lilting e. anger about an unfair situation

6. imposters f. a pleasant, gently swinging rhythm in a song or tune

Q VIII B Answer in brief.

1. Nima Nuru Sherpa speaks _______ , _____ and _____ languages.

2. Name the poet of the poem ‘If’. _____________

3. The scout performs a dance to indicate that it has found _______ and they must go quickly
to _______.

4. Name the author of ‘The Ants Come Marching’. ___________.

5. All the gentlemen from Ealing carried _________,_____ and _____ to the station.

6. What did Uncle Podger lose most often?

7. What does Tom wish for at the end of the lesson?

Q VIII C Complete the following sentences.

1. Distance is measured in terms of time taken in Khumbu because........

2. Both the scout and the sister are ...

3. In the lesson ‘Suvira’ the narrator slowed down a bit as per an old trick ...

4. Tom calls Maggie a bad girl because...

5. By keep your head, the poet Rudyard Kipling means ....

Q IX A Reference to the Context.

1. If you can dream – and not make dreams your master;

If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with triumph and disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same;

i. What contrasting advice has the poet given to his son in the stanza above? Elaborate what
the poet means.

ii. What does this stanza term as impostors?

iii. How should the two impostors be treated and why?

Q IX B Answer the following questions in about 80 to 90 words.

1. Discuss the significance of the term ‘Sherpa’.

2. Do you think the narrator of the lesson ‘Achilles’ was an animal lover? Give a reason to your

3. Maggie and Tom share a strong bond. Give instances from the text to support this statement.

4. Does the poet offer us a message or a point of view through the poem ‘Palm Tree’? If so,
what is it?

5. According to you, was it right of the crowd to support only Suvira? Give a reason for your

6. Describe Uncle Podger’s morning before he catches the train to work.

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