Design of Pressure Vessel Final Project With Component Decryption and Full Analysis

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design of pressure vessel final project with component

decryption and full analysis
System Analysis and Design (Dire Dawa University)

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SUBMITION DATE: April 27, 2021

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A. specification
1. Medium;
Paraffin oil Acidic solution Oil product Air

2. Inner service pressure [Mpa];

0.25 0.4 0.6 1 1.6 2.5 6.3 10 16 25

3. Nominal volume [M3]

0.25 0.5 1 1.6 2.5 4

4. Service temperature [0C]

200 250 300 350 400 450

5. Position

Horizontal Vertical

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2. Support element

Leg support Lug(bracket) Saddle support

3. Connecting pipes

A. Two longitudinal, one lateral, with

25 40 65 80 100 125 150

B. One pipes for safety valve nominal diameter 25mm (flange)

C. One simple opening nominal diameter 25mm (flange)

D. One bottom discharge pipe, if necessary with flanges.

25 40 65 80 125 150

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In performing my project assignment, I had to take help and guideline of some

respected person, who deserve my greatest gratitude. The completion of this project gives me
much pleasure. Instructor BRHAN DINBERU gives as good guide line for assignment thought
out numerous consultations. I would also like to expand my deepest gratitude to all those who
have directly and indirectly guide me in writing this assignment.

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Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 APPLICATION OF PRESSURE VESSEL ............................................................................................ 3
1.4 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM ............................................................................................................... 5
1.5 OBJECTIVE ........................................................................................................................................... 6
1.5.1 General objectives ........................................................................................................................... 6
1.5.2 Specific objectives ........................................................................................................................... 6
1.6 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER TWO............................................................................................................................................ 7
2.1 LITURATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 USES OF PRESSURE VESSEL .......................................................................................................... 10
2.3 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF PRESSURE VESSEL............................................. 10
2.3.1 Advantage .................................................................................................................................. 10
2.3.2 Disadvantage ................................................................................................................................. 10
2.4 TYPES OF PRESSURE VESSEL ........................................................................................................ 10
2.5 COMPONENTS OF PRESSURE VESSEL ......................................................................................... 13
2.5.1 Head............................................................................................................................................... 13
2.5.2 Shell ............................................................................................................................................... 15
2.5.3 Nozzle............................................................................................................................................. 15
2.5.4 Support .......................................................................................................................................... 16 SKIRT SUPPORT.................................................................................................................... 17
2.5.4. 2. LEG SUPPORT ..................................................................................................................... 17
2.5.4 .3. SADDLE SUPPORT ............................................................................................................. 18
2.5.4 .4. LUG SUPPORT .................................................................................................................... 18
2.5.5 Manhole......................................................................................................................................... 19
2.5.6 Flange ............................................................................................................................................ 19
2.6 STANDARDS AND CODES FOR PRESSURE VESSEL .................................................................. 20
2.7 DESIGN PRINCIPLE OF PRESSURE VESSEL ................................................................................ 21
CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................... 22
3.1 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................... 22
3.2 DESIGN CONSIDERATION OF PRESSURE VESSEL .................................................................... 22

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3.2.1 SPECIFICATION OF PRESSURE VESSEL ............................................................................. 22

3.2.2 GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS........................................................................................................ 23
3.3 DETERMING THE DIAMETER AND LENGTH OF A PRESSURE VESSEL ................................ 23
3.4 MATERIALS OF PRESSURE VESSEL ............................................................................................. 24
3.5 MATERIAL SELECTION AT TEMPRATURE OF 3500C ................................................................ 26
3.6 PROPERTIES AND DATA ON MATERIAL TO BE SELECTED .................................................... 29
3.7 WELDING TYPE ................................................................................................................................. 30
3.7.1 Advantage of welding joint ........................................................................................................... 30
3.7.2 Welding processes ......................................................................................................................... 30
3.7.4 Conclusion on the welding type .................................................................................................... 31
CHAPTER FOUR ....................................................................................................................................... 32
4.1 PARTS OF DESIGN ............................................................................................................................ 32
4.1.1 DESIGN OF SHELL: ................................................................................................................... 32 Design of shell thickness: ........................................................................................................ 32 Design of shell weight: ............................................................................................................ 35
4.1.2DESIGN OF HEAD: ..................................................................................................................... 36 HEAD THICKNESS ................................................................................................................ 36
4.1.3 HEAD TO SHELL TRANSITION ............................................................................................... 38
4.1.5 FLANGE AND GASKET DESGIN ............................................................................................. 40 FLANGE APPLIED LODE AND FLANGE MOMEANT ...................................................... 40 FLANGE STRESS .................................................................................................................. 45
4.1.6 DESIGN OF BOLT AND GASKET............................................................................................. 51 BOLT AREA ............................................................................................................................ 51
4.1.7 DESIGN FOR WALL THICKNESS OF THE NOZZLE R [2] .................................................. 53
4.1.8 REINFORCMENT OF OPENING .............................................................................................. 54
4.1.9 DESIGN OF MAN HOLE ............................................................................................................ 57
4.1.10 DESIGN OF SADDLE SUPPORT ............................................................................................ 58 DUE TO INTERNAL PRESSURE ....................................................................................... 58 STRESS DUE TO WEIGHT OF VESSEL & ATTACHMENT ............................................ 58 PERIOD OF VIBRATION ................................................................................................... 60 STRESS DUE TO EARTHQUAKE ...................................................................................... 60
CHAPTER FIVE ......................................................................................................................................... 62

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5.1 Detail drawing of each components ...................................................................................................... 62

5.1.1 Detail drawing of components by 2D and 3D .............................................................................. 62
CHAPTER SIX ............................................................................................................................................ 66
6.1 RESULTS AND CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................... 66
6.1.1 RESULTS ...................................................................................................................................... 66
6.1.3 CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................................. 67
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................... 68
Reference..................................................................................................................................................... 69
Appendix I .................................................................................................................................................. 70
Appendix II ................................................................................................................................................. 71

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Pressure vessels are widely used in various industries. A Horizontal pressure vessel has
been designed graphically and analytically in this project. For designing of horizontal saddle
supported pressure vessel some input parameters like volume, pressure, temperature and
processing fluid are included in this project. By using these parameters I have calculated the
diameter, thickness, length, weight for shell, head, pipe, nozzle, flange, manhole, bottom
discharge, the stress at intersections that are caused by discontinuity shear stress and moments
which exist to maintain compatibility at the junction .and also the uses of pressure vessel,
application, types, materials, component, standard code and consideration of pressure vessel.

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Fig 1.1……………………………………………………………………..5

Fig 2.1…………………………………………………………………….7

Fig 2.2……………………………………………………………………..14

Fig 2.3……………………………………………………………………..14

Fig 2.4……………………………………………………………………..14

Fig 2.5……………………………………………………………………..15

Fig 2.6……………………………………………………………………..15

Fig 2.7……………………………………………………………………...16

Fig 2.8……………………………………………………………………...16

Fig 2.9……………...………………………………………………………17

Fig 2.10……………………………………………………………………17

Fig 2.11……………………………………………………………………18

Fig 2.12……………………………………………………………………18

Fig 2.13……………………………………………………………………19

Fig 3.1…………………………………………………………………….23

Fig 3.2…………………………………………………………………….31

Fig 4.1…………………………………………………………………….38

Fig 4.2…………………………………………………………………….40

Fig 4.4…………………………………………………………………….42

Fig 4.5…………………………………………………………………….45

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Table 2.1………………………………………………………………………20

Table 3.1………………………………………………………………………23

Table 3.2……………………………………………………………………….25

Table 3.3………………………………………………….……………………28

Table 3.4………………………………………………………………………..28

Table 3.5………………………………………………….…………………….29

Table 3.6………………………………………………….…………………….31

Table 4.1………………………………………………….…………………….33

Table 4.2…………………………………………………..……………………35

Table 4.3…………………………………………………..……………………39

Table 4.4…………………………………………………..……………………40

Table 4.5…………………………………………………..……………………46

Table 6.1…………………………………………………..……………………66


LPG: - Liquefied petroleum gas

ASME: - American society of mechanical engineer

BPVC: - Boiler and pressure vessel code

HIP:-Hot iso static pressure

API: - American petroleum institute

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di ........inner diameter

do………outer diameter


v ........volume

Ri ….inner radius

Ro …..Outer radius

t …….thickness



S……allowable stress

….hoop stress

…….lateral stress


m …….mass

Q………quantity of fluid carried per minute


Z………selection modules


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A pressure vessel is defined as container with internal pressure, different from atmospheric
pressure. The fluid inside the pressure vessel may undergo state of change like in case of boilers.
Pressure vessel has combination of high pressure together with high temperature and may be
with flammable radioactive material. Because of these hazards it is important to design the
pressure vessel such that no leakage can take place as well as the pressure vessel is to be
designed carefully to cope with high pressure and temperature. Plant safety and integrity are one
of the fundamental concerns in pressure vessel design and these depend on adequacy of design
codes. In general the cylindrical shell is made of a uniform thickness which is determined by the
maximum circumferential stress due to the internal pressure. Since the longitudinal stress is only
one-half of this circumferential stress. The structure is to be designed fabricated and checked as
per American Society of Mechanical Engineers standards. Pressure vessels are used in number of
industries like power generation industry for fossil and nuclear power generation, in
petrochemical industry for storage of petroleum oil in tank as well as for storage of gasoline in
service stations and in the chemical industry. R [1]

Pressure vessels are also used in a variety of applications including the industry and the
private sector. They appear in these sectors respectively as industrial compressed air receivers
and domestic hot water storage tanks. other examples of pressure vessels are: diving cylinder,
recompression chamber, distillation towers, autoclaves and many other vessels in mining or oil
refineries and petrochemical plants, nuclear reactor vessel, habitat of a space ship, habitat of a
submarine, pneumatic reservoir, hydraulic reservoir under pressure, rail vehicle airbrake
reservoir, road vehicle airbrake reservoir and storage vessels for liquefied gases such as
ammonia, chlorine, propane, butane and LPG.

The size and geometric form of pressure vessel is varying from large cylindrical vessel for high
pressure application to small size used as hydraulic unit of aircraft. In pressure vessel whenever
expansion or contraction occurs normally as result of heating or cooling, thermal stresses are
developed. There are many types of stresses developed in the vessel. R [2]
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Stresses are categorized into primary stresses and secondary stresses. Primary stresses are
generally due to internal or external Pressure or produced by moments and these are not self-
limiting. Thermal stresses are secondary stresses because they are self-limiting. That is yielding
or deformation of the part relaxes the stress (except thermal stress racketing). Thermal stresses
will not cause failure by rupture in ductile materials except by fatigue over repeated loading
applications. The end caps fitted to the cylindrical body are called heads, and these heads may be
hemispherical, rectangular, elliptical or circular shape. R [2]

The earliest documented design of pressure vessels was described in 1495 in the book by
Leonardo da Vinci, the Codex Madrid I, in which containers of pressurized air were theorized to
lift heavy weight thunder water. However, vessels resembling those used today did not come
about until the 1800‟s, when steam was generated in boilers helping to spur the industrial
revolution. However, with poor material quality and manufacturing techniques along with
improper knowledge of design, operation and maintenance there was a large number of
damaging and often fatal explosions associated with these boilers and pressure vessels, with a
death occurring on a nearly daily basis in the United States.

Local providences and states in the United States began enacting rules for constructing these
vessels after some particularly devastating vessel failures occurred killing dozens of people at a
time, which made it difficult for manufacturers to keep up with the varied rules from one
location to another and the first pressure vessel code was developed starting in 1911 and released
in 1914, starting the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC). In an early effort to
design tank capable of withstanding pressures up to 10,000 psi (69MPa), a 6-inch (150 mm)
diameter tank was developed in 1919 that was spirally-wound with two layers of high tensile
strength steel wire to prevent sidewall rupture, and the end caps longitudinally reinforced with
lengthwise high-tensile rods.

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The need for high pressure and temperature vessels for petroleum refineries and chemical plants
gave rise to vessels joined with welding instead of rivets (which were unsuitable for the
pressures and temperatures required) and in the 1920s and1930s the BPVC included welding as
inacceptable means of construction, and welding is the main means of joining metal vessels
today. R [4]

There have been many advancements in the field of pressure vessel engineering such as
advanced non-destructive examination, phased array ultrasonic testing and radiography, new
material grades with increased corrosion resistance and stronger materials, and new ways to join
materials such as explosion welding (to attach one metal sheet to another, usually a thin
corrosion resistant metal like stainless steel to a stronger metal like carbon steel),friction stir
welding (which attaches the metals together without melting the metal).

advanced theories and means of more accurately assessing the stresses encountered in vessels
such as with the use of finite element analysis, allowing the vessels to be built safer and more
efficiently. Today vessels in the USA require BPVC stamping but the BPVC is not just a
domestic code, many other countries have adopted the BPVC as their official code. There are,
however, other official codes in some countries (some of which rely on portions of and reference
the BPVC), Japan, Australia, Canada, Britain, and Europe have their own codes. Regardless of
the country nearly all recognize the inherent potential hazards of pressure vessels and the need
for standards and codes regulating their design and construction. R [4]


The main application of pressure vessel in nuclear reactor, the design of pressure vessel is occur
by different code. ASME is one and the traditional code of pressure vessel.

Pressure vessels have a great significance role in many engineering applications start from small
application to large application of to transmit pressurized fluid.

 Pressure vessels used in garage

 High pressure chemical reactors
 High pressure mixers super critical extraction system

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 The special application of pressure vessel is to isolate the load material in an isolation
chamber eliminated potential leakage in to the HIP system
 We use it in steam boiler
 Used in engine cylinder
 Used in petroleum products (petrol, diesel, etc…)

They are used for various industrial applications and private sectors such as:-

● Chemical industry ● Food industry

● Hydraulic reservoirs under pressure ● Nuclear reactor vessels

● Plastic industry ● Pneumatic reservoirs

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● Rail vehicle air brake reservoirs ● Road vehicle airbrake reservoirs

Fig – 1.1 applications of pressure vessel

The main purpose of implementing a pressure vessel inspection program is to ensure that
each pressure vessel is safely operated and maintained. Some of the benefits that result
from regularly scheduled pressure vessel inspections are listed below:
 Improvement of facility, personnel, and public safety
 Prevention of damage to the environment
 Improvement of reliability
 Reduction of operation and maintenance costs
 Minimization of unscheduled outages
 Minimization of liability


Today Pressure vessel is used in higher industries level to store and transmit of high
pressurized fluid from one location to another, because of this in designing of presser
vessel is required highly to care to avoid failures of pressure vessel. The most common
problem associated with pressure vessel rupture or shrinkage of it. This failure occur
because of different factor ,example internal and external pressure thickness of the
pressure are some of the cause all are occur by poor material properties therefore most
present of failures avoid by proper selection of material.

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1.5.1 General objectives
The general objective of this project is to provide the basic and major concepts of horizontal
pressure vessel design and understanding of pressure vessel.

1.5.2 Specific objectives

 To design pressure vessels and able to calculate,analytic stress and strength in
pressure vessel.
 To design the pressure vessel with the cylindrical vessel type, head type with working
internal pressure.
 Gain knowledge of proper material selection for pressure vessels application and also
gain knowledge of welding code standard.
 To provide the basic and the major concepts of pressure vessel design and
understanding of pressure vessels.
 To build ourself competent engineers in design, cost estimation,and project
management for various type of pressure vessels
 To specification vessel design by following plate column:-
 Determine column wall thickness.
 Selection and sizing of vessel heads.
 Rein forcements(nessecary manholes and opening).
 The nozzle and flanges.
 Designing supporting saddle

This project focuses on design and analysis of horizontal Pressure Vessel. The ASME Code is
construction code for pressure vessel and contains mandatory Requirements, specific
prohibitions; and non-mandatory guidance for pressure vessel materials, design, welding and
testing. To ensure the objective is achieved, some of the important elements must be
consideration. There is analysis of maximum stress value and main components of pressure
vessel load.

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Pressure vessel is one of the static equipment which is commonly used in oil and gas or petro
chemical indusrty in producing fuel oil and other organic products. It also important for other
industries like food and medical products processing, aerospace and aircraft fuel tank and other
potential application.

Pressure vessel is a closed container design to hold gases or liquids at pressure substantially
different from the ambient pressure. Pressure vessels are used in varity of application in both
industries and the private sector. of these finds will exert pressure eqully in all direction on the
walls and ends of the pressure vessels. Because of the internal loading, stess are including on
certain section of cylinder wall. R[3]

Fig – 2.1 a pressure vessel constructed of a horizontal steel pipe.

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Presser vessel is a closed container design to hold gases or liquid at pressure sub structurally
different from atmospheric pressure. The horizontal pressure vessel used as contain to store
paraffin fluid in various industries. The fluid may at elevated temperature and pressurized state.

The design of pressure vessel [1] is essentially controlled by the few key parameters like related
both to the overall geometry of the pressure vessel structure and to the orientation and thickness
of the composite layers. This and other related parameters are used to determine the mechanical
response of the pressure vessel.
[1] Shows that recent production of pressure vessel researchers uses continuous fiber and
polymer matrix composites for the development of lightweight but stiff and strong structure in
most industrial domains. Commercial pressure vessel classified based on their composite content
in to four as follow
1. Type I pressure vessel it is made up of purely metallic
2. Type II Pressure vessel is having a metallic liner, reinforced with circumferential
composite layers in their central portion.
3. Type III Pressure vessel this one has a metallic linear, reinforced with composite layers
over their entire body
4. Type IV Pressure vessel which has a plastic liner, and their load bearing structure is
entirely made of composite layers, this type is frequently used in transportation industry like
storage high-pressure hydrogen in fuel cell vehicle.

There is another pressure type V which is in research stage, but the paper focus on the type IV
pressure vessel to applied an internal pressure by two level of geometry feature of external and
internal geometry analysis, by observing the bending of the pressure vessel by changing the layer
and modifying the pressure vessel by adding a composite material at its bending and observe the
result again.
The Vessel which is made up of wire-winding is simpler than production of conventional
tanks from solid steel plates for the same value of operating pressure, when we compared wire-
winding is fabricated with less cost. The wire-wound vessel for 250bar uses less 35% material
than convectional vessels [2].

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Another researcher [3] proposed to generate a winding path for design of composite pressure
vessel which has unequal dome parts. There was an experiment set up to obtain the mandrel
profile after each update of composite layers, and the winding paths were generated to collect the
updated profile the variety of winding angles and dome thickness distributions as well as the
slippage coefficient with respect to different winding paths were observed. The pressure burst
was predicted using the progressive failure method, and the performance factors were calculated
to evaluate the effect of the profile-update-based winding paths on the structural performance of
the pressure vessels. The results illustrate that the winding angles have a significant change as
the number of updated layers increases. The thickness accumulation on dome parts is reduced
and the fiber stability is further improved, therefore, the precision of fiber paths is improved
using updates of mandrel profiles.

[4] Works on the lifting attachments for the erections of heavy wall pressure vessel and large
pressure vessels. Based on this research the challenge is to design a proper and accurate lifting
attachment which will give a cost effective, safe, and effective solutions based on the limitations
of the available equipment for erection.

[5] This paper shows the way by which the weld efficiency will improved. The researcher
explains the origin of the weld efficiency used in the design of pressure vessel equipment, based
on the paper the fabrication of pressure is depend on highly on weld quality.

The another researcher [6] shows the interaction effect of the stress between two closely spaced
nozzle in thin types of pressure vessel by studying the stress distribution around the edge of the
single zone and stress for two nozzles placed closed to each other has been also studied at the
interaction of the inner edge of the vessel, to investigate the effect of the a second nozzle the
researcher use a computational simulation. The result is taking by changing different geometric
parameters like center-to-center distance, axial distance, etc. affecting maximum stress have been
studied. Result for each case is plotted and discussed in detail.

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pressure vessels are used to store and transmit liquids, vapor,and gases under pressure in
general. Major uses of pressure are as follows:
 use in steam boiler
 used in storage of chemical in chemical plants
 use in storage of petroleum products(i.e petrol,diesel etc)
 also used in engine cylinders.


2.3.1 Advantage
 It is holding the largest volume per unit surface area of the container
 It is easier to fabricate
 They are probably cheaper to construct
 They pack more efficiency into circular
 Lower production costs compared to other tanks

2.3.2 Disadvantage
 Thermal expansion can be an issue
 Cleaning is time consuming
 Only suitable for small sizes


The most common types of pressure vessels can be classified:-

 According to their functions

a) Storage vessel (paraffin, water, gas, oil and etc…)
b) Reactors
c) Boilers
d) Mixers, and
e) Heat exchangers.

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 According to structural material

 Mild Steel
 Cast iron
 Copper, and
 Plastic pressure vessels.
 According to methods of fabrication.
a) Welded
b) Cast
c) Brazed, and
d) Flanged pressure vessels.
 According to scheme of loading
 Vessel working under internal pressure and,
 Vessel working under external pressure

 According to wall temperature

 Heated and,
 Unheated pressure vessels.
 According to corrosion action
 High corrosion effect and,
 Moderate corrosion effect pressure vessels,
 According to the orientation in space
 Vertical,
 Horizontal and,
 Sloped pressure vessels.
 According to the methods of assembly
 Detachable and,
 No detachable pressure vessels.
 According to the wall thickness:
 Thin walled (d◦/di<1.5) and
 Thick walled (d◦/di≥1.5) pressure vessels.

Where; d◦ and dі are the outer and inner diameter of the shell respectively.

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 According to the dimension

The pressure vessels according to their dimensions may be classified as thin shell or thick
shell the ratio of equal thickness (t) of the shell to its diameters (D) deciding factor.

a) Thin shell: - if the wall thickness of shell (t) is less than 1/10 of the diameter of the shell is
called thin shells.

b) Thick shell: - if the wall thickness of shell (t) is greater than 1/10 of the diameter of shell is
called thick shell.

 According to the end construction

This can be classified in to two groups:-

a) Open end construction pressure vessels

b) Closed end construction pressure vessels

a) Open end construction pressure vessels

Open end vessels are commonly used as surge tanks between operations, as vats for batch
operations, Where materials be mixed and blended as setting tanks, decanters, chemical reactors,
reservoirs .And so on. Obviously, this type of vessels is cheaper than covered or closed vessel of
the same.

Capacity and construction- the decision as to whether or not open vessels may be used depends
up on the fluid to be handled and the operation.

b) Closed end construction pressure vessels

Combustible fluids, emitting toxic or obnoxious fumes and gases must be stored in closed
vessels. Dangerous chemicals, such as acid or caustic, are less hazardous if stored in closed
vessels. The combustible nature of petroleum and its products associates the use of closed
vessels and tanks throughout the petroleum and petrochemical industries. Tanks used for the
storage of crude oils and petroleum products and generally designed and constructed as per API
specification for welded oil storage tanks.

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 According to the materials

The pressure vessels are according the material classified as:-

a) Brittle material pressures vessels

b) Ductile material pressure vessels

 According to the direction of force acting on the wall of vessels

a) Subjected to internal pressure

b) Subjected to external pressure


There are four components of pressure vessels this are:-

A. head
B. shell
C. nozzle and
D. support

2.5.1 Head
All pressure vessel shells must be closed at the ends by heads (or another shell
section).Head is typically curved rather than flat. Curved configurations are stronger and allow
the heads to be thinner, lighter, and less expensive than flat heads. Heads can also be used inside
a vessel. Head are usually categorized by their shapes. Ellipsoidal, hemispherical, tori spherical,
conical, tori conical and flat are the common types of heads.

Figures show typical types of closure heads. Elliptical, hemispherical, and tori spherical are the
most commonly used head types. Note that all head types have a straight flange (sf) section,
which simplifies welding the head to the adjacent cylindrical shell section. The elliptical and tori
spherical heads have an indicated head depth (h), which is measured from the straight flange to
the maximum point of curvature on the inside surface.

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i. Hemispherical head
ii. Elliptical head
iii. Conical head
iv. Tori spherical head
i. Hemispherical head – the end of the pressure vessel is sphere or lime sphere

Fig 2.2- Hemispherical head

ii. Elliptical head – the end of the pressure vessel is ellipse shape

Fig 2.3- Elliptical head

iii. Conical head – the end of pressure vessel is conical shape.

Fig2.4- Conical head

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iv. Tori spherical head --the end of the pressure vessel have to spherical head.

Fig2.5- Tori spherical head

2.5.2 Shell
The shell is the primary component that contains the pressure. Pressure vessel shells are welded
together to form a structure that has a common rotational axis. Most pressure vessel shells are
cylindrical, spherical, or conical in shape. Horizontal drums have cylindrical shells and are
fabricated in a wide range of diameters and lengths.

Fig2.6- shell

2.5.3 Nozzle
A nozzle is a cylindrical component that penetrates the shell or heads of a pressure vessel. The
nozzle ends are usually flanged to allow for the necessary connections and to permit easy
disassembly for maintenance or access. Nozzles are used for the following applications:-

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 Attach piping for flow i to or out of the vessel,

 Attach instrument connections, (e.g., level gauges, thermo wells, or pressure
 Provide access to the vessel interior at many ways,
 Provide for direct attachment of other equipment items, (e.g., a heat exchanger or

Fig 2.7- nozzle

2.5.4 Support
The type of support that is used depends primarily on the size and orientation of the pressure
vessel. In all cases, the pressure vessel support must be adequate for the applied weight, wind,
and earthquake loads. Calculated base loads are used to design of anchorage and foundation for
the pressure vessels.

Fig 2.8- Support

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Tall, vertical, cylindrical pressure vessels are typically supported by skirts. A support skirt is a
cylindrical shell section that is welded either to the lower portion of the vessel shell or to the
bottom head (for cylindrical vessels). Skirts for spherical vessels are welded to the vessel near
the mid-plane of the shell. The skirt is normally long enough to provide enough flexibility so that
radial thermal expansion of the shell does not cause high thermal stresses at its junction with the

Fig2.9- Skirt support

2.5.4. 2. LEG SUPPORT

Small vertical drums are typically supported on legs that are welded to the lower portion of the
shell. The maximum ratio of support leg length to drum diameter is typically 2:1. The number of
legs needed depends on the drum size and the loads to be carried. Support legs are also typically
used for spherical pressurized storage vessels.

The support legs for small vertical drums and spherical pressurized Storage vessels may be made
from structural steel columns or pipe sections, whichever provides a more efficient design.

Fig 2.10 Leg support

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Horizontal drums are typically supported at two locations by saddle supports. A saddle Support
spreads the weight load over a large area of the shell to prevent an excessive local stress in the
shell at the support points. The width of the saddle, among other design details, is determined by
the specific size and design conditions of the pressure vessel. One saddle support is normally
fixed or anchored to its foundation.

Fig 2.11- Saddle support

2.5.4 .4. LUG SUPPORT

Lugs that are welded to the pressure vessel shell, which are shown on, may also be used to
support vertical pressure vessels. The use of lugs is typically limited to vessels of small to
medium diameter (1 to 10ft.) and moderate height-to-diameter ratios in the range of 2:1 to 5:1.
Lug supports are often used for vessels of this size that are located above grade within structural
steel. The lugs are typically bolted to horizontal structural members to provide stability against
overturning loads; however, the bolt holes are often slotted to permit free radial thermal
expansion of the drum.

Fig 2.12- Lug support

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2.5.5 Manhole
Manhole is an open area that the person can enters through it for the purpose of working in the
interior part of the vessel. Why because when the vessel needs operation the man easily enters
and he also do his practical work that the vessel needs. It is the assumption hole that designed by
considering the man‟s size.

2.5.6 Flange
Flange is an external or internal rim used either to add strength or to hold something in place.
Flange has several types such as Welding-neck flanges, Slip-on flanges hub and plate types, Lap-
joint flanges, Screwed flanges, Blank, or blind, flanges. So, depending up on its type faces and
standards of flanges we selected welding neck type flange, full faced type and standard BS1560 ,
because It have a long tapered hub between the flange ring and the welded joint. This gradual
transition of the section reduces the discontinuity stresses between the flange and branch, and
increases the strength of the flange assembly. Welding-neck flanges are suitable for extreme
service conditions; where the flange is likely to be subjected to temperature, shear and vibration

Fig 2.13- Flanges

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Pressure vessels usually have a combination of high pressures together with high
temperatures, and sometimes it involves flammable fluids or highly radioactive materials. It is
crucial that the design of the pressure vessels results in no leakage can occur because of the
hazards. Moreover, the pressure vessels have to be designed carefully to cope with the operating
temperature and pressure (Chattopadhyay, 2004).
As the pressure vessels are made in various shapes and sizes, there are certain
standards and codes that the engineer or designer need to follow in the design of the
vessels. (Chattopadhyay, 2004) mentioned pressure equipment, such as the American
Petroleum Institute (API) storage tanks are designed to forbid internal pressure to no
more than that generated by the static head of the fluid contained in the tank. Below are
the design and construction codes for pressures vessels. R [6]

Table 2.1 Design and Construction Codes for Pressure Vessels

Country Code Issuing authority

U.S ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code ASME

BS 1515 Fusion Welded Pressure

U.K British Standard Institute
BS 5500 Unfired Fusin Welded
Pressure Vessels

Germany AD Merblatter

Associanize Nationale Per II

Italy ANCC Controllo Peula

Netherlands Regeis Voor Toestellen Dienst voor het Stoomvezen

Sweden Tryckkarls kommissionen Swedish Pressure Vessel

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AS 1200:SAA Boiler Code Standards Association of

AS 1210 Unfired Pressure Vessels Australia

IBN Construction Code for Pressure

Belgium Belgian Standards Institute

Ministry of International
Japan MITI Code
Trade and Industry

Country Code Issuing authority

Syndicat National de la
SNCT Construction Code for Unfired
France Chaudronnerie et de la
Pressure Vessels
Tuyauterie I


In the design of pressure vessel a number of criterial should be consider.These are;

 selection of the material for construction of the vessel based on working knowledge of
properties of the materials.
 Determination of the magnitude of the induced stress in conformity with the requirements
of standard codes, and
 Determination of the elastic stability

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The methodology followed in this project is summarized as follows.

• Data collection

• Geometric Analysis

• Force analysis

• Strength analysis

• AutoCAD/pro engineer design

 The design of pressure vessel occurs by two ways:-

1. Design by rule

2. Design by analysis

1. Design by rule:-by using the known rule calculated based shell thickness, thermo mechanical
stress and keeping stress below the allowable stress

2. Design by analysis:-by calculating each component of geometry stress etc.


Medium---------------------------------------------------- paraffin oil
Internal pressure------------------------------------------ 1Mpa
Nominal volume-------------------------------------------0.25m3
Service Temperature---------------------------------------350oc
Supporting Type--------------------------------------------saddle supporter
2longtudinal & 1lateral pipe diameter -------------------80mm
Bottom discharge diameter--------------------------------65mm

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The overall dimension of pressure vessel meaning diameter, length and thickness. But
diameter and length can be calculated now, but thickness can be calculated after stress

Fig-3.1 horizontal pressure vessel


Now we can determine the diameter and length of the shell from the given maximum
volume and in order to determine the total volume I have to consider the two hemispherical head
and cylindrical shell. I have length to internal diameter ratio is equals to R [1]

Table 3.1 Properties of L/D ratios

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There for the ratio of L/Di=3 and L=3Di because the design pressure is between 0 and
1.723.Because our given internal pressure is 1Mpa.

Vt = Vh+Vs where Vh=volume of the hemispherical head,

Vt = Total volume,

Vs=volume of the shell

Total volume (Vt) = Vh+Vs,

Vt = 2( )+ since for one hemisphere

--------------Volume for one hemisphere head

------------volume for both hemisphere head

----- Volume of shell

Vt = + , since L=3Di, Di=2Ri

From the above equation since Vt




Choosing the right material for pressure vessel will yield benefits in term of performance,
efficiency, and safety. However, designers must familiar with several factors that can influence
material selection.

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• Strength, including creep – strength determines the minimum required thickness of vessel
should be, to withstand the imposed loads or stresses. Ultimate tensile strength, yield strength,
creep and rupture strength are among the elements used to determine the overall strength of the

• Resistance to corrosion – chemical actions or change in environmental chemistry can

deteriorate the metals over a long period of time, where this single factor is sufficient to influent
the material selection.

Corrosion defines as the weakening of material by chemical reaction. Materials resistance to

corrosion is the most important factor that influences its selection for a specific application.
Specify a corrosion allowance is the common method that used to define corrosion in pressure
vessels components.
Table 3.2 Corrosion property
Chemical Cast iron Aluminum Nickel Copper Steen less
Paraffin Oil G G C C G

Where: G-good and C-caution-depending on the martial

• Fracture toughness – the capability of a material to hold out against conditions that can lead to
brittle fracture, characterized by the lack of deformation or yielding before the component fails
completely when exposed to a combination of low temperature, high stress, and critical size

Fracture toughness is Ability of material to withstand conditions that could cause brittle fracture.
 Brittle fracture
– Typically at “low” temperature
– Can occur below design pressure
– No yielding before complete failure
 Conditions required for brittle fracture
– High enough stress for crack initiation and growth
– Low enough material fracture toughness at temperature
– Critical size defect to act as stress concentration

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 Fracture toughness varies with:

- Temperature
- Type and chemistry of steel
- Manufacturing and fabrication processes
 Other factors that influence fracture toughness:
- Arc strikes, especially if over repaired area
- Stress raisers or scratches in cold formed thick plate

Toughness: Toughness is associated with tensile strength, and is a measure of the material‟s
resistance to crack propagation. The crystal structure of ductile materials, such as steel,
aluminum and copper, is such that they stop the propagation of a crack by local yielding at the
crack tip. In other materials, such as the cast irons and glass, the structure is such that local
yielding does not occur and the materials are brittle. Brittle materials are weak in tension but
strong in compression. Under compression any incipient cracks present are closed up. Various
techniques have been developed to allow the use of brittle materials in situations where tensile
stress would normally occur.

• Fabric ability – sufficient ductility of the material to permit the rolling process of the plate for
ease of construction of pressure vessel. Plate material should be wieldable to assemble the
individual segments.


Pressure vessels are constructed from plain carbon steels; low and high alloy steels, other
alloys, clad plate, and reinforced plastics. Selection of suitable material must take into account
the suitability of the material for fabrication (particularly welding) as well as the compatibility of
the material with the process environment. As the temperature of material increases strength of
material decreases so the maximum allowable design stress will depend on the material
temperature. The pressure vessel design codes and standards include lists of acceptable materials
in accordance with appropriate material standards

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For suitable material selection of my pressure vessel I use the following table as a guide. Typical
design stress values for some common materials are shown in the table below.


1. The effect of curvature of the cylinder wall is neglected.

2. The tensile stresses are uniformly distributed over the section of the walls.

3. The effect of the restraining action of the heads at the end of the pressure vessel is neglected.

When a thin cylindrical shell is subjected to an internal pressure, it is likely to fail in the two

1. It may fail along the longitudinal section (i.e. circumferentially) splitting the cylinder in to two

2. It may fail across the transverse section (i.e. longitudinally) splitting the cylinder into two
cylindrical shells.

 noncorrosive
 Contents and its special chemical/physical effects
 Design condition (temperature)
 Design life and fatigue affected events during the plant life
 Referenced codes and standards
 Low temperature service
 Wear and abrasion resistance
 Welding and other fabrication processes
 Corrosion Resistance
 Resistance to Hydrogen Attack
 Fracture Toughness
 Fabric ability
 Cost

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Table 3.3 - standard material

Based on the above parameters we select Low alloy steel as our shell material for the pressure
vessel, because:-

 Low alloy steel is a good corrosion resistant

 High strength with density around 7800 kg/m3
 Good machinability
 Low alloy steel suits with our medium paraffin oil
Table 3.4- material selection
Parts Of Horizontal Materials Used Design Stress In N/mm2
Pressure Vessel
Nozzle Carbon steel 80N/mm2
saddle support Carbon steel 80N/mm2
Flanges 125N/mm2
Stainless steel(Ti

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Shell Low alloy steel 230N/mm2
Head Stainless steel(Ti 125N/mm2
Pipe stainless steel 100N/mm2
Manhole Carbon steel 80N/mm2

One of the most important requisites in the development and manufacturing of satisfactory
pressure vessels at minimum cost is the material choice. The choice depends upon several
factors, including stress levels, stress states, number of trading cycles, construction stages, stress
discontinuities, failure criterion and environmental conditions.
This selection of material is based on the appropriateness of the design requirement so;
selection of materials of the steel plates shall take into account the suitability of the materials
with the maximum working pressure and fabrication process


The material that I have selected is mainly stainless steel 18Cr/8Ni (Ti stabilized) but I also
use other material because of it have high yield strength, their cost, high corrosion resistance,
good tensile strength and high fracture toughness as mentioned below. Stainless steel is working
under the temperature between 2050c up to 8000c so; I can use it for my design because the
temperature given to me is 3500c.

Table 3.5 - properties of material selected

Material Design stress (Mpa) Corrosion resistance Tensile strength(Mpa)

Stainless steel 100 Good 540

Carbon steel 80 Good 360
Low alloy steel 230 Good 550

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A welding joint is a permanent joint which is obtained by the fusion of the edges of the two
parts to be joined together with or without the application of pressure and a filler material.
Welding is extensively used in fabrication as an alternative method for casting or forging and as
a replacement for bolted and riveted joints.

3.7.1 Advantage of welding joint

 The welding structures are usually lighter than riveted structures.
 The welding joints provide maximum efficiency (may be 100%).
 Welding joint has prater strength.
 The welding provides very rigid joints.
 It is possible to weld any part of a structure at any point.

3.7.2 Welding processes

The welding processes may be broadly classified into the following two groups

1. Welding processes that use heat alone

E.g. fusion welding
2. Welding processes that use a combination of heat and pressure

E.g. forge welding

3.7.3 Stress for welding joint

The stresses in welded joints are difficult to determine because of the variable and unpredictable
Parameters like homogeneity of the weld metal, thermal stresses in the welds, changes of
physical Properties due to high rate of cooling etc. The stresses are obtained, on the following
 The load is distributed uniformly along the entire length of the weld, and
 The stress is spread uniformly over its effective section

There are different kind of welding based on IS-28-25 it categorized in to 4 select

(A) category A: longitudinal welded joints within the main sheet, communicating,
Chambers, nozzles and any welded joints within a formed or flat Head.

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(B) Category B: circumferential welded joints within the main shell communicating
chambers, nozzles and transitions in diameter including joints between the translations and a
cylinder at either the large of small end, circumferential welded joints connecting from heads to
main shells to nozzles and to communicating hampers.
(C) Category c: welded joints connecting flanges, tubes sheets and flat heads to main
shells, to formed heads, to nozzles or to communicating chambers and any welded joints
connecting one side plate to another side plate of a flat sided vessel.
(D) Category d: welded joints connecting communicating chambers or nozzles to main
shell, to heads and to flat sided vessels and those joints connecting nozzles to communicating

Fig 3.2. Weld joints –typical location and category of welds

3.7.4 Conclusion on the welding type

I select Category A (type 1) and butt joint for the shell and head. And its radiographic
examination (full), joint efficiency is (E=1).
Table 3.6 Joint efficiency table

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When we design shell we must first design the following parameters diameters and length of the
shell, approximate wall thickness with corrosion allowance and stress checking. Design of shell thickness:

The design thickness is the minimum required thickness plus an allowance for shrinkage.

Now, we can calculate the thickness of the plate by considering the welding efficiency and
allowable stress.

We use double butt joint with weld efficiency E=1

From ASME standard formula thickness for cylindrical shell is calculated for circumferential
and longitudinal case and larger is taken as follows

-------------------------- for longitudinal

--------------------------- for circumferential

Where, Pi= internal pressure = 1Mpa

S= allowable stress for less alloy steel = 240Mpa

E = welding efficiency = 1

Ri = radius of the shell = 500mm

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Table 4.1 - parts with their standard formula from ASME

 For longitudinal

Where corrosion allowance = 3mm

 For circumferential

, where corrosion allowance = 3mm

Therefore I take the larger value tshell=7 mm

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But, the outer diameter of the shell is:

, where t=thickness of the shell

From the thickness diameter ratio we have analyzed based on

If ………………… It is called thick cylinder

If …………………. It is called thin cylinder

Therefore , because of this our shell is thin

 From the shell cylinder theory of stress condition

Hoop stress

Lateral stress

To check it:-

Since both longitudinal and hoop stress are less than the allowable stress S


 So that our shell design is safe for such cases.

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lOMoARcPSD|34810716 Design of shell weight:

Based on the above criteria we would design the weight of shell

Mass of shell equals to volume of shell times density of shell

Table 4.2- density of alloy

Density of Alloy Steels

g/cm3 kg/m3 lb / in3

AISI 4037 7.85 7850 0.284

AISI 4130 7.85 7850 0.284
AISI 4140 7.85 7850 0.284
AISI 4150 7.85 7850 0.284
AISI 4340 7.85 7850 0.284

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Therefore , where g=9.81

The ends of a cylindrical vessel are closed by heads of various shapes. From types of heads
which is listed before I choose hemisphrical head inorder to close both sides of the pressure
vessel shell. And the reason I choose this type of head is;
 The hemispherical head is strongest shape and capable of resisting high pressure .
 Hemispherical heads are used for high pressures. HEAD THICKNESS

My pressure vessel is hemispherical head in shape and 1MPa internal design pressure is applied on it
and its thickness is given below

According on the two theory which is used to calculate head thickness

1) thin-shell theory

S= (PR)/ (2t)

2) „‟exact‟‟ theory

S= [PRi3/R30-R3i] [1+R30/2R3i]

Given values

Ri =0.5m





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1) thin-shell theory

S= (PR)/ (2t)

S= (1MPa*0.507m)/ (2*0.007m)


2) „‟exact‟‟ theory

S= [PRi3/ (R30-R3i)] [1+R30/2R3i]

S= [(1MPa)*(0.5m) 3/ (0.5073-0.53) m3] *[1 + (0.5073/2*0.53)]


Therefore, let‟s find the head thickness and take the largest value for S=12.9MPa.

the =PRi/ (2SE-0.2P) + C.A

= (1MPa*0.5m)/ (2*125MPa*1 – 0.2*1MPa) + 0.003m

the = 0.005m=5mm

Where, Pi= internal pressure

Ro= outer radius

S= allowable stress

E= welding efficiency


Then , but

Since, it is less than allowable stress our design is safe at the center due to tangential load.

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Weight of hemispherical head:

, take g = 9.81m/s2


To joined the head and shell I use butt walled joint according on the (category a see page 11) and
the head shell have deferent thickness in according to CODE UW-9(c),UW-13. Joining of a
plate unequal thickness with butt weld, the thickness of the plate shall be tapered is more than
3.125mm (1/8in). Ref [2]

Fig 4.1.waldig type of head to shell

Thickness of head (th=5mm) and shell (ts=7mm), their deference (2mm) is greater than 3.125mm
(1/8in) or 3.175mm.
l 3*y and y=2mm
l 6mm.

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For selecting the standard dimension and material for the flange by applying the
American National Standard ANSI B16.5-1981 of temperature and pressure rating. The
given temperature is 350 C (662.6oF) and pressure is 1 MPa (145 PSi).

Table 4.3 Temperature pressure rating

Class 150 lb.

Hydrostatic test/design pressure MPa(PSi) 1 (145)
Temperature ,oC(oF) Maximum allowable non-shock pressure,
350(662.6) 0.738(97.5)

We know that the flange is class 150lb and the material is Stainless steel (Ti stabilized) we
select Welding-neck flanges, because have a long tapered hub between the flange ring and the
welded joint. This gradual transition of the section reduces the discontinuity stresses between the
flange and branch, and increases the strength of the flange assembly.

Welding-neck flanges are suitable for extreme service conditions; where the flange is likely to be
subjected to temperature, shear and vibration loads. They will normally be specified for the
connections and nozzles on process vessels and process equipment.

There are 7 flange that we used for our pressure vessel their value is shown blow.

 Two longitudinal pipe with D=80mm (3.15in).

 One lateral pipe with D=80mm (3.15in).

 One bottom discharge D=65mm (2.56in)

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Table 4.4:- 150lb. Flanges standard ANSI B16.5

Nomin Diamet Length Diameter of Diameter Outside Thickness Outside Bolting

al pipe er of through the the hub at of the hub diameter of the diameter
size, the hub [C] the point of at the base flange flange [J] the raised
mm(in bore, welding [E] [G] [H] face [K]
) mm(in)
80.0(3. 90.17(3 71.4375(2. 101.6(4.0) 120.3125(4 215.9(8.5 23.8125 139.7 M16
15) .55) 8125) .8125) ) (0.9375) (5.5)

65(2.5 62.738( 69.8(2.75) 73.152(2.88) 90.4875(3. 177.8(7) 22.225(0.8 92.075(2.5 M16

59) 2.47) 5625) 75) )

fig 4.2.welding neck flange

The lode on the flange can be given as fallow -----R [1]

m=gasket factor 2b=effective gasket pressure width

Pi=internal pressure of flange tf= thickness of flange

Pi=0.738MPa tf=J

B=in side diameter of a flange for each pipe hd= (G + H – 2E)/4

B=A/2 hg= (H - G)/4

b=effective gasket selling width ht= (G + H)/4

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G‟=mane diameter of gasket

=B + (ht-hg)

Hg=gasket reaction forces (pressure forces)

=πG‟ (2b) mPi

H=total pressure

= (π/4)G‟2Pi

Hd = pressure force of area inside the flange

= (π/4) B2Pi

Ht=pressure for a flange face

=H - Hd

The moment on the flange is

Mop= Hd * hd + Ht*ht + Hg*hg

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Fig4.4-pressure temperature rate

Let‟s calculate the lode and moment

 There gasket factor width and internal pressure for the flange are the same

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m=2.5, b for 65mm=14mm, b for 80mm=16 and Pi=0.738MPa

hd= (G + H – 2E)/4

For 65 mm= (90.4875+177.8-2*73.152)mm/4=30.4958mm

For 80mm = (120.3125+215.9-2*101.6)mm/4=33.25mm

hg= (H - G)/4

For 65 mm= (177.8-90.4875)mm/4=21.828mm

For 80mm= (215.9-120.3125)mm/4=23.89mm


For 65mm= (90.4875+177.8)mm/4=67.07mm

For 80mm= (120.3125+133.5)mm/4=84.05mm


For 65mm=22.225mm

For 80mm=23.8125mm


For 65mm=62.738mm/2=31.369mm

For 80mm=90.17mm/2=45.09mm

G‟=B + (ht - hg)

For 65mm=31.369mm + (67.07-21.828) mm=76.611mm

For 80mm=45.09mm + (84.05-23.89) mm=105.25mm

H= (π/4) G‟2Pi

For 65mm= (π/4) (76.611mm) 2 *0.738MPa=3401.95N

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For 80mm = (π/4) (105.25) 2*0.738MPa=6420.8189N

Hd= (π/4) B2Pi

For 65mm= (π/4)(31.369mm)20.738MPa=570.35N

For 80mm = (π/4)(45.09mm)2*0.738MPa=1178.4N

Ht =H-Hd

For 65mm= (3401.95-570.35)N=2831.6N

For 80mm= (6420.81-1178.4)N=5242.4N

Hg=πG‟ (2b)mPi

For 65 mm=π (76.611mm)(2*14mm)2.5*0.738MPa=12.427KN

For 80mm=π (105.25mm)(2*16mm)2.5*0.738MPa=19.512KN

The moment is

Mop=Hd*hd + Ht*ht + Hg*hg

For 65 mm pipe



For 80mm pipe

Mop= (1178.4N)(33.25mm)+(5342.4N)(84.05mm)+(19512.12N)(23.89mm)


The minimum load required bolt load under the operating condition given by

Wm1=H + Hg

Wm1, 65mm=3401.95N + 12427.1N=15,829N

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Wm1, 80mm=6420.819N + 19512.12N=25,932.939N

The force and the momentum must be checked under the bolting up conditions. The
moment is given by


Where Wm2 is the bolt load required to sat the gasket, given by

Wm2= yπG‟b y=gasket sating pressure (stress) =2.8MPa

Wm2, 65mm=2.8MPaπ*76.611mm*14mm=9429.89N


Matm,80mm=14,805.7N*23.82mm=352,672.4Nmm=352.672Nm FLANGE STRESS

Flange stress are given by based on these stress R [2] and R [3]

 Longitudinal hub stress


 Radial flange stress


 Tangential flange stress

σtg=F3M - F4σrd

where M is taken as Mop/B‟ or Matm/B‟, whichever is the greater; and the factors F1, F2, F3
and F4 are functions of the flange type and dimensions, and are obtained as followed

 F1= 1/λ gt2 s

gt= (G-A)/2

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λ=δ + γ
δ=t3/d d= (u/v) hogo2
γ=α/T α=tf*e+1
ho= (B‟go)1/2=(B‟J)1/2

 F2=β/λt2 t=thickness of the flange=J

 F3=y/t y=(1-v2)u
 F4=z z=k-factor

K=A‟/B‟ A‟= (H-G)/2 and B‟=(G-A)/2

K =(H-G)/(G-A)

K65mm= (177.8-90.4875) mm / (90.4875-62.738) mm =3.14

K80mm= (215.9-120.3125) mm / (120.3125-90.17) mm =3.17

And from R [2] we find this table

Table 4.5 value of (K, T, Z, Y and U)
Nominal pipe K T Z Y, MPa(Psi) U
65 3.14 1.17 1.23 (1.79) 1.97
80 3.17 1.16 1.22 (1.77) 1.94

Y-gasket seating design stress

 Let‟s find the value of (e)
e=F/ho =F/(B’J)1/2

Let‟s find the value of F (in y-axis) by using ASME code, section viii, Dev x-axis g1/go
(or B‟/J) and (**)

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Fig 4.5 values of F and V ……. from R [6]

h/ho(or (C-J)/(B‟*J)1/2)
After calculating of this value we fined F for each flange
And the values are shown below.

e=F/ho =F/(B’J)1/2

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And let‟s find (α and β)

α65mm=22.225mm (0.0342/mm)+1=1.76
α80mm=23.8125mm (0.0406/mm)+1=1.966
β65mm=1.333*22.225mm (0.0342/mm)+1=2.013
β80mm=1.333*23.8125mm (0.0406/mm)+1=2.288

And γ will be

Let‟s find the value of v from ASME code Viii Div. 1 using by the value of (**) and it
will be
V80mm= 0.275
d will be d= (u/v) (B‟J)1/2J2

d65mm = (1.97/0.65) (13.874mm*22.225mm)1/2 (22.225mm)2

d80mm = (1.16/0.27) (15.07mm*23.8125mm)1/2 (23.8125mm)2

The value of δ will be

δ65mm = (22.225mm)3/25446.55mm3
δ80mm = (23.8125mm)3/46149.11mm3
Let‟s find the value of λ

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λ65mm = 0.4314+1.504=1.9354
λ80mm= 0.2925+1.694=1.9865
y will be
y65mm = (1-0.652)1.97=1.137
y80mm = (1-0.272) 1.94=1.798

gt will be
table 4.6 factor of flange and moment
Nominal Dia. F1(1/mm2) F2 (1/mm2) F3(1/mm2) F4(1/mm2)
(mm) F1= 1/λ gt 2
F2=β/λt2 F3=y/t2 F4=z

65 0.0026 0.0021 0.0036 1.23

80 0.00221 0.00203 0.00312 1.22

To find the stress on the flange we must the value of the moment M and it is the largest of
them(Mop/B‟ or Matm/B‟). And it is given below.

Nominal diameter(mm) Mop(Nm)/(KNmm) Matm(Nm)/(KNmm)

65 478.6 205.835
80 954 352.672

There for M=Mop/B‟ the stress is

For 65mm=0.0026(1/mm2)(478.6KNmm/13.874mm)

For 80mm=0.00332(1/mm2) (954KNmm/15.07mm)


σrd = F2M

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For 65mm=0.0021(1/mm2)(478.6KNmm/13.874mm)
For 80mm=0.00203(1/mm2) (954KNmm/15.07mm)

σtg =F3M-F4σrd
For 65mm=0.0036(1/mm2)(478.6KNmm/13.874mm) - 1.23*73.804MPa
For 80mm = 0.00312(1/mm2) (954KNmm/15.07mm) - 1.22*128.5MPa
= 90.74MPa

The flange must be sized so that the stresses given by equations satisfy the following criteria:
when ffo=102.04MPa (14.8KPSi) is the maximum allowable design stress for the flange material
at the operating conditions.
σhb> 1.5ffo
F0r 65mm 189.69MPa > 153.06MPa---- (satisfied)
F0r 80mm 210.171MPa > 153.06MPa---- (satisfied)

For 65mm 113.804MPa > 102.04MPa ------ (satisfied)
For 80mm 128.5MPa > 102.04MPa ------ (satisfied)

0.5(σhb+σrd) >ffo
For 65mm 151.747MPa8 > 102.04MPa --- (satisfied)
For 80mm 169.3MPa > 102.04MPa ------- (satisfied)

0.5(σhb+σtg) >ffo
For 65mm 136.595MPa > 102.04MPa --- (satisfied)
For 80mm 150.455MPa > 102.04MPa --- (satisfied)

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From the table the material [SA-193-B7] and maximum allowable stress (fb) for the bolt is
172.37MPa (25KPSi).

The minimum bolt area is given by

Where Wm greatest of Wm1or Wm2

Table 1.7 material [SA-193-B7]

Nominal Dia.(mm) Wm1(N) Wm2(N)
65 15,829 9429.89
80 25,932.939 14,805.7

For 65mm =15829N/172.37MPa=91.83mm2
For 80mm =25,932.939 N/172.37N/ mm2=150.45mm2

The bolts are subjected to shear stress due to the torque transmitted

, Db= , but We know that according to maximum shear stress

theory, the maximum shear stress is one-half the algebraic difference of the
maximum and minimum principal stress. Since the maximum principal tress is the
hoop stress (σh) and minimum principal stress is the longitudinal stress σl (),

Selected low alloy steel of code SA-193-B7 & the allowable stress is 230MPa

 Maximum shear stress, τ = =17.857MPa

Where p=mg=ρvg=800x0.25x9.81

 Db=mm, Db=√ =√ =11.8mm the standard is 12

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 Length of bolt, l=2Db+13=2x12+13=37mm L=37mm

 Across flat of bolt, B = 1.75Db =1.75*12= 21mm B=21mm
 Across corner of bolt, A/C = 2Db=24mm A/C=24mm
 Head of bolt, H =0.7Db = 0.7* 12= 8.4mm H=8.4mm
 Tail of nut, T = 0.8Db = 0.8*12 =9.6mm T=9.6mm
 Pitch of bolt, p = 0.1Db = 0.1*12 = 1.2mm P= 1.2mm
 Thread length, TL= 2Db+6 =2*12+6 =30mm TL=30mm

Figure 4.5. Bolt and Nut

 Load in each bolt F= (πd2/4) *σb

=3.14*122 /4*230 = 26012.38N= 26.012KN

 Total load on all the bolt F = (π*d2/4) *σb*n

= (π*122/4) *230*4 =104,049.548N= 104.049KN

The bolt spacing must be selected to give a uniform compression of the gasket. It will not
normally be less than 2.5 times the bolt diameter, to give sufficient clearance for tightening with
a wrench or spanner. The following formula can be used to determine the maximum bolt

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Pb=2Db+6tf/ (m+0.5)
Where Pb-bolt pitch (spacing), mm
Db- bolt diameter, mm
tf- flange thickness, mm
m-Gasket factor, 2.5
Pb will be
For 65mm =2*12mm+6*22.225mm/(2.5+0.5)=68.45mm
For 80mm =2*12mm+6*23.8125mm/(2.5+0.5)=71.625mm


To find the thickness of the nozzle

tn=PR/ (SE-0.6P) + C.A

Where tn-thickness of the flange

P-maximum allowable
E-joint efficiency (E=1)
S-maximum allowable stress
R-internal radius of the pipe
C.A-corrosion allowance
For our nozzle we selects SA-106-B from the table and S=83.63MPa (13.0KPSi).

Table 4.8 from Material SA-106-B

Nominal Dia. (mm) P, MPa C.A, mm(in) Radius(mm)

65 19.6 1.6(1/16) 32.5

80 24.44 3.17(1/8) 40

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tn will be
tn,65mm=[(19.6MPa*32.5mm)/(83.63MPa*1- 0.6*19.6MPa)]+1.6mm


The “equal area method” is the simplest method used for calculating the amount of
reinforcement required, and is allowed in most design codes and standards. The principle used is
to provide reinforcement local to the opening, equal in cross-sectional area to the area removed
in forming the opening. If the actual thickness of the vessel wall is greater than the minimum
required to resist the loading, the excess thickness can be taken into account when estimating the
area of reinforcement required. Similarly with a branch connection, if the wall thickness of the
branch or nozzle is greater than the minimum required, the excess material in the branch can be
taken into account. Any corrosion allowance must be deducted when determining the excess
thickness available as compensation. The standards and codes differ in the areas of the branch
and shell considered to be effective for reinforcement, and should be consulted to determine the
actual area allowed and the disposition of the various types of reinforcement. For branch
connections of small diameter the reinforcement area can usually be provided by increasing the
wall thickness of the branch pipe. Some design codes and standards do not require compensation
for connections below 89 mm (3 in.) diameter. If anything, the equal area method tends to over-
estimate the compensation required and in some instances the additional material can reduce the
fatigue life of the vessel. More sophisticated methods for determining the compensation required
have been introduced into the latest editions of the codes and standards. The equal-area method
is generally used for estimating the increase in thickness required to compensate for multiple
openings. R [3] &R [1]

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First calculate the reinforcement area.

A=D*tsh*F where E-joint efficiency=1

F-correction factor=1

D-diameter of the pipe

tn-nozzle material thickness

tr-shell thickness=0.64((D+tn) tn)1/2

t-Shell material thickness= (for shell 7mm or for head 5mm)




 By taking A1 as the largest of the A11 or A12 calculating the reinforcement area of the

A11 = (Et-F*tr) D and A12=2(E*t-F*tr)*(t + tn)

A11, 65mm = (1*7mm-1*2.32mm) 65mm=304.2mm2

A12, 65mm =2(1*7mm-1*2.32mm) (7mm+10.5mm) =163.8mm2

A11, 80mm = (1*7mm-1*2.32mm) 80mm=374.4mm2

A12, 80mm =2(1*7mm-1*2.32mm) (12mm+17.345mm) =274.669mm2

There for A1 (reinforcement in shell) will be the largest value of (A11 or A12)

A1, 65mm=304.2mm2

A1, 80mm=374.4mm2

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By taking A2 as the smaller of A11 or A22 and calculate the available nozzle wall.

A21= (tn-trn)5t and A22=2(tn - trn)(2.5tn-te)

te=0(no pad) and trn= PR/(SE-0.6P)

A21, 65mm=(10.5mm-1.326mm)5*5mm=229.35mm2

A22, 65mm=2(10.5mm-1.326m)(2.5*10.5mm-0)=481.6mm2

A21, 80mm=(17.345mm-0.895mm)5*5mm=411.25mm2

A22, 80mm=2(17.345mm-0.895mm)(2.5*17.345mm -0)=1426.626mm2

A2 will be

A2, 65mm=481.6mm2

A2, 80mm=1426.626mm2


A65mm, total = (304.2+481.6) mm2=785.8mm2

A80mm, total = (374.4+1426.626) mm2=1801.062mm2

Nominal Dia.(mm) Atotal(mm2) A(mm2)

65 785.8 455

80 1801.062 560

Atotal > A so it is adequately reinforced.

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Manhole is an open area that the person can enters through it for the purpose of working in the
interior part of the vessel. Why because when the vessel needs operation the man easily enters
and he also do his practical work that the vessel needs. It is the assumption hole that designed by
considering the man‟s size.
Components of manhole to be designed;

 Thickness
 Hoop stress
 Nominal diameter

Where Tm = thickness of manhole

Rm = radius of manhole Dm =diameter of manhole

S = Allowable stress

Joint efficiency, E = 1

, but

Since then, our design is safe.

We assume the Manhole diameter to be 400mm

 When corrosion allowance is added (3mm)

Therefore thickness of wall of manhole, =5.52mm

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The saddles must be designed to withstand the load imposed by the weight of the Vessel and
contents. They are constructed of bricks or concrete, or are fabricated from steel plate. The
contact angle should not be less than 800, and will not normally be greater than 1200. Wear plates
are often welded to the shell wall to reinforce the wall over the area of contact with the saddle.
To take up any thermal expansion of the vessel, such as that in heat exchangers, the anchor bolt
holes in one saddle can be slotted. DUE TO INTERNAL PRESSURE
As we are treating the vessel as a thin cylinder so the values of hoop stress & longitudinal stress
are calculated as under. Therefore, radial stresses are ignored (very small) so we consider the
following primary membrane stresses. R [3]
S1 = PiDi /2t
= (1MPa) (1000mm) / 2(7mm)
= 71.4MPa
S2 = PiDi/ 4t
= (1MPa) (1000mm) / 4(7mm)
= 35.7MPa
As hoop stress is greater so design is based on hoop stress. STRESS DUE TO WEIGHT OF VESSEL & ATTACHMENT

It is assumed that weight of the vessel and its attachments results in compressive stress only
& eccentricity doesn‟t exist and the resulting force coincides with the axis of the vessel.
The weight shall be calculated for the various conditions of the tower as follows. R [3]
I. Erection weight
II. Operating weight
III. Test weight
The compressive stress due to the weight is given by
S = W / Ct ******** (+)
Where S = unit stress, MPa

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W = weight of vessel above the section under consideration, N

c = circumference of shell mm
t = thickness of shell, mm
The weights of different vessel elements are given in the tables attached. R [3]

1) SHELL=ρshell*Vshell *g
2) HEADS = ρhead*Vhead*g
=7850Kg/m3*0.0223m3*9.81m/s2 =1.72KN
3) FLANGES (6) = n* (SIZE) = 4*mflange*g=4*85.7kg*9.81m/s2
ERECTION WEIGHT= (5.08+1.72+3.36) KN=10.16KN


Which include the weight of the erection + operating liquid
Weight for operating liquid = ρliquid*vpressure vessel*g
= 800Kg/m3*0.25m3*9.81m/s2
Total weight=1.962KN + 10.16KN=12.122KN


Putting values in the formula ****** (+)
c = π * D mean =
t = 30mm
Sw = 12.122KN/ (3142mm*30mm) =1.286MPa (compressive)

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Large natural periods of vibration can lead to fatigue failure. The allowable period has been
computed from the maximum permissible deflection. R [2]
Period of vibration, T sec T=0.0000265(H / D)2*(w*D /t)½
Maximum allowable period of vibration, Ta (sec) Ta=0.80(WH /Vg) ½s
Where, D = Outside diameter of vessel, 1.014m=1014mm
H = Length of vessel, 7m=7000mm
g = 9.81m / sec2 gravitational acceleration
t = Thickness of saddle at the base, 10mm
W= Weight of tower, =12.122KN
w= weight of tower per mater of height, = 4.04KN
V = Total shear = ZICW/Rw =1038.6N ………….. Calculated below
Putting values to get period of vibration
T = 0.000265(7/1.014) 2*(4.04*1.014/0.01) ½
T = 0.25sec
Now allowable period of vibration
Ta = 0.80{W*H / V*g} ½
Ta = 0.263sec
As „T‟ is less than „Ta‟ hence the condition is satisfied. STRESS DUE TO EARTHQUAKE
The loading condition of the tower under seismic forces is similar to that of the
cantilever beam when the load increases uniformly towards the free end.
Shear V=ZICW/Rw
Moment M= [FtH+ (V-Ft) (2H /3)]

Mx= M(x/H)

Where C = Numerical coefficient=1.25S/T1/3

= 1.25*1/ (0.25) 1/3 =1.983
=1.983 (should not be more than 2.75)
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Rw=Numerical coefficient (use 2.9 for vessels)

E = Efficiency of welded joints = 1.0
Ft = Total horizontal seismic force at the top of the vessel, 0N (because T < 0.7)
= 0.07TV (Ft shall not exceed 0.25V)
= 0, for T < 0.7
H =Length of vessel including skirt, 7m=7000mm
I = Occupancy importance coefficient (use 1.0 for vessels)
K = Horizontal force factor (use 2.0 for vessels)
M = Maximum moment at the base, Nm
Mx= Moment at distance x, Nm
S = Numerical coefficient for site structure resonance = 1.0
The product CS shall not exceed 0.14
W = Weight of the vessel, 12.122KN
Z = Seismic factor = 0.15
Shear = (0.15*1*1.983*12.122KN)/2.9
V = 1243.34N
Ft = 0.07*T*V =0.07*0.25*1243.34N =21.756N
0.25V= 0.25*1243.34N =310.835N
As condition is that Ft should not exceed 0.25V so it is satisfied.
Therefore Moment
M = [21.756*3 + (1243.34-21.756)*(2*3/3)]
M =2,508.436Nm
Moment at skirt to head joint
Mt = M(x/H) where x=H/3=3m/3=1m
Therefore stress due to earthquake
Seq = 12* Mt / R2 *π* t= 12*836.145/ (0.5)2*π*0.007 =1825.05MPa

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5.1 Detail drawing of each components
5.1.1 Detail drawing of components by 2D and 3D

Fig 5.1 shell

Fig 5.2 Bolt and Nut

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Fig 5.3 Flange

Fig 5.4 Nozzle

Fig 5.5 Saddle support

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Fig 5.6 Hemispherical head

Fig 5.7Manhole

Fig 5.8 3D Assembled drawing

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Front view

Fig 5.9 Top view

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From our project we designed horizontal positioned pressure vessel and its parts, so now we
draw the results as follows:

Table-6.1 Results

Parts of designed Dimensions Material Quantity

horizontal L(mm) Do(mm) Di(mm) t(mm)
Shell 3000 1014 1000 7 Low alloy 1
Head _ 1014 1000 7 Stainless 2
Flange 215.9 / - 22.2/ Stainless 1
177.8 23.8 stabilized
Nozzle - 65/ - 10.5/ Carbon 1
80 17.345 steel
Supports - 1014 - 10 Carbon 2
Man hole - 400 - 5.52 Carbon 1
- - - - - - -

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We are pleased to do this project and recommended for all to design pressure vessel.
We done the best one and promote for market to join our members and work together as a we remark preferred thin walled vessel operate low pressure and it has simple
bending stress due to weight of vessel itself and fluid can be eliminate. Welded also
fabricated the stress is comfortable with diameter and thickness and we chose the material
better strength and economically have low cost. So we do the best one designation of
pressure vessel and we launched our product soon with our share holder and customer

We conclude from this project the types of pressure vessel we design is horizontal
pressure vessel which storage about 0.25m3of paraffin liquid. The stress in the vessel thickness
are increasing with reduction of thickness and bending stresses are within allowable limit for all
cases considered.

The horizontal pressure vessels are often preffered,especially for a thin walled vessel
operating under low pressure. The design of a horizontal cylindrical vessels becomes simple
beacause of the additional bending stresses due to weight of the vessel it self and often fluid can
be eliminated.

Welded also very important fabrication of pressure vessels. Usually welded directly to the
vessel,because the saddle are reqiured to withstand the pressure in the vessels.

As we see from the above analysis, the stress applied is comfortable with that of the diameter
and thickness of the vessel. The material chosen is better in strength to overcome the load and
stress applied even if economically safe due to low cost.

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[1] F. Daghia, E. Beranger, P. Pichon, T. Composites, and C. Chaffault, “A hierarchy of models

for the design of composite pressure vessels,” pp. 1–45, 2020.

[2] B. Cárdenas, “Wire-wound pressure vessels for small scale CAES,” pp. 1–26, 2020.

[3] L. Zu et al., “Winding path design based on mandrel profile updates of composite pressure
vessels,” pp. 1–27, 2020.

[4] L. P. Antalffy, K. D. Kirkpatrick, A. Rajguru, and Y. Zhu, “The design of lifting attachments
for the erection of large diameter and heavy wall pressure vessels,” pp. 1–29, 2020.

[5] R. Frith and M. Stone, “A proposed new pressure vessel design class,” pp. 1–20, 2020.

[6] D. S. Kushan, S. Sanyal, and S. Bhowmick, “Parametric study of interaction effect between
closely-spaced nozzles in a thin cylindrical pressure vessel,” pp. 1–22, 2020.

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R [1]. Coulson & Richardson (2005).Chemical Engineering Design. (4thed) vol.6

R [2]. Pressure vessel Design Manual. (Third Edition) DENNIS R.Moss,

Fluor, California, USA
R [4]. Dekker C.J. and Bos H.J. “Nozzles-on external loads and internal pressure
International Journal of pressure vessel and piping 72 (1997) I-18.
R [5]. ASME VIII-1, 2007 ed, 2009 add 1, 50 Pressure Vessel Engineering
Ltd 120 Randall Drive, Suite B Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1C6

R [6]. ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 2, Para, AF712.

R [7].

R [8]. A textbook of machine design r.s. khurmi J.k. gupta

R [9]. Timoshenko, S., “Strength of Materials, Part II” D. Van No strand

Co., Princeton, N. J., 1930
R [10]. Cross land, B., Jorgensen, S. M. and Bones, J. A., "The Strength
Of Thick-walled Cylinders", ASME Paper No. 58-PET-20, Oct. 1958

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Appendix I
Country Code Issuing authority/

U.S ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code ASME

BS 1515 Fusion Welded Pressure

U.K British Standard Institute
BS 5500 Unfired Fusin Welded
Pressure Vessels

Germany AD Merblatter

Associanize Nationale Per II

Italy ANCC Controllo Peula

Netherlands Regeis Voor Toestellen Dienst voor het Stoomvezen

Swedish Pressure Vessel

Sweden Tryckkarls kommissionen

AS 1200:SAA Boiler Code Standards Association of

AS 1210 Unfired Pressure Vessels Australia

IBN Construction Code for Pressure

Belgium Belgian Standards Institute

Ministry of International
Japan MITI Code
Trade and Industry

Country Code Issuing authority

SNCT Construction Code for Unfired Syndicat National de la

Pressure Vessels Chaudronnerie et de la

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Appendix II

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