Copper Ion Dropping Effect Studies
Copper Ion Dropping Effect Studies
Copper Ion Dropping Effect Studies
h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Glasses with the formula [80B2O3–4.0La2O3–(16-x) PbO–xNiO, (x ranged from 0.0 to 4.0 mol%)], were
Received 25 July 2021 produced by the standard quenching method. XRD, SEM and EDAX analysis established the success of
Received in revised form 26 October 2021 the obtained samples preparation. Density measurements and FT-IR analysis confirmed the structural
Accepted 28 October 2021
modifications emerging by the entry of Ni2+ ions as a network modifier, where the structural unit’s ratio
Available online 4 November 2021
of BO3 (BO4) was affirmed to increase (decrease) with a gradual rise of NBO’s number. The semiconduct-
ing behavior of the current glassy samples was verified by the role of the structural modifications in
decreasing the gap energy and increasing both Urbach and mineralization criterion. Ligand field analysis
Borate glass
Heavy metal
applied to the absorption spectra exhibited the covalent nature of the Ni2+ bonds. The behavior of elec-
Transition metal tronic polarizability supported the gradual increases of the linear and non-linear refractive index of the
Ligand field effect samples. These properties qualify the present glasses as an optically active material for the devices oper-
Rare-earth oxide ated in the visible-NIR regions.
FT-IR measurements Ó 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1386-1425/Ó 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S.M. Kamil, Ashraf.A. Abul-Magd, W. El-Gammal et al. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 267 (2022) 120569
improves chemical durability. Depending on the Pb+ ions concen- the spectrometer (Shimadzu UV-3101 PC) was used to collect the
tration within the glass matrix, the lead oxide can act as a former optical absorption spectra of the studied samples with a wave-
or a modifier [7–11]. length range from 200 to 2500 nm.
Besides, the borate glasses doped with the transition metal (TM)
ions showed many notable optical properties [12–15], which qual-
3. Results and discussion
ified them for many optical and electro-optical applications oper-
ating within the visible, NIR and ultraviolet regions [12,14–15].
3.1. XRD, SEM and EDAX analysis
In addition, the TM ions have more than one valence state and
are very sensitive to the changes of the bond’s nature around them,
Fig. 1 exhibits the X-ray diffraction patterns of selected samples
which qualifies them to enter as a structural modifier for the host
0.0 and 4.0 mol% NiO, the absence of sharp crystal peaks is evident,
glass [15–16]. Among those glasses, Ni2+ ion-doped borate glass
while broad and wide humps appear at 25⁰ and 45⁰, indicating the
has additional properties such as chemical stability, outstanding
presence of disturbances in the structural formation of the pre-
durability and optical density, making it highly qualified for optical
pared system and confirming the amorphous nature for this
filters, optical fiber amplifiers, smart windows and fuel cells
[11,17–19,23,24]. The Ni2+ ions occupy octahedral/tetrahedral
This amorphous nature can also be confirmed by SEM micro-
positions inside the glassy matrix, where the octahedral positions
graph of the prepared samples as shown in Fig. 2a for a 4.0 mol%
grow larger with increasing additions of the Ni2+ ions [15,22].
NiO sample, where the shape shows a smooth and clear surface
The octahedral positions of the Ni2+ ions have higher crystal stabil-
with the absence of the cluster formations. In addition, through
ity energies and distinct optical absorption bands within both
the analysis of the EDAX elements (see Fig. 2b), it was confirmed
regions visible and NIR as they provide eye-safe laser emission at
that all the prepared elements had entered the glass matrix by
k = 1.56 mm with relatively low threshold energy, so those glasses
the specified proportions.
with higher percentages of nickel are used as amplification media
in communication system and laser technology [21,23].
Moreover, the rare-earth (RE) ions provided further optical and 3.2. FT-IR studies
structural improvements when doped in different types of glass,
which qualified them for use in many optoelectronic systems such Fig. 3 presents the Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra for
as projectors, LEDs, and optical sensors [24–27]. Among these ions, the present system; to explore and understand the structural
lanthanum oxide (La2O3) is distinguished by its thermal stability, groups of this system, the obtained vibrational spectrum is divided
high optical permittivity, and low band gap energy [28–31]. into four spectral groups, and the assignment of each band within
In order to enhance the optical features of heavy metal borate these groups is studied. The FT-IR vibrational bands of all investi-
glasses based on structural modifications, the TM/RE hybrid lead- gated samples and their assignments are included in Table 1.
borate glassy system was synthesized to combine the thermal sta- The absorbed bands through the first spectral range (400–
bility, optical transparency and optical improvements offered by 600 cm1) are ascribed to the vibration of the metal cations and
La2O3, with the multivalency and distinct optical properties of the specific deformation patterns [32]. Within this range, two weak
NiO through the new glassy system [80B2O3–4.0La2O3–(16-x) bands with variable intensity are observed at 454
PbO–xNiO, (x ranged from 0.0 to 4.0 mol%)]. The presence of La3+ and 542 cm1, the first of them is usually ascribed to the Pb-O
and Ni2+ ions within the heavy metal borate glasses may lead to symmetric expansion vibration bonds in PbO4 and/or the LaO6
possible applications for optoelectronic devices. The current work metallic vibrations [11,33–38]; this band can also be related to
was presented to investigate the changes within the heavy metal the OABAO bending vibrations [39]. The second vibration band
borate network by adding a fixed ratio of La2O3 and a changeable at 542 cm1 is attributed to specific vibrations of the Ni-O and
ratio of NiO. Structural modifications, especially those affecting La-O bonds [40–41]; these bands intensity fluctuated with the
borate (BO3/BO4) structural units, were deduced from the density NiO addition, indicating the impact of Ni+ ions to breaking the
measurement and FT-IR analysis. At the same time, the oxidation Pb-O bonds and occurrence of remarkable modifications within
states and optical features were studied by optical spectroscopy the glassy network structure. The next spectral range in between
within the visible and NIR regions in addition to studying the 600 and 800 cm1 formed of a sharp absorption band
ligand field effect (LFE)of the Ni2+ ions.
2. Experimental procedure
S.M. Kamil, Ashraf.A. Abul-Magd, W. El-Gammal et al. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 267 (2022) 120569
Fig. 2. For the selected glass sample 4.0 mol% NiO (a) SEM micrograph (b) EDAX analysis.
mol% NiO
to the B-O expansion vibrations of the BO4 units [34,41,43] and
0.0 are also associated with the Pb-O symmetrical bending and
stretching vibrations of PbO4 [42].
682 cm-1
Finally, in the spectral range 1200–1600 cm1, there are two
4.0 wide and varying intensity peaks at 1248 and 1444 cm1;
the intensity fluctuations of these peaks are correlated to the vari-
Absorbance (a.u.)
887 cm-1 ation in the percentage of non-bridged oxygen resulting from the
542 cm-1
1248 cm-1 entrance of Ni+ ions as a matrix modifier here. Both peaks are also
attributed to the vibrion bonds B-O in Penta-, Ortho-, Pyro-and
Meta-borate groups of BO3 units [34,41]. Additionally, the last
broadband detected at 1630 cm1 is ascribed to the symmetric
819 cm-1 1444 cm-1
H-O-H bending vibrations [39].
1630 cm-1
With the gradual increase in the NiO ratio, most observed bands
454 cm-1 gradually shift to the lower wavenumber, which means that the
bond energy between the anions and cations decreases. The inten-
sity of the BO3 vibration band was increased with the addition of
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 NiO, indicating the replacements of the tetrahedral units (BO4)
Wavenumber /cm by the triangular units (BO3) with the growth in non-bridged oxy-
gen ratio (NBO’s) indicating the structural modifications arising
Fig. 3. FT-IR spectrum of the prepared samples. from the entrance of Ni+ ions at the expense of Pb+ ions.
mol% NiO
38.0 0.0
3 3 2.0
2.90 A 2g (F) T 1g (P)
37.5 3.0
Absorbance (a.u.)
Vm (cm3/mole)
ρ (g/cm3)
2.70 36.0
ρ 3
A 2g (F) 3
T 1g (F)
3 3
2.60 Vm A 2g (F) T 2g (F)
0 1 2 3 4
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
NiO (mol% )
λ (nm)
Fig. 4. The opposite behavior between the density and the molar volume.
Fig. 5. Optical absorption spectrum for the current glassy system. The inset shows
the sample’s distinctive yellowish color.
from progressive increase of the average boron-boron separation
hdBB i, where [9]:
3 Vm
hdBB i ¼ ð1Þ
2NA ð1 X B Þ
Table 2
Physical parameters of [80 B2O3–4.0 La2O3– (16-x) PbO –x NiO] glassy system with (x = 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 mol %).
S.M. Kamil, Ashraf.A. Abul-Magd, W. El-Gammal et al. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 267 (2022) 120569
Dq (eV)
B (eV)
respectively [30]. These three electronic transitions appear with 745
the current optical spectra within the range between 300 and
1800 nm, where the first transition v 1 : 3A2g (F) ? 3T2g (F) appears 910
at 1360 nm. The second transition v 2 : 3A2g (F) ? 3T1g (F) is 740
located within the NIR region at 795 nm. Finally, the transition 903
band v 3 : 3A2g (F) ? 3T1g (P) appears within the visible region
896 Dq 735
at 422 nm. Additionally, the observed bands at 480 and
1030 nm are assigned to a spin forbidden octahedral transition
3 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
A2g?1T2g [47–51].
NiO (mol%)
Fig. 6 relates the electronic transitions with an Orgel energy dia-
gram level. Usually, the ligand field parameters are evaluated Fig. 7. The opposite behavior of Racah and crystal field parameters.
through those transitions, as those parameters are determined
according to the appearance of the transitions available in the opti-
behavior of the Dq =B ratio (see Table 3) indicates the direction of
cal spectrum under study; when the transition v 2 and v 3 appears,
the interaction towards the strong crystal field sites [55].
these parameters are evaluated through the equations mentioned
in reference [15], while when the transitions v 1 ; v 2 and v 3 appears,
3.4.2. Absorption edge analysis
it is evaluated ligand field strength parameter Dq and the two
Several important optical parameters can be inferred by analyz-
Racah parameters ðBandC Þ through the following relationships
ing the optical absorption edges; these edges are usually used to
determine the optical bandgap energy EOpt values through the
v1 relationship between the incident photon energy ðhv Þ and the
Dq ¼ ð2Þ
10 absorption coefficient aðv Þ where [56]:
ðv 3 þ v 2 3v 1 Þ Q hm Eopt
B¼ ð3Þ aðmÞ ¼ ð5Þ
15 hm
where Q is a constant, the values of EOpt for the current glassy sys-
C ¼ 4:709B 0:5 ð4Þ
tem are obtained by lengthening the linear parts of the curve of the
The obtained values of these parameters are listed in Table 3; there relationship between ahv and the photon energy ðhv Þ as shown in
is an opposite behavior between the Dq parameter and the Racah Fig. 8.
parameters (see Fig. 7), where the crystal field parameters increase The obtained values of EOpt were recorded in Table 4. The inset
with NiO addition, indicating a growing delocalization of the elec- of Fig. 8 shows its decreasing behavior with NiO addition. Increas-
tron at Ni2+ ions [52]. Besides, the Racah parameters (B and C) ing the ratio of NBO’s with NiO addition, as inferred from the FT-IR
decrease, reflecting the decreasing field strength of electro- analysis, led to an increase in disorder within the glass matrix,
repulsion within the d-shell, which results in a more covalent char- shifting the valence band to higher energies, and then the optical
acter of the chemical bonds around the Ni2+ ions [20,43,53]. bandgap energy decreased [44].
It is possible to infer the bonding nature around the Ni2+ ions The present of short-range arrangement in the glassy network
through the nephelauxetic effect [54], which can be expressed leads to the emergence of some extended local states in the band
through the ratio between the values of Racah parameter of the gap, which the is so-called Urbach tail [57]. The width of this tail
prepared glass and its free value of the Ni2+ ion, i.e., can be obtained using the Urbach energy ðEu Þ, which can be calcu-
b ¼ BGlass =Bfree , where Bfree ¼ 1080cm1 for the Ni2+ ion. The calcu- lated from the relationship [15,58]:
lated values of b gradually decrease with NiO addition (see Table 3),
a ¼ a0 ehv =Eu ð6Þ
which indicates a high covalent bond formation between Ni2+ ions
and the surrounding bonds [20,43,53]. Additionally, the relation- where a0 is a constant, the current values of Eu are determined from
ship between the crystal field and Racah parameters (Dq =BÞ can the inverted slope of linear parts of the relationship curve between
give light about the interaction strength, in which the increasing ðln aÞ and ðhv Þ as shown in Fig. 9 [56].
Table 3
Ligand field parameters of [80 B2O3–4.0 La2O3– (16-x) PbO –x NiO] glassy system with (x = 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 mol %).
S.M. Kamil, Ashraf.A. Abul-Magd, W. El-Gammal et al. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 267 (2022) 120569
mol% NiO
100 3.0
(αhv)0.5 (ev)0.5
EOpt.(ev) 3.1
0 1 2 3 4
NiO (mol%)
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
hv (ev)
Fig. 8. ahv vs. ðhv Þ, the inset shows the variation of EOpt: as a function of NiO ratio.
Fig. 9. ðln aÞ as a function of ðhv Þ for all investigated samples, the inset shows the
variation of Eu as a function of NiO ratio.
where EOpt ¼ 20M 2 [14]. The calculated values of the metallization evidence an increase in NBO’s ratio [27,29–30].
parameter are listed in Table 4 and range from 0.280 to 0.265 eV0.5
indicating the narrow band gap between the valence and conduc- 3.4.3. Linear and non-linear refractive index
tion bands and the presence of the semiconductor nature of the The resulting structural modifications by NiO addition which
current glassy system [4,34]. led to more formation of NBO’s ratio with decreased the band
One of the major reasons for crystal field distortion surrounding gap energy can also lead to an increase in the linear refractive
the TM ions is electronegativity [54]. Using the obtained values of index, which can be inferred by calculating the value of this index
the optical band gap energy of the current glassy system, the elec- from the well-known Dimitrov and Sakka relationship [3,59],
tronegativity coefficient may be computed [44]: which can be simplified as:
v ¼ 0:269EOpt ð7Þ 13:4
n¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 ð10Þ
The calculated values of the electronegativity coefficient gradually EOpt
decrease by NiO adding, which means that the distortion of the
The calculated values of the linear refractive index ðnÞ were
crystal field around Ni2+ ions is reduced. Using the resulting values
recorded in Table 4, which actually witnessed a significant increase.
of electronegativity, the optical basicity ðKth Þ can be obtained by:
Additionally, the linear refractive index ðnÞ can be used to calculate
Kth ¼ 0:5v þ 1:7 ð8Þ the third-order of nonlinear optical susceptibility by the relation-
ship [60–62]:
The acid-base features of oxide glass can be inferred from its optical
basicity [34]. Additionally, the mean electronic polarization (a2 2 4
0 ) is n 1
v3 ¼ 1:7 1010 ð11Þ
determined by the calculated values of the optical basicity by: 4p
Table 4
Optical parameters of [80 B2O3–4.0 La2O3– (16-x) PbO –x NiO] glassy system with (x = 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 mol %).
S.M. Kamil, Ashraf.A. Abul-Magd, W. El-Gammal et al. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 267 (2022) 120569
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