LRN Format - CoBR

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Off. : ADR LAW FIRM, 1st Floor, 54. College Road, Palavanthangal, Chennai – 600 114. (Opp. Nehru School)


Date 30-12-2021
Ref no: LRN «ACP_NO»

1. Mr./Mrs./Ms.«BARROWER_NAME»,

2. . Mr./Mrs./Ms.«COBORROWER_NAME»,


Under instructions from our client, M/s.TVS Credit Services Ltd. having its office among other
places at Jayalakshmi Estates, No.29, Haddows Road, Chennai- 600 006, we hereby issue the following
loan recall notice to you.

1. Our client states that you as Borrower had entered into a Hypothecation Cum Loan Agreement
dated «DTDISBURSEMENTDATE» bearing Loan Agreement No.«AGMTNO» with our client,
whereby a sum Rs.«FTOTLOANAMT»/- was advanced by our client for the purchase of a Vehicle
bearing Registration/Chassis No: «REGISTRATION»/«CHASSIS» with Model no «MODEL_NAME».
The said sum is to be repaid by you as per the terms and conditions contained in the aforesaid
Hypothecation cum Loan Agreement.

2. Our client states that, you have failed to keep up your promise and your loan account is irregular
and there has been continuous default in payment of the installment amounts.

3. Our client states that, even after repeated requests, reminders / personal visits by representatives of
our client, you have not repaid the outstanding dues and regularized the loan account. Cheques issued by
you have also not been honoured by you.

4. Our client states that, in such circumstances our client hereby terminates the aforesaid
Hypothecation cum Loan Agreement and hereby call upon you to pay the sum of Rs «Claim_Amount»/-
(Subject to realization of Cheque/ECS presented if any) due as on «SOA_Date», within 7 days of receipt
of this notice.

Under these circumstances as instructed, we hereby call upon you to pay a sum of Rs. «Claim_Amount»/-
(Subject to realization of Cheque/ECS presented if any) due as on «SOA_Date» to hand over possession
of the aforesaid Vehicle covered under the aforesaid Hypothecation cum Loan Agreement within 7 days
of this notice failing which no further notice will be given to you and consequently our client will be
constrained to take such actions among other legal action against you as envisaged / contemplated under
the Hypothecation cum loan agreement, and you shall be liable for all costs and consequences thereof.

Yours sincerely,

K. Indrajith, Advocate

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