Sentricon Repair 1 Mil 811
Sentricon Repair 1 Mil 811
Sentricon Repair 1 Mil 811
DATE: 4/27/22 ACCOUNT NO: 8378
CUSTOMER: Jon Gresham
CUSTOMER'S ADDRESS: 3763 Lee Rd 390, Opelika, AL 36804
PHONE: (334) 595-3508 EMAIL: [email protected]
TREATMENT ADDRESS: 3763 Lee Rd 390, Opelika, AL 36804
STRUCTURE(S) TREATED: mobile home, crawl space
This is a Contract between Prewett Pest Control, LLC (hereafter " Prewett"), and the Customer named above ("Customer") which provides for the
installation, monitoring, and baiting of a Sentricon System (the "System") for the control of termite activity on the premises described above. NOTE: All
references to termites apply only to Native Eastern Subterranean Termites (genus Reticulitermes) and Formosan termites (Coptotermes
Formosanus Shiraki) unless specifically noted otherwise. Under this Contract, Prewett agrees to install, monitor and bait the structure(s) with the System,
in complete compliance with the label and all applicable laws, rules and regulations. This Contract only provides treatment for Native Eastern Subterranean
Termites (genus Reticulitermes) and Formosan termites (Coptotermes Formosanus Shiraki). This Contract does not control or protect against any aerial
(above ground) infestation of any kind, such as but not limited to, drywood or dampwood termites (Kalotemes, Incisitermes), carpenter ants, powder post
beetles, or wood boring beetles. This Contract does not provide for protection from or treatment for any other wood destroying organism, mold, fungus, insect
or pest.
For the sum of $449 Prewett will install, monitor and maintain the System for a period of one (1) year and is effective 04/29/2022 through 04/29/2023.
This contract may be renewed annually after the first anniversary of the initial term herein on a year to year basis, as specified in Paragraph 13 for an annual
renewal fee of $360. The renewal years will be for inspection only unless live termites are found. The annual renewal fee may be adjusted after the third
anniversary date of this Contract at the sole discretion of Prewett. THIS CONTRACT IS VOID WITHOUT THE ATTACHED COMPLETED DIAGRAM OF THE
PAYMENT TERMS: The initial Contract price shall be payable as follow: after initial completion.
1 . SERVICE COMMITMENT. Prewett will, in compliance with all applicable the Stations and other Components contained therein for appropriate disposition.
federal, state, local laws, rules, and regulations, and all applicable Prewett and Corteva Agriscience reserve the right to pursue to the fullest their
recommendations contained in literature provided by Corteva Agriscience: legal rights relating to the use and adverse possession of the Sentricon System
A. Install Sentricon termite bait stations (the "Stations") in the soil around the Components.
outside perimeter of the structure(s) specified above (the "Structures"); C. If Prewett, for whatever, reason, ceases to represent, the Sentricon System:
B. Inspect and service those stations according to the label directions for the term 1. Prewett will: (a) so notify Customer, (b) offer Customer the alternative of
of this Contract. either using a different form of termite protection or discontinuing this relationship;
C. Replenish Recruit HD termite bait as appropriate to and remove it from the (c) if Customer and Prewett (the "Parties") agree to use a different form of termite
Stations as appropriate; protection, Prewett will give Customer credit for services paid for but not yet
D. Inform Customer of: (1) any new or increased termite activity noted at the received; (d) if Customer elects to discontinue the relationship or if Prewett cannot
Stations; (2) any replenishment of Recruit termite bait; and (3) any observed effect offer an effective different form of termite protection, Prewett will refund to
of the Sentricon Termite Colony Elimination System (the "Sentricon System") on Customer an amount equal to the fee paid for services not yet received, and (e)
termite activity Prewett will retrieve, or advise Corteva Agriscience or its representative where to
E. At Prewett's option and within its discretion, apply liquid chemical termiticides retrieve, the Components from Customer's premises; and
in, on, or around the structure(s) treated in order to supplement the effectiveness 2. Customer will: (a) grant Prewett and Corteva AgriSciences or its
of the Sentricon System. representative reasonable access to the premises for the retrieval of the
2. CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDING OF THE SENTRICON SYSTEM Components; and (b) either agree with Prewett on the use of a different form of
PERFORMANCES. Customer understands that: termite control or elect to discontinue this relationship.
A. The Sentricon System involves initial installation and servicing and colony 4 . INTERFERENCE. The Customer agrees to not take any action that would
elimination with Recruit HD termite bait for continuous termite protection. interfere with the operation of the Sentricon system, including, but not limited to,
B. The active ingredient in Recruit HD bait used in the Sentricon system is an removing any Sentricon Stations because this will interfere with the effective
insect growth regulator (noviflumuron) which prevents worker termites from operation of the Sentricon System.
molting and disrupts termite reproduction which leads to termite colony 5 . ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS, AND OTHER CHANGES. This Contract covers
elimination. the Structure(s) identified herein as of the date of the initial installation. Prior to the
C. Recruit HD bait and the active ingredient (noviflumuron) is always present in (a) structure(s) being structurally modified, altered of otherwise changed, or if (b)
the Sentricon System with Always Active technology and is immediately to any termiticide being applied on or close to the location of any Station, or if (c)
available in all of the stations that are installed on the Customer's property. soil is removed or added around the foundation, or (d) any tampering with baiting
D. Intervals of from a few weeks to several months should be expected between: equipment or supplies occurs, Customer will immediately notify Prewett in writing.
(1) installation of the Sentricon System Stations and sufficient termite activity to In the event that Customer installs spray foam insulation in crawl spaces and/or
allow consumption of Recruit termite bait: and (2) complete elimination of the attics or encapsulates the crawl space, thereby rendering these areas
termite colony. inaccessible to inspection this Contract becomes VOIDABLE at the discretion of
E. Recruit HD termite bait, used in the Sentricon System with Always Active Company. Failure to notify Prewett in writing of the events listed above may void
technology, meets the US EPA criteria of Toxicity Category IV by all routes of this Contract. Additional services because of any addition, alteration, or other such
exposure. As such, no signal word is required on the Recruit HD label. event may be provided by Prewett at the Customer's expense, and may require an
F. During the interval(s) between installation of the Sentricon System Stations adjustment in the annual fee. Prewett reserves the right to terminate this Contract
and complete elimination of existing termite colonies, termite feeding within the if Customer fails to notify Prewett of any of the events listed above.
Structure, possibly involving additional structural damage,should be expected to 6 . Spray Foam Insulation, Encapsulated Crawl Spaces. In the event that
occur. Additional services,such as spot applications of conventional termiticides, Customer installs spray foam insulation in crawl spaces and/or attics or
are available to combat termite activity on a localized,short-term basis, if desired, encapsulates the crawl space, thereby rendering these areas inaccessible to
but are not needed for, and will not contribute to, termite colony elimination. inspection this Contract becomes VOIDABLE at the discretion of Prewett. Prewett
3. CORTEVA AGROSCIENCES OWNERSHIP OF SENTRICON SYSTEM will not be held liable for any damages arising from or related to infestations that
COMPONENTS. The Customer also understands that: result due to the inability to inspect areas of the property due to spray foam
A. All of the components of the Sentricon System ("Components") are and will insulation in crawl spaces and/or attics or encapsulation of crawl spaces. It is the
remain the property of Corteva Agriscience. Customer has no rights to any of the Customer's duty to inform Prewett of any spray foam insulation installations and/or
Components, other than the right to their use as installed by Prewett on crawl space encapsulations prior to such work being performed.
Customer's premises under this Contract.
B. On expiration or termination of this Contract, Prewett and Corteva Agriscience
or their representative are authorized by Customer to retrieve from Customer's
By signing this Contract, I, the Customer, certify that I have read and fully understand the provisions on the front and back of this Contract (specifically
including the ARBITRATION CLAUSE contained in paragraph 7 and the SPECIFIC EXCLUSIONS CLAUSE contained in paragraph 19 on the reverse
side) with all its terms and conditions without limitation, and it being specifically understood that Prewett and the undersigned are bound only by the terms of
this Contract and not by any other representation(s) oral or otherwise. I, the Customer, grant Prewett and its employees permission to be on the property listed
on this agreement anytime during business operating hours for the purpose of fulfilling the terms of this Contract. If solicited, Customer may cancel this
Contract at any time prior to midnight of the third (3rd) business day after execution of this Contract.