Lit Reviewer
Lit Reviewer
Lit Reviewer
Definitions of Literature
Division of Literature
a. Literature is a body of written works. a) Prose - is a literary piece which is
The name has traditionally been applied written in the pattern of ordinary spoken
to those imaginative works of poetry and language and within the common flow of
prose distinguished by the intentions of conversation. It is written in sentences
their authors and the and paragraphs. It is derived from the
perceived aesthetic excellence of their Latin word prosa which means
execution (Rexroth, n.d.) ‘straightforward’. It is the language of the
b. Literature is books and writings b) Poetry - refers to those expressions
published on a particular subject in verse, with measures, rhymes, lines,
(Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary and stanzas and melodious tones. It came
Thesaurus) from the Greek word poiesis which
means ‘making’. It is the language of the
c. Literature is a term used to describe mind.
written and sometimes spoken material.
Derived from the Latin Types of Prose
word litteratura meaning "writing
formed with letters," literature most a) Fiction - is a series of imagined facts
commonly refers to works of the creative which shows truths about human life.
imagination, including
poetry, drama, fiction, nonfiction, and in Kinds:
some instances, journalism, and song
(Lombardi, 2020). 1. Short Story – It is a fiction of
such brevity that it supports no
d. Literature refers primarily to written subplots.
texts, therefore, it is simply anything that
is written (Bressler, 2011). 2. Novel - A novel is a piece of
long narrative in literary prose.
e. Literature, as a whole, emerged from Narrative prose is meant to
broader discourses or “bodies of thought entertain and tell a story. It is a
and writing that made certain texts description of a chain of events
possible and gave authors their ideas and which includes a cast of
ways of writing” (Ryan, 2012). characters, a setting, and an
ending. Most publishers prefer
Purposes of Literature novels that are in the 80,000- to
120,000-word range, depending
1) To unlock unfamiliar words on the genre.
2) To provide entertainment
3) To help us understand more the world 3. Legend – It is a Story,
we live in sometimes of a national or folk
4) To uplift the mind, the heart, and the hero, which has a basis in fact
soul but also includes imaginative
5) To feed one’s imagination material.
often pertaining to the actions of
4. Adventures – These feature the gods.
physical action and courageous
heroes who save others from b) Non-fiction – is based mainly on
danger or impending doom. The facts rather than on the imagination.
adventure genre of fiction is fast-
paced and usually centers on a Kinds:
protagonist in a dangerous or
risky situation. 1. Biography – It is an account
or story of someone’s life written
5. Allegories – teach lessons by another person.
a. Fable – It is a narration
demonstrating a useful 2. Autobiography – It is an
truth, especially in which account or story of a one’s life
animals speak as humans; written by that person.
legendary, supernatural
tale 3. Diary – It is a daily record of
b. Parable - A parable is a events, activities, experiences,
short, didactic story that is and personal observations of the
meant to teach a moral. writer.
Parables use human
characters in believable 4. Letters – These are written or
situations so that the printed messages usually of
reader or listener feels business or personal matters by
able to relate. There are one person or organization to
many examples of another.
parables in religious texts
such as the Bible and the 5. Journals – These are written
Quran. reports on certain fields of
education and professional
6. Drama – This is usually for activity.
theatrical performance, where
conflicts and emotion are 6. Essay – It is a short literary
expressed through dialogue and compositions with specific that
action. expresses an author’s opinions,
and is informal, and personal in
7. Fairy Tale – This is a story tone.
about fairies or other magical
creatures in a magical world. 7. Current Publications – these
include news item, articles, in
8. Mythology – It is a traditional newspapers and magazines or
narrative, often based in part on other forms of periodicals.
historical events, that reveals
human behavior and natural 8. History – a record of the past.
phenomena by its symbolism;
and/or adventures of legendary
takes the idea one step finger as you read these lines.
She was a child and I was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea;
Sound Devices But we loved with a love that was
Some poems use techniques more than love –
of sound such as: Rhythm I and my Annabel Lee;
Alliteration/consonance RHYME
Repetitive sound produced Figurative language creates pictures by
by consonants in the middle making comparisons.
or end of words in a phrase/
SIMILE -a comparison using like
sentence. or as. Talk of your cold! through
Pitter, patter, pitter, patter the parka’s fold it stabbed like a
driven nail.
METAPHOR- Describes one
thing as if it were another.
The moon was a ghostly galleon
tossed upon cloudy seas.
human characteristics to
something nonhuman.
…and the stars o’erhead were
dancing heel and toe…
When an author or poet refers to
a famous person, place or thing
in history.
In “The Highwayman,” images create a
picture of Tim.
Which figures are used to describe his
eyes and his hair?
His eyes were hollows of madness, his
hair like moldy hay,
The feelings the author’s word
choices give the poem.
The theme of a poem is its
central or main idea.
To identify a poem’s theme, ask yourself
what ideas or insights about life or
human nature you have found in the