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TOCF Based Control For Optimum Operation of A Grid Tied Solar PV System

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3, SEPTEMBER 2020 1171

TOCF Based Control for Optimum Operation

of a Grid Tied Solar PV System
Bhim Singh, Fellow, IEEE, and Vandana Jain , Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this work, a third order complex filter (TOCF) load and to the grid at UPF (Unity Power Factor) with reduced
based control technique is used for a double stage grid tied solar harmonics. The references for the harmonics and distortion, are
photovoltaic (PV) system. The PV array generates the real power recommended in [2], [3].
and provides it to the load connected and remaining to the utility.
The voltage source converter functions as a distribution static Ropp et al. [4] have recommended a design method of the PV
compensator and improves power quality of the grid by mitigating source, which realization is generic in nature. Another method
harmonics, balancing of the grid currents with unity power factor. for PV array modeling and MPP (Maximum Power Point) for
It also performs well under weak grid scenario like voltage dis- extraction of maximum power in nonuniform solar irradiance, is
tortion, grid faults, DC offset, voltage unbalances and swell/sag. explained in [5]. A modified P&O (Perturb and Observe) based
The main objective of this work is positive sequence components
extraction from unbalanced voltages for unit templates estima- MPP is demonstrated in [6] to avoid fluctuations around MPP
tion and TOCF algorithm extracts the fundamental component during irradiation variation. There are various controls related to
of the load currents. A PV power term is applied for improved MPP techniques described in [7] like P&O, estimated P&O, INC
system performance. This work demonstrates the effectiveness of (Incremental Conductance), fuzzy logic and neural network.
control algorithm at various dynamic conditions by simulating the Other MPP algorithms are demonstrated in [8].
behavior of the system in MATLAB. Tests are conducted on an
experimental setup realized in the laboratory at different abnor- A grid tied solar PV source offers a benefit of PQ improvement
mal situations like load unbalancing, voltage unbalance, voltage and transmits PV source energy to connected loads and to the
distortions, voltage swell/sag, insolation change, DSTATCOM-PV utility, thus moderating the electricity production requirement
mode and PV-DSTATCOM mode etc. The system operation is from conventional resources. When sunlight is absent, VSC
found satisfactory and distortion levels in grid currents are found works in DSTATCOM mode and delivers power to the load from
in bounds, as suggested in IEEE standard-519.
the grid with enhanced PQ. The enhancement in PQ, relies on
Index Terms—MPP, P&O, power quality, PV array, TOCF, the effectiveness of VSC control, for the estimation of the grid
voltage distortion.
reference currents. Various controls have been demonstrated in
I. INTRODUCTION the text. Few of them are instantaneous reactive power theorem
(IRPT), least mean square and fourth (LMS & LMF) [9]–[11].
N TODAY’S situation, green energy production is evolving
I as substitute to fossil fuels for electric energy generation.
Easy availability and green nature of PV energy make it remark-
Adaline-LMS, SRF and IRPT comparison have been illustrated
in [12].
The DC offset in the load current, occurs mainly due to mea-
able substitute of power production. However, grid situations surement problems, digital signal processing, analog to digital
are extremely weak, unpredictable and ruined with a problem converter (ADC), rectifiers. Due to drift in analog circuit and
of poor power quality (PQ) i.e., existence of harmonics and the nonlinear characteristics of ADC and sensors (current and
distortions [1]. PQ disturbances result in malfunctioning and voltage), an unavoidable DC offset is introduced in the mea-
unpredictable failure of devices tied in the system. Thus, it sured signal. The occurrence of grid faults, rectifier operation,
becomes a challenging assignment to incorporate renewable transformer saturation etc. are the other causes of the DC offset
systems to the weak grid, due to their irregular nature. These PQ [13]–[15]. When the DC offset current flows in the grid, working
disturbances are reduced by VSC (Voltage Source Converter). of the distribution transformer is greatly affected. The DC offset
It operates as distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM) as in the current shifts the operating point of the transformer and
explained in the text [1]. It feeds PV energy to the connected it increases the magnetizing current, which results in the over-
heating of the transformer winding and decreases the lifetime of
Manuscript received April 23, 2019; revised August 21, 2019, December 5, the transformer. It also results in electrochemical corrosion in
2019, and February 21, 2020; accepted April 6, 2020. Date of publication April
27, 2020; date of current version August 20, 2020. This work was supported in the grounding systems. Overall, it effects the normal operation
part by the Government of India under Grant RP03391 and in part by J. C. Bose of a grid connected PV system with nonlinear loads [16]–[18].
Fellowship (RP03128). Paper no. TEC-00424-2019. (Corresponding author: During DC offset, all the above stated control algorithms
Vandana Jain.)
The authors are with the Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Tech- provide poor performance to obtain the load current fundamental
nology Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India (e-mail: [email protected]; component (FCLC) at point of common interconnection (PCI)
[email protected]). under grid anomalies of voltage sag/swell and grid voltage
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available online
at https://ieeexplore.ieee.org. distortion. For the rejection of DC offset, GIs (Generalized
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEC.2020.2990907 Integrators) are used. The SOGI-QSG (Second Order GI) does

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See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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not offer ideal DC-offset rejection and does not eliminate all the
higher order harmonics. Rodridguez et al. [19] have proposed
adaptive notch filter (ANF) control on three phase system. Practi-
cal application of a NF, is extremely difficult due to its amplitude
ideality and characteristics of the phase and its sensitivity to the
variations in the system parameters, that makes it unrealistic for
real-world applications. Thus, to overcome shortcomings of the
existing GI’s, an enhanced GI having good DC-offset elimina-
tion capacity with higher order harmonics elimination ability
with a third order complex filter (TOCF) is used in this work.
A weak grid has a frequent problem of voltage fluctuations.
An unexpected failure of grid may cause in the deficit of the
electricity production. Generally, a grid tied system is provided
with suitable protection schemes for the voltage fluctuations.
However, the relay operates on a narrow range that may lead
to VSC malfunctioning. The malfunctioning in VSC leads to
PV transmission loss to the grid and creating add-on burden on Fig. 1. System Configuration.
the grid for meeting the total generation requirement. Thus, in
order to overcome this problem, a double stage PV system is
used with DC link adaptive voltage control. The first stage is a
boost converter (DC-DC), which supports PV array to operate
at MPP and another stage is the VSC pulse generation control
to transfer the PV power to the utility.
In this work, a TOCF control is used for FCLC extraction in
a two-stage solar PV source tied to a grid (three phase), with
an improvement of PQ at grid abnormal circumstances of grid
faults, DC offset, voltage unbalances, distortion and voltage fluc-
tuations. The FCLC is applied to obtain grid reference currents
(GRC’s). The P&O based MPP is applied on a solar PV array. To
accomplish a quick transient response, a PV feed-forward term is
also used. The system is examined at several abnormal situations Fig. 2. Control algorithm.
like load unbalancing, voltage unbalances, voltage sag/swell,
voltage distortion, erratic PV conditions etc.
Key contributions of this work, are as follows. II. SYSTEM OUTLINE
r The TOCF (Third Order Complex Filter) based control
The outline of three phase two stage grid tied PV source is
estimates the PSCs (Positive Sequence Components) from demonstrated in Fig. 1. This scheme comprises of a grid, AC
unbalanced voltages and FCLC from the distorted grid inductors, PV source, RC filter, nonlinear load and capacitor.
currents effectively to reduce harmonics distortion.
r The TOCF based control improves the power quality of The RC filters mitigate switching ripples from PCI voltages.
The boost converter draws the peak power from the PV array
the system by decreasing current and voltage harmonics and this peak power is transferred to the utility at UPF (Unity
during the distortion caused by either the load (nonlinear) Power Factor) via VSC. This VSC is interfaced to the PV array
or by the supply voltage.
r A decrease in electricity provided by the utility in the day using AC inductors (Interfacing Inductors). A capacitor in the
DC link is used for the connection of the boost converter with
because of the energy produced by PV source tied to the VSC.
grid at UPF.
r The term for the PV generation, is applied for the reduction
of grid current fluctuation during system dynamics. III. CONTROL STRUCTURE
r To minimize the losses due to VSC switching, an adaptive
control for the DC-link voltage is implemented according Fig. 2 represents the control scheme. It is segregated in two
to the PCI voltage variation. major sections: (1) MPP control through DC-DC converter and
r An instinctive-protection scheme is used during grid faults (2) VSC control.
for protection of entire system and equipment.
To examine the system performance, a double stage grid
interfaced PV source is tested and a system prototype is realized. A. MPP Control
Test results are recorded at perturbation in the load, erratic PV in- The P&O based MPP is realized through a DC-DC converter
solation and abnormal grid situations of unbalances, distortion, for the withdrawal of maximum power from the PV source.
sag and swell in the grid voltage. It provides duty cycle (D) for DC-DC boost converter. It is

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3) Adaptive Control of DC Link Voltage: The Vdc magnitude

depends upon the PCI voltage magnitude. During the grid volt-
age fluctuations, a constant Vdc results in an increased switching
loss and its undesirable tripping.
Thus, Vdc is adapted for loss reduction in the VSC according
to the PCI voltage variation. During the grid voltage sag, these
is a rise in the grid currents, which may lead to the violation
of the VSC current rating. Conventionally, Vdc value is selected
as 22Vsab /3 i.e., higher than the peak of the PCI voltage.
IGBT’s (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) of the VSC are rated

for 15% overshoot considering the system dynamics. The Vdc is
Fig. 3. PSCs calculation. obtained as,

Vdc = λ 3Vt (5)
estimated as,
 where, λ is selected as 1.2.
1− ∗ If vsabc > vsabc,min 4) Estimation of Feed-forward Term for PV System: An inter-
D= Vdc (1)
0 Otherwise mittency of the solar power generation leads to the turbulences in
a grid tied PV system. These turbulences are overcome by using
To generate the boost converter gating signal, the D is com- a feed-forward term for the PV system. This term is accommo-
pared to the sawtooth wave. dated in order to ensure normal operation of the system even
The control for VSC switching is illustrated in Fig. 2. Detailed during intermittent solar PV generation and terminal voltage
description of the VSC control, is depicted in the following variation. This term is calculated as,
2 Ppv (n)
wpv (n) = × (6)
B. Control for VSC 3 Vt
5) FCLC Extraction: The TOCF based algorithm is used
A TOCF control is used for the extraction of FCLC and this
for FCLC extraction. This control algorithm is capable to filter
FCLC is used for the GRC’s estimation to generate the VSC gate
out the harmonics. The basic block diagram representation of a
pulses as illustrated in Fig. 2. The DC link voltage is adapted
TOCF based control algorithm is depicted in Fig. 4. The TOCF
flexibly according to the PCI voltage variation during the grid
based control algorithm is used for the estimation of the FCLC.
Fig. 4 shows the configuration of TOCF based control algorithm.
1) Estimation of UTs (Unit Templates): The PCI line volt-
For establishing the concept of TOCF, the transfer functions (TF)
ages (vsab , vsbc ) are sensed by the voltage sensors. These sensed
[20]–[24] is given as,
voltages are used to obtain PCI phase voltages (vsa , vsb and
vsc ). It is provided to the BPF (Band Pass Filter) for the ex- ilq (s) k1 ω02 (s + jω0 )
H(s) = = 3
traction of PSCs (Positive Sequence Components) from the grid iL (s) s + k2 ω0 s + 2k1 ω02 s + ω02 s + k2 ω03
unbalanced voltages as illustrated in Fig. 3. For the extraction of (7)
PSCs, these PCI voltages are converted to α-β by using Clark’s
transform. These transformed voltages are fed to the BPFs. The where ω0 is the cut-off frequency, k1 and k2 are the gain
output of the BPF is then transformed to obtain PSCs using constants. The value of these parameters is ω0 = 2π 50 rad/s,
inverse Clark’s transformation. These PSCs voltages are applied k1 = 2.33 and k2 = 3.18. The detailed analysis of estimation of
for the computation of UTs (upa , upb , upc ) as, these values, is provided in [22], [23].
The PCI terminal voltage amplitude is obtained as, After obtaining the load current quadrature components
 (ilqa , ilqb and ilqc ), the circuit of ZCD’s (Zero Crossing De-
2 tectors) and S&H (Sample and Hold) logics, are used in
Vt = × (vpa
2 + v2 + v2 ) (2)
3 pb pc
obtaining the amplitude of the fundamental load currents
(wpa , wpb and wpc ) by passing it through in-phase unit templates
vpa vpb vpc (upa , upb and upc ), respectively as shown in Fig. 2.
Therefore, upa = , upb = , upc = (3)
Vt Vt Vt To balance the three phase load currents, weight component
(wLpa ) is obtained as,
2) DC-Link Voltage Control: For VSC loss reduction and its
undesirable shutdown, the Vdc is adapted corresponding to PCI wpa + wpb + wpc

voltage variation. To obtain the loss component, Vdc is subtracted wLpa = (8)
from Vdc and is given to the PI controller. Following equations
demonstrate computation of loss term as, 6) Grid Reference Currents Estimation: The reference grid
  currents are calculated using PV source term, DC-link loss
wcp (n) = kpd + kid/s {V ∗dc (n) − Vdc (n)} (4) component and total load term.

where kpd and kid are gains coefficients. wsp = wLpa + wcp − wpv (9)

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Fig. 4. Block diagram representation of TOCF.

The GRC’s are obtained as, C. Operation at Variable PV Irradiation

 The system operation at variable PV insolation is illustrated in
wsp .upa If vsabc > vsabc,min
i∗sa = Fig. 5(c). Responses of G, vsabc , isabc , Vdc , Ipv , ivsc and Ppv
0 Otherwise
 are presented here. During rise in PV insolation, a rise in Ipv is
wsp .upb If vsabc > vsabc,min observed and PV source generates more power. This extra power
i∗sb =
0 Otherwise generated is provided to the grid.

wsp .upc If vsabc > vsabc,min
i∗sc = (10) D. Operation at Variable PCI Voltage
0 Otherwise
Fig. 5(d) demonstrates the waveforms of vsabc , isabc , Vpv ,
The errors between GRCs and isa , isb, isc are fed to hysteresis Vdc , Vt , ivsc and Ps at variable PCI voltages. The grid current
controller to produce the gate switching of VSC. level rises during dip in the grid voltage. When such fluctuation
in PCI voltage is observed, a constant voltage of the DC-link
IV. SIMULATION RESULTS results in high VSC switching losses. In order to overcome this
difficulty, Vdc is adjusted with respect to the variation in the PCI
The operation of the system is observed by creating a model
in Simulink and analysing it at different conditions such as
perturbation in the load, erratic PV irradiation and variable
PCI voltage. The responses of grid voltage, current and power E. Operation of the System at PCI Fault
(vsabc , isabc and Ps ), PV array source voltage, current and power When there is a fault in the grid, the system experiences a sag
(Vpv , Ipv and Ppv ), VSC currents (ivsc ), load currents (iLabc ), in the grid voltages. If the fault point is too much distant from the
Vt , Vdc and G, are demonstrated at numerous dynamics cir- PCI then the system experiences minor sag in the grid voltage,
cumstances. The description of system data are indicated in which does not create any hindrance in the system operation.
Appendices. This type of situation is similar to the case, which is already
explained above in the Fig. 5(d).
A. Operation of System at Perturbation in Nonlinear Load Whereas if fault occurs near to the PCI, a substantial dip in the
grid voltage is experienced as depicted in Fig. 5(e). It shows that
The system operation at load disconnection ‘a’ of phase is there is substantial rise in grid currents and VSC currents. The
illustrated in Fig. 5(a). Responses of vsabc , isabc , iLabc , Vdc , DC link voltage experiences large oscillation in it which could
Vpv , ivsc and Ps are represented in Fig. 5(a). The perturbation damage the converter. In order to overcome these difficulties, a
in the load is realized by removing phase ‘a’ load. The rise in control imposition is applied on the boost converter (1) and the
isabc and Ps is observed with constant Vpv with sinusoidal and grid reference currents (10). This type of operation is depicted
balanced grid currents. in Fig. 5(f) when boost converter and VSC gating signals are
controlled during grid fault. It shows that the DC link voltage
B. System Response at IM (Induction Motor) Load is now stabilized and the apparatus connected in the system are
automatically protected.
Performance of the TOCF is shown in Fig. 5(b), when a
single phase induction motor (IM) load is present in the load. It
shows the performance of the system, when there is an increase F. Efficacy of TOCF Algorithm
in the induction motor loading. It is observed that there is fall Figs 6(a)–(d) demonstrate the effect of the PV feedforward
in the value of the grid current and the grid power as the power term on the performance of the system during variation in solar
requirement by the load has been increased and the grid currents insolation. Figs. 6(a)–(b) display the system performance with
are sinusoidal even during sudden addition of a heavy load like the exclusion of the PV feedforward term. When there is dip
IM. in the PV insolation from 1000 W/m2 to 600 W/m2 , there is

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Fig. 5. Operation at (a) perturbation in load (b) IM load (c) change in PV irradiation (d) PCI variable voltage (e-f) grid fault (L-L-L) (e) without any control
imposition (f) with control imposition.

a decrease in PV current magnitude and PV power. Moreover, grid voltages. It is understood from Fig. 7(a) that during load
during a dip in solar insolation, some oscillations are observed unbalancing, the three phase grid voltages and currents are
in the DC link voltage and the grid currents. Due to a decrease sinusoidal and are in phase with each other validating the UPF
in the PV power, there is a dip in grid currents and VSC currents operation. Fig. 7(b) displays waveforms of iLa with DC offset of
as the PV array now supplies less power to the utility while 5 A, extracted FCLC (iLF ) and unit templates (up ) using TOCF
the load current remains constant. To reduce the grid current based control. The detailed DC-offset elimination procedure is
and DC link voltage oscillations, a PV feedforward term is explained in Appendices. As unit templates are sinusoidal with
included. Figs. 6(c)–(d) display the system performance with accurate magnitude and are well balanced. Thus harmonics and
the inclusion of the PV feedforward term. During the dip, in the DC offset have been eliminated from the FCLC as illustrated in
PV irradiation from1000 W/m2 to 600 W/m2 , there is dip in PV Fig. 7(b).The performance of TOCF is illustrated in Fig. 7(c).
current magnitude and PV power. In addition, during the dip The system performance is verified at odd grid circumstances
in solar insolation, no oscillations are observed in the DC link like sag, swell, distortion and unbalance in the grid voltage.
voltage and the grid currents as in the previous case. Due to an Fig. 7(c) depicts the grid voltages, PSCs, unit templates (UTs)
decrease in the PV power, there is dip in the grid currents and and grid currents. It is validated that during adverse grid states,
VSC currents as the PV array is now feeding less power to the the grid currents are balanced and sinusoidal. PSCs and UTs are
grid while the load current remains constant. estimated accurately.
Fig. 7(a) demonstrates the UPF operation of the grid during Fig. 8(a) demonstrates the comparative analysis between this
dynamics in load unbalancing and solar irradiation variation. TOCF and conventional controls - SOGI-Q and SOGI-D. More-
Fig. 7(a) exhibits the waveforms during disconnection of phase over, different types of nonlinear loads are linked at PCI, that
‘a’ load, phase ‘a’ load current, grid currents and three phase contribute to the harmonics distortion (higher order) and DC

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Fig. 6. System performance without/with PV feedforward term Fig. 7. Efficiency of TOCF control at (a) load unbalancing (grid currents are
(a) G, Vdc , Ipv , Ppv (b) vsabc , isabc , iLa , ivsc (c) G, Vdc , Ipv , Ppv scaled up) (b) DC offset and harmonics (c) voltage sag, voltage swell, voltage
(d) vsabc , isabc , iLa , ivsc . unbalance and voltage distortion.

offset. It is seen from the Bode diagram that TOCF control

has better DC offset elimination capability than SOGI-Q and
better harmonic filtering capability than SOGI-D and SOGI-Q
algorithms. Fig. 8(b) demonstrates the Bode plot for Q(s) and
E(s). It is seen that below the fundamental frequency (ω =
314 rad/s), both the signals are in same phase while 180° phase
shift is observed when frequency is greater than the fundamental
Table I shows the harmonic distortion elimination capability
for 5th, 7th, 11th, 13th and 17th of TOCF control and conven-
tional generalized integrators. It shows that TOCF has better har-
monics rejection than SOGI-Q and SOGI-D algorithm. Table II
shows comparative analysis among these control algorithms.
From Table I and Table II, it is clear that the TOCF control has
better harmonics rejection capability, better DC offset rejection
capability and better accuracy.

To verify the simulated performance of TOCF control, a three
phase grid tied double stage PV system is built in the laboratory. Fig. 8. Bode plot (a) Comparison with other controls (b) DC offset and
The system response is logged during dynamics in the load, harmonics filtering capacity.

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Fig. 9. Steady state operation of the system (a) vsab and ivsca (b) ivsca and
iLa (c) vsab and isa (d) Pvsc (e) PL (f) Ps (g)–(j) distortion of (g) iLa (h) isa
(i) vsa .

intermittent solar irradiation, voltage distortion, fluctuations

and unbalance. The equipment for the prototype realization are
described in following section.
The PV source is used for the implementation of the PV
array. A DSP-dSPACE-1103 is used for the implementation of
the control. Hall-Effect sensors are used for sensing Vdc , PCI
voltages – (LV25-P voltage sensors), isabc and PV current –
(LA55-P current sensors). Opto-couplers offer isolation among
VSC and DSP. A DC link capacitor is used for the connection
Fig. 10. Operation at load perturbation of phase ‘a’ (a) vsab , vsbc , vsa , vsb
of the boost converter to VSC. VSC is interfaced with the grid (b) vsc , Vt , upa , upb (c) vsa , isa , ivsca , ila (d) vsb , isb , ivscb , ilb
using AC inductors. The recording instruments are used to log (e) i∗sa , isa , i∗sb , isb (f) wcp , wpv , wLpa , wsp .
the test results. The detailed data of the experimental setup are
given in Appendices.
of load and grid. The grid power is negative, which implies that
PV is supplying power. It also shows displacement power factor
A. System Operation at Steady State
of PV-VSC, load and grid. Fig. 9(g) illustrates load current THD
Figs. 9(a)–(i) exhibit the steady state performance of the value is violating the limits [2]. However, Figs. 9(h)–(i) display
system at nonlinear load. Figs. 9(a)–(c) display waveforms of THD values of isa and vsa which is 2.4% and 1.2%, respectively.
voltage and current of PV-VSC, load and grid of ‘a’ phase. Distortion level of isa is less than 5%, that is within bounds as
Figs. 9(d)–(f) display power supplied by PV-VSC and power described in IEEE-519 standard.

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Fig. 11. System operation at erratic PV circumstances (a-b) increase in PV insolation from 600 W/m2 to 1000 W/m2 (c)–(d) decrease in solar irradiation from
1000 W/m2 to 600 W/m2 .

B. Operation of System at Perturbation in Load

Figs. 10(a)–(b) show the sensed voltages, grid line voltages
(vsab , vsbc ), phase voltages (vsa , vsb , vsc ), terminal voltage (Vt )
and unit templates (upb , upc ). Fig. 10(c)–(f) exhibit the opera-
tion at phase ‘a’ disconnection. Fig. 10(c) depicts the dynamics
in phase ‘a’ during load disconnection of phase ‘a’. It demon-
strates the waveforms of vsa , isa , ivsca and iLa . At ‘a’ phase
load disconnection, grid voltage remains unaffected. There is an
increase in the grid current magnitude due to a decrease in load.
The PV array feeds more energy in the grid. However, the grid
currents remain sinusoidal. Fig. 10(d) demonstrates dynamic re-
sponse of phase ‘b’ during phase ‘a’ load unbalancing. It displays
‘b’ phase vsb , isb , ivscb and iLb . Inspite of load unbalancing, it is
seen that, the phase ‘b’ grid current remains sinusoidal. There is
an increase in the level of the grid current (isb ). Fig. 10(e) shows
the effect of phase ‘a’ load unbalancing on the isa , isb , i∗sa and
i∗sb . There is rise in currents because of less power requirement by Fig. 12. System operation at erratic PV circumstances (e)–(f) MPP response
of PV array at 1000 W/m2 and 600 W/m2 (g) no solar (h) solar available.
the load. The dynamic response of loss component (wcp ), load
component (wLpa ), PV component (wpv ) and net component
(wsp ) are displayed in Fig. 10(f). There is a decrease in the value
of the load component and net component while PV component PV insolation. Fig. 12(c) shows dynamics in Vdc , Ipv , ivsca
and loss component remain unaffected. and isa when the PV array insolation reduces to zero. During
absence of PV generation, there is a fall in the magnitude of
C. Operation at Erratic PV Insolation Ipv , ivsca and isa with negligible change in Vdc . The system
is now changed its mode from PV generation to DSTATCOM.
Figs. 11(a)–(d) show the system response at recurrent solar During the absence of PV generation, VSC provides the reactive
conditions and MPP performance of PV system is shown at the power compensation at the PCI and isa remains sinusoidal.
solar PV insolation of 1000 W/m2 and 600 W/m2 . Figs. 11(a)–(b) Fig. 12(d) illustrates the system response when the PV power is
illustrate the dynamics of the system during rise in PV irradia- regained. It shows that there is rise in the magnitude of Ipv , ivsca
tion. With the rise in PV insolation, it has been noticed that there and isa as the PV array is providing the power to the grid with
is a rise in magnitude of isa , ivsca and Ipv , which means that the insignificant change in Vdc . The system now enters DSTATCOM
PV array is now generating more power. There is no effect on vsa . to PV mode.
Fig. 11(b) displays wcp , wLpa , wpv and net component (wsp ).
It is noticed that there is rise in wpv . However, wcp and wLpa
D. Operation at Unbalance in Voltage of the Grid
remain constant. Figs. 11(c)–(d) demonstrate system response
during drop in PV irradiation. This is noticed that during dip Figs. 13(a)–(c) exhibit performance during unbalance in the
in magnitude of PV irradiation, vsa is retained persistent with grid voltages before VSC switching. Fig. 13(a) represents the
a fall in the level of isa, ivsca and Ipv as PV array is now unbalance in the three phase grid voltages and three phase grid
generating less power. Fig. 11(d) depicts the wcp , wLpa , wpv currents. Fig. 13(b) and (c) show the harmonics spectra of the
and net component (wsp ).It is seen that there is fall in the grid voltages and the grid currents, which indicates that due
magnitude of wpv with no effect on wcp and wLpa . to unbalance in the grid voltages, the grid voltages as well as
MPP operation at insolation value of 1000 W/m2 and grid currents are distorted. Figs. 13(d)–(f) exhibit performance
600 W/m2 of the PV source are illustrated in Figs. 12(a)–(b). The during unbalance in the grid voltages after VSC switching.
MPP accomplished is close to 100%. Figs. 12(c)–(d) illustrate Fig. 13(d) shows that the distortion levels of the grid voltages
the system response during availability and unavailability of and grid currents are reduced with sinusoidal shape. As a result,

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Fig. 13. Dynamic response at grid voltage unbalance (a)–(c) before VSC switching (a) grid voltage and grid currents (b) Harmonic Spectra of vsab (c) Harmonic
Spectra of isa (d)–(f) after VSC switching (d) grid voltages with balanced grid currents (e) Harmonic Spectra of vsab (f) Harmonic Spectra of isa .

Fig. 14. Operation during distortions in voltage (a)–(c) prior to VSC switching (a) vsab and isa (b) Harmonic Spectra of vsab (c) Harmonic Spectra of isa
(d)–(f) after VSC switching (d) vsab and isa (e) Harmonic Spectra of vsab (f) Harmonic Spectra of isa .

the THDs are pushed to the limits provided by the IEEE-519 Figs. 14(d)–(f) show operation after VSC switching. It shows
standard as depicted in Fig. 13(e)–(f). Therefore, the system is that the distortions in grid voltages and grid currents consid-
capable of improving power quality at the PCI even when the erably lessen while the currents assume the sinusoidal shape.
grid voltages are unbalanced. Consequently, it is seen that the THDs are pushed down to well
within the limits given by the IEEE standard-519. Therefore,
system is capable of improving power quality at the PCI even
E. Operation at Distortion in Grid Voltage and Sag/Swell when the grid voltages are distorted.
Figs. 14(a)–(c) show operation of the system at distortion in Figs. 15(a)–(b) exhibit system operation at voltage sag/swell.
the voltage of the grid before VSC switching. Figs. 14(a)–(b) Fig. 15(a) demonstrates the waveforms of grid voltage (vsab ),
present the grid voltages and currents under voltage distortion grid current (isa ), VSC current (ivsca ) and load current (iLa )
conditions. Figs. 14(b)–(c) depict the THD’s of voltages and during voltage swell in the network. When an increase in level
currents of the grid, which are visibly distorted and the THDs of voltage of the grid is seen, abrupt fall in level of grid currents,
of the voltages and the currents are clearly above permissible is observed as depicted in Fig. 15(b). Likewise, during the
limits. grid voltage sag, the magnitude of the grid voltage decreases

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Therefore, i1 (s) is given by,

kω0 s Idc Im (ωs cos ϕs + s sin ϕs )
i1 (s) = 2 +
s + kω0 s + ω02 s s2 + ωs2
Applying inverse Laplace transform, the steady state output
i1 (t) is estimated as,

Fig. 15. Operation during(a) voltage swell (b) voltage sag.

i1∞ (t) = mIm sin (ωs t + ϕs + ϕ) (14)
kω0 ωs
m= (15)
k 2 ω02 ωs2 + (ω02 − ωs2 )
abruptly along with an increase in the level of currents of the
grid. This phenomenon of sag in the grid voltage is portrayed ω02 − ωs2
in Fig. 15(b). Inspite of grid voltage intermittent conditions ϕ = arctan (16)
kω0 ωs
of voltage sag/swell, it is observed that, grid currents remain
sinusoidal. It is clear from the above equation that i1∞ (t) is sinusoidal
and its amplitude is determined by the attenuation factor m.
VI. CONCLUSION Similarly, the steady state output i2 (t) is estimated as,
A third order complex filter has been used on a two stage grid i2∞ (t) = kIdc − m Im cos (ωs t + ϕs + ϕ) (17)
interfaced PV system. TOCF control has obtained the FCLC ωs
during voltage load unbalancing, sag/swell, voltage unbalances, It is clear from the above equation that i2∞ (t) contains DC
grid faults and voltage distortion, proficiently. The P&O MPP offset component k Idc . It means SOGI is not able to eliminate
is realised for extraction of peak energy from the PV source and the DC offset. Similarly, the steady state output i3 (t) is estimated
a term on the PV source is applied for the decrease of DC-link as,
voltage fluctuations. The PQ of the grid is boosted at erratic PV
energy production and abnormal circumstances of unbalances 1 − m2
in the grid voltage, load unbalancing, voltage distortion, grid i3∞ (t) = kIdc − kω0 Im cos (ωs t + ϕs + ϕ − ϕc )
ω02 + ωs2
faults and swell/sag. Experiment are conducted on the test setup
and test results have verified the operation of the system to be
acceptable. ωs
where ϕc = arctan (19)
APPENDICES From the above equation that i3∞ (t) contains same DC offset
A. Simulation Parameters component k Idc as i2∞ (t). Now, analysis of m and ϕ is computed
VM P = 26.3 V; IM P = 7.6 A; PM P = 32.5 kW; Np = 6; 
Ns = 27; Vdc = 700 V; vsab = 415 V (rms); Lf = 2.5 mH; m = 1 ω0 = ω s
Ts = 10 μs; Kpd = 0.2 and Kid = 0.004. m < 1 ω0 = ωs

⎪ (ω02 −ωs2 )
B. Test Setup Parameters ⎨ +arctan kω0 ωs ωs < ω0
ϕ= 0 ωs = ω0 (21)
VM P = 400 V; IM P = 8.53 A; PM P = 3.42 kW; Vdc = ⎪
⎪ ( 2 2
⎩ −arctan ω s −ω 0
ω >ω
400 V; Ts = 30 μs; VL = 212 V (rms); Rf = 5 Ω and Cf = kω0 ωs s 0
10 μF, Lf = 2.1 mH.
If ω0 = ωs , m provides the attenuation in i1 (t), i2 (t) and
i3 (t) and ϕ provides the phase shift.
C. DC Offset Elimination If ω0 = ωs , (9), (12), and (13) are rewritten as,
During steady state, assume that the signal is i(t) with DC
offset [20]–[24]. i1∞ (t)|ω0 =ωs = Im sin (ωs t + ϕs ) (22)
i2∞ (t)|ω0 =ωs = kIdc − Im cos (ωs t + ϕs ) (23)
i(t) = Idc + Im sin (ωs t + ϕs ) (11)
i3∞ (t)|ω0 =ωs = kIdc (24)
where Idc is the DC offset, Im is the amplitude of the current,
ωs is the frequency of the grid and ϕs is the jump in the phase It is clear from these equations that i1∞ (t) is sinusoidal signal
angle. This equation is rewritten in s-domain as, without any DC offset and its AC part is same as the input signal.
i2∞ (t) contains DC offset component of k Idc and its AC part
Idc Im (ωs cos ϕs + s sin ϕs ) is cosine of input signal and i3∞ (t) only contains DC offset
i(s) = + (12)
s s2 + ωs2 component k Idc as described in Fig. 4. TOCF is reconstructed

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