“Our dream is to make the college an institution of excellence at the national level by
imparting quality education of global standards to make students academically superior, socially
committed, ethically strong, spiritually evolved and culturally rich citizens to contribute to the
holistic development of the self and society”.
“Training students to become role models in academic arena by strengthening
infrastructure, upgrading curriculum, developing faculty, augmenting extension services and
imparting quality education through an enlightened management and committed faculty who
ensure knowledge transfer, instill research aptitude and infuse ethical and cultural values to
transform students into disciplined citizens in order to improve quality of life”.
• To attain Peace, Prosperity, Health, Happiness, Harmony and Wisdom for all.
• To be committed in Excellence in transferring knowledge to serve the social, cultural and
spiritual needs of the society
• To respect and pursue the professional ethics for overall benefit.
• To attain social security through self discipline and service.
• To work to bring glory to National pride with attitudinal change.
• To make the right choice in life, excel in the same; be useful to all and to experience the
sense of fulfillment.
Scheme of Examination
Max. Marks 50
Course Hrs/ Hrs/ ESE
Part Course Title CIA Total Credits
code week Exam (Theory
(Practical) Marks
Semester I
Human Excellence - Personal
18HEC101 values & SKY Yoga Practice - 2 2 25 25 50 1
Semester II
Human Excellence - Family
18HEC202 values & SKY Yoga Practice - 2 2 25 25 50 1
Semester III
Human Excellence -
18HEC303 Professional values & SKY 2 2 25 25 50 1
IV Yoga Practice - III
Semester IV
Human Excellence - Social
18HEC404 values & SKY Yoga Practice - 2 2 25 25 50 1
Semester V
Human Excellence - National
18HEC505 values & SKY Yoga Practice - 2 2 25 25 50 1
Semester VI
Human Excellence - Global
18HEC606 values & SKY Yoga Practice - 2 2 25 25 50 1
Grand Total 300 6
Theory: 25 Marks
Components of Continuous Assessment
Programme Outcomes:
PO1 To attain Physical Fitness, Mental Alertness, Emotional Stability and Spiritual
Programme code: All UG Courses Programme Title : Human Excellence
Course Code: 18HEC101 Course Title Batch : 2018-21
Human Excellence - Semester I
Hrs/Week: 2 Personal values & SKY Credits: 1
Yoga Practice - I
Course Objective: To obtain sound health, character building, and to realize the self to lead a
healthy and happy life.
K1 CO1 Acquiring the knowledge about the needs, protections, virtues and the
developing stages of knowledge of human life and knowing the aim of life.
K2 CO2 To improve the character, positive thinking and finding the best solutions for all
problems and to lead a happy, prosperous, healthy and peaceful life.
K3 CO3 Maintaining harmonious relationship transforming emotional mood into virtues,
creating awareness, acceptance and adaptation are strengthened. Understand the
link between the self and the Almighty and to follow the Spiritual principles such
as all are equal as atman, expressing love and compassion to all living beings.
K4 CO4 Regular practice of meditation for improving mental ability, increasing memory,
concentration, adaptability and creativity in human beings and curing physical
ailments such as asthma, spinal cord pain, eye related problems, shoulder pain,
breathing problems, headache, diabetes and menstruation cycle problems without
medical treatment.
Significance of Human Excellence - Objectives and values - Purpose and philosophy of
life – Needs and protections of life - Virtues of life and development of knowledge.
Analysis of thoughts and Moralisation of desire - Practice for analysis of thoughts -
- Practice for moralisation of desire – Value Education – Fivefold Culture.
Neutralisation of anger - Effects of anger - Practice for neutralisation of anger -
Eradication of worries - Types and effects of worries - Practice for eradication of worries.
Self-realization - The philosophy of who am I? - Kayakalpa exercise - Philosophy of
kayakalpa - Morning Kayakalpa exercises - Evening Kayakalpa exercises - Benefits.
Meditations I - Agna meditation - Shanthi meditation - Spinal card clearance - Simplified
Physical Exercises Part-I - Hand exercise - Leg exercise - Neuro Muscular Breathing
exercise - Eye exercise - Kabalapathy exercise.
Books for study: 1. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation). (2015). Personal values.
Second Edition. Pollachi : NGM College. (English version). pp :126.
2. Vethathiri Maharishi (2017). Manvalakalai part-I. 50th edition.
Erode: Vethathiri publication (Tamil version). pp: 231.
3. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation) (2016) Value education,
fourth edition.Erode: Vethathiri publication (English Version). pp: 168.
4. Vethathiri Maharishi. (2013). Arularuvi part-I. 5th edition.
Erode: Vethathiri publications (Tamil version). pp: 188.
Reference Books: 1. J.T.K. Daniel Nirmal Selvamony, Value Education today, Chennai,
New century Book house (P) Ltd.,
2. Vethathiri Maharishi (2017), Mind, 8th edition. Erode, Vethathiri
Publications, pp: 55.
Signature: Signature:
Programme All UG Courses Programme Title : Human Excellence
Course Code: 18HEC202 Course Title Batch : 2018-21
Human Excellence - Family Semester II
Hrs/Week: 2 values & SKY Yoga Credits: 1
Practice - II
Course Objective
To maintain harmonious relationship in family and sustaining love and care of family members.
Course Outcomes (CO)
K1 CO1 Blessing is a divine invocation and a technique applied for family peace, well
being of
others and world peace
K2 CO2 Bringing harmony in family life to lead a happy, marital life and to maintain a
relationship in family and society.
K3 CO3 Values such as love, compassion, tolerance, adjustment and sacrifice are explained
and transformation of sexual energy into spiritual energy is taught. The
significance of womanhood is highlighted so that women should be given equal
rights in all fields.
K4 CO4 Thuriyatheetha meditation and physical exercise are taught for the activation of
brain cells and to increase memory and rejuvenate the whole system
Mutual blessings for family peace - Benefits of blessing - Method of blessing - Love and
compassion - Nature’s inherited character.
Harmony in family - Reasons for disagreement among family members - Solution for
family peace - Blissful marital life - Greatness of good relationship - Thiruvalluvar’s
Concepts of Family values.
Sexual derive and Spiritual development - Significance of vital fluid – Joint family –
Merits and demerits of Joint family - Merits and demerits of Nuclear family.
Greatness of womanhood - Role of women in family – Bharathi and development of
Womanhood - Food is Medicine - Three types of Food cause three kinds of characters -
Karma Yoga.
Meditation II - Thuriya meditation - Simplified Physical Exercises Part-II - Makarasana
exercise part-I - Makarasana exercise part-II - Massage exercise - Acupressure exercise -
Relaxation exercise - Revision (Kayakalpa exercise).
Power point Presentations, Group discussions, Seminar ,Quiz, Assignment, Experience
Discussion, Brain storming, Activity, Case study.
Reference Books:
1. Rabin Sharma, Family Wisdom, Jai Co Public house, 2009.
2. Sri Sri Paranjothi Maharishi, Thirukkural, Erode,Kayathri Offeset
print. 2009.
3. B.S. Aacharya, Thirumanthiram,Chennai, Narmadha publication, 2009.
Signature: Signature:
Programme code: All UG Courses Programme Title : Human Excellence
Course Code: 18HEC303 Course Title Batch : 2018-21
Human Excellence - Semester III
Hrs/Week: 2 Professional values & Credits: 1
SKY Yoga Practice -III
Course Objective
Knowing and adopting moral ethics in profession, personality development and leadership traits,
and cause and effect system.
Course Outcomes (CO)
Power point Presentations, Group discussions, Seminar ,Quiz, Assignment, Experience
Discussion, Brain storming, Activity, Case study
Signature: Signature:
Programme code: All UG Courses Programme Title : Human Excellence
Course Code: 18HEC404 Course Title Batch : 2018-21
Human Excellence - Semester IV
Hrs/Week: 2 Social values & SKY Yoga Credits: 1
Practice - IV
Course Objective
To realize the need and role of Education, Politics, Economics and Science for Social
Course Outcomes (CO)
K1 CO1 Scientific way of understanding the formation of universe from the primordial
state and
evolution of living beings up to human beings and learning the manifestation of
Divinity as Universe and living beings.
K2 CO2 To understand seven values and sixteen reasons for disparities among human
beings and knowing the importance of their physical appearance, strength,
character, fame, comfort etc., develop service and sacrifice attitude for social
K3 CO3 To bring orderliness and harmonious relationship in society through education
and to know about the great leaders of India as role models. To develop human
welfare and need for practicing equality among human beings for social
development, knowledge in using science and technology for modern
development and knowing God realization and moral values for developing
tolerance among Religions and Nations.
K4 CO4 Practicing Panchabootha Navagraga Meditation for the upliftment of life and
physical welfare.
Existing Syllabus
Evolution of Man - Evolution of Universe - Evolution of Living beings -
Significance of sixth sense - Man is the part of society - An individual and the
Disparities among human beings - Seven values of human beings - - Sixteen
disparities - Social welfare through purity of mind - The significance of genetic
centre - Imprints of sin and its eradication.
Education and society - Social concepts for education - Social services through
education - Politics and society - The great political rulers.
Social discriminations and solutions – Basic reason for social problems and
solutions – Vision of Arutselvar - Science and society - Effects of atomic energy -
Central message of religions - Message from Sages.
Meditation IV - Pancha bootha navagragha meditation - Yogasanas Part-I
(1.Viruchasana - 2.Chakrasana (side wise) - 3.Padmasana - 4.Vajrasana - 5.Yoga
mudra - 6.Pachi mothasana. 7.Ustrasana - 8.Vakkrasana - 9.Sidhasana -
10.Gomukhasana) - Revision (Kayakalpa exercise - Maharasana Part-I & II
exercises - Massage exercise - Acupressure exercise - Relaxation exercise)
* Italicized texts are for self study.
Power point Presentations, Group discussions, Seminar ,Quiz, Assignment, Experience
Discussion, Brain storming, Activity, Case study
Reference Books:
1. Vethathiri Maharishi, (2013), The world order of holistic unity, Erode,
Vethathiri Publications .
2. B.S. Aacharya, Pathanjali Yoga Sutra,Chennai, Narmadha publications,
Signature: Signature:
Programme code: All UG Courses Programme Title : Human Excellence
Course Code: 18HEC505 Course Title Batch : 2018-21
Human Excellence Semester V
Hrs/Week: 2 National values & SKY Credits: 1
Yoga Practice - V
Course Objective
To create awareness on fundamental rights and duties of citizens, uniqueness of Indian Culture,
reasons and causes of war.
Course Outcomes
K1 CO1 To know the challenges that India is facing in eradicating poverty and illiteracy,
effects of science and technology, development in agriculture, transportation,
infrastructure etc.,
K2 CO2 To respect and adopt the Indian culture and philosophy for sustaining the values
of Culture and Philosophy.
K3 CO3 To know the reasons and causes of war in human society and its effects on
National resources and to realize the need for world peace. To understand the
duty consciousness, improve rendering service for social welfare and to develop
tolerance among religions for maintaining unity.
K4 CO4 Regulation of Endocrine glands (Nine Center meditation) for the maintenance of
body systems, gaining flexibility and physical problem such as body pain, head
ache, obesity, asthma, neckpain etc., are solved and menstruation cycle
regulation is attained.
Enlightened Citizenship - Fundamental rights - Fundamental duties – Nehru’s
perspective view of India - Emerging India - Multifacet developments in India -
Challenges that India facing
Outsider's views of Indian culture - The greatness of Vethas and literature in India
- Excellence of greatest personalities of India - The greatness of Indian culture.
Unit -3
India and peace - Causes of war - World peace plan - India's message to the world
- Indian philosophy known to the world.
Service and sacrifice - Unity in Diversity - Characteristics of Indian society -
Gandhian principles and National Integration - India and spirituality – Six
religious sects.
Meditation V - Nine Centre Meditation - Yogasanas Part-II (1.Mandukasana -
2.Matsyasana - 3.Navasana -4.Pavannmuktasana - 5.Uthana padhasana –
6.Bhujangasana - 7.Dhanurasana - 8.Navukasana - 9.Salabasana -
10.Makkarasana) - Revision (Kayakalpa exercise - Hand exercise - Leg exercise -
Neuro Muscular Breathing exercise - Eye exercise - Kabalapathy exercise).
* Italicized texts are for self study.
Reference Books:
1. R. Nandagopal & Ajith sankar R.N., Indian Ethos and Values in
Management, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Ltd.,
2. An Autobiography or The story of My experience with truth, M.K.
Gandhi, New Delhi, Rupa publications, 2011.
3. A. L. Natarajan, Life history of Mahaveer, Chennai, Amrudha
publications, 2006.
4. Vethathiri maharishi, (2011) Karma yoga, 6th edition. Erode, Vethathiri
publications, pp:114.
Signature: Signature:
Programme code: All UG Courses Programme Title : Human Excellence
Course Code: 18HEC606 Course Title Batch : 2018-21
Human Excellence Semester VI
Hrs/Week: 2 Global values & SKY Credits: 1
Yoga Practice - VI
Course Objective
Understanding various problems of the world such as racial discrimination, terrorism and
economic marginalization, seeking solutions for them and to attain prosperity, happiness and
peace in the world.
Cultural degradation and solutions - Reasons of cultural degradation - Emergence of
Monoculture and solutions - Principles of Vivekanandar.
Economic marginalisation and solutions - Reasons for economic crisis – World Peace
Plan - Man is the cause and man is the solution.
Meditaiton VI – Panchendriya Meditation - Mudras (1.Sin mudra - 2.Vayu mudra -
3.Suriya mudra - 4.Sooniya mudra - 5.Prithivi mudra - 6.Prana mudra - 7.Abana mudra -
8.Abanavayu mudra - 9.Varuna mudra - 10.Linga mudra) - Revision (Kayakalpa exercise
- Maharasana Part- I & II exercises - Massage exercise - Acupressure exercise -
Relaxation exercise).
* Italicized texts are for self study.
Books for study:
1. Jeyalakshmi. S. et al., (2015). Global values. Fifth Edition.
Pollachi : NGM College. (Tamil version). pp:72.
2. Vethathiri maharishi. (2013). Social inequality and solutions. 5th Edition.
Erode: Vethathiri pulication. pp: 139.
3. Vethathiri maharishi. (2003). Ulaga samuthaya Valkaineri. First edition.
Erode: Vethathiri publications (Tamil version). pp:84.
4. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation). (2018). Yogasanas.16th edition.
Erode: Vethathiri publications (Tamil version). pp: 64.
5. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation). (2016). Value education,
4th edition. Erode: Vethathiri publication (English Version). pp:168.
Reference Books:
Signature: Signature:
NGM College
“Our dream is to make the college an institution of excellence at the national level by
imparting quality education of global standards to make students academically superior, socially
committed, ethically strong, spiritually evolved and culturally rich citizens to contribute to the
holistic development of the self and society”.
“Training students to become role models in academic arena by strengthening
infrastructure, upgrading curriculum, developing faculty, augmenting extension services and
imparting quality education through an enlightened management and committed faculty who
ensure knowledge transfer, instill research aptitude and infuse ethical and cultural values to
transform students into disciplined citizens in order to improve quality of life”.
• To attain Peace, Prosperity, Health, Happiness, Harmony and Wisdom for all.
• To be committed in Excellence in transferring knowledge to serve the social, cultural
spiritual needs of the society
• To respect and pursue the professional ethics for overall benefit.
• To attain social security through self discipline and service.
• To work to bring glory to National pride with attitudinal change.
• To make the right choice in life, excel in the same; be useful to all and to experience the
sense of fulfillment.
Scheme of Examination
Max. Marks 50
Course Hrs/ Hrs/ CIA ESE Total Credits
Part Course Title
code week Exam (Practic (Theory Mark
al) (50/2) s
Semester I
Human Excellence - Personal
IV 19HEC101 values & SKY Yoga Practice - 2 2 25 25 50 1
Semester II
Human Excellence - Family
19HEC202 values & SKY Yoga Practice - 2 2 25 25 50 1
Semester III
Human Excellence -
19HEC303 Professional values & SKY 2 2 25 25 50 1
Yoga Practice - III
Semester IV
Human Excellence - Social
19HEC404 values & SKY Yoga Practice - 2 2 25 25 50 1
Semester V
Human Excellence - National
19HEC505 values & SKY Yoga Practice - 2 2 25 25 50 1
Semester VI
Human Excellence - Global
19HEC606 values & SKY Yoga Practice - 2 2 25 25 50 1
Grand Total 300 6
Bloom’s Taxonomy Based Assessment Pattern
K1-Remember; K2- Understanding; K3- Apply; K4-Analyze; K5- Evaluate
Theory: 25 Marks
Section Marks Description Total
K1 & K2 A (Answer all) 10x1=10
50 *
B (Answer 5
K3 & K4 5 x 8 =40 Descriptive/ Detailed
out of 8)
Note: * End of Semester Examinations for theory will be conducted for 50 marks and converted
into 25 marks. Value education is offered in the name of Human Excellence. SKY - Simplified
Kundalini Yoga - formulated by Vethathiri Maharishi.
Observation Record 10
Skill Assessment 15
• Title of the Paper includes both Theory and Practical. End Semester Practical
Examination will be conducted for 25 marks. Hence the cumulative total mark of the
paper would be 50. Overall Minimum pass mark will be 20; Submission of record note
book is mandatory. Candidates appearing for practical examination should submit
bonafide record note books prescribed for practical examinations. Otherwise the
candidates will not be permitted to appear for the practical examination.
Programme Outcomes:
PO1 To attain Physical Fitness, Mental Alertness, Emotional Stability and Spiritual
Awakening among the students.
PO2 Character building, love and compassion for all living beings, Professional
Ethics, rendering service to the society, National integrity and world peace.
PSO1 Improving the physical health, leading a virtuous life, character building, attaining
self realisation through meditation and to manifest the hidden potentials, to
develop Consciousness and to render service to society with ecstasy.
PSO2 Understanding the greatness of family relationship and the significance of
chastity, understanding the greatness of womanhood, karma yogic life in the
family with peace and happiness.
PSO3 Imparting the characteristics which enrich the personality development, improving
leadership traits, realisation of the need for time management, knowing the
importance of the philosophy of cause and effect through professional ethics and
to empower the mind to get prosperity in life.
PSO4 Realisation of man as part of the society, the ways of maintaining harmonious
relationship in the society, to work for the development of the society, to realize
the need for multifaceted development of society.
PSO5 To educate the fundamental rights and duties, Greatness of Indian Culture,
Understanding the problems of racial discrimination, terrorism, and Economic
marginalization and seeking solutions to achieve prosperity, happiness and peace
in the world.
Significance of Human Excellence - Objectives of Human Excellence - Purpose and
philosophy of life - Needs and protections of life - Virtues of life and development of
Analysis of thought - Greatness of thought - Practice for analysis of thought -
Moralisation of desire - Causes for desire - Practice for moralisation of desire.
Value Education - Fivefold Culture - Eradication of worries - Types and effects of
worries - Practice for eradication of worries.
Self-realization - God Realization and blossom of love - Kayakalpa exercise - Sexual drive
and Spiritual development - Practice of Kayakalpa exercise.
Meditations I - Agna meditation - Shanthi meditation - Spinal card clearance - Physical
health development - Simplified Physical Exercises Part-I - Hand exercise - Leg exercise
- Neuro Muscular Breathing exercise - Eye exercise - Kabalapathy exercise.
Power point Presentations, Group discussions, Seminar ,Quiz, Assignment, Experience
Discussion, Brain storming, Activity, Case study, Video playing.
S-Strong; H-High; M-Medium; L-Low
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Programmecode: All UG Courses Programme Title : Human Excellence
Course Code: 19HEC202 Course Title Batch : 2019-22
Human Excellence - Family Semester II
Hrs/Week: 2 values & SKY YogaPractice Credits: 1
Course Objectives :
• To realize the greatness of the relationship of the family members.
• Creating a blissful marital life with love and compassion through blessing.
• Respect women and bring family peace to following the principles of karma yoga.
Course Outcomes (CO)
K1 CO1 To remember the fact that the blessings family members brings peace in the
family and to remembers the principles of karmayoga.
K2 CO2 To understand the greatness of family with physical and mental health.
K3 CO3 To apply and practice simplified physical exercise, meditation and introspection
throughout life to gain utmost benefits.
K4 CO4 Enhances the quality of life in the family through physical and mental exercises.
Mutual blessings for family peace - Benefits of blessing - Method of blessing -
Neutralisation of anger - Effects of anger - Practice for neutralisation of anger.
Joint family - Nuclear family - Merits and Demerits - Greatness of womanhood - Women
and Divinity - Bharathi and development of Womanhood.
Blissful marital life - Greatness of good relationship - Thiruvalluvar’s Concepts of Family
values - Harmony in family - Ways to family peace.
Love and compassion - Love and life force - Food is Medicine - Food habits that cures
deficiency - Karma Yoga - Gratitude and awareness.
Meditation II - Thuriya meditation - Simplified Physical Exercises Part-II - Makarasana
exercise part-I - Makarasana exercise part-II - Massage exercise - Acupressure exercise -
Relaxation exercise - Revision (Kayakalpa exercise).
Books for study:
1. Kuppusamy. M. et al., (2018). Family values. Sixth Edition.
Pollachi: NGM College. (Tamil version). pp: 83.
2. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation). (2018). Yoga practices.
First Edition. Pollachi: NGM College. (Tamil version). pp: 124.
Reference Books:
1. Vethathiri Maharishi. (2017). Manvalakalai part-I. 50th edition.
Erode: Vethathiri publication (Tamil version). pp: 231.
2. Vethathiri Maharishi. (2016). Manvalakalai part-II. 28th edition.
Erode: Vethathiri publication (Tamil version). pp: 198.
3. Vethathiri Maharishi. (2016). Manvalakalai part-III. 20th edition.
Erode: Vethathiri publication (Tamil version). pp: 277.
4. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation). (2016). Value education,
4th edition. Erode: Vethathiri publication (English Version). pp: 168.
5. Sri Sri Paranjothi Maharishi, ( 2009) Thirukkural, Erode,Kayathri
Offeset print.
6. Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan Coimbatore Kendra. (2017) Unleashing
Excellence, 2nd Edition, Coimbatore, Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan.
7. Rabin Sharma, Family Wisdom, Jai Co Public house, 2009.
8. B.S. Aacharya, Thirumanthiram,Chennai, Narmadha publication, 2009.
Signature: Signature:
Programme code: All UG Courses Programme Title : Human Excellence
Course Code: 19HEC303 Course Title Batch : 2019-22
Human Excellence - Semester III
Hrs/Week: 2 Professional values & Credits: 1
SKY Yoga Practice -III
Course Objectives:
• To develop personality development skills and leadership traits.
• Following professional ethics through cause and effect system
• To achieve success in the work with passion for excellence by empowering the mind
K2 CO2 To understand cause and effect system to develop passion for excellence.
K3 CO3 To apply practicing simplified physical exercise and meditation for the
development of profession.
K4 CO4 To analyse empowering the mind and spiritual strength for attaining success in
Concepts of personality development (5C's & 5E's) - Self-development and leadership
traits - Leadership traits of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.
Intelligence, Emotions and Spiritual quotients - Spirituality and Vallalar - Time
management - Time management for students -Time saving methods.
Philosophy of Cause and effect - Cause and effect is Law of Nature - Mind and the state
of God - Professional ethics - Significance of professional ethics.
Enhancement of life standard - Methods to attain higher goal - Empowerment of Mind -
Success through mental strength - Passion for excellence – Positive thoughts.
Meditation III - Thuriyatheetha meditation - Surya namaskar (1.Piranamasana - 2.Hastha
Uttanasana - 3.Patha Hasthasana - 4.Aswa Sanjalana asana - 5.Thuvipatha Aswasanjalana
asana - 6.Astanga Namaskara - 7.Pujangasana - 8.Atha Muktha Savasana - 9.Aswa
Sanjalana asana - 10.Patha Hasthasana - 11.Hastha Uttanasana - 12.Piranamasana) -
Revision (Kayakalpa exercise - Hand exercise - Leg exercise - Neuro Muscular
Breathing exercise - Eye exercise - Kabalapathy exercise)
Books for study:
1. Panneer Selvam. N. et al., (2016). Professional values.
Sixth Edition. Pollachi : NGM College. (Tamil version). pp: 76.
2. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation). (2018). Yoga practices.
First Edition. Pollachi: NGM College. (Tamil version). pp: 124.
Reference Books:
Signature: Signature:
Programme code: All UG Courses Programme Title : Human Excellence
Course Code: 19HEC404 Course Title Batch : 2019-22
Human Excellence - Social Semester IV
Hrs./Week: 2 values & SKY Yoga Credits: 1
Practice - IV
Course Objectives:
• Man is the integral part of the society which insists harmonious relationship between
man and society.
• To create a drug addiction free society with morality through purity of mind.
• Realize the importance of central message of religions and eliminate the social
upheavals through the moral education.
Course Outcomes (CO)
K1 CO1 To remember that true that man is endowed with sixth sense through evolution
and manifestation of the Almighty.
K2 CO2 To understand the reasons for disparity among human beings to strengthen the
unity in the society.
K3 CO3 Recommending the practice of meditation and physical exercise for self and
welfare of the society.
K4 CO4 Maintaining the social welfare through Physical health and purity of mind.
Evolution of Man - Evolution of Universe - Evolution of Living beings - Significance of
sixth sense - Man is the part of society - Social unity according to the sages.
Disparities among human beings - Seven values of human beings - Sixteen disparities -
Social welfare through purity of mind - Greatness of mind - Methods of mind
Education and society - Social concepts for education - Social services through education
De-addiction -Technology addiction and solution.
Social discriminations and solutions – Basic reason for social problems and solutions –
Vision of Arutselvar - Science and society - Effects of atomic energy - Central message
of religions - Message from Sages.
Meditation IV – Pancha bootha navagragha Meditation - Yogasanas Part-I
(1.Viruchasana - 2.Chakrasana (side wise) - 3.Padmasana - 4.Vajrasana - 5.Yoga mudra -
6.Pachi mothasana. 7.Ustrasana - 8.Vakkrasana - 9.Sidhasana - 10.Gomukhasana) -
Revision (Kayakalpa exercise - Maharasana Part-I & II exercises - Massage exercise -
Acupressure exercise - Relaxation exercise)
Books for study:
1. Veerasithi Vinayagan. P. et al., (2018). Social values. Seventh Edition.
Pollachi : NGM College. (Tamil version). pp: 71.
2. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation). (2018). Yoga practices.
First Edition. Pollachi: NGM College. (Tamil version). pp: 124.
Reference Books:
1. Vethathiri Maharishi. (2016). Evolution of universe and living beings.
6th edition. Erode: Vethathiri publication. pp: 47.
2. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation). (2017). Yogasanans,
8th Edition. Erode: Vethathiri publication (English version). pp: 63
3. Vethathiri Maharishi. (2016). Manvalakalai part-III. 20th edition.
Erode: Vethathiri publication (Tamil version). pp: 277.
4. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation). (2016). Value education,
4th edition. Erode: Vethathiri publication (English Version). pp: 168.
5. Vethathiri maharishi. (2013). Social inequality and solutions. 5th Edition.
Erode: Vethathiri pulication. pp: 139.
6. Vethathiri Maharishi, (2013), The world order of holistic unity, Erode,
Vethathiri Publications .
7. B.S. Aacharya, Pathanjali Yoga Sutra,Chennai, Narmadha publications,
Signature: Signature:
Programme code: All UG Courses Programme Title : Human Excellence
Course Code: 19HEC505 Course Title Batch : 2019-22
Human Excellence Semester V
Hrs/Week: 2 National values & SKY Credits: 1
Yoga Practice - V
Course Objectives:
• Educating the fundamental rights and duties of citizens.
• Achieving national integration and peace through cooperation by following unity in
• Developing tolerance among religions and enhancing service motive for national
Course Outcomes
K1 CO1 To remember one’s fundamental rights and duties for national integration and
K2 CO2 To understand realizing the greatness of Indian noble harts and Indian philosophy
K3 CO3 To apply improving physical health and mental prosperity render service and
sacrifice for national security
K4 CO4 To analyse developing tolerance among religions through spiritual growth for
achieving national integration
Enlightened Citizenship - Fundamental rights - Fundamental duties - Nehru’s perspective
view of India - Emerging India - Contribution of Indian youth at global level.
Outsider's views of Indian culture - The greatness of Vethas and literature in India -
Excellence of greatest personalities of India - The greatness of Indian culture – Life
philosophy inspired through epics.
Unit -3
India and peace - Causes of war - World peace plans - India's message to the world -
Indian philosophy known to the world.
Service and sacrifice - Service of Mother Therasa - Unity in Diversity - Necessity of unity
- Gandhian principles and National Integration - India and spirituality – Spiritual
development - Six religious sects.
Meditation V - Nine Centre meditation - Yogasanas Part-II (1.Mandukasana -
2.Matsyasana - 3.Navasana -4.Pavannmuktasana - 5.Uthana padhasana - 6.Bhujangasana
- 7.Dhanurasana - 8.Navukasana - 9.Salabasana - 10.Makkarasana) - Revision (Kayakalpa
exercise - Hand exercise - Leg exercise - Neuro Muscular Breathing exercise - Eye
exercise - Kabalapathy exercise).
Books for study:
1. Kuppusamy. M. et al., (2015). National values. Forth Edition.
Pollachi : NGM College. (Tamil version). pp.72.
2. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation). (2018). Yoga practices.
First Edition. Pollachi: NGM College. (Tamil version). pp: 124.
Reference Books:
1. Rajkumar.N. Et al., (2003). Ethics and culture. Pollachi: NGM College.
(Tamil version). pp: 111.
2. Jawakarlal Nehru. (1998). Discovery of India. Sixth edition.
New Delhi: Indra Prasad. pp: 582
3. Lakshmanan.K. (2008). Indian Philosophy.Nineth edition.
Chennai: Asian publications. pp: 437.
4. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation).(2018).Yogasanans,
16th Edition. Erode: Vethathiri publication (Tamil version). pp: 64
5. M.K. Gandhi. (2016) An Autobiography, (English Version) 8th Edition,
New Delhi, Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., pp: 519
6. R. Nandagopal & Ajith sankar R.N., Indian Ethos and Values in
Management, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Ltd.,
7. An Autobiography or The story of my experience with truth, M.K.
Gandhi, New Delhi, Rupa publications, 2011.
8. A. L. Natarajan, Life history of Mahaveer, Chennai, Amrudha
publications, 2006.
9. Vethathiri maharishi, (2011) Karma yoga, 6th edition. Erode, Vethathiri
publications, pp: 114.
Signature: Signature:
Programme code: All UG Courses Programme Title : Human Excellence
Course Code: 19HEC606 Course Title Batch : 2019-22
Human Excellence Semester VI
Hrs/Week: 2 Global values & SKY Credits: 1
Yoga Practice - VI
Course Objectives:
• Creating a new world without Racial discrimination, Terrorism and Economic
• Utilizing natural resources and finding the solution for ecological imbalances.
• Creating a world with good political governance and improved culture.
Course Outcomes (CO)
K1 CO1 To remember that man is the responsible for preservation and destruction of nature.
K2 CO2 To understand the truth that the absence of spiritual knowledge is the reason for
racial discrimination and cultural degradation.
K3 CO3 Creating a world without economic imbalance through physical and mental health.
K4 CO4 Creating a new world without racial discrimination and terrorisms through spiritual
Racial discrimination and solutions - The problems of racial discrimination - Solutions -
Ecological imbalance and Solutions - Pollution and its threat to the world - E-Wastages -
Political upheavals and solutions - Pillars of democracy - Solutions - Global terrorism
and solutions - Origin of terrorism and solutions.
Cultural degradation and solutions - Emergence of monoculture and solutions - Principles
of Vivekanandar - Economic marginalisation and solutions - Reasons for economic crisis.
Crisis of natural resources and solution – Food, water and fuel scarcity - solution - Man is
the cause and man is the solution - Success through right action.
Meditaiton VI - Panchendriya Meditation - Mudras (1.Sin mudra - 2.Vayu mudra -
3.Suriya mudra - 4.Sooniya mudra - 5.Prithivi mudra - 6.Prana mudra - 7.Abana mudra -
8.Abanavayu mudra - 9.Varuna mudra - 10.Linga mudra) - Revision (Kayakalpa exercise
– Maharasana Part - I & II exercises - Massage exercise - Acupressure exercise -
Relaxation exercise).
Books for study:
1. Jeyalakshmi. S. et al., (2015). Global values. Fifth Edition.
Pollachi: NGM College. (Tamil version). pp: 72.
2. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation). (2018). Yoga practices.
First Edition. Pollachi: NGM College. (Tamil version). pp: 124.
Reference Books:
1. Vethathiri maharishi. (2003). Ulaga samuthaya Valkaineri. First edition.
Erode: Vethathiri publications (Tamil version). pp:84.
2. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation). (2018). Yogasanas.16th
Erode: Vethathiri publications (Tamil version). pp: 64.
3. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation). (2016). Value education,
4th edition. Erode: Vethathiri publication (English Version). pp:168.
4. Mayavati Memorial Edition (2012)The Complete works of Swami
Vivekananda (English Version) 25th Edition, Kolkata, swami
bodhasarananda, pp:535
5. N.M. Khandelwal, Indian Ethos and Values for Managers,Mumbai,
Himalaya publishing house PVT. LTD., 2011.
6. K. Lakshman, Indian Philosophy, Chennai, Easian Printers, 2008
7. Vethathiri maharishi,(2015).World peace, 9th edition, Erode, Vethathiri
Publications, pp: 341.
Signature: Signature:
NGM College
“Our dream is to make the college an institution of excellence at the national level by
imparting quality education of global standards to make students academically superior, socially
committed, ethically strong, spiritually evolved and culturally rich citizens to contribute to the
holistic development of the self and society”.
“Training students to become role models in academic arena by strengthening
infrastructure, upgrading curriculum, developing faculty, augmenting extension services and
imparting quality education through an enlightened management and committed faculty who
ensure knowledge transfer, instill research aptitude and infuse ethical and cultural values to
transform students into disciplined citizens in order to improve quality of life”.
• To attain Peace, Prosperity, Health, Happiness, Harmony and Wisdom for all.
• To be committed in Excellence in transferring knowledge to serve the social, cultural and
spiritual needs of the society
• To respect and pursue the professional ethics for overall benefit.
• To attain social security through self discipline and service.
• To work to bring glory to National pride with attitudinal change.
• To make the right choice in life, excel in the same; be useful to all and to experience the
sense of fulfillment.
Annexure : 3
Scheme of Examination
Max. Marks 50
Course Hrs/ Hrs/ CIA ESE Total Credits
Part Course Title
code week Exam (Practic (Theory Mark
al) (50/2) s
Semester I
Human Excellence - Personal
20HEC101 values & SKY Yoga 2 2 25 25 50 1
Practice - I
Semester II
Human Excellence - Family
20HEC202 values & SKY Yoga 2 2 25 25 50 1
Practice - II
Semester III
Human Excellence -
20HEC303 Professional values & SKY 2 2 25 25 50 1
Yoga Practice - III
Semester IV
Human Excellence - Social
20HEC404 values & SKY Yoga 2 2 25 25 50 1
Practice - IV
Semester V
Human Excellence - National
20HEC505 values & SKY Yoga 2 2 25 25 50 1
Practice - V
Semester VI
Human Excellence - Global
20HEC606 values & SKY Yoga 2 2 25 25 50 1
Practice - VI
Grand Total 300 6
Bloom’s Taxonomy Based Assessment Pattern
K1-Remember; K2- Understanding; K3- Apply; K4-Analyze; K5- Evaluate
Theory: 25 Marks
Section Marks Description Total
K1 & K2 A (Answer all) 10x1=10
50 *
B (Answer 5
K3 & K4 5 x 8 =40 Descriptive/ Detailed
out of 8)
Note: * End of Semester Examinations for theory will be conducted for 50 marks and converted
into 25 marks. Value education is offered in the name of Human Excellence. SKY - Simplified
Kundalini Yoga - formulated by Vethathiri Maharishi.
Observation Record 10
Skill Assessment 15
• Title of the Paper includes both Theory and Practical. End Semester Practical
Examination will be conducted for 25 marks. Hence the cumulative total mark of the
paper would be 50. Overall Minimum pass mark will be 20; Submission of record note
book is mandatory. Candidates appearing for practical examination should submit
bonafide record note books prescribed for practical examinations. Otherwise the
candidates will not be permitted to appear for the practical examination.
Programme Outcomes:
PO1 To maintain physical fitness, emotional stability and character building through
introspection practices for purification of thoughts and to moralize the desire and
to neutralize the anger and to lead peaceful life.
PO2 To understand various family values like kindness, duty, moral values and to
know the greatness of family relationship to develop love and compassion for all
living beings.
PO3 To promote the professional ethics through moral principles and to change the
mind-set of youth to render service for the development of the society.
PO4 To recognize the cultural ethical pride of the country and to maintain the unity
beyond caste, race, language and culture and to attain the world peace.
PO5 To understand the problems of racial discriminations, terrorism, economic
marginalization and find solutions to achieve peace, prosperity and happiness
PSO1 Improving the physical health, leading a virtuous life, character building, attaining
self realization through meditation and to manifest the hidden potentials, to
develop Consciousness and to render service to society with ecstasy.
PSO2 Understanding the greatness of family relationship and the significance of
chastity, understanding the greatness of womanhood, karma yogic life in the
family with peace and happiness.
PSO3 Imparting the characteristics which enrich the personality development, improving
leadership traits, realization of the need for time management, knowing the
importance of the philosophy of cause and effect through professional ethics and
to empower the mind to get prosperity in life.
PSO4 Realization of man as part of the society, the ways of maintaining harmonious
relationship in the society, to work for the development of the society, to realize
the need for multifaceted development of society.
PSO5 To educate the fundamental rights and duties, Greatness of Indian Culture,
Understanding the problems of racial discrimination, terrorism, and Economic
marginalization and seeking solutions to achieve prosperity, happiness and peace
in the world.
Programme code: All UG Courses Programme Title : Human Excellence
Course Code: 20HEC101 Course Title Batch : 2020-23
Human Excellence - Semester I
Hrs/Week: 2 Personal values & SKY Credits: 1
Yoga Practice - I
Course Objectives:
• Realizing the need for achieving Human excellence, aim of life and philosophy of life.
• Character enhancement.
• Physical health, mental prosperity and nurturing life-force.
Course Outcomes (CO)
K1 CO1 To remember the significance of individual’s character improvement, physical
health, mental prosperity and nurturing the life-force.
K2 CO2 To understand the capabilities of elevating oneself through maintaining good
physical and mental health.
K3 CO3 Preventing and curing physical and mental problems by regular practicing of
simplified physical exercise, Kayakalpa exercise and self-introspection.
K4 CO4 Exploring the subjective and objective of the mind through Ashtanga Yoga
Human Excellence Education - Purpose and philosophy of life - Ashtanga Yoga - Mind’s
subjective and objective conditions.
Analysis of thought - Greatness of thought - Practice for analysis of thought -
Moralisation of desire - Causes for desire - Practice for moralisation of desire.
Ethical Values for life - Fivefold Culture - Eradication of worries - Types and effects of
worries - Practice for eradication of worries.
Self-realization - God Realization and blossom of love - Kayakalpa exercise - Sexual drive
and Spiritual development - Practice of Kayakalpa exercise.
Meditations I - Agna meditation - Shanthi meditation - Spinal card clearance - Physical
health development - Simplified Physical Exercises Part-I - Hand exercise - Leg exercise
- Neuro Muscular Breathing exercise - Eye exercise - Kabalapathy exercise.
Books for study:
1. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation). (2019). Personal values.
Third Edition. Pollachi: NGM College. (English version). pp: 88.
2. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation). (2019). Yogasanas.
First Edition. Pollachi: NGM College. (English version). pp: 111.
Reference Books:
1. Vethathiri Maharishi (2017). Manavalakalai part-I. 50th edition.
Erode: Vethathiri publication (Tamil version). pp: 231.
2. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation) (2016) Value education,
fourth edition.Erode: Vethathiri publication (English Version). pp: 168.
3. Vethathiri Maharishi. (2013). Arularuvi part-I. 5th edition.
Erode: Vethathiri publications (Tamil version). pp: 188.
4. J.T.K. Daniel Nirmal Selvamony, Value Education today, Chennai, New
century Book house (P) Ltd.,
5. Vethathiri Maharishi (2017), Mind, 8th edition. Erode, Vethathiri
Publications, pp: 55
6. B.S. Aacharya, Pathanjali Yoga Sutra,Chennai, Narmadha publications,
YouTube Link:
S-Strong; H-High; M-Medium; L-Low
Signature: Signature:
Signature: Signature:
Programmecode: All UG Courses Programme Title : Human Excellence
Course Code: 20HEC202 Course Title Batch : 2020-23
Human Excellence - Family Semester II
Hrs/Week: 2 values & SKY Yoga Credits: 1
Practice -II
Course Objectives :
• To realize the greatness of the relationship of the family members.
• Creating a blissful marital life with love and compassion through blessing.
• Respect women and bring family peace to following the principles of karma yoga.
Course Outcomes (CO)
K1 CO1 To remember the fact that the blessings family members brings peace in the
family and to remembers the principles of karma yoga.
K2 CO2 To understand the greatness of family with physical and mental health.
K3 CO3 To removes obstacles in yoga practice, for doing exercises, meditation and
K4 CO4 Enhances the quality of life in the family through physical and mental exercises.
Mutual blessings for family peace - Benefits of blessing - Method of blessing -
Neutralization of anger - Effects of anger - Practice for neutralization of anger.
Practice to overcome impediments of yoga - Mindset - Greatness of womanhood -
Women and Divinity - Bharathi and development of Womanhood.
Blissful marital life - Greatness of good relationship - Thiruvalluvar’s Concepts of Family
values - Harmony in family - Joint family.
Love and compassion - Love and life force - Food is Medicine - Food habits that cures
deficiency - Karma Yoga - Gratitude and awareness.
Meditation II - Thuriya meditation - Simplified Physical Exercises Part-II - Makarasana
exercise part-I - Makarasana exercise part-II - Massage exercise - Acupressure exercise -
Relaxation exercise - Revision (Kayakalpa exercise).
Books for study:
Reference Books:
1. Vethathiri Maharishi. (2017). Manavalakalai part-I. 50th edition.
Erode: Vethathiri publication (Tamil version). pp: 231.
2. Vethathiri Maharishi. (2016). Manavalakalai part-II. 28th edition.
Erode: Vethathiri publication (Tamil version). pp: 198.
3. Vethathiri Maharishi. (2016). Manavalakalai part-III. 20th edition.
Erode: Vethathiri publication (Tamil version). pp: 277.
4. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation). (2016). Value education,
4th edition. Erode: Vethathiri publication (English Version). pp: 168.
5. Sri Sri Paranjothi Maharishi, ( 2009) Thirukkural, Erode,Kayathri
Offeset print.
6. Department of Human Excellence et.all, Unleashing Excellence,
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan publication, 2012.
7. Rabin Sharma, Family Wisdom, Jai Co Public house, 2009.
8. B.S. Aacharya, Thirumanthiram,Chennai, Narmadha publication, 2009.
YouTube Link:
Signature: Signature:
Signature: Signature:
Programme code: All UG Courses Programme Title : Human Excellence
Course Code: 20HEC303 Course Title Batch : 2020-23
Human Excellence - Semester III
Hrs/Week: 2 Professional values & Credits: 1
SKY Yoga Practice -III
Course Objectives:
• To develop personality development skills and leadership traits.
• Following professional ethics through cause and effect system
• To achieve success in the work with passion for excellence by empowering the mind
K2 CO2 To understand cause and effect system to develop passion for excellence.
K3 CO3 To apply practicing simplified physical exercise and meditation for the
development of profession.
K4 CO4 To analyse empowering the mind and spiritual strength for attaining success in
Concepts of personality development (5C's & 5E's) - Self-development and leadership
traits - Leadership traits of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.
Intelligence, Emotions and Spiritual quotients - Spirituality and Vallalar - Time
management - Time management for students -Time saving methods.
Philosophy of Cause and effect - Instructions for streamlining student activities - Mind
and the state of God - Professional ethics - Significance of professional ethics.
Enhancement of life standard - Methods to attain higher goal - Empowerment of Mind -
Success through mental strength - Passion for excellence – Positive thoughts.
Meditation III - Thuriyatheetha meditation - Surya namaskar (1.Piranamasana - 2.Hastha
Uttanasana - 3.Patha Hasthasana - 4.Aswa Sanjalana asana - 5.Thuvipatha Aswasanjalana
asana - 6.Astanga Namaskara - 7.Pujangasana - 8.Atha Muktha Savasana - 9.Aswa
Sanjalana asana - 10.Patha Hasthasana - 11.Hastha Uttanasana - 12.Piranamasana) -
Revision (Kayakalpa exercise - Hand exercise - Leg exercise - Neuro Muscular
Breathing exercise - Eye exercise - Kabalapathy exercise)
Books for study:
Reference Books:
1. Vethathiri Maharishi. (2017). Mind. 8th edition. Erode: Vethathiri
publication. pp: 55.
2. P. Nagarajan, et al., (2003). Ethics and culture. Pollachi: NGM College.
(Tamil version). pp: 111.
3. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation). (2016). Value education, 4th
edition. Erode: Vethathiri publication (English Version). pp: 168.
4. WCSC - Vision for wisdom (compilation). (2018). Yogasanans,
16th Edition. Erode: Vethathiri publication (Tamil version). pp: 64.
5. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (1999) Wings of Fire, 1st Edition Chennai,
University Press (English Version) pp: 180.
6. Kurinji.Gnana. Vaithyanathan (2014) Life History of Thiruarutprakasa
Vallalar Ramalinga swamigal 4th edition, Chennai, Karish Offset Printers,
Chennai (Tamil Version)
7. V. Erai Anbu, Seventh Knowledge, Chennai, New Century Book house, 2016.
8. R.C. Sampath, Tals toi story for Youth, Chennai,Pavai Printers, 2014.
YouTube Link:
Signature: Signature:
Signature: Signature:
Programme code: All UG Courses Programme Title : Human Excellence
Course Code: 20HEC404 Course Title Batch : 2020-23
Human Excellence - Social Semester IV
Hrs./Week: 2 values & SKY Yoga Credits: 1
Practice - IV
Course Objectives:
• Man is the integral part of the society which insists harmonious relationship between
man and society.
• To create a drug addiction free society with morality through purity of mind.
• Realize the importance of central message of religions and eliminate the social
upheavals through the moral education.
Course Outcomes (CO)
K1 CO1 To remember that human evolution has occurred through transformation and
manifestation of the Almighty, to create a balanced society.
K2 CO2 To understand the reasons for disparity among human beings to strengthen the
unity in the society.
K3 CO3 To realize that Sangya philosophy enhances the concept of meditation.
K4 CO4 Maintaining the social welfare through Physical health and purity of mind.
Evolution of Man - Evolution of Universe - Evolution of Living beings - Significance of
sixth sense - Man is the part of society - Social unity according to the sages.
Disparities among human beings - Seven values of human beings - Sixteen disparities -
Social welfare through purity of mind - Greatness of mind - Methods of mind
Education and society - Social concepts for education - Social services through education
- De addiction -Technology addiction and solution.
Social discriminations and solutions - Basic reason for social problems and solutions -
Vision of Arutselvar - Sangya philosophy - Structure and functions of three bodies -
Central message of religions - Message from Sages.
Meditation IV – Pancha bootha navagragha Meditation - Yogasanas Part-I
(1.Viruchasana - 2.Chakrasana (side wise) - 3.Padmasana - 4.Vajrasana - 5.Yoga mudra -
6.Pachi mothasana. 7.Ustrasana - 8.Vakkrasana - 9.Sidhasana - 10.Gomukhasana) -
Revision (Kayakalpa exercise - Maharasana Part-I & II exercises - Massage exercise -
Acupressure exercise - Relaxation exercise)
Books for study:
Signature: Signature:
Programme code: All UG Courses Programme Title : Human Excellence
Course Code: 20HEC505 Course Title Batch : 2020-23
Human Excellence Semester V
Hrs/Week: 2 National values & SKY Credits: 1
Yoga Practice - V
Course Objectives:
• Educating the fundamental rights and duties of citizens.
• Achieving national integration and peace through cooperation by following unity in
• Developing tolerance among religions and enhancing service motive for national
Course Outcomes
K1 CO1 To remember one’s fundamental rights and duties for national integration and
K2 CO2 To understand the importance and practices of Hatha Yoga
K3 CO3 To apply improving physical health and mental prosperity render service and
sacrifice for national security
K4 CO4 To analyse developing tolerance among religions through spiritual growth for
achieving national integration
Enlightened Citizenship - Fundamental rights - Fundamental duties - Nehru’s perspective
view of India - Emerging India - Contribution of Indian youth at global level.
Hatha Yoga - Importance and practices of hatha yoga - The greatness of Indian culture -
Life philosophy inspired through epics.
Unit -3
India and peace - Causes of war - World peace plans - India's message to the world -
Indian philosophy known to the world.
Service and sacrifice - Service of Mother Therasa - Unity in Diversity - Necessity of unity
- Gandhian principles and National Integration - India and spirituality – Spiritual
development - Six religious sects.
Meditation V - Nine Centre meditation - Yogasanas Part-II (1.Mandukasana -
2.Matsyasana - 3.Navasana -4.Pavannmuktasana - 5.Uthana padhasana - 6.Bhujangasana
- 7.Dhanurasana - 8.Navukasana - 9.Salabasana - 10.Makkarasana) - Revision (Kayakalpa
exercise - Hand exercise - Leg exercise - Neuro Muscular Breathing exercise - Eye
exercise - Kabalapathy exercise).
Books for study:
Signature: Signature:
Programme code: All UG Courses Programme Title : Human Excellence
Course Code: 20HEC606 Course Title Batch : 2020-23
Human Excellence Semester VI
Hrs/Week: 2 Global values & SKY Credits: 1
Yoga Practice - VI
Course Objectives:
• Creating a new world without Racial discrimination, Terrorism and Economic
• Utilizing natural resources and finding the solution for ecological imbalances.
• Creating a world with good political governance and improved culture.
Course Outcomes (CO)
K1 CO1 To remember that man is the responsible for preservation and destruction of nature.
K2 CO2 To understand the truth that the absence of spiritual knowledge is the reason for
racial discrimination and cultural degradation.
K3 CO3 Creating a world without economic imbalance through physical and mental health.
K4 CO4 Creating a new world without racial discrimination and terrorisms through spiritual
Racial discrimination and solutions - The problems of racial discrimination - Solutions -
Ecological imbalance and Solutions - Pollution and its threat to the world - E-Wastages -
Political upheavals and solutions - Pillars of democracy - Solutions - Global terrorism
and solutions - Origin of terrorism and solutions.
Cultural degradation and solutions - Emergence of monoculture and solutions - Principles
of Vivekanandar - Economic marginalisation and solutions - Reasons for economic crisis-
Crisis of natural resources and solution – Food, water and fuel scarcity - solution - Man is
the cause and man is the solution - God realization and Virtues.
Meditaiton VI - Panchendriya Meditation - Mudras (1.Sin mudra - 2.Vayu mudra -
3.Suriya mudra - 4.Sooniya mudra - 5.Prithivi mudra - 6.Prana mudra - 7.Abana mudra -
8.Abanavayu mudra - 9.Varuna mudra - 10.Linga mudra) - Revision (Kayakalpa exercise
– Maharasana Part - I & II exercises - Massage exercise - Acupressure exercise -
Relaxation exercise).
Books for study:
YouTube Link:
Signature: Signature: