Paraldehyde For Seizures 2

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information for parents and carers

Rectal paraldehyde for stopping seizures

This leaflet is about the use of rectal paralydehyde to stop seizures.
(Seizures may also be called convulsions or fits).

This leaflet is for parents and carers about how to use this How much should I give?
medicine in children. Our information sometimes differs from Your doctor will work out the amount of paraldehyde (the
that provided by the manufacturers, because their dose) that is right for your child. This amount will be shown on
information is usually aimed at adults. Please read this leaflet the medicine label.
carefully. Keep it somewhere safe so that you can read it You must check what volume of the mixture to use,
again. especially if you have a new prescription, because
Do not give paraldehyde if the liquid is brownish in different mixtures may contain different amounts of
colour or if it has a vinegar-like smell. paraldehyde.
It is important that you follow your doctor’s
instructions about how much to give.
Name of drug
How should I give paraldehyde?
Paraldehyde Paraldehyde is given rectally (into the back passage).
Your epilepsy nurse or doctor should have given you all the
Why is it important for my child to take this medicine?
things you need. They should be kept together, somewhere
Paraldehyde is used to stop a seizure.
close to hand. You will need:
What is paraldehyde available as? •• the paraldehyde solution
•• Liquid to be given via the rectum (back passage): •• plastic syringe and plastic tubing (quill)
the mixture usually contains equal amounts of •• lubricating gel
paraldehyde and olive oil. •• disposable plastic gloves.
Make sure the mixture you have is paraldehyde mixed Although it can be upsetting to see your child having a
with oil. You must never use neat paraldehyde. If you seizure, it is important that you stay calm and follow the
are not sure, ask your pharmacist. instructions.
Prepare the paraldehyde
When should I give paraldehyde?
You should give rectal paraldehyde if your child’s seizure lasts •• Put on gloves if available, or wash your hands with soap
and hot water.
more than 5 minutes. Follow these steps.
•• Attach a quill to the end of the plastic syringe.
•• Draw up the right amount of paraldehyde liquid into the
•• You must not leave mixture in the plastic syringe for any
longer than 15 minutes, because the paraldehyde will
start to eat into the plastic.
Give the paraldehyde
•• Smear some lubricating gel onto the end of the tube.
•• Put your child into the recovery position (as you would
normally during a seizure), lying on their left side (this
will help the paraldehyde to be absorbed). With a small
child it may be easier to lie the child on their front or
across your knees.
•• Hold one buttock gently to one side so that you can see
the back passage.
•• Gently push the quill into the back passage, then slowly
push the plunger of the syringe until it is empty.
•• Gently remove the quill and hold your child’s buttocks
(If you have been given paraldehyde to use in case buccal together for a few minutes to make sure the solution
midazolam doesn’t help, follow your doctor’s advice for when does not leak out.
to give it.) •• Throw away the syringe, quill and gloves.
Do not give your child another dose of paraldehyde, •• Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water.
unless you have been told to do so by your doctor.
What if my child is sick (vomits)? •• Ensure that you have paraldehyde that is mixed with oil
You do not need to give your child another dose of and is not neat paraldehyde. If you are not sure, check
paraldehyde, as it will still work. with your pharmacist.
•• Only give paraldehyde to your child. Never give it to
What if I don’t give the paraldehyde? anyone else, even if their condition appears to be the
If you do not give the paraldehyde, or you do not give same, as this could do harm.
the right dose, your child’s seizure may not stop. This If you get any paraldehyde in your eyes or on your skin,
could be dangerous, and your child will need to go to wash the area with cold water immediately. If irritation
hospital. continues, go to your local Emergency department.
If you think someone else may have taken the medicine
What if I give too much? by accident, contact your doctor straight away.
If you think you may have given your child too much
paraldehyde, contact your doctor or local NHS services
•• Make sure that the medicine you have at home has
not reached the ‘best before’ or ‘use by’ date on the
(details at end of leaflet) or take your child to hospital. packaging. Give old medicines to your pharmacist to
Take the medicine container or packet with you, even if it is dispose of.
empty. This will be useful to the doctor. Have the packet with •• Make sure that you always have enough medicine.
you if you telephone for advice. Order a new prescription at least 2 weeks before it
has reached the ‘best before’ or ‘use by’ date on the
Are there any possible side-effects? packaging.
We use medicines to make our children better, but sometimes
they have other effects that we don’t want (side-effects). Where should I keep this medicine?
Paraldehyde does not usually cause any side-effects. •• Keep the medicine in a cupboard, away from heat and
direct sunlight. It does not need to be kept in the fridge.
•• Your child may have a rash around their back passage,
or the skin may feel sore for a short time. •• Make sure that children cannot see or reach the
•• Your child’s breath will smell of paraldehyde for some You must keep the medicine in the container it came in.
hours after it has been given. This is because of the way
paraldehyde is broken down in the body and is nothing
Who to contact for more information
to worry about.
Your child’s doctor, pharmacist or epilepsy nurse will be able
Is there anything else I need to know about this to give you more information about paraldehyde and about
medicine? other medicines used to treat seizures.
•• Make sure that your child always has their paraldehyde You can also get useful information from:
and the things needed to give it with them at all times. England: NHS 111 - Tel 111 -
•• Make sure that anyone who looks after your child knows Scotland: NHS 24 - Tel 111 -
what to do if your child has a seizure and how to give Wales: NHS Direct - Tel 111 -
rectal paraldehyde.
Northern Ireland: NI Direct -
You must keep the paraldehyde solution in the container
it came in. Do not store it in rubber or plastic containers Epilepsy Action
(i.e. syringes). Helpline: 0808 800 5050 -
Once you have drawn the liquid up into the syringe, it Epilepsy Society
must be used within 15 minutes. If the mixture has Helpline: 01494 601 400 -
been in the syringe for longer than this, throw away the National Centre for Young People with Epilepsy
syringe and solution and start again with a fresh syringe. (NCYPE) Confidential enquiry line: 01342 831 342 -
Paraldehyde solutions are specially made when you
get a new prescription. Check how much you should
use (a volume in mL), as this may be different from the
previous supply.

Version 2, June 2014. © NPPG, RCPCH and WellChild 2011, all rights reserved. Reviewed by: June 2017.
The primary source for the information in this leaflet is the British National Formulary for Children. For details on any other sources used for this leaflet, please contact us through
our website,
We take great care to make sure that the information in this leaflet is correct and up-to-date. However, medicines can be used in different ways for different patients. It is
important that you ask the advice of your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure about something. This leaflet is about the use of these medicines in the UK, and may not apply
to other countries. The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), the Neonatal and Paediatric Pharmacists Group (NPPG), WellChild and the contributors and
editors cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of information, omissions of information, or any actions that may be taken as a consequence of reading this leaflet.

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