Bread and Pastry q3 Week 8
Bread and Pastry q3 Week 8
Bread and Pastry q3 Week 8
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Chiffon Cake
Storage: Room Temperature Be sure to cover tightly but do not refriger- Fondant
ate. If you do not have a cake keeper, cover the cake with a large inverted Storage: Room Temperature Unused fondant can be stored in an airtight
bowl or store in a large airtight container. Store at room temperature for ap- container for up to 2 months at room temperature in a cool, dry area. Do not
proximately 5 days. Freeze for longer storage, up to 2 months. refrigerate or freeze. Store cakes decorated with fondant for up to 3 days at
room temperature.
Sponge Cake
Storage: Room Temperature Be sure to cover tightly but do not refriger- Ganache
ate. If you do not have a cake keeper, cover the cake with a large inverted Storage: Room Temperature Ganache can be stored at room temperature
bowl or store in a large airtight container. Store at room temperature for ap- for up to 2 days before using. If storing, be sure to cover the entire surface of
proximately 1 week. Freeze for longer storage, up to 2 months. the ganache. Cover with plastic wrap. Press it down so that it is covering the
entire surface completely. The ganache will need to be warmed again before
Boiled Icing using. A cake covered with ganache should be stored at room temperature. If
Storage: Room Temperature Be sure to cover tightly but do not refriger- it is exposed to warm temperatures, it will begin to soften. A cake topped with
ate. If it is not stored airtight, it will begin to set. Once a cake has been ganache can be frozen, but it may lose some of its sheen when thawed.
frosted with boiled icing it can be stored at room temperature.Freezing is not
Recommended. Glaze and Syrup
Storage: Room Temperature If a glaze will set at room temperature for a
while before being used, it should be kept loosely covered and if it begins to
Buttercream Frosting thicken set it in a pan of warm water to help loosen. A glaze can be frozen,
Storage: Room Temperature Buttercream can be stored, refrigerated, in but its sheen will not be the same and it will need to be reheated. A cake with
an airtight container for up to 2 weeks before using. Remove it from the re- a glaze or syrup coating should not have to be refrigerated unless the cake
frigerator at least an hour before using so it will warm to room temperature. has a filling that requires refrigeration. Allow the glaze to cool and harden
It can also be frozen for extended storage. A decorated cake with butter- completely before covering the cake for storing
cream frosting can be stored at room temperature for up to 3 days. If you
want to refrigerate a decorated cake, place it in the refrigerator unwrapped Gum Paste – Sugar Paste
until the frosting hardens slightly. It can then be loosely covered with plastic. Storage: Room Temperature Unused paste can be stored in an airtight
Buttercream frosting can be frozen. container, not refrigerated, for up to 2 months but be sure the container is
closed tight so it does not harden. Do not freeze. Decorated cake can be
Cream Cheese Frosting stored at room temperature for up to 3 days. The gum paste will hold up fair-
Storage: Refrigerated Cream cheese frosting can be stored in the refrigerator ly well on warm days, but extreme heat will start to soften the paste.
for up to 2 weeks before using. Cakes frosted with cream cheese frosting
must be stored in the refrigerator. The frosting will firm up when chilled but Meringue-Style Frosting
will soften quickly when it sits at room temperature. Cream cheese frosting Storage: Refrigerated It does not store well as it deflates easily. It is rec-
can be frozen ommended to prepare close to when it is to be used. If storing, it needs to be
Storage: Room Temperature Many dusting ingredients are shelf stable Royal Icing
items that should be stored accordingly. When applied to the cake, storage Storage: Room Temperature Royal icing has a tendency to dry fairly
time should be followed as to what is appropriate for the type of cake. When quickly so it is important to take precautions while using it so it does not dry
using powdered sugar for dusting, it is a good idea to wait to dust the cake out before you are finished. It can be stored up to 3 days at room tempera-
just before serving because the cake can absorb the sugar, especially if it is a ture. Be sure to cover the bowl with a damp cloth and then plastic to prevent
moist cake. it from drying out The icing may separate slightly but a good stirring will bring
it back to a smooth texture. The royal icing on a cake does not require refrig-
eration. If the cake needs to be covered, the royal icing will be hard so you do
not have to worry about disrupting the decorations.
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To refrigerate, wrap unfrosted cakes in plastic to protect it from absorbing
A. Write in your notepad, journal or portfolio your personal insights about any weird fridge smells and to protect it from drying out, and then unwrap it
the lesson using the prompts below. to warm up on the counter before serving. For frosted cakes, chill the cake
uncovered for fifteen minutes to harden the icing, and then wrap it in cling
I understand that _____________________________________________ wrap
I realized that ________________________________________________
Kinds of Wrapping Materials:
B. Write in one whole sheet of paper an essay about “How are you going to Aluminum foils
apply the knowledge you gain this week in your daily lives?” Boxes
Plastic wrap
Direction: Collect pictures or videos on Storing Cakes. Note down the char-
acteristics/ styles that attracts you most and apply it on your own presenta-
Scoring Rubrics
4- Done creatively and neatly showing much relevance to the given topic.
3- Done creatively and neatly showing enough relevance to the given topic.
2- Done creatively and neat enough but no relevance to the given topic.
1- Done simply and neat enough but not so relevant to the given topic
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