Exercise 0
Exercise 0
Exercise 0
This first exercise is a freebie. All you have to do is prove to us that you can use the MarkUs submission
system properly. The TAs will walk you through this step-by-step in tutorial if you’re having issues, but we
just want you to get comfortable with using Wing & MarkUs. (We’ll start on the real stuff next week).
2 Have Fun
We said in lecture that part of getting used to programming is to just play around and have fun. Write a
few lines of code, test some ideas, try to get a sense of what works/doesn’t work. The only rule is that the
code you submit must not crash, produce any errors, or go into an infinite loop (using input() makes the
code wait for input from the user, which counts as an infinite loop. The file must run under Python 3 (make
sure you’re not using 2.7), and cannot be blank.
1 Note that your utorID is a combination of letters and (possibly) numbers. It is not the same as your student number (which
is all numbers)
2 please do not post/send your password, just your utorID
3 If it is raining out, you are excused from this part of the exercise