3 Capacity Management Notes
3 Capacity Management Notes
3 Capacity Management Notes
Manual Section 3
Capacity Management
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4
2. Capacity Planning ..................................................................................................... 7
2.1. Resource or Aggregate Capacity Management .............................................................. 8
2.2. Rough-Cut Capacity Planning ........................................................................................ 8
2.3. Capacity Requirements Planning .................................................................................. 9
2.4. Material/Manufacturing Requirements Planning (MRPI/II) ........................................... 9
2.5. Capacity Planning Techniques ...................................................................................... 9
Capacity Planning for Services .................................................................................................................... 10
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1. Introduction
Of all the products we have encountered in our lives, whether it is a trendy new smart phone
or car, it has very likely to have been subjected to some degree of Operations Management.
But, it is not only manufacturing enterprises which have had directions from operation
managers, the service sector too, benefits under their guidance.
Capacity for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) can include available machine time,
and available equipment etc. For services, capacity could relate to the number of beds in a
hospital or even the number of customers at a restaurant, (Adenso-Diaz, et al., 2002). For
either sector, manufacturing or services, the capabilities or capacity of an organisation is
central to its existence. Therefore, the management of capacity is arguably the most
important activity within the sphere of Operations Management (OM) and we know already
that OM provides the mechanism for running an organisation efficiently. As a reminder, Figure
1 outlines the relationship of OM within an organisation.
This section will look closer at the different areas and issues which arise while managing
Capacity. As Capacity is at the heart of Operations Management, it is inevitable that you will
find the other concepts within Logistics and Operations Management to come together and
overlap with each other.
“The definition of the capacity of an operation is the maximum level of value-added activity
over a period of time that the process can achieve under normal operating conditions.”
(Slack, et al., 2016, p. 351). Within an Engineering context, Capacity is defined as the
maximum amount of output that can be produced with the existing stock of capital.
The overall objective of managing capacity is to match the level of available resources to the
level of demand (See Figure 1). Too few resources and we fail to meet demand, we lose
turnover and essentially profit on the lost business. As a result our customers are dissatisfied
and we are likely to lose market share, in addition we may face penalty costs for late delivery.
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Too many resources and we incur punitive costs from an idle plant, facilities and manpower.
Effective capacity management is therefore a clever balancing act that seeks out the most
beneficial means of reconciling capacity and demand.
Capacity management tasks may be divided arbitrarily into long and short-term. Long-term
tasks are principally concerned with planning and the short-term with control (Figure 2). The
division in time is a device which simplifies the study of the subject but equally it is an artificial
step since the decisions taken in the long term will interact strongly with those that need to
be taken in the short term.
Selection of products Term
Identification of
Determine capacity
Develop strategy for Management
Manipulate resources
for changes in demand
The chief problems arising in the management of systems capacity often occur due to the
uncertainty about the balance between the demand and activities in the future, manifested
a) The number of orders which will be received and/or
b) The resources necessary to satisfy the demand
It should become self-evident that the uncertainty should be reduced as far as possible by
attempting to make some forecast of customer requirements within the planning period.
You will have previously read that no system of forecasting is totally accurate. However, there
are recommendations which can be carried out in order to minimise the error of your
forecast, and thus reduce the uncertainties. To have no forecast at all would be an
unreasonable attempt to plan against a totally unknown demand. It is not the intention here
to deal with the various methods of producing forecasts. It will be assumed that an estimate
of demand has already been made. It is worthwhile to mention however that the forecast
does influence decisions regarding capacity. This highlights how different topics in the
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Logistics and Operations module can complement each other within Operations
Once you have mastered the principles of managing capacity, it will help prepare you for a
modern operations environment, where the planning and control of capacity, as well as
materials is likely to be quite complicated involving thousands of materials as well as products
and hundreds of resources.
The following steps outline the key steps for Managing Capacity, with the relevant section of
where each topic will be covered in these notes:
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2. Capacity Planning
A typical car contains between 3,000 and 5,000 components and assemblies. A jet engine has
up to 10,000 components and a Boeing 747 has 4.7 million. Whereas a smart phone may only
have a fraction of the mentioned components, nevertheless the manufacturing processes of
these components involves many different types of resources and an array of different
Planning allows us to set the limits of levels of manufacturing operations in the future. More
specifically Capacity Planning is a process which allows a Master Production Schedule (MPS),
or our production plan to be adjusted to balance the due dates of any orders against the
capacity of a plant or a service, (Salvendy, 2007, p. 2042). This allows us to achieve stable
production, which is a very important factor for the overall profitability of an operation.
Due to the vast number of components and products we may have to manage, we cannot
hope to manage this level of complexity without the use of computer systems. The most
widely used computer system for the management of material and capacity is based on a
generic approach called Materials Requirement Planning (MRP).
Figure 3 shows a diagram for an Operations Management system. This is discussed briefly in
the next section before moving on to the detail of Capacity Management.
Figure 3 shows the typical configuration of such a system. This typically involves three levels
of capacity management as shown:
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How long does it take to provide a new production facility, sales team or distribution
network in your industry?
Aggregate capacity planning takes an estimate of the likely market demand for products or
services and seeks to convert this into the required level of resources to meet this demand.
It is approximate, it looks several years into the future and it deals with large buckets of time
(i.e., next year, year after, year after that). If aggregate capacity management is done
effectively, when a company comes to launch a new product or service the required operating
systems and capacity should already be in place.
In the last decade, car makers identified that some of their international markets saw sales
grow by 40%. Reports from as early as 2010 suggested that Jaguar and Land Rover (JLR) was
strategizing to accommodate for the increasing demands for luxury automobiles for markets
in Brazil, China, Russia and India. These are collectively classified as emerging “power-house”
industrial markets. In order to satisfy the future demands, JLR as well as Mercedes-Benz and
Audi have constructed manufacturing plants in these continents to meet future demand. JLR’s
plant in Itatiaia, which opened in 2016, will have a capacity to produce 24,000 cars per year
in 2016. (Burgess, Rachel, Autocar, 2016)
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for final assembly. Rough-Cut Capacity Planning should be used to check the validity of the
MPS before it is used to initiate supply of component parts and sub-assemblies.
Rough-Cut Capacity Planning is generally based on a small number of critical or bottleneck
resources, it uses buckets of time, and capacity limits are based on past experience. The
production of the MPS and the Rough-Cut Capacity Plan is an iterative process. Contracts or
quantities are moved or changed in the schedule until resource requirements fall within the
pre-set limits. Once the MPS has been validated and authorised it can be used to drive the
MRP Process.
MRP takes the MPS and works out the total requirements for each of the component parts
that make up the final products based on the Bill of Materials for each product. It works out
the required dates for material by stepping back in time by fixed lead-times for each
component or sub-assembly. Where one component is used on a number of products, it will
also add these quantities together. It is not unusual for MRP to create over 100,000 orders
for purchase or internal manufacture of components.
Capacity Planning using Overall factors (CPOF) – otherwise known as a Rough-Cut Capacity
Plan, Section 2.2. For this method, inputs are sourced from a MPS rather than a MRP.
Workload levels are sourced from performance standards or historical data for end
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productions. Fabrication times for components which are included in the end item are also
added to the totals. Overall the data is used to derive workload levels. However this method
does not consider the time-shift associated with the lead times.
Capacity Bills – This technique provides a relatively greater linkage between different end
products being produced and the respective capacities required by these different end items
in various work centres. This method is receptive to changes in the product mix of final items
made, additional data however is needed to use this method, for example lot sizes for each
end product and their respective components must be known as well as setup and run times
for each lot should be defined, for each work centre.
Resource Profiles – This third approach refines the capacity bills procedure. It considers lead-
time requirements associated with each node in the parts explosion diagram, all data from
the previous method is used but is further defined to occur in the specific period during which
the work on a specific part/sub/assembly is scheduled to take place. This method is the most
detailed and arguably the most robust of the three mentioned here.
2.6. Conclusion
This section has covered some of the popular techniques to manage capacity for
manufacturing and also has shed light into service based organisations. It is advised that you
follow up these techniques with examples from industry. A suitable source to examine, are
the Industrial Engineering Handbooks which cover topics such as Capacity Planning. These are
available in the library in most reference sections.
You will begin to realise as you plan, that you can begin to prepare for eventualities which
may occur when managing capacity. By planning your capacity, you will find it easier to carry
out the scheduling based tasks required for your operations. This relationship between
capacity and scheduling is another example of linkages within LOM. The next step before we
can allocate capacity is to understand the required capacity for a given function, which is
covered in the next section.
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The total requirement of each item in the BOM is summed over the entire product range
(some parts are likely to be common to more than one product).
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For each item the Process Planning Department should have completed an Operation Sheet
or Routing Sheet (Figure 6) which indicates the steps to be followed and resources used at
each stage of production.
200 Lathe Feed stock to stop. Turn 50mm LG320 15 2.2 1.5%
length to 10mm dia +/- 0.1
The principal resources to be calculated from the information may be summarised under the
three M’s:
Machine Hours
Man Hours
Most computerised packages for Capacity Planning accumulate the resources by product, and
will then total them across the entire range of products to provide a gross requirement for
the Factors of Production.
The degree of detail provided by these calculations varies with the time-scale over which the
plans are being prepared. For the long to medium-term the process is described as ‘Rough
Cut’ Capacity Planning. This provides an outline plan which considers the block resources
required over a block of time. However this implies that the demands being anticipated may
be met at any time during the planning period. A simple example of the number of machine
hours and man hours required is shown in Figure 7.
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W ork Centre M 18
M achine M an
Part No Q uantity M aterials Hours Hours
Figure 7 - A Gross Requirements Plan
As the time-scale is reduced (i.e., short-term), the level of detail increases and the capacity
cannot be considered without also taking into account the product-line schedules.
We can calculate capacity requirements based on.
Bill of Materials quantities
and process times
Additional Factors
There are a number of additional factors which need to be considered. These also consume
capacity and will lead to inaccurate planning unless we make allowances for them in our
calculations. The additional factors include:
Defective Output
Learning Curves
Machine Utilisation
Statistical Variations
The next five sections discuss these potential capacity losses. Once these have been
identified, it is possible to compare needed capacity with available capacity and make
decisions about the use of resources. This comparison is called Rough Cut Capacity Planning
and is discussed in Section 3.6. In turn Section 4 discusses possible actions once over-loads
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or under-loads have been identified. Once these factors have been taken into account, these
issues will help you plan while scheduling.
Figure 8 illustrates the allowance for scrap losses over a number of operations.
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information will indicate the time needed to carry out each stage of production in Standard
Hours (or Standard Minutes).
The Standard Time is a measure of the work involved in carrying out an operation, by a
‘standard worker’ working at ‘normal’ speed. However, most workers will deviate from this
by some amount which depends upon their own skills and abilities and upon the payment
and incentive schemes being applied. Once again, the target figure will need to be amended
to take account of the predicted difference between the standard and the typical level of
performance. Figure 9 shows a typical job ticket and the calculations for operator efficiency.
200 Lathe Feed stock to stop. Turn 50mm LG320 15 2.2 1.5%
length to 10mm dia +/- 0.1
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T n = T 1n x
(T n )
Tn = T1n where Tn = time for cycle n
T1 = time for first cycle
n = cycle number
x = a constant
x = 1n c/1n 2
Where c, the Learning Constant, takes a value between 0.5 for complex or difficult tasks and
1.0 for simple operations.
Figure 11 highlights a practical example of a Learning Curve from the rapidly developing
battery industry. This particular example captures both technology learning and expected
productivity learning in manufacturing the battery.
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Figure 11 - An example of a learning curve present in lithium-ion battery production, (Clamp, 2010)
In any event some allowance should be made for the changing capacity requirements over
the life of the product. The concept of the Learning Curve being borne in mind when
In practice the form of the Learning Curve is likely to depend upon a number of factors, each
of which will modify the value of the Learning Constant. This subject is explored in more detail
in the Appendix ‘Learning in Production’ which will look at the aircraft manufacturing industry
in greater detail.
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Machine breakdowns
Tool shortages
These are but a few examples. These might well be expected in the natural scheme of things
since no machine is proof against all forms of failure and no operator is certain of avoiding
illness and injury in all circumstances.
However, operations can be halted with starvation arising from inadequate scheduling and/or
insufficient buffer stocks. (Module linkage of capacity, scheduling and Inventory). In addition,
time is lost due to tool changing, setting and adjusting. The minimising of these losses is the
responsibility of production management and the losses substantial if the systems of control
are inappropriate.
Table 1 shows the results of one survey carried out into machine utilisation and it is perhaps
surprising to observe not only how low the percentages are of productive time, but also how
consistent these values are across different sectors of industry.
Table 2 shows the same kind of analysis for the utilisation of labour and again it is interesting
to note the similarity in the two sets of figures. What emerges most clearly is the very high
proportion of time that resources are standing idle with the Management Responsible
indicating that lack of co-ordination and managerial control is a major cause of waste. In
fairness it should be said that the complexity in managing multi-tasking, multi-facility systems
is far greater than is recognised by most people, even including those responsible for
attempting it.
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Table 1 - Utilisation of labour showing the division of productive and non-productive time during a working day
Table 2 - Utilisation of machines showing the division of productive and non-productive time during a working day
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This trade-off is shown in Figure 12. The optimum point is affected significantly by variation,
in that high values of demand will increase both the total cost and the level of capacity at
which the optimum occurs. This is illustrated in Figure 13, it also shows the fact that the
optimum level of capacity, calculated on the basis of unused resources versus unsatisfied
custom, is strongly influenced by the variation in demand.
COST Capacity less Capacity greater
than Demand than Demand
Cost of Cost of
lost or late Unused
production Capacity
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Increasing variability in
demand increases the
optimum size of plant
COST and the operating cost
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In any event the approach to satisfying the demand for resources usually involves some
compromise between two options. These are:
4.1 Provide for efficient adjustment or variation of capacity
4.2 Eliminate the need for adjustments.
Table 3 presents practical means for capacity adjustment when there is a need to make
capacity easy to vary.
Hire Fire
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might be desirable to minimise the need for such adjustments by the use of some or all of the
Feasible, may be
(Raw Material used with B(1) Feasible. Normally used Not feasible
Stock Only)
Feasible. Often
(Finished Goods Unlikely Unlikely to be used
Stock Only)
S>P>C Sometimes
Unlikely to be used Not feasible
(No Inventory) necessary
Key: S = Supplier
P = Production
C = Customer
V = Storage
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Of these alternatives just one will be considered here in order to illustrate the approach to be
PV = 1
( 1+ i ) where i = is the rate of inflation
PV = is the present value factor
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5.1. Introduction
There are some simple but effective, quantitative aids to planning and control of capacity that
are well worth considering. In the short term many of the difficulties that arise are associated
with the fluctuations in demand which are a normal part of the life of an operations planner.
They may arise due to seasonal changes in demand (for example: demand for new cars in te
UK, peaks 2x per year when the registration plates change; electric blankets sell in Winter,
barbecues and lawn-mowers in Summer), due to customers building up or running down their
stocks and often due to financial arrangements (goods delivered at the beginning of a month
are usually paid for at the end of the next month).
Whatever steps have been taken already in order to minimise the impact of fluctuations in
demand, it will almost certainly be necessary to make some adjustments in order to exert the
optimum control over the utilisation of system resources. Just two of the simplest techniques
will be considered here in order to show how some problems may be approached. Essentially
the control of capacity will allow you to execute your scheduling efficiently.
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Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Forecast by period
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Figure 15 - The cumulative sum graph for the demand pattern shown above
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Fixed Costs
Production (units)
Figure 16 - Break-even analysis
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Practical problems may require careful manipulation to make them amenable to solution by
this approach.
Hourly Capacity A B £/hr
Machining 25 40 20.00
Drilling 28 35 14.00
Polishing 35 25 17.50
Table 5 - Hourly capacities for product A and B, with associated hourly costs
Profits from the sales of A and B are £1.20 each and £1.40 each respectively.
If any combination of products can be sold, what product mix will maximise
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Product A
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The Solution
25 16.9 Product A per hour
12.9 Product B per hour
20 Profit of £ 38.39 per hour
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Product A
5.5. Duality
In the example considered, an optimum product-mix is obtained by fully utilising the capacity
available on two of the three production processes.
Imagine a situation in which another firm offers to rent time on the three processes, then the
total income which would be earned can be shown as:
£M + £D = £P = Total Rent (1)
Clearly, it would be unreasonable to make time available to the other firm unless the income
obtained was at least equal to that already available. Therefore this imposes constraints of
the form:
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But the potential customer will seek to rent the process capacity for as little as possible. The
point of compromise will be found by solving the L-P problem:
Minimise Equation (1)
Subject to Equations (2) and (3)
This is referred to as the DUAL of the original problem. In fact its solution will be found at the
same point as that of the PRIMAL problem, e.g.
O.F. = £38.39
M = £ 9.03
P = £29.36
These figures indicate the value of the resources at the optimum to the manufacturing firm,
and are known as the “Shadow Prices”. They represent the contribution to income made by
the particular resource at the margin, i.e. the increase that would arise if the process were
run for one extra hour.
If the price of buying extra capacity from outside from some sub-contractor for example, then
it would be advantageous to buy time on Polishing since this would yield:
£29.36 - £17.50 = £11.86 profit per hour
On the other hand the Machining stage would cost £20.00 per hour but only increase income
by £9.03 per hour and so would result in a reduction in profit. There is no shadow price for
the Drill since it is not fully used at the optimum and any further income is profit.
Clearly the additional benefit of buying polishing capacity is not infinite. However, one
method known as the Simplex method is easily extended to allow the limit of this expansion
of profit to be calculated. The Simplex method will be covered in the next section. The method
of finding the shadow prices and the limits of expansion come within the general technique
of ‘Sensitivity Analysis’.
It is worth adding that with sufficient expertise it is possible to deal with Objective Functions
and Constraints which are not linear, and variables that can only take integer values.
However, this is outside the scope of the example mentioned in the next section and it is
recommended that you learn about it from the available textbooks. Another example of linear
programming will be covered in the appendix.
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Simplex method
Elementary transforms
1. Any (complete) row may be exchanged with any other (complete) row.
2. Any row may be multiplied (or divided) by a scalar.
3. Any multiple of one row may be subtracted from (or added to) the remaining rows.
1. Introduce slack variables to convert inequalities into equations.
2. Set up tableau including Basis Variables and Objective Function.
3. Identify variable giving most rapid improvement in O.F. i.e. Pivot Column ( pivot).
4. Determine how far the Pivot variable can be improved without violating any
constraint, i.e., select lowest Po/ pivot - (Pivot Row).
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Basic Pa Pb Pu Pv Pw Po Po/
Var Ppivot
u 1/25 1/40 1 0 0 1 40
v 1/28 1/35 0 1 0 1 35
w 1/35 1/25 0 0 1 1 25 <Pivot Row
Z 1.2 1.4 0 0 0 0
b 25/35 1 0 0 25 25 35
u .0221 0 1 0 -.625 .375 16.9 <Pivot Row
v .0153 0 0 -.7143 .2857 18.7
Z 0.2 0 0 0 -35 -35
a 1 0 45.17 0 -28.23 16.93
b 0 1 -32.26 0 45.16 12.90
v 0 0 -0.69 -.2822 0.026
Z 0 0 -9.03 0 -29.35 -38.39
All the coefficients in the final row are negative or zero therefore the solution is an optimum.
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6. Summary
The final step when managing capacity is to plan ahead for any future trends. Your plans may
accommodate your present requirements but will they continue to do so in the future?
Therefore, it is important to revisit Step 1 and close the loop between your forecast,
operational demands, and scheduling (Figure 4).
To conclude, we present key steps extracted from these notes. It is recommended that you
follow up these notes by using examples from industry and academic literature. The further
reading section provides you with a useful starting point towards fine-tuning your practical
know-how of Managing Capacity.
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The following questions are for you to test your understanding of this subject area:
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8.1. Introduction
Logistics and Operations Management involves different topics, such as Psychology, Human
Factors as well as Marketing and Engineering Management. Predicting the rate at which a
person can learn a manual task is a complex process, why? Because every human, differ in
their ability to carry out tasks as well as their learning capabilities. We will not go into the
individual differences in this appendix but it is worth mentioning that as individuals begin to
repeat certain actions in manufacturing, time and time again their performance can be said
to improve and they be learning the task by reinforcement, (Hancock, 1971). Industries in
which learning effects have been observed, studied and reported include the following:
Musical Instruments
Glass Products
Electric Motors
Printing and Typesetting
Machine Tool Manufacture
Oil Refining
Electric Power Generation
Iron Castings
The diverse nature of the industries listed above leads on to a discussion of the scope of the
present paper and the interpretation to be placed on the term "learning". It will have been
noticed I expect that some of the industries mentioned above are in the nature of process
industries or have a continuous flow of production, e.g., yards of cloth, or barrels of oil. Papers
on these and similar industries generally deal with "industry learning" over a period of many
years or even decades and necessarily select arbitrary, if familiar, units for measurement of
output (the oil might as well be measured in gallons or the cloth in inches or miles). The start
date and hence the initial unit input also is necessarily somewhat arbitrary in this type of
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It is intended in this paper, to discuss learning in the context of a product in which the unit is
determinate. Some writers seek to restrict the term "learning" only to improved dexterity on
the part of operators and to exclude organisational and environmental factors. It is not
intended to accept such a restrictive definition in this paper. In fact part of the paper is
concerned with the relative importance of the different constituents of "earning" defined as
the reduction in total man hours arising from all causes whether operator skill or
n = number of units
b = an index deflating the "slope" of the curve
When plotted on log-log paper this becomes a straight line with slope "b". This line has the
property that the man hours decrease by a fixed percentage each time the number of units
made is doubled. Thus if the index "b" (regression co-efficient, Table A and Table B) has the
value -0.322 then each time the quantity built is doubled the unit man hours is reduced to
80% and the curve is referred to as "an 80% learning curve". Thus the 2nd unit takes 80% of
the man hours for the first unit and the 200th unit takes 80% of the labour hours for the 100th
unit. The figure below shows an example of 75% and 80% learning.
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50% of its existing manning between consecutive sets on that jig. The experienced operators
withdrawn are replaced by new operators". These results are summarised in Table A.
The conclusions from the study were that (a) there was some transfer of learning between
jigs, (b) it was likely that operator learning was a major factor, (c) because of the likely physical
transfer of experienced operators on to new jigs it was not possible to isolate system from
operator learning.
The man hours, number of operators and set numbers are self-explanatory, the operator
repetition (ORN) is the number of sets to date by the individual operator, RST and RSL are
dummy variables which enable a step and/or a slope change to be incorporated in the
relationship, particularly at the point where the allowed time is agreed. Extra Allowances (EA)
is the extra time allowed for the task arising from various circumstances outside the
operator's control. The Operator Forgetting Number (OFN) is the number of intervening sets
since the operator was last involved.
Influenced strongly by the form of the long established simple learning curve model, a model
of the following form was adopted.
a b d f 9MH h
MH = k x SN x ORN x RST x RSL x e x OFN
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Where a to k are constants and is a residual. A logarithmic transformation was used to enable
a linear regression analysis to be applied. RST takes the value I up to the set at which the time
allowance is agreed (SNR) and 2 thereafter. RSL take the value SNR up to the set at which time
is agreed and SN thereafter. The functional form of the EA term perhaps requires some
explanation. It had been included in a form homogeneous with the other terms and while it
had given a satisfactory result mathematically it was appreciated that the functional
relationship was less than suitable from physical considerations.
The operation of a premium bonus scheme is such that one would expect a linear relationship
between MN and EA. The particular function adopted is an attempt to introduce the required
additive relationship into a multiplicative model.
Please read Jones (2001), for an in-depth understanding of the various models which can be
used to depict the learning curve. Additionally, you may wish to learn about regression
analysis to be able to interpret the results.
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In terms of the cumulative man hours to 100 sets, one has to distinguish between the actual
achievement with the inevitable movement of operators and the potential achievement if
they could be constant. From this figure one can see a partial explanation of the excess man
hours due to learning and hence the possible improvements in man hour performance which
would result as action could be taken to influence the causes.
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LSN +0.026 -
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SN 86%*
ORN -0.125 5.383 0.851 79%
RSL +0.078
RST -0.450 27% drop
SN -0.184 80%
ORN -0.137 5.287 0.857
EA 0.287 250% bonus
SN -0.225 79%
ORN -0.116
ES 0.247 5.088 0.897 300% bonus
RST -0.253 16% drop
RSL 0.122
SN -0.232 79%
ORN -0.111
EA 0.247 300% bonus
RST -0.249 5.097 0.868 16% drop
RSL 0.120
OFN 0.027 6% increase after 10
sets gap
* "One Set" operators
+ constant operators
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Adenso-Diaz, B., Gonzalez-Torre, P. & Garcia, V., 2002. A capacity management model in
service industries. International Journal of Service Industry Management; Bradford, 13(3/4
(Available via ABI Inform at http://webcat.warwick.ac.uk/record=e1000009~S1)), pp. 286-
Burgess, Rachel, Autocar, 2016. Jaguar Land Rover factory opens in Brazil. [Online]
Available at: https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-news/industry/jaguar-land-rover-factory-
[Accessed 28 September 2018].
Clamp, S., 2010. Lithium Air, Batteries, Electric Engine drive trains:why the automotive
industry may change forever. [Online]
Available at:
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