Supply & Planning Manual
Supply & Planning Manual
Supply & Planning Manual
1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................... 7
2 SUPPLY .................................................................................................................................. 8
2.14.1 Introduction........................................................................................................ 61
2.14.2 Scope ................................................................................................................ 61
2.14.3 Major Types Of Private Generator ..................................................................... 61
2.14.4 Safety ................................................................................................................ 62
2.14.5 Fault Level Control ............................................................................................ 63
2.14.6 Compatibility With System ................................................................................. 63
2.14.7 Protection .......................................................................................................... 63
2.14.8 Control ............................................................................................................... 64
2.14.9 Parallel Operation At Low Voltage..................................................................... 65
2.14.10 Associated Legislation .................................................................................. 65
3 PLANNING............................................................................................................................. 74
This manual shall apply to all supply and distribution planning activities associated with the
ENERGEX network.
The Supply and Planning Manual has resulted from amalgamation of the Distribution Planning
Manual and the Electricity Supply Manual. It provides relevant, essential background information
existing “brownfield” network in terms of ‘what’ has developed and ‘why’, and
direction for the emerging “greenfield” network (further defined by the Network Building
The Supply and Planning Manual provides baseline knowledge behind planning and supply
philosophies adopted for ENERGEX’s typically long-life assets.
All reviews will incorporate input from stakeholders to ensure alignment with ENERGEX’s
objectives and optimisation of the ‘whole-of-life’ asset life cycle.
The National Energy Customer Framework (NECF) is a major component of the National
Electricity Market (NEF) The key objectives of NECF are (1) to streamline the regulation of of
energy distribution and retail regulation functions, and (2) develop an efficient retail energy
market including appropriate customer protection.
From the 1 July 2012, customers are required to enter into an agreement with Energex for
all new connections or alterations to existing connections
A negotiated Connection Contract will apply for Large Customers which have either (1) a demand
above 1 MVA, (2) an energy consumption which exceeds 4 GWhrs per annum or (3) is connected
at High Voltage (11 kV and above) and does not have a generating system operating in parallel
with the Network. The Large Customer Connection process is outlined in BMS 3631 and the
Customer Standards for Small to Medium Scale Embedded Generators is outlined in BMS3972.
Where a Large Customer does not enter into a negotiation Connection Contract, a deemed
connection contract will apply.
General categories of conditions, applicable when a customer applies for electricity supply are:
Tariff Conditions
Refer to the ENERGEX Network Pricing Schedule for further information.
Agreement Conditions
Agreement conditions -as outlined in the NECF (refer Section 2.2)
In accordance with Electricity act 1996, section 40D, ENERGEX’s obligation to connect does not
apply where:
a) The customer’s connection services application is for supply at a rate more than the maximum
capacity of the connection to the entity’s supply network;
b) The customer does not comply with a requirement of the entity to give any of the following —
(i) a reasonable advance payment for customer connection services;
(ii) a reasonable security or agreement for security for performing the customer’s
obligations to the entity;
(iii) a capital contribution towards the entity’s costs incurred, or to be incurred, in extending
or increasing the capacity of its supply network to provide the services;
c) After disconnecting supply under the Electricity Act 1994 or a connection contract, the entity is
not reasonably satisfied the matter that caused the disconnection has been remedied,
rectified or fixed;
d) For supply to premises for which there is an existing agreement with the entity for supply of
electricity —
(i) the applicant does not agree on similar terms to those that apply for balance of the
term of the existing agreement; and
(ii) the entity does not otherwise agree;
e) The customer does not provide and maintain space, equipment, access, facilities or anything
else the customer must provide for the services, under the Electricity Act 1994 or a connection
f) The customer is not a party to a retail contract with a retail entity under which the retail entity
provides customer retail services to the customer’s premises; or
If ENERGEX does not have an obligation to supply a particular customer, the customer must be
given reasons in writing, as soon as practicable after, but within one month of receiving the
application (Electricity Regulation 2006, section 40B).
A capital contribution may be payable as per the capital contributions policy set out in the
ENERGEX Pricing Principles Statement published on the ENERGEX website.
Capital contributions are calculated using the capital contributions calculator maintained by
Network Pricing Department.
This section outlines the basic conditions for providing a supply of electricity where an extension
of electricity mains is required.
contribute a share to earlier contributors and or current project in accordance with ENERGEX
Network Pricing policy
provide ENERGEX with electrical load and site details
provide the correct property description
provide wayleaves or easements (where required)
comply with the conditions of offer including clearing (if required)
provide suitable accommodation for ENERGEX equipment such as cable pits and conduits on
the property and appropriate civil works for ground substations.
provide conduits across existing frontages to facilitate underground of existing overhead.
When a Customer requests Supply, a Network Service Centre Request (Form 2018) shall be
completed by the Asset Manager/Planner/Designer outlining the type of load (large or small
customer), the load details (eg Commercial, Domestic) and Customer details.
The Supply for Large Customers shall follow the process outlined in the Large Customer
Connection (LCC) Process (BMS 3631) and in the Network Service Connection intranet site.
The process allows for either Energex to perform the design and construction or to an external
party to perform the design and construction. The phases of the LCC process include:
1. Pre-feasibility Connection Enquiry (Form 1001)
2. Connection Enquiry (Form 1593)
3. Connection Application
4. Acceptance of Offer
5. Engagement of a Design Service Provider
6. Engagement of a Construction Service Provider
7. Notification to Energex on completion of project
ENERGEX shall provide funds towards the capital cost of the extension in accordance with the
ENERGEX capital contributions policy.
2.5.1 Scope
This section details conditions for electricity supply reticulation to residential, commercial and
industrial subdivisions.
residential subdivisions
industrial and commercial subdivisions
community title and residential building unit plan subdivisions
retirement village
relocatable home parks
integrated resorts (residential areas only)
residential estates developed by the Queensland Department of Housing, Department
of Local Government, Sport and Recreation and Department of Infrastructure and
2.5.2 Responsibilities ENERGEX
Subdivision and Network Service Centre Manager shall be responsible for matters relating
to conditions of supply. Consultants
All works associated with the installation of electricity reticulation shall be the responsibility
of the developer's consultant and service provider and a Certificate of Completion with “as
constructed” drawings (Form 1447) shall be provided.
ENERGEX will issue a Certificate for Electricity Supply to Subdividers (Form 1266), only after the
developer has executed a Subdividers Electricity Supply Agreement (Form 1049), made the
required payments and lodged a guarantee bond.
Labour costs of design, project management and construction including civil works and
vegetation works
Developer supplied materials including street lighting & conduits
Cost of relocating existing assets.
Agreement for supply may only be cancelled by the developer or ENERGEX, subject to the Local
Authority agreeing to revoke the Certificate for Electricity Supply to Subdividers (Form 1266). The
bond shall not be released without the agreement in writing from the Local Authority that the
Certificate for Electricity Supply (Form 1266) has been cancelled. All costs incurred by
ENERGEX due to projects that are cancelled will be recovered from the bond.
Where the survey plans for the subdivision have been sealed, the Local Authority will only revoke
the Certificate for Electricity Supply after the Development Application for the subdivision has
lapsed, typically five years from issue.
If there is an existing 11 kV or LV Overhead line with associated equipment (i.e. ground stays)
traversing the estate to be reticulated, a "Consent to the Erection of Electric Line" (Form 1146) or
agreement to relocate the line, shall be obtained before a Certificate of Electricity Supply is
issued. If there is an existing 33 kV Overhead line, 11 kV underground or LV underground line
traversing the estate to be reticulated, the line shall be covered by an easement or relocated after
agreement from the ENERGEX Subdivision and Network Service Centre Manager. This shall be
included in the executed Subdividers Electricity Supply Agreement before a Certificate for
Electricity Supply is issued. All costs associated with securing easements are to be the
developer's responsibility.
If the supply line is subject to an existing guarantee agreement, the cost of cancelling the existing
agreement and the cost of sharing any capital contribution shall be the developer's responsibility.
The consultant is required to confirm, in writing, their appointment to act on the developer's behalf
during design and construction of the estate. The consultant is to advise ENERGEX of the
appointed contractors prior to materials being requisitioned. The consultants and contractors
must have an ENERGEX Quality Rating. All estates shall be designed and constructed in
accordance with ENERGEX requirements as well as all relevant SWP's, Design manuals and
Construction manuals.
The developer shall provide suitable plans showing property lot details, along with a
Subdivision Details Sheet (Form 1448) prior to the lodgement of the detailed design.
ENERGEX design parameters are located on the ENERGEX website, and are to apply to
all subdivision projects. Design variations are to be confirmed through the submission of
a concept plan.
ENERGEX will pay the developer for these works, not the contractor that has been
appointed. All works are to be associated with a Subdivision Electricity Supply Agreement.
The developer shall submit the detailed design, LV Drop Calculations and proposed
switching/commissioning plan to ENERGEX. According to the rating of the consultant
engaged by the developer for the design, a lodgement fee may be charged with the
submission of the design plan. In all cases, ENERGEX may also charge a fee for each
subsequent checking of detailed designs. Payment is to be made with lodgement of the
detailed designs.
Eligible small subdivision projects are not required to be submitted for checking and the
Design Lodgement Fee is not applicable to these projects. The design may be submitted
as the "master copy" when the Subdivision Electricity Supply Agreement is required.
After ENERGEX has accepted the detailed design, the developer shall provide a master
copy to ENERGEX in an approved format.
ENERGEX shall prepare an Estimate of works, based on the material list supplied by the
consultant, to include the following: Materials
The developer will be required to purchase material (including streetlight material), and
may choose to purchase from ENERGEX or a supplier of choice. Only material included
on ENERGEX’s Approved Material List can be utilised for the purpose of electricity
reticulation. If a developer wishes to use material that is not on the approved material list,
a submission to ENERGEX is required to have the item included on the list. ENERGEX
will require a minimum lead time of three months to process a submission and include a
new item on the list.
ENERGEX will provide the materials detailed above as requested in the material list,
provided by the Consultant. The material list to be provided by the consultant is to be a
summary of the Resource Estimation Models required to complete the project, clearly
identifying those to be supplied by ENERGEX. ENERGEX may charge a fee to order
materials that are omitted from the supplied material list.
The developer must make the payment and give written notice of the works program as
specified by ENERGEX before work is commenced.
Works Authorisation shall be prepared and approved before offers of supply are made to the
developer. The Certificate for Electricity Supply will be completed when the developer accepts
the Subdivision Electricity Supply Agreement, and makes the required payments and lodges the
bond with ENERGEX.
If the offer is not accepted by the expiry date it will lapse. Should a new offer be required:
A Certificate of Acceptance (Form 1681) will be issued when ENERGEX is satisfied with all
aspects of construction and compliance with the Subdivision Electricity Supply Agreement
general conditions. All easements in favour of ENERGEX will require a Registration Confirmation
Statement, and sealed survey plans for ENERGEX sites excised as road reserve.
ENERGEX shall be at liberty to cancel the offer/agreement or amend its estimate of costs if the
developer changes the subdivision plan or does not commence construction of the reticulation
within six (6) months and complete construction within nine (9) months of acceptance of the
Subdivision Electricity Supply Agreement by developer. Where the offer is cancelled or not
completed on time, ENERGEX may elect to complete the electricity supply to the estate and
deduct the cost of such work from the bond. Once a project has been cancelled, a new
ENERGEX project number is to be reallocated if a Subdivision Electricity Supply Agreement is
requested by the developer.
Under extenuating circumstances, the ENERGEX Subdivision & Streetlighting Coordinator may
approve the part energisation of an estate upon a genuine request for supply being made. All
requirements of SWP 31 "Commissioning of Estates and Electrical Extensions" must be met
before part energisation. ENERGEX will require voltage drop calculations and timing for
completion of the reticulation works to be submitted with the approval request.
ENERGEX will not take responsibility for equipment damaged until the final certificate of
acceptance is issued by ENERGEX. Part certificates of acceptance will NOT be issued.
A charge based on the additional work required to update records twice may be charged at the
discretion of ENERGEX.
2.5.12 Switching
As of July 2009, all allotments created by the subdivision are no longer eligible for an ENERGEX
financial contribution to aspects of the construction works proposed to complete the electrical
Works associated with the relocation of existing overhead assets due to road widening, are to be
fully funded by the developer. This does not include relocation works required for the
construction of new entry roads or turning lanes.
Works associated with the reconfiguration of existing lots, where ENERGEX has previously made
a contribution towards the existing lots under the Subdivision Policy, are to be fully funded by the
All tree trimming/clearing on new subdivisions shall be completed in accordance with SWP1.6
and meet the requirement of the broad scale tree clearing provisions of the Vegetation
Management Act 1999 in Queensland. All tree trimming/ clearing on subdivisions in newly
developed areas is to be in accordance with the profiles for new lines. All tree trimming/clearing
on subdivisions in existing built up areas is to be in accordance with the profiles for existing lines.
ENERGEX requires all existing and proposed 11 kV and LV overhead powerlines with associated
equipment (i.e. ground stays) crossing private property (where that property is located within a
subdivision development), be protected by a Wayleave - "Consent to the Erection of Electric Line"
(Form 1146). It is at ENERGEX Subdivision & Streetlighting Department’s discretion whether an
existing asset is to be relocated or protected by wayleave or easement.
Existing lines crossing land external to the development, that require modification due to the
reticulation, are also required to be protected by a Wayleave - "Consent to the Erection of Electric
Should wayleave “Consent to the Erection of Electric Line” (Form 1146) be required, ENERGEX
requires this form to be lodged with ENERGEX before a Certificate for Electricity Supply is issued.
Powerlines installed in Reciprocal Rights easements to supply lots via a private road or driveway
are deemed to be suitably protected, by the reciprocal rights easement, subject to electricity being
included as one of the services listed in the easement document.
Community Title Developments have common property arrangements, which provide adequate
security for ENERGEX Assets installed to supply the development. Easements will be required
where external customers are supplied from the internal reticulation of the development.
Easements may also be required where the majority of the underground reticulation is proposed
to be installed throughout the development outside of the standard alignment.
All residential, excluding high density community title, and all commercial & industrial
developments are to be reticulated with provision for a 3 phase connection to each allotment.
All high density community title developments are to be reticulated with a minimum 7 fuse panel &
each pillar is to have a designed maximum connection of 5 fuses. ENERGEX will consider
variations on this theme on a case by case basis.
The installation of ENERGEX assets in rear access strips & private driveways is not desirable
however will be permitted where there is clear community benefit in doing so. Community benefit
is defined as a situation where allotments are at the end of a lengthy access strip (ie. 80-200 m)
with the house site some further distance from the end of this access, where it is not feasible to
install consumers mains due to distance and may cause potential future voltage problems.
The access strip or private driveway is to have sufficient space to install ENERGEX cables and
pillars in a grassed footpath corridor adjacent to the driveway/roadway as detailed in ENERGEX
specifications for Community Title developments.
A reciprocal rights access easement over the access strip or private driveway with electricity listed
as one of the approved services will be sufficient to protect ENERGEX assets in these locations,
otherwise a minimum 2.0 m wide underground electricity easement is required to be granted in
favour of ENERGEX.
The layout of community title subdivisions is similar to that of standard Underground Residential
Distribution (URD) subdivisions. The cables must be run on a consistent alignment within
common property, usually within 1.5 m of an internal road.
The allocated corridor shall be an area that is turfed with cross overs for driveways and parking
bays only. The allocated corridor shall be free of all permanent structures (such as rubbish bin
enclosures, gazebos and retaining walls).
ENERGEX allows reticulation of a Community Title Scheme if the internal roads supply more than
10 customers. If there is not an internal road, or there are less than 10 customers, ENERGEX
considers this work non-contestable and is to be design and construct by ENERGEX.
The Community Title Scheme is not to have multiple points of supply from ENERGEX network
installed outside the development on road reserve.
A maximum of four individual detached dwellings may be initially supplied from any pillar.
This is to allow for any future load development, eg certain consumers requiring three-phase
supply at a later date. Buildings containing more than one unit will likely require polyphase
supply. Phases shall be nominated for individual dwellings to ensure optimum phase
24 hour access is required to all ENERGEX assets inside the Community Title Scheme.
As with all larger subdivision projects, the small subdivision projects will be forwarded to a
consultant to confirm the scope of works required to meet the council subdivision conditions.
Where supply is available to existing lots, the consultant is to lodge a sketch showing the
pole/pillar location in relation to the new property boundaries. ENERGEX will then issue a
Certificate for Electricity Supply to Subdividers (Form 1266) or Certificate for Electricity Supply for
Minor Developments (Form 1185), to enable the sealing of plans.
For small subdivisions the process is fast tracked to allow the works plan to be submitted for a
supply agreement, without lodgement of a concept plan or formal design check. Small
subdivision projects are not subject to design lodgement fees or LV switching charges, however
Field Audit Fees will apply.
The works plans for small subdivisions may be submitted in A4 format with hand drawn site
sketches. The works plan is required to have the appropriate schedules completed and LV
schematics are not mandatory.
Small subdivision projects which are eligible to be fast tracked through the subdivision process
are as follows: Scope
Residential Subdivisions
Industrial and Commercial Subdivisions
Community Title and residential Building Unit Plan Subdivisions
Retirement Villages
Relocatable Homes Parks
Integrated Resorts (Residential Areas only)
Residential estates developed by the Queensland Department of Housing, Department
of Local Government, Sport and Recreation and Department of Infrastructure and
There may be occasions where a transformer will be installed with a greater capacity than
that which is required by the subdivision or stage of subdivision. There may also be
occasions where only LV internal reticulation is required within the subdivision or stage
that can be supplied from a previously installed transformer. To provide a more equitable
sharing of costs for the HV infrastructure in URD subdivisions, ENERGEX Limited will
administer a Transformer Equalisation Scheme (TES).
The TES is an ENERGEX initiative to share the costs for the provision of high voltage
cables, high voltage switchgear and distribution substation transformers between
Developers of URD subdivisions and subdivision stages. The scheme ensures that
Developers only pay for the high voltage infrastructure that is required to suitably supply
their subdivision or subdivision stage and are not responsible for the costs of HV
infrastructure that other developments or ENERGEX could use.
Equally, the scheme also ensures that Developers pay for a share of HV infrastructure
that may supply reticulation within their development but is outside the area of the current
The Transformer Equalisation Scheme only applies to (URD) subdivisions where the lot
size is greater than 4 lots. Transformer Equalisation does not apply to the following types
of developments:
For these developments, the Developer fully funds all substations and associated cabling.
The Transformer Equalisation Fees are calculated using a Transformer Capacity Standard
for a distribution substation and the After Diversity Maximum Demand (ADMD) per lot
allowed in the design of the electrical reticulation of the URD subdivision or stage. To
ensure uniformity, standard figures have been be set for both.
ADMD allowance per lot. The ADMD allowance per lot of a URD subdivision, stage or
part thereof of a URD subdivision is given in Table 3.3.2 – Design ADMD’s in this Manual.
The design ADMD’s are the standard values that will be used to calculate the Transformer
Equalisation Payment / Reimbursement.
Where the spare capacity of a transformer cannot be used to supply subsequent lots or it
cannot be used by ENERGEX to supply foreseeable loads or infrastructure, the
Transformer Equalisation Reimbursement does not apply. This situation can arise within a
subdivision or stage where the transformer’s LV reticulation reaches the extent of its
voltage limits or its layout is restricted by the configuration of the development (e.g. at the
edge of the development or adjacent to geographical barrier).
A Transformer Equalisation Payment will be required from the Developer for each lot
where the lot will be supplied from a previously installed transformer.
There will be cases where some lots will be supplied from an existing transformer and
some from a new transformer installed in the subdivision/stage. Thus, there may be
subdivisions or stages of subdivisions in which the Developer will receive a Transformer
Equalisation Reimbursement and be required to pay a Transformer Equalisation Payment.
In these circumstances the reimbursement and payment will be summated with the net
amount added to or deducted from the Total Works Price.
At the completion of the Subdivision project prior to ENERGEX issuing the Certificate of
Acceptance, ENERGEX will carry out an audit on the TES applied for each project.
ENERGEX will assess whether a refund or additional payment is required of the
developer. If the developer is required to pay additional funds, ENERGEX may draw this
from the bond in place for the project.
Case 1A. For a 40 lot first stage of a URD subdivision designed with the installation of a
315 kVA distribution transformer. This transformer is capable of supplying a total of 73 lots
with an ADMD of 4.5 kVA. As the stage only requires supply to 40 lots, the Developer
may be entitled to a reimbursement amount up to the maximum of an extra 33 lots. This
reimbursement however is on the provision that the spare capacity can be used to supply
subsequent lots or by ENERGEX for supply to foreseeable infrastructure. If for example
the spare capacity could supply 25 lots in the next stage of the subdivision then the
Developer would receive a reimbursement for the unused capacity calculated for 25 lots.
The difference between the number of lots that could be suitably supplied (up to the
maximum) from the usable spare capacity and the number of lots of the subdivision or
stage is multiplied by the ADMD per lot for the type of dwelling and the Transformer
Equalisation Multiplier ($/kVA) set out in ENERGEX’s Standard Fees and Charges.
This calculation will determine the Transformer Equalisation Reimbursement due to the
Developer from ENERGEX.
The Transformer Equalisation Reimbursement will be deducted from the fees and charges
payable to ENERGEX in the Total Developer’s Contribution of the Price for the Project.
Case 1B. If in Case 1A no further development was possible outside of this stage and the
spare capacity could not be used.
There would not be any Transformer Equalisation Reimbursement to the Developer. This
situation may occur where the subdivision is at the edge of the development or a
geographical limitation or the LV reticulation has reached its extents.
In these situations an additional payment is due to ENERGEX and this payment can be
calculated by multiplying the ADMD kVA per lot figure for the type of dwelling by the
number of lots that will be supplied by the LV only reticulation and the Transformer
Equalisation Multiplier ($/kVA).
Case 2A A 25 lot stage of a URD subdivision can be supplied from a transformer installed
in a previous stage.
The Developer must pay to ENERGEX the Transformer Equalisation Payment calculated
by multiplying the ADMD kVA per dwelling value by the 25 lots and the Transformer
Equalisation Multiplier.
The Total Developer’s Contribution by the Developer for the subdivision will include the
Network Connection Works costs and the Transformer Equalisation payment that is due.
In some URD subdivision projects a situation may occur where LV electrical reticulation is
supplied from transformation outside the development and a new transformer inside the
development. The Developer must pay for the costs involved in providing the HV
infrastructure that was installed in a previous subdivision or stage. The Developer will also
receive a reimbursement for the capacity of the new transformer that can be used.
In these situations a payment is due to ENERGEX for the lots supplied from the previously
installed transformer. This amount is calculated by multiplying the ADMD kVA per lot figure
for the area by the number of lots that will be supplied by the LV only reticulation and the
Transformer Equalisation Multiplier ($/kVA).
The Transformer Equalisation Reimbursement will be deducted from the fees and charges
payable to ENERGEX in the Total Developer’s Contribution of the Price for the Project.
Case 3A Ten lots in a 45 lot stage of a URD subdivision can be supplied from existing LV
infrastructure and an additional transformer is required to supply the balance of the lots.
The Developer must pay to ENERGEX the Transformer Equalisation Payment calculated
by multiplying the ADMD kVA per dwelling type by each the 10 lots and the Transformer
Equalisation Multiplier.
The additional transformer can supply 73 lots for other stages of the subdivision.
The Total Developer’s Contribution by the Developer for the subdivision will include the
Network Connection Works costs and the Transformer Equalisation Payment that is due
less the Transformer Equalisation Reimbursement credits.
2.6.1 General
Rural subdivisions are subdivisions with blocks in excess of 16 hectares. Unlike smaller rural
residential and urban subdivisions, councils do not normally require supply agreements as a
condition for subdivision approval. In many cases, however, the developer requests that
electricity reticulation be provided to enhance the marketing of the subdivision and it is in these
circumstances that the following conditions of supply are applicable.
The design of supply to rural subdivisions also differs from other subdivisions. It is very difficult to
position transformers to suit future residential sites; in some cases, it may even be necessary to
provide an 11 kV extension into private property to suit a future site.
To overcome these difficulties of design and provide simple conditions of supply, the following
procedures have been formulated:
(a) Initial design will allow for the provision of a basic 11 kV "backbone" supply to the
subdivision. The design should attempt, as much as possible, to cater for the efficient
location of future transformers and extensions.
(b) The developer will be required to make a non-refundable capital contribution to cover the
cost of this 11 kV backbone supply system.
(c) Future ENERGEX customers in the subdivision will be required to arrange for their own
individual supply from this backbone system. This will normally involve the provision of low
voltage mains and transformers.
(d) Where an 11 kV extension is requested, either internal or external to the subdivision, this
also shall be treated under normal capital contribution conditions.
(e) A clear written outline of responsibilities and costs should be provided for the developer and
future customers to avoid ambiguity and the possibility of future disagreements.
(g) Existing consumer’s lines that cross property boundaries as the result of a subdivision are
required to be relocated at the developers expense.
Approval may be granted by ENERGEX for the consumer’s line to remain, subject to the
developer providing the following:
Unless there are extenuating circumstances, a HV customer is required to supply and maintain all
the high voltage equipment on their installation.
They are metered at high voltage and billed on either a HV tariff or a power purchase agreement
via their retailer. For contestable customers refer Network Commercial Management Department. Conditions
Unless there are extenuating circumstances, new HV customers will not be offered joint
ownership of HV switchboards with ENERGEX.
(a) The customer will be permitted to purchase part, or all of ENERGEX circuit breaker
equipment and this will become part of the customer's installation and may become
the customer's main switch(es).
(b) The customer will be required to pay ENERGEX's present capital value of
equipment, together with a capitalised maintenance amount. Maintenance of the
equipment will be undertaken by ENERGEX at no additional cost to the customer.
(c) The customer is to have ready access to the customer's own circuit breakers to
control the customer's own installation. The customer will not be permitted to
operate ENERGEX equipment except where special agreement exists.
(d) All equipment under the customer's control is to be labelled by the customer to
ENERGEX's satisfaction.
(e) The customer's installation including that purchased from ENERGEX is to comply
with the general requirements of AS3000 Wiring Rules.
(f) In the event of the customer's switchgear requiring future major repairs or
replacement due to age or fault damage, it will be the responsibility of the customer
to bear the full cost thereof.
An existing customer transferring to high voltage supply will be permitted to purchase from
ENERGEX the existing high voltage equipment required. The customer may elect to
install the customer's own equipment and in this case ENERGEX equipment will be
removed by ENERGEX. Requests by a customer to transfer to HV supply should be
referred to Network Commercial Department.
Some installations still exist where supply is metered at high voltage, but in all other
respects the customer takes supply as a low voltage customer. New installations do not
qualify for this arrangement.
(a) ENERGEX will not operate the customer’s high voltage equipment except in situations
where ENERGEX has a current maintenance contract for the customer’s HV network. In
extreme emergencies, ENERGEX may operate customer equipment if it is de-energised,
subject to normal safety and risk assessment procedures. In any of the above
circumstances when ENERGEX operates customer’s equipment, costs will be recoverable
from the customer. Before ENERGEX operates any customer equipment the customer
must supply to the relevant ENERGEX switching controller a schematic drawing of the high
voltage system indicating the status of all equipment.
(b) It will be a condition for ENERGEX agreeing to supply a customer at high voltage that the
customer must have either ENERGEX trained staff or a contractor available who has been
trained by ENERGEX as a high voltage operator and who is familiar with the equipment. It
will be the responsibility of the customer to notify ENERGEX of the designated operator and
of any changes. A register is maintained in ENERGEX Control Centre of all customer
representatives who have been trained as high voltage operators.
(c) It will be a requirement that before the installation is energised, the customer must have
available on site, safety and operating equipment required for the safe performance of any
electrical work on the equipment as required by Electricity Regulation 2006.
With the exception of "joint ownership" HV switchboards, all maintenance on the customer's
installation is the sole responsibility of the customer.
2.7.6 Metering
High voltage metering on new installations is via metering units typically supplied by ENERGEX.
Note that market customers with a type 1 – 4 metering installation may have their metering and
metering services provided by a supplier other than ENERGEX. Each set of HV current
transformers is designated as a metering point for the application of service fees.
ENERGEX will supply and install without up-front charge to each installation the minimum
metering required for that installation. The basis for establishing the minimum requirement is that
ENERGEX will supply one metering unit per HV service cable. The cost of any equipment in
excess of minimum requirements plus any additional features – eg, instantaneous demand
registration – shall be borne by the customer.
Electrical consultants / contractors are advised to consult ENERGEX and/or the Metering Provider
prior to commencing any high voltage installation.
Specific metering requirements for high voltage metering, such as meter panel sizes and
appropriate drawings will be supplied by ENERGEX and/or the Metering Provider on request.
Current transformers and voltage transformers required for high voltage metering may be the
property of ENERGEX, the Metering Provider or the customer, and will normally be supplied in a
HV metering transformer unit, accommodation for which shall be provided by the customer.
The responsibility for the provision of any high voltage metering transformers and supply
configurations shall be determined as part of the negotiations with the customer or their
representative/s for a new supply application.
Details will be provided in the Offer of Supply Letter and/or Connection and Access Agreement.
Where the customer is responsible for supplying the Metering Instrument Transformers, they will
be required to meet the technical specifications of ENERGEX and or the Metering Provider, and
provide evidence of accuracy performance.
The customer is responsible to supply a pre-wired meter panel to the requirements of the meter
provider and/or ENERGEX.
The electrical contractor shall, on behalf of the customer, supply and install the secondary wiring
between the metering transformers and test block or terminal strip.
In each high voltage installation, the customer's terminals are to be defined, as this designates
the line of responsibility between ENERGEX and the customer. If a service line is provided,
ENERGEX will be responsible for the cost of up to 20 metres of overhead or 7 metres of
underground service from the customer's property alignment at the point nominated by
ENERGEX. The cost of any service in excess of these lengths is to be borne by the customer
and is a capital contribution to ENERGEX's cost of supply. The replacement and maintenance of
the excess service is the responsibility of ENERGEX.
For statutory requirements of the Electricity Regulation 2006, AS/NZS3000 and compliance with
ENERGEX policy; an auditor (accredited in HV inspections) and/or Network Commercial
Management Department shall be consulted regarding purchase of equipment for a HV customer.
Cases have arisen where the conversion of existing low voltage supply to high voltage has been
sought by a customer with a single LV point of supply where the primary consideration is the
reduction in charges to the customer concerned arising from the comparison of relevant HV and
LV tariffs. The rate differential between LV and HV is not now sufficient to make this the prime
reason for seeking HV supply.
The agreement to provide HV supply should be supported by evidence that HV reticulation within
the customer's installation is warranted – eg. where one or more of the following factors apply:
ENERGEX's policy concerning the responsibilities and procedures for making supply available to
a customer at high voltage or converting an existing low voltage supply to a high voltage supply is
as follows:
(a) Definition – "High Voltage Supply" means a supply to a customer's consumers terminals at
a voltage in excess of 1000 volts. All works beyond the consumer’s terminals shall be
owned and maintained by the customer. "High Voltage Supply" will also include some
existing customers metered at high voltage but not owning all transformers and/or high
voltage automatic circuit breakers beyond the consumer’s terminals where such
equipment is supplied and maintained by ENERGEX.
(c) Standard Voltages – The standard voltage for supply at high voltage shall be 132 kV,
110 kV, 33 kV and 11 kV. No new customers may be supplied at a high voltage other than
a standard high voltage. Provision for existing customers supplied at a non-standard high
voltage are described below.
(d) Substation – Where the high voltage supply to a customer reasonably requires the
provision of a substation on a customer's premises, the customer shall be required to
make available, free of cost, suitable space for the substation in accordance with
Electricity Regulation 2006, Section 59. Any electric line or equipment installed by
ENERGEX may be used for the purpose of giving or maintaining a supply of electricity to
customers not within premises as well as those who occupy such premises, provided that
the owner of the premises agrees (Electricity Regulation 2006 Section 60(1).
The owner shall be responsible for all costs incurred in the provision and adaptation of the
space for the substation and any other building works deemed necessary by ENERGEX to
permit the installation of the substation.
In general, no services other than ENERGEX's electric lines and approved parts of the
owner's electrical or other works shall pass through, or under, the substation. If the substation
is above ground level, or if the services are sleeved, other arrangements may be approved by
ENERGEX. Consumer’s mains from ENERGEX's substation shall be supplied and installed
by the owner in a manner specified by AS/NZS 3000.
(f) Protection and Isolation of Service Lines – The protection of a high voltage supply
consists of the protective device located at the ENERGEX substation together with control
and protective devices which form part of a customer's high voltage electrical installation.
Additional protective or control devices may be provided by ENERGEX where appropriate.
(g) Customer's High Voltage Electrical Installation – A customer's high voltage electrical
installation shall comply with the requirements of the Electricity Regulation 2006. The
costs of high voltage testing to establish this compliance shall be met by the customer.
(h) Recoverable Costs – Before giving high voltage supply, the owner of the premises shall
pay a fixed amount being the estimated capital cost of electric lines and equipment in
excess of that normally provided free by ENERGEX and the estimated capitalised value of
operating and maintenance costs incurred by ENERGEX in the provision of such excess
electric lines and equipment.
(i) Multiple Supply Points – A customer will normally be given only one service to a high
voltage electrical installation. This requirement does not preclude the provision of more
than one high voltage circuit from a single point of supply where a single circuit would not
have sufficient capacity to supply the customer's load.
(j) Tariffs – A customer supplied at high voltage is subject to terms and conditions of tariffs
outlined in the ENERGEX Network Pricing Schedule, including which tariff the customer is
eligible for.
(k) Supply and Maintenance of Customers' High Voltage Works – Customers supplied at high
voltage as defined in section 2.7.1 are responsible for the supply and maintenance of all
high voltage plant and equipment beyond the consumer’s terminals.
(l) Conversion from Low Voltage Supply to High Voltage Supply – When ENERGEX agrees
to a customer upgrade from low voltage to high voltage supply, the customer shall:
purchase existing ENERGEX plant and equipment, evaluated on the basis of the
unexpired life using current costs or;
supply and install their own plant and equipment including transformers, switchgear and
cables, in order to comply with the policy as outlined above.
Increased supply beyond the agreed maximum demand will be given only at a standard voltage.
2.7.11 Determination of the Sale Price for the Sale of Existing ENERGEX Assets
To provide the appropriate economic and cost of supply signals, ENERGEX’s network pricing
regime distinguishes between different customer groups. Details are provided in ENERGEX’s
Network Pricing Principles Statement which is published annually on ENERGEX’s website. The
arrangements for making supply available for each customer group is summarised below:
1. Individually Calculated Customers (ICCs) are typically those customers with electricity
consumption greater than 40 GW.h per year at a single connection point; or where a
customer’s circumstances mean that the average shared network charge becomes
meaningless or distorted. These customers will be supplied under an individual negotiated
connection contract. Refer to Network Commercial Department for details.
2. Connection Asset Customers (CACs) typically include the non-ICCs with electricity
consumption level greater than 4 GW.h per year at a single connection point; or where a
customer has a dedicated supply system with significant connection assets. These
customers will in most cases be supplied under an individual negotiated connection
contract. Refer to Network Commercial Department for details.
3. Standard Asset Customers (SACs) are generally those customers with an annual
electricity consumption below 4 GW.h per year, whose supply arrangements are
consistent across the customer group. These customers are supplied under general
arrangements covered in section 3.2. General
Bus shelter
Traffic Signals / Signs
Telstra Payphone, RIM, RCM, Broadband etc
Local Council Security Cameras, Flow meters
Street Identity Lights (street names) etc
Specific Shared Asset installations
Note: Special conditions apply to Rate 3 Public Lighting installations (refer ENERGEX
Public Lighting Construction manual and BMS 3327 Standard Conditions for Public
Lighting Services).
Refer to the ENERGEX Network Price Schedule for conditions and network prices
applicable to unmetered supply including streetlights. Definitions
The person or company applying for supply via their retailer will be responsible for
payment of network charges. These network charges will be levied via the person’s or
company’s retailer.
Category 1:
An arrangement consisting of the piece of non-standard equipment (ie bus stop shelter), a
switchboard, and the consumer’s mains direct from their installation to ENERGEX’s point
of supply.
The full cost of installation including the consumer’s mains plus any costs incurred by
ENERGEX in making supply available (unless otherwise specified in this policy)
Maintenance of the full installation including lamp replacement
Repairs to the installation including the consumers mains
Category 2:
An arrangement consisting of non-standard customer equipment that takes supply via an
ENERGEX service direct to the installation at the customer’s expense. In this situation the
consumer’s terminals will be the line side of the service fuse and neutral link connection
located at the customer’s equipment. This category will only apply where a pit and duct
system exists.
The full cost of installation including ENERGEX service mains and associated work
Maintenance of the full installation including lamp replacement but not the ENERGEX
Repairs to the installation but not including the ENERGEX service
Point of Supply:
The customer’s point of supply shall be the load side of ENERGEX’s fuse in most cases.
In category 2 situations the fuse will be found in the consumer’s switchboard.
Underground shall always be the preferred method of supply. In some exceptional cases
an overhead supply may be allowed. The overhead service will attach to a property pole,
which complies with the ENERGEX Electricity Connection and Metering Manual and
complies with the statutory requirements across a footpath. Poles shall not be installed on
ENERGEX’s underground alignment, they may however be installed on the overhead
alignment and clearly identified as the customer’s pole.
Customer to seek Local Authority (ie: Local Council or Department of Transport) approval
prior to installing a pole on the footpath.
Note: The customer is to bear full cost of relocation or rewiring should the supply be
undergrounded at a later stage.
Supply via a standard drop down service in accordance with Section 2 of the Overhead
Construction Manual and Section 2 page 27 of the Street Light Construction Manual.
Alternatively the customer may install a property pole on ENERGEX’s pole alignment as
long as the pole is clearly identified as a property pole (ie a plaque shall be erected by the
customer on the pole with the customer’s name and contact number). Service checks for
underground assets and Council approval for installing poles on the footpath are the
responsibility of the customer.
The customer shall pay full cost of installation and recovery of the overhead service. See
standard charges for unmetered equipment (refer intranet).
The customer will supply and install the consumer’s mains from the pillar or pit to the
switchboard on their equipment. The customer’s switchboard is to be positioned on the
equipment as per Clause (check for safety, weather, ease of access for working
Any alterations required to ENERGEX’s existing pillar to accommodate the service fuse
will be ENERGEX’s responsibility.
The customer shall install the equipment as close as conveniently possible to the pit or
underground main. The service from the pit or underground main to the equipment will be
installed by ENERGEX at the customer’s expense. In some instances and at ENERGEX’s
discretion, a service pillar may be installed and the customer is to wire to the pillar as
above or to a number 4 pit. All costs associated with the installation of the pillar, tee-joint
and ENERGEX service are to be paid for by the customer.
Where supply is taken using this method, (eg from pit or tee-joint) the customer shall
supply and install a 20 amp HRC fuse inside the equipment. The fuse shall be designated
and clearly labelled as the ENERGEX service fuse. The customer shall suitably affix the
label, adjacent to the fuse. ENERGEX may provide the label as per the specification
All materials will be issued from a nominated ENERGEX store (during office hours) direct
to the customer, or their approved contractor, on request. Documented stores procedures
for the issue shall apply.
This label can be ordered through Central Warehouse at Eagle Farm (IIN 17378).
Dimensions 50 mm x 25 mm
Note: Material to be black on white Gravoply II, all lettering to be 6 mm.
Supply from streetlights with or without (24 hour supply not available on controlled circuits)
photoelectric or Zellweger control will be permitted if the circuit breaker can be safely
positioned in the street light column and is appropriately identified. The customer will be
responsible for wiring from the unmetered equipment to the street light control panel. The
control panel shall be as per section 2 page 26 of the Street Light (construction) Manual
and will be the responsibility of ENERGEX. A label shall be fixed to the customer’s
equipment switchboard to indicate the point of supply.
Caution must be taken to ensure that the circuit is not overloaded. Where augmentation
of ENERGEX assets needs to occur to accommodate the additional load, the cost shall be
borne by the customer.
The consumer’s mains shall be installed in the street light column and left coiled and
taped up behind the fuse panel, but not connected to the supply. Authorisation is not
required to carry out this work, however the installer shall posses an electrical contractors’
Only lights owned by ENERGEX shall be used for connection. Note: Rate 3 lights owned
by other authorities or privately owned lights shall not be connected to supply.
The customer is to make application for supply with the retailer and the retailer shall
supply ENERGEX with the following:
Application for Unmetered Supply / Public Lighting (R3) Connection (F1206) which is
to include:
- address
- type of non-standard equipment
- full load details
- hours of use
- security deposit (if applicable)
- Proposed construction plans/site sketch, including
- proposed supply point
- list of work to be completed by ENERGEX
ENERGEX will give approval or non-approval for the installation within 10 working days,
from receipt of all documentation from the customer. An estimate for any work involving
ENERGEX will also be included at that time. Full costs are to apply. For a standard
connection, on receipt of a business-to-business request from the retailer (B2B) and a
From 2 from the customers’ electrical contractor, ENERGEX will arrange connection within
ten business days.
Point of Supply
ENERGEX will investigate a point of supply at no cost to the customer. The cost of this
work shall be covered under the ENERGEX Standard charges.
UG Cables
Underground wiring shall be enclosed in heavy duty conduit and installed so that the top
of the conduit is not less than 600 mm below ground level and enclosed in heavy duty
conduit (class - to AS 2053).
Cables and conduits shall be run to the front of the electricity alignment (900 mm from RP
alignment). The customer shall advise and seek approval (as a minimum requirement)
from the Local Authorities to install consumer’s mains on publicly controlled places (ie
footpath) as per the Electrical Safety Regulation 2002.
Customer’s Switchboard
The switchboard is to comply with AS/NZS 3000 and ENERGEX Electricity Connection
and Metering Manual.
The customer shall install a 20 amp fuse carrier (IIN 15541), capable of accommodating a
16 mm² cable. This fuse carrier is to be mounted inside the customer’s switchboard. This
will only be required where ENERGEX supply the service direct to the customer’s
switchboard. A tag shall be supplied by ENERGEX and installed by the customer, to
advise that the Supply Authorities’ main fuse is inside. These tags can be obtained from
Banyo as a special order.
Neutral Link
Earthing electrodes shall only be installed after service-checks have been completed by
the customer and all parties involved are satisfied that no damage will be caused to their
assets. Note: Rag bolt assemblies for bus shelters and light poles etc may be used in
place of the earth electrode (overall cross-sectional is not to be less requirement of
AS/NZS 3000 for electrodes).
Numbering of Sites
Other than for Rate 3 public lighting (and traffic signals), these sites shall be identified by
a unique UM number as issued by the ENERGEX Unmetered Supply Officer. The
numbering shall be permanently installed on the customer’s equipment prior to connection
Notify in writing the address and site ID number for the equipment
Date of requiring power to be disconnected
Requirement for disconnection of ENERGEX service cable in writing (Category 2 only)
Official order for the standard removal fee (Category 2 only).
ENERGEX Responsibilities:
Refer to the ENERGEX Network Price Schedule for tariffs for unmetered supply as well as
the relevant terms and conditions.
When a pole with customer’s assets attached is changed, the ENERGEX staff are to
liaise with the customer’s personnel to ensure that assets are relocated concurrently.
If it is necessary for the customer to alter the position of their assets due to the relocation
of an ENERGEX pole, all costs to alter the assets will be the responsibility of the
ENERGEX may be requested to relocate its assets due to road widening or various other
reasons. In these circumstances ENERGEX may require the relocation of the point of
supply to the non-standard equipment. This will be carried out at full cost to the person or
company requesting the relocation.
At various times the ownership of the non-standard equipment may change hands. It is
the responsibility of both customers (old and new) to inform their retailers of a change-
over date and the new owner to supply their retailer with an Application for Unmetered
Supply / Public Lighting (R3) Connection (F1206), giving their name, address, contacts
and the date of taking over supply. Records
Where consumers mains (both Public and Private) are installed on the footpath as per
Category 1, it shall be the responsibility of the customer to produce two (2) “As
Constructed Drawings” to give to the Local Authority for their record updates. This will
ensure that the “Queensland Call Before You Dig Service” Centre is kept informed of all
assets on publicly controlled places. General
Approval has been granted to CATV operators for the connection of unmetered supply
and the installation of the CATV power supply units onto ENERGEX poles.
This section details the procedure to be applied for the installation of the CATV power
supply units in the ENERGEX network. It covers the processes of installation, application,
testing, commissioning, billing and recording associated with these power supply sites.
The operator shall pay an annual site licence fee for the shared use of ENERGEX power
poles. Energy charges for each power supply unit site shall be applied under unmetered
supply conditions. Installation
CATV companies will select a site based upon its consideration of suitability for the
installation of the power supply unit. The standards outlined below shall apply to each site.
Where a site is deemed by ENERGEX to be unacceptable, the power supply unit shall be
removed or relocated to a mutually acceptable site. All costs for any such work shall be
the responsibility of the CATV company.
The CATV company shall be responsible for ensuring that the customer's installation is
installed on the ENERGEX pole in accordance with approved installation practice,
ENERGEX construction standards and applicable Australian Standards.
ENERGEX will provide a standard drop down service for all CATV sites
All electrical works on ENERGEX assets shall only be performed by appropriately trained
and accredited persons and in compliance with approved work and safety practices.
Installation of CATV hardware on ENERGEX assets where electrical works are not
involved may be performed by appropriately trained staff of the CATV companies and in
compliance with approved work and safety procedures.
Overhead Areas
The power supply unit and associated hardware and fittings shall be installed as detailed
in the CATV company instruction documents endorsed by ENERGEX. The CATV
company is to lodge an application for Unmetered Supply (F1206) and have a standard
drop down service installed by ENERGEX to the CATV main switchboard.
Note: All CATV power supply units shall be connected to the 'C' phase ENERGEX mains
conductor, where available.
The 20 Amp HRC fuse housed in the CATV power supply unit switchboard shall be
designated and clearly labelled as the ENERGEX service fuse. The CATV company shall
suitably affix the following label to the centre-top of the front cover of all CATV power
supply unit switchboard enclosures mounted on ENERGEX poles.
ENERGEX shall provide the labels as required at no charge. All requirements will be
issued from the relevant branch or depot store direct to the CATV company or their
approved contractor, on request. Documented stores procedures for such issue shall
apply. Dimensions 50 mm x 25 mm
The following pole sites are not suitable for the installation of power supply units:
air break switch poles
pole mounted plant stations (eg transformers, regulators, reclosers)
underground cable termination poles
condemned or suspect poles
public lighting poles or columns.
In addition CATV underground pits or above ground pedestals are not permitted within the
exclusion zone in the footpath or road reserve. It is preferable that all such equipment
only be installed within the designated Telstra communications alignment.
Underground Areas
The power supply unit and associated hardware and fittings shall be installed as detailed
in Telstra Work Instruction documents endorsed by ENERGEX. The CATV company
pedestal (or pillar) shall not be located within a 600 mm exclusion zone around any
ENERGEX electricity supply pillar (refer to ENERGEX Drawing No. 5367-A4). The CATV
company shall install the customer's mains cable from the ENERGEX service pillar to the
CATV power supply pedestal (or pillar).
A 1.0 metre length of the customer's mains shall be suitably insulated at the exposed ends
and left coiled in the base of the ENERGEX service pillar to enable termination to the
ENERGEX service fuse and neutral link. ENERGEX shall terminate the customer's mains
in the service pillar.
The following underground sites are not suitable for the providing supply to power supply
unit installations:
link pillars
padmount transformers
jointing pits.
Upon finalisation of the installation of their equipment, the CATV company will provide
their retailer with a completed Application for Unmetered Supply (Form 1206) and provide
ENERGEX with a Request for Initial Connection, Inspection or Metering Change (Form 2),
advising the installation is ready for examination and testing.
Application for Unmetered Supply / Public Lighting (R3) Connection (F1206) detail as per
The Request for Initial Connection, Inspection or Metering Change (Form 2) should
provide the following details:
ENERGEX pole/pillar number
site location address
requested connection date
estimated installed equipment electrical load.
Note: Actual electrical loads will be forwarded by the CATV company to the ENERGEX
(Unmetered Supply Billing Officer) after the CATV equipment has been commissioned.
ENERGEX Connections Group shall enter the application details and raise an Unmetered
Supply Service Order.
The necessary examination and testing of the customer's installation shall be undertaken
by the Connection Group (by an ECO). Supply is to be connected with the main switch of
the CATV power supply unit switchboard left in the OFF position. The main switch shall
have marked tape
"Warning – refer Contractor Before Operating Switch" (Form 153) placed over it in the
approved manner.
The Unmetered Supply Officer shall advise the customer and retailer of the connection
when it occurs. Records
CATV power supply records are provided through customers’ applications for supply
submitted to ENERGEX. These unmetered supply records – locations, load details and
associated billing are managed by the Unmetered Supply Billing Officer.
Temporary supply of electricity can be made available to a supply point provided that low voltage
mains with sufficient capacity exist.
For the purpose of this definition, all work other than that by an overhead service connection is to
be treated as major. For work where no low voltage mains exist, any work to provide this
connection will be treated as major.
For temporary minor connections, the applicant is to meet the cost of providing supply
either by payment of cash or carrying out work at the applicant’s own expense.
For major temporary connections, the applicant is to meet the costs as outlined in Section
2.9.1 below.
Where cash is involved, prepayment is necessary unless credit has been/is approved.
Such works should be classified as Capital works with the applicant to pay all associated costs.
For major work, where the network has been extended and/or distribution transformers are
installed, the recovery should be classified as OPEX.
Short-term temporary supply to builders' poles, caravans, carnivals etc should only be connected
from existing low voltage mains. Extensions to the network will be treated as major temporary
The customer is required to contact their retailer to make an application for supply. This supply
will be metered.
ENERGEX will be responsible for the service line work, and the main switch board will be
energised and tested by ENERGEX.
Standard charges apply. The pricing methodology applied is available from the ENERGEX
Pricing Principles Statement – Excluded Distribution Services document.
This is supply of a temporary nature to large installations (sand mine, quarry, large construction
site or camp, major building site, etc.) for an extended period, but generally not longer than ten
Installations of this nature which will exist for longer than ten years should be treated as
permanent, with policies relating to permanent supply being applied.
An applicant for temporary supply to a large installation will be required to pre-pay the total costs
including planning, design, materials, construction costs and applicable fees. An estimate of the
future cost of dismantling will be provided to the customer. The estimate will be in present day
On application for disconnection in future, actual cost of dismantling will be paid by the customer.
However a refund, equivalent to depreciated value of reusable materials (e.g. transformer) less
the cost of renovation, will be provided back to customer.
2.11.1 Introduction
Supply quality is a function of a wide range of electrical parameters. Ideal supply quality would
voltage waveform which is purely sinusoidal
constant supply frequency of 50 Hz
equal peak voltages in each phase and of a fixed value
fixed angles of 1200 between each phase
100% supply reliability.
ENERGEX defines supply quality in terms of: supply system freedom from major
distortions/fluctuations in supply voltage and frequency, and the number and duration of
interruptions to supply (blackouts).
Supply quality is a vital planning and design activity undertaken by ENERGEX and has a
significant impact on the customer's perception of service quality. The question of what is an
acceptable supply quality is an area open to debate between the customer and the utility. Utilities
such as ENERGEX are concerned with the maintenance of a cost effective supply quality to an
"acceptable" standard, while customers generally regard any disturbance having an impact on
their process as unacceptable. The utility’s challenge is to balance these two requirements.
This section is not intended to provide detailed information on ENERGEX's quality of supply
requirements (refer Section 4 Power Quality for such information). It is however intended to raise
ENERGEX staff awareness to the main issues facing ENERGEX and the customer.
Computers and other sensitive electronic equipment are now widely used and are very vulnerable
to disturbances on the supply system and within the customer's installation. This has brought
supply quality into sharper focus and is an important determinant for customer satisfaction.
Most voltage problems associated with computers and other sensitive equipment are not just
related to high or low steady state voltage levels, but to momentary voltage surges, sags or
interruptions or to rapid changes in voltage (voltage fluctuation). The starting of a large motor for
example can result in voltage sag due to the high inrush current. A fault on a distribution line,
even though cleared, can result in a momentary sag, surge or interruption. These momentary
voltage disturbances may result from a wide variety of causes on the supply system or within a
customer's own installation.
In the design of the distribution system every effort is taken to minimise the causes and effects of
faults by careful construction, installation of protective equipment to speedily isolate and
disconnect faulted equipment, and proper planned maintenance of the supply network. In spite
of all these efforts faults cannot be totally avoided, and many disturbances cannot be easily
reduced to levels which do not affect sensitive equipment. The best solution is often for the
customer to install special power protection equipment (after wiring and earthing systems have
been checked for adequacy).
It is important that customers are aware of the power system environment in which their
equipment operates and possible solutions to mitigate effects. Interaction between ENERGEX
and its customers will ensure that the supply network fulfils customer expectations.
In recent years there has been an increase in the number of customer loads connected to the
supply, which can cause disturbances. These fall within two major groups:
Disturbing loads can influence the supply quality delivered by ENERGEX to its customers and
must therefore be carefully considered. Because the effects of disturbing loads can have
widespread and cumulative effects, customers are obliged to ensure that their equipment meets
certain ENERGEX requirements.
If a disturbing load is connected to the system without proper initial attention and subsequently
proves to be troublesome, the ensuing negotiations are often protracted and do not necessarily
enhance good customer relations or a satisfactory outcome. It has been the experience that if
very early discussions are held, many of the potential problems can be overcome as the
customer's needs are fully understood and discussed. Usually, ENERGEX can provide sufficient
information and advice to avoid later difficulties.
The best approach is to ensure that each potentially disturbing load is properly examined, its
effects on the system understood and, if necessary, modifications agreed to in order that
ENERGEX's limits are met.
Customers often ask about quality and/or reliability of supply. Appropriate information is available
in brochures which inform customers of the nature of such disturbances and what they can do
about them. Such information is contained in a series of brochures developed by the Energy
Supply Association of Australia (ESAA) and now on the ENERGEX internet site
Depending on the level of detail required, there are 2, 4, 8, and 64-page brochures covering
domestic and business customers.
Network Strategy and Property
The security of works erected or installed on/under/over public lands, railways, waterways and
private property must be ensured by obtaining right of way from the appropriate public body or
owner prior to commencement of construction.
Construction on a street, road, park, reserve, etc requires the written agreement of
Queensland Transport and/or the local authority or the statutory body having control over
the public land.
(b) Railways
Construction over or under a railway or on railway land must adhere to the provisions
contained in the wayleave agreement between ENERGEX and Queensland Rail (QR) and
any other conditions advised by QR. ENERGEX must receive written consent before
commencing construction and advise QR when work is complete and ready for inspection.
Anyone working on QR property must have completed the "QR Electrification Safety"
course and hold a current QR Yellow Card.
(c) Waterways
i) For all fresh water recreational areas, refer to the Department of Environment and
Resource Management to determine the controlling authority from which approval
must be obtained. ENERGEX is an ENTITY under “Guideline – Activities in a
watercourse, lake or spring carried out by an Entity” and is exempt from requiring a
Riverine Protection permit. Conditions apply in certain areas and with vegetation
removal. Contact Environmental Department.
ii) Crossing of tidal waters or tidal land with mains or underground cables requires
approval of the Environmental Protection Agency in accordance with the Coastal
Protection and Management Act, 1995 (Tidal Works permit). A surveyed drawing
showing the location of poles and clearances of conductors over the Highest
Astronomical Tide (HAT) shall be produced with the Tidal Works Permit. Refer to
ENERTGEX Survey Department for process.
In some special cases it may be necessary to purchase land to secure a right of way
corridor for ENERGEX line assets.
Any decision to secure right of way other than by wayleave must be referred to the
Network Property Section. Wayleaves
Wayleaves shall not be endorsed or amended so as to reduce the legal rights of the
property owner – eg to indemnify ENERGEX against property damage. Also,
wayleaves shall not be endorsed or amended to increase the consideration amount.
Form 1146 – Consent to the Erection of Electric Line (Wayleave Application) must be
signed by the property owner, witnessed and processed in accordance with BMS
Procedure 01136 – Processing of Wayleaves. Payment of the consideration should be
made as soon as practicable after receipt of wayleave and, if possible, prior to
commencement of construction.
Wayleave consent is cancelled if the property is sold prior to construction of the new
Note: Wayleaves are only applicable for the configuration agreed with the consenting
property owner at the time. Additional plant may not be added without additional
This wayleave is used where ENERGEX has lodged an objection to road closure to
protect works situated on the roadway.
In the wayleave the applicant for road closure grants ENERGEX permission to retain
the works in situ and also for any further works as necessary in consideration of
ENERGEX withdrawing its objection to closure of roads.
Clearing is typically managed by either ENERGEX or the property owner under the
guidance of a vegetation management survey.
Otherwise the wayleave provides for ENERGEX to carry out the clearing.
If, before the commencement of the Electricity Act 1994, ENERGEX’s works have been
placed on land in which ENERGEX does not have an interest (other than an interest in the
works or their use), ENERGEX is taken to have built and maintained the works on the
land with the consent of the land owner unless the contrary is proved.
On request for removal of the works, if it is found possible and it is desirable for
ENERGEX to retain the works in situ, consideration should be given to negotiating an
easement to protect the works. If the owner or occupier insists on removal and relocation
of the works, ENERGEX will recover the costs or a contribution to the costs for such
removal and relocation from the owner or occupier. Easements
Easements over powerlines, pipes, cables, etc. are known as ‘Easements in Gross’. This
is an easement where there is only a burdened property and the benefits of the easement are
to serve the purposes of a constructing authority such as ENERGEX. The majority of
ENERGEX easements are of this type.
i) an Easement Survey Plan EXACTLY identifying the location of the land subject to
the easement; and
ii) a written easement document identifying EXACTLY the rights and obligations and
prohibitions on each party in the particular case.
ENERGEX has its own easement documents specially prepared, which suitably protect its
activities and installations.
To exist in fact and in law, the easement document must include reference to
compensation and be executed (signed) by both parties.
The easement plan must be executed by the Grantor and all documents must be lodged
and registered at the Department of Environment and Resource Management Land
Registry. Details of the easement are noted on the relevant Certificate of Title.
Easement conditions used by ENERGEX in the past have been mainly for the purpose of
overhead electricity, underground electricity, or access. Easements for the purpose of
“Electricity Supply and Incidental Works” are a more recent innovation providing
conditions that allow for both underground and overhead assets as well as minor ground
installations such as padmount transformers.
Access to line assets contained within an existing easement corridor should be made
along the easement corridor. If this is not possible due to topography or boundary fencing
then the property owner should be contacted to establish alternative access
Once registered in the Environment and Resource Management Land Registry., the
easement becomes a matter of PUBLIC RECORD – ie, any person (eg owner, potential
purchaser, etc) may enquire at that office and establish the existence and obtain full
details of that particular easement.
The easement encumbers the property regardless of the transfer of ownership and will
remain operative in perpetuity (ie forever) as long as ENERGEX requires. An easement
does not, by nature, affect the ability to later subdivide the land. In subdivision, newly
created lots will be encumbered by any pre-existing easement.
Note: Care should be taken by planners and project managers to ensure easement
requirements are identified early in a project to allow adequate lead time for acquisition
and registration of easements on title. Any requirements in relation to easements must be
referred to the Network Strategy and Property Department.
the only building site, ENERGEX would be required to purchase such a site at market
Alterations to existing works are sometimes necessitated by changes in land use. Where
works must be altered ENERGEX will generally expect to recover:
Reference will also need to be made to the requirements of the Finance Policy (BMS
2322) and Dismantled Assets (BMS 948).
There are exceptions and the following guidelines define responsibilities of the parties in
meeting costs associated with these alterations.
(b) Requests by Local Authorities to underground or relocate existing overhead mains for
projects which belong to one of the three programs supporting the “Powerline
Undergrounding and Re-engineering” policy. See Section 2.14 for more information on
this policy.
Where it is possible and desirable for the works to remain in their present location the
developer shall be asked to grant a wayleave or an easement.
Should the developer require relocation of the works, the developer will be charged
relocation costs.
Where works are no longer required, the full cost of recovery shall be met by the
On request for removal of the works, if it is found possible and it is desirable for
ENERGEX to retain the works in situ consideration should be given to negotiating an
easement to protect the works.
If the owner or occupier insists on removal and relocation of the works, ENERGEX will
recover the costs for such removal and relocation from the owner or occupier.
This arrangement will only apply where the supply of electricity is no longer needed at
that premise (for example Electricity Regulation 2006 section 62) or where an
easement or other agreements do not protect the ENERGEX equipment or cables.
Except for transformers installed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Part 1,
Division 3 of the Electricity Regulation 2006 (Substations on customer’s premises), the
security of ENERGEX ground transformers and ring main units installed on public land or
private property must be ensured by establishing suitable tenure arrangements with the
appropriate public body or property owner prior to installation.
a) Public Land
The requirements for the installation of a padmount transformers and ring main units on
public land are the same as for line assets (see Section 2.11.1 a). The use of public land
should only be considered if there are no other suitable alternative sites available.
b) Private Property
Where the installation does not fall under Chapter 3, Part 1, Division 3 of the Electricity
Regulation 2006 (Substations on customer’s premises), it will be necessary to negotiate
and acquire an easement for electricity supply and incidental works over the site and cable
route prior to installation.
The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 states that a person who carries out an activity must
take all reasonable and practicable measures to ensure the activity does not harm Aboriginal
cultural heritage.
The following steps should be carried out if it is found necessary to remove or there is
harm to a Cultural Heritage Find during ENERGEX work activity:
The find should be reported to the Project Manager and the ENERGEX Aboriginal Cultural
Heritage Adviser
Aboriginal cultural heritage is more likely to be found in undeveloped areas that have not
been subject to clearing and is more likely to be harmed by activities that cause significant
ground disturbance.
A risk assessment matrix has been developed to assist ENERGEX staff in determining if
further cultural heritage assessment is required and is available from the Environment
Department or Network Strategy and Property Department.
Native Title is the recognition in Australian Law that Indigenous people had a system of law and
ownership of their lands before European settlement. Where that traditional connection to land
and waters has been maintained and where government acts have not removed it, the law
recognises this as Native Title. Requirements
When ENERGEX is securing right of way through areas where Native Title may exist it is
incumbent on the public body controlling that area to ensure that the requirements of the
Commonwealth Native Title Act 1993 have been satisfied when granting that right of way.
If there is no public body with direct control of the area where ENERGEX proposes to
construct its works, it is incumbent on ENERGEX to ensure that the requirements of the
Commonwealth Native Title Act 1993 have been satisfied. The most likely example of this
situation is where it is proposed to construct a line over or under a boundary water course.
If the situation arises, contact the ENERGEX Native Title Contact Officer for advice.
Where a design decision is made that a customer must take supply by ground transformer
station, the customer has the option of requesting either a padmount transformer or
providing ENERGEX with a substation enclosure. Where the customer requests installation
of a PMT and, they are requested to provide approved footing and conduits for the
transformer and may also be required to pay a capital contribution.
Where one or more LV cables is taken from the transformer to feed existing LV network,
ENERGEX will share a cost of the PMT fee. In this situation, where the customer load is
less than 500 kV.A, no capital contribution will be applied.
For information on the pricing of capital contributions payable for PMTs please refer to the
capital contributions calculator on the ENERGEX Planning and Design intranet site.
The owner shall be required to supply and install conduits and to pay the cost of the
11 kV underground cable for any route length exceeding 7 metres of the circuit route
length measured between the point nominated by ENERGEX on the property
boundary and the substation. If more than one 11 kV circuit is required by the owner,
excess cable charges (including labour installation costs) shall apply to each circuit.
Where more than one 11 kV circuit is required as part of ENERGEX standard design –
eg with RMU's – excess cable charges shall apply to each circuit. This shall also apply
to pilot cables.
If ENERGEX is looping in and out for its network and the cable size used is larger than
that required by the customer, the customer shall not be charged the excess on that
cable above the minimum size required for the customer.
Additional conduits for future use should be provided by ENERGEX but installed by
the developer at their cost.
The owner shall be responsible for the cost of the remainder of the overhead line
including supports within the property and of the underground cable beyond 7 metres
measured from the base of the terminal pole.
Any low voltage circuit to be provided by ENERGEX from the substation for the
purpose of supplying customers not located on the premises shall not be subject to
excess cable charges.
Under the Electricity Regulation 2006 agreement must be obtained from the owners of
premises where equipment is installed before supply can be made available to
customers not within the premises. Form 2226 is to be used to document this
agreement. Unless otherwise agreed between the owner and ENERGEX, the owner
is entitled to no compensation.
Design and specification standards shall be in accordance with the ENERGEX Substation
and Overhead Design Standards.
It is recommended that standard design locate the RMU(s) within 7 metres of the property
boundary regardless of the location of the transformer station enclosure. If the customer
requires the RMU to be located in the transformer station enclosure, the customer shall be
required to pay excess cable charges for both the incoming and outgoing 11 kV feeds.
The customer should be discouraged from having the 11 kV feeder cable too far from the
property. If there is the possibility of HV tariff in future, it is much better practice to have
the RMU's in the same enclosure when there is more than one transformer. A group of
RMUs and HV metering unit in one enclosure is accepted as a high voltage switchboard
(AS/NZS 3000) and all cables between RMUs and the remote transformers are sub-mains
protected by the RMU fuses.
For detailed information on capital contributions, please refer to the ENERGEX Network Pricing
Principles Statement and the capital contributions calculator maintained by Network Pricing
There are two main options for the future installation of low voltage services to new houses in
existing overhead reticulated areas. They are outlined as follows:
There should be an LV underground cable installed directly from the pole to a pillar close to
the property boundary and then continued from the pillar to the customer main switchboard.
ENERGEX will own the cable between the pole and property boundary and the land owner
will own the cable from the property boundary to the switchboard.
The electrical contractor will install the pillar and underground cable from the customer
switchboard to the pole and up about three metres on the pole. There should be sufficient
residual cable coiled on the pole to attach to the LV circuits. ENERGEX will install the cable
up the pole.
This is not a preferred approach due to long term maintenance issues with property poles but
may be a more economic option for the customer.
The underground LV cable will be installed by a Contractor from the customer switchboard to
a property pole located close to the property boundary.
ENERGEX will supply overhead service to the property pole.
Where the existing low voltage reticulation is on the opposite side of the street, ENERGEX
may elect to use overhead construction to a cross street pole.
ENERGEX will provide an underground service in high density domestic and commercial
precincts at no cost to the customer, subject to ENERGEX discretion. In this case, conduits may
be required in accordance with section 2.3.1. In other areas, ENERGEX will normally provide an
overhead service. If an underground service is required, it will be provided on a difference in cost
There is an exception to the above policy. This will occur where a customer has taken
supply by pole transformer on private property. In this case, the customer may be able to
take an overhead service or, alternatively, connect the service to a pillar at the base of the
pole. If the placement of the pillar represents a hazard to pedestrians or traffic,
consideration may be given to installing PVC cable on the transformer pole, from the
underground service to the consumer’s terminals.
Where existing mains are along the roadway and a customer requires an 11 kV extension into the
property and the erection of a transformer, the following conditions shall apply:
A capital contribution may be required to cover the cost of the mains extension in private
property. For detailed information on capital contributions, please refer to the ENERGEX
Network Pricing Principles Statement and the capital contributions calculator maintained by
Network Pricing Department.
All tree trimming/clearing shall be completed in accordance with SWP1.6 and meet the
requirement of the broad scale tree clearing provisions of the Vegetation Management Act 1999.
Under Section 21, an application for clearing must be lodged with the Department of Natural
Resources and Water.
When recommendations are being recorded, the cost of any extension along the roadway should
be separated from the cost of the extension in private property so that if future extensions are
provided along the roadway, costs can be apportioned accordingly.
Note: This policy does not apply to irrigation motors and farms. Excess cable charges shall not
apply to extensions for irrigation motors and farms. However, a capital contribution will be
required if the total job cost exceeds the funds covered by the network charge calculations.
Where existing mains are on private property, excess cable charges shall not apply for
extensions from these mains to applicants beyond the property – ie a capital contribution shall not
necessarily be required.
If an extension from mains existing on private property crosses a roadway or runs along a
roadway, then for the portion of the extension from the existing mains to the roadway the above
conditions shall apply, and for the portion of the extension on roadways the conditions as set out
in Section 2.13.3 shall apply.
All tree trimming/clearing shall be completed in accordance with SWP 1.6 and meet the
requirement of the broad scale tree clearing provisions of the Vegetation Management Act 1999.
Under Section 21, an application for clearing must be lodged with the Department of Natural
Resources and Water.
Note: Wayleave limitations may prevent the extension of mains or the addition of phases on
private property. For example, wayleave consent given by the owner of a property is deemed to
be consent of any subsequent owners or occupiers. However, the owner may require ENERGEX
to remove the works if the owner or occupier pays a contribution acceptable to ENERGEX
towards the cost.
In the past, in an effort to provide the most economic provision of an electricity connection to
ENERGEX customers, a significant proportion of the 11 kV network was positioned on private
property. The accessibility of these lines is now becoming difficult and this has the potential to
impact on network reliability. There are also safety concerns for staff entering these areas at
night and during inclement weather conditions.
As a result of these concerns, the following points are to be followed when positioning ENERGEX
assets in rural and semi urban areas:
All poles to be positioned on the road reserve (or as close as practicable) as the first
Where the cost of clearing on the road reserve is substantial, or may cause issues with the
local community and/or council, then consideration be given to installing the new line inside
the property (depending on the property owners approval) sufficiently clear of the timber on
the road reserve.
Where Customer Initiated Capital Works (CICW) extensions can be built on the road or in a
more accessible position, then the cost to the customer should be based on the minimum
requirements of the building block (as set out in Section 2.12.6) and using the shortest
possible route. In other words, costing the line through the property (or using the most
reasonable or shortest route), but building the line on, or as close as possible to, the road
reserve or in a more accessible position.
Ensure that the lines are extended through the property to the road reserve (providing the
distance is reasonable, e.g. 2 -3 spans) so to ensure that this line will not be landlocked thus
not allowing ENERGEX to extend from this line and not be able to connect other customers
at a later date.
As a general guide, where the cost of installing the lines on the road reserve with the required
clearing exceeds the cost of installing through the property by greater than 50%, consideration
may favour the line being retained in the property. However, there needs to be an overall view of
future requirements rather than just a cost factor.
This also applies to CICW extensions where some financial constraint needs to be factored in
and the cost guideline of greater than 50% may be an appropriate measure.
Minimum cost estimates are essentially a trade-off between the potential cost of customer
dissatisfaction versus the future cost of a poor return on asset investment. As Customer
Satisfaction and Return on Assets are key corporate performance measures, all minimum cost
estimates should be approved by the Planning and Design Coordinator prior to offers being
In general, minimum cost estimates are favoured when:
a conservative design estimate would result in an exceptional cost of supply to the customer
a strong community service obligation to provide supply exists
the customer is strongly committed to the site – eg a residence exists or is under construction
maximum demand is likely to be limited and future high demand is unlikely – eg air
conditioning, swimming pools
the proposed supply is not commercial, nor is there a significant commercial benefit to the
the conditions of supply will not create a precedent or establish a high probability of otherwise
unnecessary, high cost system augmentation in the future.
The normal cost to the customer of a mains extension to make electricity supply available should
be assessed as follows:
Note that three-phase mains, larger 11 kV conductors, larger transformers, etc may be approved
subject to an ENERGEX contribution for future growth, where appropriate.
3/4/2.50 ACSR Raisin for private property and isolated spurs in rural areas only. Note that
Raisin cannot be used if it is to be installed within 10 km of a zone substation. In this case
the planner will choose an alternate conductor.
Where existing mains are single-phase only and an extension along the roadway is required, then
three-phase mains should be erected although only two wires might be energised. A decision
should be taken at this point as to whether to augment the existing system to three-phase. The
works plan is to be marked up to indicate that only two wires of this section are energised.
The following table shows the maximum number of customers, which should be connected to
various sizes of transformers. This table should be used when subdivisions are designed
Nominal Number of
Transformer Size kV.A
100 14
200 35
300 57
315 60
500 103
(a) Based on an ADMD of 4.5 kV.A per customer. For other ADMDs – refer Section 3.
(b) Three-phase customers are usually treated as three separate customers unless other
information on loading is known superior
(a) Policy
The principle on which this policy is based is to:
Plant deferral involves the preparation of an ultimate design for any construction works
requiring plant that in ENERGEX's opinion can be deferred. The approvals and supply
conditions are all based upon the ultimate development.
The decision to defer plant shall be made by ENERGEX based on details provided by
design staff.
Where works are deferred, the developer shall pay for all the deferred labour cost to enable
ENERGEX or its contractors to install the plant when required.
2.14.1 Introduction
The fundamental requirements in respect of the operation of a private generator in parallel with
the public supply system relate to safety. Parallel operation of the private generator shall not
present a hazard to the supply authority's operating staff and customers, the owner of the private
plant and/or their personnel, or the public.
The private generating plant must have provision for complete automatic separation from the
ENERGEX system or shutdown in the event of any irregularity or failure on any phase of the
supply, or for a fault on the private plant or its associated circuits.
Voltage, frequency and waveform must match that of the ENERGEX supply and any distortion of
these parameters must be contained within acceptable limits in order that there be no
interference with the quality of supply to other customers or risk of damage to apparatus
belonging to other customers or the supply authority.
2.14.2 Scope
Synchronous generators must be fitted with either automatic or operator controlled equipment
which ensures that frequencies, voltage and phase sequences are identical to the supply system
parameters before connection is made between ENERGEX's supply system and that of the
private generator. To ensure control over real and reactive power contribution to the system,
adequate control must be provided over both the governor (regulating frequency and input motive
power to the rotor) and the excitation system (controlling output voltage level). Mains excited
asynchronous (induction) generators have the advantage of not requiring synchronising or
excitation equipment and of ceasing to generate in the event of failure of the supply; however,
care must be taken to design for transient inrush currents and to avoid self excitation conditions.
Such machines require only simple speed control but may involve costs for reactive power supply
or compensation.
Line commutated inverters (interfaced between a DC source and an AC supply) have the
advantage of not requiring special synchronising equipment, and of ceasing to generate in the
event of a failure of the supply. Self commutated inverters (interfaced between a DC source and
an AC supply) are required to incorporate synchronising equipment by means of electronic
controls. The inverter must disconnect from the ENERGEX system upon any irregularity in
system voltage and frequency and/or failure of supply. In addition, the equipment must ensure
that after a disconnection there is no chance of reclosing the generators to the ENERGEX
network before synchronisation is completed. Care must be taken to limit the generation of
harmonic distortion, particularly with the larger inverter sizes. Regulatory
The generator installation must comply with all relevant standards including:
AS/NZS 3000 Wiring Rules,
AS 3010.1 Diesel generators/internal combustion engines,
AS/NZS 5033 – Installation of photovoltaic (PV) arrays,
AS 3947.3 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Switches, disconnectors, switch
disconnectors and fuse combination units as applicable,
AS4777 Grid Connection of Energy Systems via Inverters, Parts 1, 2 and 3.
All other relevant codes and government and statutory requirements must be adhered to. Indemnity
The generator owner will be required to indemnify ENERGEX against all legal claims,
suits and actions resulting from the owners use of the supply system in a manner
prejudicial to the safety and efficiency of ENERGEX's system.
The generator owner will normally be required to bear all ENERGEX costs associated with
system reinforcement/modification and/or additional protection and control equipment as
might be required to accommodate the private generators.
At some locations, technical requirements may limit the type or capacity of machine that
may be connected. Where required by ENERGEX the owner shall pay for any technical
studies required to ensure the suitability of the machine's interaction under normal and
fault conditions with the proposed system connection. These studies shall be undertaken
to ENERGEX's satisfaction regarding technical content.
The requirements for machine stability will vary, depending on the location of the
generator, the voltage level and the configuration of the interconnecting network.
ENERGEX may be able to provide assistance in this regard.
2.14.4 Safety
It is essential that the parallel operation of private generators with ENERGEX's system does not
present a hazard to ENERGEX's operational staff, to the public or to the owner of the generator.
Consequently, it is necessary that a failure of supply or irregularity in any of the phases of
ENERGEX's network result in the complete and automatic separation of the owner's generator or
disconnection (shut down) of the generator from the system. In addition, for certain faults on the
generator itself it shall be automatically disconnected and, where appropriate, the prime mover
automatically shut down
To ensure that operation of the generator does not introduce hazards to ENERGEX or the
generator owner's operating staff, operating procedures (including communication
arrangements) shall be submitted to ENERGEX for approval, and when agreed to placed
in writing with a copy held by both parties. Operating procedures may include mutually
agreed real and reactive power limits during all operating conditions possibly including
contingencies not covered by the design criteria. The onus of ensuring that these
operating procedures are adhered to and the training of staff rests with the generator
owner. Any change to approved operating procedures must be agreed to by both parties
and documented as above.
Private generating plant connected to the supply system may not raise fault levels beyond the
capacity of the ENERGEX's interruption devices. Calculations of the actual contribution from the
owners plant to the fault level at the point of connection will be necessary at the design stage to
determine the need for measures to control fault levels. All details of such calculations shall be
provided by the generator owner. It will be necessary for the owner to bear any costs incurred by
ENERGEX in respect of fault level control measures. Switchgear on the owner's system must be
capable of withstanding the combined fault current from ENERGEX's system and the owner's
It is important that any proposed connection of a private generator to the supply network be
investigated in depth to ensure that parallel operation does not degrade the quality of supply to
ENERGEX's existing or future customers. (The cost of any corrective measures found necessary
after installation shall be borne by the generator owner). Refer to Section 4 for Customer
Connection Requirements covering voltage distortion, harmonic distortion and voltage unbalance.
2.14.7 Protection
There must be proper coordination between the protection systems of the generating equipment
and ENERGEX's supply network in order to ensure correct operation of protection systems. The
areas requiring the installation of protection equipment are:
ENERGEX will require details of the proposed protection scheme to be submitted for
consideration and reserves the right to require modification where this is in the interest of
safe operation.
Each private generating plant installation will require investigation to determine the extent
of any system modifications required on the supply network to allow parallel operation.
The modifications may be as minor as the application of a new protection setting, safety
signs, or as complex as the installation of new switchgear and associated protection and
control schemes. Where the ENERGEX supply network is subject to auto-reclose then
this function shall, where practicable, be encompassed in any protection and control
scheme, and not inhibited.
The protection installed at the generator owner's end of the interconnecting system shall
provide discrimination for faults on the supply network.
The owner will be required to install control equipment to ensure that the level of
generation imported or exported is restricted to any mutually agreed power transfer limit.
2.14.8 Control Synchronising
Where relevant, provision shall be made by the generator owner for accurate manual or
automatic synchronising of its supply to the ENERGEX supply. If manual synchronising is
chosen then "Check Sync" relays may be required. Automatic synchronising is preferred.
In either case, the synchronising process must be carried out in a logical and sequential
order. The equipment used for synchronising must be approved by ENERGEX.
When the output of the generator is controlled by external factors, such as availability of
process steam, the prime mover shall be equipped with speed control to allow the plant to
respond should the system frequency rise or fall, or a sudden change in load occur.
However, it is possible that power control rather than speed control could be used. If
required ENERGEX will provide its load shedding frequency levels.
For small privately owned generators (<30 kV.A, 3 phase, 10 kV.A, 1 phase) the power
flow control regime shall be approved by ENERGEX. The order of power flow priorities
should be for internal usage first. Any excess power above this level should then be used
for charging of storage devices and finally for export to the ENERGEX's supply.
Automatic excitation equipment will be necessary to ensure that the generated voltage
and power factor are within the limits set by ENERGEX. In addition it must ensure
avoidance of excessive voltage rises or drops and avoid undue reactive loading on either
the supply system or the owner's generator.
The power factor of the generator must be held within the limits set by ENERGEX. These
limits will be assessed for individual cases.
Only mains excited asynchronous low voltage (415 V) generators may be directly connected to
the ENERGEX low voltage network. Synchronous and other generators must be connected via a
line or self commutated rectifier/inverter (or inverter only). However, other alternate arrangements
may be considered providing that basic safety, protection and compatibility requirements are
fulfilled. Full details are to be forwarded to ENERGEX for evaluation.
2.14.10Associated Legislation
The following policy outlines the conditions by which ENERGEX will relocate and/or underground
existing overhead assets at the request of customers.
2.15.1 General
When requested by customers to relocate and/or underground existing portions of the overhead
network, ENERGEX will carry out the work provided that:
The purpose of this policy is to respond to drivers which support the move towards greater
utilisation of appropriate powerline undergrounding solutions in the distribution network.
ENERGEX will undertake 3 programs to support the powerline undergrounding and re-
engineering policy. These programs are briefly outlined below:
The program would also include measures to alter overhead construction to address
sensitive vegetation and environmental aspects without undergrounding, eg. by use of
CCT and ABC where appropriate.
The focus areas for the Powerline Environmental Enhancement Program are:
The Network Reliability, Security and Community Standards Program will identify the most
appropriate areas of the network where undergrounding should be installed to improve
reliability, security and community standards. These areas may involve major or critical
infrastructure such as hospitals, sewerage and water facilities
In this program ENERGEX will totally fund the cost of the undergrounding works.
The suggested areas where undergrounding will be a reliability or security benefit are:
The program will also identify when overhead construction is appropriate, such as:
The Public Safety and Joint Initiatives will identify opportunities for working co-operatively
with Council’s, Main Roads and other government agencies to improve public safety and
improve efficiencies in operations. The public safety and joint initiatives include:
Where no other arrangements have been specifically agreed to by ENERGEX, and as ENERGEX
shall generally require the bulk of the conduits in a joint use trench, the general arrangement shall
be to split the trenching, conduit installation and reinstatement estimated cost as follows:
Cost sharing between Energex and other parties shall be in accordance with Powerline
Undergrounding and Re-engineering Programs (BMS3364).
Where an incremental increase in width of the trench over and above that required for
ENERGEX’s purposes is required to specifically accommodate the other party (s) additional
conduit installations, then the other party shall pay the incremental increased cost of the larger
Where no other arrangements have been specifically negotiated with and agreed to by
ENERGEX, costs shall be split based upon the number of conduits installed by ENERGEX and
the other party(s), where there is no need to increase the standard reamed hole diameter used by
ENERGEX for ENERGEX’s purposes.
Where an incremental increase in size of the reamed hole diameter over and above that required
for ENERGEX’s purposes is required to specifically accommodate the other party (s) additional
conduit installations, then the other party shall pay the incremental increased cost of the larger
reamed hole.
In addition, the other party may need to provide further funds for contingencies not foreseen by
ENERGEX at the time of the estimate, such as striking rock whilst drilling and any requirement to
use alternative or larger plant.
When supply cannot be given under normal tariff conditions,
ENERGEX may require an applicant to agree to supply conditions,
which guarantee a minimum revenue and/or require a capital
ANNUAL POTENTIAL The estimated annual value of energy to be consumed by
REVENUE (APR) proposed new or additional loading.
A specified area (such as an island) which on application by a local
BENEFITED AREA authority may be declared a benefited area with electricity
reticulation costs shared by all property owners.
Means the owner or the body of owners of lots included either in a
BODY CORPORATE building plan or in titles plan, registered under the Building and
Group Titles Act 1980.
An irrevocable financial agreement issued by a financial institution
BOND guaranteeing payment on demand. Some bonds have fixed
termination dates.
A pole erected by the electrical contractor or agent for the use of a
builder to construct a premise.
A temporary connection from a permanent service (overhead or
underground) to a temporary pole or box to provide supply for
building purposes.
BUILDER'S TEMPORARY An overhead service to a builder's pole to provide a temporary
SERVICE electricity supply for building purposes.
Means a building divided into lots then registered with separate
certificate of title for each lot under the Budding and Group Titles
Act 1980. Such units are commonly described as Strata Title
Connection Asset Customer. Non-ICCs with electricity consumption
level greater than 4 GW.h per year at a single connection point; or
CAC where a customer has a dedicated supply system with significant
connection assets. These customers will in most cases be supplied
under an individual negotiated connection contract
A capital contribution is an amount of money paid by the customer
as prepayment for a revenue shortfall in the case of an
uneconomic connection. An uneconomic connection is defined as
one where the average distribution prices for the relevant network
price category would not be sufficient to recover the full cost of the
Where a subdivider has satisfactorily completed construction of the
CERTIFICATE OF reticulation of a subdivision, a "Certificate of Acceptance" is issued
ACCEPTANCE to the subdivider. The asset becomes the property of ENERGEX
from date of the certificate.
COMMON AREA Refers to the common areas within Community Title developments.
Refers to residential development on land which has been divided
into lots and common property and registered under the Building
and Group Titles Act 1980 and for which a separate Certificate of
Title for each lot has been issued.
CONDUITS See Ducting.
CONSTRUCT "Construct" includes erect, lay down and place.
The electrical energy used (measured through a metering system)
CONSUMPTION and charged at the tariff rate/rates appropriate to the loading
A customer is a person who receives, or wants to receive, a supply
of electricity from an electricity entity or special approval holder.
The shortfall between revenue and guarantee (refer Guarantee
Also see:
Security Deposit
Subdividers Deposit
Note: Cash deposits are required, except where a security or
guarantee deposit exceeds $500.00. The customer may elect, in
DEPOSIT lieu of a cash payment, to:
a. Lodge an unconditional irrevocable Bond (Bank Guarantee)
b. Arrange to have stock (issued by an approved institution)
inscribed in the name of ENERGEX with interest on the
inscribed stock to be paid to the customer. Cash deposits
attract interest at a reduced rate.
DUCTING Pipe or conduit laid in ground for the installation of conductors.
DURATION – STANDARD The current specified period of an agreement.
An easement is defined by survey and is not effective until it is
registered on the title deed in the office of the Registrar of Titles.
Easements are acquired to ensure security for electric lines of
EASEMENTS various voltages. Registered easements remain in perpetuity or
until such time as they are no longer required to accommodate
electrical works, in which cases they may be surrendered by the
grantee (ENERGEX).
An electric line is a wire, conductor or associated equipment used
for transmitting, transforming or supplying electricity.
An electrical installation is an electric line or electrical article
installed in a place that is used for conveying, controlling or using
ELECTRICAL electricity. An electrical installation includes an addition or other
INSTALLATION alteration to the electric line or electrical article. However, an
electrical installation does not include works used for generating,
transmitting or supplying electricity.
Services which ENERGEX provides that are ancillary to the main
network services. EDSs are divided into two categories as follows:
Scheduled fees based services where work is recovered based
on a standard charge for cost of service provision (STD); and
Non-scheduled fee based services where work is recovered
based on the full cost of service provision. Prices are provided
on application for the service (POA).
Individually Calculated Customers. Customers with electricity
consumption greater than 40 GW.h per year at a single connection
point; or where a customer’s circumstances mean that the average
shared network charge becomes meaningless or distorted. These
customers will be supplied under an individual negotiated
connection contract.
Refers to a subdivisional development for industrial purposes.
INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION Industrial subdivisions are considered to be non-standard in
relation to pricing.
LOAD FACTOR The ratio of average demand to maximum demand.
The generic description of ENERGEX's electricity distribution
NETWORK assets. Substations, mains and services are components of the
Subdivisions with one point of supply
NON-STANDARD Subdivisions where ENERGEX reticulation standards cannot
SUBDIVISION be achieved
Industrial and commercial subdivisions
Refers to overhead lines, constructed of suitable conductors and
OVERHEAD MAINS other components in accordance with the requirements of the
Electricity Regulation.
Refers to overhead lines providing supply from the overhead mains
to a customer's premises according to the Regulation.
Supply to installations which are of a permanent nature (generally
estimated as having a life span in excess of 10 years). Typical
exclusions are:
supply to sandmining
supply to short-term quarry or mining operations
supply for building purposes
The point at which aerial conductors of a service line or aerial
POINT OF ATTACHMENT consumers mains are terminated on a customer's building, pole or
The point at which the consumer’s mains or the underground
service cable enters a building or structure.
Means the point at which a customer's electrical installation is
connected to service line.
Services carried out at the request of customers, which would not
RECOVERABLE WORKS otherwise have been required for the efficient management of the
The term when used in relation to revenue accounting refers to the
income derived from the sale of electricity to customers.
Road shall mean any road, street, square, court, alley, highway,
thoroughfare, lane, footpath, public passage or place that the
public is entitled to use and any wharf, jetty, bridge, park or reserve
that is under the control of a public authority.
Refers to country characteristics as distinguished from city
characteristics (urban).
Refers to an estate in a rural area subdivided for residential
RURAL RESIDENTIAL purposes generally having acreage lots. The Local Government
SUBDIVISION (Planning and Environment) Act requires electricity reticulation as a
condition of subdivisional approval.
Standard Asset Customer. Customers with an annual electricity
consumption below 4 GW.h per year, whose supply arrangements
are consistent across the customer group
SECURITY DEPOSIT A security for payment of energy consumed. Refer to Deposits.
An electric line servicing a customer's premises from ENERGEX
mains to point of supply.
An above-ground enclosure where underground supply to a
customer's premises is connected.
An inground enclosure where underground supply to a customer's
premises is connected.
Pre-printed letters used throughout ENERGEX for advising
applicants regarding availability of supply and conditions of supply.
Refers to residential estates eligible for standard pricing per lot as
a condition of supply.
STANDARD WORK A statement that describes the extent of works, wort procedures,
PROCEDURE (SWP) resources and certification for a particular category of work.
A refundable deposit equal to estimated cost of overhead
reticulation of subdivision. Either lodged in cash before wort
SUBDIVIDER'S DEPOSIT commences or, where subdivider is responsible for construction,
credited to subdivider's account when asset accepted by
Supply is considered to be available when ENERGEX is in a
position to energise the line should supply be required.
A substation is works used for converting, transforming or
controlling electricity.
Refers to the network use of system prices charged by ENERGEX,
TARIFF as reflected in the ENERGEX Network Pricing Schedule. Tariff
codes and prices vary with the different uses of electricity.
See Builder's Temporary Service.
Is a supply which, in the opinion of ENERGEX. is required for a
temporary period of time for particular purposes - eg short-term
TEMPORARY SUPPLY builder's temporary connection and the builder's temporary service.
Supply to major installations for less than 10 years is considered a
temporary supply - eg construction camps, etc.
A temporary supply provided to approved customers' installations
on ENERGEX's poles. The customer is charged a connect/
disconnect fee plus consumption at a set rate per day. Such
customers would include X-Ray caravans, mobile dental clinics,
mobile defence force recruiting units, etc.
Refers to ENERGEX Form 2 – "Request For Initial Connection,
Metering Change, or Service Alteration." This form must be lodged
with ENERGEX when an electrical contractor:
i. requires an initial supply at an installation
ii. carries out electrical installation work located within a
hazardous area
iii. carries out electrical installation work forming pan. of a
customer's high voltage installation
iv. completes work that requires additional metering or a change
to existing metering
TRENCHING Work carried out by ENERGEX or a developer for the installation of
underground cables.
Supply to approved installations with fixed electrical loading such
UNMETERED SUPPLY as traffic signals, telephone cabinets, part lighting, etc. The
customer is charged at a set rate per month.
URBAN Refers to it non-rural area - eg city, town, village, etc.
Works are anything used for, or in association with, the generation,
WORKS transmission or supply of electricity – eg electric lines, substations,
meters, buildings, etc.
Financial approval of capital expenditure for purchases and for
WORKS AUTHORISATION construction work including extensions and additions of mains to
provide a supply of electricity.
A Works Order is issued to Hubs as an instruction to carry out
capital works, which have been authorised on a Works
Authorisation or by Hubs to carry out nominated maintenance
3.1.1 Introduction
Load control, or Audio Frequency (AF) Load Control as it is more correctly referred to, is
the means whereby loads at the customer's premises are controlled (turned off and on)
from a few remote sources for the purpose of reducing system demand.
This benefits the electricity entity in terms of reduced demand charges and is organised
such that it is as transparent as possible to the customer.
Load control achieves savings in the cost of providing mains and transformer capacity
which otherwise would be necessary to cater for the full peak load.
ENERGEX and POWERLINK must each design and maintain an electricity system which
is capable of meeting the peak system demand. Historically, this peak has always been of
a short duration, at night and during one or two nights in winter. This results in a system
which, for most times of the year, is grossly under-utilised. Refer Figure 3.1.1.
Figure 3.1.1
Daily Load Curve
This situation can be improved by switching off loads at times of greatest system demand
and turning them back on at times of lower demand, as shown by the first and second
shaded areas. This is essentially the aim of the load control system. Refer Figure 3.1.2 .
Figure 3.1.2
Effect of Load Control on Domestic Load Demand
It is the intention of the load control system that its operation be as transparent to the
customer as possible. This means that ideally the customer does not realise that the
controlled loads are, or have been, turned off for a short period of time. In fact, much
research is done using complex computer simulation of load and system performance to
achieve optimal switching programs.
The types of load targeted, therefore, for load control applications are primarily energy
storage devices such as hot water systems, air conditioning systems etc.
Up until 1985, the only loads controlled were domestic hot water systems and a few other
specialised applications. In 1985 changes were made to the gazetted conditions of supply
for many tariffs.
Customers now have the option to connect other loads to the load control system but they
must then consider these loads as deferrable usage or restricted usage appliances and
the appliances, in turn, must be permanently wired, i.e. not powered via a plugged lead
from a GPO.
This, together with a general trend of increased hot water system element size, has
resulted in substantially greater savings to be made in the area of load control but has
also increased the complexity of the control program required. It has also necessitated
the development of greater sophistication in simulation programs.
ENERGEX generates, by the use of motor generator sets, a signal at the zone substation
which is injected into the supply system. This signal is a sine wave of 1050 Hz which
effectively gets a piggy back on 50 Hz power wave and is carried throughout the
Figure 3.1.3
A Super-Imposed Load Control Signal
distribution system (Refer to Figure 3.1.3). Receivers are installed at each house tuned to
1050 Hz which can "read" the signal and determine if they are to operate.
The first AF signal utilised by ENERGEX used the impulse interval principle. A start
impulse (5 seconds duration) caused the selector mechanism in the relays to start. In
order to switch on the loads on the various channels, further impulses were transmitted at
specific time intervals after the start pulse. The length of the time interval determined the
channel to be switched and was a multiple of 7.5 seconds.
A maximum of 22 channels only could be controlled and changing the status of one
channel required the transmission of a full command covering all 22 channels. Refer
Figure 3.1.4 below. This took three minutes and essentially confirmed or repeated the
status of the unaffected channels.
Figure 3.1.4
K22 Signal
The second type of AF signal used by ENERGEX uses the impulse combination
principle. This system was introduced in 1978 and is the one still used today.
It allows for a practical maximum of 100 discrete channels and offers much improved
security of the load control system, particularly against noise.
Each transmitted signal consists of 10 discrete logic bits with even parity. If the presence
of 1050 Hz is considered as being a mark and its absence as being a space, even parity
infers that the transmitted signal consists of five marks and five spaces. This, in fact, is a
designed feature of the decabit system and any signal received which does not consist of
five marks and five spaces is ignored (Refer Figure 3.1.5).
Figure 3.1.5
Decabit Signal
Each bit (marks and spaces) in the decabit signal is of 600 ms duration and the signal or
message is preceded by a 600 ms start bit. This summates to a total message time of 6.6
seconds. As only relays tuned to the transmitted signal will respond to the message, only
the signals which correspond to the channels whose status we wish to change need be
transmitted (compared to the full gambit of channels required under the previous K22
The load control system consists of three primary cells or groups. These are:
i) Substation Generation Equipment.
ii) A Transmission Medium.
iii) The Receiver.
ENERGEX has adopted a system of parallel injection for each of its zone substations and,
in all but two exceptions, injection is done at 11 kV. The two exceptions are Postmans
Ridge and Lockrose substations, where the signal is injected at 33 kV.
A 1050 Hz voltage is generated by either a low slip squirrel cage induction motor driving a
three phase generator or, in the case of sets installed after early 1988, a static frequency
generator. This voltage is then converted to the correct coded signal by a set of three
phase contactors which actually toggle, or switch, the supply system between the
generated voltage and a 1050 Hz wave trap, which is discussed below.
This signal is superimposed onto the 1050 Hz sine wave, which in this case acts as a
carrying medium for the signal (carrier wave). This signal is generated at a relatively low
voltage (in the order of 500 V) and is transformed to the correct signal level (220-330 V) by
a multi-tap isolation transformer. The signal then passes through a series LC circuit, tuned
to compensate for system impedances, for a resonance at 1050 Hz. When the generator
is not generating and transmitting an active signal, the supply system is connected
through a tuned wave trap to earth. This wave trap effectively soaks up or sinks any stray
1050 Hz signal and acts to prevent spill-over signal from adjacent substations affecting
relays in the area of control.
The times of transmission and the transmitted code or signal are controlled from either an
M4controller or a SACS (Substation Automated Control System) or mini-SACS control unit
installed in the substation. These units also monitor relay status and signal integrity,
raising alarms if the signal is below pre-determined threshold limits. An alarm will also be
raised if a 1050 Hz signal is detected and the generator is not running, thus indicating a
spill-over problem.
The M4 controllers are control units supplied by Zellweger. They contain inbuilt clocks and
are programmed to control all signal transmissions from that substation but are capable of
talking to other control units. These units have been superseded by ENERGEX-designed
and built SACS units.
Figure 3.1.6
Zone Substation AF Injection
Equipment Configuration
The individual substation SACS units are controlled from a central computer at the Control
Centre. The desired switching program is encoded into the master by the system
operators at the terminal using an interactive program on the computer.
Whilst it is the intention to have all substation AF injection equipment SACS controlled,
there still exists in the system a number of the older Zellweger M4 controllers which
require the desired switching routine to be programmed in, in the format of the desired
coded signal to be transmitted, and the time of transmission.
Unfortunately, the M4 controller can only control the injection sets in the one substation. If
changes are to be made to the switching schedule they must be made at each of the M4
controlled substations. This process is time consuming and allows more room for error.
The M4 control units are being progressively phased out of service and replaced with the
SACS or mini-SACS units.
Equipment Rating
One of the key factors which limits any switching program is the thermal limitation of the
injection equipment. Substation injection equipment intended for K22 signal injection, or
mixed K22/Decabit injection, has a different rating (higher) than equipment intended for
decabit injection only.
K22 Equipment -
It can be seen from the above that the rating of the generator is the limiting factor which
must be catered for during design.
Decabit equipment –
The above indicates that the limiting components in the decabit system are the tuning
coils and coupling capacitors. Of these, the coupling capacitor is more critical, i.e. can
least withstand an overload.
Ambient 40C
50 Hz residual current 10C
1050 Hz signal 30C
It follows from the above that, in special circumstances, the maximum duty cycles stated
earlier may be exceeded. Each case must be considered as unique and referred to the
Field Tests and Projects Manager for a determination.
NOTE: The term "actual injection time" or "active injection time" as used above refers to
the actual portion of the signal when a mark or 1050 Hz current is actually injected into the
system. The "space" segments of a transmitted signal are not counted for the
determination of the actual injection time. As the 6.6 seconds signal time for a decabit
signal consists of a 0.6 second start bit followed by a combination of five marks and five
spaces, it has an actual injected current time of 3.6 seconds.
Each AF injection set must be uniquely tuned to the existing substation configuration
before control signals can be generated. This is a key step in the commissioning of the
injection set. Incorrect tunings can result in the generator becoming overloaded and
burning out, insufficient signal level being generated to activate the relays or too large a
signal being generated and causing "noise" problems as discussed later. The cells must
also be tuned to correctly soak up or sink all unwanted spill-over signal from adjacent
generation points.
Parameters which must be determined for the accurate turning of an injection cell are:
A PC program has been developed which performs the complex calculations involved in
tuning a Zellweger injection cell.
It is important to note from Figure 3.1.6 that the 11 kV network is always connected
through the cell to either the generator or, more commonly, earth. The frequency
response of series and parallel LC circuits can be seen in Figure 3.1.7. The coupling cell,
being a series LC circuit, is tuned such that resonance occurs at 1050 Hz but that the
sufficiently high impedance at 50 Hz is seen by the network thus limiting the leakage
current to earth.
Figure 3.1.7
Series and Parallel LC Circuit
The transmission medium used for ENERGEX's load control network is the standard
supply network, i.e. the 33 kV, 11 kV and 415/240 V distribution networks. The AF signal
is superimposed on to the 50 Hz mains frequency at the substation bus and propagates
along the transmission lines with little attenuation.
Attenuation is not the only problem to be considered when designing a system which uses
a power line carrier signal such as the one ENERGEX uses. Resonance, interfering
loads, spill-over signal and distortion are all factors which must be taken into
Loads and distribution systems (low voltage) often behave much differently at 1050 Hz
than they do at 50 Hz. 1050 Hz is the frequency chosen by ENERGEX to operate its load
control relays. Problems have been encountered in the past when load control has been
introduced into a distribution area.
The purpose of this section is to establish a sequence of events which will reduce AFLC
Distribution systems are designed to have an equal loading across phases at 50 Hz.
Unfortunately, due to the effects of inductance and capacitance, the system can appear
quite different at 1050 Hz.
Some loads, particularly capacitive loads, act as a sink and soak up the 1050 Hz signal.
Other loads can act as a 1050 Hz intensifier and amplify the signal to a nuisance level.
Prior to Commissioning -
Before injection equipment is installed in a zone substation, the area it supplies should be
examined for potential causes of problems. Large banks of discharge lighting are by far
the main cause of problems due to the presence of their capacitors and will affect loads
supplied on the same low voltage network. Distribution transformers act as a block for the
Schools with night classes, after hours service stations, shopping centres etc. should be
identified and, where practical, isolated to unique LV areas. This will sometimes be
possible with larger shopping centres.
Where it is not practical to isolate these loads to their own transformer, the area should be
noted for further study after the injection equipment is commissioned.
At time of commissioning -
recorders sensitive to 1050 Hz are available in all districts and should be used for the
measurement of signal level. Also available are special 1050 Hz hand held voltmeters.
Signal Strength
Apart from the older K22 series relays initially used by the Brisbane City Council, all relays
purchased for load control purposes are guaranteed to operate on a signal of 1.1 V at
1050 Hz (the K22 relays required 1.5 V). In theory, any signal above this level is seen as
a logic 1 by the relay.
In practice, it is not possible to measure signal level at all locations at all times.
Transformer attenuation and the effects of various load changes throughout the day must
be allowed for.
1050 Hz is, however, in the audible band of frequencies and if the signal is too high the
customer may be able to detect its presence in iron cored appliances such as amplifiers,
lighting ballasts etc.
A maximum signal level of 10.0 V at 1050 Hz on the 240 V system has been determined
as the upper limit of AF signal the customer should be expected to accept. ENERGEX is
bound to maintain the AF signal to this limit at the consumers terminals.
Whether or not ENERGEX accepts to attenuate the signal below this level is dependent
on the individual Hub policy. A level of 10 V of AF signal is considered reasonable for the
customer to accept by all other Australian Electricity Authorities which use a load control
signal of the order of 1050 Hz.
Cold water complaints will always exist. The aim is to maintain them to a minimum. The
generation receivers purchased by ENERGEX are micro-processor controlled and contain
features which should reduce the number of cold water complaints.
Relays have proven to be extremely reliable devices with very few failures. The main
cause for a cold water complaint (not associated with the hot water system), therefore, is
poor signal level.
Some probable sources for signal interference will have been identified earlier and are
further discussed in this manual. If cold water complaints exist within the LV area of an
identifiable interference source, there are two methods of solution available:
1. Install a choke or stopper circuit to alter or mask the impedance of the load to 1050 Hz.
Field Tests and Projects Department should be consulted for this.
2. Install a time switch instead of a relay on the customer's premises with the time switch
set to switch at the times corresponding to the appropriate channel setting.
It has been recognised that limits must be set for both the lower and upper limits of 1050
Hz load control signal being impressed upon the system.
These limits can then be used to determine the thresholds of when failure of a relay to
operate becomes a more global problem and also where complaints of noise due to the
signal should be further investigated.
Lower Limit
All relays purchased prior to 1978 had a guaranteed threshold voltage of 1.5 V @ 1050 Hz
for operation, whilst all subsequent relays have a guaranteed threshold voltage of 1.1 V.
To allow for areas of moderate 1050 Hz attenuation, a signal strength of TWICE threshold
is designed for, for example, 2.2 - 2.0 V @ 1050 Hz.
Upper Limit
1050 Hz is in the audio band frequencies and can often be heard in iron-cored devices. A
balance is necessary, therefore, between the requirements of sufficient signal to ensure
correct propagation and the minimum level determined as a nuisance.
10 V @ 1050 Hz has been determined as the upper limit which is acceptable to both
ENERGEX and their customers.
Their upper level of acceptance is also in line with the upper limits set by many other
supply authorities who use AFLC at 1050 Hz.
3.2.1 Introduction
The usual method of supplying domestic installations and smaller industrial and commercial
premises is to connect them directly to the low voltage network, ie at 415/240 V, in the "road
reserve" via underground or overhead service mains.
An alternative method of supplying the load is necessary where the expected load of a single
service to an individual customer or group of customers (eg housing units, shops, etc), is likely to:
exceed the present capacity in the service main
overload the existing distribution substation, or
otherwise impair the quality of supply to neighbouring customers.
This may take the form of load relief on the existing (11 kV/415 V) distribution substation by:
rearranging the low voltage open points
re-conductoring of the low voltage mains, or
establishing a new distribution substation in the "road reserve" adjacent to the load.
Where the aggregate load of an individual customer or group of customers exceeds 100 kV.A
(139 amps per phase), the Electricity Regulation 2006 permits ENERGEX to request that a
distribution substation be established on the customers' premises. This right is exercised
provided that the method of supply chosen is the most practical and involves the least community
The method of supplying installations that require their own distribution substations is known
simply as "Supply to Large Installations". It should also be noted that the minimum size
padmount transformer is 315 kV.A.
Since each installation will be significantly different to make it unique in its own right, the objective
of this section is to provide guidelines for those whose task it is to design a method of supply to
these large installations.
Based on the size of customer with regard to demand and estimated energy consumption (refer
to section 2.7) a determination needs to made on the form of supply offer. For ICC’s and CAC’s a
negotiated connection agreement will generally be required with site specific network pricing
calculations applying (refer to BMS3544 Large Customer Connection manual for details.) For
SAC’s the supply offer process as outlined in this section will apply.
Some large Commercial and Industrial Customers including Embedded Generators may elect to
make a connection enquiry or application under the National Electricity Rules. These enquiries
should follow BMS 3631 Large Customer Connection process.
(Size and nature of load, any special requirements etc., negotiations with
customer if necessary)
Requests for supply to a large installation (e.g. from customer, Consulting Engineer, Architect or
Electrical Contractor), can be made via the Electrical Partners Portal on the Energex website or
by phoning 131253. There may be significant lead times (i.e. 9 months) on projects that require
network alterations so every attempt should be made to encourage the earliest possible
lodgement of a formal application Form 1201.
In some instances it may not be possible to complete applications with any degree of certainty,
due to the nature of the project. For example, a building project staged over a number of years,
in which the likely type of tenant is unknown and occupancy is also staged. However, in spite of
the difficulties a completed application form must be lodged as soon as possible. In addition a
ENERGEX planning staff require (as a minimum), data including:
Ideally, the level of information required to perform an in-depth assessment of the likely loading is
defined in AS/NZS 3000. The level of detail required in AS/NZS 3000 is far greater than that
required by the general application process. Every effort should be made to negotiate with the
applicant to obtain this information to assist in selecting the most economic method of supply.
Once an application has been formally lodged with Energex (i.e. Network Connection Application
F1201 signed and returned), assessment of likely supply options is performed as outlined in the
following sections.
Before any supply option can be looked at in detail, it is first of all necessary to critically examine
the size and nature of the load. The reason for adopting this approach is that these two aspects
affect not only the method of supply chosen but also the possible tariff options as well as the
capital contributions by both ENERGEX and the customer (see later sub-sections).
Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Method 1 provides an estimate of
the undiversified demand (refer Section 0 information on diversity), which if adopted typically
results in over design or an over-capitalisation of facilities. It would only be used when there is no
diversity or when considering worst possible situations within an installation, eg a mine, to
determine appropriate cable sizes taking into account voltage drop and thermal ratings.
Experience has shown that the method suggested by the Standards Association of Australia also
gives an estimate on the high side.
Depending upon the accuracy of the prediction of the proposed loading pattern, the applicability
of the typical loading figures chosen and the experience of the person doing the estimate, both of
the other methods could also give a high estimate. A full treatment of the various methods of
estimating maximum demands for various installations is given in APPENDIX 3.2.A -
gained from similar loads and installations will tend to give the most reasonable estimate.
Once the maximum demand has been determined it is necessary to consider the nature of the
load to determine if it will affect the "Quality of Supply" to neighbouring customers (refer section
Special consideration may be required for certain loads which, if interrupted, may cause unsafe
conditions or result in damage to equipment or loss of production beyond normal proportions.
Hospitals, some high rise buildings, refineries, chemical plants, water and sewerage treatment
plants and similar customers fall into this category. An appreciation of any special supply
requirements at an early stage (e.g. such as full alternate supply and its economic implications),
may save unnecessary evaluation of unsuitable options.
Ideally, ENERGEX prefers a customer to provide indication of the likely loading pattern at the time
of application and highlight any special equipment that may cause "Quality of Supply" problems.
This may include a simple statement like "full load consisting of 200 kW of light and power plus a
100 kW arc welder for eight hours dropping to 50 kW overnight". In the case of more informed
customers the statement may be "300 kW of load which includes a 100 kW arc welder with an
average load factor of 0.3".
Load Factor is the ratio which indicates the average level of usage for any period of time
compared with the highest level of usage averaged over 30 minutes, ie the maximum demand
during that period. It may be estimated by:
kWh in period
Load Factor =
maximum demand (kW) x No. of hours in period
Load factors for various types of customers may be estimated as outlined in APPENDIX 3.2.B -
The method of supplying the load from either the existing 11 kV or 415 V network is largely
determined by the type of reticulation in the immediate area of the proposed installation.
(i) Is 11 kV or 415 V supply already available in the vicinity of the proposed installation or will
the network have to be extended?
(ii) Will the additional loading cause an overload on the existing system equipment, lines, etc?
(iii) Will the additional loading cause voltage levels at the new installation and elsewhere to fall
below the minimum statutory limit?
(iv) Will the nature of the new load adversely affect the quality of supply to neighbouring
(v) Will the method of supply lead to the possibility of ferroresonance in distribution
(vii) Will the method of supply chosen offer an adequate level of reliability?
(viii) Will the LV conductor length exceed the protective length of the distribution transformer
If 11 kV or 415 V supply is not available in the immediate vicinity of the proposed installation, it
will be necessary to extend the network. When making this choice, it should be borne in mind
that other potential customers may choose to develop in the same area and the extension should
be sized accordingly.
Where supply is to be taken from either the existing 11 kV or 415 V network, present and future
loading levels should be looked at carefully to determine the likelihood of ENERGEX equipment,
lines or cables becoming overloaded in the near future. Recommended permissible loading
levels of ENERGEX equipment, lines or cables can be found in the relevant sections of the Plant
Rating Manual.
Ferroresonant over-voltages can occur in circuits that are characterised by capacitance in series
with a non-linear inductance which occurs when the following conditions coincide:
To avoid damage to ENERGEX equipment, maximum lengths of cable that can supply distribution
transformers have been determined (refer Section 3.8).
Depending upon its position in the network, the distribution substation or method of supply under
consideration may need special protection requirements (contact ENERGEX Protection
ENERGEX does not perform quantitative reliability studies as a matter of routine for every
planning or design project. Some idea of the level of reliability, ie-average number of outages per
year and average outage time, of the method of supply being considered can be obtained by
collating the data from the yearly "Reliability Reports" or the "Network Outage System".
For methods of supplying and metering customers at 11 kV refer to the Supply section of this
manual and the Electricity Connection and Metering Manual.
Having chosen the most suitable method of supplying the large installation from the existing
network, the next step is to determine which type of substation is the most suitable for that
particular installation.
When making a selection from the range of substation options that are available several aspects
need to be examined, namely:
(i) the type of substation and its suitability for the environment in which it is to operate;
(iii) the conditions under which supply will be given and the costs incurred by both ENERGEX
and the customer; and
(iv) adequate space for all equipment required to be installed within the substation.
Note: For substations to be installed in the Brisbane CBD area, the borders of which are shown in
the map in Appendix 5.1.A, an indoor substation room will be required. For new developments
which are Large Customer Connections, the minimum requirement for the room will be to
accommodate the provision of relay operated switchgear. A large customer connection are
defined as having:
an estimated annual electricity consumption greater than 4GWh per annum, or
an estimated maximum demand greater than 1MVA, or
significant connection assets, or
a generating system with nameplate capacity greater than 30kVA.
For new developments which are not Large Customer Connections, Energex will determine
switchgear requirements based on forecast growth and network development plans for the area.
For details on Energex substation requirements and standard room layouts please refer to the
existing Energex Commercial and Industrial Substations Manual.
Each of these broad aspects involves the detailed evaluation of several factors which are covered
to some degree in the Standard Network Building Blocks, C&I Manual and the section Supply.
Since these factors are only covered from an implementation point of view in the abovementioned
references, the philosophical reasons for considering them will be discussed in the following
sections. A brief review of the types of substations that are available is presented in the following
Several types of substation designs have been adopted for use on customers' premises, viz:
This arrangement consists of a transformer and its integral low voltage switching
equipment enclosed in a cabinet made of sheet steel, sheet aluminium or fibreglass.
The enclosure and internal components is mounted on a concrete base which may be
either integral with, or separate from, the cabinet. The design is aesthetically appealing
because of its compact nature. It is purchased in capacities (typically 750 and
1000 kV.A) with the cabinet constructed of sheet steel.
When making a choice from these options, consideration should also be given to the type of
environment in which the substation is to operate. For example, while a pole transformer station
may not be acceptable at a cement plant, the build-up of dust, fly ash etc on insulators may lead
to a disproportionately high level of maintenance in future years. In such a case it may be more
cost effective to adopt an alternative design initially - one that will not require a high level of
maintenance in the future, eg a pad mount substation.
Similar situations can occur in marine environments where salt spray can cause corrosion
problems, quarries where flying rocks from blasting could cause insulator damage, chemical
plants and oil refineries where hazardous build-up of fumes may require the substation building to
be pressurised. Each environment will need to be considered carefully to determine the most
suitable type of substation for that location.
Whilst the adoption of an alternative or improved design of substation may solve most problems
likely to be experienced from the environment, a wiser choice of location within the property, ie
move the substation away from the immediate environment that is causing problems, may prove
to be a more cost effective solution to the problem. This aspect is considered in the following
While it is desirable that the substation site chosen should meet all of the ENERGEX
requirements, in practice this rarely happens and in some cases the usual result tends to
be a compromise.
This situation is most likely to occur where the customer wants to maximise the space
available for rental, eg in a commercial building, or where the location of the substation
could affect the aesthetic appeal of the building.
When selecting a suitable substation site several factors need to be taken into account,
Ideally the substation and main low voltage switchboard should be located as close as
possible to the electrical centre of the load to minimise the extent of low voltage cabling
required as well as the voltage drop at the extremity of the load. Another advantage of
locating the station at or near the centre of the load is that the number of additional low
voltage switchboards and sub-mains is minimised.
The site should, if possible, be chosen so that the substation has minimal impact on the
immediate environment.
The installation of transformers near environmentally sensitive areas should be avoided
when a single transformer contains oil volumes above 500L but less than 2000L. These
apply to padmount transformers of 750 kVA and 1000 kVA and ground transformers of 750
kVA, 1000 kVA and 1500 kVA.
If the transformer site cannot be located outside the environmentally sensitive area, the
options are:
(1) Install smaller sized padmount transformers of 315 kVA or 500 kVA (which have oil
volumes less than 500 litres)
(2) Provide oil containment (for example, bunding) to contain any oil spill, internally or
externally to the substation or externally around a padmounted transformer.
All external conduits terminating in a substation chamber are to be sealed, after the
cable installation, against the ingress of contaminants
Note: Sensitive Environmental Areas are areas of Protected Estate being - an area
dedicated or declared under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 or Marine Parks Act 2004 as
national park, conservation park, resources reserve, nature refuge, coordinated
conservation area, wilderness area, World Heritage management area, international
agreement area or marine park.
Sensitive Environmental Areas may also be those areas immediately adjacent to permanent
water bodies, where a direct flow path to the water exists and the transformer would be
located in a position that would place it at risk of rupture due to impact.
3. Access
The site has to be accessible to both ENERGEX personnel and equipment 24 hours a day
in such a way that there is no need to enter the customers' secure areas. If fencing is
installed around the site, gate access to the rear of the substation may be required. Sites
must be accessible when there is an electrical outage (i.e. no electric gates to restrict
access to Energex equipment).
4. Internal Reticulation
The site should be selected such that the route of the incoming 11 kV feeder (and
possibly a low voltage tie to the network), is not prejudiced by excessive directional
changes or future site development.
5. Future Development
Development plans by the customer should be considered for optimal placement of the
substation initially as well as any future cable routes.
6. Flooding
The site must be above the Defined Flood Level (DFL) or 1 in 100 year flood level.
However, where this is unavoidable due to seepage or localised storm run-off, drainage
pits complete with automatic stop/start sump pumps are to be provided within the
substation, and a generator connection point at ground level. Alternatively, the drainage
pits are to be connected to the stormwater system if the out-fall level permits. All conduits
which penetrate building walls shall be sealed against water ingress.
7. Other Services
No other services such as water pipes, storm water pipes, sewerage pipes etc are
permitted within the substation boundary and the site should be chosen so that it is clear
of all such services. If this is unavoidable, ENERGEX requires these services to be
enclosed in a second outer pipe.
The above list represents some factors to be considered when choosing a substation site
and is not exhaustive. Only experience with the special requirements of different
substations in various locations will determine the most appropriate list of factors to be
considered in each individual case.
ENERGEX's Policy relating to the special conditions under which supply will be made
available to large installations, at either high voltage or low voltage, is given in detail on
the ENERGEX Intranet. This section presents a summary of the more important of these
The location of this space and suitable right-of-way for incoming mains is chosen
using the criteria listed in Section, in consultation with the customer or his
agent and is generally made available to ENERGEX free of charge. However,
where ENERGEX requires special access to supply other customers from this
substation, a mutually agreeable annual rental fee may be payable provided the
criteria outlined in the Electricity Regulation 2006 have been satisfied. In general,
ENERGEX does not pay rental on the space occupied by the majority of its
distribution substations.
The per capital contributions policy set out in the ENERGEX Pricing Principles
Statement published on the ENERGEX website. Capital contributions are
calculated using the capital contributions calculator maintained by Network Pricing.
Customers may, by agreement with ENERGEX, provide all the transformers (both
standard and non-standard) and/or switchgear and other high voltage equipment.
However, in this case the "high voltage" customer must accept responsibility for
the operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of all equipment owned by
This condition does not apply in the case of customers who provide their own
The customer shall bear the cost of the remainder of the overhead line and
supports provided by ENERGEX within the premises as well as the low voltage
service mains from the termination pole.
For detailed information on capital contributions, please refer to the ENERGEX Network Pricing
Principles Statement and the capital contributions calculator maintained by Network Pricing
The final step in the planning procedure is to formally communicate to the customers the method
by which they will be supplied from the existing network and the point of supply, ie the customers'
terminals. This will take the form of a Network Connection Contract.
The email/letter transmitting these documents to the customer should also advise them of the
person the forms are to be returned to, as well as the Hub contact person for project coordination.
The Network Connection Contract will detail all the conditions under which supply is given, viz:
Maximum Connection Capicity
Fees and Charges
Approvals required
Program for Energex Connetion Services
Technical and Safety Obilgations
General Terms and Conditions
Any special conditions that ENERGEX may have that are appropriate for the connection
Schedule of Work Activities for Energex and the Customer
Should insufficient transformer capacity be installed to supply the initial load or moderate
load growth over, say, the first five years of operation, the undesirable problem of
installing additional capacity could result. This could be an extremely expensive exercise
costing both the Board and the customer many tens of thousands of dollars. Clearly the
customer would be dissatisfied.
The following information provides a guide for the estimation of maximum demand for
large installations.
Notwithstanding the comments made previously concerning the need for accuracy in
estimating maximum demands, this is not an easy task otherwise a multiplicity of
published material would be available and the whole process would be computerised.
Such is not the case, however, and it is still one of those areas of engineering where
experience, coupled with common sense, is required.
The reason why estimating maximum demands is such a difficult task can be readily
understood when one considers that no two installations will be "exactly identical". By
their very nature, the types of load within so called identical buildings will be different;
furthermore diversity between loads will affect the maximum demand.
Large installations can be categorised into the following four distinct groups:
i) residential
ii) commercial
iii) industrial
iv) rural
Table 3.3.A.1 shows various types of installations for each of the abovementioned groups.
Within any particular installation there may be various permutations and combinations of
load groups. For example, a hotel complex may include an office block and/or a shopping
mall; a rural installation may include a large industrial complex such as a timber mill.
There is a possibility of a multiplicity of types of loads for each group. Table 3.3.A.2 lists
the various types of loads normally associated with the various installation groups.
When one considers the various permutations and combinations of loads within any
particular installation, it is easy to understand why maximum demand estimation has
remained an "art" rather than a "science".
There are three main methods that have been used to estimate maximum demand,
The method of estimating maximum demand by considering the total connected load is
very seldom used and is used only when there is no diversity or when considering worst
possible situations within an installation, eg a mine, to determine appropriate cable sizes
taking into account voltage drop and thermal ratings. It is not an effective method which
can be used for sizing transformers and could result in an over-capitalisation in plant. Its
inclusion here is for completeness only.
However, some information is of limited benefit and often provides misleading results (e.g.
when calculating the loads due to General Purpose Outlets (GPO's) in, say, an office or by
hand tools used in a factory). In many cases, the planner/designer has absolutely no
knowledge at all concerning the type of equipment likely to be plugged into these outlets.
Experience has shown that this method tends to give a value of maximum demand that is
of the order of 60% higher than the actual measured value. Whilst it is not a
recommended method of estimating maximum demand, it is useful in that it can be used
as a check on the plausibility of the value obtained using the preferred method.
The preferred method for calculating the maximum demand for a large installation, such
as a large office building, is the "VA per Square Metre", ie VA/m 2, method which is also
known as the "gross floor area" method. The gross floor area with this method (as applied
to an air conditioned complex) is defined as the total air conditioned floor area, including
lift lobbies, stairwells, toilets etc but does not include plant rooms and car parks.
The VA/m2 method is applied in two ways to estimate the maximum demand of large
2. From detailed information concerning load groups within the installation and the
areas occupied by these respective groups.
The following figures, which relate to gross internal areas of the relevant spaces
unless specified otherwise, may be used as a guide.
Office spaces 20 - 25 VA/m
Amenities, Plant Rooms, Car Parks 4 - 7 VA/m2
Low Rise 5 VA/m2 (gross building area)
High Rise 10 - 15 VA/m2 (gross building area)
Miscellaneous Power:
Sump Pumps, Hot Water Systems - Calculate loads on known
details, ie SAA, generally will
be less than 5% of total load.
Note: In choosing an appropriate value of VA/m 2 from within the above range of
values, consideration should be given to the factors listed in Table 3.2.A.3.
TABLE 3.2.A.2
Welders No No Yes No
TABLE 3.2.A.3
In cases where the load factor is not known it is possible to estimate it in two ways, namely:
Suppose the customer indicates that the estimated maximum demand (SAA) would be
600 kW and the loading pattern would be as follows:
0% maximum demand during run-up period (8am to 10am) and run-down period
(2pm to 4pm)
Maximum demand during the period 10am to 2pm.
10% of maximum demand for the remainder.
Suppose also that this loading pattern is typical for most days of the year and that
ENERGEX's experience with this type of customer indicates that the maximum demand would
only be 400 kW.
Figure 3.2.B.1
= 2 880 kWh.
The total energy consumed in a 24 hour period if all demand was at 100% is therefore:
2 800
Hence, Load Factor = = 0.3
9 600
Since the loading pattern is repeated, ie the same every day, the average monthly and
yearly load factors are the same as the average daily load factor.
2. Using a load characteristic curve that is typical of the type of customer being considered.
Alternatively, using a curve that closely approximates what the perceived load shape
would be will also give acceptable results. This method is illustrated in the following
Suppose that the customer has a maximum demand, assessed by ENERGEX, of 300 kW
and that the daily load characteristic curve is similar to that depicted in Figure 3.2.B.2.
Suppose also that this loading pattern is typical for most days of the year. Once again the
total energy consumed in a 24 hour period is the area under the curve in Figure 3.2.B.2.
There are numerous methods of estimating this area; however, the simplest (keeping in
mind that the curve is made up of a plot of half hourly maximum demands) and quickest is
to divide the curve into half hourly periods or plot it out on squared graph paper. Once
this has been done, pick the most likely maximum demand for each half hour period and
calculate the area in each case as shown below.
Figure 3.2.B.2
Now assume that this has been done and that the total energy consumed in a 24 hour
period was found to be 2 160 kWh. As before, the total energy consumed in a 24 hour
period if all demand was at 100% would be 7 200 kWh.
2 160
Hence, Load Factor = = 0.3
7 200
Once again, since the loading pattern is repeated the average monthly and yearly load
factors are the same as the average daily load factor
3.3.1 Introduction
One of the primary considerations when planning an LV distribution network is to ensure that
adequate voltage levels are maintained for all customers along an LV distributor at all times
throughout the life of the LV network. In order to achieve this, accurate voltage drop calculations
must be carried out, at the design stage, on the LV distributor.
This chapter describes a method of calculating voltage drops along LV residential distributors and
specifies maximum allowable voltage drops for design purposes to satisfy the statutory minimum
voltage requirements.
3.3.2 Background
The low voltage system is one of the most important sectors of the total Electricity Supply
Industry. It represents the direct interface with most of our customers and accounts for the
majority of the Industry's source of income.
The supply of electricity is regulated by statutory requirements for voltage levels at the
consumer’s terminals, ie 240 volts ± 6%.
Voltage levels outside these limits may result in unacceptable supply conditions causing problems
such as dim lights, blown lamps, TV or computer problems etc, resulting in customer
(a) 11 kV System
2. Feeder load.
LV System
1. After Diversity Maximum Demand (ADMD) – depends on size and type of individual
customer's diversified load.
3. Unbalance Factor (varies with number of customers and phase balancing installation
4. Cable impedance (varies with the type, operating temperature and size of cable and
5. Load Control System for hot water systems (affects load factor, load peak and ADMD).
PV systems can cause a rise in the network voltage, particularly for large systems (above 3 kVA
single phase and 15 kVA 3 phase) and long runs of LV conductor.
LV design in ENERGEX is carried out using a PC based computer program called "LVDROP".
Details on using this package are included in the LVDROP manual.
1. Balancing of Loads
2. After Diversity Maximum Demand
3. Diversity Factor
4. Conductor and Cable Impedance
5. Voltage at Distribution Transformer Secondary.
6. Length of Conductors/Cables.
It is not possible to achieve perfect load balance between all three phases of an LV
distributor supplying single phase domestic customers, despite connecting an equal
number of customers to each phase.
This is due to the random variation in the magnitude of each connected load with time,
resulting in unequal loads on the different phases of the distributor. This unbalance
phase loading causes a current to flow in the neutral conductor of the distributor and a
corresponding voltage drop in the neutral.
Certain areas in ENERGEX have unbalance problems caused by various factors including
LV load unbalance. Effective customer load balancing will reduce this problem.
The effects of unbalance are varied and a balancing policy will ensure minimisation of:
The following assumptions are made when simple load balancing is performed:
Voltage drop in each line segment is the product of the current and the impedance of the
line segment. Impedance is a function of length of the line segment.
In order to arrive at a balanced condition, the sum of the moments of each phase must be
equal, or nearly so. The difference in moments between the phases is a measure of load
and voltage unbalance.
Major appliances, such as hot water systems, electric cooking appliances, space cooling
and/or heating appliances can have a significant influence on load unbalance conditions.
Figure 3.3.1 shows a typical service arrangement for open wire LV overhead reticulation.
Figure 3.3.1
Single Phase Service Arrangements
for Open Wire Overhead Service
Figure 3.3.2 shows a typical service arrangement for ABC low voltage overhead reticulation.
Figure 3.3.2
Single Phase Service Arrangements for ABC Overhead System
Figure 3.3.3 shows a typical arrangement for old service URD low voltage reticulation. In this
arrangement cross road services (for single phase customers) were connected to the same
The sequence followed when allocating phase connection details is based on a C-B-A-A-
Figure 3.3.3
Single Phase Service Arrangements for URD System
using 25mm2 2Core PVC/NS/PVC
B-C arrangement, starting at the remote end of the LV distributor. This approach
optimises the "phase moments" about the substation and provides for minimal LV losses
and minimal voltage drop due to neutral out of balance currents.
The introduction of 16 mm2 Cu 4 Core XLPE/PVC cables as the new cross-road cable in
URD Estates occurred in July 1992. This requires cross-road houses to be connected to
separate phases to minimise voltage drop in the cable. Thus a new method for balancing
estates using the new four core cables is shown below in Figure 3.3.4
Figure 3.3.4
Single Phase Service Arrangements
for URD System using 16mm2 4 Core XLPE/PVC
Where three phase services are installed, effort is required to minimise overall
Figure 3.3.5 shows how phase connections may be made to take account of a three
phase service.
Figure 3.3.5
Single and Three Phase Service Arrangements
for ABC Overhead System
Unbalance Factor
The Unbalance Factor (UF) is defined as the ratio of the actual or true voltage drop along
a three phase distributor to the theoretical voltage drop calculated, assuming perfectly
balanced loadings, and is determined by field measurements of phase and neutral
currents and voltage drops along typical LV distributors. The unbalance factor is used in
determining the maximum allowable balanced voltage drop for a LV distributor.
Although the service connection arrangements, as shown in Figures 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.3,
3.3.4 and 3.3.5, minimise the out of balance effects, diversity of connected loads over
specific phases can create some out of balance.
The amount of unbalance at any point along a distributor is proportional to the total
number of customers on that section of the distributor.
When using the "LVDROP" computer program to calculate the design voltage level at the
remote end pillar or pole for each distributor, the effect of unbalance is accounted for by
specifying reduced voltage drop limits.
The value used is based on a 20% unbalance factor, applied over the whole distributor
when phase connections are carried out using the phase balancing system, as detailed in
Figures 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.3.4 and 3.3.5.
In the field of electricity distribution, the load curves of two or more similar customers do
not usually coincide precisely, resulting in the maximum total load on a distribution
transformer being less than the sum of the individual customer maximum demands. This
phenomenon is called Diversity.
Most electricity authorities use Diversity Factors to calculate the expected maximum
demand for a group of houses, although diversity factor equations vary considerably
between authorities.
This approach is satisfactory for simple radial networks with a homogenous group of
customers, ie all having similar ADMD's and load characteristics. For most practical
purposes the following formula may be used for diversity when applied to residential
DF(n) = 1 +
These parameters are explained later. For residential estates, it may be assumed that 2σ
= μ.
k is given a value of 2, corresponding to a confidence level of 97.7%.
The diversity factor is maximum at the end of the LV distributor and a minimum
(approaching unity) at the distribution transformer terminals.
MD = ADMD(inf) x n x DF(n)
However, this approach has limitations. It falls down when the houses have varying
ADMDs, or when there is a mix of residential and industrial loads, eg a sewerage pumping
station in a housing estate. It is also unsuitable for networks containing rings.
In such cases, a statistical approach should be used, describing loads in terms of two
statistical parameters as follows:
The maximum demand of a load is the mean plus a certain number, k, of standard
deviations, ie:
MD = + kSD
MD = n + k n SD
Differing loads may be combined using statistical algebra to find the worst likely voltages
and currents. These calculations are best performed by computer using a program such
Voltage drop shall be no lower than 11.0 volts at any pillar on the main cable run
(excludes cross-road pillars). In any case the voltage variation shall be within statutory
limits of 240V + 6% at the point of attachment. This is at any pillar for underground and at
any customer connection point (e.g. mains box) for overhead.
Maximum current shall be limited to 125% transformer current rating (Refer Table 3.3.1).
The "After Diversity Maximum Demand" (ADMD) is defined by its title, in that ADMD
means the maximum demand (load) which can be expected at each house, after all
diversity has been taken into account. It has been shown by recorded data and statistical
evaluation that the ADMD decreases with increasing numbers of customers and
approaches a limiting value, as shown in the curve of Figure 3.3.6 below.
It can be seen from this curve that will reach an asymptote value when the number of
customers reaches infinity. It is this value, ADMD (infinite) [ADMD(inf)] which is used in
Voltage Drop calculations.
The first step in determining the ADMD for a group of houses is to calculate the
Most padmount distribution substation transformers, and some pole mounted distribution
transformers, have Maximum Demand Indicators (MDIs) fitted. These are connected to
the secondary windings of toroidal current transformers which are fitted over the LV
bushings or leads of the distribution transformer and record the average maximum half
hour demand for each phase in amps since the previous reading. There are winter and
summer peak demands on the system and MDIs are normally read and reset in autumn
(April–May) and again in spring (August–September).
I x R x 240
Maximum demand = kV.A
Thus, to determine the ADMD (N) for a particular distribution transformer, obtain the MDI
readings and an accurate count of houses being supplied by that transformer, then apply
the following formula:
This value of ADMD (N), however, assumes that the maxima recorded by each phase of
the MDIs were coincidental. Applying the principles of diversity, any group of customers
"balanced" over the 3 phases will show inter-phase diversity. This variation is the final
diversity to take into account in the calculation of ADMD (inf). Thus the ADMD (N) is
modified by the Diversity Factor for the number of houses per phase.
ADMD(N) __________________
ADMD(inf) = (2) (see Section
DF (n)
Consider a 300 kV.A Padmounted Distribution Substation with 500/5 CTs feeding a total
of ninety customers and the MDI readings are:
A - 4.6 A
B - 4.2 A
C - 4.0 A
R = 500/5 = 100
N = 90
= 3.4 kV.A
= kV.A
= 2.88 kV.A
ADMD is the most critical variable factor in LV system design as its accurate selection
directly affects the optimum costs of an installation and quality of supply.
1. Size and type of dwelling, ie low income house, up-market canal estate house, town
house etc.
2. Presence of alternative energy sources, ie gas cooking, gas space heating, gas hot
water, solar hot water etc.
4. Load factor (varies with socio-economic groups), ie-disposable income affects life style
5. Type and size of electric water heater, ie element rating, controlled or uncontrolled and
tariff selection.
For example, a subdivision may totally include Housing Commission dwellings which may
all have identical hot water systems connected to the night rate tariff. The resultant effect
is a maximum demand in the order of 3.6 kV.A/house, ie – the typical rating of the hot
water system, which may be the maximum load seen by the supply transformer.
The LV winter peak demand typically occurs for up to four hours, ie between 5.30 pm and
9.30 pm, over approximately two months a year (July–August). The summer peak load is
temperature dependent and occurs for up to 4 hours from 2 pm to 6 pm over the
December to February period.
It is therefore important that emphasis is applied to the optimum selection of ADMD. The
influencing factors, as listed above, should be evaluated for each individual estate to
assist in the selection of optimum ADMD or maximum load condition for voltage drop
Recent years have seen significant growth in residential electricity loads due to a range of
factors including; dwelling size, style and density and increased customer reliance on
whitegoods and air conditioning. These factors (particularly air conditioning) have
significantly increased demand on the electricity network. Accordingly, After Diversity
Maximum Demand (ADMD) has been revised as is shown in Table 3.3.2 below.
There is no longer a requirement to perform contingency analysis (eg. for an ADMD of 1.0
kV.A greater than the ADMD used in base calculations)
New developments may occur within or adjacent to areas designed with ‘old’ ADMD
ADMD for the existing area shall be determined (by measurement) and a 1.3 loading
factor applied. The measured value shall be added to the new development ADMD to
determine the total design ADMD.
TABLE 3.3.2
Revised Design ADMDs
Design ADMD Estate Category Comments
Retirement Village Applies to 2 or 3 bedroom houses,
3.0 Units, Cluster Housing, Duplex Units, eg small low-set.
Relocatable Homes, Units/Townhouses,
Low Cost Housing
Middle/Upper income housing, High rise Applies to 3 or 4 bedroom homes.
7.0 Prestige Housing/ Applies to large prestige type
Units/Townhouses housing and cluster developments
Notes: 1. Where gas cooking and water heating is used, values may be reduced by 1 kV.A.
A written request and supporting documentation shall be submitted to ENERGEX.
Approval for such shall be solely at ENERGEX’s discretion.
2. Where continuous electric hot water heating is used, increase the ADMD by
0.5 kV.A.
TABLE 3.3.3
Maximum Number of Customers per Transformer
Versus Design ADMD (Transformer 125% Loaded)
Alternatively: Use LV drop and ensure current is limited to 125% transformer current rating (refer
Table 3.3.1).
Impedances used for LV distributor voltage drop calculations are calculated using the
following formula:
The above formula calculates the component of impedance, which is in phase with the
distributor tail end voltage. When used in the voltage drop formula, this impedance gives
the in phase component of voltage drop which is the difference between the magnitude of
the sending end voltage and the magnitude of the tail end voltage.
Due to the fact that the resistance of a conductor varies with temperature, the temperature
of the conductor at the time of peak demand is used to determine its resistance for use in
the above formula. It has been estimated that for cables in URD, the appropriate
conductor temperature to use is 50 oC while a temperature of 75 oC is used for overhead
distributors. These conductor temperatures correspond to peak demand.
Similarly, the power factor at the time of peak demand is used to determine the phase
angle for use in the impedance formula. A power factor of 0.97 has been adopted for
use in the impedance calculation based on field recordings of LV distributors during times
of peak demand.
The Plant Rating Manual lists 3 impedances at 0.97 power factor for overhead
conductors and underground cables, calculated using the above formula. The winter
ratings are also included for evaluating the thermal rating of conductors and cables for
residential subdivisions.
Electricity Regulation 2006 (Chapter 2, Part 2, Division 2) requires that a Supply Authority
maintain its voltage level at consumer’s terminals within ± 6% of 240 V. This translates to a
voltage range of 225.6 V -254.4 V at the consumer’s terminals.
In order to maintain a voltage level, at the consumer’s terminals, above the minimum statutory
level of 225.6 V for all customers on a distributor, the overall voltage drop along the distributor
must be limited to a maximum value, which depends on the minimum transformer terminal
voltage, the maximum voltage drop of services and the effect of unbalance.
The actual permissible balanced LV voltage drop between the transformer terminals and the
furthest pole, or the pillar connected at the end of the LV distributor, is 10 volts for overhead
systems or 11 volts for underground systems, based on a full load transformer recommended
minimum secondary voltage of 242 volts (see Table 3.3.4).
Typical voltage drops for low voltage services are included in Table 3.3.4.
TABLE 3.3.4
Typical Voltage Drops For LV Services
2 Phase
Single Phase (Rural) 3 Phase
2NS/16 3NS/16 4NS/16
(7/1.70) 25 mm² 17/1.70 17/1.70 25 mm² 16 mm
2 Core CU 3 Core 4 Core CU CU
16 mm² 1 Core 16 mm² 16 mm² 3 Core 4 Core
Service UG Cable Service Service UG Cable Cable
Cable Cable Cable
Impedance 1.347 0.782 1.347 1.347 0.782 1.235
30 16 30 30 16 16
Length m
ADMD (inf)
2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 3.5
3.5 1.3 2.2 1.3 0.5 1.5
Drop Volts
ADMD x DF x N x Z x L
Voltage drop =
To make calculation easier (and because LV design is based on a statistical approach to Diversity
and Unbalance), standard service mains voltage drops of 3.0 and 2.0 volts are recommended for
overhead and underground services respectively.
The minimum design balanced voltage level to be applied to the LVDROP calculations is 232 and
231 volts at the end pole or pillar respectively on the LV distributor, as shown in Figures 3.3.7 and
Consumers Consumers
Mains Terminals
(Min Statutory
volts 225.6)
25 sq mm CU XLPE
16m Cross Road
Road Service Cable
Reserve (Typical Voltage
drop 2 volts)
Figure 3.3.7
Minimum Design Balanced Voltage Level Overhead System
Road Consumers
(Min Statutory
volts 225.6)
16 sq mm
16m Service Mains
Road (Typical Voltage
Reserve drop 3 volts)
Last Pole
(Design Balanced
Voltage Level =
232 volts)
(Output 242 volts) Distributor
Figure 3.3.8
Minimum Design Balanced Voltage Level
Underground System
The higher the distribution transformer minimum secondary voltage can be maintained (by
effective 11 kV regulation and appropriate tap setting), the more effective the results which can
be achieved in the process of optimisation of the LV system design.
The minimum distribution transformer secondary voltage lies in the range 242-252 V, depending
on the 11 kV planning design and operating practices of each region.
Based on the objective of a design balanced voltage level, at the furthest LV pole or LV pillar, of
232 and 231 volts respectively (refer to Figures 3.3.7 and 3.3.8), the allowable balanced voltage
drops for various transformer secondary full load voltage levels are included in Table 3.3.5.
TABLE 3.3.5
Allowable Voltage Drops of Various Distribution
Transformer Secondary Full Load Voltage Levels
Transformer Secondary Allowable Design
Balanced Voltage Drop
Full Load Voltage
252 20 21
250 18 19
248 16 17
246 14 15
244 12 13
242 10 11
240 8 9
The Voltage Management Standard for Energex is covered in BMS3545 Joint Working Voltage
Management Standard.
The guidelines for the rectification of voltage issues on LV networks is covered in Section 2.7 of
BMS3547 Voltage Management Philosophy. The following is an extract from this report with
minor amendments in the distribution tap change area. Summary
Distribution Substations and low voltage networks form the final physical link in the electricity
supply network. They typically have no real-time voltage management capability, with fixed
tapping transformers and voltage drop in the distribution network determined by the conductor
impedance and load.
Despite the relative technical simplicity of this part of the network, it must be engineered carefully
to ensure that the goals of this voltage management philosophy are achieved.
Distribution substations and their associated LV networks can be the source of many
voltage management issues. These include:
• Incorrect distribution transformer tap leading to consistently high or low voltage.
• Overloaded distribution transformer leading to excessive voltage regulation at the
transformer low voltage terminals.
• Overloaded low voltage conductor leading to excessive voltage drop.
• Voltage regulation problems on the high voltage side (especially if voltage regulators
installed along 11kV feeder).
• High penetration of PV
Voltage management problems are often first identified at the low voltage level via a customer
complaint. OS115 – Phase and MEN Voltage Investigations outlines the steps to follow when
undertaking voltage investigations. Following appropriate logging of the customer’s installation as
described in the Voltage Management Standard, a number of possible solutions to the problems
identified can be employed.
Generically, the possible solutions, listed in approximate capital cost order, are:
• Balance the phase connection of the customer (PV systems and customer loads)
• Adjust distribution transformer tap setting
• Move LV links
• Reconductor LV mains to reduce voltage drop
• Upgrade the distribution transformer to avoid overloading
• Install an additional distribution transformer
• Modify PV inverter set point voltage
In many cases more than one, or a combination of possible solutions would solve a customer’s
issue. Care must be taken in choosing the appropriate solution to ensure that:
In some cases a customer’s voltage problem could merely be caused by being connected to a
phase with voltage outside the normal range. Low voltage systems with unbalanced phase
currents not only produce voltage drop on the active conductor, but residual current in the neutral
also contributes to a voltage drop in the neutral conductor.
In this case the simplest solution will be to move the customer to another phase. If the phase the
customer is supplied from is heavily loaded causing excessive voltage drop, and the other phases
have lighter loads, this may be the ideal solution. In many cases however, the situation will be
more complex and other customers on the same low voltage network will also have problems,
regardless of whether they have complained or not.
If one customer is receiving voltage outside the normal range of a particular phase, it is possible
that other customers supplied from that phase will have the same problem. Even if they have not
complained, investigations should be carried out to ensure that the proposed solution will provide
all customers on the low voltage network with adequate voltage.
Care should be taken to ensure that readings over at least a week are taken. Taking readings
over a shorter term may give a misleading impression, so loads should be measured for in excess
of 48 hours, or longer if necessary to display the impacts of any PV systems on the network.
Of course this solution does not apply to customers with three phase supply.
Distribution transformers must be set on a fixed tap ratio which is appropriate for all times of the
day and all times of the year. The setting of this tap should be carried out as part of a tap plan. It
should not be determined just be measuring voltage on the low voltage terminals at the time of
Table .. shows the standard 5 and 7 tap ratios in use in Energex which provide a boost up to 10%
in the Urban network and 11% in the Rural network. There is a 2.5% difference in voltage for
each tap change..
In some cases a voltage complaint will be able to be resolved simply by moving the position of LV
network links. This has the effect of reducing the load on one distribution transformer and
increasing it on the adjacent one.
Potentially it can also move a customer with a voltage problem to an adjacent transformer.
Care should be taken when employing this solution that it does not merely move a problem from
one place to another. This approach works best where the two transformers in question are
relatively close together and one is heavily loaded while the other is lightly loaded.
Reducing the impedance of the LV circuit by installing larger LV conductors can be an effective
approach. This would usually be cheaper than an alternative solution involving installation of a
Care should be taken to ensure that this solution will be effective to cater for expected load
growth for at least five years.
Distribution transformers have a certain finite impedance which leads to voltage drop through the
transformer. For a typical distribution transformer with 5% impedance, the voltage regulation from
no load to full load for typical load power factors is about 2%.
At this level there is unlikely to be a problem, but if the transformer is overloaded, the voltage
regulation increases non-linearly, and may be a primary cause of voltage problems for customers.
Of course, it may be prudent to replace an overloaded transformer for other reasons.
The impact on voltage drop from power factor and overloading is illustrated in Table 1. This
indicates that the voltage drop can be up to 3.5% at full load when the power factor is down to
Power Factor
Load 0.95 0.9 0.8 0.7
(% of rating)
25% 0.4% 0.5% 0.7% 0.9%
50% 0.8% 1.1% 1.5% 1.8%
75% 1.1% 1.6% 2.2% 2.6%
100% 1.4% 2.1% 2.9% 3.5%
125% 1.8% 2.6% 3.6% 4.4%
Note : Pole and padmounted transformers of 500 kVA and below are typically 4% impedance whilst padmounted
transformers of 750 kVA and above are 5 to 6% impedance
It would be unusual for the upgrade of a distribution transformer to adequately address all
aspects of a customer voltage problem. Other potential solutions should be thoroughly
investigated and may be required to be implemented in conjunction with upgrading the
• splitting up the existing low voltage network so that voltage drops are reduced
• reducing load on existing transformers
• likely to be the most robust and long lasting of all the possible solutions.
The obvious disadvantage of this solution is that it is usually the highest capital cost.
If the new transformer can be tapped into existing medium voltage conductors the cost of the
project will be reduced.
On some LV networks, the PV penetration levels exceed 30% and high voltage on the network
may arise. A contributing factor may be the solar PV systems, which have maximum voltage set
points above the value stipulated in Energex Connection Agreement. A reduction in LV network
voltage can be achieved by reducing the maximum voltage set points.
The general process for the connection of a new load to a low voltage network is as follows:
(1) Assess the Maximum Demand of the new load and apply any appropriate diversity factors for
the existing customers (ADMD)
(2) Check that the transformer has the capacity to meet the additional load (and the long term
load of existing customers). If “Yes” move to Step 3. If “No”, consider the upgrade of the existing
transformer or consider the installation of a new transformer
(3) Check that the connection point is within the maximum voltage drop from the distribution
transformer - voltage regulation criteria.
Determine the After Diversity Lowest Demand (ADLD) of the customers. For high penetration of
PV systems or Distributed Energy Systems (above 25%), this value could be a negative load or
positive generation.
ADMD rev = ADMD norm for the type of customer load – ADLD …………Eqn …
Calculate voltage drop on the LV feeders using the ADMD rev and the guidelines in Section 3.3.3
which states that – “The actual permissible balanced LV voltage drop between the transformer
terminals and the furthest pole, or the pillar connected at the end of the LV distributor, is 10 volts
for overhead systems or 11 volts for underground systems.” If this cannot be achieved consider
the following options:
a) Reconductor sections of the LV feeder
b) Installation of a new transformer
(4) Check that the connection point is within the maximum length from the distribution transformer
– protection criteria. Refer to Table 3.6.2 and 3.6.3 for the maximum protective length from the
transformer for various LV conductors. If the connection point is beyond the maximum length,
consider the following options:
a) Implement dual fuse arrangement at the transformer
b) Reconductor sections of the LV feeder
c) Installation of a new transformer
(5) Calculate the fault loop impedance between the customer premise and the distribution
transformer – fault loop impedance criteria. If the fault loop impedance is below one ohm, no
further action is required. If the fault loop impedance is above one ohm, consider the following
a) Replace the customer service fuse with a smaller size. A 50 A fuse will allow a fault loop
impedance of 1.5 ohms, whilst a 32 A fuse will allow a fault loop impedance up to 2
ohms(the 32 A fuse should only be used for street light circuits). Ensure the fuse is
above the maximum loading of the customer
b) Consider LV supply from an alternative location with a lower fault loop impedance
c) Reconductor sections of the LV feeder and/or neutral
d) Installation of a new transformer
Fault Loop Impedance and Protective Length can be calculated using a calculator, which is
available at (Add Link Here)
To calculate the voltage drop impedance at temperature "t" and at power factor angle , the
following formulae may be used:
where RAC t = A.C. resistance of the conductor at temperature "t" and is calculated as
shown below.
RAC/RDC = A.C. and D.C. resistance ratio and is obtained from the attached
table for the particular conductor.
Before any supply option can be considered, it is first necessary to examine the size and nature
of the load. These two aspects affect not only the method of supply chosen but also the possible
tariff options as well as any capital contributions payments by the customer. Refer to Section
3.2.3 for further information.
The ENERGEX building blocks range of transformers available for C&I customers are:
ENERGEX will only supply and maintain this range of transformers. The padmount and
ground type transformers are mineral oil based.
In the planning process, the required number of external Low Voltage (LV) circuits will be
determined by ENERGEX. This can have an impact on the size and number of
transformers at a C&I site.
For C&I customer categories (1) and (2), allowance should be made for a single LV tie
supplying a minimum of 200 kV.A of load and for 2 or more transformers to be installed at
the substation if the customer load plus LV tie load exceeds 1000 kV.A (Standard Network
Building Block requirement). There is an exception for C&I Rural customers, where a LV
tie is generally not required.
An LV tie serves 2 purposes; (1) for limited back-up supply in the case of loss of a
transformer and/or (2) to facilitate CMEN earthing.
All substation enclosure designs should allow for an upgrade to the next transformer size,
for example if the initial design was for a 750 kV.A transformer, the substation enclosure
design and the customers LV switchboard fault level should be based on a 1000 kV.A
Where the customer load is likely to significantly increase over time, allowance should be
made for the installation of 1500 kV.A transformers (Substation enclosure and fault level
for the customer’s LV switchboard). The fault current rating of LV switchboards should be
based on Table 3.6.1 – Revised Impedances and Maximum Fault Levels.
Oil type transformers have a short time overload capability of 125%. The dry type
transformers have no short time overload capability. Dry type transformers are required to
be installed in major buildings (eg convention centre) or high rise buildings with design
loadings restricted to 85% of nameplate rating.
For high reliability C&I customers, such as CBD or extended CBD, in the event of a loss of
transformer, the other transformers when operating to short term overload capability
should be able to meet 70% of the customer load.
A number of worked examples have been provided for a range of customer loads and for a range
of transformer types. The examples do not attempt to cover all load cases and transformer
Example 1 - C&I Installation with estimated load of 500 kV.A and one LV tie load of
200 kV.A.
CBD category - Not applicable as generally the customer loads will be much
greater than the 750 kV.A
C&I Urban category - Install 1 x 750 kV.A transformer which can be upgraded to
1000 kV.A
C&I Rural category - No LV tie is required and total load at substation is 750 kV.A,
hence install 1 x 750 kV.A transformer
Transformer capacity needs to be 825 kV.A to meet the 85% loading criteria
CBD category - Not applicable as generally the customer loads will be much
greater than the 750 kV.A
C&I Urban category - Install 2 x 500 kV.A transformers which can be upgraded to
1000 kV.A
C&I Urban category – Install 1 x 750 kV.A transformers which can be upgraded to
1000 kV.A
C&I Rural category – No LV tie is required and total load at substation is 500 kV.A,
hence install 1 x 500 kV.A transformer
Example 2 - C&I Installation with estimated load of 750 kV.A and one LV tie load of
200 kV.A.
CBD category - Install 1 x 1000 kV.A transformer which can be upgraded to 1500
C&I Urban category - Install 1 x 1000 kV.A transformer which can be upgraded to
1500 kV.A
C&I Rural category - No LV tie is required and total load at substation is 750 kV.A,
hence install 1 x 750 kV.A transformer
Transformer capacity needs to be 1100 kV.A to meet the 85% loading criteria
CBD category - Install 2 x 750 kV.A transformers which can be upgraded to 1000
kV.A (In event of loss of transformer, the other transformer will meet 79% of
customer load)
C&I Urban category - Install 2 x 750 kV.A transformers which can be upgraded to
1000 kV.A
C&I Urban category - Install 1 x 1000 kV.A transformer only where the future load
will not exceed this capacity
C&I Rural category - No LV tie is required and total load at substation is 750 kV.A,
hence install 1 x 750 kV.A transformer where the future load will not exceed this
Example 3 - C&I Installation with estimated load of 1200 kV.A and one LV tie load of
200 kV.A.
CBD category - Install 2 x 750 kV.A transformers which can be upgraded to 1000
C&I Urban category - Install 2 x 750 kV.A transformers which can be upgraded to
1000 kV.A
C&I Rural category - No LV tie is required and total load at substation is 1200 kV.A,
hence install 2 x 750 kV.A or 1 x 1500 kV.A transformer
Transformer capacity needs to be 1650 kV.A to meet the 85% loading criteria
CBD category - Install 2 x 1000 kV.A transformers which can be upgraded to 1500
C&I Urban category - Install 2 x 1000 kV.A transformers which can be upgraded to
1500 kV.A
Example 4 - C&I Installation with estimated load of 2800 kV.A with one LV tie load of
200 kV.A.
CBD category - Install 3 x 1000 kV.A transformers which can be upgraded to 1500
kV.A (dry type for high rise buildings)
C&I Urban category - Install 3 x 1000 kV.A transformers which can be upgraded to
1500 kV.A (dry type for high rise buildings)
Transformer capacity needs to be 3500 kV.A to meet the 85% loading criteria
Example 5 - C&I Installation with estimated load of 1200 kV.A with LV tie of 200 kV.A
and 2 x 200 kV.A external LV circuits.
CBD category - Install 2 x 1000 kV.A transformers which can be upgraded to 1500
C&I Urban category - Install 2 x 1000 kV.A transformers which can be upgraded to
1500 kV.A
Transformer capacity needs to be 2100 kV.A to meet the 85% loading criteria
CBD category - Install 2 x 1000 kV.A transformers which can be upgraded to 1500
C&I Urban category - Install 2 x 1000 kV.A transformers which can be upgraded to
1500 kV.A
Typical supply arrangements for the three customer categories are shown in the figures below.
CBD 3 Feeder
Mesh Network
4 x 1500kVA
Customer Connection
LV Tie
Customer Connection
750kVA Points
11kV Feeder
Customer Connection
Shared Network
Coupling Point
Customer Demand = 750 kVA
3.5.1 Introduction
Low voltage ties between adjacent distribution transformers improve network reliability and
operational flexibility, as well as facilitating the use of CMEN earthing at transformers.
Ideally, in an urban network, each LV distributor circuit emanating from a transformer should tie to
a similar circuit from an adjacent transformer. Of course, this will not always be practicable due to
factors such as lot layout, road geometry and proximity of external circuits. However, reasonable
efforts should be made to ensure that each urban transformer has at least one tie to adjacent LV
Figure 3.5.1 An Example of An Ideal Urban LV Schematic With All LV Circuits Tied to
Adjacent Areas
LV ties are warranted provided that their lengths do not exceed the values shown in Table 3.5.1
Beyond these limits, it is preferable to rely upon mobile alternators to provide alternate supply in
the event of planned or prolonged forced outages.
In special circumstances it may be necessary to depart from the economic limits in the above
table. For example, for consumers with very sensitive loads, or where establishing CMEN
earthing is critical, it may be worth exceeding the nominated lengths. Conversely, where ties will
have little practical value in enhancing reliability, network planners may wish to dispense with
In general, there is no need to obtain easements through private property for the sole purpose of
providing routes for ties between transformers.
To be technically feasible, the tie circuit should be able to carry the resulting load (when closed in)
without exceeding:
In general, ties between widely-spaced transformers in rural areas will not meet these criteria.
Electrical calculations should be performed using average loads rather than peak loads. For
subdivision developments, average loads may be assumed to be 50% of design ADMD/SD
values. Other situations should be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
For large point loads, it is recognized that ties may still be of value even if unable to support
average loads. Consumers may be able to limit their loads to the capacity of the LV tie circuit for
short periods and would prefer this to a total loss of supply.
Ties to ‘independent’ transformers are preferable to ties to transformers fed from the same
segment of 11kV mains between isolation points, since local 11kV problems or transformer
problems will likely affect both LV areas.
3.6.1 General
Before a method of supply can be determined, several factors need to be considered, viz:
(a) What will the actual maximum demand be now and in the future as seen by the system?
(b) Will this additional load cause an overload on the area transformer?
(c) Will the new load cause the voltage to drop below the minimum allowable either at the new
load or elsewhere?
(d) Will the nature of the new load affect other customers in terms of fluctuations in voltage,
harmonics etc?
(a) The actual maximum demand may be much less than the total connected load due to the
effect of diversity. The expenditure on services, mains and transformers may be far higher
than necessary if no attempt is made to determine the actual diversified value, eg a small
factory may have the following load characteristics:
The system will only see the 50 kW load and hence the service, mains and transformer need be
designed for only this load.
(b) To be able to assess the maximum load on the low voltage system, considerable experience
is needed in this type of work, together with a knowledge of the cycle of operation of the
equipment. Often, a discussion with a representative of the organisation concerned will
reveal how much equipment will be used at any one time and occasionally an indication of
actual load can be obtained by checking the load at a similar sized and type of installation
(c) While each application must be considered individually, Tables 3.6.1 and 3.6.2 give some
typical After Diversity Maximum Demands. It should be noted that the After Diversity
Maximum Demands (ADMD) included in Table 3.6.1 are not the ADMD (inf) values used in
low voltage drop design for subdivisions (Refer to Section 3.3).
1 0.70
2 0.54
3 0.50
4 0.45
5 0.41
6 0.40
7 0.39
8 0.37
9 0.36
10 0.35
Greater than 10 0.33
Account needs to be taken of the nature of existing load and when the daily peak occurs.
It is not recommended that the estimated maximum demand of the new load be simply added to
the transformer maximum demand.
For Example:
A large office building which is a day load may not increase the maximum demand on the
distribution transformer at all if the rest of the load is domestic which peaks at 6 – 8 pm when the
office load has dropped off.
Also, the time of maximum demand of a new industrial load is not likely to match the time of
maximum demand of the existing area. It will therefore only add a proportion of its maximum
demand to the transformer load. By careful use of diversity considerations, the load factor of the
transformer can be improved and uprating of the transformer and mains deferred.
The effect on voltage conditions needs to be considered for all substantial loads. Even one or
two houses at the end of a long radial can present problems. High density loads such as home
units can cause voltage problems even in built-up areas with fairly short radials.
For Example:
For flats or home units, a diversity factor of 2.0 kV.A ADMD may be applied (refer Section
33 flats would be 11 per phase and the expected maximum demand
per phase would be: 3
x 10 x No. of units/phas es
2 x 10 3
= x 11 x 1.3
= 120 amps
A voltage drop calculation for the complete LV mains may now be completed by superimposing
this 120 A point load on existing area loads.
Heavy loads of short duration caused by welders or motors starting up but must be looked at
carefully in terms of voltage drop and causing flicker on the system. If the calculated short
duration voltage drop is significant, corrective action should be taken. This subject is dealt with in
detail in Chapter 4 of this manual.
Only after all of the above factors have been considered should the servicing arrangements be
Consumer’s mains are normally installed by an Electrical Contractor on behalf of the customer.
For preferred mains refer Standards Network Building Blocks – Low Voltage Feeders, Section
Table 3.6.3 shows the comparison of voltage drops and losses for 10 mm² and 16 mm² copper
PVC cables.
TABLE 3.6.3 – Voltage Drop and Losses for Common Copper Service Cables
10 mm² 16 mm²
Copper Copper
Cable voltage drop 4.5 mV/A.m 2.8 mV/A.m
Voltage drop 1.9 volts 1.1 volts
Losses at peak load 31 watts 20 watts
To improve the overall voltage drop profile and to minimise low voltage losses on the system,
16 mm ² consumer’s mains are preferred.
3.7.1 Background
This section revised impedances for 11kV/433-250 V transformers and the maximum fault level at
Distribution Substations for both the existing distribution transformers and new distribution
transformers (available under current contract (CK18) with ABB and Wilson transformers). This
data may be used for determining LV fuse sizing and the fault rating of the LV switchboard.
Table 3.7.1 details the revised impedances of 11kV/433-250 V transformers and the maximum LV
fault current for a 3 phase fault at Distribution Substations for distribution transformers available
under recent and current contracts.
These fault levels are the maximum three phase fault currents that can be expected on the LV
terminals of a distribution transformer. The fault currents correspond to a worst case transformer
impedance of 90% of nominal, as transformer standards allow a ±10% tolerance on nominal
impedance. These values assume an 11kV fault level of 250MVA (13.1 kA).
Appendix 3.7.A - Table 3.7.A.1 gives the current maximum LV fault current for a three phase
fault for transformers purchased prior to 1989 (with a higher impedance) and transformers
purchased after 1989 (with a lower impedance). This table is an extract from the Distribution
Planning Manual – Table 9.21.
APPENDIX 3.7.A - Maximum LV Fault Current for High Impedance and Low Impedance
Table 3.7.A.1 gives the current maximum LV fault current for a three phase fault for
transformers purchased prior to 1989 (with a higher impedance) and transformers purchased
after 1989 (with a lower impedance). This table is an extract from the Distribution Planning
Manual – Table 9.21.
The ENA Low Voltage Protection Guidelines state that “Overhead distributors shall be designed
and incorporate electrical protection designed to clear a bolted fault, such as, wires twisted or
firmly held together by fallen tree branches.
The guidelines also stipulate the reach of an LV fuse to clear a bolted phase to ground fault at a
minimum of 3 x fuse rated current. For the pole top transformers supplying open wire and
protected by a single LV fuse, Table 3.6.2 shows the reach for various transformer fuse sizes and
LV conductors.
The reach of the LV fuses can be extended by the introduction of dual or sub fusing. Table 3.6.3
shows the extended reach where dual fuses have been installed. Sub fusing is not appropriate in
an urban network due to load transfers between distribution transformers.
3.8.1 Background
The phenomenon of ferroresonance results in high voltages that may occur when a modest size
capacitance is either in series or in parallel, with non-linear inductance, such as an iron cored
In power systems, the most common place to find ferroresonance is with a three-phase
distribution transformer energised through an underground cable of moderate length. Under no
load, or very light load conditions, the capacitance of the cable is sufficient to precipitate
ferroresonant behaviour under single-phase switching conditions (eg the operation of a HV fuse
or asynchronous operation of single-phase 11 kV switches such as a drop out fuse unit or plastic
The trend towards undergrounding of distribution assets and the increasing installation of URD
has resulted in a higher incidence of situations where single phase switching of the cable
connecting transformers could result in dangerous over-voltages due to ferroresonance.
Ferroresonant voltages as high as 21 kV to ground have been measured in field tests.
The simplest form of occurrence of a ferroresonant circuit in a URD distribution system is when
the single-phase operating switchgear or switch fuses are located some distance away from the
transformer itself, with a length of cable joining the switchgear and transformer. A circuit of this
sort could occur, for example, where a substation is "satellited" from a switching station, with the
switchgear at the switching station being single-phase operated. A single-line diagram is shown in
Figure 3.8.1.
In the case where single phase switching is performed directly at the transformer terminals, there
is no capacitance in circuit and as a result no abnormal circuit. The equivalent circuit of a cable
under no load conditions is essentially a capacitive circuit. The presence of the cable in Figure
3.8.1 introduces a capacitance into the circuit and forms a series LC circuit consisting of the
transformer winding. Under no load this may be represented by an iron cored inductance, in
series with the core-sheath capacitance of the cable. (Note that this circuit applies to 3-core
screened and single cables, as commonly used by ENERGEX, ie there is no core to core
capacitance.) The three-phase equivalent circuit of the single-line diagram in Figure 3.8.1 is
shown in Figure 3.8.2:
With one phase energised (R phase for example as shown in Figure 3.8.2) a series circuit is
formed consisting of the magnetising inductance L m between R and Y phases and the Y phase
core-to-sheath cable capacitance. In parallel with this circuit is a second identical series circuit
consisting of the magnetising inductance L m between R and B phases and the B phase core-to-
sheath capacitance. Since each branch of this parallel circuit is identical, the potential between
the points Y and B is zero and therefore the magnetising inductance L m between Y and B phases
does not enter into the circuit. Combining the circuit components results in an equivalent series
circuit consisting of a capacitance in series with a non-linear inductance that is therefore the
ferroresonant circuit (Figure 3.8.3).
It is the interaction of this non-linear inductance in series with the capacitance of the cable that
can cause severe over-excitation of the transformer and impose large over-voltages on the HV
and LV system. APPENDIX 3.8.A – FERRORESONANCE THEORY gives a more complete
explanation of ferroresonant over-voltages.
Figure 3.8.2
Three-phase Equivalent Circuit
Figure 3.8.3
Single-phase Equivalent Circuit
In the situation shown in Figures 3.8.4 and 3.8.5, a transformer switch-fuse is available at
Transformer 2 to energise or de-energise the transformer. If, however, switch A2 located at
Transformer 1 is used to control Transformer 2, a ferroresonant condition similar to that of Figure
3.8.1 is likely to occur.
Figure 3.8.4
Single-phase Switching Remote from the Transformer in a Cable Network
Figure 3.8.5
Single-phase Switching of Tee'd Transformer in Cable Network
In the situation shown in Figure 3.8.6 a transformer switch-fuse is available to energise or de-
energise the transformer. If however, switch A1 is used to control the transformer a ferroresonant
condition similar to that of Figure 3.8.1 is likely to occur.
Figure 3.8.6
Single-phase Switching of Transformer in Cable Network
Ferroresonance under transformer fault conditions is not generally a problem. The nature of the
transformer fault would most likely alter the circuit to such an extent that ferroresonant
overvoltages would not occur.
When ferroresonant over-voltages appear, they are sustained and appear on both the HV and LV
side of the distribution transformer. This overvoltage appears for the full duration of switching.
Ferroresonant overvoltages are considered to be unacceptable when the overvoltage exceeds
17.5 kV phase to ground on the 11 kV system. This value is related to the power frequency
withstand voltage for the equipment involved.
The particular circuit state is governed by the phase angle of the voltage under which switching is
Damage due to ferroresonant overvoltages would probably not result in immediate failure of
relatively new installations. Ferroresonant overvoltages are more likely to cause accelerated
deterioration of the insulation, resulting in shortening of the life of the installation. For example:
Methods (a) and (d) require action on the part of the system designer. Methods (a) and (c)
require special operating procedures to ensure that there is effectively no length of cable being
energised or de-energised at the same time as the transformer, or the presence of some load.
If there is one aspect of ferroresonance that finds universal agreement in the literature as to a
suitable method of controlling ferroresonance, it is that the use of ganged three-phase switching
is an effective means of doing so.
Clearly, except in the transient periods during non-simultaneous operation of each individual
phase, a ferroresonant circuit could not be formed. The major difficulty in applying three-phase
switching equipment is mainly one of cost and in the case of underground systems, the physical
size of the switchgear has been prohibitive. In recent times, however, compact extendible three-
phase switchgear has appeared on the market at competitive prices and of a size that can be
installed in padmounts.
Ganged 11 kV EDO fuse units have been purchased for the purpose of installation on
transformers that are subject to ferroresonant over voltages. The transformer will then be three
phase switched in the event of a single-phase fault. Note, however, that ganged dropouts can
only be closed single phase, hence three phase switching devices such as air breaks need to be
used for re-energisation.
Ganged 11 kV EDO fuse units may only be used on up to 300 kV.A capacity transformers that
are subject to ferroresonance. Transformers above 300 kV.A capacity that are subject to
ferroresonance should be fused at the HV terminals using an RMU.
This is a particularly suitable method and can be applied in distribution systems using single-
phase switchgear. Where a cable transformer combination is to be energised, the cable only,
should be energised and then the transformer. Conversely on de-energising, the transformer only
should be de-energised first and then the cable. Both sets of switchgear can then be single
phase operating.
It should be noted that the transformer switch-fuses themselves must be switched and not, as
shown in Figure 3.8.4, at switch A4 the incoming feeder into the substation since, if the outgoing
feeder is in a normally open position at the remote end, a ferroresonant circuit could still occur.
For network voltages of 11 kV the transformer capacitance is negligible and is unlikely to cause
ferroresonant phenomena.
Since the critical cable length, which is actually proportional to the critical cable capacitance, is
inversely a function of the square of the voltage, the critical capacitance for higher system
voltages is quite small and the transformer capacitance can become significant.
The derivation of the formula for the critical cable length assumes that the critical length is that
which will result in a ferroresonant over-voltage of 2.73 times rated phase-to-ground system
voltage. For an 11 kV system this is 17.4 kV phase to ground. This is also equal to the maximum
acceptable power frequency voltage on the system. The expression for critical cable length
(derived in Reference 1) is given by:
Imag% = transformer magnetising current (typically 0.8% of rated current)
kV.Ar = 3-phase transformer rating (kV.A)
Ccc = core-core capacitance (μF/km)
Ccs = core-sheath capacitance (μF/km)
kVr = system nominal voltage (kV)
Inspection of the formula shows that the critical cable length is:
(i) directly proportional to transformer capacity and therefore the cable length for small
transformers can be quite small;
(ii) Directly proportional to transformer exciting current. (Old transformers which were
manufactured before cold rolled grain oriented steel was used and had magnetising
currents of typically up to 5%, allowed for considerably longer cables than for modern
(iii) Inversely proportional to the square of the rated system voltage. (22 kV and 33 kV systems
therefore can have maximum cable lengths of only one quarter and one ninth respectively
of the 11 kV cable length); and
(iv) Inversely proportional to the cable core-to-sheath capacitance (since cable capacitance is a
logarithmic function of the cable size, this is the least sensitive term in the expression).
Tables 3.8.1, 3.8.2 and 3.8.3 show the critical lengths for ENERGEX’s commonly used 11 kV
cables (metric size paper insulated cables and XLPE cables). All tables assume a transformer
magnetising current of 0.8% of full load current. Refer to APPENDIC 3.8.B – CRITICAL CABLE
3 Core Cu 70 14 22 37 55 73 110
3 Core Cu 95 12 18 31 46 61 92
3 Core Cu 185 10 14 24 36 47 71
Single 185 8 13 21 32 42 63
Core Cu
Cable mm2
3 Core Cu 35 28 41 68 103 137 206
3 Core Cu 95 19 29 48 72 96 144
3 Core Cu 240 13 20 33 49 66 99
Note: The cable lengths given in the table 3.8.2 and 3.8.3 are less than the values calculated
using the equation 3.8.1. This is to allow for the current use of gapless surge arresters that do not
have a 17.5 kV over-voltage withstand capacity.
Note: Ganged dropout fuses only prevent ferroresonance from occurring when a fuse blows. ie.
During switching operations they can only be closed single phase, therefore still present a
problem during energisation of a transformer.
3.8.5 References
5. G.W. Swift: An Analytical Approach to Ferroresonance. Trans. IEEE (PAS) Vol. PAS - 88
No. 1, January 1969 p.p. 42 - 46.
Consider the simple form of the ferroresonant circuit assuming lossless components (Figure
The magnetisation curve shown in Figure 3.8.A.2 is the ferroresonant magnetisation curve of the
transformer. In the case of a delta-connected transformer, the flux circulates through two legs of
the core in the ferroresonant state. For the series ferroresonant circuit, according to Kirchhoff's
Since V C = -
Therefore V L = E +
To determine the operating points for the circuit, the applied voltage characteristic is drawn
parallel to the series capacitance characteristic. Depending on the relative magnitude of the
series capacitance with respect to the non-linear inductance and on the magnitude of the applied
voltage, the applied voltage characteristic can cut the magnetisation curve at either one, two or
three points (P1, P2 and P3). Of these operating points only P1 and P2 are stable.
Figure 3.8.A.2
Graphical Construction for Analysis of Circuit
The vector diagram for the operating points P1 and P2 are shown in Figure 3.8.A.3, again
assuming lossless components.
Figure 3.8.A.3
Vector Diagram
At operating point P2 the largest voltage is that across the capacitance and is conversely equal to
the sum of the applied voltage and the voltage across the inductance. For a particular value of
series capacitance, this operating point results in voltage considerably greater than at operating
point P1 and this is the operating point that is referred to as the "ferroresonant" operating point.
Initially the circuit will operate in the region of P1 if a gradually increasing voltage is applied to the
ferroresonant circuit where the characteristic can cut at three points. However, as the voltage is
increased and the applied voltage characteristic becomes tangential to the magnetisation curve,
the operating point suddenly jumps from P1 to the ferroresonant operating point P2.
Small-scale tests showed that if the voltage is switched on directly rather than gradually
increasing the voltage, the applied voltage required to jump into operating point P2 is less than if
the voltage was gradually increased.
Consider the equivalent ferroresonant circuit formed when one phase of a delta connected
transformer is energised and a three-phase belted cable is attached to the transformer as shown
in Figure 3.8.A.4. Note that for screened cables currently purchased by ENERGEX, this core to
core capacitance can be neglected, but is included in the derivation for critical length for
Figure 3.8.A.4
The construction for the analysis of the ferroresonant circuit, in accordance with APPENDIX 3.8.A
– FERRORESONANCE THEORY is as shown in Figure 3.8.A.5, which is drawn in such a manner
that the critical cable length is defined.
The magnetising current under ferroresonant conditions (Imf) with rated system voltage across
the windings is related to the three-phase magnetising current by:
y I mag % kV. Ar
I mf =
100 kV r
BMS 01607 Supply & Planning Manual Updated: 01/03/2013
Where "y" is a constant dependent upon the part of the core excited. Typically it is assumed to
be 0.6.
Figure 3.8.A.5
If an applied voltage characteristic ( V r 3 ) is drawn such that it passes through the point "D" in
Figure 3.8.A.5, this corresponds to an operating point where the voltage across the series
capacitance (AB) is equal to (1 + 1/ 3 )V r
I mf = V r C c + 1/ 3 V r C s + V r C s
y I mag % kV. Ar C
= V r C S(crit) (1.58 + c )
100 kV r Cs
Y I mag % kV. Ar
i.e. C s(crit) =
100 kV r V r (1.58 + C c / C s )
Since "y" is typically 0.85 when the two outside legs of the transformer are energised and 0.6
when an outside leg and a centre leg of the transformer core are energised, the latter being the
worst case, and expressing the equation in terms of cable length:
When an EDO opens under fault conditions it is capable of breaking fault current due to the
gasses that are developed when the fuse element ruptures. The problem with ganged EDO’s is
that the unfaulted phases must open under the transformers load but without the assistance of
the gasses (because the fuse elements have not ruptured on three phases)
Reference 7 states that the probable arc reach for an air-insulated isolator is 0.0165 feet per kV,
per ampere. The ganged EDO’s have a minimum phase separation of 800mm and using the
above factors the probable maximum kVA load that can be dropped without phase-phase
flashover is:
= 275 kV.A
As this formula is based on probabilities it is reasonable to round this up to 300 kV.A. A phase
separation of 871 mm would equate to 300 kV.A.
3.9.1 Introduction
ENERGEX has a responsibility to ensure network configurations resulting from new customer
installations are designed to facilitate the safe and timely restoration of supply, including repairs to the
network following a fault. This document outlines conceptual and practical information relating to
the planning of the ENERGEX HV network and applies to all new HV extensions covered under
Subdivision Supply Agreements. Supply and planning arrangements for large installations and
HV customers are covered separately under Section 3.2 of this manual.
The objective of this policy is to ensure extensions to the HV network are planned to ensure least
whole of life costs (including maintenance and community costs) and facilitate application of
ENERGEX’s restoration of supply targets.
The ENERGEX general reliability standard is consistent with the ESAA document “Guideline for
Reliability Assessment Planning - November 1997”. This allows for supply arrangements where full
alternate supply to customer installations is not available. An example situation is on short and lightly
loaded HV radial spurs that “tee-off” the HV feeder backbone. This arrangement is considered
adequate provided that the method of supply chosen is practical and represents the least cost
considering community, maintenance and operating costs.
In addition to the general reliability standard, ENERGEX’s restoration of supply targets specify the
maximum outage duration any customer will experience at one time.
Reliability Assessment Planning of HV extensions typically takes into consideration the following
1. expected failure rate of installed plant and equipment including underground cables, joints
and terminations as well as ring main units
2. potential outage duration of failed plant and equipment (eg: eight hour repair time for
underground cable)
References to "HV" apply to the 11 kV distribution system .
Standard planning requirements have been developed for various supply arrangements based on
reliability assessments using nominal values for system parameters. These requirements are intended
for guidance only as a general “rule of thumb” for what represents the most economical supply
arrangement. Assessment of supply options for ties associated with HV extensions have been made,
and form the basis of the loading and distance criteria for the installation of ties as shown in Tables
3.9.1 and 3.9.2. Further assessment of supply options by the local Asset Management representative
may be warranted if site specific factors vary significantly from normally assumed values.
In this policy, the term “HV extension” includes all stages in a staged URD development.
The “ultimate load” is the product of the appropriate after diversity maximum demand (ADMD)
multiplied by the number of lots involved in the stage.
This policy only applies to developments involving 2 or more transformers, and does not apply to
individual small developments with loads less than 300 kV.A, even if they exceed the criteria in Section below by “adding on” to an existing larger development. HV feeder extension with ultimate load less than 1.2 MV.A
Where the ultimate load of a HV extension is less than 1.2 MV.A, regardless of whether the
network is overhead or underground, the most economical method of supply is typically via a
single tee off from the existing HV reticulation. In this case, the practice of using mobile 1 MW,
11 kV diesel generator sets as standby sets to supply load during an outage should be
considered. HV feeder extension with ultimate load between 1.2 MV.A and 3 MV.A
An 11 kV tie will be required where the ultimate load of a new HV extension is between 1.2
MV.A and 3 MV.A, and the new transformer to be installed is 315 kV.A or larger and the
maximum length of 11 kV tie is not exceeded.
Tables 3.9.1 and 3.9.2 provide guidelines for determining the maximum length of OH & UG 11
kV tie, based on a 1 km route length of 11 kV spur extension. As an example, for an overhead
route length of 11 kV extension of 2.0 km and a load of 1.2 MV.A, the maximum length of 11
kV overhead tie would be 1.2 MV.A x 2.0 = 2.4 km.
Where the existing load on the 11 kV spur is 1.2 MV.A or greater, further clarification of the
requirement for a tie is required and the local Asset Manager must be advised of the proposed
extension in order to identify immediate and longer term planning requirements. In particular,
the adequacy of the HV network to supply the extension within thermal limits and statutory
voltage requirements should be addressed.
In these instances, a single tee off from the existing HV reticulation may not represent the most
economic supply arrangement from a “whole of life” cost perspective. Guiding principles for
supply arrangements for such extensions are detailed below:
The preferred supply arrangement is for the tie to be supplied by a separate 11 kV feeder.
Ties installed in overhead reticulated areas will be typically overhead, though ENERGEX may
stipulate an underground tie is required for reliability or environmental reasons. The
assessment of load is to include all load on affected spurs, not just the load that is being
added by a single subdivision.
Where it is impractical or uneconomical to tie to a separate feeder, the tie can spur from the
same 11 kV feeder. In this instance, it is required that the tie spur traverses an independent
route to the original spur.
ENERGEX no longer contributes to the establishment of the tie by providing overhead material
nor does it provide a subdivision subsidy. All additional expenses associated with the
provision of the tie including excess material, labour and civil costs are be borne by the
developer. ENERGEX Subdivision Department may provide an additional contribution
towards the installation of the 11 kV tie. This should be negotiated with ENERGEX
Subdivision Department prior to ENERGEX Subdivision Electricity Supply Agreement. Table
3.9.1 should be used as a guide to the relationship between load and maximum tie length.
The preferred supply arrangement is for the spur to be tied to a separate 11 kV feeder. The
assessment of load is to include all load on affected spurs, not just the load that is being
added by a single subdivision.
ENERGEX no longer contributes to the establishment of the tie by providing overhead material nor
does it provide a subdivision subsidy. All additional expenses associated with the provision of the tie
including excess material, labour and civil costs will be borne by the developer. ENERGEX
Subdivision Department may provide an additional contribution towards the installation of the 11kV tie.
This should be negotiated with ENERGEX Subdivision Department prior to ENERGEX Subdivision
Electricity Supply Agreement. Table 3.9.2 should be used as a guide to the relationship between load
and maximum tie length.
Overhead ties in underground reticulated areas will only be accepted with the express written
consent of the local Asset Manager. The installation of overhead may only be considered in
the following instances:
1. for practical reasons, an overhead tie is installed under a temporary basis and then
2. the overhead tie is covered by a full width high reliability easement and does not affect
the visual amenity of its surrounds.
Where the ultimate load of a new HV extension is greater than 3 MV.A, alternative supply
arrangements must be provided. The local Asset Manager is responsible for the technical and
economic assessment of alternative supply arrangements (in accordance with Reliability
Assessment Planning Guidelines) and determination of the preferred supply method.
Cable sizes shall be in accordance with “General Design Parameters” for Developer Design and
Construct Estates posted on the ENERGEX Internet site.
Underground 11 kV ties are to be 240 mm2 Al. XLPE. Overhead 11 kV ties are to be 7/4.75 AAC
(Moon) in urban areas and 6/4.75-7/1.6 ACSR Cherry in rural areas.
ENERGEX Asset Management approval must be sought where alternate cable sizes are
proposed for 11 kV ties.
The following diagrams depict preferred supply arrangements for typical scenarios.
11 kV
feeder 11/ 415 Transformer
from alt Open Point
Because the supply system is a shared resource, customers have an obligation to ensure that
their plant and equipment does not cause interference to other customers. Customers should
also ensure that their equipment will operate satisfactorily when connected to the network.
This section sets out the standard requirements ENERGEX imposes on individual customer
installations and equipment to ensure the desired supply quality is maintained for all customers.
It specifically applies to:
The limits have been established consistent with the National Electricity Rules (NER), Electricity
Regulations, relevant Australian standards, internal conditions of supply, and best Australian and
international industry practice.
Particular provisions of this standard may be waived or varied at the discretion of ENERGEX,
provided there is no potential to adversely affect the supply to other customers.
In general, these requirements are specified for "normal system operating conditions". During
abnormal system operation and system emergencies, when major items of plant are out of
service, these requirements may be varied by ENERGEX.
Compliance with these requirements is assessed at the customer’s connection point, which is the
agreed point of supply established with ENERGEX.
4.2.1 Overview
This standard provides the methodology for the assessment of various Power Quality (PQ)
parameters, with the assessed levels then compared with the minimum acceptable standard i.e.
compatibility level (detailed in the sections in this document headed Performance Standard. This
heading is utilised throughout this document as not all parameter levels relate to compatibility
Planning levels are determined for various PQ parameters and are set below the compatibility
levels. Emissions must remain below a level which will cause unacceptable performance of
equipment operating in the specific environment and equipment must have sufficient immunity to
operate satisfactorily at levels as they exist in that environment. Figure 4.2.1 shows how these
various levels relate to each other in a graphical format.
The normal limits of disturbance should be below the compatibility level for most of the time, an
allowance is made for this level being exceeded <5% of the time as shown in Figure 4.2.1. The
compatibility level is maintained by implementing limits for customer emissions.
Table 4.2.1 provides an overview of the various reliability and PQ parameters, their compatibility,
planning and target levels. The table also details whether these parameters will be measured on
a routine or case specific basis.
Customers are obliged under the Electricity Regulation 1996 to operate their equipment so that it
does not cause interference to other customers. ENERGEX will seek to work with customers if
one customer is causing interference to another and may require a customer to stop or limit the
use of the offending equipment if the customer installation emission is operating outside their
allocated emission limits. Emissions from offending equipment could be checked against relevant
equipment emission standards. The affected equipment may be checked to ensure that its
immunity levels meet the requirements of the relevant Australian Standard.
The voltage that customers receive is constantly changing in value due to the loads being
drawn by all customers and the response of the network and its automatic regulating
equipment to this changing load. The level of variation that occurs is the voltage
regulation at that site.
Other customers
The standard voltage at a customer’s consumer terminals supplied at high voltage of
22000V or less with the allowable margin of 5% in accordance with the Electricity
Regulation 2006.
The National Electricity Rules2 allows for connection agreements with customers to detail
the expected voltage range. Otherwise the National Electricity Rules requires rms phase
voltages to generally remain between ±5% of the target voltage (determined in
consultation with NEMMCO), provided that at all times the supply voltage remains
between ±10% of the nominal rms phase to phase voltage, except as a consequence of a
contingency event which are allowed for in this standard at Section 1.2.5 - Voltage Swells.
Voltage regulation is measured using the average voltage of 10 minute intervals at the
point of supply. The minimum measurement interval is one week.3
The agreed load or network capacity of dedicated customer connection assets should not
be exceeded during the measurement period. Network capacity should also account for
the voltage drop of the dedicated customer connection assets.
The assessed levels should not exceed the performance standard. The Electricity
Regulation 1996 (QLD) is silent on allowable variations that might occur as a result of
system switching or abnormal events. AS 60038 and the National Electricity Rules allow
for variations as follows but care should be exercised for disputes:
AS 60038 allows for variances due to system switching and temporary voltage
AS60038 requires steady-state voltages to remain between ±10% of the nominal voltage measured at the point of
supply but excluding “voltage transients, such as those due to system switching, and temporary voltage variations”.
This is overridden by the requirements as detailed from the National Electricity Rules.
AS/NZS 61000.4.30
The National Electricity Rules allows for 10% variance above or below nominal
voltage, excluding contingency events which are allowed for in this standard at
Section 1.2.5 - Voltage Swells.
AS 60038:2000 details a nominal voltage of 230 volts and an expected range of plus 10%
and minus 6%. Queensland is legislated to 240 volts plus or minus 6%, which basically fits
within the range allowed by the Australian Standard and hence the lack of urgency to
change the legislation.
An additional 5% voltage drop is allowed within the customer premise 4 and is reflected in
the utilization voltage range.
Voltage unbalance is where the rms values of line to line voltages (fundamental
component) or the phase angles between them are not all equal in a polyphase system. It
is caused by uneven system impedances or uneven connection of loads within premises
or on low or medium voltage networks.
The performance standard for voltage unbalance for is provided by the National Electricity
Rules as:
The average voltage unbalance, except as a consequence of a contingency event,
shall be measured using 30-minute averages and should not exceed the values in
Column 2 of Table 4.2.2.
The average voltage unbalance, as a consequence of a contingency event, shall be
measured using 30-minute averages and should not exceed the values in Column 3 of
Table 4.2.2.
The average voltage unbalance shall be measured using 10-minute averages and
should not exceed the values in Column 4 of Table 4.2.2.
The average voltage unbalance should not vary more often than once per hour by
more than the values in Column 5 of Table 4.2.2 measured using 1-minute average
Table 4.2.2: Voltage Unbalance Performance Standard
Nominal Supply Voltage Voltage Unbalance (Neg seq/Pos seq x 100%)
no credible
Once per
contingency contingency General
event event
Voltage unbalance shall generally be measured at the point of supply for a measurement
interval of at least one week. Voltage unbalance shall be calculated or measured as the
percentage of negative sequence voltage to positive sequence voltage using line to line
voltages whenever possible.
The assessed voltage unbalance should not exceed the performance standard detailed in
this section.
In some standards voltage unbalance is defined as the maximum deviation from the
average of the three phase voltages expressed as a percentage of average. This method
of calculating or measuring voltage unbalance may be used as guide or for diagnostic
purposes only.
Customer load current unbalance is one of the primary causes of voltage unbalance.
Customer should therefore seek to minimise voltage unbalance by:
Low Voltage customers :
ensuring that customers connect to required number of phases as required by Section
2 of ENERGEX’s Connection and Metering Manual.
ensuring the maximum demand current (30 minute values) in any phase does not
exceed the maximum demand current in any other phase by more than 20 amperes or
20%, whichever is the greater (unless otherwise approved in writing by ENERGEX) for
National Electricity Rules
ENERGEX Connection and Metering Manual
Neutral to earth voltage difference is the difference in voltage between the neutral
conductor and the general mass of earth as measured at a particular point on the network
or within a premise.
The performance standard for alternating voltage differences between the neutral and
earth is less than 10 volts at the point of supply.
Instantaneous rms voltage readings may be taken at normal and greater than normal
load. Logging using voltage recording equipment may be necessary to ensure that the
limit is not exceeded when the neutral conductor is at peak load.
The assessed levels should not exceed the 10 volt performance standard for all load
Neutral to earth voltage differences occur due to resistance of the earthing system and
the voltage drop in the neutral conductor caused by the neutral current. Neutral to earth
voltage differences may be temporary, transient, steady-state or a combination of these.
It is preferable to maintain neutral to earth voltages to much less than 10 volts due to the
nuisance complaints that would otherwise result.
A network neutral connection may be faulty even though the performance standard is
maintained as there are often multiple parallel paths for the neutral current to return to the
transformer which minimises the voltage drop across the faulty mains connector and the
neutral to earth voltage.
Customers should install equipotential bonding to Australian Standard AS/NZS 3000
(Wiring Rules) to minimise nuisance tingles from neutral to earth voltages.
Standards do not presently provide a compatibility levels for neutral to earth voltage
differences, though AS/NZS 60479 details the effects of current through the human body.
National Electricity Rules
A voltage swell is a temporary increase of the rms voltage at a point in the electrical
system above 10% of the nominal voltage. Voltage swells are described by duration and
maximum voltage. They may last from half a cycle to one minute.
The rms value of phase voltage at the point of supply shall be measured and the period of
the voltage swell.
The assessed voltage should not rise above its nominal voltage by more than a given
percentage related to the corresponding period shown in Figure 4.2.2 relevant to the
period of the voltage swell for credible contingency events. For normal operation, a swell
shall not go over 10% of nominal voltage at any time.
National Electricity Rules
Voltage fluctuations are random or continuous variations of the voltage. They are
generally caused by customer load switching and may be caused by network switching.
Flicker is a variation in light output, typically from incandescent light globes, caused by a
variation in supply voltage to the light that is perceived by the human eye.
The compatibility levels for voltage flicker on the electricity supply system are provided in
Table 4.2.3 for voltages up to 35kV.
Measurements will be taken at the point of common coupling to check if the performance
standard has been exceeded.
From the Pst values measured during the observation week, the Cumulative Probability
Functions (CPF) of Pst and Plt should be obtained and the percentiles Pst95%, Pst99%,
Plt95%, Plt99% should be derived:
Customer emission limits are evaluated at POE (Point of Evaluation) and the measured
95 % cumulative probability values Pst95% and Plt95% and should not exceed the
specified limits.
Section 9.37.12 of the National Electricity Rules provides a derogation of the rules for
Queensland and hence takes precedent over AS/NZS61000.3.7.
ENERGEX will endeavour to ensure that fluctuations are below the Compatibility Levels
defined in Table 4.2.1 of AS/NZS61000.3.7. The measurement interval will then be at
least one week with 10 minute values and/or 2 hour values with 95% probability weekly
value for Plt and 99% probability weekly values for Pst.9
Monitoring may be required to ensure that individual customers have maintained their
fluctuation emissions below their allocated limits.
A voltage sag is a temporary reduction of the voltage at a point in the electrical system
below 90% of the nominal voltage (see Figure 4.2.3). Sags are described by retained
voltage and duration. They may last from half a cycle to 1 minute.
A Sag Severity Indicator (SSI) may be given to a voltage sag based on contours of the
CBEMA curve as shown by Figure 4.2.4. These contours provide an indicator of the
severity of each voltage sag based on an increasing scale to reflect the increasing
disturbance of voltage sags as they increase in both depth and duration.
Sags within a one minute period are classified as one event with the longest duration and
deepest sag across any of the three phases taken as the sag for that period. The sag is
then given a SSI value based on the contours of Figure 4.2.4. Sags which lie in between
contours are given a percentage of the contour value e.g. a sag of 0.5 per unit for 0.1s
duration is given a SSI of 2.5. All SSI values for the year are then added together to give
a single Sag Index (SI) for a customer/site. The SI provides one figure for site voltage sag
performance and can be compared readily against other sites to determine which site has
the worst voltage sag performance i.e. the one with the larger SI is the worst performing
site. The SSI and SI concept have been developed by the University of Wollongong and
used with permission.
Sag Severity
Under normal operating conditions the expected number of voltage dips in a year can be
from up to a few tens to one thousand. The majority of voltage dips have a duration less
than 1 s and a retained voltage greater than 40%.
Measurements are taken at the point of supply and generally for at least one year. 10
The assessed levels should not exceed the compatibility levels detailed in this section.
4.2.8 Transients
Transients are very short event variations caused by load switching or lightning. Transient
types are divided into oscillatory and impulsive types. Oscillatory transients are sudden
positive and negative changes in voltage, current or both and are most often caused by
capacitor or load switching. Impulsive transients are sudden unidirectional changes in
voltage, current or both and are typically caused by lightning.
Transients can be logged using a very fast logging and suitably rated instrument. This will
provide guidance on measures a customer may need to take to prevent damage to their
Assessment should be made on a case by case basis as the measured level is not
relevant to a standard or compatibility level.
AS/NZS 61000.4.30
Capacitor switching causes low frequency transient overvoltages of generally less than
twice the nominal voltage. High frequency transients from atmospheric causes are
typically up to 2kV but values up to 6 kV and even higher have been recorded. Customers
should protect sensitive equipment from transients as they will occur, particularly in storms
and lightning. Typical transient levels are detailed further in AS/NZS61000.2.5 and are
shown in Appendix C.
Customers are encouraged to use surge protection equipment to protect for sensitive
The AEMC standards state that “The frequency operating standards require that, during
periods when there are no contingency events or load events, the frequency be
maintained within the normal operating frequency band (49.85 Hz to 50.15 Hz) for 99% of
the time, with larger deviations permitted within the normal operating frequency excursion
band (49.75 Hz to 50.25 Hz) for no more than 1% of the time.” (see Table 4.2.5) .
AS/NZS61000.2.2 details that the frequency range is typically plus or minus 1 Hz, but it is usually much
less where synchronous interconnection is used on a continental scale. This requirement is overridden by
the National Electricity Rules.
Table 4.2.5 - Frequency Standard (Except islands)
Condition Containment Stabilisation Recovery
Accumulated time error 5 seconds
The frequency standards in Table 4.2.6 apply to where a part of the national grid that
becomes islanded. This table does not strictly apply to isolated systems but will be used
by ENERGEX as no other standard applies at this time.
Table 4.2.6 - Frequency Standard for National Grid - Island Conditions
Condition Containment Stabilisation Recovery
No contingency event or load event 49.5 to 50.5 Hz
The assessed variations should not exceed the allowed performance standard detailed in
this section.
Frequency Operating Standards published by the AEMC.
Frequency Operating Standards published by the AEMC.
Harmonics are frequencies of integer multiples of the fundamental frequency (50 Hz).
These harmonic frequencies are caused by non-linear loads, such as electronic
equipment and transformers, and result in waveform distortion.
The compatibility levels for harmonics on the electricity supply system are provided in
Table 4.2.7 for voltages up to 35kV.
Measurements for harmonics are to be taken at the point of common coupling. The
measurement interval is a minimum of one week. 10 minute averages and daily
assessment of 3 second, 150 cycle, values for at least one week are to be evaluated. 15
The assessed 95% probability weekly values for 10 minute averages and 95% probability
daily values for 3 s (150 cycle) time interval values should not exceed compatibility levels.
Harmonic distortion levels will generally be less than the compatibility levels as the
targeted planning levels are less than the compatibility levels. Planning levels are
provided at Table 4.2.A1 (see Appendix 4.2.A).
Monitoring may be required to ensure that individual customers have maintained their
harmonic emissions below their allocated limits. If customers have not been allocated
harmonic emission limits and are of a size that requires allocation limits, then limits must
be determined in accordance with Network Planning Criteria and provided to the customer
to ensure they do not cause nuisance to other customers now or in the future.
The National Electricity Rules allow transfer of costs to participants, under certain
circumstances, to manage or abate harmonic distortion to those facilities that cause the
harmonic voltage distortion.
As the most common effects of the presence of interharmonics are variations in rms
voltage magnitude and flicker, the compatibility levels for interharmonics are provided by
Figure 4.2.6 – Compatibility level for interharmonics voltages relating to flicker (beat effect)
Measurements are to be taken that allows comparison with Figure 4.2.6. Where direct
measurement of interharmonics is to occur, 10-cycle gapless centred interharmonic sub-
group measurement is to be used with aggregation in accordance with
AS/NZS61000.4.30. 10 minute averages and daily assessment of 3 second, 150 cycle,
AS/NZS 61000.2.2
values for at least one week are to be evaluated after aggregation. The emission limit is
0.2% for interharmonics17. Planning or compatibility levels for interharmonics are not yet
detailed in relevant standards.
The assessed level should not exceed the compatibility limits detailed in Section
Interharmonic standards are in the early stages of development. Until clearer guidelines
are provided the compatibility levels provided by Figure 4.2.6 shall be used as the limits of
interharmonics on low voltage networks (this issue is generally applicable to low voltage
networks as lighting is generally connected at low voltage) i.e. the ratio of interharmonics
voltage to the fundamental expressed as a percentage shall remain below the
compatibility curve in Figure 4.2.6. This curve is applicable for a single interharmonic
frequency only.
Voltage notching is distortion of the waveform which results in a notch out of the
waveform and is generally caused during rectifier commutation where two phase of the
supply are effectively short-circuited (see Figure 4.2.718).
This type of waveform distortion is a factor of notch width and depth. These factors are
determined by the firing delay angle of the rectifiers, commutation overlap time and the
system impedance.
Figure 4.2.7 –
Notching of the
Voltage Waveform
AS/NZS 61000.3.6
The assessed levels of notching shall be limited to the performance standard as detailed
4.2.13 DC Offset
Neutral to earth voltages from direct current are to be limited to less than 10 volts. Current
limitations are yet to be determined.
The assessment method is to take instantaneous rms voltage readings at the point of
The assessed levels should not exceed the 10 volt performance standard for all load
Figure 4.2.8 – Meister curve for ripple control systems in public networks
(100 Hz to 3 000 Hz)
The measurement interval for main signalling interference is a minimum of one day.
Measurements are to be rms values taken at the point of supply.
The assessed levels should not exceed the performance standard at the customer’s point
of supply.
The most common interference caused by mains signalling is audible noise from ceiling
The assessed levels should not exceed those provided by Figure 4.2.9.
Customers are obliged under the Electricity Regulation 1994 to operate their equipment
so that it does not cause interference to other customers.
ENERGEX will seek to work with customers if one customer is causing conducted non-
network-frequency interference to another. This may require a customer to stop or limit the
use of the offending equipment if ENERGEX is certain the equipment is operating outside
the performance standard.
It will be beneficial to ensure that the offending equipment is operating outside the
requirements of emission standards for dedicated equipment types or product family e.g.
AS/NZS CISPR 22 for radio disturbance from information technology equipment.
The affected equipment may need to be checked to ensure that its immunity levels meet
the requirements of the relevant Australian Standard e.g. AS/NZS61000.4.6 details testing
and measurement techniques for immunity testing to conducted disturbances induced by
radio-frequency fields.
Testing laboratories may be required to conduct equipment emission and immunity
Network equipment may also cause problems non-network-frequency-related interference
e.g faulty mains signalling electronic relays on customer premise.
Table 4.2.A1
Recommended Harmonic Planning Levels for Australian Distribution
Systems (h is harmonic order; all other values in percent)
Voltage Level
132 kV 66 kV 33 kV 22 kV 11kV 415 V
2 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.7 1.8
3 2.0 2.6 2.8 4.3 4.3 4.5
4 0.60 0.70 0.73 0.96 0.96 1.00
5 2.0 2.8 3.1 5.1 5.1 5.5
6 0.30 0.35 0.36 0.48 0.48 0.50
7 2.0 2.6 2.7 4.2 4.2 4.5
8 0.27 0.31 0.32 0.43 0.43 0.45
9 0.81 0.92 0.95 1.27 1.27 1.35
10 0.27 0.31 0.32 0.42 0.42 0.45
11 1.5 1.8 1.9 3.0 3.0 3.3
12 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.19 0.19 0.20
13 1.5 1.7 1.8 2.5 2.5 2.8
14 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.19 0.19 0.20
15 0.18 0.20 0.20 0.28 0.28 0.30
16 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.18 0.18 0.20
17 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.6 1.6 1.8
18 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.20
19 0.81 0.88 0.90 1.23 1.23 1.35
20 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.20
21 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.20
22 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.20
23 0.70 0.77 0.79 1.18 1.18 1.35
24 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.20
25 0.51 0.54 0.55 0.76 0.76 0.85
26 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.20
27 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.20
28 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.20
29 0.46 0.47 0.48 0.67 0.67 0.76
30 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.17 0.17 0.20
31 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.63 0.63 0.73
32 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.17 0.17 0.20
33 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.17 0.17 0.20
34 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.17 0.17 0.20
35 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.57 0.57 0.67
36 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.17 0.17 0.20
37 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.54 0.54 0.64
38 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.17 0.17 0.20
39 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.17 0.17 0.20
40 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.17 0.17 0.20
THD 3.0 4.1 4.4 6.6 6.6 7.3
Powerline interference
The performance standard for electromagnetic interference (radio disturbance), or
powerline interference as it is better known, are defined in Table 4.3.1. Zone B is above
and Zone C below 20° south latitude with this latitude running approximately through
Bowen, Charters Towers, Kajabbl and Camooweal.
Table 4.3.1
Limits of Radiated Radio Disturbance22
Field strength at boundary of corridor or
Frequency band defined boundary of installation
(MHz) (dBμV/m)
Zone B Zone C
0.15 – 0.3 57 50
0.3 – 3* 43 36
3 to 30^ 43 to 30 36 to 23
30 to 1000 Under consideration°
* Limits apply to areas not covered by local m.f. broadcasts. For
urban areas serviced by local broadcast stations, the limits may
be increased by 14dB over the frequency range of 0.5 MHz to 1.7
^ The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency
in this range.
° Appendix B of AS/NZS2344 provides a guide to applying limits
in this range.
AS/NZS 2344
Customer equipment
The compatibility levels are provided by Figure 4.3.1.
Powerline interference
Measuring apparatus shall conform to AS/NZS 2344, CISPR 18-2 and AS/NZS CISPR
16.1. The assessment methods detailed in AS/NZS 2344 shall be followed. Care should
be taken to ensure that intentional radiated emissions such as broadcast radio transmitter
signals are not included in the assessment.
Table 4.3.2 provides performance standard at the corridor edge of the powerline. The
corridor edge is defined by the smaller of:
Table 4.3.2
Nominal Protection Distance for
Overhead Lines24
System voltage Corridor
(phase-to-phase) width (m)
Up to 11 0
11 to 75 ±35
76 to 220 ±100
Note: The above distances do not apply if
or, if these are closer than distance above.
Customer equipment
Assessment will be made using the methodology and instrumentation as provided by
CISPR 16-1-1.
Powerline interference
The assessed interference levels for radio disturbance are to be maintained below:
those required by Table 4.3.2 for more than 80% of the time and with a confidence
level of not less than 80% using the long-term recording method or the sampling
method as given in CISPR/TR 18-2; or
where the previous is not possible at least three but preferably nine measurements
shall be taken at each frequency and at three separate locations on three separate
days of similar weather. The average of the measurements at each frequency
represent the interference level for that weather condition and after the application of
correction factors the limits shall not exceed Table 4.3.2.
Customer equipment
The assessed level shall not exceed the limits provided by Figure 4.3.1.
Customers should maintain 48dBuV/m or better signal strength at their television for
analogue signals & better than 40dBuV/m for digital signals before extensive network
investigations are carried out.
Corona from high and extra high voltage powerlines is another similar disturbance type
that propagates at frequencies up to a few megahertz. Table 4.3.3 gives levels of corona
that could be expected near powerlines. Corona is not likely to be an issue for ENERGEX
due to the voltage levels commonly used
Electric and magnetic fields are those that emanate from transformers, solenoids and
similar magnetic devices and from powerlines at the power frequency (50 Hz) or harmonic
frequencies. The levels of such fields at a location depends of the line voltage and current
respectively, as well as the line configuration, conductor height above ground, distances
between phases, phase arrangement and number of circuits (AS/NZS61000.2.3).
Table 4.3.4 provides the performance standard for magnetic and electric fields. It is taken
from the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency’s draft Radiation
Protection Standard: Exposure limits for electric and magnetic fields – 0 to 3kHz as no
other standard applies at this time in Australia.
Table 4.3.4– Reference Levels for Time Averaged Exposure to 50 Hz RMS Magnetic Fields and
RMS Electric Fields (Unperturbed Fields)26
Magnetic fields Electric fields
B-field Controlled Controlled activity* E field Controlled
strength Activity* B-field Exposure to strength Activity* E
Exposure level strength regions other than (V/m rms) field strength
(μT rms) head (V/m rms)
(μT rms)
B-field strength
(μT rms)
Occupational 500 1,500 1,800 10,000 20,000
General Public 100 300 N/A 5,000 7,280
* - Where certain control measures can be put in place, a ‘Controlled Activity’ set of reference levels is
given in this column. Please refer to the draft Standard for details on the control measures.
Assessment may be made by the use of hand-held magnetic field meter (also called a
Gauss meter). All measurements shall be taken to comply with AS 3720.
The assessed levels should not exceed the performance standard detailed in Table 4.3.5.
National Health and Medical Research Council
The performance standard for harmonic electrostatic and electromagnetic coupling from
powerlines into Telstra telecommunication cables is detailed in Table 4.3.5. This table can
be used as guide for communication cables owned by other telecommunication
Table 4.3.5 – Maximum Allowable Disturbance into Telstra Lines
Induced psophometric
Type of Telstra line current in end
psophometric EMF
terminations (see Note)
Open wire pair at
trunk, junction, or 160 mV 0.35 mA
customer’s equipment
Cable pair at trunk,
junction, or 160 mV N/A
customer’s equipment
Single-wire earth-
5 mV 4 μA
NOTE: Current sources arise from electrostatic induction, therefore in these
cases the maximum allowable psophometric current in the end termination
limits the noise. This only applies to unscreened aerial lines as they are
susceptible to electrostatic induction.
The assessed levels should not exceed the performance standard detailed in Tables
Telstra and ENERGEX may share its own costs for investigations into noise in
telecommunication cables. Rectification costs are generally the responsibility of the party
that changes the status quo. Further information is contained within HB88 and HB100.
Power factor is the ratio of kW to kVA in a circuit. Displacement power factor is calculated
assuming linear loads. True power factor takes into account the harmonic components
and is calculated by dividing the true power (kw) by the total volt-amperes in the circuit ie.
the rms values of voltage times the rms values of current.
The assessed levels should not exceed the performance standard detailed in Section measured over and 30 minutes at the customer point of supply.
The benefits of power factor correction include a reduction in energy and losses,
improvement in voltage levels due to reduction in supply current and increase of plant and
network capacity depending on the installation location of the capacitors.
4.4.1 Purpose
This section provides guidance on the approach to assessment of power quality impacts on the
electrical network and customer installations.
4.4.2 Definitions
Power quality is a function of a wide range of electrical parameters. An ideal power quality would
voltage waveform which is purely sinusoidal
constant supply frequency of 50 Hz
equal peak voltages in each phase and of a fixed value
fixed angles of 120o between each phase
100% supply reliability
It is impossible to maintain such a supply with constantly changing system loads, exposure to
equipment failure and to unforeseen external disturbances.
ENERGEX defines power quality in terms of the degree to which the supply system is free from major
distortions and fluctuations in supply voltage and frequency, and the number and duration of
interruptions to supply (blackouts).
Computers and other sensitive electronic equipment are now in wide use, and are very
vulnerable to disturbances present on the supply system and within the customer's installation.
This has brought power quality into sharper focus by the customer, as is now an important
determinant of their satisfaction with ENERGEX service.
Most voltage problems associated with computers and other sensitive equipment are not just
related to just high or low steady state voltage levels, but to momentary voltage surges, sags
or interruptions or to rapid changes in voltage (voltage fluctuation). The starting of a large
motor for example, can result in voltage sag due to the high inrush current. A fault on a
distribution line, even though cleared, can result in a momentary sag, surge or interruption.
These momentary voltage disturbances may result from a wide variety of causes on the supply
system or within a customer's own installation.
In the design of the distribution system every effort is taken to minimise the causes and effects
of faults by careful construction, installation of protective equipment to speedily isolate and
disconnect faulted equipment, and proper planned maintenance of the supply network. In
spite of all these efforts faults cannot be totally avoided, and many disturbances cannot be
easily reduced to levels which do not affect sensitive equipment. The best solution is often for
the customer to install special power protection equipment (after wiring and earthing systems
have been checked for adequacy).
It is important to find out if there is any history of problems at the customer's installation related
to power quality. Ask the customer if he has any recorded problems and when they occur (time
date place equipment or process affected). This information can be used to check whether
there is any correlation with recorded events on the ENERGEX network. If the customer
cannot be specific, ask the customer over what period of time problems have been occurring in
order to help identify the problem source. If the problems have just started occurring, it could
coincide with changes within the customer's own installation. For example, new equipment
installed or changes in operating modes. In general the type of customer and the equipment
employed may help to pinpoint problem areas.
It must be realised that most customers will not be aware of the cause of the problems; for
instance, whether the problems are self inflicted from within their installation, or generated on
the ENERGEX network. They may only know that a piece of equipment has malfunctioned or
tripped off, or only that a particular process has shutdown. It is therefore very important to
listen to the symptoms described in order to make an accurate diagnosis.
In the event that the customer perceives a problem but is unable to supply any supporting
evidence, ask the customer to set up a logging system to record the time, date, nature and
frequency of problems. In a lot of cases some form if testing will be required.
The customer usually has processes that are critical to their business. Ask the customer which
processes if interrupted would have the biggest impact in terms of safety/damage, loss of
production, downtime, and costs.
Microprocessor-based controls and power electronics devices are sensitive to many types of
disturbances besides actual interruptions. In addition, motor contactors and other devices held
closed by a magnetic coil are also sensitive to disturbances, as well as protection equipment.
Because the most sensitive equipment is often the most critical to the customer's process, it is
necessary to identify this equipment so that remedial measures can be investigated to
desensitise it.
Power protection equipment is available to desensitise customer equipment from the effects of
disturbances. Typically this includes four main categories, offering varying degrees of
power filters;
line or power conditioners;
standby power supplies; and
uninterruptible power supplies.
The category of equipment being employed should be listed, along with the equipment and
processes being protected. This will indicate any enhanced level of immunity to disturbances.
The impact of disturbances on the customer’s overall operation may be anywhere from minor
inconvenience through to equipment damage and costly production downtime. Obtaining a
general indication of the impact will provide valuable information that may be used to develop
cost effective solutions to desensitise the installation. This information will be very useful in
both planning and design stages for new installations.
It is important to know whether the plant will automatically restart after a shutdown. For
instance restart facilities may reduce the impact of a disturbance by reducing downtime.
However restart facilities may have an impact on the amount of load that can be satisfactorily
restored due to protection settings, particularly if a lot of motors are all trying to start
The provision of emergency and standby power systems within the customer’s installation can
reduce the impact of interruptions. An emergency system will normally be sized to supply
critical loads, while a standby system will provide power to restore normal operation of the
plant. Both systems rely on the provision of an independent alternative source, which upon
failure of the normal source, can be switched across to supply load within a specified time
period. There are three basic types usually installed within customer installations:
Engine-driven generators - diesel, petrol, gas
Turbine-driven generators - steam, gas/oil
Stored energy systems - mechanical, battery
It is important to ascertain which type of system is being installed, its purpose, whether it is for
emergency or standby supply, its capacity, its response time, and available service time. Note
the type of system employed will have a large bearing on these parameters.
In some cases the customer may prefer the emergency or standby power system to be
provided by ENERGEX. This would need to be discussed with the customer at the planning
4.5.1 Introduction
Power quality complaints related to voltage sags and interruptions, occur when either the
customer has equipment which is very sensitive to these variations and is critical to the overall
process, or the frequency of occurrence of the variation is interpreted as being unacceptable.
There are different perspectives held between the utility and the customer that must be
considered. The utility has traditionally provided a safe, reliable and economic network within
community expectations. However due to the impact on commercial and industrial processes and
equipment, the customer now expects an almost disturbance free supply of electricity. In order
for both parties to reach a common understanding, more needs to be known about the electrical
This section looks at what sensitive load standards exist for the utility and customer equipment.
4.5.2 Standards Utility
The Power Engineering Society of IEEE, the voltage committees of the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Electromagnetic Compatibility Committee of the IEC
have developed several standards that define the utility system electrical environment.
This environment is usually defined in terms of delivered or service voltage quality. The
basic condition of voltage quality is defined as a voltage level with related voltage
regulation, voltage unbalances and voltage fluctuations. These standards are listed in
Table 4.5.1.
Originally developed for electronic office equipment, perhaps the best known and most
widely applied power quality criteria is the “CBEMA” voltage tolerance curve approved by
the Computer Business Equipment Manufactures Association. This curve provides low-
and high-voltage compatibility limits for computer equipment. It became a standard when
adopted by the IEEE in the Recommended Practice for Emergency and Standby Power
Systems, IEEE Orange Book, Standard 446-1979. Since then it was reconfirmed in both
IEEE Std-446-1987 and IEEE Emerald Book, Std-1100-1992.
The CBEMA curve is commonly used to evaluate individual disturbances. However, since
equipment immunity varies widely, it is not always a good predictor on whether the
disturbance will affect end user equipment.
The CBEMA Curve addresses the “energy delivery” criterion only. For example a short
duration low-voltage, or sag, tells us the time available before insufficient energy is
available to operate. At zero voltage, or interruption, the curve shows the ride-through
time when no energy is delivered. A high voltage for a short period of time, less than 10
ms, gives the peak voltage limit indicating too much energy. For longer time periods both
the over and under voltage limits of the curve indicate required RMS voltage regulation.
The CBEMA Curve does not cover all immunity limits encountered in modern office
electronic systems and therefore other criteria need to be developed for the complete
system particularly for multi-port ITE and their interconnecting networks.
% Rated Voltage
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Time in mSe conds
The CBEMA Curve was revised in 1996 based on input from the Information Technology
Industry Council (ITIC), the US successor to CBEMA (refer Figure 4.5.2), which represents
% Rated Voltage
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Time in mSe conds
Comparing the ITIC and CBEMA voltage sag curves shows equipment having less
tolerance to voltages sags in 20-500 ms range for which the voltage sag limit has
increased to 70%. It should also be noted that it is still a generic curve.
SEMI Curve
% Rated Voltage
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Tim e in m Se conds
These standards are designed to improve the compatibility of equipment with the power
system. Although the SEMI curve was developed for the semiconductor industry
specifically, it is generally applicable to all industries employing highly automated
production processes that are sensitive to voltage sags. Using the SEMI curve as a
guide, a pro-active utility may explore ways of reducing the severity of voltage sags below
the curve, and pro-active customers may explore ways of improving the ride-through
compatibility of equipment above the curve. This joint effort is shown by the arrows on the
SEMI curve in Figure 4.5.4.
The SEMI curve should not be used as an enforceable utility standard, as it will not always
be a reliable guide to equipment problems. In some cases voltage sags below the curve
will not cause any problems or will have low impact on customer equipment, while in other
cases voltage sags above the curve may cause severe impacts. This is due to the
differing sensitivity of single phase and three phase equipment and the effects imposed
by balanced and unbalanced voltage sags. This added complexity is not capable of being
represented on one curve.
SEMI Curve
Ride through
Voltage %
1 10 100 1000
Voltage Dip Duration ms
4.5.3 Conclusion
At this stage there are no accepted limits for the number of voltage sags from a utility. To do so
will require more extensive monitoring of utility systems around the world, with efforts to normalise
the frequency based on such factors as lightning activity, degree of overhead and underground
systems, voltage levels, transformer phasing arrangements, neutral earthing practices, degree of
interconnection between voltage levels.
In the absence of performance standards, some utility Regulators are now asking for power
quality data so that they can set a benchmark.
In the mean time the new SEMI equipment compatibility curve may be used as a general guide to
a more “ideal” power quality performance, with the limitation that points plotted against this curve
may not always predict actual customer impacts. A pro-active utility may then explore ways of
reducing the severity of voltage sags below the curve, and a pro-active customer may explore
ways of improving the ride-through compatibility of equipment above the curve.
4.6.1 Introduction
4.6.2 Approach
Voltage sags are not a concern unless they cause equipment to maloperate. This depends on
the equipment sensitivity to disturbances (ride through characteristics). In a highly automated
process a shutdown of a piece of equipment can cause a chain reaction that upsets the entire
process. In particular, an uncontrolled shutdown can result in product loss, damaged equipment,
safety hazards and opportunity costs.
Without very specific testing, it is not possible to pinpoint exact equipment and shutdown
sequences, except at a very high level. However it is possible to discuss the main components of
these plant systems and their sensitivity to voltage disturbances. It is at this component level that
desensitising critical equipment needs to be addressed.
For voltage disturbances where the voltage level is less than 90%, the first items to shutdown will
be PLCs, microprocessors, variable speed drives. The second items to drop out will be
contactors and relays from 50% to 75% within 1-2 cycles and switch mode power supplies for
voltage sags below 50% for up to 300 ms. The third items will be motors with typical ride through
for an interruption up to 0.5 seconds, however the impact on the process due to speed drop may
be the limiting case.
Ride-through improvement techniques for control and protection circuits are now discussed.
Increasing the steady state voltage to critical equipment will increase the remaining
voltage during voltage sags and help to improve ride-through performance.
For DC power supplies with an adjustable input voltage range, if possible choose a
voltage range near the top of the range to allow more room for voltage sags.
Replace selected critical equipment power supplies with a universal power supply and
connect the voltage phase to phase rather than phase to neutral. The chosen rating
should be at least two times the expected load.
A three phase power supply properly designed and sized will effectively tolerate voltage
sags on one or two phases that would shut down a single phase power supply.
Many voltage sag related shutdowns can be overcome when power conditioning devices
are applied to critical control power supplies. The devices most applicable are:
Stored Energy Inverter (SEI): Otherwise known as Dip Proofing Inverters, provide an
alternative source of power similar to a UPS except it uses capacitors instead of batteries
for its stored energy.
Constant Voltage Transformer (CVT): The CVT (also called a ferroresonant transformer)
is a device that maintains two separate magnetic paths with limited coupling between
them. The output contains a parallel resonant tank circuit and draws power from the
primary to replace power delivered to the load. The transformer is designed so that the
resonant path is in saturation while the other is not. As a result a further change in
primary voltage will not translate into changes in the saturated secondary voltage, and
voltage regulation results. These devices need to be oversized to provide voltage sag
ride-through performance.
Coil Hold-In Devices: Some manufacturers of power conditioners now provide a coil hold-
in device to mitigate the effects of voltage sags on individual relays and contactors. Two
commercial brands are the KnowTrip and the CoilLock.
The Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS): The UPS can come in three basic types:
standby, line interactive, and rectifier/charger. The standby UPS switches to battery and
provides an inverter output to the load once the voltage sag is detected. The line
interactive UPS is an online type that employs a regulating transformer (CVT) when the
incoming voltage is normal. The rectifier/charger UPS is also an on line unit. The unit
constantly rectifies the incoming AC line voltage. The resulting DC voltage is then used to
charge the batteries and to feed the inverter circuit for the units output section.
UPSs are often chosen without much consideration of alternative power conditioning
options. Once installed, this usually presents a problem if batteries are not properly
maintained. CVTs are often favoured over UPSs when only voltage sag ride-through is
required because they are relatively maintenance free, with no batteries to replace or
moving parts to maintain and about half the cost of a UPS or SEI. The coil hold-in
devices are relatively new and are an alternative to CVTs where individual contactors are
targeted for improvement. The SEI are relatively new and have the advantage that a
capacitor for energy storage rather than a battery is used, thereby minimising
maintenance. The main application of these devices is to provide a limited amount of
ride-through (several seconds) to allow the orderly shutdown of processes. Sufficient
space must be available to install the devices.
The application of mitigation techniques to the specific requirements of PLCs, VSDs and motor
control circuits are now discussed.
The PLC is a vital component of the process control system (sequencing and logic
functions), and should be prevented from shutting down during a voltage sag so that it
can continue to monitor and analyse the process and provide data to determine the
causes of a shutdown. A CVT will provide ride-through for the majority of voltage sags
experienced. However to provide protection against an interruption to supply, a UPS is
required. Delays may also be built into the PLC logic so that it does not respond
immediately to certain PLC inputs controlling motors and VSDs, providing safety is not
Because VSD sensitivity is mainly due to under voltage protection settings, it is important
to check with the drive manufacturer that they are appropriate for the drive voltage rating
and that settings have been correctly applied rather than just default settings. In some
cases there may be scope to lower the setting. The VSD name plate voltage should
always be matched as closely as possible to the nominal input voltage by use of
interposing transformers if necessary. Where some compromise is necessary in matching
voltages, it is preferable to bias it towards the upper end of its voltage range.
Most VSDs cannot restart after tripping until the motor comes to a complete stop. To
overcome this problem some manufacturers incorporate a feature called synchronous
“flying restart”. This feature allows connection before the motor has a chance to
significantly slow down and affect the process. The drive manufacturer should be
consulted to determine if this feature is available. This type of application is suited to
Clean Rooms.
There are two main control scheme modifications that are used to improve the ride-
through performance of motor control circuits. The first method relies on automatic
reclosure of the motor after it has been tripped by the motor contactor, and the second on
delayed drop-out of the motor. Delayed drop-out is preferred if the process can tolerate
some reduction in motor speed and torque output for a brief period (say up to 0.5
seconds). Several delayed drop-out schemes are presented:
magnetic field. DC coils also have the advantage of a lower drop-out voltage and longer
ride-through time than equivalent AC coils. The slow decay of the magnetic field strength
holds the contacts closed until the control circuit is opened or the magnetic field strength
becomes small enough to allow the contactor to drop out. A capacitor resistor network can
be placed in parallel with the coil to supplement the energy for ride-through.
ECM Contactors: These are a new generation of contactors commercially available which
have an inbuilt electronic circuit controlling supply to the contactor coil that have a much
lower and predictable hold-in voltage (typically 40% of nominal voltage). This is achieved
using an application specific integrated circuit which regulates the voltage to the coil.
Power Conditioning Control Supply: This scheme uses power conditioning equipment to
supply motor starter contacts and any other required motor control logic for a brief period.
Such a scheme employing either an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or constant
voltage transformer (CVT) is shown below. A UPS has the advantage of allowing the
control supply to ride-through a complete interruption. In most cases this feature is
unnecessary unless the control scheme is supplying PLC equipment. Particularly
important is inclusion of a time delay drop-out relay on the output, set it to act quickly if
normal voltage is not restored at the input.
A setting of 0.5 seconds is usually fast-enough for safety and long-enough for utility
system fault clearing. Care must be exercised to ensure power conditioning equipment is
not under rated. If a UPS is used an on-line type is preferred to a standby type.
Otherwise very sensitive relays and contactors may drop out during the transfer time
unless selected carefully.
Coil Hold-In Devices: Some manufacturers of power conditioners now provide a coil hold-
in device to mitigate the effects of voltage sags on individual relays and contactors. The
devices are capable of holding contacts closed for voltage sags to 25% of nominal and
will turn the coil off if the voltage is interrupted for more than a few cycles. The unit
connects between the relay or contactor coil connection terminals and the incoming AC
control line.
Note that electrical interlocks included within the control scheme, have the potential to
affect the ride-through performance and must be examined at the same time.
The best engineering approach is to apply solutions in a controlled manner and to evaluate the
results before proceeding with wholesale changes. The following recommendations are subject
to detailed investigations by the customers in consultation with equipment
Boosting Steady State Voltage: Investigate the boosting of steady state voltage to the facility and
individual equipment. Make appropriate adjustments.
Protection Review: Carry out undervoltage and unbalance protection review of critical equipment
to voltage sags. Make appropriate adjustments.
DC Power Supplies: On selected critical equipment, trial the installation of a universal DC power
supply with input voltage range (eg. 85V to 264V AC ). Connect input voltages phase to phase
rather than phase to neutral..
PLCs: On all critical PLCs install standby UPSs. On selected less critical PLCs, where 1sec ride-
through would allow sufficient time for an orderly shutdown of processes, carry out a trial
installation of four Energy Stored Inverters. Careful attention to sizing, installation and
maintenance requirements should be considered.
VSDs: Carry out a trial installation of four constant voltage transformers fitted to the control/logic
power supply of selected VSDs. An evaluation against unprotected VSDs of similar size should
be carried out over a suitable time period. Synchronous flying restart be investigated in
consultation with the drive manufacturer. The retrofitting of a DC booster module be investigated.
(1) Carry out a trial installation of constant voltage transformers fitted to a number of critical motor
control circuits. Units should be sized to replace existing control supply transformers. Evaluation
against unprotected similar motor control circuits should be carried out over a suitable time
(2) Carry out a trial installation of hold-in coil devices fitted to a number of critical motor control
circuits. Evaluation against unprotected similar motor control circuits should be carried out over a
suitable time period.
The emergence of higher power rated solid state devices, has created the possibility for
improving customer power quality in “larger lumps” without the need to de-sensitise the many
pieces of critical equipment. De-sensitising equipment, although cost effective for low power
consumption equipment and control circuits, may still not yield sufficient improvement. Two such
technologies are the Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) and the Dynamic Uninterruptible Power
Supply (DUPS). In the case of the DVR, protection is offered against voltage sags only, while the
DUPS offers protection against complete power loss, but is more efficient than conventional UPS
4.6.8 Conclusions
Mitigation techniques are available to reduce the sensitivity of critical equipment. The focus
should be on PLCs/controllers, VSDs and motor control circuits since they are the most sensitive
components. Power conditioning at the process control level is an effective method of improving
ride-through, however it does require assistance from manufacturers/suppliers of the critical
The practicality of the techniques proposed are subject to further detailed investigation by the
customer. It is strongly recommended that a project is established by the customer to do this
work. Implementation should commence in the suggested critical areas in a staged manner.
The application of “custom power” technology is an alternative solutions path that has only
become a reality in recent years due to advances in high voltage, high power solid state devices.
This technology is particularly attractive for customers who have little or no knowledge of critical
equipment sensitivities and cannot afford to take equipment out of production to make small scale
4.7.1 Introduction
Harmonics generated by a particular customer can interfere with the operation of network equipment, and
other customer loads. Customer equipment is the main cause of network distortion levels, and must be
controlled to maintain satisfactory levels.
Harmonic distortion is produced by any non-linear load connected to the network. The most common and
increasing cause of this distortion is the use of electronic power converters to supply and control loads.
Manufacturers are required to comply with harmonic standards for smaller household domestic appliances,
and are not normally the subject of ENERGEX interest. However larger industrial applications have the
potential to impact power quality to a large number of customers, depending on the location, and size of the
equipment. DC motors and variable speed AC drives are very common sources.
Before permission is given to connect such equipment, it is necessary to assess whether the distortion
level is within acceptable limits at the point of common coupling (PCC), which is the point in the
network electrically nearest to where other customers are, or may be, supplied. This assessment must
take full account of options available to supply the installation, including contingency conditions, future
configuration, and presence of shunt capacitor banks at the zone substation.
For larger installations, it is strongly recommended that the customer engage a consultant to ensure
harmonic levels are satisfactory within the installation. ENERGEX would normally supply network
impedance, loading and configuration details upon request. The consultant is encouraged to perform
the calculations for the PCC also, for review by ENERGEX.
Customers wishing to connect harmonic producing load are normally only permitted to contribute
quantities specified and calculated by methods in TR IEC 61000.3.7:2012 “Electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC)-Limits - Assessment of emission limits for the connection of fluctuating installations
to MV, HV and EHV power systems”
In some cases restrictions will be placed on the type, size, design and operation of equipment able to
be connected. Alternatively or in combination with, the network arrangement must be chosen
appropriately. In most cases, the customer will be expected to contribute to any additional costs
incurred on the network to reduce harmonic levels.
By design, the waveform of an A.C. supply system delivered by a generator to a linear load is
largely sinusoidal, with minimal distortion. A linear load is one in which the load current and
voltage across the load have the same waveform. Significant distortion can occur in the
generator ac waveform when non-linear loads are connected.
Nonlinear devices produce non-sinusoidal current waveforms when energised with a sinusoidal
voltage. Nearly all of these devices on power systems are shunt elements, the bulk of which are
loads. In a normal power system the loads are a mixture of linear and non-linear devices. Purely
resistive heating loads are as close to the ideal linear load as is practical, with motors reasonably
linear depending on the level of saturation achieved in the magnetic circuit. Electronic power
converter loads made up of rectifiers and/or inverters are non-linear, as well as ferromagnetic
(transformers) and arcing devices.
Although transformers are numerous, they produce distortions of only about 1% of their name
plate load rating. Arcing devices and electronic power converters can produce distortions of 20-
30% of rating are and therefore the primary concern, particularly as the latter is projected to
increase in use significantly in the future.
The distortion in the ac waveshape can be mathematically viewed as a mixture of pure sinusoidal
shapes of higher frequencies which are an integral “n-th” multiple of the 50 Hz fundamental
The magnitude of harmonic currents and voltages at any point in a distribution system can be
predicted using accepted harmonic modelling techniques that consider the frequency
dependence of circuit components and loads. In the majority of cases, non-linear devices or
harmonic sources may be considered a constant current source independently injected into the
system at the point of generation, at each harmonic independently. The overall response of the
network is then assessed in terms of individual harmonic values or the total harmonic distortion.
Harmonic analysis can be performed using hand calculations, but is much simplified using the
network modelling package (e.g. PSSU or SINCAL).
Before a large distorting load is connected to a distribution system a harmonic analysis will
usually be carried out to ensure harmonic distortion is within the limits. This will also be
accompanied by before and after measurements at the point of common coupling to check
background levels pre-existing before connection of the new load, and compliance with limits
imposed following connection. In a distribution system, the background readings may be high
due to other distorting loads connected to the network and may vary considerably over time due
to differing load duty cycles, system configuration and load level, and resonant conditions.
It should be noted that installation guidelines found in Australian Standard AS/NZS 61000.3.6 are
based on dc motor drive circuits or electronic circuits which have an inductive filter on the dc side.
However this standard does not deal with ac drives which have a rectifier and inverter
combination - the dc side of which will often only consist of a capacitive filter.
The most important single factor in assessing whether an ac drive will cause unacceptable
voltage harmonics in the supply is the drive rating in relation to the supply capacity.
Supply capacity is usually measured by the "Fault Level" which is the three phase product
of open circuit voltage and (hypothetical) short circuit current. The fault level is the main
In a city or large town Z is dominated by the series reactance of the final distribution
transformer and the fault level is typically 20 to 30 times the rating of this transformer. In a
more remote country region the impedance of the high voltage feeder may dominate and
Z may be almost resistive.
Very often the fault level is not known. If the rating of the distribution transformer is known
then the fault level in a city of large town can be guessed to be 15 to 25 times the
transformer rating. On this basis we can estimate the size of the largest VSD (motor rating
as a proportion of supply rating) which can be connected to the supply in a city of large
town. The estimates are shown in Table 4.7.1.
Table 4.7.1: Estimated Maximum AC Drive Rating as Percentage of Supply Rating for
Additional AC Reactors “X”
Largest Existing
Harmonic DC – Side Xac = 0 Xac = Xs Xac = 2 Xs Xac = 4 Xs
Un Reactor
1%<Un<3% None 4% 4.5% 5% 8%
1%<Un<3% Substantial 17% 18% 18% 19%
Un<1% None 9% 13% 18% 24%
Un<1% Substantial 36% 37% 38% 41%
Note: Xs assumed to be 1/20 of supply transformer rating
They are based on an average motor efficiency of 90% and a fault level equal to 20 times
the distribution transformer rating. Final values are rounded down to the nearest %.
Harmonic voltage levels can be reduced by the use of either dc or ac reactors or both
fitted to the VSD. The effectiveness of these are as follows:
DC side reactors are more effective than ac side reactors in reducing low-order (i.e. 5th
AC side reactors are very effective at limiting the higher order harmonics and hence the
For ac-side reactors it has already been shown how to estimate the size based on
harmonic requirements and the reactance of the supply which in turn can be estimated
from the fault level. Note that ac-side reactors will cause a small additional voltage drop in
the inverter dc bus under load. For the worst case in Table 4.7.1 (X = 4Xs and motor
rating 41% of supply rating) this additional voltage drop in the dc bus is about 5%.
For dc-side reactors the answer is not quite so simple. The paper by Kelley and Yadusky
(IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol 7, NO 2, April 1992, p332) provides a good
guide. When their results are translated to 415Vac 50Hz VSDs, the dc side reactor should
have a minimum inductance of about
Increasing the inductance much above this value does very little to decrease the supply
harmonics. Halving the above inductance may increase the 5 th harmonic by 50%. The
minimum inductance value will normally maintain a continuous dc current at the output of
the rectifier down to about 20% load.
Because the structure of the input circuit is virtually standard, harmonics from multiple ac
drives will not tend to add algebraically. It is important to estimate the largest simultaneous
load on multiple VSDs in order to assess harmonic performance. A single VSD with rating
equal to this largest simultaneous load should give almost identical harmonics to those
produced by the multiple drives.
The Power Factor (PF) of a balanced three-phase load is commonly defined by:
Harmonics in the ac line current tend to increase the rms line current without contributing
to real power. Where harmonic currents are large, cable and transformer sizes may need
to be increased.
If substantial dc-side reactors are fitted the Power Factor of an ac drive is close to 0.95. If
however neither dc-side nor ac-side reactors are fitted the harmonic currents are much
larger and the power factor is significantly lower. However the effect on the power factor
of the overall supply is generally quite small because ac drives usually make up only a
small proportion of the total load.
This section is concerned with the impact of starting motors on the quality of supply on the
network. The most significant effect is voltage change, also referred to as voltage
fluctuation, which may cause annoying flicker of incandescent lamps. The severity of the
flicker and hence it’s offensiveness to customers, is determined by the magnitude and
frequency of the voltage change. This section discusses the quality of supply limits
applicable, methods for reducing voltage change during starting, and the programs
available for calculating voltage change.
4.8.1 Introduction
This section is concerned with the impact of starting motors on the quality of supply on the
network. The most significant effect is voltage change, also referred to as voltage fluctuation,
which may cause annoying flicker of incandescent lamps. The severity of the flicker and hence
it’s offensiveness to customers, is determined by the magnitude and frequency of the voltage
change. This section discusses the quality of supply limits applicable, methods for reducing
voltage change during starting, and the programs available for calculating voltage change.
When an induction motor is started direct on line (DOL) the current required to develop starting
torque may be 6 to 7 times full load current when nominal voltage is applied at the motor
terminals. The power factor of the initial starting current is quite low (0.2 to 0.4 lagging).
Therefore a high initial reactive load is taken from the supply system, gradually reducing as the
speed of the machine approaches a steady state value.
The resulting voltage fluctuation may cause interference to other customers’ supply due to
excessive lamp flicker or mal-operation of certain voltage sensitive equipment, depending on the
magnitude and frequency of the voltage change. In addition motor performance may be
adversely affected due to insufficient accelerating torque.
The maximum allowable voltage fluctuation on the supply system is detailed in TR IEC
The following guidelines should be considered before approval is given for the connection of a
For motors started less than 4 times per day, the relative voltage change at the PCC should not
exceed 6%. For motors started more frequently, refer to Table 6 of TR IEC 61000.3.7:2012. This
Table shows the allowable voltage change for different rates of occurrence of voltage changes.
The voltage at the customer’s motor contactor should not drop below approximately 0.8 per unit
(346.4 V on a 433 V base) to ensure that the “hold in” coil does not open during starting
conditions. The actual “drop out” voltage may be used if available.
The voltage at the motor terminals should provide sufficient starting torque for the motor load
application. Since the starting torque is proportional to the square of the motor terminal voltage,
the minimum terminal voltage may be determined for a given motor load application. Although this
is the responsibility of the customer, typical average values of required motor starting torque for
different motor load applications are given in Table 4.8.1 for reference.
In the absence of motor supplier data, the starting torque for various induction motor types may
be calculated using the starting efficiency values provided in Table 4.8.2 for a given starting
There are two main methods for reducing unacceptable voltage fluctuations at the PCC as
Limit starting current by use of a motor starter to reduce the voltage at the motor terminals.
Reduce the supply system source impedance (ie increase the fault level).
The motor must be started in such a manner that the r.m.s. starting current does not
exceed the following limits for more than 0.02 sec (1 cycle):
53 + 3.3 k amps in the case of 415 V motors, where k is the continuous output rating in
kilowatts of the largest motor in the installation; e.g. 300 amps for a 75 kW motor.
Conditions (a) and (b) may be relaxed for any motor which is not started frequently and is
less than 10% of the total customer's motor load connected to the one service, or if the
premises are fed directly from a substation or via other appropriate supply conditions.
1. To limit the starting current and therefore the relative voltage change at the motor
terminals, motor starting contactor and the point of common coupling with the network in
accordance with ENERGEX quality of supply standards;
2. To reduce the starting torque of the motor and thereby control acceleration of the motor
load. This is the responsibility of the customer.
Table 4.8.3 lists typical starting currents and torques for common methods of starting squirrel
cage induction motors (for wound rotor induction motors, secondary resistance starters may be
used). Where permissible, direct on line (DOL) starting is chosen due to its simplicity and low
cost. If DOL starting is precluded due to either of the above reasons, then use of an alternative
starting method should be considered (i.e. star/delta, autotransformer, primary resistor, and soft
The choice of starting method often depends on the relative cost and the particular motor
application (eg motor/load torque-speed compatibility).
The most common methods are based on reduced voltage starting and may therefore suff er from
reduced starting torque. As a consequence, if the load torque requirements exceed the available
reduced starting torque, the motor will fail to accelerate to its rated speed. The motor will then
continue to draw a large magnitude of current, and may be damaged due to overheating if a
protective device fails to operate.
There are two methods of transition from start to run mode (excluding Solid State starters which
provide stepless reduced voltage starting):
Closed circuit transition where the motor remains connected to the supply during the transition
Open circuit transition where the motor is disconnected from the supply during the transition
period. This produces a higher current surge than closed circuit transition and may cause
excessive shaft impact torques. For this reason this method is not favoured.
The motor must accelerate to at least 90% of full speed before switching from start to run mode.
Switching before this speed will result in a current surge during the transition period equal or
greater than the DOL value. In this case the motor is effectively being started DOL. This
situation may occur if the starter is incorrectly matched to the motor load torque requirements
and/or if insufficient acceleration time is allowed.
The Star-Delta starter requires all six ends of the starter to be brought out to the motor
terminal box. This method reduces the DOL starting current by one third and also avoids
the high torque at about 80% speed, which may be undesirable for certain applications.
However the resulting starting torque is one third of the normal starting torque which
corresponds to approximately 60% of full load torque (assuming typical normal starting
torque of 180% of full load torque). Both closed and open transition starting is employed. Autotransformer
The autotransformer starter allows increased starting torque over the Star-Delta starter
with selection of either the 80% or 65% taps. Lower starting current and torque is
possible with a 50% tap, but would not be economic over a primary resistor method. The
autotransformer is not cost effective for use with standard squirrel cage motors for light
duty, but is often the best choice for medium and heavy duty applications. Both closed
and open transition starting is employed.
Although a primary resistor of appropriate size can limit the starting current to the same
value as an autotransformer, less accelerating torque is available as the motor runs up to
speed due to the higher voltage drop across the resistor. The pull out torque is
approximately equal to full load torque at 90% of full speed compared to 150% of full load
torque for an autotransformer (or primary reactor). This method may not therefore be
practical for large motor applications.
The solid state motor starter, (or commonly known as a soft starter) usually consists of six
silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs) between the power supply and the motor. Phase angle
control of the gating pulses to the SCRs allows the voltage at the motor terminals to be
fully controlled during the start process with full voltage applied after the starting period.
This technique applies a ramped voltage output to the motor to provide an almost linear
speed versus time characteristic during the start-up period. The ramp time is adjustable
and will depend on the load. The voltage is usually ramped from an initial 30% to 60% of
rated voltage to provide sufficient initial torque. A ramp down time may also be included
during the stop sequence (for particular applications). This mode of operation is
commonly used for heavy friction loads.
In current limiting mode the motor voltage is adjusted to maintain the current below a
preset level. Typically the level can be adjusted between 300 to 400% of motor full load
current. If the current limit is set too low, insufficient torque may be available for the
particular motor/load application. This mode of operation is commonly used for both light
and heavy inertia loads, or where restrictions have been placed on the starting current by
the Supply Authority (refer Table 4.8.4 for common motor applications).
To reduce the voltage fluctuations at the PCC an alternative to limiting starting current, or in
combination with, is to reduce the source impedance upstream. Possible methods include:
Other options such as a series capacitor are capable of reducing voltage fluctuation but require
more specialised application and would need to be referred to Network Investigations Department
for consideration.
The most appropriate method will depend on the particular situation. Such factors as the capacity
of the supply system, the size of the motor(s) to be connected, system losses, limitations imposed
on the motor starting current, and the rate of return on investment may influence the decision.
The supply arrangements should be fully discussed with the customer or their consultant to
ensure that a co-ordinated overall design is achieved.
Motor starting calculations are routinely carried out to quantify the voltage change on the network
to ensure it remains within accepted quality of supply limits, and determine if the proposed supply
arrangements are adequate to start the motor(s).
PSS/U & DINIS: Power system analysis packages incorporating loadflow, fault studies and motor
starting; these programs should be used for detailed studies involving motors exceeding 100 kW
in size which may be supplied from a dedicated transformer.
TABLE 4.8.1
Typical Average Values of Required Motor Load Starting Torques
TABLE 4.8.2
Comparison of Starting Efficiencies of Various Induction Motor Types
TABLE 4.8.3
Typical Starting Currents and Torques for Common Methods of Starting Three Phase
Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Starting Method Voltage at Starting Starting Typical Effective
Motor Torque (Per Current (Per Power Impedance of
Terminals Unit of Full Unit of Full Factor of Motor/Starter
(Per Unit) Load Load Starting (Per Unit on
Torque) Current) Current motor kV.A)
Direct on Line 1.00 1.80 7.0 0.26 0.143/75º
80% Tap 0.80 1.15 4.5 0.26 0.222/75º
65% Tap 0.65 0.76 2.8 0.26 0.357/75º
50% Tap 0.50 0.45 2.5 0.26 0.400/75º
Primary Resistor:
65% applied voltage 0.65 0.76 4.6 0.77 0.217/40º
50% applied voltage 0.50 0.45 3.5 0.87 0.286/30º
In practice a range of starting torques and currents occur, depending on the motor design (eg
high squirrel cage rotor resistance gives high starting torque; high squirrel cage rotor reactance
gives low starting current). For simplicity only single values are listed on this table. If possible
actual values for a particular motor should be obtained from the customer or motor supplier.
All values in the table will be less in practice due to voltage drop across the source impedance.
TABLE 4.8.4
Common Soft Start Motor Applications
Timed Ramp Mode Current Limit Mode
Conveyors Compressors
Extruders Empty Mixers
Mixers Empty Crushers
Positive Displacement Pumps Idling fans, pumps
Cranes and Hoists Chippers
Rotating Vibrating Feeders Punch Presses
Fans and Pumps Stamping Machines
Crane Slew Drives
Hammer Mills
Variable Pitch Propellers
Although power quality standards are being actively addressed on both the network and customer
sides of the meter, at this stage there is no accepted limits for the number of voltage sags a
customer site should receive. In the absence of performance standards, Regulators are now
asking for power quality data so that they can set an arbitrary benchmark.
In order to make such decisions it is important to understand the way voltage sags are reflected
throughout the network and their likely severity. This addendum report explores the pattern of
voltages which occur and proposes a new index for characterising severity.
4.9.1 Introduction
Voltage sags are the predominant cause of disruption to customer sensitive equipment for
commercial and industrial customers. Voltage sags are normally caused by electrical faults on
power system lines and equipment any place within a supply network and are able to be reflected
throughout the network. Due to their widespread impact, voltage sags are occurrences that are
most frequently experienced by customers. Voltage sags tend to affect modern electronic and
computer-based equipment and electromagnetic relays much more so than conventional
machinery and equipment. In a highly automated industrial process, a shutdown of a piece of
equipment due to voltage sag can cause a chain reaction that upsets the entire process. In
particular, an uncontrolled shutdown can result in product loss, damaged equipment, safety
hazards and opportunity costs.
Although power quality standards are being actively addressed on both the network and customer
sides of the meter, at this stage there is no accepted limits for the number of voltage sags a
customer site should receive. In the absence of performance standards, Regulators are now
asking for power quality data so that they can set an arbitrary benchmark.
In order to make such decisions it is important to understand the way voltage sags are reflected
throughout the network and their likely severity. This addendum report explores the pattern of
voltages which occur and proposes a new index for characterising severity. General
The magnitude of voltage phasors for a system under fault conditions are reflected
through ∆Y transformation in a strange but predictable manner. Voltages measured at the
higher voltage levels do not necessarily represent voltages experienced by the customer.
A simplified representation of this voltage transformation is shown in Figure 4.9.1.
It is important to note that the reflected voltage patterns derived in the following sections
represent oversimplified situations. The magnitude of reflected voltages obtained in
practice is influenced by various network and generation conditions or configurations as
described below;
Neutral earthing resistors or reactors. (Neutral earthing impedance tends to raise the
magnitude of non-zero phasors for Ø-g or 2Ø-g faults. The magnitude of some VLN
phasors may be increased significantly beyond 1 pu).
Fault resistance. (Fault resistance tends to increase the magnitude of phasors)
Distance of the fault relative to sources of generation on the transmission system.
Point of measurement to location of fault.
Presence of embedded generation on the 11 kV or 33 kV network
33 kV
11 kV
Pri Sec Pri DY11 Sec Pri DY1 Sec
Upstream Downstream
With reference to Figure 4.9.2, a solid Ø-g fault on the primary terminal of a ∆ Y connected
transformer will result in voltage phasor relationships as shown in Table 4.9.1. This
assumes that the transformer is connected to an infinite bus and the star point of the
secondary winding is solidly earthed.
The magnitude of each of the two sets of phasors occurs at every voltage level (except at
the faulted voltage level), and alternate between the V LL and VLN voltages from one
voltage level to the next.
For a 110 kV or 33 kV fault, the voltage magnitudes in pu seen at customer low voltage
terminals will appear at higher voltage levels with the following relationship:
This pattern is illustrated graphically in Figure 4.9.2 extracted from the phasor diagrams in
Figure 4.2.6.
110kV 11kV
A Vab=0.
Va=0pu Va
8p b=
pu Vb
Vb=1pu B
=1 =1 8
Vc pu
Vc 87pu
C Vbc=1pu B
33kV 415V
a a
Va=0pu Va
8p b=
0.5 u Va
0.5 8p b=
a= pu Vb 8p 0.5 0.5
Vc =1 =1 u a= 8p
Vc pu Vc u
7pu Vb=0.87
Vc=0.8 pu
Phasing: ex BCC
A fixed pattern is also exhibited for a 2Ø-g fault as shown in Table 4.9.2. The magnitude
of the two groups of phasors being recycled in this case are:
This pattern for a 2Ø-g fault is illustrated graphically in Figure 4.9.3 extracted from the
phasor diagrams.
For a 110 kV or 33 kV fault, the voltage magnitudes in pu seen at customer low voltage
terminals will appear at higher voltage levels with the following relationship:
110kV 11kV
Vca=0.58pu Vbc=0.67pu
Vab=0.33 Vca=0.33
Phase B
Phases A, B
Phase C
Phase C
Phase A
Vbn=0.58 Vcn=0.58
33kV 415V
Vca=0.58pu Vca=0.58pu
Phases A, B
Phases A, B
Vbc=0.58pu Vbc=0.58pu
Phase C
Phase C
Phasing: ex BCC
Figure 4.9.3 - Voltage Phasor Relationships for a 110 kV or 33 kV 2Ø-g Fault 2Ø Fault
A 2Ø fault is equivalent to a 2Ø-g fault with an infinite fault resistance. A fixed pattern is
also exhibited for a 2Ø as shown in Table 4.9.3. The magnitude of the two sets of
phasors being recycled in this case are:
The pattern for a 2Ø fault is illustrated graphically in Figure 4.9.4 extracted from the
phasor diagrams.
For a 110 kV or 33 kV fault, the voltage magnitudes in pu seen at customer low voltage
terminals will appear at higher voltage levels with the following relationship:
PU VLN at Customer 415V – only appears as 110kV LN, 33kV LN, 11kV LL
PU VLL at Customer 415V – only appears as 110kV LL, 33 kV LL, 11kV LN
110kV 11kV
Phase A, B
Vca=0.5 Vab=0.5
Phases C
Phase C
Phase B
Phase A
Vcn=0.87 Vbn=0.87
33kV 415V
Vbc=0.87pu Vbc=0.87pu
Phase A, B
Phases A, B
Phases C
Vca=0.87pu Vca=0.87pu
Phase C
Van=0.5 Van=0.5
Table 4.9.1, Table 4.9.2 and Table 4.9.3 indicate that the sum of voltage phasors squared
(ΣVLL2 or ΣVLN2) remains a constant value (1.67, 1.5 and 0.67 for Ø-g, 2Ø, and 2Ø-g fault
respectively) at all voltage levels, with the exception of the faulted voltage.
Considering that ΣVLL2 or ΣVLN2 represents the power available to “ride through” a voltage
dip and that it remains relatively constant irrespective of the locations where the voltages
are measured, it is considered to be an effective measure of customer impact. A
comparison of ΣV2 for different types of faults in Table 4.9.4 provides an indication of their
relative severity. Only 55% of normal power is retained during a Ø-g fault, which drops
further to 22% during 2Ø-g fault. However during a 2Ø fault, which is equivalent to a 2Ø-g
fault with infinite fault resistance or neutral resistance, 50% of normal power is retained.
The presence of neutral earthing impedances and fault resistance generally raises the
power availability during fault conditions thereby raising customer's ability to ride through a
Assuming that the more sensitive computer or microprocessor based customer equipment is
equipped with UPS or line conditioners; a customer's capability to “ride through” voltage sag
resulting from a fault event depends largely upon:
The overall 3-phase energy available to drive the customer's electrical rotating machinery.
The overall energy available to 3-phase control system loads, including relays and contactors.
The VLN voltage for single-phase control system loads (relays and contactors) distributed
evenly between the 3 phases.
Generally, the voltage condition of the most severely affected phase determines the impact
threshold, and the overall 3-phase voltage condition determines the severity of impact. A voltage-
duration plot against the CBEMA or SEMI curve, therefore does not always provide a good
indication of the severity of impact.
Notes The ESI represents energy not supplied during a voltage dip.
The ESI index has a minimum value of 0 and maximum value of 300
corresponding to system normal and total voltage collapse conditions
Voltages quantities recorded at a location not separated by transformers from the
fault may inflate the index value.
The duration t is limited to a maximum value of 100 ms as fault durations which
exceed 100 ms do not appear in practice to be more detrimental in effect.
The SI index should remain relatively constant irrespective of monitoring point location and
magnitude of phasors (VLL or VLN).
11 kV Fault
Bulk Supply Zone Sub
Transmission 110/33kV
5 km
110 kV
33 kV
11 kV
Dist Sub
Zone Sub (11 kV) Reflected Fault
11 kV
11 kV
1. 110/33 kV transformers have 33 kV star winding impedance earthed to limit earth fault current to 1000 amps.
2. 33/11 kV transformers have 11 kV star winding impedance earthed to limit earth fault current to 2000 amps.
3. 11/0.415 kV transformers have 415 V winding solidly earthed.
5 Appendix 5.1.A – Brisbane and Regional Central Business District and Surrounding
Suburbs Maps
Note: For substations to be installed in the Brisbane CBD area, the borders of which are shown in
the map below, an indoor substation room will be required. For new developments which are
Large Customer Connections, the minimum requirement for the room will be to accommodate the
provision of relay operated switchgear. A large customer connection are defined as having:
an estimated annual electricity consumption greater than 4GWh per annum, or
an estimated maximum demand greater than 1MVA, or
significant connection assets, or
a generating system with nameplate capacity greater than 30kVA.
For new developments which are not Large Customer Connections, Energex will determine
switchgear requirements based on forecast growth and network development plans for the area.
For details on Energex substation requirements and standard room layouts please refer to the
existing Energex Commercial and Industrial Substations Manual.
6 Amendment Record
01 Mar 2013
Version 4.0
Major amendments
Changed role from Subdivision and Streetlight Coordinator to Subdivision and Network
Service Centre Manager
Added clause noting the ENERGEX Standard for Small to Medium Scale Embedded
Added “can be made via the Electrical Partners Portal on the Energex website or by
phoning” & “significant lead times (i.e. 9 months)” to first paragraph.
Added “Network Connection Application F1201 signed and returned” to last paragraph.
Added “or above the maximum statutory limit” to dot point (iii)
Added dot point (viii) – “Will the LV conductor length exceed the protective length of the
distribution transformer fuse?”
Added dot point (v) – “above the DFL or 1 in 100 year flood level?”
Revised note regarding substations to be installed in the Brisbane CBD area
Added “Sites must be accessible when there is an electrical outage (i.e. no electric gates
to restrict access to Energex equipment).”
Revised clause and removed reference to transformer contract CK18 and manufacturers
Added new clause 3.6.3 and Tables 3.6.2 showing the reach of LV fuses for various
combinations of transformers and LV conductors
Added “TR IEC 61000.3.6:2012 has superseded above standard however this does not
provide detailed information about notching”
Deleted “30dBuV/m”
In Sections 4.7.1 and 4.7.3, Added “TR IEC 61000.3.7:2012” and Deleted “AS/NZS
61000.3.7: 2001”
In Sections 4.8.2 and 4.8.3, Added “TR IEC 61000.3.7:2012” and Deleted “AS/NZS
61000.3.7: 2001”
Section 4.8.3 Disturbing Loads Assessment: Motor Starting - Motor Connection Guidelines
Section 5.1 Brisbane and Regional Central Business District and Surrounding Suburbs
28 Nov 2011
Version 3.5
Major amendments
Section 2.9.2 Major Temporary Supply - An applicant for temporary supply to a large
installation will be required to pre-pay the total costs including planning, design,
materials, construction costs and applicable fees. An estimate of the future cost of
dismantling will be provided to the customer. The estimate will be in present day
dollars. Refer StdsA223
18 Nov 2011
Version 3.4
Major amendments:
Section 2.9.2: Major Temporary Supply - Future dismantling costs are removed from
upfront customer contribution. Dismantling costs will be paid by customer at the time of
disconnection. This revision is done as per AER requirements. Refer StdsA223.
02 Dec 2010
Version 3.3
Major amendments:
Section 3.2 & appendix A - Addition of requirements for relay operated substations in CBD
Areas (StdsA187)
Section – Additional information in siting in sensitive environmental areas
9 July 2010
Version 3.2
Major amendments:
19 April 2010
Version 3.1
Major amendments:
9 December 2009
Version 3.0
Major amendments:
Update of Capital Contributions Policy
Updated guidelines on Wayleaves and Easements
Added section on Powerline Undergrounding and Re-Engineering Program
Removed section on Distribution Earthing Philosophy. This section is due to be released
as a stand-alone manual
Added section on LV Tie Policy
Added section on Fault Levels at Distribution Transformers
Updated Power Quality section to reflect ENERGEX - Ergon Energy Network Performance
1 July 2004
Version 2.0
Major amendments:
Changes to ADMDs for LV design
ENERGEX contribution to new LV estate materials now $4000
11 kV Tie Policy
Updates to Annual Potential Revenue
Updates to calculation of Sharing Capital Contributions
Section 4 Power Quality now incorporates latest changes to National Electricity Code
General updating of all sections to incorporate latest legislative changes
Vegetation clearing on private property now requires permit.
1 January 2003
Version 1.0
Initial issue of Supply & Planning Manual