JoPerezcot 2 2022

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Division of City Schools – Quezon City

Batasan Hills National High School

IBP Road , Batasan Hills, Quezon City


S.Y. 2021– 2022

Grade Level: Grade 8

Week: 4

QUARTER: 4(Afro Asian Literature)

Dates Covered: June 8, 2022

A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West Asian literature as an
expression of philosophical and religious beliefs; information flow in various text types;
reality, fantasy, and opinion in listening and viewing materials; word decoding
strategies; and use of information sources, active/passive constructions,
direct/reported speech, perfect tenses, and logical connectors in journalistic writing.
B. Performance Standard
The learner transfers learning by composing a variety of journalistic texts, the contents
of which may be used in composing and delivering a memorized oral speech featuring
use of properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-
making, persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and
C. Learning Competencies:
MELC: Compose Effective Paragraphs (EN8WC-lia.2)

II. CONTENT (Subject Matter)

Compose Effective Paragraphs


1. Grade 8: Quarter 4 – M
odule 4

2. Internet Websites › essay › Descriptive-Paragra...

See DLLs/ Learning Materials prepared by Grade 8 teachers ( FBpage g8

3. Power Point Presentation

A. Preparation of the Class
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Online rules

B. Reviewing the Past Lesson

Directions: Read the questions below carefully.

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE about major topics? Major topics refer to

A. major details which are formed from the major subtopics

B. phrases/sentences which are formed from the subtopics
C. phrases/sentences which are crafted from the major subtopics
D. major phrases/sentences which are organized from the thesis statement
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE about primary source? Primary source is a

A. summary of the essay

B. firsthand information
C. C.concluding information
D. D. secondhand information
3. Which of the following defines a thesis statement? A thesis statement is a sentence

A. summarizes an essay
B. gives a conclusion of an essay
C. expresses the main idea of an essay
D. D. states the relevant information of an essay
4. Which of the following best explains secondary sources? Secondary sources present the

A. commentaries which come from primary sources

B. information which come from secondary sources
C. information which are derived from primary sources
D. analyses of research paper which are taken from various sources
5. Which of the following statements describes a sentence outline?

A sentence outline_____________________________.
A. states varied information in sentence form
B. presents the primary and secondary sources
C. states the main topic and supporting details in sentence form

C. Establishing a Purpose

At the end lesson, the learners will be tasked to:

 define paragraph
 explain the essential elements of an effective paragraph.
 compose an effective paragraph
 Participate willingly in group’s activity

D. Presenting Examples/Instances of the Lesson


smallest element of writing


group of letters that makes a meaning


group of words that has a complete

thought or idea.


group of sentences about one idea


E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills

What is …..?
- It is a group of several connected sentences together by a single idea.
- It consists of a topic sentence that expresses the main thought of the paragraph. This main
thought should be discussed in a greater detail with supporting sentences.
- A paragraph should be unified, coherent, and well developed.

Parts of a Paragraph

1. A topic sentence is often the first sentence of a paragraph.

- it is a complete sentence that expresses the main idea of the paragraph.
- a topic sentence in the beginning of the paragraph gives readers an idea of what they will
read and helps them understand the paragraph more easily.

2. The body of the paragraph usually follows, containing supporting details.

Supporting details/sentences help explain,prove or enhance the topic sentence. The
supporting details explain, describe, or develop the main idea given in the topic sentence.

3. The concluding sentence is the last sentence in the paragraph. It reminds the reader of the main point
by restating it in different words. It usually summarizes or comments on the main idea. The length of the
paragraph depends on the complexity of the topic.
How to compose a paragraph effectively?
A good paragraph possesses these elements:

1. UNITY - a paragraph should express a single thought that unifies all sentences it has.
2. COHERENCE - all sentences in a paragraph should clearly relate to one another systemically and
3. ADEQUATE DEVELOPMENT - the topic of the paragraph should be discussed entirely and
sufficiently by providing supporting details.

F. Developing Mastery ( Group Activities)

The class is divided into 5 groups to do the following activities. (Note: Pre - assigned activities)

Choose one topic from the lists below. Construct a paragraph with topic sentence, supporting
sentences and concluding sentences.

Be guided with the rubrics on how you will be graded.

⮚ Pros and Cons of online games

⮚ Something you like about the online class.
⮚ The benefits of watching k-dramas
⮚ A great place to go after the quarantine
⮚ Something you wish to do when you go back to school

G. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills about the Lesson.
here are several rea

There are several reasons why the These features make Maldives a
MALDIVES is the best place to visit. tropical paradise worth visiting.

SUPORTING SENTENCE 1 First, the Maldives is known for its natural

and exotic island for its surrounded by a
SUPPORTING SENTENCE 2 lagoon of shallow, clear water.

SUPPORTING SENTENCE 3 Furthermore, this island provides privacy to

the tourist because of its one - island, one
hotel policy.

So, it is ideal for visitors to get engaged in

water sports like swimming , scuba diving,
snorkeling , water - skiing, windsurfing, and

H. M
aking Generalization and Abstraction of the Lesson

How can you compose an effective paragraph?

I. Evaluating Learning


J. A ssig n m en t

Identify the topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentence in the
are several health hazards directly linked to smoking. The link between
smoking and cancer is well known. As well smoking is linked to other lung diseases like
emphysema and bronchitis. Smokers also have a greater risk of heart disease later in life. This
is evidenced in recent court cases in the USA where smokers have been awarded damages from
tobacco companies. Further, there is substantial research that even passive smoking can have
long term effects on health. Clearly smoking is a dangerous habit and should be avoided.

Your text
essenger Group Chat and Google Classroom.
All activities shall be posted in the M

Learners who are absent shall accomplish Activity 1 and Assessment of Quarter 4 module 3.

All stu d en ts’ p articip atio n an d recitatio n w ill b e g iv en ad d itio n al p o in ts in p erfo rm an ce.

Prepared by:

Josephine L. Perez


English 8- Master Teacher


English 9 – Master Teacher

Checked by:


Head Teacher VI, English Department

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