P-Block Group (Ex-3)

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p-BLOCK (15,16,17 & 18 GROUP) 21


Objective Questions I [Only one correct option] OH OH

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1. Which one of the following elements is most metallic ? Sol. HO  P  P  OH
(a) P (b) As || ||
(c) Sb (d) Bi O O
H4 P2O6
Ans. (d)
Sol. Metallic character increases down the group. Hypophosphoric acid
Hence,Bi is most metallic.
6. Sulphuric acid reacts with PCl5 to give
2. A white precipitate is obtained on hydrolysis of (a) thionyl chloride
(a) PCl5 (b) NCl3 (b) sulphur monochloride
(c) BiCl3 (d) AsCl3 (c) sulphuryl chloride
Ans. (c) (d) sulphur tetrachloride
Ans. (c)
Sol. BiCl3  H 2 O  BiOCl  2HCl
.BiOCl gives white ppt. Sol. H 2SO 4  2PCl5  SO 2 Cl2  2POCl3  2HCl
Sulphuryl chloride
Which is used as white pigment, under the name of pearl
7. Liquid ammonia bottles are opened after cooling them in
ice for sometime. It is because liquid NH3
3. In the cationic parts of solid N2O5 and solid N2O4, the (a) Brings tears to the eyes
bond order of N–O are, respectively,
(b) Has a high vapour pressure
(a) 3.0 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
(c) Is a corrosive liquid
(c) 2.5 and 3.0 (d) 3 in both
(d) Is a mild explosive
Ans. (b)
Ans. (b)
Sol. Liquid ammonia has high vapour pressure which is
Sol. lowered down by cooling, otherwise the liquid will bump.

8. What causes nitrogen to be chemically inert ?

(a) Multiple bond formation in the molecule
4. Which of the following oxides of nitrogen is a coloured (b) Absence of bond polarity
gas ?
(c) Short internuclear distance
(a) N2O (b) NO (d) High bond energy
(c) N2O4 (d) NO2 Ans. (d)
Ans. (d) Sol. The cause of inert nature of N2 is the high bond energy
Sol. NO2 (g) is deep brown coloured. High energy is required to break N  N triple bond in
9. Fixation of nitrogen means :
5. Which of the following compounds consists of a P–P
linkage? (a) reaction of nitrogen with oxygen.
(a) hypophosphoric acid (b) conversion of free atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen
(b) pyrophosphorous acid
(c) the action of denitrifying bacteria on nitrogen
(c) dipolyphosphoric acid
(d) metaphosphoric acid
(d) decomposition of nitrogenous compounds to yield
Ans. (a)
free nitrogen.
Ans. (b)
Sol. The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to nitrogen
compounds is known as fixation of nitrogen.
p-BLOCK (15,16,17 & 18 GROUP) 22

10. Which one of the following is the strongest base ? 14. Which of the following has the highest boiling point?
(a) AsH3 (b) NH3 H 2 O, H 2S, H 2Se and H 2 Te
(c) PH3 (d) SbH3 (a) H 2 O because of hydrogen bonding
Ans. (b)
(b) H 2 Te because of higher molecular weight
Sol. Among XH3 where ‘X’ is group-15 elements, basic
strength decreases from top to bottom. Hence, NH3 is (c) H 2S because of hydrogen bonding
strongest base. (d) H2Se because of lower molecular weight
Ans. (a)
11. Which of the following phosphorus is most reactive ? Sol. In hydrides of group 16, boiling point increases down
(a) Red phosphorus (b) White phosphorus the group because of increasing molecular mass. But
(c) Scarlet phosphorus (d) Violet phosphorus water has an exceptionally high boiling point because it
Ans. (b) shows intermolecular hydrogen bonding.
Sol. The white phosphorus allotrope is the most reactive, least
stable and most toxic of the three. It consists of four 15. The products of the chemical reaction between Na2S2O3,
phosphorus molecules that chemically bond to form a Cl2 and H2O are:
tetrahedral shape. (a) S, HCl, Na2SO4 (b) S, HCl, Na2S
(c) S, HCl, Na2SO3 (d) S, NaClO3
12. The reaction of white phosphorus with aqueous NaOH Ans. (a)
gives phosphine and another phosphorus containing Sol. Na2S2O3 + H2O + Cl2  Na2SO4 + 2HCl + S
compound. The reaction type, the oxidation states of
phosphorus in phosphine and other product are
respectively: 16. Sodium thiosulphate is prepared by
(a) redox reaction, -3 and -5 (a) reducing Na2SO4 solution with H2S
(b) redox reaction, +3 and +5 (b) boiling Na2SO3 solution with S in alkaline medium
(c) disproportionation reaction, -3 and +1 (c) neutralising H2S2O3 solution with NaOH
(d) disproportionation reaction, -3 and +3 (d) boiling Na2SO3 solution with S in acidic medium
Ans. (c)
Ans. (b)
Sol. Product = 3NaH 2 PO 2  PH3
1 3 OH 
Sol. Na 2SO3  S  Na 2S2 O3

13. There is no S—S bond in
17. The formation of which of the substance is known as
(a) S2 O 24 (b) S2 O52 tailing of mercury?
(c) S2 O32 (d) S2 O 72 (a) Hg2O (b) HgO
(c) Hg(NO3)2 (d) HgS
Ans. (d)
Ans. (a)
Sol. S2 O72 has no S- S linkage. Sol. 2Hg + O3 Hg2O + O2
Tailing of mercury

18. Tailing of mercury test can be used for which of the

following gas?
(a) Dioxygen (b) Dihydrogen
(c) Dinitrogen (d) Ozone
All others have atleast one S-S linkage. Ans. (d)
Sol. 2Hg + O3 Hg2O + O2
p-BLOCK (15,16,17 & 18 GROUP) 23

19. O3 cannot oxidise: 24. Which of the following is the life saving mixture for an
(a) KI (b) FeSO4 asthma patient ?
(a) Mixture of helium and oxygen
(c) KMnO4 (d) K2MnO4
(b) Mixture of neon and oxygen
Ans. (c)
(c) Mixture of xenon and nitrogen
Sol. KMnO4 because "Mn" is already in its highest Oxidation
(d) Mixture of argon and oxygen
state i.e; +7
Ans. (a)
Sol. Mixture of helium and oxygen (density 2) is lighter than
20. Which of the following does not have S—S linkage?
air (density 14.4).
(a) S2O 82  (b) S2O 26  Hence, it diffuses more rapidly through constricted lung
passages. Mixture of helium and oxygen is used as a life
(c) S2O 52  (d) S2O 32  saving mixture for an asthma patient. This mixture is also
Ans. (a) called breathing mixture.
Sol. 25. The oxidation state of xenon atom in XeF4, HXeO 4 and
Na4XeO6 are respectively:
(a) + 4, + 6, + 6 (b) + 4, + 6, + 7
(c) + 4, + 6, + 8 (d) + 4, + 5, + 8
Ans. (c)

Sol. XeF4 HXeO4 Na 4 XeO6

4 6 8

26. Which of the following compounds is explosive?

(a) XeF2 (b) XeF4
(c) XeO3 (d) XeF3
Ans. (c)
21. Which has maximum pH in aqueous solution?
Sol. XeO3
(a) NaClO (b) NaClO2
(c) NaClO3 (d) NaClO4 27. In the reaction
Ans. (a)
3Br2  6CO32   3H 2 O  5Br  BrO3  6HCO3
Sol. HClO4 > HClO3 > HClO2 > HClO (Acidic strength)
(a) bromine is oxidised and carbonate is reduced
ClO- > ClO 2  ClO3  ClO4 (Basic strength) (b) bromine is both oxidised and reduced
pH is greater for ClO- (c) bromine is reduced and water is oxidised
(d) bromine is neither oxidised nor reduced
22. What products are expected from disproportionation Ans. (b)
reaction of hypochlorus acid?
Sol. 3Br2  6CO32   3H 2 O  5Br  BrO3  6HCO3
(a) HClO3 and Cl2O (b) HClO2 and HClO4
O.S. of Br2 changes from 0 to -1 and +5 which is reduction
(c) HCl and Cl2O (d) HCl and HClO3
as well as oxidation. Hence, bromine undergoes
Ans. (d)
disproportionation reaction.
Sol. 3HClO 2HCl + HClO3

23. HClO4 + P2O5 (A) + (B)

(A) and (B) are:
(a) HClO3, H3PO4 (b) Cl2O6, HPO3
(c) ClO2, H3PO4 (d) Cl2O7 , HPO3
Ans. (d)
Sol. HClO4 + P2O5 2HPO3 + Cl2O7
p-BLOCK (15,16,17 & 18 GROUP) 24

28. N 2 H 4 reacts with conc. H 2 SO 4 to produce a salt CO  Neutral oxide

2+ 2
[NH3 – NH3] SO in which
4 CuO  basic oxide (since it reacts with acids)
(a) dN–N (salt) > dN–N (N2H4) CuO  2HCl  CuCl2  H 2 O
Base Acid Salt Water
(b) dN–N (salt) < dN–N (N2H4)
(c) dN–N (salt) = dN–N (N2H4)
32. In which of the following reactions O2 is not formed as
(d) Cannot be predicted
one of the product?
Ans. (b)
Sol. In N2H4 there are L.P-L.P. repulsions between 2N atoms, (a) KClO3  
while in the salt, there is no such repulsions
(b) SnCl2 + HCl + O3 

29. Sulphur on reaction with concentrated HNO3 gives (A) (c) FeSO4 + H2SO4 + O3 

which reacts with NaOH gives (B). (A) and (B) are:
(d) PbS + O3 

(a) H2SO3, Na2S2O3 (b) NO2, Na2S
Ans. (b)
(c) H2SO4, Na2SO4 (d) H2S2O3, Na2S2O3
Ans. (c) Sol. 2KClO3 
 2 
2  2KCl  3O Lab prep n of O
2 
Sol. S  6HNO3  H 2SO4  6NO 2  2H 2 O
3SnCl2  6HCl  O3  3SnCl 4  3H 2 O
 NaOH
Na 2SO4 2FeSO 4  H 2SO 4  O3  Fe2  SO4 3  H 2 O  O 2

PbS  4O3  PbSO 4  4O 2

30. White phosphorus on reaction with limewater gives
calcium salt of an acid (A) along with a gas (X). Which of 33. In the following statements which combination of true (T)
the following is correct? and false (F)options is correct?
(a) (A) on heating gives (X) and O2 (I) Ionic mobility is the highest for I– in water as
(b) The bond angle in (X) is less than that in case of compared to other halides.
(c) (A) is a dibasic acid (II) Stability order is : Cl3 > Br3 > I3
(d) (X) is more basic than ammonia (III) Reactivity order is F < Cl < Br < I
Ans. (b) (IV) Oxidizing power order is : F2 < Cl2 < Br2 < I2
 (a) TFTF (b) TFFF
Sol. 2P4  3Ca  OH 2  6H 2 O  3CaH 4 P2 O 4  2PH3 (c) TFFT (d) FTFT
Calcium phosphine
hypophosphite Ans. (b)
Sol. As F-,Cl-, Br-get hydrolyzed more (more polarizing power),
31. Among the oxides given below which are acidic?
CrO3, Mn2O7, CuO, CO, SO2 I3  Br3  Cl3 (Due to high lp - lp repulsion in Cl due to
(a) Only SO2 (b) CrO3, Mn2O7 and SO2 its small size)
(c) Mn2O7 and SO2 (d) CO and SO2 F > Cl > Br > I (Reactivity)
Ans. (b) F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2 (Oxidizing power)

2  H CrO
CrO3  2 4
Chromic acid

2  2HMnO
Mn 2 O7  4
Manganic acid

2 
SO 2  H 2SO3
Sulphurous acid
p-BLOCK (15,16,17 & 18 GROUP) 25

34. The number of S—S bonds in sulphur trioxide trimer S3O9 2FeCl3  H 2S  2FeCl 2  2HCl  S 
is: colloidal

(a) three (b) two O3  2Ag  Ag 2 O  O2

(c) one (d) zero  Black 
Ans. (d)
Sol. 38. The following acids have been arranged in the order of
decreasing acid strength. Identify the correct order.
ClOH (I), BrOH (II), IOH (III)
(a) I > II > III (b) II > I > III
(c) III > II > I (d) I > III > II
35. When an inorganic compound reacts with SO2 in aqueous Ans. (a)
medium produces (A). (A) on reaction with Na2CO3 gives Sol. Among oxyacid’s of halogens, if there are same number
the compound (B) which with sulphur gives a substance of oxygen bonded to central atom, higher the
(C) used in photography. The compound (C) is: electronegativity of halogen, stronger the acid. hence,
(a) Na2S2O3 (b) Na2SO4 IOH < BrOH < ClOH
(c) Na2S (d) Na2S2O7
Ans. (a) 39. Which of the following reactions of xenon compounds is
Sol. Only Na2S2O3 is used in photography not feasible?
(a) XeO3 + 6HF  XeF6 + 3H2O
36. When sulphur is boiled with Na2SO3, a compound (A) is (b) 3XeF4 + 6H2O  2Xe + XeO3+12HF + 1.5 O2
produced. (A) with excess of AgNO3 solution gives a (c) 2XeF3 + 2H2O  2Xe + 4HF + O2
compound (B) which is water soluble and produces a black (d) XeF6 + RbF  Rb [XeF7]
coloured sulphide (C). Compounds (A), (B) and (C) will
be respectively: Ans. (a)
Sol. Is not feasible as breaking H-F bond requires a lot of
(a) Na2S2O3, Ag2S2O3, Ag2S
energy (-259 KJ/mol)
(b) Na2SO4, Ag2SO4, Ag2S
(c) Na2S2O7, Ag2SO4, Ag2S 40. White phosphorus (P4) does not have
(d) Na2SO5,Ag2SO5,Ag2SO4 (a) six P—P single bonds
Ans. (a) (b) four P–—P single bonds
Na 2SO3  S  Na 2S2 O3 (c) four lone pairs of electrons
Sol. A (d) PPP angle of 60º
Na 2S2 O3  2AgNO3  Ag 2S2O3 Ans. (b)
 B Sol. The structure of P4 is

Ag 2S2 O3  H 2 O  Ag 2S  H 2SO 4

37. Which of the following is/are correct?

(a) O3 + moist iodine  HIO3
(b) FeCl3 + H2S  colloidal sulphur
(c) O3 + Ag  black silver It has six P-P single bonds.
(d) All There are four lone pairs on four phosphorus. P - P -
Ans. (d) P bond angles are of 60º.
Sol. 5O3  H2 O  I2  2HIO3  5O2
 Moist 
p-BLOCK (15,16,17 & 18 GROUP) 26

(C) q,r
Match the Following
Each question has two columns. Four options are N 2O4  H 2O  HNO2  HNO3
Nitrous Nitric
given representing matching of elements from acid acid
Column-I and Column-II. Only one of these four
options corresponds to a correct matching, for
each question.

41. Match the Oxides with solutions in which they are

(D) q
Column I Column II N 2 O5  H 2 O  2HNO3
(A) CO (p) Absorbed by ethanol amine. acid
(B) CO2 (q) Absorbed by FeSO4 solution
(C) NO (r) Absorbed by aqueous
suspension of Cu2Cl2.
(s) Absorbed by KOH solution
Ans. (A) (r); (B) (p)(s); (C) (q) 43. Match the xenon compounds with their properties.
Column I Column II
Sol. CO  r  (A) XeO64– (p) Central atom is sp3d2

CO2  p, s  factual hybridized
NO  q  (B) XeF4 (q) On treatment with conc.
42. Match the compounds with their properties H2SO4 produces XeO4
Column I Column II (C) XeO3 (r) Only one lone pair is present
(A) N2O (p) Neutral towards water on the central atom
(B) NO (q) Acidic towards water (D) XeO2F2 (s) Central atom of the molecule
(C) N2O3(unsymmetrical) (r) N–N linkage is present has four surrounding atoms.
Ans. (A) (p)(q); (B) (p)(s); (C)  (r); (D)  (r)(s)
(D) N2O4 (s) Molecule having the highest
Sol. (A) p, q
bond order of N–O bond
(E) N2O5
Ans. (A) (p)(r); (B) (p)(s); (C)  (q)(r); (D)  (q)(r); (E) 
Sol. (A) p, r
N2O Neutral Oxide
(B) p,s
 
 sp3d 2
XeF4 
 1.5  bond order A  Pr

N  N O 2L.P.
 
N  O 2.5 bond order, Neutral (C) r

(B) p,s
N 2 O3  H 2 O  2HNO 2
Nitrous acid
(D) r,s
p-BLOCK (15,16,17 & 18 GROUP) 27

Fill in the Blanks

44. ................ phosphorus is reactive because of its highly
strained tetrahedral structure.
Ans. (White)
Sol. White phosphorus has highly strained, tetrahedral
structure, therefore highly reactive.
45. The oxidation state of S atom in H2S2O7 is ....... .
Ans. (0006)


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