Offset Planar MIMO Antenna For Omnidirectional Radiation Patterns
Offset Planar MIMO Antenna For Omnidirectional Radiation Patterns
Offset Planar MIMO Antenna For Omnidirectional Radiation Patterns
ECC, MIMO, polarization diversity, T-shaped, WLAN, WiMAX
T A BL E 1 CST optimized values of parameters (mm) The EBG approach offers in-band isolation, compactness of
design, but suffers from slow wave propagation, and reduces
Parameter a b c d e f g
Value 65.3 65.3 27.5 11.2 8.9 15.1 0.8 A monopole with half circle was designed with enhanced
Parameter h i j k l m n diversity parameters, without any decoupling network.15
Similarly, an MIMO antenna utilizes the effect of inter-
Value 10.4 6.4 2.96 16.4 4.68 17.2 17.2 digitized shorting stubs for matching and isolation improve-
Parameter o p q r s t u ment between radiators for WLAN/WiMAX technologies.16
There are certain slow wave line structures available for
Value 6.9 0.57 0.7 39.92 0.57 12.3 8.4
MIMO antenna designs to increase the speed of operation to
some extent.17 The low-profile meander antenna (LPMA)
diversity provides the size reduction, link reliability, and can be used, but requires very large ground and substrate
maintains port isolations due to the orthogonal arrangement sizes.18
of radiators.3 The effect of different diversity techniques This article proposes a pentagonal shaped, four-element
leads to the performance enhancement of MIMO antennas.4,5 offset MIMO antenna with a T-shaped isolator for omnidir-
A hybrid feed structure with the pattern diversity was ectional radiation patterns. The proposed MIMO radiator
designed for pattern grooming and reliability due to reconfig- with diversity branches has been considered to improve
urable radiation patterns.6 The combined effect of pattern antenna design/diversity parameters. The proposed MIMO
and polarization diversity techniques with an inverted resonates at 2.45/3.5 GHz frequencies. The 210 dB imped-
L-shaped MIMO and power divider network not only enhan- ance bandwidth with voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR)
ces isolation but improves radiation characteristics also,7 and
2:1 is more than 280 MHz in each band. The offsetting of
is used for cognitive radio applications.8
ports is used for better utilization of the diagonal space of the
The effect of slot etching on radiator/ground plane offers
implementation. Each radiator has better than 12.4 dB of
wider bandwidth, compact size, and offers significant
port isolation due to T-shaped isolator.
amount of mutual coupling reduction between radiating ele-
ments.9 The slotted strips in PIFA antenna with polarization
diversity technique provides stability in gain, high isolation, 2 | MIMO ANTENNA DESIGN
and helps in compactness of the design and is utilized for STUDIES
LTE/WiMAX bands.10,11
Similarly, a slotted antenna with shorting strips results in The computer simulation tool (CST) optimized 2 3 2 com-
enhanced bandwidth/isolation characteristics, as required in pact MIMO antenna with pentagonal shaped radiators, partial
ultra-wideband (UWB) applications.12 MIMO antenna ground, and T-shaped isolator is proposed with 50 X ports
design with electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) materials uti- on offset position for the utilization of the diagonal space. In
lizes the split ring resonators (SRRs) to impose the effects of this diagonal space a T-shaped isolating arm is implemented,
6E and/or 6l on the radiating elements to control coupling and is connected to each partial ground to control mutual
effects.13 The same concept is followed in a four-port ring coupling between radiators. The proposed MIMO is fabri-
antenna using a complementary split ring resonator (CSRR). cated on FR-4 dielectric substrate of 1.524 mm thickness,
permittivity of 4.4, and loss tangent of 0.025. The size of with PEG ground and T-shaped decoupler resonates at 2.45/
two port MIMO prototype is 65.3 3 65.3 mm2. 3.5 GHz frequencies. The 210 dB impedance bands of 2.24-
A linearly polarized MIMO antenna with pentagonal 2.64 and 3.41-3.69 GHz have been covered here with SWR
shaped patch and inverted L-shaped slot is introduced to res- 2:1. The percentage bandwidths in these two bands are
onant the designed MIMO at 2.45/3.5 GHz frequencies. The 16.39% and 7.88%, respectively. The value of port isolations
conventional patch (simple rectangular) for the same fre- for the presented case is more than 12.4 dB in lower and
quency of operation achieves slightly less performance in higher bands. The antenna bandwidth in lower band and
terms of gain and efficiency. A 1 3 2 feed structure has been higher bands are 400 and 280 MHz. The measured 210 dB
used to form 2 3 2 MIMO antenna with appropriate spacing impedance band of 20.34% (2.12-2.60 GHz) and 8.15%
between the two branches and to achieve dual beam. The (3.41-3.70 GHz) have been exhibited in VNA. The measured
effect of polarization diversity has been utilized to cover the bandwidths in lower and higher bands are 420 and 290
signals in vertical and horizontal directions to minimize loss MHz, respectively. The in-band isolations are better than 14
of signaling and to maintain reliability of transmission. A dB in each measured band. The decrease in return loss in
partially extended ground (PEG) with T-shaped isolating measured bands is due to the above said reason. Though, the
structure has been designed to control the degrading factors simulated and measured results are in good agreement, as
of mutual coupling. The CST optimized design parameters observable in Figure 3. The possible reason of the difference
of the proposed MIMO are given in Table 1. The schematic in bandwidths and isolations in measured and simulated
and fabricated MIMO antenna views are shown in Figures 1 results is due to the fabrication errors and port/cable coupling
and 2. losses.
The reduction in mutual coupling is due to the presence
of T-shaped isolator and can be observed from Figure 4. In
the absence of T-shaped isolator, the isolation level in lower We may use parasitic element here, but that will shift the fre-
band is <9 dB. While presence of it results in more than quency bands toward higher frequency side due to capacitive
12.4 dB of isolation in lower band. The surface current den- effect. Similarly, the split ring resonators may also be used,
sity also exhibits the concentrated current on the patch and but this will result in shrinking of frequency bands and also
ground planes. From Figure 4A, it has been observed that, return in slow wave structure due to inductive–capacitive
the antenna at 2.45 GHz frequency shows concentrated cur- effect. The requirement of 10 dB isolation with 2:1 and 3:1
rent at the feed divider arm, when port 1 is excited and port SWR antennas are mostly given in presently available
2 is terminated by 50 X. The presence of T-shaped arm designs (even <10 dB of isolation level is acceptable in 26
restricts the direct coupling current with the patch of port 2. dB impedance bands (3:1 SWR) as per the 4G standards).
Similarly, from Figure 4B at 3.5 GHz resonant frequency, T- The simulated results with and without T-shaped arm are
shaped ground arm does not show much impact. Therefore, given in Figure 5.
it has been clearly observed that the T-shaped arm has much The effectiveness of the MIMO antenna parameters can
influence in lower band as compared to higher band. When be seen by the parametric evaluation. The effect of slot width
port 2 is excited and port 1 is terminated by 50 X, then the g can be seen on S parameters. A parametric sweep has been
same action can be seen due to the symmetric structure. The carried out between 0.2 and 1.0 mm. The considered slot
effectiveness of the T-shaped isolator can be seen on the cou- width is 0.8 mm. The considered width provides the favor-
pling and in creating longer current path for the lower able responses of S11 and S12 parameters at 2.45/3.5 GHz res-
resonant. onant frequencies.
Many of the isolation improvement techniques are avail- For the other values of slot width, variation from the res-
able in research papers. However, the T-shaped isolator uti- onance in higher band has been observed from Figure 6.
lizes the diagonal space without addition space requirement. More than 254 dB of return-loss has been seen in higher
band for the considered width. Not much different has been
FIGURE 5 Isolation with and without T-shaped arm FIGURE 6 S parameter variation with slot width g
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FIGURE 11 TARC of proposed MIMO FIGURE 13 S parameters of CST and ADS equivalent circuit
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that the proposed MIMO exhibits wide field patterns. The 1558. The beam widths of each port in H field patterns are
main lobe directions of E field radiation patterns for two 277.98.
ports are 2058 and 1558. The beam widths of each port in E A comparison of the proposed work with the earlier
field patterns are 277.98. Similarly, the main lobe directions reported works is carried out in Table 2. It has been observed
of H field radiation patterns for two ports are 2058 and that the proposed four-element MIMO with pentagon-shaped
Ref. No. Frequency\bands No. of elements Size (mm2) Isolation (dB) ECC Gain
2.45 4 105 3 55 >10 <10 2.15
2.65 3 120 3 90 >20 <0.4 2.8
2.4 2 100 3 100 >40 —— 3.4
2.4 2 60 3 90 >29 <0.2 ——
2.4 2 50 3 50 —— —— ——
2.43-2.54 2 60 3 57 >30 <1023 2.57 (peak)
2.4 4 110 3 60 >11 <0.3 3.12 (peak)
2.45 2 100 3 150 >15 <1023 20.7
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