Reflective Perspective and Personal Philosophy On
Reflective Perspective and Personal Philosophy On
Reflective Perspective and Personal Philosophy On
How my involvement and participation in this course fit into my broader goals
from participating in this course and reflecting on events from the past emphasizes the
being amidst the demands of managerial roles (Whetten & Cameron, 2019). By
I aim to mitigate the negative effects of stress and promote overall well-being for
the importance of active listening, empathy, and constructive feedback in fostering
trust and collaboration. As a future manager in HR, participating and reflecting on the
impact of this course has been more of an inflection on the level of my self-awareness
respected, encouraging open dialogue and meaningful connections, help others build
active listening and empathy, I aim to cultivate a culture of trust and openness, where
diverse perspectives are valued, and individuals feel empowered to voice their
and growth. My management philosophy aligns with this theory, recognizing the
them to realize their full potential and make valuable contributions to the
Gaining Power and Influence:
assistant, I have navigated various power dynamics without fully recognizing the
objectives ( Bacharach, 2005 , p. 93) and this has been the inflection point for me as I
reflect on the past weeks since January 12th, 2024. While formal authority provides a
foundation for leadership, true influence stems from authenticity, integrity, and
ethical responsibilities associated with wielding power gained, and using power as a
Belbin's (2012) team roles theory highlights the importance of diverse skill sets and
teams and fostering a culture of collaboration, trust, and mutual respect (Whetten &
team members, in the future, I will also strive to create high-performing teams that are
capable of tackling complex challenges and driving innovation. Also, by promoting
Embarking on the path to becoming a manager in the future, the topics on self-
philosophy of what it means to be a manager. This reflective article has even done
more as it delves into the evolution of my self-awareness and the invaluable insights
gained from this course, drawing on relevant sources to explore the most powerful
approach, and growth opportunities I have as well encountered along the way.
Evolution of Self-Awareness:
and self-assessment tools provided in the course materials, I have gained profound
insights into my strengths, weaknesses, values, and leadership style. This heightened
self-awareness has empowered me to recognize areas for growth and my blind spots
Motivating Performance:
Not only has my self-awareness become heightened, I now recognize the immense
benefits in motivating others to become better performers in the workplace, crucial for
effective leadership, as underscored by Weisz et al. (2020). This topic has equipped
me with practical strategies for inspiring and empowering teams towards shared goals.
myself that were previously unexplored. Once again, as emphasized by London et al.
master oneself and therefore to lead and manage others effectively. I have learned to
triggers, critical areas that allows one to lead with greater empathy and resilience
(London et al., 2022). These skills will no doubt enable me build stronger
relationships, navigate challenges more effectively, and foster a positive work culture
what does it matter? For what I know now, self-awareness matters to deeply, because
it forms the foundation of authentic leadership. As highlighted by Whetten and
Cameron (2019), self-aware leaders are better equipped to understand and relate to
self-aware that they are important growth and success. Additionally, self-awareness
allows me to navigate challenges especially after the mid-term with much more
Surprising Discoveries:
One of the most surprising discoveries in the cause of this course was uncovering my
allows us to challenge our preconceptions and strive for greater inclusivity and
that help me handle my team in our group projects. In the multitude of perspectives,
better decisions are made. I would before now careless about anyone’s contribution as
Some of the most impactful learning moments during this course occurred within our
was our first class activity, where we were tasked with evaluating our responses to
various scenarios, including difficult challenges and new challenges. This activity
adaptation. It made me instantly aware of my own tendencies and how they influence
Another significant learning moment arose during a group task where we had to
the task individually, the collaborative effort yielded markedly superior results than
any of us could achieve alone except for a few persons. This experience underscored
blind spots and areas for improvement for me. One instance stands out vividly, a
feedback from a female colleague after class. Despite initially feeling defensive, her
openness to receiving it, I said acting contrary would never have been the style of an
experiences, I am grateful for letting what I learn become a part of who I am
Moving forward, I recognize that certain obstacles may hinder my progress, such as
ongoing self-reflection, seek feedback from mentors and colleagues, and embrace
Bacharach, S. B. (2005, May). Making things happen by mastering the game of day-
French, J. R. P., & Raven, B. (1959). The bases of social power. In D. Cartwright
Goleman, D. (1998). Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ.
Bantam Books.
London, M., Sessa, V., & Shelley, L. (2022). Developing Self-Awareness: Learning
Weisz, V., et al. (2020). Motivating Workers: How Leaders Apply Self-Determination