F11 - CBC
F11 - CBC
F11 - CBC
A. Course Design
Trainee Entry
Course Structure
Basic Competencies
No. of Hours: (14)
Unit of Competency Module Title Learning Outcomes Nominal
1.Participate in 1.1 Participating 1.1.1Obtain and convey 4 hours
workplace in workplace workplace information
communication communicati 1.1.2 Complete relevant work
on related documents
1.1.3 Participate in workplace
meeting and discussion.
2. Work in a team 2.1 Working in a 2.1.1 Describe and identify 3 hours
environment team team role and
environment responsibility in a team.
2.1.2 Describe work as a
Common Competencies
No. of Hours: (72)
Unit of Module Title Learning Outcomes Nominal
Competency Duration
1.Prepare 1.1 Preparing 1.1.1 Identify materials and 12 hours
construction construction tools applicable to a specific
materials and materials and construction job.
tools tools 1.1.1 Request appropriate
materials and tools.
1.1.3 Receive and inspect
Core Competencies
No. of Hours: (120)
Unit of Competency Module Title Learning Outcomes Nominal
1.Perform pre and 1.1 Performing 1.1.1 Identify forklift 24 hours
post- operation pre and post - types/componen
procedures for operation t structure.
Forklift procedures for 1.1.2 Perform visual
Forklift check of
1.1.3 Perform
BLOWAF check.
1.1.4 Check forklift
1.1.5 Check safety
1.1.6 Perform post-
2.Perform basic 2.1 Performing 2.1.1 Perform 24 hours
preventive basic safety practices
maintenance for preventive and
Forklift maintenance housekeeping.
for Forklift 2.1.2 Perform basic
3.Perform Forklift 3.1 Performing 3.1.1 Check 72 hours
operation Forklift operational area
operation 3.1.2 Identify type
of cargoes
3.1.3 Perform load
Qualification of
Must be a holder of Heavy Equipment Operation (Lifting) NC II [at least three
equipment under lifting equipment category]
Must have undergone training on Trainers Training Methodology II (TM II)
Must be computer-literate
Must be physically and mentally fit
Must have at least two years of industry experience (Field Instructor)
B. Modules of Instruction
Module Descriptor: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to apply problem-solving techniques to
determine the origin of problems and plan for their
solution. It also includes addressing procedural problems
through documentation and referral.
Nominal Duration: _______hrs.
Summary of Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module, the students/trainees must be able to:
Module Descriptor: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on
required to make a pro-active and positive contribution
to workplace innovation.
Nominal Duration: _____hrs.
Summary of Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion if this module, the trainee/student must be able to:
LO1. Identify opportunities to do things better.
LO2. Discuss and develop ideas with others.
LO3. Integrate ideas for change in the workplace.
Evaluation, terms of
reference and Reporting Evidence of Portfolio of Portfolio
conditions are reviewed requirements to competent evidence
to determine whether arrange of performance
data/information falls audiences should be
within project scope. obtained by
Legislation, policy observing an
and procedures individual
relating to the
conduct of
values, ethics and
codes of conduct
Module Descriptor: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude
to identify the efficiency and effectiveness of resource
utilization, determine causes of inefficiency and/or
ineffectiveness of resource utilization and convey
inefficient and ineffective environmental practices.
Nominal Duration: ____ hours
Summary of Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the module, the students/trainees should be able to:
Impact of
mindset to
Ability to work within Ways in fostering Sustaining Interactive Demonstration
one’s allotted time and entrepreneurial ability to work Lecture
finances is sustained. attitudes: within allotted
time and
Quality- finances
Module Descriptor: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on
identifying and measuring objects based on the required
performance standards.
Nominal Duration: 24 hours
Summary of Learning Outcomes:
Module Descriptor: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on
checking condition, performing preventive maintenance
and storing of tools and equipment based on the required
performance standard.
Nominal Duration: 12 hours
Summary of Learning Outcomes:
Module Descriptor: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on
identifying, interpreting, applying services to
Specifications and manuals and storing manuals.
Nominal Duration: 8 hours
Summary of Learning Outcomes:
Module Descriptor: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on
analyzing and interpreting symbols, data and work plan
Based on the required performance standard.
Nominal Duration: 16 hours
Summary of Learning Outcomes:
Module Descriptor: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required in performing procedures before and after
productive operation of Forklift.
Nominal Duration: 16 hours
Summary of Learning Outcomes:
Parking brake
Proper Shutdown
Unit of
Module Descriptor: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to perform routine basic preventive
maintenance and servicing of Forklift.
Unit of
Load center is observed Load handling Palletized, Demonstration Direct
according to lifting procedures containerized Observation
capacity. , break bulk
Fork ground safe Forklift Truck Personal Demonstration Direct
clearance and carriage Dynamics Protective Observation
position are Equipment
during traveling.
Forklift is driven in proper Classroom Classroom
direction to achieve safe for Discussion Direct
handling of materials. discussion Observation
Loads/cargoes are Load handling Video CD’s Demonstration
carefully handled in the procedures
storage facilities in
accordance with
Operational hazards are Hand-outs Written Direct
identified and/or Test/Questioning Observation
anticipated and avoided
through appropriate
hazard control.
Unexpected situations Observation to Power Point Demonstration Direct
are responded in line with company rules Observation
company rules and and regulations Workplace
regulations in a manner
that minimizes risk to
workers and equipment.