Ge-Sts Science, Technology and Society: Genetically Modified Organisms
Ge-Sts Science, Technology and Society: Genetically Modified Organisms
Ge-Sts Science, Technology and Society: Genetically Modified Organisms
College of Sciences
Module 5
Table of Contents
Content Page
Title Page
Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………….1
Learning Outcomes………………………..…………………………...………………2
Initial Activity…………………….………………….......………………………………4
5.1 Genetically Modified Organism…………………….....................5
5.2 GMO’s in Food and Agricultural Industries….……………..…....6
5.3 GMO’s in Non-Food Crops and Microorganisms…….…..….….8
Learning Check..................................................………………….………..……....9
5.4 Risks of Applications of Recombinant DNA technology…..…..10
5.4.1 Risks to Biodiversity..............................................................10
5.4.2 Risk to Humanity...................................................................11
5.5 Ethical Concerns in Recombinant DNA technology..................11
Lesson in Action……………………………………………………...………….….....13
Page 1
Learning Objectives
Page 2
We now know that when humanity and Pick it!
technology cross, robotics are born. What if we • Friedrich Miescher first isolated DNA in 1869.
go far beyond that? What if, in addition to • Francis Crick and James Watson discovered
robotics, we could modify living things according DNA’s structure in 1953.
to our liking?
• Paul Berg combined genes from two different
We, humans, continue to seek viruses for the first time in history in 1972.
improvement in our way of living. We have • Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen made the
invented robots and other technologies with a
first GM bacteria in 1973.
desire for ease and comfort. But there are
drawbacks as we battle for civilization and time. • Rudolf Jaenisch made the first GM animal, a
According to the United Nations, there are 7.8 mouse, in 1974.
billion humans currently inhabiting Earth. Our • Herbert Boyer and Robert Swanson founded
population is exponentially growing that our
Genentech, the first genetic engineering
natural ecosystem can’t compensate for our
demands. In this regard, there is a need to company, in 1976.
increase food production and other • Michael W. Bevan, Richard B. Flavell, and
life-supporting resources. Modern science Mary-Dell Chilton made the first GM plant, an
engaged in genetic engineering to addressed
antibiotic-resistant strain of tobacco, in 1983.
such alarming issues. Genetic engineering
(a.k.a., recombinant DNA technology) has been • The first GMO animal is the GloFish, a Zebra
the focus of research and innovation for the fish modified to glow in the dark.
past decades to achieve a sustainable and • Scientists agree that GMO foods are no more
technology-driven world.
dangerous than any other kind of food.
Since then, genetic engineering is • Studies show that GMO crops have fewer
already a beneficial resource in various aspects. chances of mutating compared to non-GMO
This ranges from agriculture, manufacturing up crops. 4
to the field of medicine. Innovations under this
technology resulted in practical rewards such as • Scientists have developed GM livestock, but
new medical therapies and increased none have approval for commercial use as of
agricultural yields. On the other hand, there are 2019.
dilemmas and ethical concerns with the
• Over 12% of global farmland grows GMO
utilization of the said technology. A promise of
“feeding the world and sustainability” is being crops as of 2016.
prompt to us, should we continue taking its
risks? Source:
Page 3
Initial Activity
Page 4
Let's Begin. Brace yourself and prepare to be amazed as we reveal one of science's
Recombinant DNA technology is a process involving the alteration of the genetic
make-up of one’s organism. In 1973, Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen, discovered a
method causing a certain bacteria to produce foreign proteins by editing its genetic material,
this kick-started the field of genetic engineering (Britannica, 2020).
One of the great success stories of GMOs was that of Rosalie Ellasus in 2001. Ms.
Ellasus, a former overseas Filipino worker turned farmer, once attended the Integrated Pest
Management- Farmers Field School and was then introduced to Bt Corn, a genetically
modified corn that is resistant to the destructive Asian corn borer (no insecticide spraying
was needed). She then volunteered for demo-testing in her field. Bt Corn yielded 7.2 tons
per acre as compared to a regular yield of 4.2 tons per acre (Serafica, et al., 2018).
Page 5
There are three main methods of genetic engineering which are the plasmid method,
the vector method, and the biolistic method.
1) Plasmid Method. This method utilizes small circular pieces of DNA of bacteria (called
plasmids) with the aid of restriction enzymes. It is the most commonly used method of
modifying the genetic material of any organism (Adnan, 2010). Figure 5.1 entails how the
plasmid method is done.
2) Vector Method. This method, unlike the plasmid method, uses a virus that serves as a
vector (carrier) of the desired trait. The process involves the introduction of the desired
trait into the virus, the virus is then inserted into the host cell and will soon replicate
expressing all the desired features. Promising results have been associated with this
method (Adnan, 2010).
3) Biolistic Method. Also known as the gene gun method. It is done by firing a gene gun
containing the desired genes into the host. The process is similar to that of vaccination. It
is mainly for the engineering of the plants (Adnan, 2010).
5.2 GMO’s in Food and Agricultural Industries
1. Pest resistance- these are plants genetically modified to resist certain pests.
2. Virus resistance- these are plants genetically modified to resist certain viruses.
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3. Herbicide tolerance- these are plants genetically modified to tolerate herbicide.
4. Fortification- these are plants genetically modified fortified with certain minerals.
5. Cosmetic preservation- these are plants genetically modified to resist natural discoloration.
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5.3 GMO’s in Non-Food Crops and Microorganisms
1. Paper production- tress are modified for a higher yield of paper production.
3. GMO’s in the medical field- significant benefits of genetic engineering is evident in the
medical field. 9
Page 8
Learning Check
My Best Buddy!
Everyone loves pets! Keeping them would do wonders for our health. Now,
imagine you have the power to select all the characteristics that your heart desires for a
pet, someone that you are longing for and dreaming of. In designing your ideal pet, you
may combine traits present in other organisms or delete the unwanted. Draw your best
buddy below, give it a name, and indicate where those characteristics were derived.
Page 9
5.4 Risks of Applications of Recombinant DNA technology
On the above discussion, suffice to say that there are overwhelming benefits and rewards
brought about by this genetic engineering. But there are also several risks associated with its
Since Recombinant DNA technology plays with living organisms of unpredictable nature,
unpredictable risks arise overtime. GMO’s, once released in the environment, from the predicted
change in physical traits, would cause an unpredictable change in biodiversity and it will be
A. Risks to Biodiversity
The release of genetically modified plants into the environment could have
disastrous consequences for biodiversity. Birds, insects, and other animals that rely on
specific crops for survival may be unable to consume genetically engineered crops due
to the introduced gene or modification. They may be allergic to the new characteristics or
recognize them as poisonous. As a result, these animals would have to find alternative
food sources or face starvation. It would have ramifications for the entire food chain as
well as predator-prey relationships. Furthermore, introducing a genetically modified
organism (GMO) into the environment may displace indigenous fauna and flora. If the
new strain outperforms the parent strain, it may annihilate the wild strain or take over the
habitat (Gatew and Mengistu, 2019).
1. Risk in gene flow- there is a potential risk of the modified gene to be transferred
from the GMO crop to its wild relative or organism in the soil and humans (when 11
ingested) (Serafica, et al., 2018).
Page 10
B. Risk to Humanity
Because the goal of genetic engineering is to improve the quality of human life, it
is critical to discuss the potential adverse effects of genetic engineering on humans.
Genetic material can enter the human body through food, bacteria, viruses, vaccines
and, pharmaceuticals. In most GMO-derived foods, a marker gene has been introduced
alongside the gene that represents the desired characteristic. If the marker genes were
successfully transferred, the organism would develop new antibiotic resistance. Humans
who consume food containing these genes may face complications, especially if they are
unaware of the presence of the genes. People may develop antibiotic resistance if they
consume foods containing antibiotic resistance genes on a regular basis. Furthermore,
there is a risk that genetically modified foods will have lower nutritional quality than
non-modified foods (Gatew and Mengistu, 2019).
Page 11
We have just unfolded one of science greatest mysteries. Let us now unleash
the power of science within you by completing the following tasks.
A. Short Answer
Answer the following questions concisely. (5 points each)
1. Do you think the pursuit of GMO research should stop? Why or why not?
Page 12
Lesson in Action!
Part A. GMO Profiling
Profile at least five (5) GMOs in your locality. Identify all the modified
characteristics and provide an original photo (a photograph taken by you) for each
organism. You may utilize the template below. (10 points each)
1. Debate will be done during the synchronous session.
2. The class will be divided into two teams; affirmative and negative.
3. The affirmative must advocate the benefits of GMOs while the negative will
insist on the risks associated with GMOs.
4. Each team has four or five constructive speeches and four or five rebuttal
speeches. The affirmative gives the first constructive speech, and the rebuttals 14
alternate: negative, affirmative, negative, affirmative. The affirmative has both
the first and concluding speeches of the debate.
5. During the debate, no changes to a team's viewpoint are authorized.
6. The instructor will serve as the moderator.
7. Each team will be graded with a rubric attached herewith. The highest possible
score is 40 points.
Page 13
Debate Grading Rubric
Few or no real
Some decent
Use of Argument: Very strong and Many good arguments given,
arguments, but
Reasons are given persuasive arguments or all arguments
to support the arguments given given, with only given had
resolution throughout minor problems significant
Presentation Style:
Tone of voice,
clarity of
expression, Very few style
Most style Few style
precision of All style features features were
features were features were
arguments all were used used, none of
used used
contribute to convincingly them
convincingly convincingly
keeping audience’s convincingly
attention and
persuading them of
the team’s case.
Page 14
Adnan, A. (2010, June 6). Genetic Engineering and its Methods. Biotech Articles.
Baker A. (2018, JANUARY 15). Arctic Apples: A Fresh New Take on Genetic
Engineering. Biology and Medicine.
Bessin, R. (n.d.). Bt-Corn: What it is and How it Works. University of Kentucky College of
Gatew, H., Mengistu, K. (2019). Genetically modified foods (GMOs); A Review of Genetic
Engineering. Journal of Life Science and Biomedicine, 9 (6): 157-163.
Lallanilla, M. (2019, July 8). What Are GMOs and GM Foods? Live Science.
Quianzon, C & Cheikh, I. (2012, July 16). History of insulin. National Center for
Biotechnology Information.
Serafica, J. P. J., Pawilen, G. T., Caslib, B. N. Jr., Alata, E.J.P. (2018). Science,
Technology and Society (1st ed.). Rex Book Store, Inc. 856 Nicanor Reyes Sr. St.,
Manila. 133-148.
Prepared by:
Aranga, Ryan N.
CS-BPS Faculty
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