Malonzo Final-2

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Importance of the study

Radish it is a popular root vegetable in both tropical and temperate regions.

Radish is grown for its young tender tuberous root which is consumed either cooked or

raw. It is a good source of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and minerals like calcium,

potassium and phosphorus. It has got refreshing and diuretic properties. In homeopathy, it

is used for neurological, headache, sleeplessness and chronic diarrhea. The roots are also

useful in urinary complaints and piles. The leaves of radish are good source for extraction

of protein on a commercial scale and radish seeds are potential source of non-drying fatty

oil suitable for soap making illuminating and edible purposes (George, 1999).

Farmers nowadays aimed to use inorganic Fertilizer to help the plant to increase

the yield faster than the usual normal cycle time. Effort aimed at increasing the yield of

eggplant using inorganic fertilizer are limited by high cost, scarcity at the farmer’s level

and degradation of soil properties due to continuous use (Moyin-Jesu, 2007). Because of

continuing use of inorganic fertilizer our soil lessens the nutrient that plant needs.

According to Waseem et al. (2013), the use of inorganic fertilizer in long-term has

reduced physical, chemical, and biological traits, as well as organic matters in the soil,

and of course, they will affect efficiency of nutrients absorption. In addition, excessive

application of inorganic fertilizers would contaminate environment and the food yield

that may harm human health (Jagatheeswari, 2013).

Ubilla (2020) claims that fermented fruit juice (FFJ) is a nutritional activating

enzyme that helps to enhance soil so that crops can flourish there. When sprayed directly

on a plant's blossom or fruit, fermented fruit juice can increase the flavor of the crop

because it also functions as a natural flavor enhancer.

How to create fermented fruit juice in for use as fertilizer. A nutritional enzyme

known as fermented fruit juice (FFJ) helps to enhance soil and, as a result, the crops that

grow there. By applying FFJ to the leaves of crops, flavor can be enhanced (spraying the

combination directly on the flower and fruit of the plants). It also improves taste

naturally. Due to its role in facilitating the extraction of phytochemicals from fruits and

vegetables, raw brown sugar is a crucial ingredient in the creation of FFJ (Kryss, 2020).

The usage of Fermented Fruit Juice composed of different fruits (non-citrus fruits)

banana, tomato and papaya, banana papaya and tomato have certain nutrient to make our

plants healthier. Fermented fruit juice is a widely consumed beverage around the world.

Historians agree that fermented fruit juice was produced as early as 6000 BC in the

Caucasus and Mesopotamia. According to Rig-Veda (n.d) the fermented fruit juice is

possibly the oldest fermented substance known to man. The fermented fruit juice can aid

in the increase of nutrient content in the soil as well as the growth of the plant. Banana,

Papaya and Tomato are high in phosphorus and potassium, which are essential nutrients

during the flowering and fruiting stages of the plant. The application of the fermented

fruit juice will also increase the microbial activity that is important in the plant’s nutrient

uptake (Valdez,2016). However, it was discovered that combining fruit extracts is more

efficient, especially in flower induction and fruit environment. Fermented Fruit Juice help

to increase the sweetness and yield of fruits plant nutrient through their leaves and roots.

Fruits like banana and other permanganate are easy to culture to become a concoction,

have high nutrient value products likes juices.


It can be applied directly to the soil as a foliar spray to the plant and improve soil

health. It can boost the flavor of crops through foliar application spraying the mixture

directly on the flower and fruit of the plants. It also acts as a natural taste enhancer.

Hence, the aim of this study was to determine the influence of different Fermented Fruit

Juice (FFJ) on the growth and yield performance of radish.


Objective of the study

The general objective of this study was to determine the Fermented Fruit Juice

(FFJ) can be essential as an organic soil drench fertilizer on variety of radish (speedy)

and which FFJ is the best in soil drench application for the potassium level needed.

1. Plant height at harvest (cm);

2. Length of fruit (cm);

3. Diameter of fruit (cm);

4. Weight of fruit (g);

5. Weight of marketable and non-marketable fruits (kg)

6. Computed yield per tons/ha; and

7. Cost and return analysis.

Time and Place of the Study

The study was conducted from June to July 2022 at Masagana St. Bucanan,

Magalang Pampanga.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study focused on the growth and yield of radish applied with different

Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ).



Importance of Radish

Radish is important as a root vegetable, a leafy vegetable, a fruit vegetable, an oil

crop, and also as a cover plant. The economic importance and characteristics of radish

differ between the East and the West of the world. In the East, there are radish cultivars

having large roots with various shapes called “Asian big radish” and those grown for

production of immature pods or oil seeds, whereas radish is a small vegetable grown

within one month in the West. Asian big radish is expected to eventually become popular

in the West. Radish belongs to the genus Raphanus, but is similar to the Brassica species

except for the shape of pods and seeds. Despite their similarities, the order of genes in

chromosomes is quite different between Raphanus and Brassica. Radish genome

sequences have been published from three groups using similar cultivars, and therefore,

collaboration for combining sequence data is considered to be effective for determination

of more reliable genome sequences. Some radish lines have high salt tolerance and

disease resistance different from Brassica crops. Radish also has a characteristic

glucosinolate composition. Since radish can be crossed with Brassica species, it is also

important as a genetic resource for Brassica crop breeding.

Organic Agriculture

According to Maghirang et al., (n.d) Organic agriculture has continued to grow

substantially despite the world economic crisis. It is now being viewed as an additional

option to conventional or chemical agriculture and not just for the niche market. Organic

agriculture is a comprehensive production management system that promotes and


improves agroecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil

biological activity. According to Reganold et al.,

(2016) organic farming systems produce lower yields compared with conventional

agriculture. However, they are more profitable and environmentally friendly, and deliver

equally or more nutritious foods that contain less (or no) pesticide residues, compared

with conventional farming.

Republic act 10068 (Organic Agriculture Act of 2010) an Act implement a policy to

encourage, propagate, practice, and introduce organic agriculture in the Philippines in

order to enrich soil fertility, increase farm productivity, reduce pollution and minimize of

using inorganic fertilizer.

Fermented Fruit Juice

Fermented Fruit Juice is a concoction made from sweet ripe fruits extracted

thoroughly blended with sugar or molasses and processed for short period of time before

being added to the plants to facilitate flowering and fruit settings. According to Zaharah

et al., (2017) The treated plants with FPJ and FFJ produced early flowers and fruits

compared to untreated plants due to the enhanced production of auxin and essential

nutrients. In addition, According to Pagluanan et al., (2010) state the plants treated with

Fermented plant juice provided the most number and weight of marketable fruits. It will

help to increase the nutrient content in soil and will also improve the plant’s growth.

Sakimin et al., (2017) cited those Total soluble solids were also observed to increase after

10 weeks of FPJ and FFJ application.



Experimental Site

The study was conducted at area in Masagana St. Bucanan, Magalang, Pampanga

at coordinates Latitude: 15.21841195 longitude : 120.6877697 and altitude of 32m

above sea level. The soil’s characteristics of experimental site is Clay loam. Pampanga

province features two different climates: a rainy day and a dry one. The rainy or wet

season normally begins in May and runs through October, while the rest of the year is the

dry season. March and April are the warmest seasons of the year, while December

through February are the coldest. Pampanga typically receives about 89.61 millimeters

(3.53 inches) of precipitation and has 162.37 rainy days (44.48% of the time).

Figure 1. Satellite map of the area


Experimental Crop

The speedy radish plant has a short hairy stem and a rosette (ground level

horizontal and circular leaves) of oblong shaped leaves which measure 5–30 cm (2–12

inches) in length. Speedy variety can produce 10.00 to 15.00 metric tons

Experimental Design and Treatments

The experimental design that was used is Randomized Complete Block Design

(RCBD) with four treatments replicated three times. The treatments were assigned are as


T1- Farmers Practice

T2- Fermented Banana

T3- Fermented Papaya

T4- Combination of Fermented Banana and Papaya

Statistical Analysis

The data was analyzed statically to find out whether there are any significant

differences among of all treatment. The significant difference was tested by the Least

Significant Difference (LSD) test at 5% and 1 %level.




T1 T3 T4 T2

T3 T2 T4 T1


Figure 2. The Experimental Lay-out

Total area: 8.5 m x 11 m = 93.5sq. m2

Area planted: 21.6m2
Plot area: 1.5 m x 1.2 m = 21 m2
Pot distance: 30 cm x 30 cm
Number of rows per treatments: 3
Number of hills per row: 5
Distance between plots: 1 m
Distance between blocks: 1 m
Allowance around the area: 1 m


Processed fermented fruit juice

The materials needed for Fermented fruit juice (FFJ) are bananas peeling and

over ripped bananas, a bucket or Jar’s, muscovado sugar, manila paper, plastic straw for

sealed purposes, and clean water.

To make an FFJ (Fermented Fruit Juice), collect fruits before sunrise (when fruit

energy is at its peak), then cut or chop the fruit finely. Mix the two ingredients properly,

banana, peeling and over ripped banana 1:1 and mix the 3 kilos chopped fruits, 3 kilos

muscovado sugar, and 3 liters of natural water. Put in a bucket or jar leave 25% air space

and place for 14 days. Moreover, for harvesting the extract. Fermented fruit juice a net or

strainer was needed, and for storing the FFJ extract a plastic bottle with cup was used.


The researcher prepared the polyethylene bag measuring 8 x 10 inches. The soil

medium with the soil texture of loam soil. Unnecessary weeds, stones and plastics were

removed from the soil.

Seed sowing and Thinning

Seed sowing was done manually by sowing two seeds per polyethylene bag. Seed

sowing was done 2 inches depth and sprayed with water to facilitate germination.

Thinning was done by removing 1 plant. 2 weeks after emergence


Fertilizer Application

Fermented fruit juice was applied twice a week with a ratio of 2 tablespoon

fermented fruit juice into 1 liter of water. Fertilizer was applied at 21 days and applied

twice a week. Muriate of potash 0-0-60 was applied in T1 farmers practice.


Watering was done early in the morning and late at the afternoon, to reduces the

evaporation and allows the plants to absorb water for several hours without exposure to

the sun.


Hand weeding was done at a time to make the plants clean and free form weeds.

Pest and Disease Management

Neem oil was used as insecticide to control pest white flies, aphids and

caterpillars with a ratio of 5 ml of neem oil, 5 ml of dishwashing liquid and 1 liter of

water. Neem oil was applied at 30 days was applied once a week.


Harvesting was done 45 days after planting. This was done manually by pulling

the plants.


Ten sample plant were randomly selected every treatment. Data from these

samples served as the sourced of data per parameters earlier identified. These are as


Plant height at harvest (cm)

The plant height was measured at harvest with the use of tape measure from the

top of the root up to the tip of the leaves.

Length of fruits (cm)

The length of the fruits was measured from the tip of the leaves up to the end of

the fruits with the use of tape measure.

Diameter of fruits (cm)

To get the diameter of the fruits, the middle part was measured with the use of

vernier caliper.

Weight of fruits (g)

The weight of the root was measured with the use of weighing scale.

Number of marketable and non-marketable fruits per plot/treatment (kg)

The marketable fruits were done by separating and weighing the roots with no

blemishes, cracks and insect damage. The separated roots were counted as the non-

marketable yield per plot

Computed yield per tons/ha

This computed yield per tons/ha was computed by dividing the yield per plot to

sample area and multiply into 10,000.


Formula: Yield per hectare = Yield per plot (kg) x 10,000

Sample area
Cost and return analysis.

The cost and return analysis was determined by computing all the recorded

operation cost and inputs used in the experiment.This was determined by using this


Formula: Net Income (P) = Gross Income (P)

Total Expenses /cost (P)

ROI = Net Income x 100%

Total production cost




Plant height at harvest (cm)

Table1. shows that significant difference was obtained on the plant height at

harvest. T1(29.12cm) produced the tallest plant height. Therefore, T2 (29.12cm), T3

(24.24cm) and T4 (24.38cm) are comparable with each other.

Table 1. Plant height as affected by different sources of fermented fruit juice

Treatments Mean

T1 – Farmers Practice 29.12 a

T2 – Fermented Banana 23.28 b

T3 – Fermented Papaya 24.24 b

T4 – Combination of Banana and Papaya 24.38 b

Table 1a. Analysis of Variance on plant height at harvest

DF SS MS Fc Pr(>F)

Replication 2 8.8841 4.4420 4.82 .0.0565

Treatment 3 61.8461 20.6154 22.35 0.0012

Error 6 5.5335 0.9223

Total 11 76.2367

CV= 3.80%

Length of fruits (cm)

No significant difference was produced on the length of fruits as supplemented by

different sources of fermented fruit juice. Numerically, T1 produced (14.08 cm) the

longest length of fruits followed by T2 (13.59cm). Meanwhile T4 (11.71cm) obtained the

shortest length of fruits.

Table 2. Length of fruits as affected by different sources of fermented fruit juice

Treatments Mean

T1 – Farmers Practice 14.08

T2 – Fermented Banana 13.59

T3 – Fermented Papaya 13.17

T4 – Combination of Banana and Papaya 11.71

Table 2a. Analysis of Variance on length of fruits

DF SS MS Fc Pr(>F)

Replication 2 10.8945 5.4473 7.24 0.0251

Treatment 3 9.4522 3.1507 4.19 0.0642

Error 6 4.5115 0.7519

Total 11 24.8582

CV= 6.60%

Diameter of fruits (cm)

Table 3 presents the diameter of fruit (cm) as affected by different sources of

fermented fruit juice. No significant difference was obtained among of all treatments.

Numerically, T4 (33.77cm) attained the longest diameter of fruits. Meanwhile T3

(30.83cm) obtained the shorter diameter of fruits.

Table 3. Diameter of fruits as affected by different sources of fermented fruit juice

Treatments Mean

T1 – Farmers Practice 32.77

T2 – Fermented Banana 32.19

T3 – Fermented Papaya 30.83

T4 – Combination of Banana and Papaya 33.27

Table 3a. Analysis of Variance on diameter of fruits

DF SS MS Fc Pr(>F)

Replication 2 2.0631 1.0316 0.48 0.6380

Treatment 3 9.9811 3.3270 1.56 0.2930

Error 6 12.7640 2.1273

Total 11 24.8083

CV= 4.52%

Weight of fruit (kg)


Table 4. Shows that the weight of fruits did not attained significant difference

among the treatments. Numerically T1 (0.147g) obtained the heaviest weight of fruits.

Meanwhile, T3 (0.134g) obtained the lightest weight of fruits.

Table 4. Weight of fruits as affected by different sources of fermented fruit juice

Treatments Mean

T1 – Farmers Practice 0.147

T2 – Fermented Banana 0.133

T3 – Fermented Papaya 0.134

T4 – Combination of Banana and Papaya 0.135

Table 4a. Analysis of Variance on weight of fruits

DF SS MS Fc Pr(>F)

Replication 2 0.0006 0.0003 3.79 0.0863

Treatment 3 0.0004 0.0001 1.51 0.3041

Error 6 0.0005 0.0001

Total 11 0.0014

CV= 6.44%

Weight of marketable fruits per plot/treatment (kg)


Significant difference was produced on the weight of marketable fruits

plot/treatments as supplemented by different sources of fermented fruit juice. T1 (1.15kg)

produced the heaviest weight and comparable with T4 and T3. Meanwhile, T2 (0.90kg)

obtained the lightest weight of marketable fruits per plot/treatment.

Table 5. Weight of marketable fruits per plot/treatment as affected by different sources of

fermented fruit juice

Treatments Mean

T1 – Farmers Practice 1.15a

T2 – Fermented Banana 0.90 b

T3 – Fermented Papaya 1.03 a

T4 – Combination of Banana and Papaya 1.08 a

Table 5a. Analysis of Variance on weight of marketable fruits per plot/treatment

DF SS MS Fc Pr(>F)

Replication 2 0.0428 0.0214 4.16 0.0736

Treatment 3 0.0951 0.0317 6.15 0.092

Error 6 0.0309 0.0052

Total 11 0.1688

CV= 6.90%

Weight of non-marketable fruits per plot/treatment (kg)


Table 7. Shows that the weight of non-marketable fruits per plot/treatment did not

attained significant difference among the treatments. Numerically, there was difference

among the treatments. T2 (0.409kg) obtained the heaviest non-marketable fruits per


Table 7. Weight of marketable fruits per plot/treatment as affected by different sources of

fermented fruit juice

Treatments Mean

T1 – Farmers Practice 0.242

T2 – Fermented Banana 0.409

T3 – Fermented Papaya 0.327

T4 – Combination of Banana and Papaya 0.275

Table 7a. Analysis of Variance on weight of non-marketable fruits per plot/treatment

DF SS MS Fc Pr(>F)

Replication 2 0.0027 0.0014 0.12 0.8865

Treatment 3 0.0475 0.0158 1.42 0.3269

Error 6 0.0670 0.0112

Total 11 0.1173

CV= 33.71%

Computed yield per tons/ha


Table 8. Shows that the computed yield per tons/ha was not significant difference

among the treatments. Therefore, Numerically, there was no difference among the

treatments. T1 obtained the highest yield with a mean of 12.77 metric tons. Mean while

T2 obtained the lowest metric tons.

Table 8. Computed yield per tons/ha as affected by different sources of fermented fruit

Treatments Mean

T1 – Farmers Practice 12.77

T2 – Fermented Banana 10.00

T3 – Fermented Papaya 11.44

T4 – Combination of Banana and Papaya 12.00

Table 7a. Analysis of Variance on computed yield per tons/ha

DF SS MS Fc Pr(>F)

Replication 2 0.0191 0.0096 0.47 0.6478

Treatment 3 0.1642 0.0547 2.68 0.1409

Error 6 0.1228 0.0205

Total 11 0.3061


Cost and return analysis.


The cost and return analysis show that the T1 had the highest net income with a

corresponding Php 310,366 with a return of investment of 426.71%. Followed by T4 with

a net income of Php 215,086 or return of investment 148.42%. (Php 30, PSA 2022)

Table 9. Cost and return analysis as affected by different sources of fermented fruit juice

Labor Cost Amount Particula T1 T2 T3 T4

Potting 350 10 MD 3500 3500 3500 3500
Planting 350 5 MD 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750
Thinning 350 3 MD 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050
Fertilizer Application 350 3 MD 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050
Watering (5x) 350 5 MD 8,750 8,750 8,750 8,750
Spraying (2x) 350 3 MD 3,150 3,150 3,150 3,150
Harvesting 350 20 MD 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000
Total 26250 26250 26250 26250
Supplies and Materials
Seeds 900/kg 1 kg 900 900 900 900
Polyethylene Bag 300/bag 111 bags 33,300 33,300 33,300 33,300
Muriate of potash (0-0-60) 49/kilo 75kg 3,675 3,675 3,675 3,675
FFJ Banana 45/L 1,604L 72,180
FFJ Papaya 45/L 1,604L 72,180
FFJ Combination 45/L 1,604/L 72,180
Neem Oil 2,250 /L 1.604 ml 3,609 3,609 3,609 3,609
Miscellaneous 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Sub total 46,484 118,664 118,664 118,664
Total cost production

72,734 144,914 144,914 144,914

Total Yield (tons/ha)
12.77 10.00 11.44 12.00

Gross Income (Yield x 30 kg) 383,100 300,000 343,200 360,000

Net Income 310,366 155,086 198,286 215,086

Return of investment (ROI) 426.71% 107.09% 136.83% 148.42%




The field study was conducted from June 2022 to July 2022 at, to evaluate the

growth and yield of radish applied with different sources of fermented fruit juice. The

experimental design was used in the study is Randomized Complete Block Design

(RCBD) with four treatments replicated three times. The following treatments used were

as follows: T1 Farmers Practice, T2 Fermented fruit Juice (Banana), T3 Fermented fruit

Juice (Papaya) and T4 Fermented fruit juice.

The results of the study revealed the following parameters;

Significant difference was obtained on the plant height at harvest. shows that

significant difference was obtained on the plant height at harvest. T1 (29.12cm)

produced the tallest plant height. Therefore, T2, T3 and T4 are comparable with each

other. Significant difference was produced on the weight of marketable fruits

plot/treatments as supplemented by different sources of fermented fruit juice. T1

produced the heaviest weight and comparable with T4 and T3. T2 obtained the lightest

weight of marketable fruits per plot/treatment. No significant difference was obtained on

the Length of fruits, diameter of fruits, weight of fruits, weight of non-marketable fruits

per plot/treatment and computed yield per tons/ha.

The benefit cost and return analysis show that the T1 had the highest net income

with a corresponding Php 310,366 with a return of investment of 426.71%. Followed by

T4 with a net income of Php 215,086 or return of investment 148.42%.


Significant difference was obtained on the plant height at harvest. shows that

significant difference was obtained on the plant height at harvest. T1(29.12cm) produced

the tallest plant height. Significant difference was produced on the weight of marketable

fruits plot/treatments as supplemented by different sources of fermented fruit juice. T1

produced the heaviest weight and comparable with T4 and T3. cost and return analysis

show that the T1 had the highest net income with a corresponding Php 310,366 with a

return of investment of 426.71%. Followed by T4 with a net income of Php 215,086 or

return of investment 148.42%.


It is therefore, that T1 Farmers practice is the best fertilizer to obtain the the tallest

plant height and weight of marketable fruits plot/treatments. In cost a return analysis T1

farmers practice had the highest net income with a corresponding Php 310,366 with a

return of investment of 426.71%. Radish it is consider seasonality crops supplemented

(FFJ) and it is recommended under Magalang, Pampanga or other areas.



Growth and Yield Performance of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) ‘cv’ 'SNOW WHITE' in
Response to Varying Levels of Vermicast Applications Dr. Eric Randy R. Politud,
Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Horticulture, Institute of Agriculture,
Misamis Oriental State College of Agriculture and Technology, Claveria, 9004
Misamis Oriental, Philippines

Nishio, T. (2017). Economic and Academic Importance of Radish. In: Nishio, T.,
Kitashiba, H. (eds) The Radish Genome. Compendium of Plant Genomes.
Springer, Cham.

Pagluanan, E.R., (2010). Growth and yield performance of different vegetables applied
with inorganic fertilizers Abra State Inst. of Sciences and used of Technology,
Lagangilang, Abra (Philippines).

Rega nold, J., Wachter, J. 2016. Organic agriculture in the twenty-first century.Nature
Plants2,15221(2016).Shet NB, Sagar SD, Bollamma MN, et al. Production of
fermented fruit juice and value addition by blending medicinal plants. J Bacteriol
Mycol Open Access. 2017;5(6):395-397. DOI:

Rodel G. Maghirang, Reynaldo De La Cruz and Reynaldo L. Villareal. HOW

University Researcher, University of the Philippines at Los Banos (UPLB), 2
Retired-Professor, UPLB and 3 Corresponding Member, National Academy
of Science and Technology and Adjunct Professor, Plant Breeding and
International Programs, Cornell University.


Plate No. 1 The researcher while potting

Plate No. 2 The researcher while planting


Plate No. 3 The researcher while watering

Plate No. 4 The researcher chopping the materials for FFJ


Plate No. 5 The researcher while applying fertilizer

Plate No. 6 The researcher while applying neem oil as insecticide


Plate No. 7 The researcher while harvesting

Plate No. 7 The researcher while measuring the fruit length


Plate No. 9 The researcher while measuring the fruit using tape measure

Plate No. 10 The researcher while measuring the diameter


Plate No. 11 The researcher while weigh the fruit using digital weighing scale

Plate No. 12 The researcher before harvesting



Appendix 1. Plant height at harvest applied with different sources of FFJ

Block Total Mean


T1 – Farmers Practice 29.56 27.05 30.74 87.35 29.11667

T2 – Banana 22.71 22.97 24.15 69.83 23.27667

T3 – Papaya 24.51 22.39 25.83 72.73 24.24333

T4 – Combination 24.65 24.2 24.29 73.14 24.38

Appendix 2. Length of fruit (cm) applied with different sources of fermented fruit juice

Block Total Mean

T1 – Farmers Practice 15.7 13.2 13.35 42.25 13.59333

T2 – Banana 14.35 14.13 12.3 40.78 13.17

T3 – Papaya 14.47 11.7 13.34 39.51 11.70667

T4 – Combination 13.37 10.2 11.55 35.12 11.70667

Appendix 3. Diameter of fruits applied with different sources of fermented fruit juice

Block Total Mean


T1 – Farmers Practice 3.388 3.339 3.213 9.94 3.313333

T2 – Banana 3.112 3.296 3.248 9.656 3.218667

T3 – Papaya 2.961 2.05 3.238 8.249 2.749667

T4 – Combination 3.474 3.114 3.393 9.981 3.327

Appendix 4. Weight of fruits applied with different sources of fermented fruit juice

Block Total Mean

T1 – Farmers Practice 0.1378 0.1443 0.1596 0.4417 0.147233

T2 – Banana 0.1245 0.1308 0.1463 0.4016 0.133867

T3 – Papaya 0.1259 0.1402 0.1382 0.4043 0.134767

T4 – Combination 0.1408 0.1186 0.147 0.4064 0.135467

Appendix 5. Weight of marketable fruits per plot/treatment applied with different

sources of FFJ

Block Total Mean


T1 – Farmers Practice 1.168 1.121 1.154 3.443 1.147667

T2 – Banana 1.046 0.906 0.762 2.714 0.904667

T3 – Papaya 1.032 1.119 0.928 3.079 1.026333

T4 – Combination 1.142 1.113 0.985 3.24 1.08

Appendix 6. Weight of non-marketable fruits per plot/treatment applied with different

sources of fermented fruit juice

Block Total Mean

T1 – Farmers Practice 0.1378 0.1443 0.1596 0.4417 0.147233

T2 – Banana 0.1245 0.1308 0.1463 0.4016 0.133867

T3 – Papaya 0.1259 0.1402 0.1382 0.4043 0.134767

T4 – Combination 0.1408 0.1186 0.147 0.4064 0.135467

Appendix 7. Computed yield per tons/ha applied with different sources of fermented
fruit juice

Block Total Mean


T1 – Farmers Practice 15.31 16.033 17.73 49.073 16.35767

T2 – Banana 13.88 14.53 16.25 44.66 14.88667

T3 – Papaya 13.98 15.57 15,355 44.9 14.96667

T4 – Combination 15.64 13.17 16.33 45.14 15.04667

Cost and return analysis

Labor Cost Amount Particula T1 T2 T3 T4

Potting 350 10 MD 3500 3500 3500 3500
Planting 350 5 MD 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750
Thinning 350 3 MD 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050

Fertilizer Application 350 3 MD 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050

Watering (5x) 350 5 MD 8,750 8,750 8,750 8,750
Spraying (2x) 350 3 MD 3,150 3,150 3,150 3,150
Harvesting 350 20 MD 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000
Total 26250 26250 26250 26250
Supplies and Materials
Seeds 900/kg 1 kg 900 900 900 900
Polyethylene Bag 300/bag 111 bags 33,300 33,300 33,300 33,300
Muriate of potash (0-0-60) 49/kilo 75kg 3,675 3,675 3,675 3,675
FFJ Banana 45/L 1,604L 72,180
FFJ Papaya 45/L 1,604L 72,180
FFJ Combination 45/L 1,604/L 72,180
Neem Oil 2,250 /L 1.604 ml 3,609 3,609 3,609 3,609
Miscellaneous 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Sub total 46,484 118,664 118,664 118,664
Total cost production

72,734 144,914 144,914 144,914

Total Yield (tons/ha)
12.77 10.00 11.44 12.00

Gross Income (Yield x 30 kg) 383,100 300,000 343,200 360,000

Net Income 310,366 155,086 198,286 215,086

Return of investment (ROI) 426.71% 107.09% 136.83% 148.42%

Republic of the Philippines

Magalang, Pampanga



This is to certify that the thesis manuscript entitled “GROWTH AND YIELD


FRUIT JUICE ” prepared and submitted by DAVID JOSEPH C. MALONZO, has

been duly edited and scrutinized by the Technical Critic whose signature is affixed


English Critic

Date Signed



Date of Birth : June 08, 2000

Place of Birth : Angeles City, Pampanga

Home Address : Malaya St. Bucanan, Magalang, Pampanga

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Born Again Christian

Name of Parents : Allan G. Malonzo

Hilda C. Malonzo

Educational Background

Elementary : Bucanan Elementary School

Secondary : Andres M. Luciano High School

Tertiary : Pampanga State Agricultural University

Degree : Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Major : Crop Science

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