Fiscal Metering Systems
Fiscal Metering Systems
Fiscal Metering Systems
Rue des Usines, ZI Khaireddine 4, Lot. de La Colline 1, Entrée A, 1 Etg.
Wieblinger Str. 6A,
2060 El Kram - Tunisie Sidi Maârouf. Casablanca 20270 - Maroc 68775 Ketsch, Germany
+216 70 018 140 +212 5 22 786 920 +49 (0)6202 6650013
+216 71 182 638 +212 5 22 786 133 +49 (0)6202 6650013 For pipeline and marine applications
• Designed for pipelines and the terminals
import and export of high volume products
• Skid mounted design with optimized footprint»
Support of single and multiple meter runs
PGS metering system modules are based on the • Line size ranges from 2" to 16"
experience and quality of PGS brand. PGS system • Online quality control with real time density
modules have been designed to fulfill internal and measurement and product sampling systems
logistical requirements and to comply with all Weights • Options for individual configurations such
& Measures requirements. as product markers or gas extractor (VDR)
These systems are designed for the international • Support for proving systems with integrated
Market including the European Market that require connections
regulations such as the Pressure Equipment • Cost savings through factory assembly and easy
Directive 97/23/EC (PED), the Directive 94/9/EC to install design
for Equipment and Protective Systems intended for • Full factory flow and functionality testing providing
use in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX), fault-free start up
national Weights & Measures directives. • ISO certified production.
@ [email protected] © 2016 PGS. All rights reserved .Rev0.0
One-Stop Solution All skids comprised of:
PGS provide all the required state-of-the-art • A perfect design on the basis of large range of Meters (PD Meters, Turbine Meters,
technology composed of its own product line. flow Meters as well as production processes that Coriolis Meters, Ultrasonic Meters)
The basic system module includes the entire are entirely controlled, from the first concept to Depending on the application, picking up the
measuring section from the line inlet connec- the on-schedule turnkey delivery to the customer. right metering technology is critical . PGS can
tion, optionally includes the air purger systems • Complete functional tests on typical operating assist for the meter selection, and supply : Single
required by Weights & Measures regulations conditions conducted at our in-house testing / Double Case PD Meters. Alternative Turbine
and ends at the control valve exit or, optionally, facilities where the results can be validated by Meters/Corolis Meters/ Ultrasonic Meters can be
at a loading or unloading arm. the local organizations of Weights & Measures supplied to meet specific requirements.
• Consultancy and outstanding customer service Valves and instruments
through our engineering and field team. Our exper- Isolation valves, thermal pressure relief valve, flow
tise coupled with reliable services makes Petro- control valve and temperature and pressure
gas the preferred business partner for multiple monitoring.
customers and end-users.
Microprocessor flow Computer
Low maintenance flow computers, offering user’s
Core Components configurable inputs-outputs and automatic
temperature and pressure compensation/density
Proving section correction capabilities.
Double blockand bleed (DBB) valve and prover
take-off ports. Strainer / Air release
In-line strainers / air eliminators are located at the
highest elevation in the system, where gases
breakout, to protect the metering system against
dirt / other contaminants / air introduced by
• Integrated SCADA System for
remote monitoring and control
• Prover Skid
• Density measurment
• Automating Sampling System.
PGS TUNISIA PGS MOROCCO PGS International GmbH Fiscal Metering
Rue des Usines, ZI Khaireddine 4, Lot. de La Colline 1, Entrée A, 1 Etg.
Wieblinger Str. 6A,
2060 El Kram - Tunisie Sidi Maârouf. Casablanca 20270 - Maroc 68775 Ketsch, Germany
+216 70 018 140 +212 5 22 786 920 +49 (0)6202 6650013
+216 71 182 638 +212 5 22 786 133 +49 (0)6202 6650013 For pipeline and marine applications
• Designed for pipelines and the terminals
import and export of high volume products
• Skid mounted design with optimized footprint»
Support of single and multiple meter runs
PGS metering system modules are based on the • Line size ranges from 2" to 16"
experience and quality of PGS brand. PGS system • Online quality control with real time density
modules have been designed to fulfill internal and measurement and product sampling systems
logistical requirements and to comply with all Weights • Options for individual configurations such
& Measures requirements. as product markers or gas extractor (VDR)
These systems are designed for the international • Support for proving systems with integrated
Market including the European Market that require connections
regulations such as the Pressure Equipment • Cost savings through factory assembly and easy
Directive 97/23/EC (PED), the Directive 94/9/EC to install design
for Equipment and Protective Systems intended for • Full factory flow and functionality testing providing
use in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX), fault-free start up
national Weights & Measures directives. • ISO certified production.
@ [email protected] © 2016 PGS. All rights reserved .Rev0.0