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NWS's Flash Flood warning and
1 2
and Herbert S. G r o p e r 1
Flash floods have become the nation's number one stormy
weather killer in the 1970s. Deaths from flash floods are now
approaching 200 each year compared to an average of less
than 70 per year during the preceding 30-year period. Losses
from flash floods are now nearly 10 times what they were in
the 1940s.
To combat these escalating losses the National Weather
Service (NWS) is expanding its efforts to improve forecasting
and warning of flash floods and to improve the public's re-
sponse to flash flood threats. This paper summarizes the
present and planned NWS operational flash flood warning
and disaster preparedness programs.
FIG. 1. Average annual flash flood deaths by decades. Figures
are 90% of all flood-related deaths reported by the National
1. Introduction Climatic Center, NOAA.
Flash floods are a major natural disaster warning prob- damage from floods and flash floods now averages more
lem facing the nation. During the 1970s the average than $1.0 billion annually compared to about $125 mil-
annual death toll from flash floods has tripled from the lion during the 1940s and $375 million during the 1960s. 3
rate during the 1940s (Fig. 1) and has now become the Figures 2 and 3 show damage from some recent flash
nation's number one stormy weather killer. Property floods (also, see cover of May 1978 B U L L E T I N ) .
1 Disaster Preparedness Staff. s Based on reported losses; we have not made adjustments
2 Office of Hydrology. for inflation.
FIG. 2. Damage resulting to the John Enos home on Murphy Creek, mi from the
Applegate River, near Med ford, Oreg., after a flash flood in January 1974.
690 Vol. 59, No. 6, June 1978
Unauthenticated | Downloaded 04/08/24 02:53 PM UTC
Bulletin American Meteorological Society 691
There are many reasons for this escalating trend in the NWS flood forecasting procedures used on larger
deaths and property losses. For example, an ever in- streams generally cannot respond fast enough. Also,
creasing number of vacationers are visiting flash flood there is the difficult problem in predicting the amount,
prone recreational areas in the summer—the time of timing, and location of flash flood producing rainfall.
highest vulnerability to flash floods. People have also Therefore, a special warning and preparedness system
been establishing themselves at an increasing rate in is needed to ensure the public safety.
flood plains across the nation. As this development oc- Although most flash floods are the result of intense
curs, normal drainage is disrupted. In addition, mobile localized thunderstorm activity or slowly moving/
home and transient trailer parks are often located near stationary thunderstorms or lines of thunderstorms
rivers. People continue to believe "it can't happen here." (NOAA, 1972, 1976a, 1977b, 1977c; Randerson, 1976),
With more than 15 000 communities and recreational some occur in conjunction with tropical cyclones (Groper
areas subject to flash floods, the potential for disaster and Dunlap, 1972; NOAA, 1973) and with extratropical
grows each year. The AMS has recently issued a state- cyclones (NOAA, 1977a).
ment of concern about flash floods (AMS, 1978). Since 1971, more than 1000 significant flash floods
The National Weather Service (NWS) has defined a have occurred nationwide, with every state having ex-
flash flood as a flood that follows the causative event perienced at least one such flood. Since 1945, more than
(excessive rain, dam or levee failure, etc.) within a few 3000 counties have received Red Cross assistance follow-
hours. Because of the short warning times involved and ing floods or flash floods (Fig. 4). Although many of these
the limited number of real-time precipitation reports, did not make national headlines, they have had a
FIG. 3. A boulder-strewn scene of destruction along Myers Creek in southern California follow-
ing rains from Tropical Storm Kathleen, in September 1976. Note road washout in background
and boulders on bridge in lower left corner of photo. (Photo courtesy of Union-Tribune Pub-
lishing Co., San Diego.)
FIG. 4. Flood and flash flood events by counties for the period 1945-76.
Figures are based on Red Cross assistance.
devastating effect on scores of communities. But it is buildings and/or judicious use of physical controls such
the catastrophic flash floods, such as Black Hills in 1972 as reservoirs, levees, and channel improvement may be
(237 deaths) and the Big Thompson Canyon in 1976 appropriate. But these must pass the tests of economic
(139 deaths), that highlight the vulnerability of the feasibility and environmental compatability. The highly
American people to these events (Fig. 5). localized nature of flash floods and the thousands of
To reduce loss of life and lessen damage to property vulnerable locations require the NWS, with other fed-
the NWS has developed flash flood warning and disaster eral agencies and state and local groups, to develop
preparedness programs. Their responsibility for issuing effective and fully coordinated programs.
weather-related warnings goes back to the establishment This paper will give an overview of the NWS's flash
of the Signal Corps in 1870 and the Organic Act of 1890. flood warning and disaster preparedness programs and
Although interest in forecasting severe thunderstorms how the NWS works with other groups in preparing for
and tornadoes has had a long history (Ludlum, 1970), flash floods. We will also include some proposed changes,
interest in flash flood and excessive rainfall forecasting as well as ongoing and planned NWS changes, to the
is more recent. In fact, a national flash flood warning warning and preparedness programs.
program was not established until 1971, and there have
been only limited studies into the hydrological and
meteorological aspects of flash floods. 2. Flash flood watch/warning program
Although the NWS was active in preparedness in the
late 1950s and the 1960s, a disaster preparedness program The basic forecast program begins at the National Mete-
was not formally authorized by Congress until 1971, and orological Center (NMC) in Camp Springs, Md. Here
the primary emphasis was on hurricanes. The program computers process meteorological observations and pro-
has since been expanded to include severe local storms, duce maps of observed and forecast weather systems
winter storms, floods, and flash floods. During its first (Brown and Fawcett, 1972; Fawcett, 1977). The Quanti-
7 years of existence, this program has been instrumental tative Precipitation Branch (QPB) of NMC routinely
in making the public aware of weather hazards. A major issues rainfall forecasts 6 times per day. These indicate
public safety and educational program has been de- areas in which rainfall amounts are expected to equal
veloped to improve response to warnings. or exceed selected forecast values (NOAA, 1976b). This
From the national viewpoint, resolving the flash flood information is transmitted on teletypewriter and fac-
problem cannot fall exclusively on the NWS. Preventive simile for use by River Forecast Centers (RFCs) in their
measures by local and state governments and individual river flood prediction program and by Weather Service
citizens are also required if the damage and loss of life Forecast Offices (WSFOs) for use in operational forecast
resulting from flash floods are to be effectively reduced. programs.
For example, effective flood plain management seeks to This guidance, based largely on synoptic-scale analyses
minimize the occupation of potentially hazardous flood and forecasts, cannot be used to specify localized exces-
plains. In some instances, flood proofing of essential sive convective rainfall amounts. It has, however, been
FIG. 5. Some recent significant flash flood events. Since the map was prepared, flash floods
have struct southern California twice (February and March 1978) killing nearly 40 people and
causing more than $100 million in damages.
very useful in specifying synoptic-scale rainfall patterns based on a diagnosis of synoptic-scale data (Mogil and
and amounts. Groper, 1976; Maddox et al., 1977; Maddox and Chap-
At the present time, the NMC QPB is restructuring its pell, 1978; Hughes and Longsdorf, 1978). There are also
program to give additional support to the flash flood guidelines for predicting extratropical storm rainfall
program. Fewer fixed-issuance time, fixed-forecast period (Smith and Younkin, 1972). In addition, some recent
products will be issued; instead, the QPB will issue studies (NOAA, 1976a; Johnson et al., 1978) suggest that
"outlooks" such as those issued by the National Severe a comparison between observed and climatological mois-
Storms Forecast Center (Kansas City, Mo.) and will ture values (Lott, 1976) can be a useful indicator of
monitor weather situations more closely and coordinate convective rainfall potential. Macroscale numerical
with field offices more frequently (NWS, 1978). model guidance can be helpful, too, especially when the
Currently, the flash flood warning program consists of heavy rainfall is tied to large-scale weather systems
the following elements: (Estelle, 1974; Hovermale et al., 1975). However, it re-
mains extremely difficult to accurately forecast rainfall
1) flash flood watches and warnings; amounts from decaying tropical storms (NOAA, 1972)
2) local flash flood warning programs; and from thunderstorms (NOAA, 1976a; Olson, 1977).
3) stream stage forecasts; Local NWS offices issue warnings only when flash
4) flash flood alarm systems (FFAS); flooding is observed and reported or when flash flood
5) combinations of the above. producing rainfall is indicated by radar, automated rain
The RFCs prepare stream stage forecasts (Colton and gages, or by rainfall observers. The NWS also solicits
Burnash, 1978) and hydrologic flash flood guidance for reports from CB groups and ham radio operators
use by WSFOs. The flash flood guidance is based in part (Weigel, 1977). Flash flood warnings are usually issued
on drainage basin configuration and past rainfall. The for periods of <4 h. They may be valid for a single
RFCs also develop local flash flood forecast procedures drainage basin, although they are more commonly
and recommend applicable flash flood warning systems issued for several counties.
to local communities. The WSFOs and WSOs also issue statements about
The WSFOs are responsible for issuing flash flood thunderstorm rainfall that may cause drainage and/or
watches. Flash flood watches are usually valid for pe- small stream flooding. Radar can be especially useful
riods of 12 h or less and may affect all or part of a because it gives an areal perspective and can be used
WSFO forecast area. Coordination among WSFOs is to quickly estimate accumulated rainfall. For example,
necessary to ensure watch continuity across state borders. the following can be done:
To be most effective, watches should be issued prior
to the onset of heavy rainfall. There are some general 1) Subjective radar scope evaluation. Nearly stationary
guidelines for predicting thunderstorm rainfall potential lines of thunderstorms, or slowly moving thunder-
FIG. 6. Flash flood alarm system locations. Some communities not shown in the figure
have also installed alarm systems.
5) a warning dissemination plan; a day staffing. It receives a continuous signal from the
6) an adequate preparedness plan (including public river station that provides information on the system's
education). operational status. When the critical level is reached at
the river station, an audible and visible alarm is acti-
Normally, inexpensive rainfall gages and staff gages for vated. During the major flooding and flash flooding that
river data will be sufficient. However, in some areas occurred in eastern Kentucky, western Virginia, and
where time is critical and observers are not available, West Virginia on 2-5 April 1977, four FFASs pro-
automated precipitation gages and electronic stream vided invaluable notification of critical river levels to
level sensors are essential. Event-reporting instrumenta- officials in the communities (NOAA, 1977a).
tion is useful, too (Burnash and Twedt, 1978). The FFAS is only one of several devices now available
The NWS assists communities in establishing their for automated river level sensing. Automated precipita-
flash flood warning program. Thus, NWS will survey the tion sensors have also been developed. This type of
area, recommend appropriate equipment and network equipment can be a valuable complement to existing
design, and provide some of the necessary equipment volunteer observer networks, especially in remote water-
(e.g., staff gages and plastic rain gages). The NWS has shed areas. Costs of such automated equipment range
also purchased and installed 67 electronic river level from about $200 to over $3000 per site.
sensors (FFASs) as part of a demonstration program A critical element in local programs is the stream level
(Fig. 6).
The FFAS has three components: a river station, an forecast procedure. NWS hydrologists prepare simplified
intermediate station, and an alarm station. The river procedures for predicting stream levels, given an index
station senses the critical water level for flash flooding. of antecedent soil moisture conditions and reported
The intermediate station provides power to the river rainfall amounts (Monro and Anderson, 1974). Hydro-
station and couples the river station's signal output to logic staffs at RFCs routinely furnish the index to com-
the alarm station. The alarm station is located in an munities that have local flash flood warning programs.
appropriate place in the community and has 7-day, 24 h The forecast procedure usually includes a set of tables
FIG. 7. The "warning system" showing the complex interactions among agencies,
dissemination subsystems, and the public.
5. Disaster preparedness
For any community to respond positively to a flash flood,
the community officials and the individuals in the com-
munity must be prepared. Whereas most federal agen-
cies are involved in postdisaster relief and recovery pro-
grams, the NWS's program is committed to predisaster
planning and preparedness. For example, the NWS has
issued a "Guide for Flood and Flash Flood Preparedness
Planning" (Owen, 1977) and has developed and dis-
tributed literature about flash floods and flash flood
safety. Recently, the NWS introduced, in its prepared-
ness literature, the weather conscious logo—Owlie Sky-
warn. Owlie tells children in elementary schools safety
rules for all natural disasters.
At the present time, 18 WSFOs have been assigned a
dedicated disaster preparedness meteorologist. In addi-
tion, meteorologists at WSFOs and WSOs and hydrolo-
gists at WSFOs and RFCs support the flash flood warn-
ing and disaster preparedness programs. These people
and others are involved in the following activities: FIG. 8. The major variables affecting warning—effectiveness,
variation in, and/or existence. All of the variables on the
1) hold preparedness meetings with state, county, and left act to increase the potential for disastrous flash floods.
local officials, law enforcement agencies, school offi- All of those on the right act to mitigate that potential, but
cials, amateur radio and CB groups, and others to they have not been adequately addressed.
establish and maintain local warning communica- others have yet to be initiated because of personnel
tion systems and storm spotter and volunteer ob- and/or fiscal limitations. The following are some of the
server networks and to implement local flash flood initiatives the NWS and other agencies can take to
warning programs; improve warning dissemination and increase public
2) work with the mass media to ensure that flash flood awareness/response:
releases and safety information are rapidly and
reliably disseminated. 1) expand the local flash flood warning program for
3) encourage appropriate response by local officials all communities subject to flash flooding;
and the public by distribution of weather safety 2) install additional NAWAS drops at NWS offices,
literature (pamphlets, slides, films, and news re- RFCs, and at selected emergency action agencies;
leases). 3) complete the manning of the NWS flash flood and
disaster preparedness programs nationwide;
The NWS has also begun to examine the sociological 4) place more emphasis on predisaster efforts (e.g.,
aspects of its warning program (McLuckie, 1973, 1974). there should be funding to enable smaller com-
Particularly important is the complex linkage among munities with limited resources to plan for natural
warning, dissemination, and response (Fig. 7). Recent disasters by purchasing needed FFASs, rain gages,
disasters continue to show that people do not know how and communications equipment, and to support
to respond adequately to a flash flood threat (Gruntfest, plan maintenance);
1977; NOAA, 1977c). 5) encourage the private sector to develop inexpensive
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has recently automated precipitation and river alarms;
completed a research assessment of natural hazards 6) increase public understanding of and response to
(White and Haas, 1975) and the natural hazard warning hazardous weather (this could include a major flash
systems (Mileti, 1975) in the United States. Mileti's flood public awareness program in conjunction with
graphic illustration of inputs to warning clearly shows other federal, state, and private agencies involved
the difficulties in providing adequate warnings to in flash floods or recreational activities; the news
people in flash flood prone areas (Fig. 8). The University media, including outdoor recreation publications,
of Minnesota (Carter et al., 1977) is engaged in a 3-year should be involved heavily in this program);
NSF-funded study to assess community and organiza- 7) provide additional NOAA Weather Radio trans-
tional response to natural hazard warnings. mission capability, especially for highly used recre-
ational areas.
6. Improvements to the warning and
preparedness programs In the area of hydrometeorological forecasting and re-
There are numerous actions that could be taken to im- search, the following could be done:
prove the flash flood warning and disaster preparedness 1) ensure that all management and field personnel
programs. Some of these are already underway, but really understand flash flooding and that it can
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and some applications. NOAA Tech. Memo., NWS SR-75, tive rainfall from satellite imagery. NOAA Tech. Memo.,
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NOAA, 1972: Black Hills flood of June 9, 1972—A report to Smith, W., and R. J. Younkin, 1972: An operationally useful
the Administrator. Natural Disaster Survey Rept. 72-1, relationship between the polar jet stream and heavy pre-
NOAA, Rockville, Md., 20 pp. cipitation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 100, 434-440.
, 1973: Final report of the disaster survey team on the Weigel, E. P., 1977: Allies to disaster fighters. NOAA, 7(4),
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, 1976a: Big Thompson Canyon flash flood of July 31- on Natural Hazards. Monogr. NSF-RA-E-75-001, Institute
August 1, 1976—A report to the Administrator. Natural of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, 487
Disaster Survey Rept. 76-1, NOAA, Rockville, Md., 41 pp. pp.
, 1976b: Facsimile Products, NOAA, NWS Forecasting Woodley, W. L., A. Olsen, A. Herndon, and V. Wiggert, 1974:
Handbook No. 1. NWS, Silver Spring, Md., -270 pp. Optimizing the measurement of convective rainfall in
, 1976c: Project development plan for AFOS. NWS, Silver Florida. NOAA Tech. Memo., ERL WMPO-18, Miami, 99
Spring, Md., 120 pp. pp.
, 1977a: Appalachian flood April 2-5, 1977—Preliminary , C. G. Griffith, J. Griffin, and J. Augustine, 1978: Satel-
disaster report. NOAA, NWS, Garden City, N.Y., 314 pp. lite rain estimation in the Big Thompson and Johnstown
, 1977b: Johnstown, Pennsylvania flash flood of July flash floods. Preprints, Conference on Flash Floods: Hydro-
19-20, 1977—A report to the Administrator. Natural Disas- meteorological Aspects (Los Angeles), AMS, Boston, pp.
ter Survey Rept. 77-1, NOAA, Rockville, Md., 60 pp. 44-51. •
Hydrodynamics of lakes—Call for papers there is no participation fee. Participants should register no
A symposium on the Hydrodynamics of Lakes, sponsored by later than 1 August 1978, stating whether a contribution will
the Hydraulics Laboratory of the Federal Institute of Tech- be submitted and, if so, for which session. A detailed program
nology, will be held 12-13 October 1978 in Lausanne, Switzer- will be sent to all who register before the closing date. Par-
land. It will feature four sessions: Mathematical modeling, ticipants must arrange hotel accommodations. The symposium
Measuring techniques, Data analysis, and Air-water interface. will be held at the ficole Polytechnique Federate de Lausanne
Papers are solicited for oral (20 min) and written presenta- (EPF-L), Avenue de Cour 33. Registration should be directed
tion. The written version is due prior to 15 August 1978. to: Prof. Walter H. Graf, Laboratoire d'Hydraulique
Symposium languages are English, French, and German, but (LHYDREP), Rue de Geneve 67, CH-1004 Lausanne, Switzer-
no simultaneous translation will be provided. Proceedings land (tel: (021) 24.13.41; telex: 24 478).
will be published and distributed during the symposium; Continued on page 719