CIPFA Certificate in Asset Valuation Brochure
CIPFA Certificate in Asset Valuation Brochure
CIPFA Certificate in Asset Valuation Brochure
in Asset
About the course
This CIPFA Asset Valuation Certificate will provide
you with a better understanding of the requirements
and process of undertaking local authority asset
valuations for financial statements. It will take you
through a series of four modules, ranging from why
the valuations are required, the relevant rules and
regulations, valuation approaches to be deployed and,
depreciation accounting. Plus a lot more!
The process of undertaking asset valuations for land and buildings for local
authority accounting purposes is not easy: It’s a niche area and is rarely something
that a valuer will have been trained in during their qualification process. As
accounting regulations change, interpreting and keeping up to date with the
various regulations and standards to ensure compliance can be a tricky and time
consuming task. Any misinterpretation can become embedded into locally accepted
practice making for an uncomfortable audit process.
This course will not only provide you with a CIPFA accredited qualification, but is
designed to help you:
• Understand regulations and requirements around undertaking local authority
asset valuations
• Equip you with the tools required to undertake valuations on the relevant basis
and using the various approaches available
• Oversee local authority asset valuations undertaken by members of your team or
by external valuers
• Commission your asset valuation programme
• Gain an improved understanding of local audit
• By undertaking this course you will be able to:
– Understand the key requirements of the CIPFA Code of Practice on Local
Authority Accounting insofar as it relates to valuations for the balance
sheet and related disclosures including bases of value, valuation frequency,
componentisation, lease classification, impairment etc.
– Understand the key requirements of the RICS Valuation Professional
Standards insofar as they relate to local authority asset valuations for
accounting purposes, together with associated practical examples and tips.
– Understand the key requirements of the International Standards on Auditing
as adapted for the UK and gain practical tips for a smoother audit process
Who is the course aimed at?
• Professionals requiring expertise in undertaking local authority asset valuations
for financial statements.
• Those with existing knowledge or experience seeking a structured refresher.
• Those attracted to achieving a CIPFA accredited certificate demonstrating their
understanding of undertaking local authority asset valuations.
Course outline
The course is delivered over 4 modules, described below:
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Focus on valuation
• Basis of ‘measurement’ for asset – Depreciated Replacement Cost
category groups – Existing use value – social
• Valuation approaches – market, housing
income and cost • Residual Valuation approach (for
• Valuation methods including highest and best use assessment)
and sensitivity analysis
– Comparable
– Incomeinvestment and profits
Module 4
Duration Pricing
The CIPFA Certificate in Asset Delegates who are part of the CIPFA
Valuation is completed over four Property Training Network (PTN) pay
days of live on-line learning with £1,400 +VAT Delegates who are
sessions delivered in partnership with not members of the CIPFA PTN pay
Jones Lang Lasalle, the RICS, the £1,600 +VAT
CIPFA Finance Network and CIPFA
The course fees include: Tuition and
Standards Department.
all course materials and certification.
The course will also introduce you to
staff at CIPFA who you will be able
The course is assessed at the end to contact into the future with your
of each module through multiple valuation queries.
choice tests.
Or phone:
Keeley Forsyth on 020 7543 5884
The training counts towards your
continuing professional development
(CPD). If you are a member of the Royal
Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Any questions
this course will count towards up to
Please contact:
19 hours of formal training.
[email protected]
This course
CPD hours
About us
Why train with CIPFA?
CIPFA has a long history of delivering
outstanding training to finance professionals
and public service leaders in the UK and
across the world.