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Vqa 154

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The VQA-154 is a faithful recreation of a sought-after 70s 4- In Button (L/M and R/S)
band equalizer module that made its way into many broad-
Engages or bypasses the processing of the left/mid or
casting and production studios worldwide. The plugin emu-
right/side signals depending on the current mode
lates the entire audio circuitry including the capacitor/inductor
based mid band filters, the discrete output stage as well as the
Drive (Input Drive)
transformers. A set of convenient features comprising ad-
justable input drive, continuous filter gains, stereo operation This knob controls the gain feeding into the emulation in the
and channel linking, a mid/side mode and a linear output level range between -24 thru +24 dB. Use higher drive levels to add
control have been added in the digital domain. more THD or turn the knob counter-clockwise for less colora-
tion. The drive gain is compensated at the output so you can
The VQA-154 is a very versatile and easy to use EQ which adjust the drive level without affecting the loudness.
provides classy and pleasant sounding coloration that always
sounds musical, no matter how far you push it. LF Frequency / Gain (Low Shelf)
Use the LF frequency knob (outer ring) to set the desired low
shelving frequency in Hz. The inner knob controls the shelving
gain in the range between roughly -12 thru +12 dB.

ML Frequency / Gain (Low Mid Peaking filter) GLOBAL CONTROLS (STEREO INSTANCES ONLY)
Use the ML frequency knob (outer ring) to set the desired low
mid band center frequency in Hz. The inner knob controls the Link Button
peaking gain in the range between roughly -12 thru +12 dB. Depress the link button to enable channel linked operation. In
The low mid band produces a proportional Q bell curve. The this mode the left/mid and right/side channel controls will
bandwidth depends on the selected center frequency. move in linked fashion so you can easily apply the same pro-
cessing on both channels.
MH Frequency / Gain (High Mid Peaking filter)
Use the MH frequency knob (outer ring) to set the desired high NOTE: Entering link mode will copy the settings from the left/mid
mid band center frequency in kHz. The inner knob controls the channel over to the right/side channel potentially overwriting any
peaking gain in the range between roughly -12 thru +12 dB. current settings in unlinked mode.
The high mid band also produces a proportional Q bell curve
whose bandwidth depends on the selected center frequency. Please also note that due to technical restrictions and in order to
maintain compatibility with various host protocols, only the para-
HF Frequency / Gain (High Shelf) meters that are touched will create automation data when in link
mode. This is by design. Playing back your recorded automation
The HF frequency knob (outer ring) selects the desired high will result in the correct behavior, nevertheless, given that the plu-
shelving frequency in kHz. The inner knob controls the gin takes care of synchronizing the parameter values internally.
shelving gain in the range between roughly -12 thru +12 dB.

M/S Button (Mid/Side Operation)

Output Gain
Depress the M/S button to enter mid/side mode. In M/S mode
The output knob controls the channel's linear output gain
the upper set of parameters controls the mid channel, where-
between -24 thru +24 dB.
as the lower set controls the side channel.



VST hosts You can test our plugins for 14 days without any restrictions.
Simply click the "Activate Trial" button in the plugin GUI after
Ctrl/CMD+Click: Reset to default
the installation to start your trial period.
Alt+Drag: Switch to circular knob mode
Shift+Drag/Mouse wheel: Fine control
To activate your full license you can purchase a product activa-
tion key on our website. The activation key will be sent to you
AU / AAX hosts
by email once the payment process has been completed, suc-
Alt+Click: Reset to default cessfully. Click "Activate plugin..." in the plugin GUI or the drop
Shift+Drag/Mouse wheel: Fine control down menu below, enter your email and product activation
key and hit the "Activate" button to proceed.
All hosts
Double Click: Reset to default / jump to value
An overview of Frequently Asked Questions can be found on
• Intel compatible or Apple Silicon CPU our website under the following link
• Mac OS 10.9 or newer (Mac users) https://fuseaudiolabs.com/faq.html
• Windows 7 or newer (PC users)
• A display resolution of 1280x1024 pixels or more Our tech support can be reached via the following link
• A VST2, VST3, AAX or AU compatible 64-bit host (Mac
users) https://fuseaudiolabs.com/support.html
• A VST2, VST3 or AAX compatible 32-bit or 64-bit host (PC

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