Tawantinsuyu Rules EN 1.53 2021 Updated EN Compressed
Tawantinsuyu Rules EN 1.53 2021 Updated EN Compressed
Tawantinsuyu Rules EN 1.53 2021 Updated EN Compressed
1 GAME BOARD 19x Production Buildings
(marked with the Production icon )
35x Weavings
20x Passive Buildings
(marked with the Passive Ability icon )
6x large Statues Note: Resources (gold, stone, potato, and corn) are
not limited. Use the multiplier tiles provided or any
4x Multiplier tiles for resources proxy if necessary. All other components (Workers,
Step markers, and Conquest markers) are limited, and
no more can be added to the game.
25x Stone Courier
30x Potato
High Priest
1 per player color
42 God cards
Scoring marker
1 per player color
Steps markers
5 per player color
30 Army cards
any tie.
2 per (face-up),
Important! We prepare each copy of the game with KEY CONCEPTS
great care. Regrettably, mistakes can still happen.
Therefore, during setup, please make sure that you are
1 Conquest region: Chinchasuyu
not missing any elements. This will ensure that your 2 Conquest region: Antisuyu
experience is not spoiled by a missing component. 3 Conquest region: Qullasuyu
If you notice any damaged or missing components, 4 Conquest region: Kuntisuyu
contact us via the customer support form found at 5 Temple
6 Nomads
7 Village
8 Casualties of War
Anatomy of the central part of the board (the hill):
9 section 12 top terrace
10 bottom terrace 13 segment
11 middle terrace 14 Coricancha
1 2
10 13
7 14 5
6 9
4 3
1. Lay out the main game board in the center of the play potato and corn icons. The game board shows how
area. Place all resources next to the board to form many Workers, depending on the number of players,
a general supply. need to be placed into the Village.
The Village
8. Place a number of Workers (depending on the number
of players, as indicated on the game board) into the
Nomads space. These Workers do not form a queue.
10. Separate Buildings by type: Production and Passive 16. Give each player 2 stone from the supply.
. Shuffle the Production and Passive Buildings 17. Shuffle the God cards to form a face-down deck, and
separately, and create two face-down stacks. Then, deal 8 to each player. Each player picks 3 to keep in their
reveal 2 Buildings of each type next to each of the hand and plays the remaining 5 on the table for their
Building stacks. This becomes the Building Market. benefits. In reverse turn order, each player receives the
benefits shown on the 5 played cards. (Players may use
the benefits of one card to pay for the cost of another.)
O n e t u r n o f p l ay
On your turn, you must choose one of the following two
1. Place a Worker: Discard 1 God card or 1 gold to place
a Worker from your supply on the game board.
VP = Victory Point 2. Perform 2 different secondary actions, in any order:
Resource = potato , corn , stone , or gold ; ◦ Moving the High Priest,
gold is a wild resource that can be spent ◦ Praying,
as any other resource
◦ Training, or
Food = potato or corn (or gold )
◦ Recruiting.
Additionally, as a free action at any time during your turn,
you may discard any number of Army cards from your
hand to gain the resources depicted on them. There is no
limit to the number of times you can take this free action
on your turn.
At the end of your turn, you have a chance to recruit one
Special First Turn Rule: Before taking your first turn more Worker, but you can never end your turn with more
of the game, start by placing your High Priest on the than 2 in your supply. For details, see Recruiting at the end of
Coricancha tile on any of the spaces (even one already the turn on page 16.
occupied by one or more High Priests belonging
If the VIllage is empty at the end of your turn, a Festival
to other players). This placement only serves to
(Scoring) is triggered. Triggering a Festival is explained in
determine the starting position of your High Priest
its own section on pages 17 and 18.
and should not be confused with the Moving the High
Priest secondary action described later in the rules. At the end of your turn, replenish the Building Market if you
constructed any Buildings. As in the Setup, there should
be exactly four face-up Buildings (two of each type) in the
Building Market before the next player takes their turn.
The most common action—placing a Worker—has two
costs: Roaming and Descending. To calculate the total
placement cost, determine the Roaming cost and the
Descending costs separately (see below). You must pay the
total amount of food before performing any tasks with
your Worker.
The Roaming cost is based on the distance between the RESOLVING TASKS
section where your High Priest is standing to the space in
Each space is marked with a God symbol (
question. A section is one-fifth of the board; each side of
) and is adjacent to 3 task icons. You can perform
the hill is one section. It costs 0 food to place within the
tasks related to those icons.
same section as the High Priest, it costs 1 food to place in
an adjacent section, and it costs 3 food to place in a non- First, determine the number of tasks you may perform:
adjacent section.
• you automatically receive 1 task, just for placing the
The Descending cost is 0 food on the top terrace, 2 food on Worker;
the middle terrace, and 5 food on the bottom terrace. This • special abilities of different Workers, depending on
represents the effort needed to carry the tools and the their color, may grant additional tasks; and
benefits between the Coricancha at the top of the hill and • each adjacent Worker of the same color grants 1 task.
the farms and workshops further down. The Descending
Workers are considered adjacent if they are on the same
cost is decreased by 2 food for each Steps marker above
terrace and they are connected to your Worker via
the space in question and in the same section. The owner
a common path through exactly one task icon. See
of the Steps marker scores 1 VP (per Steps marker) each
Examples 3 and 4.
time an opponent places a Worker using their Steps.
It is mandatory to take the benefit of Steps; you may not Most commonly, you are able to perform 1 or 2 tasks,
choose to pay extra Descending cost to deny VP from the seldom 3 or 4, and very rarely 5 or more tasks.
owner of the Steps. Next, you may “spend” tasks, one at a time, to activate the
3 adjacent task icons. You must distribute tasks as evenly
as possible among those 3 task icons:
• If you have 1 task, you may choose any one of the 3 task
Example 2: In the following image, Purple is placing
• If you have 2 tasks, you must choose 2 different task
a Worker as depicted 1 . The cost of placement is:
• 1 / for Roaming
• If you have 3 tasks, you must choose all 3 task icons.
• 3 / for Descending
• If you have 4 or more tasks, split them into sets of 3;
The total Descending cost of 5 / is decreased by 2 due
perform each set according to the rules above.
to Black’s Steps 2 . Black gains 1 VP as their Steps are used
by Purple. As soon as you are no longer able to respect the rules
above, you must stop and forego any remaining tasks.
2 3
2 1
4 1
Note: When paying a gold instead of a God card, you Collect Resources (potato, corn, stone, gold)
may place your Worker on any God symbol. However,
even if you have a matching Statue, you do not receive Gain resources as depicted by icons: 3 potato ,
any associated benefit. 2 corn ,2 stone , or 1 gold .
WORKER SPECIAL ABILITIES The cost of building Steps is 3 stone. Upon building Steps
(by placing a Steps marker), you immediately receive 4 VP,
Each color Worker has a special ability that activates when 1 corn, and 2 potato.
Steps markers are placed in the dedicated spaces on the
Architect board, and you may build Steps on any valid empty space
regardless of the section into which you place your Worker.
Perform an additional task when placed on blue spaces.
Purchase Weavings
Draw 3 Weaving tiles from the top of the pile (including the
face-up Weaving from the top of the pile). Look at all 3 of
them, and choose any (including none or all) to purchase.
Purchasing 1/2/3 Weavings costs 1/3/6 corn. Any Weavings
you do not purchase are offered to other players; in turn
order, each other player may purchase 1 leftover Weaving
for 2 corn. If any remain, return all leftover Weavings face Note: The icons on the edges of the Weavings do not
down to the bottom of the Weavings stack. have to match in order to be placed adjacent to each
Finally, reveal the top Weaving. other in a Tapestry.
Receive rewards from your Tapestries. For each 5 6
connection where two matching rewards are shown,
gain that reward: 1 gold 1 , 2 stone 2 , 3 potato 3 ,
a God card plus 1 potato 4 , Rejuvenate (flip face-up, for
free) 1 Building or Army card 5 , draw one Army card 6 ,
pay 1 gold to climb once on the Temple 7 , or 3 VP 8 .
1 2 3 4
Draw 2 Army cards, keeping 1 in your hand and discarding
the other. Discarded Army cards are placed in the discard
pile. When the Army card deck empties, shuffle the discard
5 6 7 8 pile to form a new draw deck.
At the bottom of each Army card is a resource. At any point
during your turn, you may perform a free action to discard
Army cards to gain the resources printed on them. There is
no limit to the number of times you may perform this free
All possible Weavings rewards action on your turn. Army cards also depict 1 or 2 Soldiers
on them. These Soldiers are relevant when taking the
Conquest High Priest action, where having them in greater
number results in more and/or better Conquests.
7 6
1 3
2 4
End of Game
and Final Scoring
After the third and final Festival, each player receives VP • 1 VP per face-up Army card in their player area (not in
as follows: their hand!).
• Tapestries: a Tapestry comprised of 1/2/3 / 4 / 5 /6 / 7 • 1 VP per leftover Worker in their supply.
different Weavings score 0/ 1 / 3/ 6/ 1 0/ 1 5/ 21 VP.
• 1 VP for each gold in their supply.
• If a player has reached one of the top 4 steps of the
The player with the most VP wins. In case of a tie, the tied
Temple track, they receive the VP printed at the center
player with the most resources (a total of all gold, stone,
of that step.
corn, and potato) wins. If still tied, the tied players share
• 2 VP per face-up Building (including Passive ones). a victory.
• 1 VP per God card in their hand.
Additional Rules
Whenever you advance your Temple marker on the Temple Whenever you receive a free Worker (from a God card,
track, gain the benefit shown to the left of that step a Temple reward, or other ability), take the Worker from
(if any). If you move multiple steps, gain all resources the Nomads. Then, immediately refill the Nomads with
shown to the left of each step you advance. Any number a Worker from the bag, if the bag is not empty. If there are
of players may occupy the same step. You do not gain any no Workers in the Nomads space, then you do not receive
Victory Points, as that happens only during Festivals. your free Worker.
Gain 1 gold.
Gain 2 stone.
At the start of each Festival, gain 4 potato. During endgame scoring, gain an additional 1 VP per God card left in your hand
(i.e. gain 2 VP per God card in your hand).
Z07 When placing a Worker, gain VP when you use your own Steps.
When you trigger a Purchase Weavings task, draw 5 tiles and discard 2 (place them face down at the bottom of the pile in
the order of your choosing) before proceeding normally with the task.
Z09 At the start of each Festival, gain 1 VP per Weaving in your longest Tapestry.
Z10 At the start of each Festival, gain 2 potato, 1 corn, and 1 stone.
Whenever any player activates the Offering High Priest secondary action, gain 1 Weaving (the top one or the one directly
underneath — your choice).
Whenever any player activates the Offering High Priest secondary action or immediately before a Festival, you may pay
one gold to advance on the Temple.
Whenever you place a Conquest marker, you may flip face down and/or discard one fewer Soldier (this works as a
discount). You are still required to flip or discard at least one Soldier.
Whenever you perform the task Collect Resources (potato, corn, stone, but not gold), receive 1 extra resource of that type
and 1 VP.
Produce Festival
God symbols
EXTRA COMPONENTS draw bag (in the same way you do).
• You place your High Priest first; then, roll the die,
Axomamma board and place Axomamma’s High Priest the number of
1 2 3 4
spaces clockwise from your High Priest equal to the
value you rolled.
Gains rewards of all its face-up Gains rewards of all its face-up
Production Buildings, then flips Production Buildings, then flips
face down all but the highest- them all face down.
3 1 2 numbered Building.
As much as it can afford
As much as it can afford (costs as usual).
(costs as usual).
As much as it can afford
As much as it can afford
starting spaces.
markers > fewest of your markers
> fewest of your markers > Antisuyu
> Antisuyu > Chinchasuyu >
2 4 1
> Chinchasuyu > Kuntisuyu >
Kuntisuyu > Qullasuyu).
Qullasuyu). For its second Conquest,
it chooses the space across regions Flips up half (round up) of its
with fewest for free. face-down Buildings and half
Flips face up all its Production (round up) of its face-down Army
Buildings & Army cards for free. cards.
Axomamma triggers the action:
where its High Priest starts (but does not gain any
if possible.
* Soldiers on face-up Army cards + 1 Soldier per
3+ face-down Buildings
and/or Army cards
If a middle-row action fails, Axomamma
gains 1 gold. : 1 : 1 : : :
Plays all Army cards in hand for
free. Chooses space with most
Plays all Army cards in hand for
free. Chooses space with most
in any Conquest region (fewest
in any Conquest region (fewest
markers > fewer than 3 of its
markers > less than 3 of its markers
markers > fewest of your markers
You are the starting player and play your turns normally.
> fewest of your markers > Antisuyu
> Antisuyu > Chinchasuyu >
1. Place Axomamma’s player board in its play area. of its Passive Buildings.Axomamma triggers the action:
2 3 Buys 2 Weavings if possible (unique 2
Gains 2 VP.
in largest set > red > green > yellow>
2. Set up a 2-player game, with the following exceptions: highest number), otherwise it buys
1 Weaving and gains 1 gold. Takes 1 Army card, face down,
General Notes You trigger the action: Buys 1 Weaving into its hand.
if it can & it’s unique. Regular Weaving
• When gaining a starting Weaving, Axomamma Takes 1 Worker* from potato-side
of the Village.
costs apply.
HIGH PRIEST Buys a large Statue if possible,
gets a random starting Weaving tile before you get
ACTIVATION CONDITIONS: NO WORKER ACTION: otherwise a small one it doesn’t have. Takes 1 Worker* from corn-side
of the Village.
to pick yours. 2+ face-up Production Buildings Gaining
• Recruits a random Worker from Nomads (refill as usual);
• Discards up to 2 God cards from market, gains 1 VP for each; Workers Builds random of required type,
for 1 stone or 1 gold (preferring Takes 1 random Worker* from
• Draws 1 Army card; and to pay stone). the Nomads (refill as usual).
• Axomamma does not get a starting hand of God
4+ corn
• Moves High Priest 1 spot clockwise (does not perform secondary action).
Builds in its
High Priest’s
a Worker
if it can; otherwise, next sections from the Village or * Whenever taking any Worker, Axomamma gains
FESTIVAL: a color-based recruiting reward as shown on this board.
High Priest Action If Axomamma takes the Action If Axomamma follows your Action
Axomamma activates all its face-up Production Buildings. If a Building gives a choice of
resources, Axomamma takes whichever it has the fewest of. If tied, choose in the following
priority order: gold, corn, stone, potato.
Produce Then, Axomamma flips all activated Buildings face down.
Perform as if in a multiplayer game. Axomamma offers/worships as much as it can for the
standard costs.
Axomamma does not pay any cost to flip Buildings or Army cards face up.
Decreasing Difficulty
• Axomamma does not use a Personality token.
• Axomamma must spend 2 to construct Buildings
instead of 1.
• High Priest seccondary action:
◦ Worship: Axomamma’s Condition to initiate this
activation is to have at least 2 Statues to sacrifice.
◦ Conquest: If Axomamma initiated this activation, it
does not perform the second (easier) Conquest.
• If Axomamma takes a No Workers action, it does not
gain an Army card.
Produce Festival
God symbols