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1. The maximum electrical trade size of intermediate 8.

A clearance of not less than ____ shall be secured

conduit is between bare current carrying metal parts and any metal
A. 150 mm surface of an auxiliary gutter.
B. 125 mm A. 26 mm
C. 200 mm B. 24 mm
D. 100 mm C. 13 mm
Answer: Option D D. 12 mm
2. Before starting any installation work, alteration, repair 9. No box shall have an internal depth of less than ____.
or extension on any electrical system, what type of permit A. 15 mm
is needed? B. 10 mm
A. Building permit C. 12 mm
B. Working permit D. 14 mm
C. Electrical Permit 10. Which of the following electrical conductor has the
D. Mayor’s permit highest resistance?
Answer: Option C A. 3.5 mm
3. The Philippine Electrical Code (PEC) is intended for B. 8.0 mm
______ applications by government bodies exercising legal C. 2.0 mm
jurisdiction over electrical installation. D. 5.5 mm
A. Advisory 11. A device or equipment which is suspended from
B. Optional overhead either by means of a flexible cord carrying the
C. Mandatory current, or otherwise.
D. All of these A. Rosette
Answer: Option C B. Pendant
4. RME Board Exam October 1995 Equipment for C. Fixture
installation in hazardous locations must be tested and D. Air terminal
approved for use 12. In the schedule of loads for motor circuits, which of the
according to the classification of the hazards involved. following is NOT included?
These are divided into _____ A. Type of motor
groups. B. Motor’s manufacturer
A. 4 C. Motor as numbered or identified in the power layout
B. 3 D. Number of phase
C. 7 13. RME Board April 1996 What is the allowable ampacity
D. 6 of THW insulated copper conductor with an area of 8.0
5. Individual branch circuits using type FCC (flat conductor mm2 and exposed to an ambient temperature of 30°C?
cable) shall have ratings not exceeding ____. A. 45 A
A. 20 A B. 20 A
B. 30 A C. 30 A
C. 15 A D. 60 A
D. 40 A 14. For the two conductors inside the conduit, the
6. Which of the following conductors is applicable for ampacity of the conductors shall be derated to what
underground service entrance percent?
conductors? A. 90%
A. type THWN B. 80%
B. type UF C. 70%
C. type MI D. none of these
D. type USE 15. RME Board April 1996 Electrical equipment may be
7. RME Board Exam 1995 If there are three wires of 150 best mounted on a concrete wall using one of the
mm connected to one terminal entering a cabinet or a following. Which one of this?
switchboard, the bending space at each terminal shall NOT A. Wooden plug
be less than ____, provided the conductors do not enter or B. Expansion bolt
leave the enclosure through the wall opposite its C. Load plug
terminals. D. Plastic plug
A. 200 mm 16. What is the neutral load of a range that has a demand
B. 300 mm load of 10.4 kW?
C. 400 mm A. 7.28 kW
D. 250 mm B. 13 kW
C. 13 kW
D. 10.4 kW
17. If the project is expensive and requires more time for which of the following conditions?
checking and for computations of fees, the issuance of the A. The vehicle of the generator is bonded to the vehicle
electrical permit need to be issued immediately. However, frame
the delay shall not be longer than how man y working B. The generator supplies only equipment located on the
days? vehicle
A. 7 C. The non-current carrying metal parts of equipment and
B. 6 the equipment grounding
C. 5 conductor terminals of the receptacles are bonded to the
D. 8 generator frame.
18. Splices in ground conductors shall be as few as D. All of these.
practicable and shall be attached so 26. The minimum insulation level for the neutral
as to withstand a pull test of _____. conductors of a solidly grounded system shall be ______.
A. 900 Newton A. 600 V
B. 880 Newton B. 300 V
C. 800 Newton C. 500 V
D. 890 Newton D. 1,000 V
19. Locations which are hazardous because of the 27. RME Board October 1996 The following copper
presence of combustible dust. conductors have the same cross sectional area but are
A. Class I made up of different number of strands. Which one has
B. Class II the least resistance to AC current?
C. Class III A. 19-strand conductor
D. Class IV B. Single solid conductor
20. RME Board October 1996 For an ambient temperature C. 7-strand conductor
of 30°C, a THW insulated copper conductor with across D. 37-strand conductor
sectional area of 3.5 mm and buried underground has the 28. Advisory rules in the Code are characterized by the use
following ampacity. of word ____.
Which one is correct? A. will
A. 20 A B. would
B. 40 A C. shall
C. 15 A D. should
D. 30 A 29. A device capable to drawing lightning discharge to it in
21. All extended parts located within ______ of the lighting preference to vulnerable parts of the protected area.
protection system shall be bonded thereto. A. Ground terminal
A. 1,500 mm B. Lightning trap
B. 1,600 mm C. Ground mat
C. 1,800 mm D. Air terminal
D. 2,000 mm 30. Conductors normally used to carry current shall be of
22. Operation at substantially constant load for an ______ unless otherwise provided in the PEC.
indefinitely long time. A. aluminum
A. Periodic duty B. copper
B. Intermittent duty C. copper clad aluminum
C. Continuous duty D. all of these
D. Short time duty 31. RME Board April 1996 Light fixtures suspended from
23. Transformer exceeding 112.5 kVA, shall not be located the ceiling by chains should be wired so that the
within ____ from combustible materials of the building. A. chain is grounded
A. 400 mm B. wires help support the fixture
B. 300 mm C. wires will not touch the chains
C. 200 mm D. wires do not support the fixture
D. 500 mm 32. An appliance, which is fastened or otherwise, secured
24. Electrodes of iron or steel shall be at least _____ in at a specific location.
thickness. A. Permanent appliance
A. 6.2 mm B. Stationary appliance
B. 5.8 mm C. Portable appliance
C. 6.0 mm D. Fixed appliance
D. 6.4 mm 33. Which one is a standard rating of an inverse time CB?
25. The frame of the vehicle-mounted generator shall be A. 140 A
permitted to serve as the grounding electrode for a system B. 130 A
supplied by a generator located on the vehicle under C. 120 A
D. 110 A D. 24
34. Aerial cable under non-metallic extensions shall have a 42. Circuits rated from 201 to 400 A requires a minimum
clearance of not less than ____ from steel structure insulation resistance of
members or other conductive materials. 16/20
A. 60 mm A. 25,000 ohms
B. 30 mm B. 50,000 ohms
C. 50 mm C. 100,000 ohms
D. 40 mm D. 12,500 ohms
35. Above ground tanks containing liquids at atmospheric 43. No over-current device shall be connected in series
pressure are considered to be protected against lightning if with any conductor that is
the following requirements are meet. Which one is NOT A. stranded
included? B. current carrying
A. The metal roof shall have a minimum thickness of 4.8 C. closed
mm D. intentionally grounded
B. The roof shall be welded, bolted or riveted to the shell 44. Which of the following size of single-phase transformer
C. All pipes entering the tank shall be metallically is NOT standard?
connected to the tank at the point of entrance A. 30 kVA
D. None of these B. 37 ½ kVA
36. RME Board April 1995 According to the Republic Act C. 75 kVA
No. 184, a licensed Master Electrician may operate and D. 20 kVA
tend generator rated up to a certain voltage. What is the 45. For the purpose of lightning protection, a high rise
voltage? building is a building with a height over ____.
A. 440 V A. 23 m
B. 750 V B. 50 m
C. 220 V C. 20 m
14/20 D. 15 m
D. 460 V 46. Branch circuits are classified according to the maximum
37. A heavy duty lamp holder shall have a rating no less ______.
than ______. A. voltage across it
A. 450 W B. load being served
B. 500 W C. power consumed
C. 600 W D. setting off the over-current device
D. 660 W 47. Cable tray shall NOT be used in
38. RME Board April 1995 In rigid metal conduit wiring, A. hoistways
conduits shall be supported at least every B. dry locations
A. 2,500 mm C. industrial establishment
B. 3,500 mm D. all of these
C. 3,000 mm 48. What type of electrical conductors has a trade name
D. 2,000 mm “moisture resistant thermoplastic“?
39. Conductors used in open wiring method within ______ A. TW
from the floor shall be considered exposed to physical B. THW
damage. C. THWN
A. 3,000 mm D. All of these
B. 2,500 mm 49. A device used for the purpose of minimizing
C. 2,000 mm irregularities in the flow of welding currents.
D. 1,800 mm A. Rheostat box
40. Heating elements of cables shall be separated at least B. Grounding transformer
____ from the edge of outlet boxes and junction boxes. C. Reactor
A. 200 mm D. None of these
B. 100 mm
C. 150 mm
D. 300 mm 50. For all land-based electrical installation under the
41. RME Board April 1994 Auxiliary gutters shall not scope of the Philippine Electrical Code, where should an
contain more than ____ current carrying conductors at any electrical permit be filed?
cross section. A. Department of Energy
A. 38 B. Office of the City/Provincial Engineer
B. 32 C. Office of the Mayor
C. 30 D. Local Building Office
51. For each 2-wire laundry branch circuit, a feeder load of C. Service entrance
NOT less than ______ shall beincluded. D. Outlet
A. 1,800 VA 60. RME Board October 1995 The clearance from the top
B. 1,500 VA of a switchboard to a ceiling which is combustible shall
C. 2,000 VA NOT beless than_________.
D. 1,200 VA A. 1,000 mm
52. The computed load for the branch circuit installed to B. 800 mm
supply exterior signs and outlinelighting shall be computed C. 900 mm
at a minimum of ______ volt-amperes. D. 1,250 mm
A. 1,200 61. RME Board April 1995 In concealed knob and tube
B. 1,500 wiring, the clearance to be maintained between
C. 1,800 conductors is
D. 1,000 A. 55 mm
53. Non-metallic boxes shall be permitted only with B. 45 mm
______. C. 76 mm
A. concealed knob and tube wiring D. 50 mm
B. non-metallic sheathed cable 62. RME Board April 1995 What is the total number of
C. open wiring on insulators mechanical degrees that a PVC conduit run maybe bent
D. all of these betweenpull points (pull boxes, junction boxes or utility
54. RME Board April 1995 A building or other structure boxes)?
serve shall be supplied by only one service drop EXCEPT for A. 360 degrees
A. multiple occupancy building B. 180 degrees
B. fire pumps C. 120 degrees
C. emergency electrical system D. 270 degrees
D. all of these 63. RME Board October 1994 The sum of the cross
55. Air terminals exceeding 600 mm in height shall be sectional area of all conductors in a wireway must not
supported at a point NOT less ______of its height. exceed ____percent of the cross-sectional area of the
A. three-fourths wireway.
B. two-fifth A. 15
C. one-half B. 20
D. one-third C. 10
56. RME Board October 1994 This type of cable is a D. 25
fabricated assembly of insulated conductors enclosed in a 64. RME Board April 1996 A lighting fixture shall be wired
flexiblemetal sheath. with a flexible lighting cord with a cross section area of
A. Ground wire NOTless
B. Integrated gas spacer cable A. 0.75 mm
C. Medium voltage cable B. 2.00 mm
D. Armored cable C. 0.50 mm
57. RME Board October 1996 The following are common D. 1.25 mm
splicing rules EXPECT one. Which one is this? 65. RME Board April 1994 Flexible metal conduits must not
A. A splice must provide a path for the current to pass be used in
through A. wet locations
B. A joint must be mechanically as strong as the wire itself B. hoistways
C. All splices must be mechanically and electrically secured C. storage battery rooms
by means of solder D. all of these
D. Wires of the same should be spliced together in line 66. What is the maximum operating temperature of type
58. Service entrance cables shall be supported by straps or THWN conductor?
other approved means within_______ of every service A. 75°C
head B. 60°C
A. 300 mm C. 90°C
B. 500 mm D. 110°C
C. 600 mm 67. A conductor encircling a building and interconnecting
D. 400 mm all ground terminals?
59. RME Board October 1994, RME Board April 1995 A. Bonding
A point in a wiring system at which current is taken to be B. Interlink
used in some equipment C. Air terminal
A. Grounded D. Counterpoise
B. Conductor
68. RME Board April 1995 The use of surface nonmetallic B. 1,000 V
raceway may NOT be used in the following locations C. 3,000 V
EXCEPT one. Which one is this? D. none of these
A. In dry locations 76. The nearest ground terminal shall NOT less than______
B. Where subject to severe physical damage from the foundation wall.
C. Where the voltage is over 300 V A. 760 mm
D. Where concealed B. 800 mm
69. For installation consisting of not more than two 2-wire C. 550 mm
branch circuits, the service disconnecting mains shall be D. 600 mm
rated NOT less than what rating? 77. RME Board April 1994 The circuit conductors between
A. 20 A the service entrance equipment or isolated generating
B. 40 A plant and the branch circuit overload device or devices.
C. 30 A A. overcurrent protector
D. 50 A B. feeder
70. For a dwelling unit having a floor area not more than C. motor controller
50 square meters shall be permitted to have a single 20-A, D. disconnecting switch
2-wire branch circuit provided the total load shall NOT 78. Conductors shall be securely attached to the buildings
exceed how many volt-amperes? using fasteners. Fasteners shall be spaced NOT more than
A. 3,680 A. 760 mm
B. 3,860 B. 600 mm
C. 3,080 C. 880 mm
D. 3,068 D. 900 mm
71. RME Board April 1995 Flat conductor cable (FCC) 79. The minimum diameter of the air terminal used at the
system shall NOT be used in the locations enumerated top of heavy-duty smoke or vent stacks shall be ____,
below except one. Which one is this? exclusive of the corrosion protection.
A. Locations where subject to corrosive vapors A. 10 mm
B. Damp locations B. 15 mm
C. Residential buildings C. 13 mm
D. Outdoors D. 20 mm
72. RME Board April 1994 A run conduit between outlets, 80. ______ are used on conduits and are located inside
between fittings, between outlet and fitting shall not and outside of the box.
contain more than the equivalent of _________ A. Couplings
quarterbends. B. Bushings
A. 2 C. Locknuts
B. 4 D. Washers
C. 3 81. No parts of cord-connected fixtures, hanging fixtures or
D. 5 pendants shall be located within a zone measured ______
73. RME Board October 1995 Transformers that contain horizontally from a bathtub rim.
liquid that will burn shall be installed only in approved A. 900 mm
vaults and shall also comply with the following conditions B. 1,000 mm
EXCEPT one. Which one is this? C. 800 mm
A. Ample ventilation shall be provided for the continuous D. 700 mm
B. Vent openings shall lead to a safe location outside the 82. Busbars shall be copper having a minimum conductivity
building of ______.
C. All vent ducts and openings shall be of sufficient areas to A. 100%
reliable explosion pressures within the vault 13/19
D. There shall be a robust door between the vault and any B. 96%
non-hazardous location C. 98%
74. RME Board October 1994 To provide for small D. 97%
appliance in a dwelling unit, the feeder should be 83. RME Board April 1995 What is the temperature rating
computed at of THW insulation?
A. 2,400 watts A. 60°C
B. 3,000 watts B. 85°C
C. 1,500 watts C. 75°C
D. 3,600 watts D. 90°C
75. RME Board October 1994 Cables operated at over 84. Individual open conductors and cables other than
______ shall be shielded. service cables shall NOT be installedwithin______ of every
A. 2,000 V grade level.
A. 3,100 mm by at least a certain distance from any othersystem or
B. 2,500 mm equipment grounding electrode. What is this distance?
C. 3,700 mm A. 4,000 mm
D. 3,000 mm B. 6,000 mm
85. An insulated grounded conductor of 14 mm2 or smaller C. 5,000 mm
shall be identified by acontinuous ____ outer finish along D. 3,000 mm
its entire length. 94. Which of the following metals is the best conductor of
A. green electricity?
B. black A. Steel
C. green with yellow stripes B. Iron
D. white or natural gray C. Aluminum
86. Messenger support wiring is permitted only in ______ D. Copper
establishments where maintenance personnel service the 95. Incandescent lamp fixtures shall be marked to indicate
system. the allowable wattage of lamps.The markings shall be
A. industrial permanently installed in letters at least ______ high.
B. commercial A. 6.0 mm
C. both A and B B. 6.4 mm
D. neither A or B C. 6.3 mm
87. In damp or wet locations, boxes and fittings should be D. 6.5 mm
properly placed or insulated toprevent 96. If the duty cycle of a motor-generator arc welder is
A. dust from entering the box or fitting 100%, the supply conductors shallNOT be less than______
B. water from entering the box or fitting of its rated primary nameplate current.
C. wiring exposure A. 115%
D. grounding B. 125%
88. Equipment having an open circuit voltage exceeding C. 100%
____ shall NOT be installed indwelling occupancies. D. 130%
A. 500 V 97. Most wires used in residential house wiring are usually
B. 300 V insulated by
C. 250 V A. Asbestos
D. 230 V B. Cotton
89. RME Board October 1995 Connected knob and tube C. Thermoplastic
wiring conductors shall be rigidly supported on knobs not D. Varnished cambric
more than a certain minimum distance apart. What is this 98. Open wiring on insulators shall be permitted for wiring
distance? systems of ____ or less.
A. 2,000 mm A. 150 V
B. 1,500 mm B. 240 V
C. 1,300 mm C. 300 V
D. 2,500 mm D. 600 V
90. Which of the following materials is used to support the 99. RME Board April 1996 The branch circuit conductors
conductor in the open wiring method? that supply one or more units of data processing systems
A. insulated wire stoppers shall have an ampacity not less than ____ percent of the
B. insulated nails total connected load.
C. rosettes A. 150
D. split knobs B. 100
91. The minimum size of type IGS cable shall be C. 125
A. 100 mm D. 200
B. 125 mm
C. 150 mm 100.Communication cable and wires shall have a voltage
D. 200 mm rating NOT less than _____.
92. Watercraft’s switchboards shall be provided with a A. 400 volts
clear working space of at least ____ atthe front. 19/19
A. 1,500 mm B. 300 volts
B. 1,200 mm C. 600 volts
C. 1,600 mm D. 250 volts
D. 1,000 mm View Answer:
93. RME Board October 1995 For grounding electrode to Answer:
which portable or mobile equipment system neutral Option B
impedance isconnected, shall be isolated from the ground 101. RME Board October 1995
Metal clad cables shall be permitted for installations in the 106. The overload relay used to protect each motor
following locations EXCEPT one.Which one is this? compressor set shall be selected totrip at NOT more than
A. Signal circuits ____ of the motor-compressor rated load current.
B. Branch circuits A. 125%
C. Direct burial in the earth 2
D. Aerial cable 4/19
View Answer: B. 130%
Answer: C. 150%
Option C D. 140%
Solution: View Answer:
102. RME Board October 1996 Answer:
A 15-A or a 20-A branch circuit shall be permitted to supply Option D
lighting units and other utilization devices. The rating of Solution:
any one cord and plug connected appliance shall NOT 107. RME Board October 1994
exceed a certain percentage of the branch circuit rating. Lamp protection shall be provided by elevation of at least
What is this percentage? ______ meters from the normalworking surface.
A. 80% A. 2
B. 90% B. 1
C. 70% C. 2.5
D. 60% D. 3
View Answer: View Answer:
Answer: Answer:
Option A Option A
Solution: Solution:
103. The bonding conductor used in agricultural buildings 108. Type UF cables shall NOT be used ______.
shall be copper, insulated, covered or bare, NOT smaller A. as branch circuits
than ______. B. as service entrance
A. 8.0 mm² C. as direct burial to earth
3/19 D. all of these
B. 5.5 mm² View Answer:
C. 14.0 mm Answer:
D. 3.5 mm² Option B
View Answer: Solution:
Answer: 109. Where “U” pulls are made on the pull box, the
Option A distance between each raceway entry inside the box and
Solution: the opposite wall of the box shall NOT be less than ____
104. In any watercraft, the motor circuit shall have an timesthe trade diameter of the largest raceway in a row.
ampacity of NOT less than ____ of the motors full load 5/19
current rating. A. 8
A. 125% B. 7
B. 100% C. 6
C. 115% D. 5
D. 130% View Answer:
View Answer: Answer:
Answer: Option C
Option B Solution:
Solution: 110. Reference ambient temperature for explosion proof
105. RME Board October 1994 electrical equipment shall be____ degree Celsius.
The largest size of electric metallic tubing is A. 30
A. 75 mm B. 40
B. 125 mm C. 50
C. 150 mm D. 60
D. 100 mm View Answer:
View Answer: Answer:
Answer: Option C
Option D Solution:
111. Welding process wherein coalescene is produced by connecting the flexible chord carrying a pendant to the
heating with an electric arcwith or without the application permanent wiring.
of pressure and with or without the use of filler metal. A. Rosette
A. Resistance welding B. Raceway
B. Spot welding C. Cable bus
C. Arc welding D. None of these
D. All of these View Answer:
View Answer: Answer:
Answer: Option A
Option C Solution:
Solution: 117. Receptacles installed for the attachment of portable
112. RME Board April 1995 cords shall be rates at NOT lestthan ____ 250 V.
6/19 A. 20 A
The use of underground feeder cables may NOT be used in B. 30 A
the following conditions EXCEPT one. Which one is this? C. 10 A
A. Embedded in concrete D. 15 A
B. Hazardous location View Answer:
C. Direct burial Answer:
D. Theaters Option D
View Answer: Solution:
Answer: 8/19
Option C 118. Motors with marked service factor of less than 1.15
Solution: shall have an overloadprotection equal to ____ percent of
113. Face plates of insulating materials shall be the motor’s FLA.
noncombustible and less than ____ inthickness. A. 100
A. 2.5 mm B. 125
B. 1.5 mm C. 120
C. 2.0 mm D. 115
D. 3.0 mm View Answer:
View Answer: Answer:
Answer: Option D
Option A Solution:
Solution: 119. Cables and cords supplied through plugging boxes
114. Conductors supplying two or more motors shall have shall be of
an ampacity equal to thesum of the FLA rating of all A. aluminum
motors plus ____ of the highest motor FLA in the group. B. copper
A. 30% C. aluminum or copper
B. 15% D. copper-clad aluminum
C. 20% View Answer:
D. 25% Answer:
View Answer: Option B
Answer: Solution:
Option D 120. RME Board October 1995
Solution: Which of the following statement is NOT correct?
7/19 A. Overcurrent devices shall be located where they will
115. RME Board April 1995 not be exposed to physical damage.
Which of the following colors identifies the grounded B. Overcurrent devices shall be readily accessible.
conductor of a branch circuit? C. Overcurrent devices maybe located inside clothes
A. Green closets
B. Black D. In a multi-family dwelling, each occupant shall have
C. White ready access to all over-current device protecting his
D. Blue occupancy.
View Answer: View Answer:
Answer: Answer:
Option C Option C
Solution: 9/19
116. An enclosure of porcelain or other insulating Solution:
materials fitting with terminals and intended for
121. A conductor or group of conductors, in switch-gear B. open or close the circuit under load
assemblies which serves as acommon connection for two C. open the circuit in the event of an overload
or more circuits. D. maintain continuity of service
A. Bus View Answer:
B. Lug Answer:
C. Cut-out Option A
D. Terminal Block 11/19
View Answer: Solution:
Answer: 127. Pendant conductors where not cabled and longer
Option A than a certain length shall betwisted. What length is this?
Solution: A. 1,000 mm
122. The ampacity of capacitor circuit conductors shall not B. 900 mm
be less than ____ of therated current of the capacitor. C. 600 mm
A. 125% D. 800 mm
B. 115% View Answer:
C. 135% Answer:
D. 150% Option B
View Answer: Solution:
Answer: 128. The ampacity of the phase conductors from the
Option C generator terminals to the first over current device shall
Solution: NOT be less than ____ percent of the nameplate current
123. The alternate or Back-up source of power in a hospital rating of the generator.
shall have a capacity tosustain its connected loads for a A. 125
minimum of ______. B. 110
A. 1.5 hours C. 115
B. 2.0 hours D. 120
C. 1.0 hours View Answer:
D. 2.5 hours Answer:
View Answer: Option C
Answer: Solution:
Option A 129. RME Board October 1994
10/19 What is the maximum number of conductors permitted in
Solution: a wireway at any cross-section, signal circuit or starter-
124. Cable trays shall NOT be used in ______. control wires are not included?
A. hoistways A. 30 conductors
B. industrial establishments B. 50 conductors
C. dry locations C. 40 conductors
D. all of these D. 25 conductors
View Answer: 12/19
Answer: View Answer:
Option A Answer:
Solution: Option A
125. The load for the required branch circuit installed for Solution:
the supply of exterior signs or outline lighting shall be 130. Each motor shall be provided with how many
computed at a minimum of ____ volt-amperes. disconnects?
A. 1,000 A. Two
B. 1,200 B. Any number (optional requirement)
C. 1,500 C. Only one
D. 1,600 D. Not required by the PEC
View Answer: View Answer:
Answer: Answer:
Option B Option C
Solution: Solution:
126. RME BOARD April 1996 131. Energized parts of a generator operated at more then
The usual function of a disconnect switches in high voltage ______ volts to groundshall NOT be exposed to accidental
circuits is to contact where accessible t0 unqualified persons.
A. isolate from energized buses, equipment which are not A. 50
in service B. 30
C. 48 View Answer:
D. 60 Answer:
View Answer: Option C
Answer: Solution:
Option A 137. Emergency lighting of ____ lux shall be provided in
Solution: exit paths from all areas ofattended stations.
132. A hoisting and lowering mechanism equipped with a A. 10
car or platform which moves inguides in a substantially B. 20
vertical direction and which serves two or more floors of a C. 30
buildingor structure. D. 15
A. Dumbwaiter View Answer:
B. Escalator Answer:
C. Elevator Option A
D. All of these Solution:
13/19 138. RME Board April 1994
View Answer: An overheated cord often indicates
Answer: A. defective cord
Option C B. corroded terminals
Solution: C. corroded terminals and detective cord
133. An assembly of a flexible cord with an attachment 15/19
plugs on one end and a cordconnector on the other. D. none of these
A. Extension cord View Answer:
B. Fixture cord Answer:
C. Appliance cord Option C
D. None of these Solution:
View Answer: 139. Individual arrester grounding conductors shall be no
Answer: smaller than ____ copper.
Option A A. 8.0 mm²
Solution: B. 14 mm²
134. Any box not over _____cm³ in size, intended for C. 5.5 mm²
mounting in closed building construction shall; be affixed D. none of these
with anchors or clamps as to provide a rigid and View Answer:
secureinstallation. Answer:
A. 1,540 Option B
B. 1,760 Solution:
C. 1,800 140. A generic term for an artificial source of light.
D. 1,640 A. Lumen
View Answer: B. Lux
Answer: C. Candle
Option D D. Lamp
Solution: View Answer:
135. In battery rooms with alkaline batteries, the shelves Answer:
shall be lined with steel sheetNOT less than _____ thick. Option D
A. 70 mm Solution:
B. 60 mm 141. Cable bus shall securely supported at intervals NOT
C. 65 mm exceeding
14/19 A. 3,600 mm
D. 75 mm B. 3,000 mm
View Answer: C. 3,800 mm
Answer: D. 4,000 mm
Option D View Answer:
Solution: 16/19
136. A disruptive discharge around or over the surface of a Answer:
solid or liquid insulator. Option A
A. Sparkover Solution:
B. Corona 142. Snap switched used with open wiring on insulators
C. Flashover shall be mounted on insulating material that separates the
D. Skin effect conductors at least ____ from the surface wiredover.
A. 12 mm Answer:
B. 10 mm Option B
C. 11 mm Solution:
D. 13 mm 149. Metal covers for boxes shall be lined firmly attached
View Answer: insulating material not lessthan ____ in thickness.
Answer: A. 0.80 mm
Option D B. 0.50 mm
Solution: C. 0.75 mm
143. RME Board April 1996 D. 0.64 mm
The usual nameplate data on DC motors include the Answer: Option A
following EXCEPT one. Which oneis this? 150. Electrical non-metallic tubing shall NOT be used
A. Manufacturers name where the voltage is over
B. Rated frequency A. 500 V
C. Rated voltage B. 230 V
D. Rated speed C. 300 V
View Answer: D. 600 V
Answer: Answer: Option D
Option B 151. Bus ways shall be marked with which of the
Solution: following?
144. Vertical runs of wireways shall be securely supported A. voltage rating
at intervals NOT exceeding____. B. manufacturer’s name
A. 4,000 mm C. current rating
B. 2,400 mm D. all of these
C. 3,600 mm View Answer:
17/19 Answer:
D. 4,500 mm Option D
View Answer: Solution:
Answer: 152. The system neutral conductor shall not be connected
Option D to ground EXCEPT
Solution: A. when the generator frame is not grounded
145. Size 0.75 mm² fixture wire has an ampacity of B. through the grounding impedance
A. 6 A C. through a grounding transformer
B. 10 A D. when a ground fault is very common
C. 4 A View Answer:
D. 8 A Answer:
Answer:Option A Option B
146. Type MI cable shall NOT be used ____. Solution:
A. in dry, wet or continuously moist locations 153. RME BOARD APRIL 1996
B. where exposed to destructive corrosive locations When thermal overload relay are used for the protection
C. for services, and feeders of a three-phase induction motor,their primary purpose is
D. all of these to protect the motor in case of
Answer:Option B A. short circuit between lines
147. Each receptacle for DC plugging boxes shall be rated B. reversal of phase sequence
at NOT less than _____. C. high voltage
A. 20 A D. sustained overload
B. 30 A 3/19
C. 15 A View Answer:
D. 40 A Answer:
Answer:Option B Option D
148. RME Board October 1995 Solution:
Insulated ground conductor of 14 mm² or smaller shall be 154. In type AC cable, all bends shall be made so that the
identifies by a continuous while outers along its entire cable will not be damage and theradius of the curve of the
length or another color which is inner edge of any bend shall NOT be less than ______
A. green times thediameter.
B. natural gray A. 4
C. striped green B. 5
D. striped white C. 6
View Answer: D. 3
View Answer: Solution:
Answer: 160. A surge of unidirectional polarity.
Option B A. Skin effect
Solution: B. Corona
155. Non-metallic sheathed cable shall be supported C. Flashover
within from every cabinet, box orfitting D. Impulse
A. 150 mm View Answer:
B. 200 mm Answer:
C. 250 mm Option D
D. 300 mm Solution:
View Answer: 161. For each small appliance branch circuit, the feeder
Answer: load shall be ______ per 20 Acircuit.
Option D A. 1,000 VA
Solution: B. 1,200 VA
156. RME BOARD APRIL 1995 C. 1,500 VA
What is the nominal supply voltage specified by the D. 1,800 VA
Philippine Electrical Code forresidential homes? View Answer:
A. 225 volts AC Answer:
B. 230 volts AC Option C
4/19 Solution:
C. 240 volts AC 162. RME BOARD OCTOBER 1995
D. 220 volts AC The electrical plans for residential house include the
View Answer: following items EXCEPT one.Which one is this?
Answer: A. Substation plan
Option B B. Location plan
Solution: C. Floor plan showing location of service
157. Messenger supported wiring shall NOT be used in 6/19
______. D. Layout of wiring plan for general lighting and receptacle
A. hoistways outlets
B. multi-conductor underground feeder View Answer:
C. metal clad cable Answer:
D. all of these Option A
View Answer: Solution:
Answer: 163. Tools and portable hand lamps likely to be used in wet
Option A and conductive locations shallnot be required to be
Solution: grounded where supplied through an isolating transformer
158. Temporary electrical power and lighting installations with anungrounded secondary of not more than
shall be permitted for a period notto exceed _____ for A. 100 V
Christmas decorative lighting, carnivals and similar B. 150 V
purposes. C. 50 V
A. 100 days D. none of these
B. 120 days View Answer:
C. 90 days Answer:
D. 60 days Option C
View Answer: Solution:
Answer: 164. The minimum size of branch circuit capacity to supply
Option C laundry receptacle outletsshall be _____.
Solution: A. 20 A
159. Which of the following conductors is NOT applicable B. 15 A
on wet locations? C. 25 A
A. Type THHN D. 30 A
B. Type THW View Answer:
C. Type RHW Answer:
5/19 Option A
D. Type THWN Solution:
View Answer: 165. Conductors in open wiring on insulators shall be
Answer: rigidly supported within _____from a tap or splice.
Option A A. 200 mm
B. 100 mm Solution:
7/19 171. Mats of insulating rubber or other suitable floor
C. 250 mm insulation shall be provided for the operator where the
D. 150 mm voltage to ground exceeds
View Answer: A. 150 V
Answer: B. 100 V
Option D C. 250 V
Solution: 9/19
166. Main and equipment bonding jumper shall of _____. D. none of these
A. copper View Answer:
B. aluminum Answer:
C. both A and B Option A
D. neither A or B Solution:
View Answer: 172. How many 20 A branch circuit shall be provided for all
Answer: receptacle outlets for thesmall appliance load?
Option A A. One or more
Solution: B. At least two
167. The minimum insulation level for neutral conductors C. Only one
of solidly grounded systemshall be ______. D. None of these
A. 500 V View Answer:
B. 300 V Answer:
C. 600 V Option A
D. 750 V Solution:
View Answer: 173. For a one family dwelling unit having an initial load of
Answer: 10 kVA or more, the minimumservice entrance capacity
Option C shall be ______.
Solution: A. 100 A
168. For class II lighting materials, the minimum diameter B. 90 A
of a solid copper air terminal shallbe _____. C. 60 A
A. 15.9 mm D. 30 A
B. 12.7 mm View Answer:
C. 10.5 mm Answer:
8/19 Option C
D. 9.5 mm Solution:
View Answer: 174. RME BOARD OCTOBER 1996
Answer: Flexible cords used in locations where there is a lot of
Option B flying flint or fibers shall comply with following EXCEPT
Solution: one. Which one is this?
169. RME BOARD APRIL 1994 A. It shall be approved for use in locations which are vapor-
Connection between conductive or inductive metal object filled
in an element of a lightning protection system to B. It shall contain in addition to the conductors, a
accomplish electrical continuity grounding conductor
A. Connectors 10/19
B. Interlink C. It shall be of type approved for extra hard usage
C. Counterpoise D. It shall be provided with suitable seal to prevent the
D. Bonding entrance of dust
View Answer: View Answer:
Answer: Answer:
Option D Option C
Solution: Solution:
170. The grounding electrode conductor shall be ______. 175. A point at which the load of a given area is assumed
A. copper to be concentrated.
B. copper-clad-aluminum A. Switchboard
C. aluminum B. Outlet
D. all of these C. Panel board
View Answer: D. Load center
Answer: View Answer:
Option D Answer:
Option D D. Professional Registration Commission
Solution: Answer:Option B
176. The workspace about electrical equipment shall be 182. Are sheet metal troughs with hinged or removable
adequate to permit at least____ degree opening of doors covers for housing and protecting electric wires and cables
or hinged panels. and which conductors are laid in place after this object
A. 90 hasbeen installed as a complete system.
B. 45 A. Wireways
C. 60 B. Busways
D. 75 C. Cable trays
View Answer: D. Non-metallic extensions
Answer: Answer:Option A
Option A 183. Portable appliances equipped with proper cord and
Solution: plug caps and NOT more than_____ maybe installed
177. RME BOARD OCTOBER 1994 without an electrical permit.
The multiplying factor for determining the size of branch A. 1,200 VA
circuit protection for non-timedelay fuse is B. 1,500 VA
A. 300% C. 1,000 VA
B. 175% D. 1,800 VA
11/19 Answer:Option A
C. 250% 184. Which of the following is not a standard content of an
D. 150% electrical plan?
View Answer: A. Location plan
Answer: B. Legend and general notes
Option A C. Schedule of maintenance
Solution: D. Specifications
178. For banks, the general lighting load shall be computed Answer:Option C
at _____ per square meters ofthe floor area. 185. RME BOARD OCTOBER 1996
A. 24 When installing cables or raceway type wiring method
B. 20 parallel to the framing memberssuch as joists, rafters, or
C. 30 studs, the cable or raceway shall be installed and
D. 28 supportedso that the nearest outside surface of the cable
View Answer: or raceway is NOT less than a certain distance from the
Answer: nearest edge of the framing member. What is this
Option D distance?
Solution: A. 20 mm
179. In dwelling units, the computed lighting and small B. 30 mm
appliance load above 120,000 volt-amperes shall be C. 10 mm
computed at what demand? D. 50 mm
A. 35% Answer:Option D
B. 25% 186. Which of the following is NOT a standard ampere
C. 45% rating of a fuse?
D. 20% A. 60 A
View Answer: B. 125 A
Answer: C. 45 A
Option B D. 55 A
Solution: Answer:Option D
180. Which of the following statements is NOT one of the 187. Cabinet and cutout boxes shall have an air space of at
primary objectives of thePhilippine Electrical Code? least ______ between any energized metal parts of
A. To establish electrical work standards enclosed fuses and the door.
B. To establish basic materials qualities A. 20 mm
C. To ensure safety in using electricity B. 13 mm
D. None of these C. 25 mm
Answer:Option D D. 15 mm
181. The Code has been approved and adopted by the Answer:Option C
Board, PRC. What does theacronym PRC stands for? 188. Auxiliary gutter shall be supported throughout it
A. Philippine Registration Commission entire length at intervals _____.
B. Professional Regulation Commission A. 1,500 mm
C. Philippine Regulation Commission B. 1,800 mm
C. 1,200 mm Answer:Option C
D. 1,600 mm 196. Flexible metallic tubing shall NOT be used in lengths
Answer:Option A longer than
189. A lighting and appliance branch circuit panel board is A. 2,000 mm
one having more than ____ percent of its over-current B. 1,800 mm
device rated 30-A or less. C. 1,900 mm
A. 10 D. none of these
B. 12 Answer:Option B
C. 15 197. Size 1.25 mm
D. 16 fixture wire has an ampacity of ______.
Answer:Option A A. 10 A
190. Open wiring on insulators shall be permitted on B. 8 A
systems of up to C. 12 A
A. 600 V D. 9 A
B. 500 V Answer:Option B
C. 230 V 198. RME BOARD APRIL 1995
D. 300 V Each transformer up to 600 V nominal shall be protected
Answer:Option A by an individual over-current deviceon the primary side at
191. Conductors in concealed knob and tube wiring shall not more than a certain percentage of the rated primary
maintain a clearance of NOTless than _____ between current of the transformer. What is this maximum
conductors. percentage?
A. 64 mm A. 110%
B. 50 mm B. 125%
C. 76 mm C. 100%
D. 100 mm D. 140%
Answer:Option C Answer:Option B
192. RME BOARD OCTOBER 1994 199. Outdoor lighting fixtures and associated equipment
The minimum size of wire used in electrical wiring is the ____ permitted to be supportedby trees.
former number 14 AWG.Under the metric system shown in A. shall be
the PEC, the diameter is B. shall not be
A. 2.0 mm C. either A or B
16/19 D. none of these (not specified in the PEC)
B. 3.2 mm View Answer:
C. 1.6 mm Answer:Option A
D. 2.6 mm 200. Rosettes shall be rated at 660 W, 250 V with a
Answer:Option C maximum current rating of
193. Non-metallic sheathed cable shall be secured in place A. 6 A
at intervals NOT exceeding_____. B. 10 A
A. 1,300 mm C. 4 A
B. 1,200 mm D. 12 A
C. 1,500 mm Answer:Option A
D. 1,800 mm
Answer:Option A
Motor A has a full load current of 8 A and motor B, 10 A.
What is the ampacity of the feeder conductor supplying
these two motors?
A. 9 A
B. 20.5 A
C. 18 A
D. 24.2 A
Answer:Option B
195. The bending radius of type SNM cable shall NOT be
less than _____ times thediameter of the cable.
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

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