Review On Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DCDC Converters For EV Sustainable DC Fast Charging Applications

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Received 18 April 2023, accepted 14 May 2023, date of publication 16 May 2023, date of current version 1 August 2023.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3276860

Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain

DC–DC Converters for EV Sustainable
DC Fast Charging Applications
1 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai 603203, India
2 Department of Electrical Power and Machines, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria 21544, Egypt
3 Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Al Ain University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
4 Wolfson Centre for Magnetics, School of Engineering, Cardiff University, CF24 3AA Cardiff, U.K.

Corresponding author: Elmazeg Elgamli ([email protected])

ABSTRACT Modern electrical transportation systems require eco-friendly refueling stations worldwide.
This has attracted the interest of researchers toward a feasible optimal solution for electric vehicle (EV)
charging stations. EV charging can be simply classified as Slow charging (domestic use), Fast charging
and Ultrafast charging (commercial use). This study highlights recent advancements in commercial DC
charging. The battery voltage varies widely from 36V to 900V according to the EVs. This study focuses
on non-isolated unidirectional converters for off-board charging. Various standards and references for fast
off-board charging have been proposed. Complete transportation is changed to EVs, which are charged
by the grid supply obtained by burning natural fuels, contributing to environmental concerns. Sustainable
charging from sustainable energy sources will make future EV completely eco-friendly transportation. The
research gap in complete eco-friendly transit is located in interfacing sustainable energy sources and fast
DC EV charging. The first step towards clean, eco-friendly transportation is identifying a suitable converter
for bridging the research gap in this locality. A simple approach has been made to identify the suitable
DC-DC converter for DC fast-charging EVs. This article carefully selected suitable topologies derived from
Boost, SEPIC, Cuk, Luo, and Zeta converters for clean EV charging applications. A detailed study on the
components count, voltage stress on the controlled and uncontrolled switches, voltage gain obtained, output
voltage, power rating of the converters, switching frequency, efficiency obtained, and issues associated with
the selected topologies are presented. The outcome of this study is presented as the research challenges or
expectations of future converter topologies for charging.

INDEX TERMS DC fast charging, eco-friendly EV, highly efficient, high gain, sustainable charging.

I. INTRODUCTION rise in global mean temperature, 196 countries signed the

The emission from conventional oil burnt vehicles directly Paris Agreement in December 2015 [2]. As an alternative
affects the air quality, affecting the ecosystem. 24% of CO2 to conventional vehicles, electric vehicles are being pushed
emission is only due to the combustion of fossil fuels. The into the market to limit their dependence on oil for trans-
International Energy agency reports 37.0 Giga tons of CO2 portation and CO2 emissions. The inrush of EVs alone indi-
emissions expected by 2035 [1].To control the continuous rectly reduces pollution to some extent. Countries like India
which generate electricity by burning coals that charge the
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and EVs, will indirectly contribute to the emission of greenhouse
approving it for publication was Kan Liu . gases [3].
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License.
VOLUME 11, 2023 For more information, see 78299
R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

Environmental concerns of the conventional IC-based EVs and EV rapid DC charging are discussed in Section II.
automotive sector enable high EV penetration into the market Section III thoroughly categorizes the converter topologies in
over the decade. Improved battery technology and reduced EV based on factors such as power flow direction, isolation,
greenhouse gas emissions have led to drastic growth in and conversion stages. Section IV describes the different
the EV sector. Leading car manufacturers like Toyota and Boost converter-derived or modified topologies. The several
Volvo are planning to move entirely to hybrid/EVs [4], SEPIC converter topologies derived are discussed in Sec-
[5], [6]. Although EV are not new, the first commercial tion V. Section VI explains the Cuk converter derived or mod-
EV were in the late 1800s and the early 1900s. How- ified topologies. The different derived and modified topolo-
ever, it is unattractive due to premature technology, shorter gies of the Luo converter are discussed in Section VII. The
distance, and high cost [7]. The challenges lie with EV Zeta converter-derived or modified topologies are addressed
charging par with the traditional refueling stations, which in Section VIII. The review view on the unsolved research
takes less time. The major issues associated with EVs are challenges is explained in Section IX. In section X, the con-
price, cover range, and a lack of charging infrastructure clusions of this article. Fig. 1 displays the organization of the
[8], [9], [10]. review article.
Current EV charging is onboard, and the DC off-board II. EVs AND DC FAST CHARGING
charging station is the most common mode of charging. A. TYPES OF EVs
Onboard chargers have merits such as the choice of time
The three types of EVs are i. Battery electric vehicle (BEV)
and place for charging, availability of grid supply, better
ii. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) iii. Hybrid EV
battery life, and low power level of charging [6], which causes
(HEV). BEVs can be easily charged at home by plugging
onboard charging to charge for the entire night; hence, it is
them into an electrical supply. Tesla Model S, Nissan Leaf,
not a replacement for the conventional fueling method. The
BMW i3, ford focus EV, etc. are commercial BEVs. PHEV
DC fast chargers were placed outside the vehicle. Hence, the
are suitable for long distances because they combine IC
power levels should be greater than 50 kW. The charging
engines with electrical motors [25]. This PHEV can operate in
structures can be AC and DC grid-based [7], [11], [12], [13],
the charge-depleting mode, that is, isolates the IC engine and
[14]. The AC power distribution grid architecture has the
drives the wheels through battery operation until the threshold
advantage of a ripened distribution system with advanced pro-
SOC is reached. After reaching minimum SOC, it operates at
tection technology. The DC grid architecture has numerous
charge-sustaining mode. BMW i8, and Cadillac ELR, are a
virtues par with the AC grid: ease of integration of renewable
few commonly available PHEVs. In a hybrid electric vehicle,
energy and storage equipment, low cost and smaller size,
the ICE and electric motor operate simultaneously. Here, the
better efficiency, etc [15], [16], [17], [18].
electric motor is powered only by regenerative braking and
Though the number of potential barriers lines up when
batteries, but there is no charging facility from the Utility
considering large-scale renewable integration to the elec-
Grid. AUDI Q5 hybrid, Acura ILX hybrid, and BMW active
trical systems, renewable energy, such as wind and solar
hybrid 3 are the few available HEVs. Over 16.5 million EVs
supply variation has no relationship with the load variations
were on the road in 2021, which tripled in three years [22],
[19], [20], [21]. The availability of renewable energy is a
[26], [27]. EV sales in India over the last ten years represented
major concern, that is, solar energy depends on sunshine and
in Table 1 were considered from [9], [28], and [29].
wind energy depends on wind blowing. Therefore, there is
The sales of EV have grown gradually over the past ten
a very good scope of research on power electronics in EV
years as indicated in Table 1 and the year 2022, the sales
applications [22], [23], [24].
growth is 210% compared to the overall EV sales in the
A previously published article commented on EV charging
past. The two-wheeler and three-wheeler sales cover 62.25%
power converters with AC grids, standards, and fast charging
and 33.74% respectively of the overall EV sales in the year
with medium voltage grids. However, no article focuses on
2022. Fig. 2 represents the Percentage Growth of EV over
the off-board, AC, and DC fast-charging power electron-
the decade and Fig. 3. Represents the various types of vehi-
ics converter topologies. To address these research gaps,
cle sales percentage in the year 2022 on total vehicle sales
this review uncovers recent contributions with an exhaustive
in 2022.
study of converters for EVs. The contributions of this review
are as follows. B. EV CHARGING
• A thorough examination of DC-DC converter topologies The charging stations can be classified as slow, fast, and
appropriate for EV applications. ultra-fast charging based on voltage levels. The two most
• Topologies of DC-DC converters are classified based on common charging ways are conductive and inductive charg-
voltage multiplier cells. ing. The conductive charging method is more widely used
• Comparison of segregated topologies best suited for EV than inductive charging. On-board and off-board charging are
applications. the two types of conductive charging [30].
• Identify the demerits of converter topologies. Level-1 charging is slow; it takes 10-12 hours to charge
• Research gap in the domain and suggestions for identi- the EV battery. It connects to the EV port using a regu-
fied EV charging. lar j1772 connection [31], [32], [33]. Though the cost was
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R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

FIGURE 1. Review article organization.

comparatively low, the charging time was extended. This has capacity for DC fast charging is 50 kW and has recently been
led to the development of a level-2 charging station. Table 2 upgraded to 350 kW for off-board charging. When compared
illustrates the level of EV charging in the DC & AC distribu- to the time necessary to recharge a traditional fuel vehicle,
tion grids. The charging time was reduced to 4-6 hours for full the demand for ultra-quick/extremely rapid charging is need
charging. Though the charging time is reduced considerably of hour. The technical aspects of state-of-the-art DC fast
par with slow charging, compared to conventional fueling charging are presented in Table 3.
vehicles, charging time is still high [34], [35]. This results The power rating of various EV model chargers ranges
in the next level of charging, called fast DC charging. The from 50 kW to 350 kW, and the ampere rating ranges from
output voltage for DC fast charging is 480 V DC or higher, 120A to 375A. Table 4 presents various ratings of off-board
and the charging duration is around 30 minutes. DC fast DC fast charging [35].
charging stations are significantly more expensive than level In the world, China and Europe held major EV charging
1 and level 2 charging stations [31], [36], [37]. The ideal networks, which share 48% in China and 33% in Europe

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R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

TABLE 1. The progress of EVs in india in over 10 years, data from vahan.

TABLE 2. EV charging level in AC and DC distribution grids.

TABLE 3. State-of-the-art DC fast-charging technical aspects.

in 2021. In 2015, the Indian government recognized the In comparison to other nations, China has already estab-
National Institute of Transforming India (NITI) as encour- lished 51 % of slow-charging stations and 82 % of fast-
aging eco-friendly products. Niti Aayog launched the Faster charging stations. Fast charging [7], [38], [39], wireless
Adoption and Manufacture of EVs (FAME). To install charging [40], [41], [42], [43], bidirectional charging, and
2900 charging stations in 25 states of India, the FAME II pro- medium-voltage charging [31], [33], [44], [45] have been
gram provides a subsidiary of about 135 million USD. NHAI reported. Only a single-phase supply is available in many
set a target to install an EV charging station for every 40–60 locations off cities along highways. Upgrading the elec-
km covering 35000–40000 km of the National Highways by trical infrastructure at all locations incurs high installa-
2023 [1]. tion costs. New battery technologies have been proposed

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TABLE 4. Ratings of off-board DC fast charging.

FIGURE 4. The architecture of sustainable EV charging.

electronics converter topologies) [57]. High-performing con-

verters for battery charging play a significant role in future
developments. Charger design challenges are mainly due to
various battery voltages and power sources. The chargers
must adopt various safety standards for EVs [58]. For exam-
ple, UL 2202 ensures the protection of the charging system,
and ECE R 100 ensures electric shock protection. Various
converter topologies, such as isolated and non-isolated, uni-
directional, and bidirectional, exist to meet the requirements
FIGURE 2. % Growth vs year.
of EV charging [8], [10], [56], [59].
Converters operating at high duty cycles (power switches
operate for a long period, i.e., close to the switching period),
invariably increase the voltage and current stress on the com-
ponents. Consequently, converters suffer from conduction
losses [32], [60]. The output diode will conduct opposite to
the power switch (for a shorter duration), making the diode
suffer from a reverse recovery problem. Isolated converters
provide high gain by simply altering the transformer’s turn
ratio. However, due to the transformer’s leakage inductance,
this causes enormous voltage spikes across the switches,
lowering overall efficiency. Many isolated and non-isolated
converter topologies have been reported in the literature for
high-gain applications [25], [50], [61], [62], [63].
FIGURE 3. Sales percentage vs vehicle type (2022). To charge and discharge an EV’s battery, or Energy Storing
Elements (ESE), a bi - directional DC-DC converter is used
to connect the ESE and loads on the EV [64]. However, uni-
to cover a longer distance for a single charge. However, it directional converters are also incorporated equally to supply
costs 50-60 % of the total vehicle cost [21], [37], [46], [47]. the sub-systems of the EV, such as sliding windows, side mir-
ror adjustments, wiper motors, music systems, and lighting.
III. ROLE OF POWER ELECTRONICS IN EV The architecture of a sustainable EV charger is illustrated in
Power electronic converters play a vital role as a bridge Fig.4. Various renewable energy resources are interfaced to
between the electrical power network and vehicle battery. the low-voltage DC bus, whose voltage rating is between 12V
Therefore, power electronic converters are expected to be and to48V. The power electronic interface satisfies the EV
highly reliable and cost-efficient [48], [49], [50]. Several charger’s demand by converting low voltage to high voltage
converters like DC/AC and DC/DC with various ratings are in the range 380-400V DC.
involved in EV applications, as depicted [48], [51], [52], [53],
Despite tremendous developments in EV technologies, In general, DC-DC converters are categorized as isolated
a potential barrier still exists with EV battery charging (power or non-isolated. Non-isolated converters are further classed

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FIGURE 5. Classification of converters focusing on unidirectional high gain converters.

Single conversion converters include buck, boost, and

buck-boost converters. Cuk, SEPIC, and ZETA converters
are two-stage conversion converters. These converters are the
product of the crossbreeding of two conventional converters
FIGURE 6. Generalized structure of the cascaded converter. and are not recommended for high-gain applications due to
the switches’ high component rating and duty ratio.
The voltage gain obtained by these converters can be
classified as low, medium, or high. A low voltage gain is
as common or floating grounds. Electrical isolation exists produced by derived or two-stage conversion converters, and
between the input and load terminals of an isolated converter. a medium voltage gain is obtained by quadratic convert-
Various articles have proposed a unidirectional DC-DC con- ers. High-voltage conversion is achieved utilizing topologies
verter with high gain and high efficiency for various appli- that include a coupled inductor, transformer, hybrid switched
cations like renewable energy and EV. These converters are inductor (SI), and switched capacitor (SC).
also appropriate for achieving the high voltage demand of
EV charging applications. As illustrated in Fig. 5, isolated
and non-isolated converters are categorized as unidirectional B. LOW VOLTAGE CONVERSION STAGES
and bidirectional converters. Furthermore, the non-isolated Low-voltage boosting converters are formed by joining two
unidirectional converter subsects into single-and multistage conventional DC-DC converters; hence they are considered to
conversion converters. be two-stage converters. The boost and buck converters form

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FIGURE 7. Various switched capacitor networks (a-h) uncontrolled switched capacitor structure, (i-n) controlled switch-based
switched capacitor structure.

the Cuk converter, which generates a step-up/down-inverting C. MEDIUM VOLTAGE CONVERSION STAGES
output. The single-ended primary inductor converter (SEPIC) The gain obtained by the conventional converter does not
produces a non-inverting step-up/down that is formed from match the demand for moderate- or high-voltage require-
the conventional boost and buck-boost converters. Zeta con- ments. Cascaded topologies have been developed to address
verter is another topology derived buck-boost and buck con- this gap. Many generalized constructions of the converter
verter to produce noninverting step-up/down output. cascading is depicted in Fig. 6.

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FIGURE 8. (a-d) Uncontrolled switch based switched inductor structures.

Due to the increased number of switches, inductors, capac- to an extend/derived/modified boost converter structure. This
itors, and diodes, a high voltage ratio can be reached at develops a new topology of quadratic boost converter by
the cost of robustness. On the other hand, losses increase cascading voltage gain cells for large voltage gain. Many
due to more components are used and thus efficiency is modified DC-DC boost converters like cubic boost, quadratic
reduced. Quadratic converters have been designed to alle- boost, cascaded inductor, integrated inductor, switched induc-
viate the drawbacks of the cascade converter; however the tor switched capacitor, multi-phase, multi-level interleaved,
primary problems include voltage stress across the controlled and tapped inductor, have been reported in the literature
switches, low efficiency, and additional complexity. [65], [66], [67], [68], [69], [70], and are presented in Fig.10.
Voltage stress across the power electronic switch affects the
D. HIGH VOLTAGE CONVERSION STAGES efficiency of the converter. As a result, the typical boost con-
The gain conversion ratio of high voltage step-up convert- verter is incapable of reaching the needed high gain. Highly
ers is high by combining basic DC-DC converter with one efficient converters bridge sustainable energy with electric
or more voltage boosting networks. The voltage boosting vehicles.
stages utilize a switched capacitor (SC), switched inductor,
voltage lifted inductor, voltage multiplier circuits, or a com- A. QUADRATIC BOOST CONVERTER (QBC) BASED
bination of these circuits. The various configurations with TOPOLOGIES
switched capacitors with uncontrolled switches are shown in
QBC shown in Fig. 11 (a) [71] is a non-isolated converter
Fig. 7 (a-h). Fig. 7 (i-n) shows the topologies of switched
that operates in low-power high-step-up applications. QBC,
capacitor structure based on the controlled switch.
like other comparable high gain topologies, suffers from
Recently, topologies that employ hybrid switched capac-
large switching and conduction losses. There are several
itors and switched inductors have become popular. Fig. 8
soft-switching strategies available for DC-DC converters.
shows the(a-d) uncontrolled switch based switched induc-
Coupled inductors are attracting much attention among all
tor structures. The various hybrid combinations of switched
the zero-voltage transitions (ZVT). Quasi-resonant and semi-
inductors and capacitors are shown in Fig. 9. (a-j). Various
quasi-resonant networks resulting in low-output voltage rip-
structures of hybrid switched inductor and switched capacitor
ples have been reported in the literature. In a conventional
using uncontrolled switch; Fig. 9. (k-o) Various structures of
QBC, the diode conduction loss contributes more to the over-
the hybrid switched inductor and switched capacitor using
all losses. A significant reduction in diode conduction loss,
a controlled switch. High-voltage converters are categorized
switching loss, input current ripple, and adaptive tuning of the
into five subsections as follows:
duty cycle for switches were the major contributions of this
) Switched capacitor-based converters. study [71]. A hardware model was developed for 250 W of
) Switched inductor-based converters. output power, operating at 100kHz switching frequency with
) Transformer or coupled inductor-based converters. an efficiency of 95.75%.
) Multilevel converters. Fig. 11 (b) depicts a quadratic boost converter (QBC)
) Luo converters. with quadratic voltage gain, continuous input current, low
ripple, a single switch, and low capacitor stress [72]. The
IV. MODIFIED/ENHANCED BOOST CONVERTER BASED traditional boost converter yields a voltage gain of ten at an
TOPOLOGIES extraordinary duty ratio, which is not experimentally conceiv-
The typical boost converter is appealing due to its simple able. A high duty ratio causes significant current stress on
design, grounded switch, and simple operation for a high volt- power electronic switches, resulting in decreased efficiency
age gain. The greatest limitation vehicle applications, leading and increased reverse recovery issues. Switched capacitor

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FIGURE 9. Hybrid structures of the switched inductor and switched capacitor (a-j) using an uncontrolled switch (k-o)
with a controlled switch.

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R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

high power-handling capability. A modified version of the

interleaving converter is presented in Fig. 12. (a) [73], which
employs two connected inductors and a voltage-multiplier
cell. For lower voltage stress on switching devices and also
for reduced ripple current, the input-side coupled inductor is
responsible. High voltage gain is achieved by the two coupled
FIGURE 10. Boost converter derived topologies. inductors connected in series at the output. Also, these couple
inductor helps in achieving low voltage stress on MOSFET
switch. Low voltage-rated switching devices reduce switch-
ing and conduction losses. To eliminate reverse-recovery
concerns, the energy accumulated in the leakage inductance
is recovered with the help of output diode. To decrease the
switching losses, the ZCS guarantees that the power elec-
tronic switches are switched on at zero current. To attain
desired power level in medium and high power applications
and parallel converter structures are preferred due to the lim-
itations of other topologies. The voltage spikes are generated
by the leaking inductance. these causes high voltage stress
across the switch. The merits of paralleling converters are
thermal distribution, increased power, reduced current stress
on the diodes, and minimized size of power semiconduc-
tor switches. Interleaving methods minimise the size of the
input filter. Two converter topologies are provided in [74],
as shown in Fig. 12. (b)&(c) and the gain of two converters are
Vo=(n+2) Vin/(1-D) and Vo=(n+4) Vin/(1-D) respectively.
The coupling factor of all coupled inductors used was unity.
At 100kHz switching frequency, the interleaved converter’s
experimental efficiency was 98 percent, its output power
was 400 W, and its output voltage was 400V.

A DC-DC step-up converter using an expandable voltage
systems offer improved voltage gain but poor regulation. The multiplier cell with soft switching [75], as shown in Fig.13.(a)
prime contributions of the article are as following: achieves high gain. The converter achieves reduced voltage
1. Lower voltage stress on the DC capacitor in QBC. stress across the switches and diodes due to the arrangement
2. A constant input current with minimal ripple aids in the of coupled inductors and voltage multiplier cells. This elim-
reduction of the input filter capacitor size. inates the reverse recovery problem. The proposed converter
3. Comparative analysis with ripple factor, voltages stress, was validated using a laboratory prototype rated at 500 W
efficiency, and bode plots at 40V input and 380V output. Compared to other converters,
4. Continuous and discontinuous conduction modes with ultra-high gain has been achieved using minimal switches and
inductor. components. Voltage stress is lowered on the capacitor and
The major goal is to keep a steady input current on the inductor size. The theoretical and experimental efficiencies of
capacitor with four reactive components and a single switch the converter are 97.23% and 96.63% at 500 W, respectively.
under reduced voltage stress. Modeling of the converter High gain resonant coupled inductor-based expandable con-
with small signals and DCM analysis were performed. The verter ensures soft switching for all switches and provides
dynamic response of the converter during closed-loop oper- high gain.
ation, in which the output voltage tracks the set voltage The coupled inductor was presented in [76] to produce
independent of load or source disturbance. When the input a high voltage gain, as shown in Fig. 13. (b). The circuit
voltage was 40V and the duty cycle was 0.6, the experimental consists of two windings. One winding is responsible for
output voltage was 237V at the output power of 200 W. the ZCS of the switches and diodes, while the other is used
for voltage lifting/ boosting. The high voltage gain output
B. INTERLEAVING BOOST CONVERTER-BASED voltage is obtained at a lower duty ratio for the main switch,
TOPOLOGIES which reduces the conduction loss. With an input voltage
The benefits of interleaving converters are very minimal of 30V, an output voltage of 360V, and a duty ratio of
input-current ripple, convenient energy-storing devices, and 39%, an efficiency of 95.34 % was reported. The switching

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R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

The major properties of the converter are illustrated in

Fig.13.(c) [77] are continuous and non-pulsating input cur-
rent, common ground, simple, high gain control, and ease of
maintenance. The voltage stress across the switch is equal to
half of the output voltage. The converter’s CCM and DCM
operating modes are thoroughly discussed. The gain achieved
in the converter is 4/(1-D) with a controlled switch and five
uncontrolled switches. The duty cycle of 0.6 yields an effi-
ciency of 94.05% for 150W output power at 30kHz switching
frequency. Here the input voltage is 10V and the output
voltage is 100V with a voltage gain of 10. The losses in the
diode, switch, inductor, and capacitor were 65%,19%,11%,
and 9%, respectively.
The bi-quadratic converter reported in [78] utilizes mul-
tiple switched inductor and capacitor networks to achieve
high gain with reduced conduction loss, thereby eliminating
core saturation with improved efficiency. The topology in
Fig. 13. (d) is formed with the n-stage SI and SC network. The
experiment was conducted for n=2 with an output voltage
of 600V, power of 500 W and 50kHZ switching frequency.
The effect of parasitic components is studied and reduced
using SiC semiconductor switches. The efficiency obtained
was 95.48% at 500W power. The experiment was carried
out with an input voltage of 48V, and the observed output
voltage was 650V at a 50kHz switching frequency. This con-
verter’s primary features are a low duty cycle of the switches,
lower current stress, and enhanced efficiency. Other enticing
aspects of the converter include the use of a single control
signal and a single driver.


The batteries are the source of electrical power in the EV
system. The use of high voltage-rated energy-storing batteries
leads to a raise in cost, size, weight, low current, and high
power density. The widespread use of public charging stations
enhances efficiency, longevity, accessibility, dependability,
and costs.
The interleaved structure [79] reduce the load voltage and
line current ripple. To overcome the issues of high power
density, conversion efficiency, and current ripple, IBCs are
used for high power applications due to their low components,
FIGURE 12. Interleaved boost converter topologies.
increased power rating, decreased element sizing, dynamic
response, and high conversion ratio. The auxiliary resonant
circuit can eradicate the issues related to hard switching
frequency was 100kHz and the resonating frequency was effectively. Because of the soft switching, the converter may
130kHz. Soft switching in high gain converters can be function in both continuous and discontinuous conduction
achieved by modes with no circulating currents. Further, the voltage and
1. Inductor method (high voltage stress on semiconductor current stress of the switching devices are reduced. This leads
devices). to higher switching frequencies, which reduces power loss
2. Voltage multiplier or switched capacitor (increased and increases efficiency.
components, size, and cost) Poor voltage regulation) For EV applications, a soft switched interleaved boost
3. Cascade structure (high voltage stress on switches is converter with an auxiliary resonating circuit is used as shown
inevitable) in Fig. 14. Several phases can be connected according to the
4. Multilevel structure (Increased power loss and cost) requirement. All the phases are identical with shifted control
5. Resonant method. signal by simple PWM control technique at similar switching

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FIGURE 13. Extendable voltage multiplier cell techniques based boost converters.

frequency and duty ratio. The converter may operate with

constant input, not alone from the grid but also from energy
storage systems, renewable energy sources such as solar PV,
wind, and so on. The simulation studies were carried out
with the PSIM platform for 8.2kW power and obtained 97%
efficiency. The experimental validation was carried out with
1.0kW power and efficiency was 98.78%.
The excellence of the converter is listed below:
1. Voltage gain is enhanced, component count is lowered,
FIGURE 14. Boost converter with multi-phase modification [79].
and voltage stress is minimised across semiconductor
2. The built-in three-winding transformer provides
greater freedom in raising the voltage gain to the 4. Built-in transformer helps in reducing the size of the
optimum level. core as well as core saturation is evaded.
3. The 3rd winding of the built-in transformer performs 5. The quasi-resonant operation allows the switch to oper-
the trans-inverse operation so, that the turns ratio is ate at reduced switching losses.
lower than unity. 6. The input filters decrease the ripple in the input current.

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R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters


A transformerless boost converter (TBC) was developed in
[80] for high gain with less stress across devices as illus-
trated in Fig. 15. (a). High voltage gain with lower voltage
stress across devices, simplified control, and improved effi-
ciency are the major benefits. The proposed transformerless
boost converter circuit derived from the traditional switched
inductor-based boost converter in that diodes have been
replaced with a capacitor and a controlled switch. Without
increasing the component count, a high er gain is achieved
compared to Simple Interleaved Boost Converter (SIBC). The
power electronics switch is intended to operate concurrently,
sharing the voltage to be handled and decreasing voltage
stress across the components. The common ground is ensured
for the load and source. A gain of 10 V was obtained with an
efficiency of 92.43% at 500 W output power. The average
current through any capacitor was zero. The shortcoming of
this converter is that the capacitor is connected directly to the
source during mode-1 operation through diode Da and switch
Sb . As a result, the transient peak current passes through the
A non-isolated converter using a dual switch with a switch-
ing capacitor and common ground to achieve high gain
at lower duty ratio was proposed in [81] and depicted in
Fig. 15. (b). Using the four basic voltage boosting techniques,
the duple switch with switched capacitor converter (DSSCC)
type-1 and type-2 are generated. At medium duty cycles,
these converter topologies exhibit low input current ripple
and significant voltage gain. The important features of this
converter topology are as follows:
1. High gain at medium duty cycle for the common ground.
2. Minimized input current ripple.
3. Device stress is less than half of load voltage.
4. Various ranges of supply variations can be addressed by
a small change in the duty cycle.
5. Less number of components produces the same gain
compared to the comparable topologies.
The experimental peak efficiency measured is 97% at the
output power of 120W and output voltage of 220V at 50kHz FIGURE 15. Transformerless boost converter.
switching frequency with the input voltage of 48V.

F. HYBRID SWITCHED CAPACITOR AND SWITCHED Losses can be reduced by using silicon carbide (SiC) and
INDUCTOR DERIVED BOOST CONVERTER gallium nitrate (GaN) power diodes. To minimize the size
A hybrid boost converter with switched capacitor and and weight, a common core is used for inductor windings.
switched inductor was presented in [82] illustrated in The voltage gains of 7.5 and 19 are obtained with D=0.5 and
Fig. 16. (a). Controlling the switched inductor and switched 0.8 respectively. The gain can be enhanced further by cas-
capacitor independently, tackles the input current ripple. As a cading switched capacitor cells. The experimental peak effi-
result, the size of the inductor is lowered in DCM operation. ciency was 96%, the output power was 200 W, and the output
Also, the current stress of the components S1 , S2 , D1 , D2 , and voltage was 360V when the input voltage was 48V with a
C1 is decreased. The output voltage of 396V is obtained by 50kHz switching frequency.
applying the input voltage of 100V with a 95kHz switching This converter architecture stands out from other reported
frequency. The charge pump / switched capacitor is added articles for offering higher gain due to the concept of regen-
to the circuit to improve the voltage gain without including erative boost design by incorporating switching capacitor
inductors [83] as shown in fig 16.(b). The normal diodes may configuration. The topology discussed in article [84] is pre-
suffer due to dynamic losses than the controlled switches. sented in Fig. 16. (c). The main features highlighted were low

VOLUME 11, 2023 78311

R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

FIGURE 16. Hybrid boost converter with switched capacitor and switched inductor.

voltage stress, extremely high voltage gain, lower on-state Multistage ultra-high gain using switched impedance with
resistance, and less component count for achieving bet- single power switching device that operates with minimal
ter efficiency, which was confirmed through the hardware components and high gain with low switch voltage stress is
results. proposed in [85]. Fig. 16. (d) represents the topology. The

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R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

TABLE 5. Review of voltage gain and voltage stress expressions of boost converter derived topologies.

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R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

TABLE 6. Comparison of boost converter derived topologies- based on the component count, input voltage output voltage, gain, efficiency at peak load.

experimental validation was performed at a rated power of 63% duty ratio. The losses in the switch and diode con-
200W and 650V output voltage at a switching frequency tribute 69% of the total losses. Here, the n-stage struc-
of 50kHz. The fabricated prototype with 20V input and ture uses 4(n+3) components. The article’s discussion was

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R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

made for n=1 so the converter uses 16 components in

Modified quasi-Z-source, three winding coupled inductor,
and n-level switched capacitor for regulated output volt-
age high gain converter is presented in [86] as shown in
Fig. 16. (e). The main advantages of this converter are its
high gain, constant input current, reduced voltage stress on FIGURE 17. Classification of SEPIC converter derived topologies.
switch passive clamping circuits, and improved efficiency.
The stacked n-level switched capacitor ensures high gain,
high efficiency, and a low turn ratio of coupled inductors. power, cost, and complexity level. The comparison helps us to
Voltage boosting / enhancement may be accomplished by find the cost-efficient, less complex more efficient converter
varying the turns ratio of a connected inductor, the num- topology that suits sustainable EV charging Applications.
ber of layers of switched capacitors, and the duty cycle.
The duty ratio of the converter can be varied from 0.1 to G. INFERENCES
0.6 which avoids the extreme duty ratio. The experimental The coupled inductor lowers the needed number of switching
coupling coefficients are k1=0.992; k2=0.997; k3=0.995. devices and ripple current. Switching and conduction losses
The voltage gain is unaffected by the leakage inductance. The are reduced while using low-rated switching devices. The
experimental efficiency is 98.43%, the output power is 200W energy stored in the leakage inductance is recycled through
with an input voltage of 28V and output voltage of 380V and the output diode during reverse recovery. ultra-high gain is
the attained gain is 13.57. achieved with the use of minimal switching components. The
The converter proposed in [87] has distinguishing converter’s duty cycle needs to be kept below 50% for high
attributes include minimal voltage stress on the power elec- efficiency. It is necessary to resolve the problems caused
tronics switching devices, common ground, continuous input by hard switching of the switching devices by employing
current and ultra-high gain. Fig. 16. (f). shows the topology soft switching techniques. The converter should be capable
of the modified boost converter. The coupled inductor is an of operating in both continuous and discontinuous modes
optimal method of voltage boosting since a single magnetic with no circulating currents. Without any circulating currents,
core can have two or three coils. Nevertheless, the number the converter should operate in both continuous and discon-
of turns is determined by the required gain. Cascading two tinuous modes. Devices made of SiC and GaN can boost
classical boost converters (CBC) leads to a quadratic boost efficiency while reducing loss. The converters are expected to
converter (QBC). The two switches of the converter operate have minimal voltage stress across the switches, continuous
simultaneously so that the voltage is shared by both switches input current, common ground between input and output, and
thereby voltage stress across the switches is reduced. The ultra-high gain without raising component count.
experimental output power is 250W, the output voltage is
600V, and the input voltage ranges between 15 and 30 volts. V. MODIFIED/ENHANCED SEPIC CONVERTER BASED
The obtained experimental gain is 40. TOPOLOGIES
The voltage gain can be obtained by combining a quintu- The SEPIC converter has drawbacks such as high input ripple
pler rectifier and coupled inductor for the reduced duty ratio current, voltage stress, switching losses, and reverse recov-
as shown in Fig. 16. (g). [88]. In this structure, the leakage ery problems. The quasi-resonant operation would minimize
flux is recycled to the capacitor by the axillary switch to voltage stress on the power electronics switches and therefore
enhance the gain. The active clamp and huge inductor also losses reduce. The inherent feature of the continuous input
address the voltage spikes and voltage stress across MOSFET. current of the SEPIC converter attracts interest. To achieve
This active clamp enables the soft switching of MOSFET. more gain, modification on SEPIC-based converters came
The experiment efficiency is 96.43%for the output power of into existence. The various topological categories of the
400W operating at 100kHz switching frequency. SEPIC converters are shown in Fig. 17.
Table 5 presents the gain and voltage stress across the
switch and diode of various converter topologies discussed A. INTERLEAVED ENHANCED SEPIC CONVERTER
under derived/enhanced/modified boost converter topologies. ZVS implemented a modified SEPIC converter working at
The gain in any converter topology for EV DC fast charging a switching frequency is high was discussed in [89]. The
application is essential. The voltage stress across the reg- topology proposed is presented in Fig. 18. (a). The increased
ulated and uncontrolled power electronic switches must be voltage gain and decreased voltage stress of the switches are
reduced for enhanced efficiency with high gain. The voltage important advantages of the DCM converter. When the duty
stress on the switches is determined by their position in the cycle is close to unity, the discharge time for the inductor
converter topology. decreases and saturates effortlessly. Capacitor-switched cir-
Table 6 compares various boost converter topologies based cuits can provide high power density as no magnetic com-
on the component count, input voltage, output voltage, volt- ponents are included. However, power density and efficiency
age gain, switching frequency, and peak efficiency at the rated are reduced when operating at high current transients. In high

VOLUME 11, 2023 78315

R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

FIGURE 18. Interleaved enhanced SEPIC converter.

frequency designs, switching loss associated with hard

switching is unavoidable. Therefore, soft switching reduces
switching losses and allows the converter to work on high
frequency applications. At the rated output power of 36W,
the converter’s experimental full load efficiency is 91.8 %.
The coupled inductor-less SEPIC based topology was pro-
posed [90] as shown in Fig. 18. (b). Lower voltage stress
on the switches, constant input current, non-inverting out-
put voltage, high efficiency, and high gain are some of the
benefits of employing a non-coupled inductor-based SEPIC
converter. Since coupled inductor is not employed, no clamp
circuit is required. The two switches of the proposed circuit
use the same gate pulse. As a result, adjusting the duty cycle
yields a wide range of output voltage. The converter is simple
to control. The 40kHz switching frequency, the duty cycle
is 74.2%. The efficiency achieved is 93% at 200W output


CONVERTER FIGURE 19. Coupled inductor / transformer-based SEPIC converter.
Transformer based SEPIC converter along with passive com-
ponents for improved performance in terms of high gain,
highly efficient, low voltage stress, and soft switching char- low parasitic capacitance and leakage inductance, improved
acteristics is proposed in [91] and is shown in Fig.19. (a). power density, and magnetic component optimization. The
The key contributions are partially interleaved structure for interleaving approach is the best way to decrease leakage

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R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

inductance. The switched capacitor generates large current the coupled inductor which adds merits of galvanic isolation
transients, lowering the power density and efficiency of the and high gain. The snubber circuit compresses the switch’s
converter. The method of soft switching of the converter has voltage stress to a low voltage. The input voltage is 48V, the
become a prominent characteristic in the converter’s per- output voltage is 200V, the maximum power is 100W, and the
formance evaluation. Devices like SiC and GaN have the switching frequency is 50kHz.
merits of fast switching and low conduction losses, making
the converters perfect for high power and high frequency C. EXTENDABLE VOLTAGE MULTIPLIER CELL TECHNIQUES
applications. The experimental efficiency obtained is 93.1%
Converter [96] uses a single switch for high gain conversion
for the 80W output power.
but the voltage stress across the switch is low. Fig. 20. (a).
High frequency SEPIC operating in DCM (discontinuous
shows the SEPIC-based extendable voltage multiplier cell
conduction mode) is proposed in [92] as shown in Fig. 19. (b).
techniques. Also, the input current is continuous so, huge
The switched inductor, coupled inductor, and resonant cell for
filters are not essential. SEPIC converter can perform buck
zero voltage switching (ZVS) enable this converter to achieve
and boost operations with the continuous input current. The
high voltage gain. The full load efficiency in the experiment
experiment was conducted with an output power of 110W.
is 93.4 %. With a duty ratio of 50%, the voltage gain is 15.
The input voltage for buck operation is 22V output voltage
The switching frequency is 500kHz.
is 18V. The input voltage for the boost operation is 25V, and
The absence of magnetic components produces high gain
the produced output voltage is 110V.For both buck and boost
with high power density by switched capacitor technique
operation, the 33kHz switching frequency and the duty ratio
proposed in [93] is shown in Fig. 19. (c).
for buck and boost operation are 22% and 60% respectively.
The distinguishing features of this converter include:
The efficiency for boost operation is 97% at 18W and the
1) By reducing the magnetic turns ratio, the converter’s
overall efficiency of the converter is 93.3% at 110W.
voltage conversion ratio is.
A modified SEPIC converter employing a switched capac-
2) Wide control range of duty cycle.
itor voltage double circuit [97] is shown in Fig. 20. (b).
3) Continuous input current.
The switched capacitor delivers superior gain while exerting
4) Because of the existence of a capacitance in the main
less strain on semiconductor switches. The modified cell
coil of the inductor, there is no core saturation caused.
preserves high quality input current, which is an important
To simplify the analysis, the following assumptions are
aspect of the SEPIC operating in DCM. The converter circuit
1) The parts are all perfect.
reduces voltage stress on the semiconductor devices and pro-
2) The voltage across the capacitors is assumed constant.
vides more power than the literature reported. The 1000W
3) The coupling coefficient is one so leakage inductance
output power prototype model was developed for experi-
is zero.
mental validation of the proposed converter. Other technical
The reported efficiency is 92% for the rated output power of
elements of the converter include an input voltage of 220V
325W. For a 48V input, the output voltage is 400V.
and an output voltage of 800V with a switching frequency
SEPIC DC-DC converter with improvised coupled induc-
of 50kHz.
tor for high gain application was proposed in [94] as shown
in Fig. 19. (d). For medium voltage applications, the coupled
inductor is better suited for high voltage with minimal power D. HYBRID SWITCHED CAPACITOR AND SWITCHED
losses. Because the voltage stress on the switches is mini- INDUCTOR-BASED SEPIC CONVERTERS
mized, which enables low-powered switches with low turn-on An isolated modified SEPIC converter is proposed in [98]
resistance, making the converter efficient and cost-effective. and [99]. To achieve maximum efficiency, low voltage com-
The indigenous contributions of the article are: ponents and lower parasitic parameters were used. Through
1) The converter is designed for renewable energy appli- the literature, the author has identified that the two separate
cations, with a nominal input voltage of 40V and an inductors will have separate core losses. The study has been
output voltage of 400V at 400W. carried out to reduce the core losses of the magnetic ele-
2) The converter was subjected to CCM and DCM ments. The feasible solution for the above-said issues was
analyses. identified and addressed by integrating the two inductors in
3) High voltage gain. the same core as shown in Fig. 21. (a) [18], [19], [98], [99].
4) Enhancing the design of the inductive coupling to elim- As a result, the core’s losses and volume are minimized.
inate leakage inductance and voltage spikes across the At the rated load, the 36W laboratory model has an efficiency
switch. of 91.5 %.
The highest reported peak efficiency is 96.2 %, with a full As shown in Fig. 21. (b) For higher voltage gain, a single
load efficiency of 95.2 %. The voltage gain claimed is close switch with a coupled inductor, a voltage multiplier, and an
to 10. improved passive lossless clamp circuit are used is proposed
It is reported that a topology based on an isolated SEPIC in [100]. The leakage inductance of the coupled inductor
DC-DC converter paired with a lossless snubber circuit is ensures that the controlled switch turns on and off at zero
used in [95] as shown in Fig. 19. e. The isolation is due to current.

VOLUME 11, 2023 78317

R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

a more compact and efficient solution for high gain applica-

tions. Although isolated converters obtain significant voltage
gain by altering the turns ratio of the inductor, leakage induc-
tance is unavoidable and necessitates clamping circuits are:
1) Reduced control complexity due to the usage of a single
2) Input current is continuous.
3) High voltage conversion ratio.
4) Maximum input source utilization.
The experimental validation provides 91.4% efficiency at
100W output power for transforming 24V input to 172V
The converter [102] is shown in Fig. 21. (d). For high gain
and constant input current, it has two voltage multiplier units
and a coupled inductor. The passive clamp circuit is utilized
for voltage gain as well as to minimize voltage stress on
the switch by reducing the coupled inductor’s leakage induc-
tance. As a result, the controlled switch’s conduction loss is
reduced. The lowered voltage stress on the diode mitigates the
reverse recovery problems. The input current should be con-
tinuous and ripple-free for improved input power regulation.
The suggested converter’s major advantages are high gain,
minimal ripple continuous input current, and low voltage
stress. The laboratory model was designed for a 245W output
power. The achieved efficiency is 93.5 % for a 20V input
voltage and a 300V output voltage at a duty ratio of 62 %.
SEPIC three-phase high power factored converter is shown
in Fig. 21. (e), operating in DCM is presented in [103]. DCM
operation delivers input current with low harmonic content
that is in phase with the input voltage in the absence of any
current control. The absence of bulky filters and 3rd-order
harmonics free input current are the main features of SEPIC
converter-based AC-DC converters The experimental model
is developed for the output power of 3000W and has achieved
a peak efficiency of 95.85%. For the input voltage of 220V,
the output voltage obtained is 400V.


FIGURE 20. Extendable voltage multiplier cell techniques based SEPIC. A modified SEPIC converter using a single switch converter
is shown in Fig. 22. (a), for high voltage conversion, is pro-
posed in [104]. Voltage multiplier cells with switched capaci-
tors boost voltage gain while decreasing voltage stress across
There is no issue with reverse recovery. Since coupled the power switch. Quasi resonant circuit ensures zero current
inductor slackens the slope of all the diodes. The experimen- switching of all the power electronics switches. The experi-
tal model is developed for the rated power of 160W at an mental validation has been carried out for 200W output power
output voltage of 200V while the input is 20V at the switch- and the reported efficiency is 94.4%. The output voltage of
ing frequency of 60kHz yielding an efficiency of 250V is produced for a 20V input voltage. The switching
[101] as shown in Fig. 21. (c). For many applications like frequency is 55kHz, with a duty ratio of 55%.
DC homes, Electric vehicles, DC microgrids, etc., high gain Fig. 22. (b) shows the Modified SEPIC converter for
converters are employed as a bridge. The coupled inductor high performance with inherent high gain proposed in [105].
or transformer based isolated topologies are bulky besides Because soft switching reduces losses and electromagnetic
the voltage spikes introduced by them. Although isolated interference, this converter is ideal for high power density
converters obtain significant voltage gain by modifying the applications. The diode reverses recovery current is reduced,
inductor’s turns ratio, leakage inductance is unavoidable and and the leakage inductance allows ZCS operation even in
necessitates clamping circuits. The non-isolated converter is CCM. At ZVS, the switch turns on and off, and the voltage

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R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

FIGURE 21. Hybrid switched capacitor and switched inductor-based SEPIC converters.

across the switch is half of the output voltage. Peak efficiency inductance of coupled inductors and capacitors reduces
is stated to be 97% for 180W output power. the switching losses. The suggested converter has signifi-
A single high-step-up switch DC-DC converter based on cant drawbacks such as high input ripple current, voltage
SEPIC converter is proposed in [106] as shown in Fig. 22. (c). stress, switching losses, and reverse recovery voltage. The
The coupled inductor and voltage Tripler unit are responsible quasi-resonant operation decreases losses by reducing volt-
for high voltage gain. Quasi-resonant operation of leakage age stress on the power electronics switches. At the rated

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TABLE 7. Review of sepic converter derived topologies’ voltage gain and voltage stress expressions.

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TABLE 7. (Continued.) Review of sepic converter derived topologies’ voltage gain and voltage stress expressions.

100W output power, the output voltage achieved for an input VI. MODIFIED/ENHANCED CUK CONVERTER BASED
voltage of 18V is 250V. The reported efficiency of the con- TOPOLOGIES
verter is 97.4% at the switching frequency of 40kHz. The classical Cuk converter is capable of converting
Table 7 shows the gain and voltage stress between the low-voltage input to high voltage output at an extreme duty
switch and diode of several SEPIC converter topologies. ratio. Therefore, it introduces high current and voltage stress
Table 8 analyses several SEPIC converter topologies based on the switching devices, thereby the efficiency of the con-
on component count, input voltage, output voltage, volt- verter is reduced. The Cuk converter fails to provide common
age gain, switching frequency, peak efficiency at rated ground between load and source due to its reverse polarity
power, cost, and complexity. The comparison assists us in nature though it provides continuous input current and high
determining the most cost-effective, less complicated, and efficiency in a lower duty ratio. Non-pulsating output and
efficient converter topology for sustainable EV charging input currents with low Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
applications. are the merits of the Cuk converter. Fig. 23 shows the classi-
fications of Cuk converter derived topologies.
Without using magnetic components, switched capacitor cir- A. CUK+ LUO CONVERTER
cuits may deliver large power densities. A switched capacitor For high gain applications, a transformerless Cuk converter
and inductor both charge and discharge in parallel. There is used with a positive super lift Luo converter is pro-
should not be any magnetic element core saturation. The cou- posed in [107] and is illustrated in Fig. 24. This converter’s
pled inductor is more suitable for high voltage applications major advantages include continuous input current, normal-
with fewer power losses. The snubber circuit minimises the ized voltage stress on the switches, size reduction of energy
voltage stress on the switch to a minimum. To achieve optimal storage devices, common ground, and high gain with high
efficiency, a low-voltage component with less parasitic fea- efficiency. The Cuk converter provides continuous input cur-
tures was used. By wrapping the inductors on a single core, rent and high efficiency in a low duty ratio but fails to
core losses of the inductor and coupled inductor will also be provide common ground to the load and source due to its
decreased. The non-isolated converter is more compact and reverse polarity nature. This shortcoming can be matched by
effective for high power applications. Quasi-resonant circuits integrating the Luo converter. The experimental validation of
provide high voltage gain and minimal voltage stress over the converter was carried out with an input voltage of 40V,
power electronics switches. and the output voltage obtained is 120V.

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R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

TABLE 8. Sepic converter derived topologies- comparison based on the component count, input voltage output voltage, gain, efficiency at peak load.

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FIGURE 24. Transformerless high gain Cuk [107].

FIGURE 22. Quasi-resonance operation SEPIC converter. FIGURE 25. Quadratic DC-DC Boost-Cuk HQBC converter.

handling capacity. The two topologies are termed hybrid

Quadratic boost converter 1 (HQBC type-1) and HQBC
type-2. A detailed study has been carried out to analyze
these topologies’ operation in both CCM and DCM modes.
FIGURE 23. Classification of Cuk converter. Experimental validation of both HQBC type-1 and HQBC
type-2 was carried out with the output power of 250W and
obtained 94.07% & 94.02% as the efficiencies respectively.
B. MERGED QUADRATIC BOOST AND CUK The output voltage achieved for a 24V input voltage is 200V
Two non-isolated DC-DC high gain converters combine the with a switching frequency of 20kHz and a duty ratio of 64%.
advantages of quadratic boost and Cuk converters, such as
high step-up voltage and easy control owing to shared ground C. CUK CONVERTER BASED ON A HYBRID OF SWITCHED
[67]. Fig. 25. (a) shows the hybrid Quadratic boost con- INDUCTOR (SI) AND SWITCHED CAPACITOR (SC)
verter 1 (HQBC type -1) and hybrid Quadratic boost con- Switched inductor (SI), switched capacitor (SC), voltage
verter 2 (HQBC type-2) shown in Fig. 25. (b). Multiphase multipliers, and voltage lift converter topologies minimize
converter reduces the current ripple and enhances the power voltage stress on semiconductor devices. To combine the

VOLUME 11, 2023 78323

R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

FIGURE 28. Classification of Zeta derived converter.

cost, and complexity. The comparison assists us in deter-

mining the most cost-effective, less complicated, and effi-
cient converter architecture for sustainable EV charging
FIGURE 26. Active switched inductor Cuk converter [108]. applications.

For converting low voltage input to high voltage output, the
conventional Cuk converter offers a high duty ratio capacity.
As a result, the switching devices are subjected to high current
and voltage stress, which lowers the converter’s efficiency.
Due to its reverse polarity, the Cuk converter cannot establish
a common ground between the load and the source, even if
it offers continuous input current and high efficiency at a
reduced duty ratio. High gain is supposed to have properties
FIGURE 27. Isolated Cuk converter [109]. such as continuous input current, normalized voltage stress
on the switches, size reduction for energy storage compo-
nents, a common ground, and high gain with high efficiency.
advantages of the switching inductor, capacitor, and Cuk A simple control circuit should be employed. Voltage lift
converter, this article [108] proposed a Cuk converter with switches and switched inductors decrease voltage stress on
hybrid switched inductor and switched capacitor as shown in semiconductor devices. Making use of the SiC power switch.
Fig. 26. The merits can be listed as
1) Output current that does not pulse. VII. MODIFIED/ENHANCED ZETA CONVERTER BASED
2) The regulated and uncontrolled switches are subjected TOPOLOGIES
to low voltage stress. Zeta converter can generate regulated output voltage above
3) Minimal current stress. and below the input voltage as SEPIC converter. The merits
4) The operation is simple. of the Zeta converter over the SEPIC converter are lower
5) High voltage gain and efficiency. output voltage ripple and simple compensation. Apart from
The experimental efficiency of the converter reported is the merits, the Zeta converter has a few demerits like high
97.86% for a 200W output power. With an input voltage of input voltage and a large flying capacitor. The classification
37.4V, the output voltage is 400V at a switching frequency of Zeta derived converter for EV charging is represented in
of 100kHz, and the duty ratio is 58.7 %. The total benefit Fig. 28.
obtained is 10.69.
The isolated Cuk converter with different filter topologies A single switch Zeta converter for high voltage gain with
was applied and analyzed in [109]. Fig. 27 shows the isolated low voltage stress, as shown in Fig. 29. (a). A single switch
Cuk converter. The primary feature is the design of the state Zeta converter is proposed in [110] for high voltage gain
space average model of this converter with filters for its with reduced voltage stress as presented in Fig. 29. (a). The
transfer function using small signal analysis. The SiC power assumptions made for analysis are 1) the capacitor’s ripple
switch is used to study the performance of the converter with voltage is negligible 2) all the devices are ideal. The proposed
filters. The efficiency reported is 86% at the output power Zeta converter is studied in both CCM and DCM operations.
of 50W. The benefits of the proposed Zeta converter are as follows:
Table 9 shows the gain and voltage stress across the switch 1) Since the converter employs a single switch, the drive
and diode of various converter topologies covered in the and control are simple and cost-effective.
section derived/enhanced/modified Cuk converter topologies. 2) The number of fundamental cells varies depending on
Table 10 analyses several Cuk converter topologies based the application.
on component count, input voltage, output voltage, voltage 3) A low-duty cycle is used to produce the high voltage
gain, switching frequency, peak efficiency at rated power, gain.

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TABLE 9. Review of Cuk converter derived topologies’ voltage gain and voltage stress expressions.

TABLE 10. Cuk converter derived topologies- comparison based on the component count, input voltage output voltage, gain, efficiency at peak load.

The highest experimental efficiency is 94.3 % for an output Based on the coat circuit, a bipolar high step-up Zeta buck-
power of 240W with a voltage source of 48V and an output boost converter is proposed in [111]. The coat circuit is useful
voltage of 240V with a duty cycle of 74%. for reducing voltage stress and increased high gain. This

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FIGURE 30. Hybrid Luo converter [112].

Fig. 30. High voltage gain is achieved with the use of

high frequency transformers, multistage diodes, and capac-
itor circuits with continuous input and output currents.
If the duty cycle of the converter is increased in order
to achieve high voltage gain, the performance of the con-
verter will decline. To counteract voltage spikes caused by
isolated converters, a clamping circuit must be incorpo-
rated, reducing efficiency. The Luo converter can provide
high voltage gain. However, complexity, volume, cost, and
losses rise, while efficiency declines. The integrated Zeta
active quad-switched inductor network has several features
1) Excessive gain.
2) Input current that is constant.
3) Inductor with a low current rating.
4) Devices with low current/voltage ratings.
FIGURE 29. Hybrid switched inductor and switched capacitor-based Zeta
The experimental efficiency recorded is 92.93 % for a
500W output power and a 50V input voltage, resulting in a
suggested design has a major advantage in that the posi- 400V output voltage.
tive and negative voltages of the converter’s bipolar output
voltage are automatically equalized. Fig. 29 (b) depicts a C. TRANSFORMERLESS ZETA CONVERTER
single switch Zeta Buck-Boost (ZBB) converter-based coat A Transformerless Zeta converter configuration is proposed
circuit. capable of high voltage gain and bipolar output. The in [113] for high gain application as shown in Fig.31. The
assumptions listed for simplified analysis are: converter topology is very simple; because it employs a single
1) All the elements are ideal, and all the parasitic effects adjustable switch, the complexity of the drive and control
are eliminated. circuits is minimized. Both CCM and DCM modes may
2) The capacitor ripple voltage effects are insignificant be used to study the converter. For the simplified analysis
due to large capacitance. purpose, the assumptions made are:
3) CCM mode is used by the converter. 1) Since all of the capacitors utilized are huge, the capac-
The benefits of the converter mentioned are: itor voltage is ripple free.
1) Without any additional switch, drive, and control cir- 2) All the controlled and uncontrolled switches are
cuitry, this converter produces bipolar outputs. ideal.
2) The use of the Coat circuit reduces the voltage load on The Zeta converter presented has the below listed merits
the switches. 1) Buck-boost ability
3) According to the application requirements, the positive 2) Continuous output current
and negative cells can be extended. 3) The DC insulation between input and output is compa-
rable to the various transformerless high gain topolo-
B. HYBRID ZETA-BOOST CONVERTER + SWITCHED gies documented in the article’s literature.
INDUCTOR The claimed efficiency for the 200W output power is 96 %.
Hybrid Zeta and Active-quad-switched-inductor are pro- At a switching frequency of 40kHz, the output voltage is 80V
posed in [112] for high gain voltage as presented in for a 36V input voltage.

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R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

TABLE 11. Review of Zeta converter-derived topologies’ voltage gain and voltage stress expressions.

TABLE 12. Zeta converter derived topologies- comparison based on the component count, input voltage output voltage, gain, efficiency at peak load.

D. BRIDGELESS ISOLATED ZETA + LUO CONVERTER measured power quality is within the limitations established
Reference [114] proposes a Bridgeless (BL) isolated by the suggested IEC 61000-3-2 norm. The Zeta and Luo
Zeta-Luo converter for power factor control on the sup- converter offers extraordinary improvement in power qual-
ply side for EV charging applications illustrated in Fig.32. ity, load regulation and low charging current ripple. The
The single inductor shared by two converters for both substantial features of the proposed charger configuration
cycles improves efficiency. For all operating conditions, the are:

VOLUME 11, 2023 78327

R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

FIGURE 33. Classification of Luo converter derived topologies.

given by the required IEC 61000-3-2 standard for all operat-

ing conditions.
FIGURE 31. Non-isolated buck-boost converter Based on Zeta
converter [113].
At a low duty cycle, the Luo converter may give high gain
and good efficiency. When compared to boost converters,
Luo converters have a higher conversion ratio, higher power
density, more efficiency, and a more inexpensive construction
[115]. However, this converter’s drawback is a relatively low
output current, which renders the Luo converter ineffective.
It is combined with a buck converter to enhance performance.
As a result, the Luo-buck integrated topology will enhance
FIGURE 32. Bridgeless (BL) isolated Zeta–Luo converter based EV
charger [114].
the crucial factors that make the traditional Luo converter
effective. To make the Luo converter suitable for the EV
charging application, literature reports various modifications
listed as shown in Fig. 33.
1) The reduction in the overall size of the converter is due
to the sharing of a single inductor at the output of Zeta A. LUO INTEGRATED CONVERTERS
and Luo converters. A Multiport Converter integrated buck and Super lift Luo
2) Efficiency is improved due to the reduction of converter is proposed in [116] as shown in Fig. 34. (a).
components. The electric motor, audio system, and light all operate at
3) Converter operates in DC mode due to magnetizing different voltage levels in the EV. The SLBC (super lift with
inductor in the isolated converter. buck converter) produces two step-up voltages and one step-
4) A simplified simultaneous pulse has perfect control down voltage. The duty cycle of the switches D1 varies from
over the power factor. 60-80% for the fixed D2=50%. The various combinations of
Table 11 presents the gain and voltage stress across the the duty cycle were analyzed. The gain for step up is 6 and
switch and diode of various converter topologies discussed 2.3 for step down. For a 150W output power, the experimental
under derived/enhanced/modified Zeta converter topologies. efficiency is 93 %. The step-up and step-down output voltages
Table 12 compares various ZETA converter topologies for a 12V input are 25V and 5.2V, respectively. The essential
based on the component count, input voltage, output voltage, characteristics include ease of control, a wide voltage range
voltage gain, switching frequency, and peak efficiency at with enhanced gain, and reduced conduction loss.
the rated power, cost, and complexity level. The comparison The bridgeless modified Luo converter is presented in
helps us to find the cost-efficient, less complex more effi- [117] to provide vigorous charging action across a wide input
cient converter topology that suits sustainable EV charging voltage range, as illustrated in Fig. 34. (b). The main goals of
applications. the article are:
1) Removal of input diode.
E. INFERENCE 2) Less number of components operating in a single
The converter’s closed-loop control is utilized to comprehend switching cycle.
the dynamic behavior of the converters. The high frequency 3) The input filter is not required because of the input
transformer and multistage diode and capacitor circuits offer inductor of the modified Luo converter.
significant voltage gain. A clamping circuit must be added 4) Both switches use the same gate pulse, which makes
to avoid voltage spikes produced by non-isolated converters, control simple.
which will decrease efficiency. If the high gain output voltage 5) The output inductance provides continuous current
is reached by raising the duty cycle of the converter, the though the converter is operating in DCM.
converter’s performance will suffer. The drive and control 6) Conduction losses are reduced.
circuits’ complexity will be reduced. The CCM and DCM The experimental validation is configured to charge
modes can both be used to investigate the converter’s perfor- 48V/100Ah with an output power of 850W. The DC link
mance. The power quality obtained is within the limitations voltage is 300V, and the switching frequency is 20kHz.

78328 VOLUME 11, 2023

R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

FIGURE 35. Interleaved Luo converter [118].

charging. Fig. 35 shows the interleaved Luo converter for the

pre-regulated power factor. Interleaving two Luo converters
helps in effective charging at high power. The reduction in
the switch’s current stress reduces conduction loss. Hence,
efficiency is increased. The converter operates in DCM for
the zero switching of the switch and the improvement of
the reverse recovery of the diode. The high power rating
and voltage lifting features of this Luo converter make it
appropriate for an improved power factor-based EV charger.
The input current of the two-phase interleaved Luo converter
is continuous with lower input current, and the battery life is
The commendable features of this Luo converter are
1) Since the Luo converter interleaves, the input current is
split, reducing the switch’s current stress.
2) Reduced current stress allows for the use of low-rated
switches, which decreases the cost, size, and efficiency
of the converter.
3) Interleaving reduces the input current ripple.
FIGURE 34. Luo integrated converters.
4) Due to the low output ripple, the size of the DC link
capacitor was also lowered.
For the rated output power of 750W, the converter’s experi-
Cuk with a positive output super lift Luo converter for a mental efficiency is 91.89 %. The input voltage is 220V, the
transformerless high gain is proposed in [107] as shown in supply frequency is 50Hz, and the output voltage is 300V.
Fig. 34. (c). This converter’s characteristics include constant
input current, low voltage/current stress, decreased size of C. MULTI-OUTPUT LUO CONVERTER
energy storage parts, common ground, high gain, and high Super lift Luo converter, flyback, and coupled inductor-based
efficiency. The Luo converter can provide high gain with enhanced multi-output converter integrated is presented in
high efficiency at a low duty cycle. The voltage lift is used [119] as shown in Fig. 36. To achieve great efficiency, the
for obtaining high gain at a reduced component count. The coupled inductor’s leakage inductance is regenerated. As a
capacitor voltage (VC1) of the Cuk converter is similar to result, the voltage spike caused by leakage inductance is han-
the capacitor voltage of a typical boost converter. The two dled, and it will no longer arise across switches. The positive
switches operate simultaneously hence, the control complex- output super lift Luo converter has remarkable advantages
ity of employing two switches is reduced. The theoretical such as high efficiency, superior power density, and high gain.
efficiency is more than 80%. The switch’s duty cycle is 67 %. As the inductors are wound on the same core, the size of the
At a rated power of 200W, the input voltage is 20V and converter is reduced.
the output voltage is 120V. The switching frequency of the For analysis the following assumption was made:1) con-
converter is 100kHz. verter operates in CCM 2) the forward voltage drop of the
diode is equaled to the resistance drop and coupled inductor
B. INTERLEAVED LUO CONVERTER and capacitor effects are eliminated. The connected induc-
A New interleaved Luo converter is proposed [118] tor has no effect on the voltage stress across the switches.
for a pre-regulated power factor built for EV battery The voltage stress on the switch, on the other hand, is fully

VOLUME 11, 2023 78329

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FIGURE 36. Multi-Output Luo converter [119].

determined by the duty cycle and input supply. The exper-

imental model was developed for 110W output power, and
the reported efficiency is 92.5%. For the input voltage of 12V,
multiple output voltages obtained are 48V,36V, and 24V at the
switching frequency of 115kHz.


Modified Luo converter for EV charging system to provide
high voltage gain, low voltage stress on switches, decreased
capacitor stress, and reduced component count is proposed in
[120] as shown in Fig. 37. (a). The substantial challenge faced
while integrating sources like batteries and supercapacitors
with traction motors is inevitable. The article’s significant
contributions include:
1) The capacitor voltage stress of the modified Luo con-
verter is reduced.
2) The failure of the capacitor depends on the voltage
stress of the capacitor. FIGURE 37. Switched impedance based Luo converter.
3) Cascading for high gain, high power applications.
Fig. 37. (b) shows the type-1 Switched Impedance based
Luo converters and Fig. 37. (c) shows the type-2 Switched
Impedance based Luo converters. AC -DC isolated bridge- Table 14 compares various Luo converter topologies based
less (BL) positive Luo converter for light vehicle applications on the component count, input voltage, output voltage, volt-
is proposed in [121]. The main contributions are: age gain, switching frequency, and peak efficiency at the rated
Simple, cost-effective, and reliable charging solution for power, cost, and complexity level. The comparison helps us to
light electric vehicle applications. find the cost-efficient, less complex, more efficient converter
Positive output Luo voltage polarity utilizes minimum topology that suits sustainable EV charging applications.
Enables soft switching, size reduction, high frequency dis- E. INFERENCE
continuous inductor current mode (DICM) It is expected that the integration of power sources like
The prototype model was tested at various testable batteries and supercapacitors with traction motors will have
conditions. significant challenges. Simple, affordable, and reliable charg-
The suggested converter has a laboratory efficiency of ing solution for applications involving light electric vehicles
91 % for a rated output power of 150W. For the input of provided by a modified Luo converter. To achieve great effi-
220V, 50Hz single phase supply obtained output voltage level ciency, the coupled inductor’s leakage inductance is recy-
is 85-265V while the switching frequency is 20kHz. The 24 V cled. As a result, the voltage spike generated by leakage
battery is taken as a load for laboratory validation. inductance is managed and will not occur across switches.
Table 13 presents the gain and voltage stress across the The coupled inductor’s leakage inductance is recycled to
switch and diode of various converter topologies discussed attain high efficiency. The voltage spike induced by leaking
under derived/enhanced/modified Luo converter topologies. inductance is dealt with and will not arise across switches. It is

78330 VOLUME 11, 2023

R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

TABLE 13. Review of Luo converter-derived topologies’ voltage gain and voltage stress expressions.

TABLE 14. Luo converter derived topologies- comparison based on the component count, input voltage output voltage, gain, efficiency at peak load.

expected that the integration of power sources like batteries modified Luo converter. To achieve great efficiency, the cou-
and supercapacitors with traction motors will have significant pled inductor’s leakage inductance is recycled. The voltage
challenges. Simple, affordable, and reliable charging solution spike caused by leakage inductance is handled, and it won’t
for applications involving light electric vehicles provided by a appear across switches. The converter’s size has decreased

VOLUME 11, 2023 78331

R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

TABLE 15. Effective converters for dc fast charging in practical on large scale.

since the inductors are coiled on the same core. The voltage transformer, and built-in transformer helps in increasing the
stress at the switches is unaffected by the associated inductor. voltage gain. Furthermore, increasing the degree of freedom
However, the duty cycle and input supply have no effect of the converter results in high efficiency if the parasitic
on the voltage stress on the switch. The switch’s current inductance is recycled. The Magnetic coupling-based con-
stress is lowered, minimizing conduction loss and enhancing verters find a wide range of applications in EV fast charging
efficiency. The converter increases diode reverse recovery applications, renewable energy systems and microgrids [9],
by operating in DCM for switch zero switching. This Luo [10], [17], [47], [68], [88]. Furthermore, these converters are
converter is suitable for enhanced power factor based EV used in data centres, telecommunications, physics, and high-
chargers because of its high power rating and voltage boost- power supply.
ing capabilities. The characteristics of this converter include Multistage is also known as cascading [75], [78], [79],
a steady input current, low voltage/current stress, smaller [86], [119]. It is developed by connecting the identical or
energy storage parts, common ground, high gain, and high different high step-up converters serially. The problem of
efficiency. The Luo converter has a high gain, high efficiency, lower efficiency due to converter multiplication can be solved
and low duty cycle capability. Using the voltage lift makes it by driving the low voltage stage at a high frequency and
possible to get a high gain with fewer components. the high voltage side at a low frequency. The main chal-
Various high gain converter topologies were studied in this lenges of the non-isolated high gain converters are high input
article, and the majority of the converters were considered current and its high ripple, making the input components
to be suitable for EV DC charging applications. A converter design complex and increasing the size. To overcome these
may be selected depending on EV system requirements such concerns, interleaving [73], [79], [91], [118] is recommended
as voltage gain, efficiency, ripples, and compatibility. A dis- by connecting two or more identical converters in parallel at
cussion on the mentioned dc-dc converters for EV-sustainable the input and extending this till the output port. Interleaving
dc-dc fast charging applications, the aforementioned selec- helps:
tion factors and the corresponding converters have been pre- (1) to reduce the diodes’ reverse recovery
sented as follows. The component count comparison is the (2) to increase power density
primary and simple approach to analyzing the suitability (3) in enhancing the reliability of the converter
of the converter for any application. To attain high voltage (4) in achieving the wide operation range
gain, the increased use of diodes, switched inductors [77], (5) to reduce passive component size.
[82], [83], [108], [112], switched capacitors [77], [82], [83], Multilevel topologies require fewer magnetic components,
[97], [108], output rectifiers, stacked structures, integrated which reduces weight and EMI. Multilevel topologies [78],
cells [10], [98], and clamp circuits [122] is unavoidable. [79], [86], [119] have been offered as a common and practical
Passive components, particularly magnetic cores, are the solution for high voltage stress on output port components
most effective means of measuring the volume and weight while preserving high voltage gain.
of the converter. The use of multi-winding magnetics [73], In some works, SI and SC are incorporated to obtain higher
[75], [86], [87], [93] like a coupled inductor, conventional gains. Switched inductor and switched capacitors are made

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R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters

to charge in parallel and discharge in series [77], [82], [83], TABLE 16. Design considerations for the converters.
[97], [108] and SI [77], [82], [83], [108], [112]. The essential
aspects of SI and SC structures are outlined below.
(1) Requirement of magnetic inductors is eliminated since
switched capacitor is used for power transmission. Hence, it is
cheaper and reduced weight. EMI is also reduced.
(2) SCs have a less power density compared to the power
density of SI. To reduce the switching losses and voltage
spikes across the devices, switching frequency has to be
(3) The use of coupled inductors in SI networks [75],
[77], [82], [83], [108], [112] improves voltage gain, reduces
use of magnetic cores, makes simple with variable turns
ratio of coupled inductor, the reverse recovery issue of
diode is eliminated, provided the leakage inductance is
(4) The SI and SC circuits offer cascade, integration, and
modularity capabilities, allowing them to achieve significant
voltage gains.
(5) By adding a tiny resonant inductor to selected SC cells,
the switching devices achieve zero current switching (ZCS)
[21], [71], [79], [88], [92], [105], makes this suitable for oper- ) In the coupled inductor structure, the voltage and current
ating at high power density and high switching frequency. stress of the switches are limited. Nevertheless, major
(6) the VMC are expected to be located after the main problem with coupled inductor structures are loss due to
power switch, in order to minimize the voltage stress [73], the leakage. To address this issue, an additional clamp-
[75], [79]. ing circuit to reuse the leakage energy is required but this
Despite their shortcomings, most non-isolated high gain again increases the complexity and controllability of the
DC-DC converters are appropriate for EV rapid charging converter.
applications [7], [64], [121]. ) Though the interleaving technique has reduced rip-
To optimize an EV charging system, it is important to use ple current for high-power applications, the num-
a highly efficient converter that has high voltage gain, creates ber of switches used is high compared to the gain
low semiconductor stress, and produces minimal voltage and achieved.
current ripple. While high-order SC and SI cells can enhance ) Switched impedance like SC based topologies, capacitor
voltage gain, they also increase the number of components. charges in parallel, and discharges in series. Here, the
Some converters use snubbers and clamp circuits to reduce voltage regulation is poor. Therefore, this methodol-
voltage stress, decrease switching loss, and improve effi- ogy cannot be used individually. However, this can be
ciency and power density. Based on these considerations, integrated with other topologies which can have proper
the best converters for EV Sustainable DC Fast Charging output voltage regulation.
Applications reviewed in this paper have been identified, one ) SI (switched inductor) based topologies charge paral-
from each group, and presented in Table 15. lelly and discharge serially the stored energy but the
number of switches increases the cost, switching, and
conduction losses.
IX. RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES Table 16 lists various consideration for designing the con-
) Many Boost, SEPIC, Cuk, Luo, and Zeta derived con- verters for EV DC fast charging applications which are size
verter topologies were developed and reported for high (reflects on the cost of the converter), electrical performance
gain applications with various duty cycles ranging from (ensure the requirement of the EV charging are met), thermal
0.33 to 0.8. Efficiency suffers due to the significant management (ensures the capability of the converter to with-
conduction losses when the converter operates with a stand the temperature variation in and around the converter),
duty cycle of more than 0.5. mechanical strength (ensure the converter capability to with-
) Cascading converters develop quadratic and cubic con- stand the external or internal shock and vibrations), reliability,
verters. The gain achieved by the quadratic converter is manufacturability.
higher than the conventional boost converter. However,
voltage stress and high current are the major drawbacks. X. CONCLUSION
) The quasi-resonant-based reduces switching losses and With superior wisdom of consciousness on environmental
attains high gain. But it increases the complexity of the impacts due to fossil fuel and to reduce the dependency on
converter. conventional fuels reviewed the suitability of the DC-DC

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10.1109/TPEL.2020.3037480. R. VENUGOPAL received the B.E. degree in elec-
[104] S. Hasanpour, T. Nouri, F. Blaabjerg, and Y. P. Siwakoti, ‘‘High step- trical and electronic engineering and the M.E.
up SEPIC-based trans-inverse DC–DC converter with quasi-resonance degree in power electronics and drives from the
operation for renewable energy applications,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., Jerusalem College of Engineering, affiliated to
vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 485–497, Jan. 2023, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2022.3150103. Anna University, Chennai, in 2009 and 2011,
[105] F. I. Kravetz and R. Gules, ‘‘Soft-switching high static gain modified respectively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D.
SEPIC converter,’’ IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Power Electron., vol. 9, degree in electrical and electronic engineering
no. 6, pp. 6739–6747, Dec. 2021, doi: 10.1109/JESTPE.2021.3079573. with the SRM Institute of Science and Tech-
[106] S. Hasanpour, A. Baghramian, and H. Mojallali, ‘‘A modified SEPIC- nology, Kattankulathur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,
based high step-up DC–DC converter with quasi-resonant operation for India.
renewable energy applications,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 66, no. 5, From 2011 to 2012, he was an Assistant Professor with the Sri Lak-
pp. 3539–3549, May 2019, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2018.2851952. shmi Ammal Engineering College, Chennai. From 2012 to 2014, he was
[107] S. Mahdizadeh, H. Gholizadeh, and S. A. Gorji, ‘‘A power converter based associated with the Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering, Chennai, as an
on the combination of cuk and positive output super lift lou converters: Assistant Professor. From 2014 to 2017, he was an Assistant Professor with
Circuit analysis, simulation and experimental validation,’’ IEEE Access,
the Kingston Engineering College, Vellore, and from 2017 to 2021, he was
vol. 10, pp. 52899–52911, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3175892.
with the Saranathan College of Engineering as an Assistant Professor.
[108] A. M. S. S. Andrade, T. M. K. Faistel, A. Toebe, and R. A. Guisso, ‘‘Fam-
Mr. Venugopal was a Life Member of Indian Society for Technical
ily of transformerless active switched inductor and switched capacitor ćuk
DC–DC converter for high voltage gain applications,’’ IEEE J. Emerg.
Education (ISTE), Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), and
Sel. Topics Ind. Electron., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 390–398, Oct. 2021, doi: International Association of Engineers (INEAG).
[109] E. Sehirli, ‘‘Analysis of LCL filter topologies for DC–DC isolated cuk
converter at CCM operation,’’ IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 113741–113755, BALAJI CHANDRASEKAR (Member, IEEE) was
2022, doi: 10.1109/access.2022.3218162. born in Arakkonam, India. He received the
[110] B. Zhu, G. Liu, Y. Zhang, Y. Huang, and S. Hu, ‘‘Single-switch high B.E. degree in electrical and electronics engi-
step-up zeta converter based on coat circuit,’’ IEEE Access, vol. 9, neering from the IFET College of Engineer-
pp. 5166–5176, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3048388. ing, Villupuram, and the M.E. degree in control
[111] B. Zhu, Y. Liu, S. Zhi, K. Wang, and J. Liu, ‘‘A family of bipolar and instrumentation engineering from the College
high step-up zeta–buck–boost converter based on ’coat circuit,’’ IEEE
of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, India.
Trans. Power Electron, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 3328–3339, Nov. 2022, doi:
He completed his research in the area of power
electronics from the Department of Electrical and
[112] M. S. Bhaskar, N. Gupta, S. Selvam, D. J. Almakhles, P. Sanjeevikumar,
J. S. M. Ali, and S. Umashankar, ‘‘A new hybrid zeta-boost converter with Electronics Engineering, SRM Institute of Science
active quad switched inductor for high voltage gain,’’ IEEE Access, vol. 9, and Technology (SRMIST), Kattankulathur, Chennai. He is currently an
pp. 20022–20034, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3054393. Assistant Professor with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engi-
[113] M. R. Banaei and H. A. F. Bonab, ‘‘A high efficiency nonisolated buck– neering, SRMIST. He has authored more than 17 technical papers published
boost converter based on ZETA converter,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., in journals and conference proceedings. He has also authored a book titled
vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 1991–1998, Mar. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2019.2902785. Measurement and Instrumentation for undergraduate students. His current
[114] R. Kushwaha and B. Singh, ‘‘Bridgeless isolated Zeta–Luo converter- research interests include multi-port power electronic converters and renew-
based EV charger with PF preregulation,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 57, able energy systems. He is a member of the Institution of Engineers, India,
no. 1, pp. 628–636, Jan. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2020.3036019. and Indian Society for Technical Education, India.
[115] R. S. Devi, P. V. Mrudhulaa, K. Priyadharshini, R. Seyezhai, and M. Vem-
pati, ‘‘Development of solar DC home system using modified LUO con-
verter,’’ Int J. Eng. Adv. Technol., vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 23–30, Oct. 2018.
A. DOMINIC SAVIO (Member, IEEE) received
[116] B. Faridpak, M. Farrokhifar, M. Nasiri, A. Alahyari, and N. Sadoogi,
the B.E. degree in electrical engineering from
‘‘Developing a super-lift luo-converter with integration of buck converters
for electric vehicle applications,’’ CSEE J. Power Energy Syst., vol. 7, no. 4, Anna University, in 2007, the M.Tech. degree in
pp. 811–820, Jul. 2021, doi: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2020.01880. control and instrumentation from Karunya Univer-
[117] R. Kushwaha and B. Singh, ‘‘Design and development of modified BL sity, Coimbatore, in 2010, and the Ph.D. degree
luo converter for PQ improvement in EV charger,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., from the SRM Institute of Science and Technol-
vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 3976–3984, Jul. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2020.2988197. ogy (SRMIST), India, in 2020. He is currently
[118] B. Singh and R. Kushwaha, ‘‘Power factor preregulation in interleaved an Assistant Professor with the Department of
luo converter-fed electric vehicle battery charger,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SRMIST.
vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 2870–2882, May 2021, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2021.3061964. He has authored more than 17 technical papers
[119] F. Ghasemi, M. R. Yazdani, and M. Delshad, ‘‘Step-up DC–DC published in journals and conference proceedings. His research interests
switching converter with single switch and multi-outputs based on include power management and control in electric vehicle charging infras-
luo topology,’’ IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 16871–16882, 2022, doi: tructure and electric vehicle charging converter. He is a member of the
10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3150316. Institution of Engineers, India.

VOLUME 11, 2023 78337

R. Venugopal et al.: Review on Unidirectional Non-Isolated High Gain DC–DC Converters


received the bachelor’s degree in electrical engi- degree in electrical and computer engineering
neering and the master’s degree in control and from The University of Queensland. He was a
instrumentation from Anna University, India, in Postdoctoral Researcher with The University of
2009 and 2011, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree Queensland, before joining Al Ain University.
from the SRM Institute of Science and Technology He is currently an Assistant Professor in soft-
(SRMIST), India, in 2019. He is currently an ware engineering with Al Ain University. He has
Associate Professor with the Department of Elec- published more than 25 peer-reviewed journals
trical and Electronics Engineering, SRMIST. His and conference papers and he holds three pend-
research interests include wireless power transfer, ing patents. His current research interests include
electric vehicles, power electronics, artificial intelligence and machine developing novel electro-acoustic-optic neural interfaces for large-scale
learning in renewable energy systems, and embedded systems for smart high-resolution electrophysiology and distributed optogenetic stimulation.
sensors. He was a recipient of several awards. His dissertation on developing novel
hybrid plasmonic photonic on-chip biochemical sensors received the Sigma
Xi Best Ph.D. Thesis Award.

KAREEM M. ABORAS received the B.Sc., M.Sc.,

and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from MOKHTAR SHOURAN received the B.Sc. and
the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria Univer- M.Sc. degrees in control engineering from the
sity, Alexandria, Egypt, in 2010, 2015, and 2020, College of Electronics Technology, Bani Waled,
respectively. His Ph.D. research work is focused Libya, in 2011 and 2014, respectively, the M.Sc.
on the performance enhancement of renewable degree in electronics and information technology
energy conversion systems. Currently, he is an from the University of South Wales, Treforest,
Assistant Professor with the Electrical Power U.K., in 2017, and the Ph.D. degree in power sys-
and Machines Department, Faculty of Engineer- tems stability and control from the School of Engi-
ing, Alexandria University. His research interests neering, Cardiff University, Cardiff, U.K., in 2023.
include power electronics, control, drives, power systems, and renewable His research interests include optimization algo-
energy systems. He is a reviewer of IET journal. rithms, fuzzy logic control, sliding mode control, traditional control, power
system stability, and robotics. He was also awarded a certificate of excellence
in electronics and information technology from the University of South

HOSSAM KOTB received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and

Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the
Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, ELMAZEG ELGAMLI received the H.D. degree
Alexandria, Egypt, in 2009, 2013, and 2020, in electrical and electronics engineering from the
respectively. His Ph.D. research work is focused College of Science and Technology—Qaminis,
on the performance enhancement of renewable Libya, in 2009, and the M.Sc. degree in electron-
energy conversion systems. Currently, he is an ics and information technology in U.K., in 2017.
Assistant Professor with the Electrical Power He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the
and Machines Department, Faculty of Engineer- School of Engineering, Cardiff University, U.K.
ing, Alexandria University. His research interests His research interests include magnetic materials
include power system analysis, electrical drives, modern control techniques, and magnetic material and characterization mag-
smart grids, optimization, electric vehicles, and renewable energy systems. netic materials.
He is also an Associate Editor of Alexandria Engineering Journal (AEJ).

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