Cognition - Arnold Lewis Glass (1) (2) - Copia-137-186
Cognition - Arnold Lewis Glass (1) (2) - Copia-137-186
Cognition - Arnold Lewis Glass (1) (2) - Copia-137-186
People like to look for things. From Where’s Waldo? to countless video
games, searching for visual targets is considered by many people to be
fun. Paleontologists hunt for dinosaur bones, anthropologists hunt for
human bones, and archeologists hunt for the debris of ancient
civilizations. Quarterbacks search for the open receiver and point
guards search for the open shooter. Merchants stock miles of shelves
in giant stores with confidence that customers will be able to find what
they look for. People can routinely detect and respond to task relevant
targets so quickly that they can drive vehicles through crowded streets
safely much more quickly than any person can walk or run. The general
name for this ability to control perception so that what is important is
seen or heard is attention.
Attention refers to voluntary actions that are used to control
perception. Seeing and hearing are the consequence of looking and
listening. The control of perception involves either of two tasks. One
task is to select a single target for processing, such as when you listen
to a single conversation during a party. The other task is to divide
attention among several targets, such as when you drive a car down a
crowded street. In this chapter we will see the following.
Selective attention involves three stages: target specification,
search, and target identification. The frontal cortex, where the
target is specified, selects for the target by the inhibition of all
perceptual input that is not target-related.
Attention begins with action. As mentioned in Chapter 2, the
fundamental unit of action is the same as the fundamental unit of
memory: a voluntary action is made to a target in a context, producing
a result. Similarly, the fundamental unit of attention is the same as the
fundamental unit of action: a voluntary action is made to a target in a
context, producing a result. The only difference between action and
attention is that action implies movement but attention includes both
the initiation of movements and mental actions that do not involve
movement. Listening for the sound of a starting gun, refusing to move
until “Simon says,” and trying to remember the answer to a question
are all voluntary mental actions that do not require motor movement.
The ability to make a voluntary response is the central subject
matter of psychology, and there are many names for the experience of
performing a voluntary action. When a target enters awareness, just as
this sentence is in your awareness, you can do something in response
to it. Saying that you are aware of something, that you are conscious
of something, that you experience something, that you perceive
something, and that you can make a voluntary response to something
are all ways of describing the target of an action (Table 4.1).
Target is in…
Targets Distracters
Figure 4.1 The top panel shows the cortical areas that direct visual target
selection. The bottom panel shows the medial areas that carry out the selection
and the reticular formation, which influences target selection by modulating
The visual scanning system uses a two-stage process of target
identification. In the first stage, sensory information from multiple
locations in the visual display is subjected to feature analysis to
determine whether it contains a feature that identifies the target. For
example, suppose that the task is to find a red “O” in a field of green
“X”s and “O”s (Figure 4.2, top). The visual system organizes the
sensory input into several distinct maps. One map contains all the
locations where the input is red and one contains all the locations
where a circle has been detected. In the second stage, the eyes move
among the locations of one of these feature maps. At each location a
more complete description of the input at that location is constructed,
until the target is found. When a feature map contains many fewer
locations than the entire field, selecting possible target locations on the
basis of that feature correspondingly decreases the number of locations
that must be examined to find the target. For example, in the display at
the top of Figure 4.2 there is only a single location with a red feature,
so this location will be searched and the red “O” will be found
Figure 4.2 Selective attention to feature conjunction. Red circle can be
effortlessly selected on the basis of color (top); but red circle requires effort to
select on the basis of color and shape (bottom).
Figure 4.3 The basal ganglia control the thalamic gate and hence regulate the
flow of information to the cortex.
Figure 4.7 Reaction time does not vary as a function of number of display
elements (set size) when searching for a novel target (mirror-image N) among
familiar distracters (N). Observers responded whether 1- to 6-element displays
contained only identical elements (target absent condition) or contained one
different element (target present condition). The slopes for correct target-
present and -absent regressions are shown in parentheses (Wang et al.,
Rather than marking a target with a distinctive feature such as a
color or shape that causes it to pop out from the background, its
location can be indicated by an external visual (such as an arrow) or a
verbal cue that is not part of the target itself. Of course, a person can
move his or her eyes where directed, but this top-down selection is
slower than the automatic bottom-up selection that is an effect of
perceptual organization. Marking a target with a distinctive feature
initiates its processing in less than 100 msec (Bay and Wyble, 2014). In
contrast, marking the location of a target with an external cue does not
initiate its processing in less than 300 msec (Müller and Rabbitt, 1989).
When targets requiring late selection are infrequent, another difficulty
arises. Life includes a variety of late-selection tasks in which the
environment must be monitored for an extended period of time. Such a
task, called a vigilance task, is the assignment of a sentry, lookout, or
watchman. During World War II the vigilance task required of sonar
operators stimulated interest in the problem. A small blip on a sonar
screen could indicate a school of fish, while a larger blip could be a
ship. The operator’s task is to alert the rest of the crew if a larger blip is
seen. When distracters are sufficiently similar to the target, so that they
are rejected only after comparison with the target representation, the
target representation is disrupted after a few minutes and the
probability of detecting the target is reduced. Therefore, when the
similarity among targets and distracters is high, performance
deteriorates over time. The seminal study was reported by Mackworth
(1948). How long a time passes before the decrement in performance
becomes noticeable depends on a host of task variables,
environmental variables, and subject variables (Mackie, 1977; Stroh,
1971) that influence the degree of processing of a target. When targets
are rare and similar distracters are common, a decrement occurs within
ten minutes of the task’s onset (Jerison, 1977; Mackworth, 1964).
Vigilance is important in a variety of services, including security, quality
control, and traffic control. So, eliminating the vigilance decrement has
practical value. One obvious way is to provide breaks in the task.
However, each successive break beyond the first has a smaller effect
on the decline in performance. Ross, Russell, and Helton (2014) found
that, when one-minute breaks were inserted twenty and thirty minutes
into a forty-minute task, only the first break improved performance.
4.4 Auditory target detection
A parallel auditory system for target specification, search, and
identification operates along with the visual system. During auditory
target identification, the prefrontal cortex and parietal cortex jointly
regulate the processing of auditory input in the superior temporal cortex
through the basal ganglia–thalamic pathway by inhibiting the
processing of auditory distracters while an auditory target is being
processed. Knight and his colleagues (Knight, Scabini, and Woods,
1989) found evidence of the inhibition by making a recording of the
electrical activity (an electroencephalogram: EEG) of the auditory
(area of the superior temporal) cortex in both healthy individuals and
individuals with damage to the prefrontal cortex. When clicks were
presented, the electrical activity in the auditory cortex to the clicking
sounds was greater in individuals with prefrontal cortical damage than
in healthy individuals. The increase in electrical activity in the auditory
cortex when the prefrontal cortex was damaged suggested that, in
healthy individuals, the prefrontal cortex normally inhibits its activity.
Thus, when the prefrontal cortex was damaged, activity in the auditory
cortex increased.
To examine the effect of prefrontal activity on target selection,
electrical activity from both the left and right auditory cortex was
recorded in a study in which listeners heard a sequence of clicks in
both ears at the same time. The listener was told either to attend to the
clicks in the right ear or to attend to the clicks in the left ear. As was
mentioned in Chapter 2, and will be considered in more detail in
Chapter 7, the right auditory cortex processes sounds located on the
left, and the left auditory cortex processes sounds located on the right.
Consequently, the right auditory cortex initially processed the clicks in
the left ear, and vice versa. For healthy listeners, the electrical activity
was greater in the auditory cortex that initially received input from the
attended ear than in the auditory cortex receiving input from the
ignored ear. When input to the right ear was the target, the processing
of input to the left ear was inhibited, and vice versa.
For individuals with damage to the right or left prefrontal cortex, the
different levels of EEG activity indicated that, while the right
hemisphere processes auditory input only from the left side of space,
the left hemisphere ultimately controlled auditory input from both the
right and left sides of space. Damage to the right prefrontal cortex
eliminated the difference in EEG activity between the right and left ear
for left ear targets but did not affect the difference from right ear targets.
This result indicates that the right prefrontal cortex controls the
processing of auditory input only from the left side of space. In contrast,
damage to the left prefrontal cortex reduced but did not eliminate the
difference in EEG activity for right ear and left ear targets alike. This
result indicates that the right prefrontal cortex responds to auditory
input from both the left and right sides of space (Knight et al., 1981;
Knight, Scabini, and Woods, 1989). As mentioned above, the prefrontal
cortex does not control auditory selection alone. Similar results were
obtained when the inferior parietal cortex was damaged (Woods,
Knight, and Scabini, 1983).
4.5 Hypnosis
The basic function of selective attention is to make looking and listening
possible – that is, to interact with the world. However, some individuals
are extremely adept at inhibiting all other processing when responding
to a target. The ability to concentrate on a target can have other
purposes besides following a conversation. A hypnotic trance is not
something that one person, the hypnotist, induces in the other but,
instead, a selectivity of attention that some people are able to
voluntarily attain. People develop no special abilities under hypnosis
that they do not have when they are not hypnotized (Barber, 1969;
Orne, 1959). Rather, hypnotizable individuals are highly susceptible to
suggestion (Kirsch and Braffman, 2001). A hypnotizable individual will
be compliant with a hypnotist’s requests whether or not the individual is
told he or she is undergoing hypnosis (Orne, 1966).
In a test of hypnotic susceptibility, a person is given a set of
suggestions (external cues), such as that his or her arm is growing
heavy, his or her eyelids are glued shut, or there is a fly buzzing about.
Notice that these targets may be the perception of an internal state or a
memory. The more suggestions the person translates into a perceptual
experience, the more hypnotically susceptible the person is said to be.
There are three standardized tests of hypnotic susceptibility. The
Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale (Weitzenhoffer and Hilgard,
1959; 1962) and the Barber Suggestibility Scale (Barber and Glass,
1962) must be administered to individuals. The Harvard Group Scale of
Hypnotic Susceptibility (Shor and Orne, 1962) may be administered to
groups. Perhaps 15 percent of all people respond to nearly all the test
items and hence are highly susceptible to hypnosis.
What distinguishes the hypnotic state is the kind of perceptual and
cognitive experiences the hypnotized individual is capable of avoiding
(Orne, 1977). A hypnotized individual may not feel pain from an input
that would cause an unhypnotized individual to feel pain (Hilgard and
Hilgard, 1975). In addition, as described in the next chapter, readers
cannot avoid reading words when identifying the color of the ink they
are printed in. However, hypnotized individuals can inhibit reading in
this task (Raz et al., 2002).
Table 4.3 The effect of practice on reaction time (and percentage error) for tasks
that have different completion times
Table 4.4 The effect of practice on reaction time (and percentage error) for tasks
that have similar completion times
Task Trial type Novice Practiced
Emotional arousal
The emotional arousal system provides a more primitive alternative to
the cognitive system of voluntary action for directing actions to targets
and performing responses to them. Unlike the motor system, which
provides a general system for performing any action in response to any
target, the emotional system generates specific behaviors to specific
targets. The four “F”s of emotion-determined behaviors are fear,
fighting, feeding, and sexual activity. Voluntary action and emotional
arousal sometimes compete and sometimes cooperate in the
production of responses.
The amygdala is the structure in the brain that modulates the
orienting responses elicited by alerting stimuli for fear, anger, and
disgust (LeDoux, 1993). The amygdala is a key structure in the
conditioning of fear to novel stimuli. More generally, the amygdala
modulates the likelihood that a stimulus will elicit an avoidance
response on the basis of the context in which the stimulus occurs. So,
the same scream or grotesque image that may frighten you when alone
in a strange place may only mildly excite you in an amusement park
funhouse or on television. Figure 4.10 shows schematically the
principal brain circuits containing the amygdala. The amygdala is at the
center of a network comprised of six principal pathways. Two pathways,
from the thalamus and perceptual processing areas of the cortex, direct
input to the amygdala. Through its anatomical connections, the
amygdala is influenced by simple features, whole objects, the context in
which the objects occur, the semantic properties of objects, images and
memories of objects, and the like. It may be influenced by a present,
imagined, or remembered target. Four pathways from the amygdala, to
the hypothalamus and colliculus, to the basal ganglia, and to the
hippocampus, make it possible for the amygdala to regulate reflexes,
voluntary responses, and memory, respectively. The input and output
pathways may be partitioned into two input-output circuits: a low road,
providing a rapid, reflexive response to a simple stimulus; and a high
road, providing a slower, voluntary response to a perceptual target.
Figure 4.10 The amygdala is at the center of several circuits that generate
fear, anger, and disgust.
First try to mentally multiply 83 x 27. Having completed this task, imagine
that you are going to be given four numbers, and that your life depends on
your ability to retain them for ten seconds. The numbers are seven, two, five,
nine. Having completed the second task, it may appear believable that, even
to save one’s life, one cannot work as hard in retaining four digits as one
must work to complete a mental multiplication of two-digit numbers.
4.8 Neglect
Neglect is a disorder in which an individual does not respond to
sensory input from some locations in space, or even from some parts of
his or her own body. An individual with severe neglect will be
completely unaware of everything on one side of space, including his or
her own body. Look at Figure 4.11. It shows six self-portraits of the
artist Anton Raderscheidt. Portrait (a) was done before he had a stroke
in his right hemisphere. Portrait (b) was the first one done after the
stroke. Notice that in the first portrait after the stroke he completely
neglected to draw the left side of his face. Yet when asked about it he
saw nothing odd about it. As he recovered, the neglect lessened in
subsequent portraits (b) through (e), and had disappeared by the time
he painted portrait (f).
Figure 4.11 Self-portraits of the painter Anton Raderscheidt before and after he
suffered a right-hemisphere stroke in October 1967: in 1965 (a); December
1967 (b); January 1968 (c); March 1968 (d); April 1968 (e); June 1968 (f)
(Jung, 1980).
This was an extraordinary remark, for it implies that even though she had
been denying her paralysis each time I had seen her over these last few
weeks, the memories of her failed attempts had been registering somewhere
in her brain, yet access to them had been blocked.
Twelve hours later a student of mine visited her and asked,
Do you remember Dr. Ramachandran?
Oh, yes, he was that Indian doctor.
The effect of the cold water was therefore temporary. When the
shock wore off the denial returned. Fortunately, as is dramatically
apparent in the self-portraits shown in Figure 4.11, over a period of
weeks spontaneous recovery from severe neglect is common.
Mental action to control perceptual processing is the same as motor
action except that it does not involve the movement of muscles. Any ad
hoc voluntary action, whether involving a motor or non-motor response,
is associated with the inhibition of all other processing not associated
with the action. During the control of perceptual processing, the
inhibition of processing not associated with the action is the entire point
of the action. A perceptual target is selected by inhibiting the
processing of distracters.