Histology Notes Prelims

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HISTOLOGY Hemostasis

General Anatomy • prevent bleeding or hemorrhage

• Study of parts structure that makes up the Homeostasis

Human Body
• state of balance or equilibrium between
Divisions: intracellular and extracellular
▪ Isotonic solution -> 0.7% - 1.5% NaCl -> No
1. Gross Anatomy -study of parts that makes up
movement of water -> cells remains the SAME
the human body using the naked eyes
▪ Hypertonic solution -> 5% - 10% NaCI -> water
e.g.organs > System
movement out of the cells -> NaCl concentration
2. Microscopic Anatomy -study of parts that
outside is more concentrated than inside the cell
makes up the human body using microscope
e.g. cells & tissue
▪ Hypotonic so!ution -> 0.1% NaCI -> water
Brain > neurons 100 billions movement into the cells-> NaCl concentration
Kidneys -> nephrons 1.2 millions inside is more concentrated than outside the cell

Germ Cells Origin of the Whole body: solid or solute: NaCl

1. Ectoderm > teeth, bones liquid or solvent: Water -> Osmosis (movement of
2. Mesoderm -> muscles, connective tissue water from low concentration of solute (NaCI) to high
3. Endoderm -> Gonads, GIT, Lungs conc. of solute

Structure of Human Body:


• unit structures of all living things (unicellular

organism -> amoeba)
multicellular -> HUMAN
• 100 Trillions
• Cytology

• collection of cells
• Histology
Ex. Muscular tissues -> contract -> body
movement/locomotion Main parts:

ORGAN 1. Plasma /Cell membrane

• collection of tissues - outermost, bilipid (phospholipid)
Ex. Heart -> pump blood to different parts layer with glycoprotein (carrier)
Lungs -> exchange of gases (CO2 and O2) - semi-permeable

collection of organs a. barrier for unwanted substances ->microbes,
toxic waste substances
Ex. Digestive/Alimentary/Gastrointestinal system ->
b. entrance of food nutrients ->carbohydrates,
digestive foods (chyme) and absorption of chyme
proteins, fats/lipids (endocytosis) & oxygen
(simple diffusion) and exit of waste products
(exocytosis) and carbon dioxide (simple • collections of specialized cells united in the
diffusion) performance of specific functions
❖ 3 types of permeability of cell membrane: will • epithelial cells are connected together by
allow water to pass into and out of cell substance presumed to be secretions of the
a. permeable -> allow both solutes and solvent cells themselves called "intercellular
b. semi- permeable -> ONLY selective solutes cement substance"
(organic food nutrients eg, CHO, CHON, FATs)
& water can pass the cell membrane Histogenesis- tissue origin and development
c. impermeable -> no solute can pass and Histology -study of tissue
ONLY water can pass

❖ Four (4) Fundamental Types of Tissue:

2. Cytoplasm 1. Epithelial/ epithelium -> outer covering ->
• main bulk, contains living protoplasm protect
(organelles - small organs with vital Ex. Epidermis (Epithelium)
properties) 2. Connective tissues
Ex. layers of skin: Dermis (connective
Cytoplasmic organelles:
a. mitochondria - rod-like structure, 3. Muscular tissues -> locomotion
powerhouse of the cell (gives energy > ATP) 4. Nervous tissues -> transmit impulses
b. Golgi complex/ apparatus carbohydrates (information)
metabolism *Blood vascular & lymphoid tissue -
c. endoplasmic reticulum (ER) excluded since they are organs
1) rough ER- protein synthesis due to
presence of ribosomes ❖ Characteristics of Epithelium/Epithelial cell
2) smooth ER - w/o ribosomes, for lipid 1. Covers the surface of solid and hollow organ
synthesis or lines the hollow organs or body cavities
*ribosomes -formed by nucleoli
Covering -> application of membrane (w/ epithelial
cells) on outer surface of solid or hollow organs
d. lysosomes - vesicle containing digestive
enzymes (lysozyme > microbes and acid
hydrolase -> food nutrients) Lining -> application of membrane at inner surface of
hollow organ or body cavities:
3. Nucleus
• most important Part because it contains the ❖ Serous membrane (3Ps)-> divided into:
genetic make ups of an individual A. Visceral – organ ex pleura
B. Parietal - lines
1. Pleura > located at lungs
a. contains genetic traits of individual
b. cells division (mitosis-> somatic cells and 2. Pericardium -> located at heart
meiosis-> sex cells or gametes-> OVA, 3. Peritoneum -> located at digestive organs
c. Replace loss damage cells 2. Serving for:
a. Protection
b. secretions -> glandular epithelium
c. excretions
d. reception of stimuli -> Neuroepithelium
(seen in special senses -> olfactory
ANOSIMIA – Absence of smell and Congenital 4. Rest on basement membrane -> homogenous
problem substance derived as condensation of the
intercellular substance of the connective
3. Has intercellular cement substance between
*At columnar epithelium, the cement
5. Devoid of blood vessels - cells get their
substance is called "terminal bars" which
nourishment from the tissue juice or
present condensed masses of zonula
interstitial fluid(filtered plasma contains
occludens_ and aldherens
foods nutrients, water, minerals, 02 from
a. zonula occludens - near the villi/ surface
capillaries) of the connective tissue.
Villi -> finger like projections at distal
end of the cells -> absorption *Interstitium or interstitial space -> space between
Cilia -> hair-like projections at distal cells
end of the cells -> movement or
*Basal cells of the stratified epithelium is well
nourished than the surface cells.
b. zonula adherens.- beneath the zonula
occludens 6. Can easily regenerate once damage as long
as it is well nourished.
Lacrimal glands -> organs capable of
secretions K tears *Cornea anterior corneal epithelium
c. macula adherens or "desmosome" - Basal cells – highly dividing and well nourished.
strong spot-like attachment between
cells wherein the fibrils (tonofibrils) are
attached ❖ Classification of epithelia:
Tonofibrils. or Tonofilaments I. According to structure (Jordan) arise from 3 germ
- hairpin loops of cytoplasmic cell layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm)
filaments extending from the desmosome A. Simple or non-stratified - made up of single
into the cytoplasm of cells layer of similar cells.
- contributing cells stability 1. Simple Squamous Epithelium
• short, flattened, irregular, spindle-shape cells
d. hemidesmosone - attached the epithelial with bulging at the center due to vesicular
cells to basement membrane and nucleus.
connective tissue.
e. macula occludens- round, button-like at
intercelullar junctions/ substance

• when seen in blood vessels (artery, capillary,
vein) & lymphatic vessels.
• Present in cornea.

• when seen in serous membrane -> Pleura,
Pericardium, Peritoneum
Function of simple squamous epithelium: for absorption of fluid and nutrients-seen in
• passive transport of fluids, nutrients, or digestive organs
metabolites across the capillaries or gases • secretory (mucous) cells - found in the
(02 & CO2) across the alveoli of the lungs intestines, trachea & bronchi (has cilia – out
movement )
2. Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
• cells have same height and width PLAIN SIMPLE COLUMNAR EPITHELIUM cells
• seen in renal tubule in capillary.
- are cylindrical-shape presenting
- Left ureter
polygonal or hexagonal outlines
Function of simple cuboidal epithelium: - shows phenomenon of "polarity"
• secretory and absorptive functions due to (difference in structure between the
brush border (microvilli) - found at renal proximal and distal poles of the cel).
tubules of nephrons. Distal end may shows:
a. finger-like (microvilli) or hair-like
ex. Nephrons – has a line of simple cuboidal projections (cilia)
epithelium. b. thickened cell membrane (crista)
c. hardened secretions on cell
membrane (cuticle)

Parts of Nephrons
Organs: stomach, small and large intestines (colon) -
1. Glomeruli > absorption with microvilli (chyme)
- has network of capillaries -> filter plasma
-> will be converted to Urine at renal ❖ Absorption of substances in the chyme at GIT
tubules due to presence of Microvilli:
- enclose Bowman's capsule A. Mouth
2. Renal tubules -> simple cuboidal epithelium - drugs (sublingual), electrolytes, water
a. Proximal convoluted tubules (PCT) *1st digestion of foods at mouth (saliva->
b. loop of Henle salivary amylase or Ptyalin -> partially digest CHO)
- descending loop
- ascending loop B. stomach
c. Distal convoluted tubules (DCT) - drugs (swallow), electrolytes, water
d. Collecting tubule/duct *2nd digestion of foods at mouth due to
gastric HCI partially digest food nutrient
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR): 125ml/min

-----> 1mm/min as urine reabsorbed C. small intestine

- drugs, electrolytes, water including
completed digestive foods (chyme)
3. Simple Columnar Epithelium -cells are taller - measures 20feet
than wide a. Jejunum -> most of the absorption of the
Functions of simple columnar epithelium: completely digested -> more microvilli - 8 feet
*Bariatric surgery -> partial resection
• has striated borders (microvilli - finger like
of the jejunum leads Malnutrition
projections at surface of cells) which function
b. Ileum -> less absorption less microvilli - 12 A. move mucus and dust particles across the
feet surface due to motile cilia seen in respiratory
D. Colon tubes (larynx & trachea) and uterine/fallopian
- electrolytes and water leads to tubes/oviducts
dehydration of undigested foods (well- *Ciliary movement is toward one
formed feces) directions only. Each cell has 20-30 cilia that
move 12x - 20x/sec.
B. absorption of fluids (produced by testes) at
- liquid portion of the digested foods
the epididymis due to stereocilia (long, non-
motile branched cilia) - found at epididymis
- water
- micronutrients (Zn, Cu, Se) Parts of Oviducts/Fallopian tubes:
- multivitamins (vit. C)
1. Ampulla -> proximal 2/3 > fertilization
- electrolytes (Na, CI, K, Ca++)
(process of union between the sperm and
- organic food nutrients (CHO, CHON, fats)
ovum to form fertilized ovum or Zygote)
2. Infundibulum -> expanded portion of ampulla
with opening (ostium)
3. fimbriae -> finger-like projection of the
Pseudostratified COLUMNAR CILIATED
Projection of ovum and zygote at ampulla of oviduct:
- resembles with plain columnar except for
presence of hair-like projection (cilia) at 1. peristalsis -> wave-like motion of smooth
distal end muscles
- consists of single layer of cells with 2. ciliary movement – hair-like movement
motile cilia and all cells are attached to
the basement membrane but not all cells
attached to basement membrane
reached the surface
- extremities of columnar cells taper to a
point and extends all the way to
basement membrane

Calendar method (ovulation):

Regularly menstrual cycle (28-31 days):

LMP (first drop of mens): Feb.1 add 14 days >
ovulation (Feb. 15) add 14 days > Mens (Feb. 29)
LMP: Feb.1+ 14 days -> Feb. 15 (ovulation) + 14 days
>Feb 29 (Mens)
Organs: upper part of trachea, larynx and fallopian
2 days before the ovulation (Feb 13-14): baby girl
Functions of pseudostratified columnar ciliated 2 days after the ovulation (Feb. 16-17): baby boy
epithelium: o sperms: X-chromosome (slow movers but
longer life span)
o sperms: Y-chromosome (fast movers but square-shape - cuboidal cells
shorter life span) spherical/rod - columnar cells
o ovum: X-chromosome
Girl: sperms: X-chromosome + ovum: X
B. Epithelioid membrane
=chromosome (XX)
a. endothelium -> blood vessels
Boy: sperms: Y-chromosome + ovum: X b. mesothelium -> serous membrane (P's)
=chromosome (XY) c. mesenchymal (stem or parent cells)

B. Complex or Stratified epithelium

- has 2 or more layers of same or different

1. Stratified squamous epithelium

a. keratinized (skin)
- dead surface cells
b. non-keratinized (mucous membrane and
cornea )
- all cells are alive
2. Stratified columnar epithelium
- found sweat glands, salivary glands,
mammary glands
3. Transitional epithelium
- transition of epithelium to another
epithelium seen urinary bladder\

B. According to origin (Maximo)- arise from

ectoderm or endoderm
A. Epithelia
1. shape of cells
a. squamous
b. cuboidal (short columnar)
c. columnar (tall)

2. arrangement of cells
a. Simple or non-stratified
b. Complex or stratified

*Shape of nucleus conforms with the shape of cell:

flattened -squamous cells

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