Prophet Priest & King

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Rev. Dr Jeffry David Camm

Table of Contents
Chapter Description Page

 Book Cover Description 2

 Foreword 2
 Copyright 4
 Dedication 4
One: In the Beginning 5
Two: The Father Heart of God 9
Three The Prophet 16
Four The Priest 23
Five The King 25

One: The Levitical Priesthood 28

Book Cover Description
Lightning is a good example of the immense instantaneous and continuous power of God
Almighty, which is available to all who trust in Him, and have His Holy Spirit living and
dwelling within them, in their hearts. The picture also reminds us of the beauty of His
creation, and the role He has entrusted to us, to be His stewards upon this earth; where we
are to live holy and peaceful lives with our neighbours, to multiply and to take care (be
stewards) of God’s creation.

In the Scriptures, we are told that God Almighty values the family as a single unit, more
than anything else in scripture, because the family unit is a direct reflection of the unity that
exists in the heavens, between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
However, in many families today, it is more like a war going on, than a tranquil family
living in harmony, love, and unity together. That is because modern families of today have
drifted so far away from the “Godly pattern” of the scriptures. Why is this? I believe that
there are two very good reasons.
The first reason: If God wants the family unit to be an example for His glory here on
earth; then satan is definitely going to fight against it, and will use all of his principalities &
powers (in high places) to bring the family unit into moral destruction and decay in our
societies today. He will use whatever means at his disposal, to pervert the status and the
understanding of what a family is (and what a family should be) to take away from the glory
that God intended the family unit to have upon this earth.
The second reason: “The church”, the Body of Christ, has failed to teach the concepts of
what the family unit SHOULD be, so that it does glorify God Almighty; by teaching the
reasons why the Husband, (Father) has to be the Prophet, Priest and King in the family - his
own household, and why children are given by God as a treasure, not to be aborted at will.
This book looks at some of these issues and hopefully will shed some light on how to
change the situation in the world today, so that this generation and future generations will
have families that can glorify God Almighty again here on this earth.
If the family unit gives glory and honour to God Almighty, so will the church, because it is
an extension of the “family model” that God has laid out in His scriptures, for all of us to

Because of this scriptural model, there is no possibility for same sex marriages, to be
condoned by the church, or by governments. Why? The scriptures identifies this behaviour
as a sin; an abomination in the sight of God1. Any church or denomination which condones
and/or approves of same sex couples, has stepped outside of God’s Word and has allowed
the mistruths of satan to come into their denomination, and therefore brings dishonour to
Jesus Christ, who went to the cross for the sins of all mankind. Apostle Paul was quite
If Jesus died for our sins, should we keep on knowingly sinning? The answer is a definite
NO! Any denomination (or government who passes laws) which condones same sex
couples is in fact encouraging people to “continue in their sins”. Can God bless a
denomination, a government, or a nation while they continue on this downward moral
path? Unfortunately the answer is NO!
Why? Because God’s word is unchanging, and God cannot, and will not, bless anything
that is contrary to His divine unchanging word. In the same manner, people who abort
children are committing legalised murder, because children are a blessing, given by God to
mankind, thus allowing the species to continue, His greatest creation. When you abort a
baby you are in fact rejecting a blessing from God. You may not like what I have written
here – but I am sorry – it’s the truth, so you will have to learn to deal with it. Future history
will tell whether you did or not.

God’s word is very clear. God made the first marriage between Adam and Eve, (between
a man and a woman). God never made any marriages in scripture between “Adam and
Steve” (between two men, nor between two women).
The total destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was to eliminate this homosexual practise
from the world in earlier generations, and as a warning to future generations. If you follow
this path of same sex marriages, you are headed for moral decay and eternal damnation and
If you don’t like the truth, I will pray that God puts somebody in your path, who will give
you clear revelation of the truth of God’s word. John 14:6 says it clearly: Jesus said: “I AM
Please understand, this does not mean that Jesus does not love you – He does. That is
why He was prepared to go to the cross and to die for your sins. He loves you and me but
Jesus hates the sins we all do. Jesus Christ died for us while we were yet sinners, so that
there would be a possible way back for us to the Father. Jesus has prepared the way – it is
up to us to make the choice and decide whether we will take up the offer of salvation or
This means that you have to acknowledge that you are a sinner, that your practises as a
homosexual man or woman is a sin against God, and needs to be repented. “Without
repentance, there can be no salvation”, nor a lasting change in one’s lifestyle. Without

Leviticus 18:22-24 “Homosexuality is absolutely forbidden, for it is an enormous sin.

salvation, the only road into eternity is into damnation and eternal separation from God.
Some people call this hell. The Bible does too.

The contents of this book remain the copyrighted property of Rev. Dr Jeffry David Camm
and his estate in succession. Permission is given for extracts of this book to be used for
Teaching or Bible Study purposes. Complete copies of this book may be made and used for
evangelistic purposes, provided that the books are not sold for profit.

This book is dedicated to Jesus Christ, who miraculously healed me in 1969, and who
gave me the Holy Spirit, to be my guide – living on the inside. This has allowed me to walk
through trials and tribulations, to go through the valleys where the shaping takes place; and
to venture to the heights of the mountains, where praise and worship brings me closer to
To my beautiful wife, Rani, who has travelled this journey with me for more than thirty
years, I say thank you for your companionship, support and counsel. To the many devoted
Christians (too many to mention by name) who have crossed my path over more than fifty
years since I got saved, and who have made a positive impact on my life, I say thank you and
may we continue our vigorous discussions about the Word here on earth and fellowship
forever in God’s glory. I hope to see you all at the gate.

Chapter One: In the Beginning

We know the story of Genesis, just by referring to that first famous verse in Genesis
chapter 1, verse 1. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.2”
Here, we have our first problem. Some bibles say: heaven (singular), other say heavens
(plural). If we look at the Hebrew text we see that both can be used. [Biblical scholars have
been arguing over this verse of scripture for centuries].
H8064: ‫ ָׁש ַמיִם ָׁש ֶמה‬, shâmayim shâmeh, pronounced shaw-mah'-yim, shaw-meh'
The second form being dual, of an unused singular; from an unused root meaning to be
lofty; the sky (as aloft; the dual perhaps alluding to the visible arch in which the clouds move,
as well as to the higher ether where the celestial bodies revolve):—air, X astrologer, heaven

Now, I personally believe that God is consistent in His word. He never ever (for all of
eternity) makes mistakes3. Whatever He creates, He creates perfectly. God’s Word is
perfect from Genesis right through the Bible to the end of Revelations. Therefore, when God
created the heavens and the earth in Genesis 1:1, He created them PERFECT.
If it was not created perfect, then God makes mistakes and then all sorts of problems
arise with the promises of His Word. So, the first thing we have to deal with, as we start
There is no reference in the scriptures to “Evolution Theory”, so I will not even discuss it in this book.
The assumption that God never makes mistakes is a foundational scriptural premise used within this book.

reading this book is that we have to understand that there must be a time interval between
Genesis chapter 1, verse 1 and Genesis Chapter 1, verse 2.
Something must have happened in the universe, to cause this “perfect world” that God
Almighty created of verse 1, to become the “imperfect world” of verse 2; a place “without
form and void; a place in total chaos and in total darkness”. – [The definition of darkness
is; “the absence of light”.4]
We know that the scriptures refers to satan as the “prince of darkness”, so this is where
we see the evidence of the satanic battle in the heavens, between the forces of evil, led by
Lucifer, (the archangel of praise and worship) and the angels and archangels who chose to
remain loyal to God Almighty.
When Jesus encountered the woman at the well in John chapter four, He stated that the
time will come and now is, when people will worship Him “in spirit and in truth”.
Jesus was in fact reminding the woman (and all of us) that this is the only acceptable
way to worship God. All other forms of worship are unacceptable to Him.
This brings us to an important point that we must understand about angels. They are
spirit beings, they have a will, they can make choices; otherwise there would never have
been an attempted revolt in heaven in the first place.
The scriptures tell us that Lucifer was cast out of heaven and all the angels who followed
him were locked up in Gehenna (the third level of hell) until the final tribulation period
referred to in the Book Revelations5.
They used their will and they chose to rebel against God, by joining Lucifer in his quest
for power and domination in heaven. If Satan could not make his mark and rule in heaven,
he was determined to destroy God’s glorious creation down here on earth, by subverting
God’s creation and leading mankind, (God’s greatest creation) away from God.
After this catastrophe, the scripture tells us the God Almighty started to re-create His
original heaven(s) and earth. His first action was to show that darkness can be defeated by
God spoke the words in Genesis verse 3: “Let there be Light – and there was light.”
God Almighty then proceeded to re-create the heavens and the earth (referred to in the
perfect creation of verse 1), and then followed the creation of all the beings.
Irrespective of which translation you use, all translations agree that God Almighty
created only one Garden of Eden and into that garden, God placed Adam, a man created in
the image of God, having three parts; a spirit, a soul (mind) and a body.
At this time (in the garden) there was no sin in mankind. God walked and talked with
Adam daily. They were in perfect harmony and communion together. At this point in time,
Adam could have lived forever, because there was no sin in Him.
As recorded in Genesis 2 verse 9, God Almighty put two special trees in the Garden of
Eden, the Tree of Life; and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, also known as [The
tree of conscience].
Whether you like to agree with this or not, evil must have already existed on the earth
when God created the Garden, otherwise there was no need to have a tree to reveal this
knowledge to him. Therefore, evil existed on the earth before God created Adam (mankind).

Albert Einstein
Judgement of Fallen Angels: This is the judgement of those angels who followed Lucifer and were cast out of heaven
(Isaiah 14:12, Matthew 25:41, 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6) Satan and these “demons” will be cast into the Lake of Fire, prepared by
God for this very purpose (Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20:10) [Extract from Jack Van Impe Prophecy Bible, King James
Version, Page 56]

There were only two laws that God told Adam that he had to follow whilst he was in the
Law 1: But the Lord God gave the man this warning: “You may eat any fruit in the garden
except the fruit from the Tree of Conscience—for its fruit will open your eyes to make you
aware of right and wrong, good and bad. If you eat its fruit, you will be doomed to die.”
(Genesis 2, verses 16 & 17)
[Notice Adam was permitted by God to go and eat of the fruit of the Tree of Life at this
stage, without any penalty being bestowed upon him.]
Law 2: God commanded Adam to name all the birds of the air, the beast of the fields
and all the fish of the sea. (Genesis 2 verses 19 & 20). Adam obeyed the second law given
to Him.
Now God had already commanded all of the animals to multiply, all of the trees and the
herbs to multiply, but for man it was not possible at this time for man to multiply himself.
In Genesis chapter 2 verse 21 the Lord caused a deep sleep to come upon Adam and he
created another being out of the rib taken from Adam. God brought the being to Adam and
then Adam named her “Wo-man” because she has been made from my flesh.
Even today when we see something which is very beautiful it is not uncommon for a
man to say: “woh man – look at that” Hence the name Wo-man. This is the first recorded
instance where a man went to sleep “single” and woke up “married”.
Notice at this stage, Adam has not named this being as Eve, but it records that they were
both naked in the Garden of Eden and they were not ashamed, because no sin was in them
and they did not yet have the knowledge of good and evil, to know about their nakedness.
This book is called Prophet, Priest & King, so let us start to examine these roles in the life
of Adam, at this stage of his walk with God Almighty – BEFORE he sinned.
When the Woman was created, Adam must have adopted his “Prophetic role” and
uttered the prophetic words given to him previously by God, as he told the Woman this
Thus sayeth the Lord God Almighty: “Of every tree of the garden thou may freely eat;
but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat; for in the day that you eat
of this tree, or even touch this tree, you shall surely die.” Why do I say this? There are two
1. It is not recorded in the scriptures that God Almighty told the Woman about this
2. When challenged by the serpent (satan) in the garden, as referred to in Genesis
chapter 3 verse 2, she replied: “We may eat of the fruit of the garden, but of the
tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said: You shall not eat of it,
neither shall you touch it. Lest you die.” Therefore, Adam must have counselled
his wife with this commandment from God. But alas she ignored the
commandment of God (and the advice of her husband) and ate of it.
At this point in time, Adam had not eaten of the fruit. Therefore, there was still no sin in
him. He could have done one of the following actions:
1. He could have adopted his “Priestly role” and prayed to God Almighty and asked
God to forgive her this sin, because she was not directly commanded by God
Almighty not to eat of this fruit.
2. I believe if Adam had done this, one of two outcomes would have resulted:
a. God, in His mercy, could have forgiven her sin, and she could have
continued her life, or

b. God could have allowed her to die for this sin, and created a new woman
to live in the garden with Adam forever (without sin).
This is why the sin in the Garden of Eden is not referred to as the sin of Eve, but it is
referred to as the sin of Adam. Why is this? Because Adam had a choice.
He had a choice! He was told directly by God Almighty not to touch or eat this fruit, yet
he knowingly rebelled against God and ate of the fruit. Immediately Adam ate of the fruit
they both received the revelation that they were naked and they made clothes of leaves to
cover themselves.
At the appointed time in the afternoon, when it was time for God and Adam to
commune with each other face to face, Adam and Eve hid in the garden. This is a classic
example for all Christians, all Church Leaders and all Government Leaders in the world
Do you think that God did not know that they had eaten of the forbidden fruit? Of
course He knew. The same applies today. What sins you do in secret, God Almighty will
reveal in public and deal with that sin publicly.
Notice Adam’s answer when God called out to him. “And he said: I heard thy voice and I
was afraid because I was naked: and I hid myself?” God Almighty draws out this encounter
to see how Adam is going to react. “Who told you that you are naked? Have you eaten of the
tree, that I commanded you not to eat thereof?”
Instead of “being a man” and answering the question truthfully, (like many leaders and
politicians today, he tried to put the blame onto somebody else). Adam tried to move the
guilt of his sin onto “the woman” that He said God had given to him.
In doing this action, Adam failed dismally in his role, as King of his household.
 He failed to honour God with the truth of his actions,
 He failed to take responsibility for his actions,
 He tried to blame someone else, and as a result, God had to kill an animal to
make clothes for them to wear, as a covering of their nakedness (which was
revealed to them, as a result of their sins before God).
 Blood had to be spilt to cover their sins.
 Whenever God deals with the sins of mankind; as individuals, as tribes, or as
nations, blood has to be spilt, as atonement for their sins.
This unfortunately is a lesson that many people, tribes and nations still have not learned
in over 6,000 years of biblical history. That is why there is still so much strife, wars,
corruption, sickness, droughts, famines, floods, earthquakes and tsunamis in the world
Mankind has still not come to the revelation that the “Prince of Darkness” is still trying
to subvert God’s kingdom here on earth, by taking as many people away from God’s
influence, as is spiritually possible. Notice I said “spiritually possible,” not humanly possible.
This is because we battle not against flesh and blood, but against principles and powers
in high places. Satan is leading his evil spiritual army, in a spiritual war against God’s
believers here on the earth right now. He is trying to remove as many disciples as he can
from God’s army, who are charged with the responsibility of being stewards of God’s
kingdom here on earth. God’s army are those people who have become spiritually mature
enough to be called “the sons of God”.
Where is God’s kingdom here on earth? It dwells within you; within your spirit, within
your soul and within your body. When you allow the Spirit of God to take dominion over all
three parts of your body, the kingdom of God rules and reigns in your life and the Holy Spirit

gives you the power and the authority to put up a shield against the wiles of the enemy –
the evil one. But now let us go back to the Garden of Eden.
Because of their sins, Adam and Eve are now cast out of the Garden of Eden. Cherubim
are placed around the Tree of Life, so they cannot eat of it (now that sin is in their lives)
because if they did, there would be no way for God to intervene with redemption for all of
mankind. So the long journey through the generations of mankind from Adam to Noah
With each generation, sin increases and the generations move further away from God.
They fail to listen to the voices “crying in the wilderness”, trying to warn the generations so
that they can turn back to God, otherwise God’s mercy would cease and judgement would
befall the nations of the earth.
Into the Scriptures appears a man named Noah, the son of Lamech, the grandson of
Methuselah. To understand the sequence, let us quickly look at the generations after Adam.

Generations from Adam to the sons of Noah

If you look carefully at the generations from Adam till Noah you will notice that
Methuselah, the grandfather of Noah and his father Lamech, were born whilst Adam was
still alive , so they received the stories about creation and the stories of Adam in the garden
with God, from Adam himself. This was first-hand testimony.
Methuselah means “Men of a dart, when I die the rains will come”. The scripture tells us
that Noah was a righteous man and that he raised his family to walk righteously before God.
For more than 400 years before the children were born he had been preaching, teaching
and prophesying to the people around him, that God was a merciful God, but that sooner or
later this mercy would cease and judgement would come upon them.
Unfortunately, this generation had gone so far away from God that they thought Noah
was crazy, that he was not “right in the head”, and they refused to listen to his message; in
fact they ridiculed him for his views. [Just like what happens to righteous people in the
world today]
They did not become alarmed when
Noah commenced to build the ark. In
fact they increased their persecution
and ridicule against him.
They did not even think it strange
when they saw all of the animals come

in pairs to where Noah was living and starting to board the ark.
When Noah went into the ark and the door closed behind them, they still continued in
their sinful ways; completely oblivious to what was happening around them.

If we look around us today, we find the same attitude among many tribes, nations and
governments. It is OK to publish pornography or homosexual acts in literature to be used in
schools for “education”, but it is frowned upon to teach about righteousness, truth,
holiness and other teachings from the Bible in those same locations.
In some countries there are laws which forbid saying prayers or reading the Bible in
schools, but it is OK to do these things in their prisons6.
Also it is against the law (in some countries) to have scriptural references in or on public
buildings. This means that the 10 commandments given by God to the nations cannot even
be shown in the courts, whose laws have been based upon these same 10 commandments,
and whose judges expect the witnesses to make an oath on a Bible which is not allowed to
be spoken of in those same courts.

Mankind has to understand that there is a spiritual war going on right now on this
earth, for the hearts and minds of this generation of children and for our grandchildren.

We have hardened our hearts and turned our backs on God Almighty, yet we still expect
Him to hear us and answer our prayers when we get into trouble. Who is the hypocrite in
this scenario???
So when Jesus decides to come back to gather up His chosen ones, don’t be surprised
that you are not included on the invitation list, just like the people who were left outside the
All had a choice to be righteous before God and to follow in His ways, but only Noah and
seven others of his immediate family chose to do so. Imagine, preaching for over 500 years
to a rebellious nation and only getting 7 converts at the end of you ministry life. By today’s
standards, this would be considered a “ministry failure”.
But those 8 people signified the “new beginning” of people upon the earth. The number
“8” in scripture means new beginning. That is why the number for Jesus Christ is “888”. (This
is confirmed many times in scripture). We also know that “7” is God’s perfect number;
hence mankind (who sinned) is referred to as “6” and Satan, the Prince of Darkness as
But despite all these terrible things which were to befall mankind, God had a plan of
reconciliation, a plan to bring mankind back to a place where there could once again be
closeness between God and mankind.
As Abraham was prepared to offer up his son (Isaac) to be a sacrifice to God, to prove
that his love for his God was more than his love for his own son; so God the Father had a
plan to prove His eternal love for mankind, by offering up His Son, Jesus Christ, as a “once
for all time” sin offering for mankind, and for this sinful world.

If reading of the Bible was allowed in schools, then maybe there would not be so many people in jails!!!

John 3:16 says it all. “For God so loved the world, that He gave up His only begotten
Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” This is the
love that God has for us, His children. LOVE: that is the essence of the Father-heart of God.

Chapter Two: The Father Heart of God

For us to be successful as mature Christians, we first must learn to become more
connected to the Father Almighty and to understand the Father-heart of God. God’s love is
perfect, eternal and absolute. God’s agape love covers a multitude of sins and is never
limited by what we do. God loves each of us as individuals equally and forever.
Many children have grown up in environments where their biological fathers have not
been perfect and have caused a warped impression in the minds of children about what a
“father’s love” should be. Unfortunately, this warped image of the “father’s love” is not
improved by the way some church leaders act before their congregations and/or in private.
Jesus made a prophetic comment about this in Matthew chapter 23 (Living Bible). Then
Jesus said to the crowds, and to His disciples: “You would think these Jewish leaders and
these Pharisees was Moses, the way they keep making so many laws. And of course you
should obey their every whim!
It may be alright to do what they say, but above anything else, don’t follow their
example. For they don’t do the things they tell you to do. They load you with impossible
demands that they themselves do not even try to keep. Everything they do, they do for
“show”. They act “holy” by wearing on their arms little prayer boxes with scripture verses
inside, and by lengthening the memorial fringes of their robes. And how they love to sit at
the head table at banquets, and in the “reserved pews” in the synagogue! How they enjoy
the deference paid to them on the streets, and to be called “Rabbi” and “Master”. Do not let
anyone call you that – for only God is your Rabbi, and all of you are on the same level, as
brothers. And don’t address anyone here on earth as “Father”, for only God in heaven should
be addressed like that. And do not be called “Master”, for only one is your master, even the
The more lowly your service to others, the greater you are. To be the greatest, “learn” to
be as a servant. But those who think themselves great shall be disappointed and humbled;
and those who humble themselves shall be exalted. [This is why 2 Chronicles 7:147 is so
important today].
Woe to you, Pharisees, and other religious leaders. Hypocrites! For you won’t let others
enter the kingdom of heaven, and you won’t go in there yourselves. And you pretend to be
holy, with all your long, public prayers in the streets, while you are evicting widows from
their homes. Hypocrites! Yes, woe upon you hypocrites! For you go to all lengths to make
one convert, and then turn him into twice the son of hell you are yourselves.”
Please note: if you read this you will see that Jesus was prophetically speaking about
“other religious leaders” of today, (2,000 years into the future) who manipulate their

2 Chronicles 7:14: “If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My
face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sins, and heal their land”

followers to commit sins, even to becoming suicide bombers and terrorists, believing them
to be doing God’s work.
But alas, just like Saul, who thought killing Christians was the “right thing to do” they
have missed the mark. They have completely misunderstood the real requirements to serve
God and have been duped to serve satan instead.
When we have “church and other religious leaders” acting like this, it is not easy for
children to receive a correct and holy image of the Father-heart of God.

In this day and age we have to get the revelation that there is a war going on right here,
right now, for the hearts and the minds of our children and of our grandchildren. Satan is
using all of his powers and his lies to lead children away from God.

Unfortunately, many people in leadership within the Body of Christ have been duped by
satan to introduce programs, policies or untruths, which keep children and teenagers
“busy”, but do not take them to a higher level of maturity in Jesus Christ8.
We have to get back to the basic truths of the Gospel, to the Word of God in its entirety,
and in its emphasis on growing people towards the fullness of Christ, dwelling within us. As
was stated in the scriptures in Ephesians chapter 4, God (the Holy Spirit) has given special
gifts to the Body of Christ, so that this fullness can occur. We must embrace these
scriptures, not reject them.
The Spirit of the Lord has announced that a company of apostles would come forth to
establish divine government in the Kingdom of God. There has been much speculation as to
what that would mean, what it would look like, and how it would take place. If a “corporate
divine government” is to come forth, one thing must take place first, and that is “a divine
doctrine” must be established which will be the foremost work of the apostles.
The word “doctrine” simply means “teaching” or that which is taught, or the act of
teaching that is “instruction”. It is the receiving of what is to be received from God as His
instruction (what is heard from God) and then taught as being the substance of God. His
word IS truth!
The early church of the first century did not have the problems that we have today, with
many different concepts (doctrines) taught within the Body of Christ. The first-century
apostles, had been taught by Jesus Christ therefore they all believed the same thing. They
simply believed what Jesus taught them. After the resurrection, the risen Christ spent time
with His disciples and instructed them in Divine Doctrine.
Acts 1:2-3: “….. until the day in which He was taken up, after He through the Holy Spirit
had given commandments to the apostles whom He had chosen, to whom He also presented
Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during 40 days
and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God”.
This is a clear example of the Abiathur priesthood in operation. Ministering to people but not ministering
unto God.

The first century apostles taught what Jesus had taught them, and as a result, great
power and grace was upon them all, and mighty miracles took place in their midst.
Acts 2:42-43: “… And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship,
in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Then fear came upon every soul, and many signs
and wonders were done through the apostles”.

Let us stop and look around us for a minute and review this scripture.

1. How many churches do you know “that steadfastly follows the apostles’
a. Many churches today proclaim that “apostles” were only for the first-
century church – but not for today, so it is very hard for those churches to
obey the scriptures, and steadfastly follow the “Apostles’ doctrine”.
2. How many churches do you know that “have fellowship with church leaders from
other churches, in your town, city, region, or nation”?
a. We are all part of the same Body of Christ, therefore we have to learn to
have fellowship with other church leaders, so that the Body of Christ in
that town or city can knit together, to fight a common enemy (which is
satan – not another pastor, or denomination in that city or town).
3. How many church leaders do you know that invite church leaders from other
denominations, to come together to break bread and to pray together for their
c i t y ?
a. Maybe that is why you don’t see signs and miracles in your town, in your
city, or in your church.
b. Why? Because the church leadership have imposed rules and laws upon
the city, which they do not practise themselves, and that do not line up
with God’s word – just like Jesus said it would happen in Matthew chapter
c. “Now is the time to wake up out of our spiritual sleep” and get back to
God’s word; the apostles’ doctrine, and claim the signs and miracles of the
early church, which are still available to us today, if we just are obedient
a n d f o l l o w H i s w o r d .
d. Remember: Obedience is better than sacrifice!!!
“Doctrine” has a lot to do with our faith. The early church was not double-minded. They
knew what they believed, and they performed many signs and wonders, because their faith
was not diminished by man’s teachings (the doctrines of men and of devils).
This is why God must, at this time raise up people into the office of Apostles, who will re-
establish a pure doctrine. This pure truth will set you free! Your level of faith cannot be
demonstrated beyond your level of understanding. Therefore let us look at some scriptures
to confirm this.
 “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge”

 “Without a vision my people perish”.
 “Righteousness exalts a nation”.
These are three basic scriptures which draw us back to the Holy Word and to the real
purpose of the church leaders in the world today – to “make way for the King”, and to
“equip people for the work of the ministry”.
So, without a “good level of understanding” you cannot move towards the finish line, in
the race that Christ has set before each of us. Even prophecy itself will not transcend the
boundaries of one’s theological understanding. Theology is established by one’s doctrinal
Ephesians 2:20 tells us that “the Church”, the Body of Christ, is to be a holy temple, which
is built upon the foundation (doctrine) of the apostles and the prophets, with Jesus Christ
Himself being the chief cornerstone (beginning place) of that which the apostles and
prophets have established, according to that which Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit taught
If anyone of you wants to do all (the complete) will of God, a pure doctrine must be
established, because we will never do what we perceive to be incorrect, even though what
we perceive to be incorrect, maybe present truth, i.e. healing and casting out demons.

Truth IS truth, even when nobody is doing it. Lies ARE lies, even when everybody is
doing it.

Out of this discussion will arise the $64 question “Who will these apostles be, and how
will we know that they will establish the truth”? The scriptures warn us that there will be
false prophets and false apostles, and there definitely will be.
Those who are truly sent from God, as apostles will faithfully follow in the footsteps of
Jesus. This will be their greatest desire – to do all of the will of God the Father who has sent
John 7:15-18, And the Jews marvelled, saying, “How does this Man know letters, having
never studied?” Jesus answered and said; My doctrine in not Mine, but His who sent Me. If
anyone wants to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God,
or whether I speak on My own authority. He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory;
but He who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in
2 John 1:9-10. “Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does
not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son. If
anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house,
nor greet him.”
I personally believe that in these last days of the Gentiles, (the Third Day) the Master will
teach those who want to do the Father’s will.
Hosea 6:1-3, “Come, and let us return to the Lord: For He has torn, but He will heal us; He
has stricken, but He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us; on the third day He will

raise us up, that we may live in His sight. Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the
Lord. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like rain, like the latter
rain to the earth.”
Jesus will come to the earth as the former and latter rain. The former rain for Apostle
Paul was his divine encounter with the resurrected Christ on the road to Damascus. The
latter rain was when Paul was lifted up into heaven itself to be taught the doctrine(s) of
2 Corinthians 12:1-7, It is doubtless not profitable for me to boast. I will come to visions
and revelations of the Lord: I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago; whether in the
body I do not know, or out of the body I do not know, God knows: such a one was caught up
in the third heaven. And I know such a man; whether in the body or out of the body I do not
know; God knows how he was caught up in Paradise and I heard inexpressible words, which
is not lawful for a man to utter. Of such a one I will boast; yet of myself I will not boast,
except in my infirmities. For though I might desire to boast, I will not be a fool; for I will
speak the truth. But I refrain, lest anyone should think of me above what he sees me to be, or
hears from me. And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the
revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of satan to buffet me, lest I be
exalted above measure.
Those apostles now being called must be willing to endure the attack of the enemy, just
like Apostle Paul did. They will be called upon to earnestly contend and defend the faith.
Jude 1:1-4, Jude, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James. To those who are
called, sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ: mercy, peace, and love be
multiplied to you. Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common
salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith
which was once for all delivered to the saints. For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who
long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn grace of our God
into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.
The faith delivered was the doctrine of the apostles. “Faith comes be hearing and hearing
by the Word of God (the doctrine of God).”
Apostle Paul relates the power of obedience to true doctrine in Romans 6:16-18. Do you
not know to whom you present yourselves to obey; you are that one’s slave who you obey,
whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness? But God be
thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you who obeyed from the heart that form of
doctrine to which you were delivered. And having set free from sin, you became slaves of
Once the divine truth is again established, the final separation of the wheat and the tares
within the church will take place. So please read the following poem very carefully, as your
destiny depends upon your answers to these questions:

Where will you be?
Where will you be, on the day Jesus comes?
Saying your prayers, or doing your sums,
Counting your blessings, or counting your wares,
Sorting the wheat, or just burning the tares.

Jesus will come like a thief in the night,

To all the people who don’t get it right,
To those who are not following the Lord,
Not searching, not listening, to His mighty word.

When the trumpets sound, then Jesus will come,

He will reject the believers, but welcome His sons,
Take them to Heaven, to be part of His Bride,
A glorious party, the universe will decide.

So where will you be on the day Jesus comes?

Will you be rejected? or welcomed as sons?

Romans 16:17-18, Now, I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and
offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. For those who are
such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and
flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple. True doctrine is important, and that
which Christ has taught must be re-established for it is the power of His Word that upholds
all things.
Hebrews 1:1-3, God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in times past to the
fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has
appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds; who being the
brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the
word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of
the Majesty on high.
The writer to the Hebrews begins with these words and finishes in chapter 13:9 with this:
“Do not by carried about with various strange doctrines, for it is through God that the
heart be established by grace.” The divine grace has been established in the Master’s truth,
in His Words, and in His teaching (by example). A pure doctrine has been given. May we
pray and strive to know and understand that truth, because it is THAT truth which will set us
completely free.

The Pure Heart of God

So, after reading all that information, we come back to the original statement: The
“pure” heart of God. We know that God is a Spirit and we must worship Him in Spirit and in
truth. That is the only true worship that He will accept and acknowledge.
Let us examine whom it is we worship, and what type of heart does God Almighty have.
Yes we know He has a heart, because we are made in His image, His spiritual image. If I
asked you today to list the qualities or attributes of the heart of God, what would you say
were the most important qualities of God’s heart?

 Love
 Mercy
 Compassion
 Righteousness
 Patience
 Forgiveness
 Heart of Justice
 A pure heart

Although we know that God Almighty rules with righteousness, compassion, mercy and
justice, He is not a judgemental God. His prime attribute is love. We know that when Jesus
came to earth He had a physical heart – just like us, but He also had the attributes of God
Almighty dwelling within Him, so His physical heart displayed all the characteristics of the
Father mentioned above.
When we come together as the Body of Christ, we should display the characteristics of
Christ. This means that our collective and individual hearts must reflect the 8 characteristics
of God’s heart, mentioned above.
Any ministry, which proclaims to represent Christ here on earth, must also reflect these
same qualities. So when we look inwardly today, what qualities of Christ do we see being
displayed in our daily lives?

 Love: Do we show love to our family members, to our work colleagues and/or
our friends?
 Mercy: Do we exhibit mercy when someone hurts us, or those around us, or do
we go away and sulk, or bear a grudge?
 Compassion: When we see devastation and destruction, or a family in need, do we
show compassion by going above our level of giving, or do we just close
our eyes and ignore their plight?
 Righteousness: In everything we do, are we following the spirit of the law, so as to give
a good Christian witness, or do we cut the corners and do as everybody
else does? Remember, wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it, and
right is right, even if nobody is doing it.
 Patience: Are you a person who exhibits patience, even when everybody else is
tearing their hair out, or do you lose your temper regularly?

 Forgiveness: When somebody hurts you, are you able to forgive them and return to
a right relationship with them, or do you store up resentment in your
 Heart of Justice: How do you react when you see people, or situations, which you know
are wrong? Do you keep silent, or do you take a pro-active role in
seeing justice prevail?
 A pure heart: These are the attributes of a pure heart. Do you have one? If not, then
pray for Jesus to change your heart, to make it more like His own, so
that you can glorify the Father Almighty, by your actions here every day
on earth.

Chapter Three: The Prophet

Many people have different opinions about what a prophet is, and what a prophet is not. So to
avoid confusion, let me state my definition of what I believe a prophet is, and we will use that
definition throughout this book.

A prophet is a person, singled out by God to be His messenger (His mouthpiece), to an individual
person, a tribe, or a nation. He can come from any background and is of no special importance – until
God selects him.

For over 500 years Noah preached to the people around him, with no success, because the
people had hardened their hearts and refused to listen, but he was still a prophet, because he
proclaimed in advance what God planned to do to a rebellious nation.
By today’s standards of ministry, Noah was a failure. He preached for more than 500 years and
saved no-one outside his own immediate family. He was only able to convince 7 other people to turn
back from their wicked ways and to join him in the ark.
On the other hand, Jonah (the Prophet) preached one sermon, foretelling the judgements that
would befall the nation of Nineveh, if they did not repent and change their ways and follow Jehovah
God. As a result of his proclamation, a whole nation repented and changed their ways for three
generations. Nowhere else in scripture is this recorded, that a whole nation turned back to God by
the preaching of just one sermon.
Samuel (the Prophet) was given prophetic messages when he was still a boy. Eli, the chief priest,
recognised that the anointing of God was upon Samuel and commanded him to reveal all that God
had said to him during the night and not to leave anything out.

As a result, Samuel informed Eli that because Eli had failed to keep his own sons in check, and
had failed to make sure that they performed their priestly duties correctly, serving the people, (not
serving themselves), that the whole family tree was to be eliminated by God.
This prophecy happened. The two sons were killed on the same day, and the Ark of the Covenant
was taken out of Israel by the conquering nation. God removed His presence from among the nation
of Israel. Upon hearing this terrible news Eli fell backwards, broke his neck and died on the spot.
For a time, Samuel acted in the role of Prophet, Priest and King, to the nation of Israel. In this
case, Samuel was an advance picture of what Jesus would be when He came down to the earth.
Then God commanded Samuel to appoint Saul to be king over Israel and to minister to him during
his reign. When Samuel anointed Saul with the oil, he transferred the Kingly anointing to King Saul
that he (Saul) would prophecy among the prophets, as a sign to them that God’s anointing was upon
Later, when Saul became disobedient to God Almighty, God commanded Samuel to go to the
house of Jesse and to anoint one of Jesse’s sons to become king over Israel in place of Saul.
After all the sons present passed before Samuel, God had not identified any of them to become
King. Samuel asked Jesse if this was all of his sons, to which Jesse replied that one other son
remained, he was a teenager called David, who was presently out in the hills guarding the sheep. All
this time David was out in the hills talking to God, singing praises and worshipping His holy name. It
was a time of preparation for what God was about to do in his life.
David was summoned to the house and Samuel anointed him king over Israel. Yes, once anointed
he was already king over Israel, even though he had not yet taken up the kingly authority upon his
There is an important lesson to be learned here.

Many people are anointed to become something, (or somebody), but they never move into that
position or fulfil their calling, because they fail to take the authority of the position, for which they
have been called.

For David it was a learning process. From just a small rabble of unwanted ruffians who came to
him, he turned them into a mighty fighting force; becoming King over Judah, and then finally the
whole nation of Israel. Even some of the priests left Saul and came to David as they recognised that
the Spirit of the Lord had left King Saul and was now upon David. Unfortunately, when the Spirit of
God leaves a person; so does all of the blessings.
We see that although David was a person “after God’s own heart”, he was not perfect in his walk
with God. He made mistakes, some of them being whoppers, but whenever they were pointed out
to him, he went before God and truly repented and asked for forgiveness.
This kept him in tune with his God, allowing him to write some of the greatest psalms we have in
the Scriptures today. It allowed him to rule and reign for 40 years in peace and prosperity over his
nation. It set the stage for the next 40 years of peace and prosperity during the rule of his son, King
During this reign, the first temple to Yahweh was constructed and on the appointed day of its
consecration (the first day of the month of Nisan in the Hebrew calendar) God Almighty came down
and resided inside the temple.

What a glorious day that must have been, as the cloud of God (the glory of God) became manifest
inside the temple walls, with so much power that the priests fell to the floor and were unable to
minister, because of the power and anointing of God’s presence9.
In the case of Prophet Elijah, we see a totally different type of Prophet. Elijah knew his authority,
he was bold and he strode right into the throne room of King Ahaz (without an invitation) to
pronounce judgement on the nation of Israel, because of the disobedience of the King. “There shall
be no rain upon this nation, unless I command it”.
He could have been arrested on the spot, taken away and killed, but despite this possible risk he
went and delivered God’s message, without any consideration of possible punishment to himself.
This is a mighty lesson for all of us to learn today. If God raises us up to be in the “office of the
Prophet” then we have to be prepared to issue God’s directives to the people, without any thought
of our own safety. If we are obedient to God’s calling on our lives, then it is God’s responsibility to
look after and protect us.
As the Prophet in the family situation, husbands have the responsibility to have a close
relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so that we can listen and recognise the voice from
heaven and act upon His instructions, without any consideration for what may occur to us
individually. If we are obedient to God’s word, it is God’s responsibility to guide us and to protect us.
There will be some people reading this book who will say: “Prophets are not for today, they only
existed in the Old Testament and in the early Apostles, living in the first generation of the church.”
If that argument was true, then there was no need for Apostle Paul, (under the anointing of the
same Holy Spirit) to write chapter 4 of the Epistle to the Ephesian Church clearly outlining the roles
and the responsibilities of the five-fold ministries of this chapter. Let us take a closer look.


There is not one verse of scripture in the Bible which God has placed there to make the book bigger.
ALL scripture is there for our edification, correction and/or comfort.

Ephesians chapter 4 (Living Bible) Verses 1:

I beg you – I, a prisoner here in jail for serving the Lord – to live and act in a way worthy of those
who have been chosen for such wonderful blessings as these. Be humble and gentle. Be patient with
each other, making allowances for each other’s faults, because of your love. Try always to be led
along together by the Holy Spirit, and so be at peace with one another. We are all part of one body,
we have the same Spirit, and we all have been called to the same glorious future. For us there is only
one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and we all have the same God and Father, who is over us all and in
us all, and living through every part of us. However, Christ has given each of us special abilities –
whatever He wants us to have of His rich storehouse of gifts.
Firstly Paul encourages the people “to make allowances for each other’s faults”. That is one of
the hardest things for many Christians to understand. Even though we all have accepted Jesus Christ
as our personal saviour, does not mean that we are all perfect. In fact, if we were perfect, we would
not need Jesus in the first place. So we must learn to love other – despite their faults (and our own

This same glory is available to each person and church today – if we follow in His ways and obey His commandments.

Some Christians believe that when you accept Jesus Christ you immediately become perfect. Well
even Apostle Paul wrote that was not the case in his life, so why should it be any different in ours?
We have to use our agape love to cover over all the imperfections in others, so that God can cover
over the imperfections in us. Paul then encourages us “to be led along together” by the Holy Spirit.
It is easy to be led by the Holy Spirit; any born again believer can do that – but to be “led along
together” is something totally different. This means we have to submit to a common element, a
common direction, or a common goal, we must become united with one another, under the power
and anointing of the Holy Spirit. Paul tells us that this is needed, so that what comes next in his
teaching can be accomplished.
The Psalmist tells us about this, for he says that when Christ returned triumphantly to heaven
after His resurrection, and His victory over Satan, He gave generous gifts to men. Notice that it says
that He returned to heaven. This means that He had first to come down from the heights of heaven,
far down to the lowest parts of the earth. The same one who came down is the one who went back
up, that He might fill all things everywhere with Himself, from the very lowest to the very highest.
Some of us have been given special ability as apostles; to others He has given the gift of being
able to preach well; some have special ability in winning people to Christ, helping them to trust
Him as their Saviour; still others have a gift of caring for God’s people, as a shepherd does his
sheep, leading and teaching them in the ways of God.
that God’s people will be equipped to do better work for Him, building up the church, the body of
Christ, to a position of strength and maturity; until finally we all believe alike, about our salvation
and about our Saviour, God’s Son, and all become fully-grown in the Lord – yes, to the point of being
filled fully with Christ.
For those denominations who do not believe that the 5-fold ministries are for today, I ask the
following questions:
1. Don’t you want people in your congregations to do “better work for Him”?
2. Don’t you want your denomination “to be built up to a higher level of spiritual maturity
and understanding”?
3. Don’t you want your congregation members to fully understand about salvation and
become “fully grown” in the Lord?
4. Don’t you want people in your congregation to become “fully filled” with Christ?
This is the reason that Apostle Paul gave for Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, to give these “special”
gifts to the Body of Christ.
 Notice, these gifts are not given to individual denominations – but to the Body of Christ.
 Notice these gifts are “God appointed & God anointed” NOT man appointed.
Finally, for those denominations who do not believe in the 5-fold ministries for today, I make this
statement for you to think about.
All the criteria that Paul defines to be implemented by the Holy Spirit, through the 5-fold
ministries must still take place within your congregations, but they cannot be performed by the
“pastor alone” because he holds one of the 5-fold ministry positions. (So you already believe in 1 of
the 5-fold ministries – so why exclude the other 4?) If the pastor can’t do it, then who is going to do
If these are not fulfilled in your congregations, how are you going to answer Jesus at the White
Throne Judgement Seat, when every one of us has to give an account of our lives before Jesus, for
the things we have done and for the things we should have done – but we did not do?

In verse 14 Paul continues his teaching message and explanation: Then we will no longer be like
children, forever changing our minds about what we believe, because someone has told us something
different, or have cleverly lied to us, and made the lie sound like the truth. Instead, we will lovingly
follow the truth at all times – speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly, - and so become more and
more, in every way like Christ, who is the Head of His Body, the church. Under His direction the
whole body is fitted together perfectly and each part in its own special way helps the other parts,
so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.
How can the Body of Christ fit together perfectly, if you refuse to accept the instruments to help
this be achieved, that is -- the “special gifts”?
How can “the Church” be a reflection of the “family unit” if it refuses to implement the family
unit requirements within the Church Body? The family unit has a husband, who is responsible for the
following roles:
1. The Prophet: He is to be the spiritual ears within the family, listening and recognising the
voice of The Holy Spirit, which relays messages that He has heard in Heaven to each
individual family unit.
2. The Priest: Administering and encouraging prayer within the family unit, and teaching the
family about the Word of God; to bring up his children in the knowledge and admonition
of the Lord, so that when they grow up they will not depart from this teaching.
3. The King: There is to be only one head of the family household and that responsibility
rests upon the husband – (whether he wants it or not). In that role he is to love his wife
as Christ loved the church, even being prepared to give up his life for His family, as Christ
gave up His life for us. He is also required to teach and love his children so that they grow
up well-adjusted children, worthy witnesses for Jesus Christ.
If a child grows up not following after Christ then the father has failed in his roles, as laid down
in scripture. The parable of the Prodigal Son is a good example. Even though the youngest son
rebelled against his father, took his share of the inheritance and went away and wasted it, the father
did not give up on his son; he still watched and waited for his son each and every day until his return,
and when he did there was a great feast and rejoicing.
We are told to exhibit the “glory of God” upon our lives, but many people today have little or no
concept of what this really means, because “the church” has failed to teach it correctly.
Before we advance further let us look at the Seven (7) Spirits of God and see how they fit into the
roles we have identified so far.
Revelations 3:1: “And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: These things says He who has the
seven Spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your works, that you have a name, that you are
alive, but you are dead.”
Revelations 4:5: “And from the throne proceeded lightning(s), thundering(s), and voices. Seven
lamps of fire were burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.”
Revelations 5:6: “And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and of the four living
creatures, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been slain, having seven
horns and seven eyes, which are the Spirits of God, sent out into all the earth”.
From these scriptures, I believe that Jesus has and holds these seven spirits, which are the eyes of
the Lord and are represented by the seven lampstands of fire, which stand before each of the
churches referred to in the Book of Revelations. This concept is also referred to by Prophet

Zechariah 4:2: “And he said to me, ‘What do you see?’ So I said, ‘I am looking, and there is a
lampstand of solid gold with a bowl on top of it, and on the stand seven lamps, with seven pipes to
the seven lamps.”
Zechariah 4:6: “So he answered and said to me: This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by
might nor by power, but by My Spirit’ says the Lord of hosts.”
In Zechariah 4:10 the scriptures tell us that these seven lamps are the eyes of the Lord. This also
agrees with Revelations 3:6. In this passage is also the reference to seven horns.
Therefore, let us now try to try to consider these images.
1. The Seven Spirits: Seven is God’s number for perfection. The scriptures said the Jesus had
these seven spirits – because Jesus (Himself) is perfect. The concept of the perfection or
completeness of Jesus Christ also is made clear in John 3:34: “For He whom God has sent
speaks the words of God, for God does not give the Spirit by measure.” This confirms that
Jesus has the fullness of the Holy Spirit – without limits or restrictions.
2. The Seven Eyes: These seven eyes represent spiritual vision. Jesus possessed 20/20 spiritual
vision. These eyes represent the ability to be able to see (by the Spirit) into the Spirit world.
3. The Seven Horns: Prophetically, horns represent spiritual authority (power). Jesus has been
given ALL Power and ALL authority in heaven and on earth. (Matthew 28:18) Again the
number seven represents complete absolute authority.
4. The Seven Lamps of Fire: Represents the baptism of the Holy Spirit and of Fire. John the
Baptist said that Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit and with Fire. Zechariah tells us
that the temple will be built “not by might, not by power (of men) but by My Spirit, says the
Lord of Hosts.” It stands to reason that the latter temple (New Testament Church) would be
built by the Holy Spirit. The fire of the Holy Spirit is first purifying, and then the power of the
Spirit will be demonstrated through those who are baptized by the Holy Spirit.
It is interesting to note that Elisha sent Naaman to wash seven times in the River Jordan.
When Naaman was finally convinced to do this he was completely healed of his leprosy. (2
Kings Chapter 5) This event was the foreshadowing of the baptism of the Holy Spirit for
those new covenant disciples who would seek the promise of the Father.
Jesus Christ was baptised in the River Jordan when the Holy Spirit came upon Him like a
dove (Matthew 3:16). He then told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the
Father (Acts 1:4). And then He said in Acts 1:8: “But you shall receive power when the Holy
Spirit has come jupon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, in all of Judea
and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Therefore, the Seven Spirits of God must be the One Holy Spirit, (Ephesians 4:4) who will manifest
Himself in the believer, in seven different ways. If we allow the Holy Spirit to do seven different
works in our lives, He (The Holy Spirit) will bring us into God’s completed work, His perfection, into
the likeness of Jesus Christ, and into the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
These are the seven manifestations (or facets) of the Holy Spirit in a disciples life.
1. The Spirit of Justification: “…. You were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by
the Spirit of our God”. We are all justified by God’s grace and by our faith, and it is the Spirit
of God which draws us, and empowers us to acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Lord and
Saviour (1 Corinthians 12:3). This is the first work of the Holy Spirit in our lives when we are
born again. (1 Corinthians 6:11) “And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you
were sanctified, but you were justified, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the Spirit
of our God.”

2. The Spirit of Sanctification: 2 Thessalonians 2:13: “…..God from the beginning chose you for
salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth.” Sanctification is the
process of God’s grace by which the believer becomes a disciple and is separated from sin,
purified by a life lived in the Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5:16, 25 and Romans 8:1-14). The fruit of
the Spirit will begin to manifest, as we yield to the process of sanctification.
3. The Spirit of Life: Romans 8:2, “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made
me free from the law of sin and death.” This is the Spirit of Adoption (Romans 8:15) which
makes us no longer servants, or slaves, but makes us the sons of God (Romans 8:16-19). We
can now live in the resurrection power of Christ, where the operation of the gifts,
administrations and offices of the Holy Spirit10 causes our lives to become supernatural. The
Spirit will give life to our mortal bodies. Healing and strength will come into our bodies of
flesh (Romans 8:11) as well as giving us a glorified body in that day, which is promised.
4. The Spirit of Truth: John14:17 “The Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because
it neither sees Him, or knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and lives within
you.” This revelation truth will set you free!!! Islam does not know Him, (even though the
Quran says that Jesus is the Spirit of Truth), Buddhism does not know Him, but YOU know
Him. The Spirit of truth will reveal Jesus to us (John 15:26). The Spirit of truth will bring
revelation knowledge as we are taught by the Holy Spirit. Visions will be given to lead us
into ALL truth and to reveal the kingdom of God to us. Deception and false teachings will be
removed, and the lies destroyed.
5. The Spirit of Wisdom: Ephesians 1:17, “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of
Glory, may give to you, the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.” Not
only will the Spirit give is knowledge of Jesus, but it will give us insight into His mind and
what He is doing. (1 Corinthians 2:6-16). The Holy Spirit becomes our Teacher (Jeremiah
31:31, John 14:26).
6. The Spirit of Deliverance: Matthew 12:28, “But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God,
surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.” It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that we
are delivered from sickness and sin and it is by the same Holy Spirit that demons are cast out
and the powers of darkness are defeated.
7. The Spirit of Prayer: Romans 8:26. “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weakness. For we do
not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for
us with groaning(s) which cannot be uttered.” Ephesians 6:18 tells us that ALL prayer should
be done in the Spirit.
These are the seven profound works that the Holy Spirit will do in our lives (if we let Him). That
is, if we allow Him to do these works in us and through us.
There are other names of the Holy Spirit in scriptures, such as the Spirit of Holiness, Spirit of
Burning, etc. However they will all be identified within the seven functions identified above.
I pray that each of us reading this book will seek to serve the master and yield to these seven
functions of the Holy Spirit, who will change us from glory to glory, into the same image, likeness and
completion that our Lord Jesus Christ exhibited whilst He dwelt here amongst us.
In Scripture the following seven spirits have been identified. John 1:14 states: “And the Word was
made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the
Father,) full of grace and truth.”

For more information please read my book by the same name, published in 1987.

I Peter 4:14: 14 “If ye be reproached for the name (onoma) of Christ (Christos: the Anointed One
and His anointing), happy (makarios: blessed, prosperous) are ye; for the spirit of glory (doxa: very
visible and apparent honour, glory, dignity, praise; a weighty presence) and of God resteth (anapauo:
to take up residence, to take ease, to refresh oneself) upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but
on your part He is glorified.”
The whole concept of glory is one pretty much lost on the world of today. People have become so
rational, so academically-minded, so concerned with human logic, that the thought of some tangible
-- and yet inexplicable -- visible presence, manifesting on a person gets lost in the translation.
Peter describes the manifestation of the Spirit of Glory as being the product of the “onoma” --
the character, the makeup, the personality, the very essence of the Lord Jesus Christ evidenced in
us. More than that, “The Spirit of Glory” comes with “The Anointing”.
Peter specifically uses the expression, "If you are reproached for the onoma of the Anointed One
and His anointing". That anointing is somewhat akin to a mantle. Let us look at Elijah and Elisha, and
the mantle of Elijah that he threw over Elisha. Here is an instance of the use of the word "mantle" in
Scripture, which is separate and distinct from every other use in scripture.
The Hebrew word, which occurs ONLY in I Kings 19 and II Kings 2, where it is translated "mantle",
is the word, 'addereth’. Although this word could be translated as "splendid robe" or "goodly
garment", its proper rendering is "glorious splendour". It is a covering garment of a type, but the
word 'addereth’ denotes the addition of special recognition, someone of renown; someone set
apart for some kingly duty or commission.
In fact, it designated the unique anointing that was upon Elijah. He, among all of the Old
Testament prophets, became the prototype of the miracle-working prophet11. When that anointing
and mantle was passed to Elisha and he received the "double-anointing," the Glory of God was so
marked upon him, that not one single person ever questioned his commissioning from God12. The
Spirit of Glory rested upon Elijah and was doubly manifested on Elisha. There was such a strong
presence of God upon them it brought fear even to the enemies of Israel.
We have previously noted that the Seven Spirits of God occupy the Throne of God -- they are in
fact the essence of Who He is. When God fulfilled His promise to Hannah and Samuel was born and
weaned, she took him up to the temple in Shiloh to offer him back to God for as long as he shall live.
She lifted up her voice in praise, thanksgiving and worship. As she worshipped the Lord, she
prophesied. Here is her prophecy:
“My heart rejoices in the Lord; my horn is exalted in the Lord. I smile at my enemies,
because I rejoice in our salvation. There is none like the Lord, for there is none besides You.
Nor is there any rock like our God. Talk no more so very proudly; let not arrogance come
from your mouth, for the Lord is the God of knowledge. And by Him actions are weighed. The
bows of the mighty men are broken, and those who stumbled are girded with strength.
Those who were full have hired themselves out for bread, and those who were hungry have
ceased to be hunger. Even the barren has borne seven, and she who has many children has
become feeble.

[Note: If you don’t have a person in the “office of the prophet” in your city, maybe that is why there are no
miracles, signs and wonders.]
Notice it is a “commissioning from God” – not a commissioning from a denomination by man.

The Lord kills and makes alive; He brings down to the grave and brings up. The Lord
makes poor and makes rich, He brings low and lifts up. He raises the poor from the dust and
lifts the beggar from the ash heap, to set them among princes and make them inherit the
throne of glory.
For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and He has set the world upon them. He will
guard the feet of His saints, but the wicked shall be silent is darkness. For by strength shall
no man prevail. The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken in pieces; from Heaven He will
thunder against them. The Lord will judge the ends of the earth. He will give strength to His
king, and exalt the horn of His anointed.
As we think about our children, can we offer up similar prayers of praise, thanksgiving
and worship? NO? Then we have a problem.
Somewhere along our journey we must have missed some of the fundamental
instructions given in the scriptures about how we are to raise up our children – those
precious gifts from God that have been loaned into our care by the Father in Heaven for a
short while.
This “latter-day” church needs to get back to teaching Fathers and Mothers how to raise
up their children, based upon the “spiritual model” of the Bible – not some model designed
by “New Age Academia”, or wishful thinking, based upon historical pagan rituals.

Chapter Four – The Priest

On matters of corporate “priestly” responsibility, the role was allocated by God Almighty
to the descendants of Aaron, the Priests and the Levites. This was later split into two lines of
priests. [See the full explanation in Appendix One]
The line of Zadok Priests, who were to minister unto God AND unto the people, and the
line of Abiathur priests, [who were “lesser esteemed”], were commanded to minister unto
the people, but FORBIDDEN from ministering unto God.
The scripture tells us that these two types of priests shall remain in the Body of Christ
until He returns to take up His betrothed, to become the Bride of Christ.
To understand the New Testament role of the “priest” in the family situation, we first
must go back and understand how the “priest” operated in the family situation in the Old
In the Old Testament, the father was respected as head of the household, and was
consulted on all matters which affected the family unit. The wife may have given counsel,
but it was the responsibility of the father to make the final decision(s).
This was done in his “priestly role” as head of the household. Fathers took this role
seriously in the Old Testament and undertook fasts and many days of prayer before making
important decisions.
We however have grown up in a society which demands fast food, fast cars and fast
decisions. Unfortunately, spontaneous decision on important matters, usually result in
wrong decisions.

The father in today’s society has to learn that “a correct decision for his family” is more
important than “a quick decision”. The decisions you make as the father today, affects the
rest of your family for the future – in fact for the rest of their lives, so these decisions have
to be made ONLY after prayer and consultation with God, your Heavenly Father.
The guidance you receive from the Holy Spirit will always be the perfect will of the Father
in heaven, as He only wants the best for you and your family; so don’t rush into hasty
decisions before you consult God about the problem!
One of the responsibilities of the Old Testament Priest (in the family situation) was to
teach the children about God and His laws, but this is occurring less and less these days, as
society considers other things having a higher priority than God in their lives. They would
rather have a few hours of peace and quiet, than fulfilling their God defined roles as
It is so easy to let the children watch the TV and/or play video games than to sit them
down quietly, around the kitchen table and open a Bible each evening, and teach them out
of the scriptures.
This is what the scripture tells us to do; that we raise up our children in the knowledge
and admonition of the Lord. It also reminds us that if we teach our children when they are
young, in the ways of God, then they will not depart from this knowledge and lifestyle when
they grow up.
Hosea 4:6 tells us that our people are destroyed from “lack of knowledge”. It does not
say that our people are destroyed from lack of prayer, or lack of praise, or lack of food, or
lack of sports, or lack of the latest fashions; No! People are destroyed because they have
failed to be given the “spiritual knowledge” which will allow them to defeat the wiles of the
evil one.
So the role of the father (as Priest) in the family today has not changed from the Old
Testament model. He is still the head of the house, [whether he acknowledges this role for
himself or not], he is still the one who has to listen to God and pass on spiritual revelation
to his family about what God wants to happen in their specific family situation, so that God
maybe gloried in their midst.
The father is still the one who has to get prophetic revelation from God for his family
situation, to prepare them for the trials ahead, or to give them edification and/or comfort
from God. It is the father in the family who has to go before God and plead forgiveness for
the sins of his family (both known and unknown) just like Job did in the Old Testament.
Many fathers in high executive positions look at what I have just written and scoff it off
as “old fashioned” --- as way out of date. With modern media and ways of life, with
instantaneous answers to almost anything now on Google or Facebook search engines, why
should they “waste time” on things from the scriptures, which are now “obsolete”?
If you want to do some research you will find that the “modern day” management
structures used in many successful corporations, was handed down to Moses by God
through his father-in-law Ruel (we say Jethro) the Midian priest.

God had to use Jethro to give this solution to Moses, because Moses was too busy trying
to sort out the “mess” of the children of Israel, using his own wisdom and strength, and was
too busy to hear from God Almighty. Because we think something is “obsolete”, usually
means that we don’t have the spiritual maturity, to identify and acknowledge its true value.
That is why so many children of successful businessmen fail to follow Jesus Christ in their
lives, because their fathers are “too busy making money”, to worry about the spiritual
qualities of their families, especially their children.
Modern-day fathers need to take a leaf out of Job’s book and pray to God for forgiveness
of the sins of their children – both known and unknown, so that Jesus and the Holy Spirit can
continue to bless them and protect them, when they are out of sight of their fathers.
Because Job did this, God made sure that he prospered.
The scripture tell us to teach our children in the ways and the knowledge of the Lord and
they will keep to these ways when they grow up. In fact they will never depart from them.
Isn’t this what every father wants for his children? We are God’s children and that is what
He wants for us.
If we do a survey of churches today, we see that many of the roles, which fathers are
supposed to have, are being implemented by the wives. This is not because it’s a “feminist
thing” but because they recognise from scripture that these roles must be done, and if the
husband fails to do them, they step in and do them, hoping that by their example it will
encourage the husbands to take on the responsibility to undertake these roles, which they
should be doing in the first place.
Do you realise that when the father refuses to accept his scriptural role as a father, the
“umbrella father’s blessing” is removed from his family? Do you want God to remove His
blessings from you and your family? Of course you answer No! Well, the only way that you
can guarantee that God will not remove these blessings, which are clearly laid down in the
scriptures is to make sure that you, as a father, follows the scriptures laid down for you.
 The spiritual father of your family, making sure that you have your eyes firstly
focussed on God, not the profit bottom line of your business. If you give honour
to God, by putting Him first in your life then He guarantees to provide for all your
needs. (Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His
righteousness and all these things (mentioned previously) shall be added unto
 Learn to take time each day to seek the Lord and have a quiet time with Him. If
you do then He has more promises for you and your family. 2 Chronicles 7:14
says, “If MY people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and
pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from
Heaven, forgive their sins and heal their lands.” When we do as requested in this
scripture God will act directly into all our situations. A healed land means a land of
plenty, a rich harvest and a bountiful crop, with joy and mercy being experienced

in the family for all to see. I am sure that most fathers would want this promise
for their families and for their children and for their grandchildren.
 Teach your children the ways of God and they will not depart from them when
they grow up. Many children have gone “off the rails” at some time in their lives,
but what they had been taught at bible studies at home and at Sunday school was
what brought them to their senses and back onto the “straight and narrow”. If a
child is not given these valuable teaching lessons when they are young, they will
not have any formal basis of “right” or “wrong” and therefore are easily led
astray, by evil influences.

Chapter Five – The King

The “king” in the family situation must exhibit all the characteristics of Jesus Christ as king, when
He was on this earth. We know that David was a “man after God’s own heart” and as a king, he
reigned peacefully over his nation for 40 years. Was there wars? Yes. Was he perfect? No! But when
he was confronted with his sins, he went before God, confessed his sins, repented and was once
again in close fellowship with the Father in heaven.
The father of today’s family must learn to do the same. Be prepared to stand up and fight for his
family, be prepared to go before the Father Almighty and Jesus Christ, be prepared to listen to the
Holy Spirit, and be ever ready to do the will of the Father, who has put you in this position of
authority and responsibility.
Is it easy? No! Do you want to give up sometimes? Yes! Are there rewards for those who continue
to run the race? Definitely!
Many fathers find it difficult to become the scriptural role model of a “spiritual father” to their
family. That is because in the 20th and 21st centuries the Body of Christ has become polluted, with
images of what a father should be, that clearly goes against the values laid out in scripture.
Therefore, what should a “spiritual father” be like in today’s society?
 Must show leadership:
o Whether the father likes it or not, he has a defined role laid down by God to show
leadership in the family unit. Yes! Laid down by God, who considers marriage to be a
holy estate, hence bringing up the children is a “holy responsibility”.
o I make a clear statement here. Holy leadership responsibility is given to the fathers
by God. It is not some government legislation that can be varied, depending upon
who is in government, nor a church, or some misguided affiliation with some group
or organization.
o Fathers must exhibit Godly examples to his wife, (singular) and to his children, which
includes regular time set aside for reading the bible in the home.
o When he does this, other factors start coming into play within this family unit. God
starts to bless this family unit. Does that mean peace and quiet? In most cases NO!
Because if God wants to bless a family unit, then it gets satan’s attention, and he will
want to curse this same family unit.
o So if that is the case, why do it? Well, that is simple. “Greater is He that is living in
me than he that is in the world”. We are confessing our faith in Jesus, believing that
if we honour His word, then He will honour us, and our families.

 Must show wisdom:
o When unruly situations arise in the home these days, everybody wants an “instant
solution” to resolve the problems. Unfortunately, as indicated previously “instant
decisions” are usually wrong decisions or will only give temporary resolution to the
o We are indoctrinated by our surroundings into this mould of “immediate response”.
You put your dollar in the machine and outcomes the chocolate bar. If the bar does
not magically appear, you get angry and may tell the machine some new words,
which usually are not nice.
o The father, operating in the “kingly anointing” must learn to be wise. Yes! It is
possible to “learn how to become wise”, but it entails hours of prayer and fasting,
which many fathers today are not prepared to do, because they don’t see
“immediate results”.
o Fathers have to learn to become as dedicated as Job and as wise as King Solomon;
(early in his reign), so that the decisions that are made in the family glorify God at all
times, and in all situations.
 Must be a judge, who uses God’s word to decide guilt or innocence:
o King Solomon was the wisest man alive; that is, until Jesus Christ was born. As we
have Christ living on the inside of us, we also can have the wisdom of Christ guiding
us in our daily lives and in our decision-making.
o Jesus never made a decision before He consulted with His Father. As “kingly
fathers”, we have to learn to consult Jesus and the Holy Spirit before we make
judgement decisions.
o Jesus is the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us. Although He faced all the
situations and temptations that we face today, He did not sin. Therefore, we must
also use His example when making decisions.
o Jesus has given, through the Holy Spirit, special gifts, which we can use to get words
of wisdom, or revelation knowledge, or even to look at the hearts of our children
and discern if they are right with God. Once these gifts come into play, the answers
we receive from the Holy Spirit will enable us to make decisions, based upon God’s
word. These decisions will always be correct in the specific situations and glorify
 Must show compassion:
o In the story of the Good Samaritan, we can almost see today’s society. Two different
people; both who knew their spiritual responsibilities, passed by the Samaritan man
who lay injured on the roadside.
o They were too busy; they had to get to a meeting; or their golf game. They could not
waste time on this poor man lying injured beside the road. They did not want to
“get involved”.
o Jesus said” “If you give a glass of water to these the least of my children, you do it
unto me”. Fathers of today have to realise that being a person who shows
compassion is not a sign of “weakness”, but of Godly character. It is important to be
a Godly example to your wife and your children, by taking the time to deal with all
situations in a compassionate manner.

 Must show grace:
o “Grace” = God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. As fathers, we must always be prepared
to put aside our priorities, for the priorities of the family. This does not mean that
the family rules the father, but that things are done in the correct manner and
 God first
 Family second
 Yourself last
 (Just like the “JOY” anagram)
 Jesus First
 Others second
 Yourself last
o When we exercise God’s grace in the family situation, we line our family up with
God’s values and God’s laws of mercy compassion and righteousness. This brings us
into a position where God can bless us as a family unit.
 Must show mercy:
o The scripture says that after the “mercy” comes the “judgement”. The father must
use the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to decide when the “mercy” stops and the
“judgement” begins for each individual member within the family unit.
o This requires a specific understanding of the emotional level of each person within
the family unit at all times. Fathers must be in tune with their wives and their
children. This can’t be done by remote control. It requires considerable time being
spent with the family, on a daily basis, so that problems are identified and addressed
as soon as they occur, not letting them fester into something which has to be
surgically removed later in life.
 Must not be corrupt:
o As bribery and corruption are wrong at any level of government, in the police force,
or in the judiciary, so it is wrong within the family unit as well.
o The father must at all times, be seen and perceived to be, a person above reproach.
When this happens, integrity is in action within the family unit and integrity brings
respect. Respect brings a sense of loyalty, which would not be there if the father was
seen to be offering favouritism to individuals within the family unit, at the expense
of others.
 Must not be a dictator:
o History has many examples of kings who became dictators and as a result, destroyed
their kingdoms. Fathers have to be very careful that they do not allow this to
o We know the saying, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.
o Therefore, fathers have to learn to administer their power with justice, mercy and
compassion at all times, just as Jesus did before the Father.
 Must not show favour of one family member over others:
o When one for the family members has a serious illness, or they are very talented, or
they are going through a major emotional battle, it is very easy to fall into the
emotional trap of favouring that person over others within the family unit. This can
cause all sorts of reactions from other family members;

Dad doesn’t love me anymore
Dad always makes excuses for him/her, but never makes these excuses for
 What do I have to do to get Dad’s attention? He is always more
interested/involved with others in the family than he is with me.
o I am sure that you recognise these statements, either in your own family as you
were growing up, or in your family right now.
o Therefore, it is very important to do regular “emotional audits” within your family,
to make sure that your attitude to each of the family members reflects the attitude
of Jesus Christ, who loves us equally and wants all of us to be the best possible
example for His Kingdom here on earth.
From this story, it is clear that being a father these days is not an easy task, especially if you
want to follow the scriptural model, as laid down in the Bible. It cannot be accomplished
without prayer and fasting, or without continual time spent with the family on a daily basis. I
trust that this book will be a challenge to all parents and that you will bring up your children
to glorify God in the highest place in the lives.


The Levitical Priesthood13

Many people in western society have lost, or failed to understand the role of the Levitical
priesthood. Others look and think – it is in the Old Testament, so it does not apply to us,
because we live under grace, not under the law.
It is true that we now live under grace and not under the law, but it is not true that we
should disregard what is written in the Old Testament, because it is a shadow of what is to
take place in the New Testament.
The Levitical Priesthood is no exception. They were ordained into this office to minister
unto God – not unto man. They were to minister to God in the temple, whether there were
any people in the temple or not.
How many pastors (priests) do you know that would minister to empty chairs? Not many.
That is because they have not understood their responsibilities of ministering unto God.
In the following study, you will see that God sent an unnamed prophet to Eli to give him a
message. This message is still relevant today, because the prophecy states it will be in
operation until Christ comes again.
So this prophecy starts in the Old Testament and will finish when Jesus comes back – at
the end of the “Age of the Gentiles”.
Extract from my book entitled: Opening Heaven’s Gates

We are all commanded to be sons and daughters of the king; a royal priesthood before
the throne room of grace. How can we act like priests if we do not understand their role,
function, and responsibilities?
Notice the prophecy clearly indicates two (2) very different types of priests, which will be
allowed to exist within the Body of Christ, right up until Christ returns for His bride.
On the next page, you see the Levitical Line of the Priests.

The Zadok Priesthood

Discerning the Difference between “Holy” and “Phony” Ministries!14

The book of First Samuel tells us that an unnamed prophet came to Eli (the High Priest)
with an awful message. This unknown man delivered an amazing prophecy -- one that has
everything to do with what we see going on in the church today.
This divine word reveals much about dead, dry, ungodly ministers and churches that are
in operation in the world around us right now!
The prophecy tells of two priesthoods that would develop and continue, from that day
onwards, until the very end of time. Both of these priesthoods would be ministering in the
church. One would be cursed with abominable shame; but the other would be a ministry
after God's own heart!
The unnamed prophet tells Eli: "Behold, the days come, that I will cut off thine arm, and
the arm of thy father's house, that there shall not be an old man in thine house" (1 Samuel
He is describing a curse upon the ministry of Eli! But then he continues: "And I will raise
me up a faithful priest that shall do according to that which is in mine heart and in my mind:
and I will build him a sure house; and he shall walk before mine anointed for ever" (verse
This prophecy of two priesthoods is being fulfilled today -- right before our eyes. Indeed,
both ministries are operating simultaneously, in nations all across the world! First, the
prophet speaks of the ongoing ministry of a self-centred, backslidden, compromising
priesthood. He describes those priests who are “of the spirit of Eli”, mentioning two specific
1. Priests who please man more than God
a. Such priests are “people-pleasers”, more than “pleasers of God”.
"Wherefore kick ye at my sacrifice and at mine offering ...and honour
thy sons above me..." (verse 29).
b. Eli was soft on sin! He never made any decisions that would offend his
two sons. Only once, in over fifty years of ministry, did Eli correct
them. They had been committing adultery, raping women,
committing the most vile acts. Yet even then, all Eli could say to them
was, "Why do you do this?"
c. This man had no righteous indignation! He was not “a keeper of the
Law”. He never shared God's wrath and hatred toward sin. He
represents a priesthood of ministers who are afraid to reprove God's
family, that is - the congregation today!
This is an excerpt from an article by David Wilkerson, July 25, 1994

d. Unfortunately, there are churches today that you can attend for up
to a year, and yet never hear one word of reproof. A church could be
totally corrupted -- half of the congregation divorcing, adultery
rampant, teenagers sleeping around, children unruly.
e. The whole congregation has been given over to pleasure(s), or sports
or other forms of entertainment -- but there is never a word of
correction from the pulpit!
f. Instead, the pastor caters to the people's weaknesses and cravings.
He is afraid to offend anyone -- afraid the offerings will go down and
he'll lose his income.
This is the first characteristic of the evil ministry developing in Eli's soul. And it is the mark
of every ongoing compromising priesthood of today!
They cater to their own needs and comfort rather than give themselves toward the
needs of the flock. “They ... make (themselves) fat, with the chief (or best portion) of all the
offerings of Israel, my people" (verse 29).
When the people brought the meat offering to the priest, it was supposed to go into the
seething pot to be boiled. Afterwards, the priest dipped a three-pronged hook into the pot,
and whatever came out on the hook went onto his table.
But Eli's two sons didn't want the boiled, sodden meat. They wanted the red, raw filet
mignon! So they brought their father the prime cuts. There was no sodden flesh on his
table. That's how Eli got fat, lazy, careless. If he would have dealt with his sons, he might
have lost his filet mignon!
Eli was concerned with his own interests, his own table. And that is what is happening in
many dying churches today:

Many preachers are interested only in their own comfort, in caring for themselves --
instead of spending time on their knees for the sake of the people entrusted into their

The prophet is saying, "You are self-absorbed, Eli -- feathering your own nest! To you, the
ministry means nothing more than food on the table, security for you and your family. You
are treating this position as a “profession”, not “a calling from God”. You don't really care
about the flock. You are more interested in what goes onto your table than in what goes
into the people's hearts.
Yet you never once think about how your compromise and selfishness, brings reproach to
God's honourable name. You never consider the people who watch as your sons steal the
prime meat. You are soft on sin, afraid to reprove -- because you're consumed with things
that make you comfortable!"
The Unnamed Prophet Pronounced Three Terrible Judgments on This Priesthood!

Every “so-called minister” who is of the seed of Eli -- compromising, soft on sin,
concerned only for himself, will know these three judgments:
1. A loss of all spiritual power and authority.
"...they that despise Me shall be “lightly esteemed”. Behold, the days come, that I will
cut off thine arm [strength], and the arm of thy father's house..[inheritance]." (verses 30-
To be "lightly esteemed" by the Lord meant a loss of God's favour and blessing! It meant
your work has had no impact against Satan's kingdom. Such a minister may be esteemed by
others -- but in God's eyes he is a lightweight, someone in whom God puts no trust!
God said, "You despise Me by not preaching My whole counsel. You're not a man of
prayer. You're not concerned about My people, but only about your success and reputation.
You just want to make sure there's a crowd. You have lightly esteemed My Word -- and now
I am going to lightly esteem you! Go your way -- do your own works. You are lightly
esteemed in My eyes!"
This cutting off by removal of God's anointing, leaves the Eli priesthood to busy
themselves with helter-skelter programs - works of the flesh that looks good. It all sounds
like important kingdom work, but God refuses to touch it! It is simply busy activity -- lightly
esteemed ministries, undertaken by lightly esteemed ministers!
2. They will be bypassed by the true anointing and blessing of God in the last days.
"And you will see the distress of My dwelling, in spite of all that I do good for Israel..." (verse
32, NAS).
In other words, "When I choose the time to pour out My Spirit, you'll be standing in
ruins!" And that's exactly what is happening in Britain, Australia and America today:
Preachers are standing in churches that are dead, dry and ruined! God has said to them, "I
will pass you by!" This priesthood will be standing there among the ruins as God blesses and
anoints another priesthood, -- men of God who have paid the price!
Right now, in these last days, His anointing is falling on those who have given their lives
to Him, who are prepared to serve Him and Him alone, without any thought for their own
well-being. The Spirit is laying hold of these praying, fearless men.
But those of Eli's seed are being bypassed, -- left to play their church games! God is
saying, in essence, "In spite of all I do, you will not see the good! You will not be part of My
last-day, holy remnant. You are lightly esteemed, -- and you will go about your ministry
with no real spiritual authority!"
3. They will lose God's touch in the very prime of their life.
"...all the increase of your house will die in the prime of life" (verse 33, NAS).
This verse is taken two ways.

First, it was fulfilled literally when Saul sent Doeg up to Nob to slay eighty-five priests
who were of the seed of Eli. But the verse also has a spiritual application: It is saying that
this priesthood will look good up to a certain point. The ministers will be very active and
busy. But just at the point when they ought to be at their best -- full of energy, power,
wisdom and holiness, ready to be used the most -- a spiritual death will take place.
God is going to leave them! They will be left standing before the people as dead men,
while in the very prime of their lives! Yet perhaps the most tragic of all the prophecies given
by this unnamed man of God is that this backslidden, compromised priesthood would never
be cut off from God's altars! The evil ministry would continue to the very end.
"Yet I will not cut off every man of yours from My altar that your eyes may fail from
weeping and your soul grieve..." (verse 33, NAS).
God will not cut them off! Compromising, spiritless, dead men are going to exist until the
last days, when the Lord returns. But, God says, "What a grief they're going to be. They will
be a cause for weeping!"
Now, I want to show you another kind of priesthood. It is the other ministry of priests
that the prophet said God was raising up: "But I will raise up for Myself a faithful priest
who will do according to what is in My heart and in My soul; and I will build him an
enduring house, and he will walk before My anointed always" (verse 35, NAS).
This holy ministry is the “Zadok priesthood”! It is made up of faithful, holy ministers of
God, who walk and live according to His desire – not their own. And such a priesthood
remains to this very day! Everything that this unnamed prophet prophesied is fully
illustrated in David's kingdom. David is a type of Christ, and Israel is a type of church.
David had two priests who fulfilled these two prophetic priesthoods to the letter:
Abiathur and Zadok. "And hast thou not there with thee Zadok and Abiathur, the priests?"
(2 Samuel 15:35).
1. Let Us First Consider Zadok. [Zadok's name means "one who's proved
"Now these are they that came to David to Ziklag... And Zadok, a young man mighty of
valour, and of his father's house twenty and two captains" (1 Chronicles 12:1, 28).
Zadok was the first young priest to recognize God's anointing upon David!
Men were fleeing to David, coming from all over, to join his forces. Zadok recognized that
the Holy Spirit had left Saul. His ministry now was all hype, flesh, with no call or touch of
And Zadok said, "I don't want any part of that kind of ministry. It's dead -- God has gone
from it. I'm going with David, who has the Spirit's anointing resting upon him!" So Zadok
went to David at Ziklag -- never to leave him for the rest of his life! Through every rebellion,

Zadok stood with him, a man proved righteous. David had captured the priest's heart -- and
Zadok never looked back.
Thank God, there are men of God like this in many pulpits today. These are men of
prayer, who are committed to Jesus, having walked away from all flesh, entertainment and
worldliness. You know it when you hear them preach -- because something registers in your
When others forsook David, Zadok remained faithful. David was running from his son
Absalom, who had rebelled. And when David came to the brook Kedron, the Scripture says,
"Now behold, Zadok also came... and Abiathur went up..." (2 Samuel 15:24, NAS). Notice
here that both Zadok and Abiathar are with David. Both are at the brook Kedron with him,
and both go back to Jerusalem at David's order.
So, while Absalom defiled David's concubines in full public view, and Israel went berserk
with wickedness and revelry, two holy men stood in God's house -- Zadok and Abiathur.
And so it is today! While the whole world is going to hell amid unheard-of wickedness,
God still has His holy men serving at His altar. He still has a Zadok priesthood, faithful in all
God's Word!
2. Consider Now the Abiathur Priesthood! [Abiathur's name means "at peace
with God”.]
He was with Zadok as they took the ark back to Jerusalem. Indeed, at this point, Abiathur
appears to be holy, dedicated, devoted, and loyal to David. He will have nothing to do with
Absalom's rebellion. He goes about his ministry looking as pure and uncompromising as
But why is he never mentioned in the Word after this? Why is he not named among the
prophets? Why does his name die out? Something happens. Suddenly Abiathur is "lightly
esteemed" -- and Zadok is made the example of the holy, remnant priesthood. Why? It is
because Abiathur had “the spirit of Eli” in him!
All those awful prophecies spoken by the unnamed prophet fell upon him. And it all
happened quickly! The unnamed prophet had said that not all such kind would be cut off.
Abiathur’s father and eighty-three other priests who wore an ephod were slain by Doeg.
Only Abiathur escaped! He ran to David -- and the ministry he represented survived, which
was according to prophecy. Yet just as the prophet had spoken, Abiathur -- the seed of Eli --
in the prime of his life and at the peak of his blessings was seduced by the call of success. He
lost his place with God's anointed!
You see, David had another son, Adonijah. His name means "success and prosperity."
This young man pretended to introduce a "new move" into the land, by naming himself king.
Yet it was only another rebellion -- not a move of God -- but a snare of Satan!
This is the very ministry the prophet had warned of: “self-exaltation and success”.

"Then Adonijah...exalted himself..." (1 Kings 1:5). It was self-centeredness, pride! Adonijah
said, "I will set myself up as king!" This young man was raised under a ministry of "no
reproof": "And his father had not displeased him at any time in saying, Why hast thou done
so?" (verse 6).
Notice here: Everything the prophet had prophesied of this kind of ministry had come to
pass. All of the elements he had said would happen under this kind of priesthood were in
this man, Adonijah! "And he conferred with Joab, the son of Zeruiah..." (verse 7).
Adonijah surrounded himself with ungodly men! There was not a holy man among them --
not Zadok, not Nathan, not any faithful men of David (see verse 8).
Scripture says that this group met at "the stone of Zoheleth" -- which means "place of the
serpent." This was a group of self-serving, success-driven, ego-stroking rebels.
They cried out: "Here is something new, something that works! Away with David's old,
worn out ways. God is doing a new thing in the land!"
Up to that point, Abiathar had been loyal to David. But now the word was out: "There's a
new move taking place -- some great, new thing happening in the land. And it's very
exciting!" It grabbed the heart of Abiathar -- because it looked like a ticket to success and
prosperity. Now he could make it! He had found a new man and a new message.
I meet many people who come to this country from places in Europe, Africa and Asia
where churches are dying. They hear about some new work happening in the churches here,
and they become hungry to see it happen in their church – “a new move of God”.
Once, when I was overseas, I told one pastor friend, "You and your wife used to be on
your faces continually, weeping before God. That's why your church was so blessed. But
you've gotten so busy, you don't know God anymore!" This couple began to weep, crying,
"You're right!" But instead of repenting, they went to America -- looking for some new
program that might make their ministry work!
That is the ministry of Abiathar! He got caught up in a fleshly, ungodly work of Satan. And
he gathered with the others at the stone of Satan, eating, drinking and shouting, "Long live
King Adonijah!"
When David was told about it, he cried out, "Get me Nathan, the Prophet!" You see,
when God wants to do something that really counts for His eternal purposes, He calls on
those who have been shut in with him. David is a type of Christ here. And he cried, "Forget
Abiathar. Go get Nathan, the Prophet! I lightly esteem Abiathar. Tell Nathan to get the
trumpet and the oil, and to go anoint Solomon to be king over Israel!"
So Solomon was anointed king. And the first thing he did was to kill Shimei, who cursed
David. Then he began dealing with all of David's enemies -- and he called forth Abiathar.
Now, I remind you that the unnamed prophet said this Eli-Abiathar ministry would never
be cut off. And Solomon knew all about this prophecy. Abiathar should have been executed

for treason. But instead, Solomon told him: "You cast your lot in with my brother Adonijah.
You tried to bring down this kingdom. And because of that, you deserve to die. But I'm not
going to kill you. You carried the ark of God for my father, David, and you were afflicted with
him. Because of those things, I will not put you to death at this time. Now, go to Anathoth,
to your own field, to do your own thing. You are lightly esteemed!"
"So Solomon thrust out Abiathar from being priest unto the Lord; that he might fulfil the
word of the Lord, which he spake concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh" (verse 2:27).
The Eli priesthood is still here today! But God says to their kind, "Go, do your own thing. I
lightly esteem you!"
3. Ezekiel Understood the Prophetic --- The Importance of These Two Priesthoods!
Both the Zadok and Abiathar priesthoods were operating in Ezekiel's day. And, like the
unnamed prophet, Ezekiel prophesied they both would flow, as two streams of ministry to
the very end: "...mark well the entering in of the house, with every going forth of the
sanctuary" (Ezekiel 44:5).
God was telling Ezekiel, "Stand at My house and see all the people coming and going.
Discern all the activities going on here. It's all an abomination! They're bringing strangers
and foreigners into My house to defile it!"
Likewise today, the abominations going on in churches are so horrible, God is saying,
"Enough -- I've had it!" Ungodly ministers have brought into the holy sanctuary rock-and-
roll, entertainment, utter foolishness, singers who use drugs and alcohol and don't even
know Christ, or what He stands for.
These people stand ministering in the pulpit, and the congregations don't even know the
difference! "And ye have not kept the charge of mine holy things: but ye have set keepers of
my charge in my sanctuary for yourselves" (Ezekiel 44:8).
He was saying, in other words: "You've brought in foreigners, people who do not know
me, to keep charge of My sanctuary!" These were foreign elements -- wicked, unholy,
unseparated, still of the world. God's house was being profaned!
So God appointed an Abiathar priesthood, to minister to a people, whose hearts were set
on idols! The shepherds had strayed far from God. They were filled with the spirit of Eli,
chasing fame and success -- and the people loved to have it so! Thus, God appointed
idolatrous priests to give the people what they wanted. "Like people, like priest!" "Yet I will
appoint them to keep charge of the house of all its service, and of all that shall be done in it"
(verse 14, NAS). How blind such ministers are!
God says of them; And they shall not come near unto me..." (verse 13). They stand in the
pulpit lightly esteemed by God, full of self and idolatry, nowhere near to the Lord. Yet they
go through all the motions: preaching, teaching, counselling, all the ministerial duties. But
they don't know the difference! They have no discernment, no witness of the Spirit of God!

Beloved, if you do not repent and surrender all to Jesus -- if you hold onto an idol in your
heart -- you will end up listening to a minister who preaches to your idolatry!

God made a promise in His Word that if His people would repent and return
to Him with all their hearts, He would raise up for them Zadok Shepherds!

"Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord... and I will bring you to Zion: and I will give
you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and
understanding" (Jeremiah 3:14-15).
Ezekiel prophesied that a Zadok priesthood would be very much alive and well in the last
days: "But...the sons of Zadok, that kept the charge of My sanctuary when the children of
Israel went astray from me, they shall come near to Me, to minister unto Me, and they shall
stand before Me, to offer unto Me the fat and the blood, said the Lord God. They shall enter
into My sanctuary, and they shall come near to My table, to minister unto Me, and they
shall keep My charge" (Ezekiel 44:15-16).
There will be no mixture in this priesthood: "...they shall be clothed with linen garments;
and no wool shall come upon them, while they minister..." (verse 17). Wool mixed with
linen represents mixture -- a little bit of God and a little bit of flesh. But God says, "My
priesthood is made of pure linen. There is no mixture!"
This Zadok priesthood will be fearless against sin -- and will have the power to lead
people into righteousness and holiness.
"And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and the profane, and
cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean" (verse 23).
These are the marks of the Zadok priesthood:
1. They are not afraid to reprove with the power and authority of the Holy
2. They make clear to you what wrong and right are, until you gain the
knowledge and wisdom to make right choices yourselves.
3. These men know and recognise the voice of the Lord. They know what God
speaks, because they sit and wait on Him! They don't pray, "Bless me, bless my
programs, give me money..." Rather, they cry out: "Oh, Jesus, I love you! I want to
know Your mind and Your heart!" “Show me Your ways, Oh Lord”.
You may be saying, "It's good to know all this about preachers." But God is saying to you
right now: "What about you?"

Dear Saints, Did You Know This Message Is All About You?

Scripture says, "(He) hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be
the glory and dominion for ever and ever..." (Revelation 1:6). Beloved, this verse is true for

the whole body of Christ! Everyone who calls himself or herself by God's name is to be a
priest unto the Lord.
So, I ask you: Which priesthood best describes your walk with God?
Are you of Zadok? Or of Abiathar?
Are you self-centred -- running around to conventions and seminars, looking for
comforting answers? Or do you receive reproof with joy, knowing that God wants to cut
the cancer of sin out of you, in order to heal you?
Do you buy tape after tape of some evangelist, to try to get a word from heaven? Or are
you learning to discern God's voice for yourself, by giving quality time to Him in the secret
closet, in prayer and fasting, seeking God’s face?
Everyone who lives by the name of Jesus should be learning to hear God's voice. He
wants you to hear His word in your own heart! If you learn that, you can go to any church
anywhere and know within five minutes if the Spirit of the Lord is there. If it's really Zadok,
your hands will go up in the air. You'll say, "I'm hearing something good. Something is
registering in my soul. This is God!"
Or -- you will discern what is of Abiathar. And it will make you sick to your stomach! You
will flee, because you cannot stand the stench of this flesh!

Oh, God -- give us the spirit of the Zadok priesthood right now! We pray that you raise up
this priesthood in our church, in our city and in our nation, so we can hear Your voice and
respond to Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Sons of Zadok

Everyone knew that the Sons of Zadok were different. There is a clear path explaining
how man is to minister to God and what He requires of this ministry. In this day, we are
challenged to examine our faith and belief structure, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit
and in light of the Word. The King-Priest blessings are framed in powerful perspective, along
with the demand for righteousness and holiness. It's time to release the Sons of Zadok!
Sons of Zadok minister under the great High Priest, Jesus. Only the Sons of Zadok were to
minister unto God. Eli ministered unto the people. Zadok ministered unto God.

Who Are the Sons of Zadok?

Few people even believe that God needed ministering to, or that no one would know
where to begin. Unmistakably, the essence of Ezekiel 44 was 'what characterizes the person
who may minister to God.'
Ezekiel 44:14 was a pivotal verse, separating those who minister to the people and
declaring who will NOT minister to God.

Only the Sons of Zadok were to minister to God. They ministered to God through their
sacrifices, their leadership, all the while walking in holiness. Their prayers were mingled with
their anointed, sweet smelling savour at the altar of incense. Their holiness exuded from
their lives as they offered sin and peace offerings. People knew... they were different!
Ritual was/is not observed by the Sons of Zadok: They entered/enter into the presence of
the Lord during their duties. They taught the difference between the holy and the profane.
They talked differently and they walked differently. Their lives reflected the purity and
holiness of the Lord.
Demonstration in the Holy Ghost and power is not the unusual but rather the ordinary
for the Sons of Zadok. Only the Sons of Zadok (righteousness) could come before the Lord
and minister unto Him. Those who walk in holiness compromising no aspect of Word or
walk, and who teach the people to be holy - qualify.
To minister to God begins with clean hands and a pure heart.
It's rewards are different; instead of accolades from men, the Sons of Zadok find
accolades from the Lord. His Presence insures that peace reigns and 'every dedicated thing
in Israel shall be theirs' (Ez 44:29) Peace will rest upon the congregant’s houses, as they
minister to them holiness and the way of the Lord.
The bottom line is: Choose whether you will be a minister TO THE PEOPLE only, or a
Will you continue to be what you have been, or will you become a Son of Zadok? There is
no middle ground: either you are a Son of Zadok, or you are not. That is why it is necessary
to know what is and what is not related to the Sons of Zadok.
What it means to be a Son of Zadok speaks of the “baptism of fire” by the Holy Spirit. The
sensitivity to the Spirit of God and about determination to have Jesus as my 'only' Lord.
(Ezekiel 44). "Who will ascend into the Presence of the Lord or who shall stand in His Holy
Place?" Psalm 24:3. Its rewards are different -- instead of accolades from men, Sons of
Zadok find accolades from the Lord through His Presence (Ezekiel 44:29). Sensitivity to the
Spirit of God and determination to have Jesus as their only Lord is their secret and power.
Demonstration in the Holy Ghost and power is not the “unusual”, but rather the
“ordinary” for the Sons of Zadok. They minister to God through their sacrifices and their
leadership, all the while walking in holiness. Their prayers are mingled with their sacrifices
(worship). The Earth Split With The Sound.
1 Samuel 1-4 tells us that the Sons of Eli represents the “flesh-religion”, set apart from
God; but the Sons of Zadok represent a spiritual heritage, based on intimacy with God.
That which is precious to Eli (the system) is its people and its goods. That which is
precious to the Sons of Zadok are their vows to God, and they have one rule -- they must
obey the voice of the Lord in all things (Zechariah 6:15).

Righteousness and “rejection of the system” characterize the Sons of Zadok. Eli ministers
to the people and Zadok ministers to the Lord.
The system always substitutes something, to take the place of, or modify the real thing.
Righteousness is fluid like a river.
Ezekiel 47 shows the origin in the Throne Room of the Temple of God. Sons know that
one does not "take time to pray" because there simply is no meaningful time without it. We
were made to commune with God.
Religion/the system can only minister to man. In Eli's times, holiness was not
emphasized. Zadok does not practice "being in" God's Presence, they just "live in" His
Presence continually.
Everywhere Zadok and his Sons find themselves, there is great honour and blessing. I
Kings 1:39-40 says, "And Zadok, the priest, took a horn of oil out of the tabernacle, and
anointed Solomon to be king. And they blew the trumpet; and all the people said, 'Long live
King Solomon.' And all the people played on flutes, and rejoiced with great joy, so that the
earth split with the sound of it." Talk about the sound being released through their worship
and intercession! We need to release the Sons of Zadok in houses of prayer and worship
right across our nations today!
Ezekiel 44:15 But the priests the Levites, the sons of Zadok, that kept the charge of my
sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray from me, they shall come near to me to
minister unto me, and they shall stand before me to offer unto me the fat and the blood,
saith the Lord GOD:
Ezekiel 48:11 It shall be for the priests that are sanctified of the sons of Zadok; which have
kept my charge, which went not astray when the children of Israel went astray, as the
Levites went astray.
Ezekiel 40-48 deals with the glory of the future kingdom that Israel will enjoy, once the
nation is reborn (chapter 37) and her enemies defeated (chapters 38-39) at the second
coming of Jesus Christ.
Twice it is repeated that the sons of Zadok will enjoy special blessings and special
privileges in that kingdom because they remained faithful to God despite the apostasy and
idolatry of the nation.
Zadok was a priest who lived and served during the reigns of David and Solomon. He was
of the line of Eleazer, Aaron's son (as opposed to the line of Ithamar; 1 Chronicles 24:3) and
became the fulfilment of God's judgment upon the house of Eli (1 Samuel 2:35) at the outset
of Solomon's reign over Israel (1 Kings 2:27, 35).
As a young man, the Bible says that Zadok was mighty of valour (1 Chronicles 12:28). He
was not only a priest but also a warrior. He remained true to the Lord and the king when
others were carried away by the rebellions under Absalom (2 Samuel 15) and Adonijah (1

Kings 1). His progeny served faithfully in Judah's great revival under King Hezekiah (2
Chronicles 31).
Because of this steadfast commitment, the Lord will richly reward Zadok and his sons
when Jesus Christ returns to rule and reign on the earth.
There's an important practical lesson for us to learn from this interesting statement in
the book of Ezekiel. Just like Zadok and his sons, we find ourselves in a time when God's
people on a massive scale are going astray. Despite the apostasy and the apathy and the
ignorance and the lukewarm condition of today's church, God calls on us to stand fast, be
faithful, and remain true to the charge He's given us.
And there are ETERNAL blessings and privileges that await those who will answer the call.
I believe the Sons of Zadok minister 'to' the Lord and not 'to' the people. Also the Sons of
Zadok will teach the difference between the holy and the common (unholy).

Where Are the Sons of Zadok? [More than One Kind of Worship]
Are you satisfied with the worship you are seeing and hearing in the body of Christ
today? This is a question I heard the Lord speak to me some years ago. I did not have to
think long for an answer, as I have now been in worship ministry for more than 50 years. I
had been very unsatisfied with what I had been hearing in churches and Christian meetings
and on Christian television for a very long time.
I knew that there was a higher place. A place where the true worship of the Great
Almighty God could be experienced by His children who truly loved Him. We had
experienced this type of worship in the meetings in Singapore and Thailand in the early
1980’s and longed for it to return to the Body of Christ.
Jesus had promised in John 4:23, "But the hour comes, AND NOW IS, when the true
worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father seeks such to
worship Him".
In saying this, Jesus made it obvious that there is more than one kind of worship. And
further He stated that there is such a thing as “true worship” which is done in the spirit,
rather than in the flesh. And He said the hour for that real worship was starting right then.
Yet today in the Body of Christ, I see very little of this type of worship. I estimate that
less than 10% of all worship in churches across the nations falls into this category today,
which is a pity, because where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Appearance of Worship
Part of the problem is our great advancements in technology. Virtually, everything can be
programmed now. And if you do not have a great voice, no problem. The right equipment
can be make anyone sound good!

I am not against the wonderful equipment that can be had today. I believe God is the
inventor of it all. After all, we are told that Satan himself was created with tabrets and pipes
right in him. (Ezek. 28:13).
However, equipment can become the instrument that is used to mimic reality. A person
can be made to appear to worship, when in fact his heart is not worshipping God at all. You
can be taught to look right and sound right, even when you are not right in your own spirit.
Skill has become more important than anointing in a lot of our services. But I still believe
it is not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit, says the Lord. Give me an anointed
musician any day over a “skilled” musician who has no anointing.

Horizontal Worship
In the Old Testament there is a bit of information about a man called Zadok. Now the
name Zadok means "righteous". It means, just, or to make right in a moral sense. Zadok and
his sons were priests but they belonged to a special order of the priestly calling. These men
were men of great integrity, who were deeply committed to the call of God on their lives to
worship Him who had called them. They were sanctified and consecrated to the work that
the Lord had called them to do.
In Ezek. 48:11 the Word says, 'It shall be for the priests that are sanctified of the sons of
Zadok, which have kept My charge, which went not astray when the children of Israel went
astray, as the Levites went astray."
The Levites were called to minister to the house of the Lord. Their responsibility was to
care for the holy things and for the tabernacle itself. But the sons of Zadok had a different
calling. They were called to draw near to God Himself and to worship Him only.
You could say the Levites were called to horizontal ministry. They ministered outward, in
regard to the tabernacle and to the Jewish people. The sons of Zadok had a vertical worship.
They worshipped upward to God.
Horizontal ministry is necessary. It is not a bad thing. However this ministry is 'to' the
people and not as much 'to the Lord.' The vertical ministry of Zadok is unique and it is a very
high call to God Himself, before it ever touches the people of God. Both ministries are

Zadok Anointing
Most importantly I do believe the ministry of the Sons of Zadok is unto or 'to the Lord.'
We are told in Revelation 1:5-6 that we have all been made to be kings and priests unto our
God. Every Christian is a priest unto God.
Yet as surely as there were those who were Levites and those who were sons of Zadok in
Old Testament days, so there are both kinds of priestly ministry today. The reason we find
ourselves unsatisfied with much of the worship today is that it does not come to us by the
Zadok anointing. It is often ego driven and self-centred.

But when you sit under a true Zadok anointing you will know it. Under that anointing you
will find release from yourself, as you soar upward into the throne room of the Most High
God. You will become lost in His presence and will no longer suffer from the fear of man. It
is under this great anointing that you will experience realms of His Spirit, seeing visions and
hearing the heavenly orchestra and choir. In this anointing you will also find healing and
miracles to flow because you are in His Divine presence.
The worship that comes from a Zadok anointing will lift you higher and higher as you
climb the Mount of Ascension, to where He becomes the very centre of your being. And at
last, as you fall before His throne, you will know the satisfaction that comes from the union
of God and man. In this place you know that He is satisfied with the worship as well.

The Zadok anointing doesn't have anything to do with technology, or voice training, or
learning to play an instrument. It has to do with a spiritual endowment, an anointing given
by God, and developed under His instruction. The worship produced under that anointing
comes from the spirit of a man, touched by the Spirit of God.

The purpose of the Zadok anointing is to minister to God. Yet when you are in the
presence of that anointing, (even if you are not moving in that anointing yourself), you will
be ministered to as well. For that anointing draws the presence of God and He is always so
powerful and generous that when He draws near, you cannot keep from being blessed in
numerous ways.
This is not about laying hands on people, although I very much believe in that ministry as
well. This is about the awesome presence of God as He Himself is drawn to His people, by
true spiritual worship.
This is not even what has come to be called "soaking music" for it has a prophetic edge,
as God speaks to His people, through new song and the prophetic word, which is released
by that anointing.
I do believe that this wonderful anointing is going to be poured out upon the Body of
Christ in this hour. Though we have travelled all over the world, I can count on one hand the
number of people with the Zadok anointing I have known. Yet I believe it is coming. The cry
of God's people for true worship is growing now. Surely He will answer this cry from the
hearts of His people.

Are you ready to cry out to God for the release of the Zadok anointing to fall upon the
Body of Christ in your church, your city and your nation?


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