Adobe Scan Mar 05, 2024
Adobe Scan Mar 05, 2024
Adobe Scan Mar 05, 2024
cos a
2. If A= ( . - sin
sma cos a
a], then A+ A'= I, if the value of a is [CBSE 2021-22 (Term-1)]
(d) 3,r
(b) ~
(a) - (c) 7r_
6 3
If [ 2a + b a - lb ] =
Sc - d 4c + 3d
4 3
- ], then value of a + b - c + 2d is
11 24
[NCERT Exemplar] [CBSE Sample Paper 2021 (Term-1)] .
[s~2 5~2] (b) [s~2 -s;2] (c)
0 5/2]
0 (d) [s\ -5;2]
7. If A=[! ~] and 2A + B is a null matrix, then B is equal to [CBSE 2023 (651111))
11. If P is a 3 x 3 matrix such that P' = 2P + I, where P' is the transpose of P, then
[CBSE 2022 (Tenn-1)]
-{2i +5,3j , ~ : J~
aii - i -
3i-2j t i >j
13. If A= [ 0 2 ] and kA = [ O a], then the values of k, a and b respectively are
3 -4 2b 24
14. If A is square matrix such that A2 = I, then (A-D3 +(A+ D3 -7A is equal to [NCERT Exemplar]
(a) A (b) I -A (c) I+ A (d) 3A
Algebra of Matrices 75
16. If A= [
2 -l 3]and B =[! }2], then [NCERT Exempl
-4 5 1 1 5
(b) only BA is defined
(a) only AB is defined
(d) AB and BA both are not defined.
(c) AB and BA both are defined
(a) 3 x 5 and m (b) 3 x 5 (c) 3 x 3 (d) 5 x 5
20. If A=[; -1
-1 1
1 ,thenA5 -A4 -A3 +A2 isequalto [CBSE 2021-22 (Term-1)]
22. ~£ A=[~ o} 1
B =[x1 o]1 and A =B , then x equals
[CBSE 2023 (65/5/1)]
24. A and Bare skew-symmetric matrices of same order. AB is symmetric, if [CBSE 2023 (65/3/2)]
(a) AB =0 (b) AB =- BA (c) AB =BA (d) BA =O
25. For what value of x e [o, ,r],
is A+ A' = ./3 1 , where A= [ co_s x
sin x] 7
[CBSE 2023 (65/3/2)]
(a) 3 (b) ~ (c) 0 (d) 7[
6 2.
1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (d) 7. (b)
5. (b) 6. (b)
8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (a) 11. (b) 14- (a)
12. (b) 13. (b)
15. (d) 16. (c) 17. (c) 18. (c) 21. (c)
19. (b) 20. (d)
22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (c) 25. (b)
a2 + b
(a) [ 0
I l(a +bf 01
(b) (a+bY- 0
a2+ b 01
(c) [a2+ b2 0
(d) [ ~ ~]
2. For a 2 x 2 matrix, A= [a;j], whose elements are given by a1 = ~, write the value of a12•
1 [CBSE Delhi 20tll
3. Write the order of the product matrix. [CBS£ (F) 20111
2 [2 3 4]
4 From the following matrix equation, find the value of x
;y 3:]
[X = [ -~ : ] [CBSE (f)20101
13. Find a matrix A such that 2A - 3B +SC= 0, where B = r-~ ~ ~] and C = [~ ~ -!J.
[CBSE 2019 (651111)]
14. If A = [ ~ ~] and kA = [ib ~:], then find the value ofk, a and b. [CBSE 2019 (65/311))
15. Express A = [ ~ =~] as a sum of a symmetric and a skew-symmetric matrix. [CBS£ 2019 (65/3/1)]
16. Solve the following matrix equation for x: [x 1] [ -~ ~] = 0. [CBS£ Delhi 2014]
20. If matrix A = [-~ - ~] and A 2 = AA, then write the value of A. [CBSE (Al) 2013)
2 2
21. If matrix A = [
- 1and A 2 = pA, then write the value of p.
[CBSE (Al) 2013)
24 · Express the matrix [~ -~ ~ as the sum of a symmetric and a skew symmetric matrix.
4 12
2 01
· If A= 2 1 3 , then find the value of A 2 -3A + 21. [CBSE (Al) 2010)
1 -1 0
Algebra of Matrices 99
2~ Show that the eleme nts along the main diago nal of a skew symm
etric matri x are all zero.
[CBSE Samp le Pape r 20l7\
r If A=\- ~
7 -s
~ ~1 B = {~ ~ ~1C =
or l1 2 or
L~\l ,
then calcu late AC, BC and (A + B) C. Also verify that
(A + B) C = AC + BC.
[ CBSE Ajme r 20151
2S A manu factu rer produ ces three produ cts x, y, z whic h he sells
in two mark ets. Annu al sales are
indic ated in the table:
Mark et Produ cts
X y z
I 10,000 2,000 18,00 0
II 6,000 20,000 8,000
If unit sale price of x, y and z are, fl.SO and fl.00 respe
ctive ly, then find the total reven ue in
each mark et, using matri ces.
.. (i) (a) (ii) (a) (iiz) (a) (iv) (a) (v) (b)
(viz) (d) (viii) (b)
(vz) (d)
"'- Ql2 =2 3. 3 X 3 4. X= 1 5. -6
6. [~ ~] 7. [14]
a = -2, b = 3 9. I 10. 1 xS and 1
5x1 11. 2
12 81 13. [ _-8 _3 _5] 14. k=-6 ,a=- 4,b= -9
13 1 9
l-~ -1
+[; -}] 16. X =2 17. 10
2 2 i
l: ~1
1 3
19. X =: 13
2 2
2 A.=6 22 [16 14]
21. p = 4
· 21 37 24. 2 -1 l + -1 0
i l 2 -3 1
2 2 2 2
I 31 -1
-4 I
-3 -1
2 0
2h I : f 46,000 ; II : f53,000
AC =lr~t =l!J(A
BC + B)C = l ~l
Questions for Practice
• ~f ul tip le Ch oic e Qu es tio ns.
th e co rre ct op tio n in ea ch of the fo llo wi ng qu es tio
1· Ch oose and write
(c) 3 (d) 4
(a) 1 (b) 2
en (A B- 1 = r 1
(ir) A, Ba re no n-s ing ula
r sq ua re matrices
(b) A- 1g-1
of the sa me
(c) BA-l
or de r, th
(d ) AB
(a) A - B
[CBSE Sa mp le Paper 202JJ
ics - XI/
13 8 Ya m idea Ma th em at
(iv) If [ta~e -t~nel[_ t~e ta~er =[: -:] ,then
(P) If A is a square matrix of order 3, such that A(adj A)= 10 [, then Iadj A I is equal to
[CBSE 2020 (65/511)]
(a) 1 (b) 10 (c) 100 (d) 101
(v1) If A satisfies the equation x3- sx2 + 4x + "- = o, then A- 1 exists if
(a) "- ;t 1 (b) "- ;t 2 (c) "- ;e -1 (d) all of them
■ Conceptual Questions
9. Let A be a square matrix of order 3 x 3. Write the value of I2A I, where IA I =4.
[CBSE Delhi 2012)
10. A is a square matrix with IA I=4. Then find the value of IA.(adj A) 1- [CBSE 2019 (65/4/3)]
] X yz
evaluate D.. = 1 y zx .
1 z xy
Determinants 139
1 1f A = l!}1, 2
1 1
show that A- = A •
1 SolYe the following system of equations by matrix method:
3x + y = 19
3x - y = 23
■ ~ho· ,\nc.we Questions
1~ Show that the points A (a, b + c), B (b, c + a), C (c, a + b) are collinear.
1- A typist charges t 145 for typing 10 English and 3 Hindi pages, while charges for typing 3 En U
and 10 Hindi pages are f 180. Using matrices, find the charges of typing one English and\;~
Hindi page separately. [CBSE (North) 20
1:-. If A, Bare square matrices of the same order, then prove that adj (AB)= (adj B) (adj A).
11. Let A =[: ~}B = l-~ ~1- Then compute AB. Hence, solve the following system of equations:
0 2 -3
21 Without using properties of determinant prove that -2 0 4 = 0.
3 -4 0
1+ X 1 1
22. Without using properties of determinant prove that 1 1 + y 1 = xyz + xy + yz + zx.
1 1 1 +z
■ Long Answer Questions
23. li A = [~ -~
1 1 -2
~1 find K1. Use it to solve the system of equations:
2x - 3y + 5z = 11
3x + 2y - 4z = - 5
x+y-2z=-3 [CBSE 2018]
24. U A = ! ~ ~1-
3 1 1
Find K1. Hence, solve the system of equations
29 . Using matrices, solve the following system of equations: [CBSE (Al) 20111
X + 2y + Z = 7
X + 3z = 11
and 2x - 3y = 1
3o. Using matrices, solve the following system of equations: [CBSE (F) 2012)
x - y +z =4
2x+ y - 3z = 0
x+ y +z=2
31. Using matrices, solve the following system of equations: [CBSE (Al) 2012)
2x + 3y + 3z = 5
x -2y + z =-4
3x -y - 2z = 3
32. Using matrices, solve the following system of equations: [CBSE (Al) 2012]
x+ y- z=3
2x + 3y + z = 10
3x -y -7z = 1
34. Evaluate the product AB, where [CBSE Sample Paper 2021]
1 -1 0 2 2 -4
A = 2 3 4 and B = - 4 2 -4
0 1 2 2 -1 5
Hence solve the system of linear equations
y +2z=7
1. (1) (d} (ii) (c) (iit) (b) (iv) (b) (v) (c) (vr) (d) (vii) (b)
2. 110
3. 1 4. C11 = 3, C21 = 2, C12 = -4, C22 = 1 5. [! ~]
6, ± 8
7. [~ ~] 8. 0 9. 32 10. 4" [-1 4]
ll. -1 3
Determinants 141
15. x = 7, y = -2 17. ? 10 and~ 15 respec tively
1-" x - 3Y = 0 13 (x - y) (y - z) (z - x)
0 1 -2
23. A-1 = -2 9 - 23; x= J, y=2, z=3
1 AB=[~ ~tx=7 , y=-10 -1 5 - 13
-2 0 2
25. X = 1, y =2, Z =3
24 A
= -41 5 -2 -1 ; X = 3, y = 1, Z = 2
1 2 -1
26. adj A = ~ 3 ~
-3 6 6
27. A- = ~ ~ ~lJ
~ ~ 3
0 1 3
28. X = 1, y = 2, Z =3
29. x = 2, y = l , z = 3
30. X = 2, y = _ 1, z= l 31. X = 1, y = 2, Z = - 1
32. X = 3, y = 1, z = 1 33. A- 1 = -; -:
2 1 3
X = 0, Y = -5, Z = -3
34. 0 6 0
0 OJ
10 0 6
x=2, y=-1, z=4
Question~,.~for. ~
■ Ob jec tive Typ e Qu esti ons
in each of the foll ow ing que stio ns.
1. Choose and write the correct opt ion
of the foll owi ng can be a dis con tinu ous
(r) Uf(x) = 2r and g(x) = ~ + 1, the n whi ch
(c) f(x) . g(x) (d) f (x)
(a) /(x) + g(x) (b) /(x) - g(x)
wh ere the fun ctio n/ giv en by f(x) = 12.x -11 sin x is diff ere ntia ble equals
(it) The set of poi nts
[NCERT Exemplar]
(d) non e of the se
(a) R (b) R-{~} (c) (0, oo)
.i. If
f(x) =
x- 3 ' x 13
. d dy if = tan-1[1 + tanxl
5· Fm dx ' Y 1 - tanx fx E
b. If y = log (I), then find :~ . [CBSE 2019 (651413)1
■ Verv Slnrt \n. i•o Qucrtions
"' Find kifJ(x) is continuous at x = 0.
sinx if
f (x) = - X - + COSX, 0
X -:f:.
l k, if x = 0
8. Examine the continuity at the indicated point.
f(x) = Ix I+ Ix-1 I at x = 1
9 lf f(x) = Icos x- sin x I, findJ'(1t/6).
10. If y = 5 cos x - 3 sin x, prove that - +y = 0 .
dx 2
11. Find : at t = rr when x = lO(t - sin t) and y = 12 (1 - cos t). [CBSE (F) 2017)
3x-2, O<x~l
13. Show that the function 1' defined by f(x) = 2x2 - x,
l < x ~ 2 is continuous at x = 2, but not
differentiable. Sx - 4, x>2 [CBSE Delhi 2010]
14. For what value of k is the following function continuous at x = - ~ ? [CBSE Sample Paper 2017]
v'3 Sin X + COS X ..J. __!
rr ,X r-6
f(x) = x+6
-1 l
e½ - 1 , if x I 0
f(x) = e½ + 1
is discontinuous at x = 0.
if X = 0
[CBSE (East) 2016]
. d dy
Fm dx
if = . _1 [6x-4 ~ ]
y sm
5 . [CBSE (North) 2016]
1 1
JO If y=sin-1 (6x/1-9x2),- r,:;- <x < r,:;- then find ddy [CBSE Delhi 20171
3v2 3v2 x·
-1( 2r+ i ) . dy
31. If y = cos + r , then find dx . [CBSE (F) 2010]
1 4
32 . . -1(./1+?-
Differentiate tan
+ +
~) . ~ ~ w1th respect to cos-1 x2. [CBSE (South) 2016 2019(65/4/1)]
V1 X- V1 - x- I
33 1[./1+?-1]
Differentiate tan- x with respect to x. [CBSE (Al) 201ll
3r _ -1(h-t7+
If y - tan
) 2< ~
1 +x -
r;---I_ ,
1 - x2
x - ] , then find -dy .
[CBSE Delhi 20lSl
7{ X) dy d2
:ii' lf y == log tan ( 4 + 2 , show that d = sec x. Also find the value of y at X=
X dx2 4
1 [CBSE (F) 2010]
3'l. If x = tan (-a log y), show that:
[CBSE (Al) 2011]
dy dy
(l+x )- + (2x- a)- =0
dx dx
40 If y = t! (sin x + cos x), then show that - -2 + 2y = o . id [CB SE (AI) 2009]
· dx 2 dx
aros- 1x d2Y dy
41 If y = e , -1 :5 x :51, show that (1- x2)- - x- _ a2 y = o. [CBSE (F) 2012]
dx 2 dx
42. If (ax+ b)eYlx = x, then show that x3 dx a
( y) = (x dd~ -y)2 .
2 [ CBSE Ajmer 2015]
2 k=1 3. k = 12
4. 2 5. 1 6. 1 7. k =2
8. Discontirtuous 2/3 7t
9. - ; (1 + /3) 11. 12.
5 4(/2- 1)
H. k=2 . 15. Not differentiable 17. a= 3, b = 5
2x - X , -15 X <0
18. No point of discontinuity. [Hint: f(x) = 0, x=0
. x 2, 0<X5 1
20. ~ 22 xcosx( co:x -sin x log x )+ (sin x)tanx[l + sec2 xlog sin x]
2-t. Hint:
x: y = log a - log (x - y) then differentiate.
(log xf {- - + log (log
log x
x)}+ xxcosY lcos x + cosx(logx) - xsin x logx}
26 2/s . . f ' [f1' 1o
lt>'(x)}) = / '[11•{-x2-2.x+l}]
· s ; Hint:Atfirst findf'(x),g'(x)andh '(x)andthenfmd x2+1 ·
- - - --
for Practice -
■ Objecth e Type Questions
1 Choose and write the correct option in each of the following questions.
(i1) The sides of an equilater~ tri~gle ar~ increasing at the rate of 2 cm/sec. The rate at Which
the area increases, when side 1s 10 cm lS •
(iii) The maximum value of slope of the curve y = -x3 + 3x2 + 12.x - 5 is [CBSE 2020 (651311)]
(iv) If the function.f(x) = U-kx + 5 is increasing on [1, 2], then k lies in the interval
(a) (-oo, 4) (b) (4, oo) (c) (- oo, 8) (d) (8, oo)
(vii) For which value of a is the function.f(x) = ax2 + 2 decreasing in [1, 2]?
(a) (1, 2) (b) [1, 2] (c) (--<XJ, 0) (d) none of these
(viii) The rate of change in area of square w.r.t. side when side is 1 unit is
(a) 1 unit2 / sec (b) Jh unit2 / sec (c) 2 unit2 / sec (d) none of these
■ Conceptual Questions
2. If the rate of change of volume of a sphere is equal to the rate of change of its radius, find the
radius of the sphere.
3. Find the interval in which the function/ given by f(x) = 7 - 4x- x2 is strictly increasing.
[ CBSE 2020 (65/3/l)l
4. It is given that at x = 1 the function x4 - 62.x2 +ax+ 9 attains the maximum value on the interval
[O, 2]. Find the value of a.
■ Very Short Ans wer Ques tions
5. The contentment obtained after eating x-units of a new dish at a trial function is given by
function C(x} = x3 + 6.x2 + Sx + 3. If the marginal contentment is defined as rate of change of enl
with respect to the number of units consumed at an instant, then find the marginal conten~ 1
when three units of dish are consumed. (CBS£ (F) 2
9. Let 'a' be a real num~er such that the function J(x) = ax?- + 6x - 15, x e R is increasing in (-oo, : )
and decreasing in ( 4, 00 ) . Find the point where the function g(x) = ax2 - 6x + 15, xElR has local
10. Find the intervals in which the function f(x) = 3x4 - 4x3 _ 12.x2 + 5 is
(a) strictly increasing (b) strictly decreasing. [CBSE Delhi 2014]
11. Prove that the semi-vertical angle of the right circular cone of given volume and least curved
surface area is cot- .fi. • [CBSE Delhi 2014]
u. Find all the points of local maxima and local minima of the function
f(x) = - !
- Bx
- ~ x2 + 105
■ Long Answer Questions
13. Find the dimensions of the rectangle of perimeter 36 cm which will sweep out a volume as large
as possible, when revolved about one of its side. Also, find the maximum volume.
[CBSE 2020 (65/411)]
14. Show that a right circular cylinder of the given volume open at the top has minimum total surface
area, provided its height is equal to the radius of the base. [CBSE (F) 2014]
15. The volume of a sphere is increasing at the rate of 3 cubic centimeter per second. Find the rate of
increase of its surface area, when the radius is 2 cm. [CBSE Delhi 2017)
16. Find the local maxima and local minima, of the function f(x) = sin x - cos x, 0 < x < 21t, Also find
the local maximum and local minimum values. [CBSE Delhi 2015)
17. Find the absolute maximum and absolute minimum values of the function f given by
f(x) = cos2 x + sin x, x e [O, 1t]. [CBSE Guwahati 2015)
18. Determine the intervals in which the function J(x) = x4- 8.x3 + '21.r- 24x + 21 is strictly increasing
or strictly decreasing. [CBSE (South) 2016)
19. A manufacturer can sell x items at a price of , ( 5 - ~) each. The cost price of x items is
' (f + 500). Find the number of items he should sell to earn maximum profit. [CBSE (AI) 2009)
20- A wire of length 34 mis to be cut into two pieces. One of the pieces is to be made into
a square
and the other into a rectangle whose length is twice its breadth. What should be the lengths of the
two pieces, so that the combined area of the square and the rectangle is minimum?
[CBSE (F) 2017)
I. (z) (a) (ii) (c) (iiz) (a) (iv) (a) (v) (a) (vi) (b)
(viz) (c) (viiz) (a)
3. (- oo, -2) 4. a = 120 5. 68 units 9
-3 69)
2 c units ( 4'4
2 v' 7t: ·
10. (a) (-1, 0) u (2, oo) (b) (- oo, -1) u (0, 2) 12. Local maxima at 0, - 5; and local minima at -3
lb. (1, 2) u (3, oo); (- oo, 1) u (2, 3) 19. 240 items 20: 16 m , 18 m
. ,
1. Choose and write the correct option in each of the following questions.
(i) f : dx is equal to [NCERT Exemplar]
(4.x + 1) 6
5 5
1 )-
(a) fx 1 )-
( 4 + x2 +C (b) ; ( 4 + x 2 +C
5 5
1 )- 1 )-
(c) l~x ( x2 + 4 +C (d) 110 ( x2 + 4 + C
(ii) The integral of f Ixx+l dx is equal to
3cos(log x)
(r) -~ x dx is equal to
Conceptual Questions
.t If J(eu + bx)dx = 4e4x +
2 , find the values of a and b. [ CBSE (AI) 2008]
:,. Evaluate: Jsm. 2 xcos 2 x [CBSE (F) 2014]
6. Evaluate: Jcos- (sinx}dx [CBSE Delhi 2014]
7. Evaluate: J~ [CBSE (AI) 2011]
8. Write the value of JX 2 + 16 . [CBSE Delhi 2011]
I 9. If J3x2 dx = 8,
write the value of 'a'. [CBSE (F) 2012, 2014]
10. If J(x) = Jt sin t dt, then write the value off' (x) . [CBSE (AI) 2014]
7£/ 4
11. Evaluate: J tan x dx [CBSE (F) 2014]
e2 d
ll. Evaluate: J - x_ [CBSE (AI) 2014]
e x 1ogx
14. If J( x ;i
)e:rdx = J(x)e:r + C, find the value of f(x) . [CBSE (F) 2012]
+ cosx)
11 4
2l' Evaluate: f ( sin .r
- -- - dx [CBSE (Ajmer) 2
3 + sin2x
21 E,·aluate: J(J ( 5 Sin
. X + 3 COS X ) dx [CBSE Bl,ubneshwar 2
o smx + COS X
11./2 sin l
22 faaluate: f . dx [CBSE Patna 20H]
0 2smx + 2cosr
:li 2
23. Evaluate: f et (sinx - cos x) dx [CBSE Delhi 201 41
s d
2-1 Write the value of the following integral -rc/ 2 sm x x • f n/ 2 .
[CBSE (AI) 20101
1- x 2
31. Evaluate: f x(I - 2x) dx [CBSE Delhi 2010, (F) 2013)
(x + 2)
32. Evaluate: f J(x _ 2)(x _ 3) dx [CBSE (AI) 2010)
33. Evaluate the following indefinite integral: fJ. 2 sin4> . d4> [CBSE Sample Paper 2016]
sm 4> + 2 cos 4> + 3
34. Find: f X4 +x2 -2 dx [CBSE (Central) 2016]
x 2 +x+1
35. Find: f (x2 + l )(x + 2) dx (CBSE (North) 20161
37. Evaluate: f x2 +Sx+ 6 dx [CBSE (F) 2013I
sin 2x
40. Find: f (sin2 x + 1)( sin2 x + 3 / x [CBSE 2019 (65/J/1)]
Evaluate: f (/ cotx + J tan x)dx
n X
fCBS£ (Al) 2014; Pntna 20151
-17, Evaluate: J1 + sinx dx [CBS£ Dr/1,i 2010 )
Evaluate: J(I x I+ I x - 2 I+ I x - 4 I)dx
0 ICBSE Defir/ 201JI
n xsinx
44, Evaluate: O
J 1 + 3 COS2 X dx [CBSE (East) 20'161
45, Evaluate the following definite integral: [CBS£ Sample Paper 20161
n 2x(1 + sinx)
f -1 -- 2
+ cos x
7f./ 2.r( 1-sinl.t )
Evaluate: J
-• 12
e 1 _ cos 2x dx fCBS£ G11wal1ati 20151
Long Answer Questions
sinx - xcosx
'W ,
Evaluate: J x (x + smx
. ) dx [CBSE Ajmer 20151
49. Find: J dx
x(x - 1)
so. Evaluate: J log(sin x) dx
n /3 dx
51. Evaluate: J
1 + cotx
[CBSE Dellii 2014)
1f./ 4 dx
52. Find: f
[CBSE Allahabad 2015)
1. (i) (d) (i,) (a) (iii) (a) (iv) (d) (v) (a) (vi) (c)
(ax+ bf
2. 2x312 + 2.fx + C 3. 4. a can't be determined, b = 3
5. tan x - l / tan x + C 6. 1CX - 2X + C 7. sm
. -1 x + C 8· .!..t -1 ~ + C
4 an 4
1 13. f(x) = sec x
12. log 2
9. a= 2 10. X sin X 11.
2 Iog2
1 16. eX. 1 +C 17. 2sin/x + C
14. f (x) = - 15. log Icos x + x sin x I+C (x+S) 2
1 21. 21t 22. 4 23. 1
18. x -/l-x2sin-1x+ C 20.
4 1og3
3 1 1
35. slog I x+2 l+slog I x 2 +1 l+5tan-1x+C
~ .
,:, ,. 'f't nP 0 1 P •!
, ot
(hoose and write the correct option in each of the folJowing questions.
(i) The area bounded by the curve Y =x Ix I, x-axis and the ordinates x =- 1 and x = 1 is given
(a) Osq. units (b) 1sq. unit (c) ~ sq. unit (d) ! sq. units
(iz) The area bounded by the curve y = Isin x I, x-axis and ordinates x =n and x = 101t is equal to
(a) 8 sq. units (b) 10 sq. units (c) 18 sq. units (d) 20 sq. units
(iii) The area of the region bounded by the parabola y2 = x and the straight line 2y =xis
sq. uruts (b) 1 sq. unit (c) ~ sq. unit (d) 1 sq. unit
(iv) The area of the region enclosed by the parabola x2 =y and the line y =x + 2 is
(a) 9 sq. uru'ts (b) 4 sq. units (c) 2 sq. units (d) None of these
I: 2
·,! (v) Area lying in the first quadrant and bounded by the circle x2 + y2 = 4 and the lines x =
0 and
I l x=2is
' 2. Find the area bounded by the curve y =x2, x =2, x =3 and x-axis.
3. Calculate the area under the curve y =2/x included between the lines x =0 and x =1.
' t Find the area under the curve y =Ix - 1 between the lines x =1 and x =5.
I 6. Find the area bounded by the curve x2 = 4y and the straight line x = 4y - 2.
[CBSE Dellii 2010, 2013]
7 Using integratio n, find the area of the region {(x, y)I: 9x2 + y2 ~ 36 and 3x + y ~ 6. [CBSE (F) 2009]
1J Make a rough sketch of the region given below and find its area, using integratio n:
l(x, y): 0 ~ y _s; x2 + 3; 0 _s; y ~ 2x + 3, 0 < x .s: 3}
Using integratio n, find the area of the triangle ABC, whose vertices have coordinat es