New General Mathematics Book 1
New General Mathematics Book 1
New General Mathematics Book 1
Chapter 17
E.".,,,,i.., 17a revises lOme Dr,he ....'ork )'<>U did;n d ~lc ...."rc COB 10 ..,. if your ~\l"'" ....
ChaplU 9. You "'ill n~ .. protracl<;>r, rukr ~~'
and Jl(lICll. c Ftnd ,he fum ofthr lOu. angl... at 0
3 ~brl< .. point 0 on '"uti.
papn-o Dr.". a
bH.,..., 11. fi..., lin'll ""eh ..,,"jng at 0 This ....·ill ~1
I Make a dra",ing like that in r.g. 11.1. BCA five angta at 0 (Fig. 17,SI. :\!a,k lllnn c.
is ""Bight line:. AeD <1l!o bo, :LIlYDu. r. J. r,
,a Meaoun ACO ~ BCD .
(bJ find <he fUDI of BCD
(el Cornpa.o: yourn:sultl wilhodtaMuOmu
;n your claD. Wlw do,.., 1>CKi«?
.' ~lc,..urt: the fivc angl"" a.', r. d. r.
2 D.... w any "',,0 .'night IiDc::o AB and CD 10 'b find 11K- Mlrn of .he Ii,,,, ,"ollla,
inlnwct at a point 0 f"0Ij:.17.'2'. r Compan: ,,""'. mula ...~th..u...r .'~"f
in your da... What do )'0<1 notice
While "orkinll lhrtlu~h ,h. P'""";OUI ~"
yOtJ ma, I",.,'~ diKo.'~..."j ~ f1<'b about
------- "
C •
ansle. fl>l'1md .. /lv> lin~ ~' or- croa-
ADgles OD a _traishlliDe
"ri,. 17.2
Wh~n l.."an,:lellj~ oojd~ea~h and
1'" Mea$Urt AOc and 008 Whal do you a common ,cn~~....... "~' II,C" u~ adja",-
notice? .-achOthct I" fill(_ I ;,4;AOB .. adjxnl(lolll.
(b) Mc~ur.: ....OC and AOO ,.."d zuld .hem ROC 0 adjaanllo ,\OB.
10J<cthcr. What do VOU I><>llce' Wh..., a :llraili(hl hue .,and. 0" a
(c) GUo:sJI the 'itt of CaB. Ilr;lj~l" line. I'"''' adja~elH a"Kko a,.., {;
Calculating the sizes of angles
The above facto nuoke it possible (0 calculate
the sizes ofangl.. in givm figures,
{) Example 1
In Fig. /7./1 AOB fZfU! cOD <IU mlllgnl li"'J.
The .um of Ihe two adjaccQ( angl.. on a '1:light BOo - 62' aoJ WE _ 1r. c.JndIIk: Ih< ow.-
line is 180°, In Fig.n.5 AOC + BOC _ ISO". anglu in tJujig,,,,.
, &a.npl,..2 _ ~ _
In Fit_ J7.9~APB_%", BPC_AI'B,CPDi<_
Fig. 17.6 IIJ liZ d' APB alUi Tt}k% APD uja ~ .. 6it IIJ
APR. Mah "" 'qJit1.lion in ". s.h>r tit MJ ..- QN/
Anglea """"ling at a point jilUi IJu jQUT ""tltl.
When a numbo,r of lin.. m,"", at a point thry ,
will form lh. same number of angles. The sum
of the ~ngleo "!..a poin, is 360°. If' Fig. 17.7.
AOB + BOC + CElD + DOA _ 360"
Fit. 17.9
APB _ ,,"
gPC ... ,," ( ... APB)~
CPD-U (_2"A~B)
Fit. 17.7 APD _ 5%~ (_ 5" APB)
APB + Bfic + c'o + An> .. 360" I\Im of 2ID fig,IUI, POR_3r. C.icOlbn
~IIP Other Ihnc angles. Ci,e n:asona.
?+Jt+V+,V'_36O" , ,
9.... 360
We< .'
Eaft"C:iM In.
t (On.l) Find the size: oftheleller«!lngles in
fig. 17.10. Give ,easom. Fiz. /7.11
·he Itllen ~ andZ' Hence calculate MO=,
• In F~ 17.U, EKF-"°.fKC is ,,,i«:u ~g
,.. EKF, CRH is th..", rimes .. bill: u EKF
and HRE is four rima:u bi.g as ERr. :>.f.u..
aa njWlUon in % Soh.., th.. tqlU.tion 10 lind
die lOu. a.n«lcs.. O>a:k ~_r ani..·... by finding
u..: IIlrn o(lIIe ..... anglrs. r.,. lUI
Now th.t lhe dist.ana bet..'em .. pair 0(
par.1OlJd liMO is always <heAm". A li~ CUlting
a ""iT of parallel 'ina is calk<! a tnuuI,,",",,-,
1 r._
E-rciM t1c
17.20 "l'rewnu" _-Jew of" hut.
, ,
F'l' 1l./6
Ftg./7.U F'l_17.25
(e) fig. 11.23 sho>o.", two olher pairs of Q
corresponding angl<:•. Draw a .ketch 10 Fi~.17.27
show one more pair of corresponding
4 In Fig. 17.28, which angle corruponds to
~fe""u..., each pair On j'OUr diagram.
What do )'Ou noti.:c' Corresponding la) T, (b) p, (c) E, (d) J?
illlgie. arc sometimes called F ~$_ Which iUlgl<: i. a1lcmaCc 10
Can Y<lU think ....11).;> (e) 7, (I) iii, w,
(g) (h) l?
(d) In Fig. 17.24, Ihe marked anglc. arc Which angle il allied ..... tIl
r.all<:d all"",at,, aJ1(Ies. Measure the (i) I G)w?
.iu of thU pair of alternate anglc. on Which angle is co-interior wilh
your diagram. Whal do you notice? (1:) n (I) I?
Ah~rDate angla
• Allc~lc anll'lcs an: eqogIl'fi 17-'1).
• •
}i~. 17.N
.5 fig. 11.29 shoooo, '" pair ~parallclliDaand a
1r.lIlS''CrsaJ mlcncailUl" ai X md Y. On.; ' ...... II is pouibk 10 ~ Qlj . . 'I" 5; ....
angk ill gi,,,,n as 80". Shieh :I. COJIl' ollhc angks "ith l~ ..-h.ich ~ _
~- Jill in I/)(-sius of all Inc angles at panlJel. In Fie. 17.32, angle. CUlt', '.
X. TtylOftl'm l~"lhc augl",,:1.1 Y angie.: angie if is altenullC 10 angI"'.1.......
n>:r, Ilroo;e lhe lines an: not p;oralId.lhc I..llCSm
arc.., equal. Le.• '" 6 and .... .1.
Fi~, /7.29 '"
While working through F..,xcl\:ioc lie }"U rna}
have nOlj~d lhe roJk),..~ng racts about the Fr,. 17':12
'",gles formed when a tr:u,,,,,rsaI crosse.
p;lr.. llcl JilK.,
Fit. /7.30
" ,
,. "
'" p;\~.-.,.-
F'I' 17.J5
Angles in a U'iangte
bercix 171t
I {al t:1Ie '" protrxlO< '" rneasun: ,h" an~
,n uungloesABC and PQR lfl f'll' I;.
(b) t,M Ii'" rum cf the _gles of d
(i.c.findA + 8 + C).
(el Find 11K_sum ~ lh~ _gles of d
(Le. lind P + Q + R).
(d) Whl, do ~'OU norice about yout t6
in (b) and (el?
, (d) \\1"u do ~nu ~
t .... ''''gln''''' 'u'.....
'\bell "'<>rkln~ 'h......1;h u.~
ha>... nocicnllh.ll W su'" or lIM: ........ ~.
~ .. ia 180 _TIu. i> .....c [,_ -""';;;~~
We can .t-. lhis in ,hot- I,,""" .....
Fil:. 17J9, ABC 15 am. ,~t h • ..ncI-
:.",.7" and t'.
,"-" c-'> •
F;~. 17.)9
,"'"-----'- •
FiX. lUi
F~ /7.37 F", 17.38 • u-aiJ!lu line. Thu. c" + .J. -.- ;!' - ..
x"._,o and~·:ArC abo tbe: .un '" die -.cfn.
(e) Tate .he thre<: :lJ1lllu and llTnng1: ,/W: .... ABC. Th.u the SWIl of u... ~._
tbc:m JO WI l~ an: .lJKt.lIl 10 uch triangle iJ 180".
other:uinF<g.Ii.38. UK 111;0 r;oci in E:.~n::iK I-I