Universal Marshalling Solution Installation and User's Guide For SCA

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Universal Marshalling solutions

Installation and User’s Guide for Signal Conditioning Assembly (SCA)

HPN: 50149738-001
Version: AT1

Nov 2020
This document contains Honeywell proprietary information.

Information contained herein is to be used solely for the purpose submitted, and no part of
this document or its contents shall be reproduced, published, or disclosed to a third party
without the express permission of Honeywell International Sàrl.

While this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, Honeywell
disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a purpose and makes
no express warranties except as may be stated in its written agreement with and for its

In no event is Honeywell liable to anyone for any direct, special, or consequential damages.
The information and specifications in this document are subject to change without notice.

Copyright 2020 by Honeywell Measurex (Ireland) Ltd, All Rights Reserved

Table of contents
1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................ 9
1.1 About this user guide ............................................................................................................................................ 9

1.2 Intended audience ................................................................................................................................................. 9

1.3 Prerequisite ............................................................................................................................................................... 9

1.4 References ................................................................................................................................................................. 9

1.5 Acronyms ................................................................................................................................................................. 10

2 SAFETY INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Safety Measures................................................................................................................................................... 11

2.2 Condition of Acceptability ............................................................................................................................... 11

2.3 Safety Considerations ....................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.1 Explosion Hazard / Advertisement - Risque d'explosion .............................................................11

2.4 Security Guidelines ............................................................................................................................................. 12

3 PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
3.1 Customer Problems ........................................................................................................................................... 13

3.2 Universal Marshalling Solution .................................................................................................................... 13

3.3 Benefits..................................................................................................................................................................... 14

3.4 Features.................................................................................................................................................................... 14
4 SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 18
4.1 Integrated FTA....................................................................................................................................................... 18

4.2 USCA /UGIA Electrical specifications ....................................................................................................... 20

4.3 Model numbers .................................................................................................................................................... 21

4.4 General specifications ...................................................................................................................................... 22

4.4.1 Environmental specifications ....................................................................................................................22
4.4.2 Module physical dimensions .....................................................................................................................23
4.5 Certifications and Compliances .................................................................................................................. 23
4.5.1 Compliances .......................................................................................................................................................23
4.5.2 Hazardous environment and conformity for PTA, DIR & DOR ..................................................23
4.5.3 Hazardous environment and conformity for – UGAI, UGAO & UGDA ....................................26
4.5.4 Hazardous environment and conformity for – UAIA, UAOA & UDXA .....................................27
4.5.5 FTA label ...............................................................................................................................................................27

4.6 Dimensions............................................................................................................................................................. 28
4.6.1 FTA housing-Physical specifications.....................................................................................................28
5 SUPPORTED IO HARDWARE..................................................................................................................... 29
6 INSTALLATION............................................................................................................................................... 31

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 3

About this user guide

6.1 Installation declarations .................................................................................................................................. 31

6.1.1 Electrostatic discharge .................................................................................................................................31

6.2 Installation of SCA in a cabinet .................................................................................................................... 31

6.3 Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................................................... 32

6.4 1,2 or 3 column assembly ............................................................................................................................... 32

6.5 Mounting ................................................................................................................................................................. 33

6.5.1 Mounting FTA Base to DIN Rail ................................................................................................................33
6.5.2 Mounting FTA housing to the Base ........................................................................................................34

6.6 Connecting the field wires .............................................................................................................................. 35

6.7 Connecting power ............................................................................................................................................... 36

6.8 FTA Grounding ...................................................................................................................................................... 37

6.9 Adaptor module .................................................................................................................................................... 39

6.10 Accessing key ........................................................................................................................................................ 40

6.11 Module installation............................................................................................................................................. 40

6.12 Accessing fuse ...................................................................................................................................................... 41

6.13 Knife Disconnect.................................................................................................................................................. 42

6.14 Probe .......................................................................................................................................................................... 43

6.15 Mounting without the I-brackets................................................................................................................. 43

6.16 Mounting without the I-brackets: connections.................................................................................... 44

6.17 Cabinet assembly ................................................................................................................................................ 44

7 CABLE AND CONNECTOR PINOUTS ...................................................................................................... 48
7.1 Field side terminations ..................................................................................................................................... 48

7.2 MTC connector terminations ........................................................................................................................ 48

7.3 Power supply connector terminations ...................................................................................................... 49

8 HARDWARE COMPONENTS...................................................................................................................... 50
8.1 Universal Pass Through Adapter (model CC-UPTA01) .................................................................... 50
8.1.1 Function................................................................................................................................................................50
8.1.2 Features ................................................................................................................................................................50
8.1.3 Module physical specification ...................................................................................................................50
8.1.4 Functional ............................................................................................................................................................50
8.1.5 Passthrough Connection diagrams .......................................................................................................51
8.1.6 Electrical ...............................................................................................................................................................51
8.1.7 Associated part numbers .............................................................................................................................51
8.1.8 Label .......................................................................................................................................................................52
8.1.9 Fuse rating...........................................................................................................................................................52
8.1.10 Loop Typical ........................................................................................................................................................52

8.2 Universal Digital Input Relay (model CC-UDIR01) ............................................................................. 53

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 4
8.2.1 Module descriptions .......................................................................................................................................53
8.2.2 Module physical specification ...................................................................................................................53
8.2.3 Functional ............................................................................................................................................................53
8.2.4 Connection diagram .......................................................................................................................................54
8.2.5 Features ................................................................................................................................................................54
8.2.6 Electrical ...............................................................................................................................................................54
8.2.7 Associated part numbers .............................................................................................................................55
8.2.8 Label .......................................................................................................................................................................55
8.2.9 Fuse rating...........................................................................................................................................................56
8.2.10 Protection scheme ..........................................................................................................................................56
8.2.11 Loop Typical ........................................................................................................................................................56

8.3 Universal Digital Output Relay (model CC-UDOR01)....................................................................... 56

8.3.1 Provide module descriptions, features. ................................................................................................56
8.3.2 Module physical specification ...................................................................................................................56
8.3.3 Functional ............................................................................................................................................................57
8.3.4 Connections diagram ....................................................................................................................................57
8.3.5 Features ................................................................................................................................................................58
8.3.6 Electrical ...............................................................................................................................................................58
8.3.7 Associated part numbers .............................................................................................................................59
8.3.8 Label .......................................................................................................................................................................59
8.3.9 Fuse rating...........................................................................................................................................................59
8.3.10 Wiring options ....................................................................................................................................................60
8.3.11 Loop Typical ........................................................................................................................................................60
8.3.12 LED Indications ................................................................................................................................................61

8.4 Universal Analog Input barrier (model CC-UGAI01) .......................................................................... 61

8.4.1 Module physical specification ...................................................................................................................61
8.4.2 Features ................................................................................................................................................................61
8.4.3 Connections diagram ....................................................................................................................................62
8.4.4 Specification .......................................................................................................................................................62
8.4.5 Associated part numbers .............................................................................................................................64
8.4.6 Label .......................................................................................................................................................................65
8.4.7 List of IO modules supported ....................................................................................................................65
8.4.8 Fuse rating...........................................................................................................................................................66
8.4.9 Protection scheme ..........................................................................................................................................66
8.4.10 Conditions of use .............................................................................................................................................66

8.5 Universal Analog Input isolator (model CC- UAIA01) ....................................................................... 66

8.5.1 Module physical specification ...................................................................................................................66
8.5.2 Features ................................................................................................................................................................67

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 5

About this user guide

8.5.3 Connections diagram ....................................................................................................................................67

8.5.4 Specification .......................................................................................................................................................68
8.5.5 Associated part numbers .............................................................................................................................69
8.5.6 Label .......................................................................................................................................................................70
8.5.7 List of IO modules supported ....................................................................................................................70
8.5.8 Fuse rating...........................................................................................................................................................71
8.5.9 Protection scheme ..........................................................................................................................................71
8.5.10 Conditions of use .............................................................................................................................................71

8.6 Universal Analog Output barrier (model CC- UGAO01)................................................................... 71

8.6.1 Module physical specification ...................................................................................................................71
8.6.2 Features ................................................................................................................................................................72
8.6.3 Connections diagram ....................................................................................................................................72
8.6.4 Specification .......................................................................................................................................................72
8.6.5 Associated part numbers .............................................................................................................................74
8.6.6 Label .......................................................................................................................................................................75
8.6.7 List of IO modules supported ....................................................................................................................75
8.6.8 Fuse rating...........................................................................................................................................................75
8.6.9 Protection scheme ..........................................................................................................................................76
8.6.10 Conditions of use .............................................................................................................................................76

8.7 Universal Analog Output barrier (model CC- UAOA01) ................................................................... 76

8.7.1 Module physical specification ...................................................................................................................76
8.7.2 Features ................................................................................................................................................................76
8.7.3 Connections diagram ....................................................................................................................................77
8.7.4 Specification .......................................................................................................................................................77
8.7.5 Associated part numbers .............................................................................................................................79
8.7.6 Label .......................................................................................................................................................................79
8.7.7 List of IO modules supported ....................................................................................................................80
8.7.8 Fuse rating...........................................................................................................................................................80
8.7.9 Protection scheme ..........................................................................................................................................80
8.7.10 Conditions of use .............................................................................................................................................80

8.8 Universal Digital Input Output barrier (model CC- UGDA01) ....................................................... 80
8.8.1 Module physical specification ...................................................................................................................81
8.8.2 Features ................................................................................................................................................................81
8.8.3 Connections diagram ....................................................................................................................................82
8.8.4 Specification .......................................................................................................................................................82
8.8.5 Label .......................................................................................................................................................................84
8.8.6 List of IO modules supported ....................................................................................................................85
8.8.7 Fuse rating...........................................................................................................................................................85

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 6

8.8.8 Protection scheme ..........................................................................................................................................85

8.9 Universal Digital Input Output isolator (model CC- UDXA01) ..................................................... 86
8.9.1 Module physical specification ...................................................................................................................86
8.9.2 Features ................................................................................................................................................................86
8.9.3 Connections diagram ....................................................................................................................................87
8.9.4 Specification .......................................................................................................................................................87
8.9.5 Label .......................................................................................................................................................................89
8.9.6 List of IO modules supported ....................................................................................................................89
8.9.7 Fuse rating...........................................................................................................................................................89
8.9.8 Protection scheme ..........................................................................................................................................89

8.10 Low Level Input Adapter (CC-ULLI01) ..................................................................................................... 90

8.10.1 Function................................................................................................................................................................90
8.10.2 Module Physical Specification ..................................................................................................................91
8.10.3 Features ................................................................................................................................................................91
8.10.4 Connections diagram ....................................................................................................................................92
8.10.5 Specifications ....................................................................................................................................................92
8.10.6 Label .......................................................................................................................................................................96
8.10.7 List of IO modules supported ....................................................................................................................96
8.10.8 Fuse rating...........................................................................................................................................................96
8.10.9 Protection scheme ..........................................................................................................................................96
8.10.10 Conditions of use .......................................................................................................................................97
9 TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................................................... 98
9.1 CC-USCA0s1 ......................................................................................................................................................... 98

9.2 CC-UDOR01........................................................................................................................................................... 99

9.3 CC-UDIR01 .......................................................................................................................................................... 100

9.4 CC-UPTA01 ......................................................................................................................................................... 101

9.5 CC- UGAI01 & CC-UAIA01 ........................................................................................................................... 101

9.6 CC- UGAO01 & CC-UAOA01 ...................................................................................................................... 103

9.7 CC- UGDA01 and CC-UDXA01 ................................................................................................................ 104

9.8 CC- ULLI01 .......................................................................................................................................................... 106

9.9 Field side cable faults ..................................................................................................................................... 106

10 MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................................................................... 108
10.1 Removal and installation under power .................................................................................................. 108

10.2 Spare parts list and description. ............................................................................................................... 108

10.3 Disassembly ........................................................................................................................................................ 109

11 REPAIR .......................................................................................................................................................... 113
12 NOTICES....................................................................................................................................................... 114

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 7

About this user guide

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 8


1 Introduction
The Universal Marshalling Solution delivers the next phase of Honeywell LEAP™, lean
project implementation philosophy through standardization of marshalling design.
Standardized (or universal) marshalling is achieved through central and distributed
installations using standard cabinet configurations with signal conditioning assemblies.

Independence between I/O assignment and field wiring enables a flexible engineering
schedule and eliminates unintentional access of I/O modules during maintenance. SCA
enables the flexibility to combine a variety of field signals, while remaining separated from
I/O modules and control system electronics. This unique feature means that SCA
eliminates re-engineering and rewiring due to design changes.

Predesigned standard build cabinets reduce the complexities and reliance on non-
standard third party solutions. The number of spares stocked and the amount of
documentation required is reduced by eliminating multiple equipment configurations.

Honeywell serves as a single source vendor from instrumentation to control system.

This release of SCA includes pass through, disconnect, fusing, and relay functions.

1.1 About this user guide

The procedures in this guide are intended to give you the ability to perform installation,
commissioning and maintenance activities of Signal Conditioning Assembly (SCA) with
the Honeywell’s Universal Marshalling solution.

1.2 Intended audience

This guide is intended for the following users:

• Persons responsible for system planning and marshalling hardware installation.

• Service persons responsible for routine maintenance of control and marshalling hardware, and who
diagnose and repair faults.

1.3 Prerequisite
Basic knowledge of Industrial process automation and Honeywell’s Experion control
systems makes it easy to understand context and terminologies used in this document.

1.4 References
• Control Hardware Planning Guide – provides information related to planning and installation of
Experion control hardware.

• Control Hardware Installation Guide - Provides an overview for the installation of Experion control

DocID ((SMXDOC-X501-en-100A)) 9
• Series C IO User’s Guide - Describes Series C I/O hardware devices and configuration details.

• Signal Conditioning Assembly (SCA) HAZLOC Manual

1.5 Acronyms
Acronym Expansion
SCA Signal Conditioning Assembly

MTC Mass Termination Cable

FTA Field Termination Assembly

UPTA Universal Pass Through Adapter

UDIR Universal Digital Input Relay

UDOR Universal Digital Output Relay

USCA Universal Signal Conditioning Assembly

UAIA Universal Analog Input Isolator Module

UGAI Universal Analog Input Barrier Module

UAOA Universal Analog Output Isolator Module

UGAO Universal Analog Output Barrier Module

UDXA Universal Digital IO isolator Module

UGDA Universal Digital IO Barrier Module

UGIA Universal Integrated FTA - IS

IOTA Input Output Termination Assembly

I/O Input and Output

IOM Input Output Module

LLIA Low Level Input Adapter

TC Thermocouple

RTD Resistance Temperature Detector

CJC Cold Junction Compensation

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 10

2 Safety information

2.1 Safety Measures

SCA modules complies with the general safety standards and regulations. However, failure
to operate this product as per the safety instructions available in this document may lead
to hazards.

SCA modules are approved for the use in Hazardous areas such as Class1 Div2 Gr ABCD
T4 & Zone 2, and IIC T4 Gc Locations with connections to Class I, Div2 and Zone 2, Group
IIC locations. Permitted operating conditions are marked on labels for each SCA module.
Check the operating condition limits of SCA before installing. One must be familiar with
the currently applicable electrical installation standards and regulations before installing
and operating SCA in hazardous areas. Installation, operation, and maintenance may only
be performed by qualified personnel. Access to the circuits within the device is not
permitted. Do not repair the device yourself or replace it with an equivalent device. Repairs
may only be carried out by the manufacturer. Installation must be in accordance with any
applicable local electrical requirements. For more details, refer to various electrical ratings
in this document.

Signal Conditioning Assembly HAZLOC Manual provides the list of mandatory safety
measures to be followed for HAZLOC applications.

2.2 Condition of Acceptability

SCA must be mounted inside a suitable housing with a minimum IP54 degree of
protection for installation when used in accordance with IEC/ANSI/ISA 60079-15.

The housing must be a tool-secured enclosure that meets requirements as per

IEC/ANSI/ISA 60079-0 and IEC/ANSI/ISA 60079-15 standards.

Do not connect/disconnect the device unless the power has been switched off or the area
is deemed to be non-hazardous.

Installation must follow the enclosure, mounting, and segregation requirements of the

2.3 Safety Considerations

2.3.1 Explosion Hazard / Advertisement - Risque d'explosion



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2.4 Security Guidelines

Ensure that the device is locked by DCS using the HART feature (refer command 71to Lock
device in spec 151) to prevent any unauthorized configuration changes.

Physical access to device: DCS host and the SCA devices on the control network shall have
physical access control. Otherwise a malicious operation on the LLIA-SCA will result in
process Shutdown or impact process control. For maximum security, the LLIA-SCA device
must be protected against unauthorized physical access.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 12

3 Purpose

3.1 Customer Problems

The following are some of the key opportunities in the context of marshalling solutions.

• Variability in the field wiring of different instrument signal types

• Nonstandard marshalling design using 3rd party hardware at low cabinet I/O density 100-240 I/O

• Making late changes in field device types and related wiring, with minimal impact on project schedule

• Expanding systems in brownfield projects or adding I/Os late in greenfield projects in a cost-effective

• Extensive effort for the design of each marshaling cabinet, which leads to considerable schedule
impact in each project

• Enabling access to field wiring areas for service & maintenance , including termination and signal
conditioning, while preventing access to DCS system components

3.2 Universal Marshalling Solution

SCA is Honeywell’s one stop Universal Marshalling Solution. SCA offers highly integrated,
low foot print and standardized marshalling hardware which is intended to be used along
with Honeywell’s IO modules.

SCA contains DIN rail mountable FTA which has a capacity to host 16 channels of signal
conditioning modules and provided with integrated fuse and disconnect options making it
an ideal building block for standardized marshalling solution.

SCA is designed for quick and easy installation and provided with a list of modules which
are meant to be used for safe area or HAZLOC applications. Installation of SCA can be in
regular 2m marshalling cabinets as well as in Universal Process Cabinets (UPC). In both
cases, the cabinet assembly can follow one of the pre-defined assembly drawings which is
suitable for customer installations.
Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 13
3.3 Benefits
Following are the benefits of SCA:

• Supports uniform marshalling design for interfacing to general purpose and to hazardous areas

• Lifecycle support per Honeywell’s long-term support model

• Temperature range -40°C to 70°C (-40° F to 158° F)

• Complements Universal I/O, extending LEAP to marshalling

• Eliminates 3rd party vendor designs, lifecycle costs and lead-time variations

• Enables custom cabinet usage with system I/O modules in front and USCA in rear 256 to 384 I/O

• Eliminates IOTAs used for GI-IS, externally powered I/O and temperature I/Os

• Segregates I/O modules from complicated field wiring

• Increases I/O density per marshalling cabinet from 448 to 720 I/O

• First party marshalling or signal conditioning

• Simple, compact, cost effective and repeatable

• Standard marshalling cabinet builds

• Compatibility with Honeywell IO families: Honeywell Series C and Universal IO modules

• Extends LEAP benefits to include field signal conditioning and wiring - a powerful combination with
Universal I/O

3.4 Features
SCA offers a range of signal conditioning hardware pluggable to FTA and intended to use
in a cabinet environment. Key features of FTA and supported modules are as follows..

Sl No Hardware Features
1 FTA (CC- USCA01) • Capacity of 16 channels
& • DIN rail mountable FTA with a capacity of 16
FTA IS type (CC- channels
UGIA01) • integrated fuse and disconnect for field side
• Mass termination cable-based interface to
Honeywell IO hardware
• Dedicated 3 screw terminals per channel for
field side connections

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 14

• Installation in marshalling cabinets as well as
Universal Process cabinets.
• 2 or 3 wire interfaces towards field for each
• 24V DC power with LED indication
• Mass termination cable (MTC) for 16 channel
system side interfaces
• Screw less assembly to the base plate
• Fuse blown indication for field side fuses
• Disconnect function with current measurement
• IS type FTA has Intrinsic safety certification

List of modules supported

Sl No Module Features
1 Pass through (CC- • Single channel pass through adaptor
UPTA01) • 2 wires in / out

2 DI relay (CC- • Single channel DI relay module (low voltage)

UDIR01) • COM & NO connectivity to IO hardware
• Coil activity LED indication
• Input to output and channel to channel
• Provided with mistake proofing key

3 DO relay (CC- • Single channel DO relay module (low voltage)

UDOR01) • COM, NO & NC connectivity to field
• Coil activity LED indication
• Input to output and channel to channel
• Provided with mistake proofing key

4 • Single channel Analog Input IS barrier module

with galvanic isolation
• Transparent Open Wire Detection
• 3-way Isolation
• Supports 4-20mA with HART communication
Analog Input Barrier
Module (CC- • Reverse Polarity Protection

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 15

5 • Single channel Analog Input isolator module
• Transparent Open Wire Detection
• 3-way Isolation
Analog Input
• Supports 4-20mA with HART communication
Module(CC- • Reverse Polarity Protection

6 • Single channel Analog Output IS barrier module

with galvanic isolation
• Transparent Open Wire Detection
• 3-way Isolation
• Supports 4-20mA with HART communication
Analog Output
Barrier Module(CC- • Reverse Polarity Protection

7 • Single channel Analog Output isolator module

• Transparent Open Wire Detection
• 3-way Isolation
• Supports 4-20mA with HART communication
Analog Output
Isolator Module • Reverse Polarity Protection

8 • Single channel Digital Input Output IS barrier

module with galvanic isolation.
• Interfaces with Digital Inputs or Digital Outputs
• Self-Configuring Digital Input Output mode
• Digital Input support for NAMUR sensors or Dry
• Digital Output Drive up to 40mA
• Transparent Open Wire Detection
• 3-way Isolation
• Field Device Status Indication
Digital IO Barrier
Module (CC- • Reverse Polarity Protection

9 • Single channel Digital Input Output module with

galvanic isolation.
Digital IO isolator
Module (CC- • Interfaces with Digital Inputs or Digital Outputs
UDXA01) • Self-Configuring Digital Input Output mode

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 16

• Digital Input support for NAMUR sensors or Dry
• Digital Output Drive up to 40mA
• Transparent Open Wire Detection
• 3-way Isolation
• Field Device Status Indication
• Reverse Polarity Protection

10 • Single channel RTD/TC module

Low Level AI ( CC- • AI channel interface to DCS

ULLI01) • Loop powered module

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 17

4 System specifications

4.1 Integrated FTA

FTA back plane assembly got a base unit and housing. The base consists of a plastic
fixture and there is no electrical hardware in the base unit. This base unit functions as
interface between the housing and the DIN rail.

FTA (non-IS version) assembly details are provided as follows.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 18

FTA (IS version) assembly details are provided as follows.

Once FTA base is secured to a DIN rail, the FTA housing can be snapped and secured on to
the base. Once the base and housing are Assembled, signal conditioning module
hardware can be plugged in to respective slots.

FTA is provided 3 screw terminals dedicated for each field channels. These terminal blocks
are arranged in Groups of 8 channels to make it more user friendly.

FTA assembly is provided with a dedicated fuse arm and a disconnect arm for the field
connections of each channel. These leavers can be opened using suitable screwdriver.
Fuse lever can be opened to replace the fuse (5mm x 20mm fuse). A blown-fuse indication
is provided towards the front part of FTA housing which indicates the fuse status.

Disconnect levers are provided in FTA for the purpose of disconnecting the field side
connections. This lever needs to be operated with a suitable screw driver. Probing
terminals are provided at the front part of FTA housing to help the service technician to
probe the current through the field side connections. This probing can be done by
inserting ammeter probes to the probing terminals and then operating the disconnect
level to allow the current to flow through ammeter. Closing the disconnect level before
removing ammeter probe will help to ensure uninterrupted current flow to the field.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 19

FTA assembly is provided with a 2-terminal power connector (24V DC) along with an LED
indication for power (green) .

Mass Termination Cable (MTC) for interfacing 16 channels of signals from IO module is
positioned next to power connector. Necessary options for routing and fastening MTC
cable is provided on FTA plastic enclosure.

4.2 USCA /UGIA Electrical specifications

Parameter Specification
Power 24V DC

Max current 1.3A

Power indication Green LED

Interface to DCS 37 pin DSUB (for MTC cable)

Field side interface Dedicated 3 terminals per channel

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 20

Field side wire connection to terminal 12-24 AWG. Thread M2.5.
blocks Torque 0.4N.m (3.54Lb.in)

Channel to channel isolation (wherever 1000V (by factory test)


4.3 Model numbers

The following list provides the model numbers of SCA hardware modules and accessories.

Sl # Description Model #
1 Integrated FTA - non-IS CC-USCA01

2 Low Voltage Relay-D0 CC-UDOR01

3 Low Voltage Relay-DI CC-UDIR01

4 Analog Input Barrier Module CC-UGAI01

5 Analog Input Isolator Module CC-UAIA01

6 Analog Output Barrier Module CC-UGAO01

7 Analog Output Isolator Module CC-UAOA01

8 Digital IO Barrier Module CC-UGDA01

9 Digital IO isolator Module CC-UDXA01

10 Low Level AI CC-ULLI01

11 Feedthrough Module CC-UPTA01

12 Integrated FTA - IS CC-UGIA01

13 FPA - Fuse Protection Arm CC-UFPA01

Mass Termination Cable (MTC) connects all signals corresponding to 16 channels

between IO hardware and marshalling hardware. On one side, MTC directly engages the
field terminals of the IO hardware IOTA and on the other side a single DB37 connector
connects these signals to the FTA of SCA.

Sl No Parameter Specification
1 Cable type Multi core shielded cable

2 Number of cores 16 pair

3 Conductor type Multi strand 22AWG

4 Outer diameter 12.1mm nominal

5 Bending radius min 73mm for fixed installations

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 21

Drawing / Diagram

MTC is available in the following part numbers and cable lengths.

Sl No Model number Cable length

1 CC-SICC-1011/L06 6m

2 CC-SICC-1011/L10 10m

3 CC-SICC-1011/L15 15m

4 CC-SICC-1011/L20 20m

5 CC-SICC-1011/L25 25m

6 CC-SICC-1011/L30 30m

4.4 General specifications

4.4.1 Environmental specifications
The following table lists the environmental characteristics and requirements for the SCA

Sl No Environmental Operating limits Transportation &

specification Storage limits
1 Ambient Temperature -40 to +70 °C -40 to +85°C

2 Temp. Rate of Change <= 1 °C/min <= 5 °C/min

3 Relative Humidity 5 to 95% (non- 5 to 95% (non-

condensing) condensing)

4 Altitude -300 to +2000 m Any

5 Vibration 0-60Hz, 0.2g 0-60Hz, 0.2g

6 Mechanical shock 5g, 30mS 5g, 30mS

7 Pollution degree 2 2

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 22

4.4.2 Module physical dimensions
• Dimensions short modules : 118 mm x 85.75 mm x10.0mm

• Dimensions long modules: 141.5mmx 85.75mm x10.0mm.

• Assembly option: back plane mount, screw less

• Mistake proofing: provided mistake proofing keys

4.5 Certifications and Compliances

4.5.1 Compliances
• Ingress protection : IP20 as per IEC 60529

• Conformance : IEC Ex, ATEX, cCSA us

• EMC standard : IEC 61326-1

• Compliance : RoHS

4.5.2 Hazardous environment and conformity for PTA, DIR & DOR
Certificate number IECEx SIR 19.0067X SIRA 19ATEX4224X

Certification code Digital Input relay (DI) module – (Model CC-UDIR01)

Ex ec nC IIC T4 Gc

Digital Output relay (DO) module – (Model CC-UDOR01)

Ex ec nC IIC T4 Gc

Pass through adapter module – (Model CC-UPTA01)

Ex ic IIC T4 Gc when connected to circuits with the

following output parameters
Uo= 24V; Io = 260mA

Ex ec IIC T4 Gc when operated at 24V DC, 500mA max

Universal signal conditioning assembly - (Model CC-


Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 23

Where any combination of only Ex ec nC IIC T4 Gc
the following modules is used:

Model CC-UDOR01
Model CC-UDIR01

Where only the following Ex ic IIC T4 Gc

modules are used:

Model CC-UPTA-01

Where a combination of the Ex ec nC IIC T4 Gc

below listed modules is used: When CC-UPTA-01
modules are operated
Model CC-UDOR-01 at 24V DC, 500mA max
Model CC-UDIR-01
Model CC-UPTA-01

Other marking

Manufacturer’s address Honeywell,

Fort Washington, PA, USA 19034

Ambient range -40°C to +70°C

Serial number As per the label(s)

Year of manufacture As per the label(s)

Warnings As per the label(s)

Marking applicable to North America

Scenario Marking
Where any
combination of only
the following
modules are used:

Model CC-UDOR01
Model CC-UDIR01

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 24

Where only the
following modules
are used:

Model CC-UPTA-01

Where a
combination of the
below listed
modules is used:
Ex ec nC IIC T4 Gc - When CC-UPTA-01 modules are operated as
Model CC-UDOR-
IECEx SIR 19.0067X
Model CC-UDIR-01
Model CC-UPTA-01

Class I Div 2 Gr A-D, T4

When CC-UPTA-01 connect to circuits with output parameters not
exceeding Uo = 24V, Io = 260mA

Class I Div 2 Gr A-D, T4

Ex ec nC IIC T4 Gc

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 25

Ex nA nC IIC T4 Gc
Class I Zn 2, AEx ec nC IIC T4 Gc
Class I Zn 2, AEx nA nC IIC T4 Gc
When CC-UPTA-01 modules are operated as rated.

4.5.3 Hazardous environment and conformity for – UGAI, UGAO & UGDA
Certificate number IECEx SIR 19.0067X SIRA 19ATEX4224X

Certification code Analog input isolator module – (Model CC-UAIA01)

Analog output isolator module – (Model CC-UAOA01)
Digital Input Output isolator module – (Model CC-

Ex ec [ia] IIC T4 Gc

Other marking

Manufacturer’s address Honeywell,

Fort Washington, PA, USA 19034

Ambient range -40°C to +70°C

Serial number As per the label(s)

Year of manufacture As per the label(s)

Warnings As per the label(s)

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 26

4.5.4 Hazardous environment and conformity for – UAIA, UAOA & UDXA
Certificate number IECEx SIR 19.0067X SIRA 19ATEX4224X

Certification code Analog input isolator module – (Model CC-UAIA01)

Analog output isolator module – (Model CC-UAOA01)
Digital Input Output isolator module – (Model CC-

Ex ec nA IIC T4 Gc

Other marking

Manufacturer’s address Honeywell,

Fort Washington, PA, USA 19034

Ambient range -40°C to +70°C

Serial number As per the label(s)

Year of manufacture As per the label(s)

Warnings As per the label(s)

4.5.5 FTA label

The following is a snapshot of FTA label and markings.

When the QR code is scanned, below listed link will be opened.


Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 27

The SCA Module are Certified by Canadian Standards Association for use in non-incendive
Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D, T4 with field wiring connections to Class I, II, and
III, Division 2, Group A, B, C, D, E, F and G hazardous locations.

4.6 Dimensions
4.6.1 FTA housing-Physical specifications
• Dimensions: 199mm (H) X 140mm (W) X 135mm (D).

• Assembly option: DIN rail mount using base plate

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 28

5 Supported IO hardware
SCA supports the following IO hardware from Honeywell.

List of IOTAs and IO modules supported

Module Block Description relay relay through & & &
No Supported

CC- TAIX01, High Level Analog
PAIH01 CC- Input with HART
TAIX11 ✓

CC- TAIX01, High Level Analog
PAIH02 CC- Input with HART
TAIX11 ✓

CC- High Level Analog

CC- TAIX01, Input with
PAIX02 CC- Differential/Single-
TAIX11 ended non-HART ✓ ✓

CC- High Level Analog

CC- TAIX01, Input with
4 AI-hl
PAIX01 CC- Differential non-

High Level Analog

Input with non-
5 AI-hl HART 1 Modem,
High Level Analog
TAIN11 ✓
Input with HART ✓

CC- TAON01, Analog Output with
6 AO
TAON11 ✓ ✓

CC- TAOX01, Analog Output with
7 AO
PAOX01 CC- non-HART ✓
TAOX11 ✓

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 29

CC- TAOX01, AO- Analog Output with
TAOX11 ✓

CC- TDIL01, Low Voltage Digital
9 DI-24 ✓
PDIL01 CC- Input (24 volts DC)
TDIL11 ✓ ✓

CC- TDIL01, Low Voltage Digital
10 DI-SOE ✓
PDIS01 CC- Input (24 volts DC)
TDIL11 ✓

CC- Bussed Low

CC- TDOB01, Voltage Digital
11 DO-24B
PDOB01 CC- Output (24 volts
TDOB11 DC) ✓ ✓

12 UIO-2 UIO-2 ✓ ✓ ✓
TUIO41 ✓ ✓ ✓

CC- TAIX51, High Level Analog
13 AIH ✓
PAIH51 CC- Input with HART
TAIX61 ✓

CC- TDIL51, Low Voltage Digital
14 DI 24 ✓
PDIL51 CC- Input (24 volts DC)
TDIL61 ✓

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 30

6 Installation

6.1 Installation declarations

This equipment shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of
the National Electrical Code (NEC), ANSI/NFPA 70, or the Canadian
WARNING Electrical Code (CEC), C22.1. It is intended to be mounted on a sub-panel
within an enclosure. The suitability of the enclosure and installed system
shall be acceptable to the local 'authority having jurisdiction,' as defined
in the NEC, or 'authorized person' as defined in the CEC.

6.1.1 Electrostatic discharge

Electrostatic discharge can damage integrated circuits or semiconductors if you touch

connector pins or tracks on a printed wiring board.

• Touch a grounded object to discharge static potential

• Wear an approved wrist-strap grounding device

• Do not touch the wire connector or connector pins

• Do not touch circuit components

• When not in use, keep the component in its static shield box or bag

Unless the location is known to be non-hazardous, do not:

1. Connect or disconnect field side cables

2. Operate Fuse or disconnect levers

3. Install or remove components

While the control system is powered.

6.2 Installation of SCA in a cabinet

Be sure the enclosure is connected to a protective earth ground using #8 AWG solid
copper wire. There should be metal to metal contact between the grounding bus bar and
the DIN rail mounted to the enclosure.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 31

6.3 Prerequisites
The following is list of prerequisites may be considered.

• DIN rail for mounting SCA assembly is installed in a cabinet or desired mounting location.

• Power supply is installed.

• All wiring and pre-fabricated cables are available and labeled as applicable.

• Be sure all power is turned off at the installation location.

• Ensure assembly area is free from electrostatic potential

• The following is the list of tools that are recommended for cabinet level assembly of SCA

Sl No Tool type Description

1 Screwdriver - #2 For fixing FTA base mounting to DIN

PHILIPS head rail.

2 Nose plier with ~ Removal of configuration key

45mm to 55mm
long needle nose

3 Wire stripper Preparing field side wires

3 Crimping tool Crimping field side wires

4 Screwdriver DIN rail & I bracket mounting

5 Cutter Cutter for cable tie

6.4 1,2 or 3 column assembly

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 32

A typical assembly arrangement for 1 , 2 and 3 column assembly of SCA in to a standard
2m cabinet is pictured here.

In the case of 3 column assembly, a metallic I-bracket (Honeywell part no.: 51156744)
along with a standard cable duct assembly need to be fixed to the back plate of the cabinet
as shown. The DIN rail can be secured on to the front side of the I-bracket. A vertical
column of FTAs (max 8 numbers) can be assembled on to this DIN rail in the case of a 2m

Typical 1 column or 2 column assembly needs only standard cable ducts assembled
vertically to the back plate of a cabinet.

Spacing between the Cable ducts need to be sufficiently large to accommodate the FTA
assembly in between. DIN rail can be fixed directly to the back Plate of the cabinet and
FTAs can be assembled on to it.

6.5 Mounting
6.5.1 Mounting FTA Base to DIN Rail
FTA base is provided with captive screws at the top and bottom which engages the vertical
edge of DIN rail preventing the base from sliding.

Make sure the nuts are loose before snapping the FTA base on to DIN rail. Once the base is
properly positioned on the DIN rail

The captive screws can be tightened to secure the base firmly to the DIN rail.

Below graphics explains the mounting sequence for FTA base.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 33

6.5.2 Mounting FTA housing to the Base
Securing FTA housing to the base is screw less operation.

Sequence is detailed in the following diagram. The features provided on the housing need
to be aligned with the base before snapping the right side of the housing.

Snap generates a robust click sound indicating that the latching operation.

Removal of this FTA housing must be performed in reverse sequence where the snaps
need to be unlatched as the first step and disengage the housing from the base as next

Recommended to use a screw driver to disengage the snaps in the case of a 3-column
assembly where the spacing between FTA columns are less. In the case of 1 or 2 column
assembly in a cabinet opening the snap by hands is also an option.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 34

6.6 Connecting the field wires

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 35

Recommended cable routing option for field cables are shown.

The graphics provided here is specifically for a 3-column assembly where the field side
cable ducts are behind the FTA assembly.

In the case of 1 and 2 column assembly the cable ducts will be on the sides of FTA where
traditional cable routing practices cab be followed.

6.7 Connecting power

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 36

Recommended cable mounting and routing for Power cables and the MTC cable is
provided above.

FTA housing is provided with features to route and fasten both power cable as well as MTC

DB37 connector on MTC cable need to be secured to FTA base with 2 screws provided on
either side of the connector bending and routing of MTC cable shall be done as indicated
in the figures.

6.8 FTA Grounding

FTA is provided with a screw terminal for earth connection which may be used for
connecting MTC side shield connection to earth.

There are 2 options provided.

1. Route the earth connection of FTA to cabinet earth through DIN rail. Connection
details given below.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 37

2. Route earth connection of FTA cabinet earth using pigtail cable. Details below

Shield of field side cables may be connected to the earthing bar option in the cabinet
assembly, this shield connection is not expected to terminate in FTA.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 38

6.9 Adaptor module

A set of keys with matching pattern can provide 6 combinations. Key pairs with different
patterns will be used to provide more combinations.

Mistake-proofing keys are not provided in PTA.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 39

6.10 Accessing key

All channels of a factory fresh FTA will be neutral and there will not be any key assembled
to any slots of FTA. The keys got 2 parts – male & female. Both the male part and female
part will be assembled together on to the module when shipped out from factory.

Modules can be plugged in to any slots of a factory fresh FTA. While plugging a module
first time in to a given slot, the male part of the key will get locked on to the FTA base and
female part of the key will stay with the module assembly.

Keying of a slot in FTA happens when a module is plugged into each slot first time. When a
module is inserted and removed for the first time, male part of the key assembly will get
snapped in to FTA housing and this slot will be reserved for only respective module

An already keyed slot for an IO type can be brought back to a neutral slot by removing the
male part of the key from the FTA housing.

6.11 Module installation

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 40

Modules can be plugged in to FTA slots and tactile feedback indicates proper insertion of
the modules.

6.12 Accessing fuse

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 41

Fuse levers can be opened with a screwdriver as shown in graphics. Once opened, the
glass fuse can be removed or inserted in to the fuse holder area in the fuse lever and can
be closed by using a tool. Alternatively, the fuse lever itself can be removed and can be put
back after replacing the fuse if that is more convenient for the maintenance engineer.

Fuse rating and fuse type specifications are listed under modules specification. In case the
requirement is not to use a 5mm x 20mm fuse a dummy fuse (HPN 50150243) which is
can be used instead of glass fuse of specific rating. Details given below.

6.13 Knife Disconnect

Knife disconnect levers are recommended to open with a suitable screwdriver as shown in
the graphics. Closing of the disconnect lever can be done by pressing the lever towards the

Disconnect lever shall be opened using 3/16" (4.5mm ) wide slotted screw driver.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 42

6.14 Probe

There are options provided for inserting multimeter probes to the knife disconnect point
for the measurement of current through field cables . Each probe can engage each side of
the knife disconnect terminals. Once the multimeter probes are inserted properly and then
the knife disconnect can be opened so that the field side current will flow through the
multimeter. This allows a field side current reading without interrupting the ongoing

6.15 Mounting without the I-brackets

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 43

6.16 Mounting without the I-brackets: connections

Mounting on to back plate of the cabinet is explained above and the mounting procedure
similar to the one explained for 3 column assembly with I bracket.

When mounted on back plate (without I bracket) the field cables can be routed straight in
to the cable duct.

6.17 Cabinet assembly

Following is the general arrangements for a two-column cabinet assembly.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 44

General arrangements for a three-column cabinet assembly is provided below.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 45

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 46
Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 47
7 Cable and Connector Pinouts

7.1 Field side terminations

Field TB Pinouts (E1 and E2) Channel Number Terminal Block picture
1A 1B 1C 1

2A 2B 2C 2

3A 3B 3C 3

4A 4B 4C 4

5A 5B 5C 5

6A 6B 6C 6

7A 7B 7C 7

8A 8B 8C 8

9A 9B 9C 9

10A 10B 10C 10

11A 11B 11C 11

12A 12B 12C 12

13A 13B 13C 13

14A 14B 14C 14

15A 15B 15C 15

16A 16B 16C 16

7.2 MTC connector terminations

P1(Dsub DCS P1(Dsub DCS
connector Termination connector Termination
on SCA) (Channel on SCA) (Channel
number) number)
Pin 1 CH1+ Pin 9 CH9+

Pin 20 CH1- Pin 28 CH9-

Pin 2 CH2+ Pin 10 CH10+

Pin 21 CH2- Pin 29 CH10-

Pin 3 CH3+ Pin 11 CH11+

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 48

Pin 22 CH3- Pin 30 CH11-

Pin 4 CH4+ Pin 12 CH12+

Pin 23 CH4- Pin 31 CH12-

Pin 5 CH5+ Pin 13 CH13+

Pin 24 CH5- Pin 32 CH13-

Pin 6 CH6+ Pin 14 CH14+

Pin 25 CH6- Pin 33 CH14-

Pin 7 CH7+ Pin 15 CH15+

Pin 26 CH7- Pin 34 CH15-

Pin 8 CH8+ Pin 16 CH16+

Pin 27 CH8- Pin 35 CH16-

Pin NC Pin 36 NC

Pin 37 NC

7.3 Power supply connector terminations

Power TB(E3) Description

Pin 1 GND (-)

Pin 2 PWR (+)

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 49

8 Hardware Components

8.1 Universal Pass Through Adapter (model CC-UPTA01)

8.1.1 Function
CC-UPTA01 is a single channel pass through module which allows direct connectivity
between DCS field terminals (both live & return) and the field device. This module does not
require external power to operate.

8.1.2 Features
Number of channels: 1

Compatible with Honeywell Series C & Universal IO

CC-UPTA01 is a single channel pass through adapter which allows direct connectivity
between DCS field terminals (both live & return) and the field device. This module does not
require external power to operate.

PTA modules are neutral personality, can be plugged in to any of the module slots which
connects the 2 connections of IO hardware of a given channel to the respective field side
screw terminals of FTA.

8.1.3 Module physical specification

Dimensions 118 mm x 85.5 mm x10.0mm

Assembly option Backplane mount, screw less

8.1.4 Functional

Connections Connects 2 signal lines from DCS side to field


Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 50

Indicators No status indicators

8.1.5 Passthrough Connection diagrams

8.1.6 Electrical

Operating voltage: max 30VDC

Maximum rated current 500mA


8.1.7 Associated part numbers

Sl # Part details Model number Part number
1 FTA assembly CC-USCA01 51156590-100

3 MTC cable 51156516

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 51

8.1.8 Label

When the QR code is scanned, the following link will be opened.


8.1.9 Fuse rating

When CC-UPTA01 is in use the fuse rating shall be according to the specific IO type and IO
current. Max functional current which CC-UPTA01 can be used is 500mA.

8.1.10Loop Typical

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 52

CC-UPTA01 connects 2 connections of a given channel from IO hardware to the field side
screw terminals of SCA. These modules are not intended to perform from the below

CC-UPTA01 cannot be used for wiring modes where 2 to 3 wire convertors and 2-4 wire
converters are implemented. PTA performs only for 2-wire to 2-wire connections.

This module cannot connect when NC & COM connector of a DOR are in use, it connects
IO hardware connections to COM & NO at the field terminals.

8.2 Universal Digital Input Relay (model CC-UDIR01)

8.2.1 Module descriptions
CC-UDIR01 is a single channel relay input module for low voltage applications. Coil side of
the relay interfaces with the field device and the contact side gets connected (COM & NO)
to digital input channels of IO hardware. This module does not require external power to
operate. Relay used in DIR modules are electromechanical type.

8.2.2 Module physical specification

Dimensions 118 mm x 85.5 mm x10.0mm

Assembly option Backplane mount, screw less

Mistake proofing mistake proofing keys provided

8.2.3 Functional
CC-UDIR01 is a single channel relay input module for low voltage applications. Coil side of
the relay interfaces with the field device and the contact side gets connected to DCS. This
module does not require external power to operate.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 53

8.2.4 Connection diagram

8.2.5 Features
• Number of channels: 1

• Relay type - electro mechanical

• Compatible with Honeywell Series C DI module & Universal IO

8.2.6 Electrical
Coil side

Parameter Specification
Voltage 24V DC

Typical input current 8.00mA

Coil side protection Reverse polarity protection

Coil side indicator Activity indicator - Green LED

Typical response time 7mS

Typical release time 8mS

Power dissipation 200mW

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 54

Module power No external power
Contact Side

Contact type SPDT – COM & NO is wired to MTC

Contact material AgSnO2, gold plated

Contact side switching voltage 24V

Minimum switching current 10mA

Maximum continuous current 500mA

Mechanical endurance of relay 5 million operations

Coil to contact Isolation 1500V AC

8.2.7 Associated part numbers

Sl # Part details Model number Part number
1 FTA assembly CC-USCA01 51156590-100

3 MTC cable 51156516

8.2.8 Label

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 55

When the QR code is scanned, the following link will be opened.


8.2.9 Fuse rating

Field side connections of CC-UDIR01 module passes through the fuse arm which is
integrated with the FTA assembly which is designed to use standard M 5 x 20mm glass
fuse. In the case of Div2/zone2 installations instructions provided in HAZLOC manual to
be followed.

Recommended fuse rating for the field side connections of DIR would be 30mA.

8.2.10 Protection scheme

Field side connections (coil side) of CC-UDIR01 modules are provided with reverse polarity
protection diodes and freewheeling diodes for the coil.

8.2.11 Loop Typical

8.3 Universal Digital Output Relay (model CC-UDOR01)

8.3.1 Provide module descriptions, features.
CC-UDOR01 is a single channel relay output module for low voltage applications. Contact
side of the relay interfaces with the field device and the coil side gets connected to DCS.
This module does not require external power to operate. Relay used in CC-UDOR01
modules are electromechanical type.

8.3.2 Module physical specification

Dimensions 118 mm x 85.5 mm x10.0mm

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 56

Assembly option Backplane mount, screw less

Mistake proofing mistake proofing keys provided

8.3.3 Functional
CC-UDOR01 is a single channel relay output module for low voltage applications. Contact
side of the relay interfaces with the field device and the coil side gets connected to DCS.
This module does not require external power to operate.

8.3.4 Connections diagram

DO relay for 1 channel

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 57

8.3.5 Features
• Number of channels: 1

• Relay type - Electro mechanical

• Compatible with Honeywell Series C DO module & Universal IO

8.3.6 Electrical
Coil side

Coil voltage 24V DC

Typical input current 8.00mA

Coil side protection Reverse polarity protection

Coil side indicator Coil side activity indicator - Green LED

Typical response time 7mS

Typical release time 8mS

Power dissipation 200mW

Module power No external power required

Contact Side

Contact type SPDT with dedicated screw terminals on FTA for


Contact material AgSnO2, gold plated

Max contact side switching 24V


Minimum current 10mA

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 58

Maximum continuous current 1A

Maximum inrush current 2A

Load types Inductive, resistive

Mechanical endurance of relay 5 million operations

Isolation Coil to contact Isolation: 1500V AC rms

8.3.7 Associated part numbers

Sl # Part details Model number Part number
1 FTA assembly CC-USCA01 51156590-100

3 MTC cable 51156516

8.3.8 Label

When the QR code is scanned, the following link will be opened.


8.3.9 Fuse rating

Contact side connections from CC-UDOR01 gets connected to the field through the fuse
arm integrated to the FTA assembly where M5 x 20mm glass fuse can be installed. In the
Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 59
case of Div2/zone2 installations instructions provided in HAZLOC manual to be followed.
Exact current rating of the fuse may be decided based on the functional load current for a
given IO. Max continuous current is 1A and respective fuse rating could be 2A.

Protection scheme

IO side connections (coil side) of CC-UDOR01 modules are provided with reverse polarity
protection diodes and freewheeling diodes for the coil. Field side (contact) terminals are
provided with spark suppression circuits to ensure long term reliability of relay switching

8.3.10 Wiring options

CC-UDOR01 modules can be operated in 2 different wiring modes

• COM & NO/NC combinations can be used as dry contacts where the power from the field will get
switched based on DO channel activities at the IO side.

• Another option could be to wire the COM & NO/NC terminals to drive power to the field based on DO
activities. In this case, the field side power source must be in the cabinet. Wiring at field side terminal
block of FTA shall be done as shown in the following image, where COM to be connected to the source
and NO can be driven to field.

In this case, the return connection need to be connected back to power supply.

8.3.11Loop Typical

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 60

8.3.12LED Indications
These modules are provided with green color LED to indicate coil side activities.

8.4 Universal Analog Input barrier (model CC-UGAI01)

CC-UGAI01 is a single channel galvanically isolated analog input barrier module which
supports 4-20mA with HART. This module takes input from a field device and reflect the
field side signals to DCS.

8.4.1 Module physical specification

Parameter Specification
Dimensions 141.5mm (L) x 85.75mm (W) x10mm (H)

Assembly option Backplane mount, screw less

Mistake proofing mistake proofing keys provided

8.4.2 Features
• Single channel galvanically Isolated Analog Input Barrier.

• Transparent Open Wire Detection

• 3-way Isolation

• Supports HART communication

• Reverse Polarity Protection

• 2 wires, 3 wire & 4 wires (2 wire sink) supported

• Power LED indication

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 61

8.4.3 Connections diagram

Field side of CC-UGAI DCS side of CC-UGAI01

01module module

Wiring mode 4-20mA HART Source Sink mode 2 wire Sink mode
2 wires ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

3 wires ✓ ✓ ✓

4 wires (2 wire sink) ✓ ✓ ✓

8.4.4 Specification
Parameter Specifications

Physical Specification

Dimensions 141.5mm (L) x 85.75mm (W) x10mm (H).

Assembly option Backplane mount, screw less

Indicators Power ON (green LED)

Ambient Conditions

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 62

Ambient temperature (operation) -40 °C to + 70 °C

Ambient temperature
-40°C to + 85°C

Permissible humidity (operation) 5 % ... 95 % (non-condensing)

Non-Operational 1g 10Hz to 150Hz, Operational 0.5g 10Hz

to 150Hz

Shock 5g operational, 15g Non-Operational

Enclosure and Mounting

Assembly Base plate and housing

Base plate with DIN rail mount & snap housing to the base

Electrical Specifications

Power supply 24V DC

Rated Current 55mA at 24V

Power Consumption 1.32W

Power dissipation 1W. at 24V DC with 20mA loop current

Field side wire gauge 12-24 AWG


Ingress protection IP20 as per IEC 60529

Flammability rating V0 as per UL 94

Conformance ANSI/ISA 60079-0; 60079-15

EMC directive 2014/30/EU (IEC 61326-1 2012)

Certification IEC Ex, ATEX, cCSAus

Compliance RoHS

Galvanic Isolation

Input to output 1500 VAC

HAZLOC side interface

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 63

Input Channels 1 per module

Transfer accuracy at 20°C +/- 20uA

Influence of ambient temperature influence of ambient temperature reference to +20°C

a. -30 °C to +70°C : 2uA /°C

b. -40 °C to -30°C : 6uA /°C
Short circuit current 23.5mA

Available voltage at max load >16V at 20mA field side current

Type of devices connected Transmitters (4 to 20mA), 2 wires, 3 wires and 4 wire types

Safe side interface

Voltage Input 24V DC

Current Input 4 to 20mA

Current in open wire condition <150uA

Wiring scheme 2 wires

8.4.5 Associated part numbers

Sl # Part details Model number Part number
1 FTA assembly CC- UGIA01 51156590-100

3 MTC cable 51156516

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 64

8.4.6 Label

When the QR code is scanned, the following link will be opened.


8.4.7 List of IO modules supported

1 CC-PAIH01 High Level Analog Input with HART

2 CC-PAIH02 High Level Analog Input with HART

CC-TAIX01, High Level Analog Input with

CC-TAIX11 Differential/Single-ended non-HART

CC-TAIX01, High Level Analog Input with Differential

4 CC-PAIX01 AI-hl

CC-TAIN01, High Level Analog Input with non-HART 1

5 CC-PAIN01 AI-hl
CC-TAIN11 Modem, High Level Analog Input with HART


7 CC-PAIH51 CC-TAIX51, AIH High Level Analog Input with HART

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 65


8.4.8 Fuse rating

Field side terminals of FTA assembly is provided with options for install M5 x 20mm glass
fuse. In the case of Div2/zone2 installations instructions provided in HAZLOC manual to
be followed. Exact current rating of the fuse may be decided based on the functional load
current for a given IO.

8.4.9 Protection scheme

• Power supply terminals of the modules are provided with reverse polarity

• Power rail is provided with inrush current control

• Field side terminals are provided with short circuit protection and reverse polarity

• Modules are provided with mistake proofing keys

8.4.10 Conditions of use

Refer to HAZLOC manual (document number 50149737 ) for conditions of use.

8.5 Universal Analog Input isolator (model CC- UAIA01)

CC-UAIA01 is a single channel galvanically isolated analog input module which supports
4-20mA with HART. This module takes input from a field device and reflect the field side
signals to DCS.

8.5.1 Module physical specification

Dimensions 141.5mm (L) x 85.75mm (W) x10mm (H)

Assembly option Backplane mount, screw less

Mistake proofing mistake proofing keys provided

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 66

8.5.2 Features
• Single channel Isolated Analog Input isolator
• Transparent Open Wire Detection
• 3-way Isolation
• Supports HART communication
• Reverse Polarity Protection
• 2 wires, 3 wire & 4 wires (2 wire sink) supported
• Power LED indication

8.5.3 Connections diagram

Field side of CC-UGAI01 DCS side of CC-UGAI01

module module

Wiring mode 4-20mA HART Source Sink mode 2 wire Sink mode
2 wires ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

3 wires ✓ ✓ ✓

4 wires (2 wire sink) ✓ ✓ ✓

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 67

8.5.4 Specification
Physical Specification

Dimensions 141.5mm (L) x 85.75mm (W) x10mm (H).

Assembly option Back-plane mount, screw less

Indicators Power ON (green LED)

Ambient Conditions

Ambient temperature (operation) -40°C to + 70°C

Ambient temperature
-40°C to + 85°C

Permissible humidity (operation) 5 % ... 95 % (non-condensing)

Non-Operational 1g 10Hz to 150Hz, Operational 0.5g 10Hz

to 150Hz

Shock 5g operational, 15g Non-Operational

Enclosure and Mounting

Assembly Base plate and housing

Base plate with DIN rail mount & snap housing to the base

Electrical Specifications

Power 24V DC

Rated Current 55mA at 24V

Power Consumption 1.32W

Power dissipation 1W at 24V DC with 20mA loop current

Field side wire gauge 12-24 AWG


Ingress protection IP20 as per IEC 60529

Flammability rating V0 as per UL 94

Conformance ANSI/ISA 60079-0; 60079-15

EMC directive 2014/30/EU (IEC 61326-1 2012)

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 68

Certification IEC Ex, ATEX, cCSAus

Compliance RoHS

Galvanic Isolation

Input to output 1500 VAC

HAZLOC side interface

Input Channels 1 per module

Transfer accuracy at 20°C +/- 20uA

Influence of ambient temperature Influence of ambient temperature reference to +20°C

a. -30 °C to +70°C : 2uA /°C

b. -40 °C to -30°C : 6uA /°C
Short circuit current 23.5mA

Available voltage at max load >16V at 20mA field side current

Type of devices connected Transmitters (4 to 20mA), 2 wire, 3 wire and 4 wire types

Safe side interface

Voltage Input 24V DC

Current Input 4 to 20mA

Current during open wire condition <150uA

Wiring scheme 2 wire

8.5.5 Associated part numbers

Sl # Part details Model number Part number
1 FTA assembly CC- UGIA01 51156590-100

3 MTC cable 51156516

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 69

8.5.6 Label

When the QR code is scanned, the following link will be opened.


8.5.7 List of IO modules supported

1 CC-PAIH01 High Level Analog Input with HART

2 CC-PAIH02 High Level Analog Input with HART

CC-TAIX01, High Level Analog Input with

CC-TAIX11 Differential/Single-ended non-HART

CC-TAIX01, High Level Analog Input with Differential

4 CC-PAIX01 AI-hl

CC-TAIN01, High Level Analog Input with non-HART 1

5 CC-PAIN01 AI-hl
CC-TAIN11 Modem, High Level Analog Input with HART


7 CC-PAIH51 CC-TAIX51, AIH High Level Analog Input with HART

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 70


8.5.8 Fuse rating

Field side terminals of FTA assembly is provided with options for install M5 x 20mm glass
fuse. In the case of Div2/zone2 installations instructions provided in HAZLOC manual to
be followed. Exact current rating of the fuse may be decided based on the functional load
current for a given IO.

8.5.9 Protection scheme

• Power supply terminals of the modules are provided with reverse polarity

• Power rail is provided with inrush current control

• Field side terminals are provided with short circuit protection and reverse polarity

• Modules are provided with mistake proofing keys

8.5.10Conditions of use
Refer to HAZLOC manual (document number 50149737 ) for conditions of use.

8.6 Universal Analog Output barrier (model CC- UGAO01)

CC-UGAO01 is a single channel galvanically isolated analog output barrier module which
supports 4-20mA with HART. This module takes input from DCS and reflect this signal to
the field.

8.6.1 Module physical specification

Dimensions 141.5mm (L) x 85.75mm (W) x10mm (H)

Assembly option Backplane mount, screw less

Mistake proofing mistake proofing keys provided

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 71

8.6.2 Features
• Single channel Isolated Analog Output Barrier.
• Transparent Open Wire Detection
• 3-way Isolation
• Supports HART communication
• Reverse Polarity Protection
• Power LED indication

8.6.3 Connections diagram

Field side of CC-UGAO01 DCS side of CC-UGAO01

module module

Wiring mode 4-20mA HART Source Sink mode Source mode

2 wire ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

8.6.4 Specification
Parameter Specifications

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 72

Physical Specification

Dimensions 141.5mm (L) x 85.75mm (W) x10mm (H).

Assembly option Back-plane mount, screw less

Indicators Power ON (green LED)

Ambient Conditions

Ambient temperature (operation) -40°C to + 70°C

Ambient temperature
-40°C to + 85°C

Permissible humidity (operation) 5 % - 95 % (non-condensing)

Non-Operational 1g 10Hz to 150Hz, Operational 0.5g 10Hz

to 150Hz

Shock 5g operational, 15g Non-Operational

Enclosure and Mounting

Assembly Base plate and housing

Base plate with DIN rail mount & snap housing to the base

Electrical Specifications

Power 24V DC

Rated Current 55mA at 24V

Power Consumption 1.32W

Power dissipation 1.22W at 24V DC with 20mA loop current & 250 ohm load

Field side wire gauge 12-24 AWG


Ingress protection IP20 as per IEC 60529

Flammability rating V0 as per UL 94

Conformance ANSI/ISA 60079-0; 60079-15

EMC directive 2014/30/EU (IEC 61326-1 2012)

Certification IEC Ex, ATEX, cCSAus

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 73

Compliance RoHS

Galvanic Isolation

Input to output 1500 VAC

HAZLOC side interface

Input Channels 1 per module

Transfer accuracy at +/- 20uA


Influence of ambient Influence of ambient temperature reference to +20°C

-30 °C to +70°C : 2uA /°C

-40 °C to -30°C : 6uA /°C

Max load 650 ohms

Type of devices 2 wire type


Safe side interface

Voltage Input 24V DC

Current Input 4 to 20mA

Open wire current <3.7mA

Wiring scheme 2 wire

8.6.5 Associated part numbers

Sl # Part details Model number Part number
1 FTA assembly CC- UGIA01 51156590-100

3 MTC cable 51156516

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 74

8.6.6 Label

When the QR code is scanned, the following link will be opened.


8.6.7 List of IO modules supported

1 CC-PAON01 AO Analog Output with non-HART

2 CC-PAOX01 AO Analog Output with non-HART
3 CC-PAOH01 Analog Output with HART

8.6.8 Fuse rating

Field side terminals of FTA assembly is provided with options for install M5 x 20mm glass
fuse. In the case of Div2/zone2 installations instructions provided in HAZLOC manual to
Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 75
be followed. Exact current rating of the fuse may be decided based on the functional load
current for a given IO.

8.6.9 Protection scheme

• Power supply terminals of the modules are provided with reverse polarity

• Power rail is provided with inrush current control

• Field side terminals are provided with short circuit protection and reverse polarity

• Modules are provided with mistake proofing keys

8.6.10Conditions of use
Refer to HAZLOC manual (document number 50149737 ) for conditions of use.

8.7 Universal Analog Output barrier (model CC- UAOA01)

CC-UAOA01 is a single channel galvanically isolated analog output module which
supports 4-20mA with HART. This module takes input from DCS and reflect this signal to
the field.

8.7.1 Module physical specification

Dimensions 141.5mm (L) x 85.75mm (W) x10mm (H)

Assembly option Backplane mount, screw less

Mistake proofing mistake proofing keys provided

8.7.2 Features
• Single channel Isolated Analog Output module.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 76

• Transparent Open Wire Detection
• 3-way Isolation
• Supports HART communication
• Reverse Polarity Protection
• Power LED indication

8.7.3 Connections diagram

Field side of CC-UAOA01 DCS side of CC-UAOA01

module module

Wiring mode 4-20mA HART Source Sink mode Source mode

2 wire ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

8.7.4 Specification
Parameter Specifications

Physical Specification

Dimensions 141.5mm (L) x 85.75mm (W) x10mm (H).

Assembly option Back-plane mount, screw less

Indicators Power ON (green LED)

Ambient Conditions

Ambient temperature (operation) -40°C to + 70°C

Ambient temperature
-40°C to + 85°C

Permissible humidity (operation) 5 % - 95 % (non-condensing)

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 77

Non-Operational 1g 10Hz to 150Hz, Operational 0.5g 10Hz
to 150Hz

Shock 5g operational, 15g Non-Operational

Enclosure and Mounting

Assembly Base plate and housing

Base plate with DIN rail mount & snap housing to the base

Electrical Specifications

Power 24V DC

Rated Current 55mA at 24V

Power Consumption 1.32W at 20mA

Power dissipation 1.22W at 24V DC with 20mA loop current & 250 ohm load

Field side wire gauge 12-24 AWG


Ingress protection IP20 as per IEC 60529

Flammability rating V0 as per UL 94

Conformance ANSI/ISA 60079-0; 60079-15

EMC directive 2014/30/EU (IEC 61326-1 2012)

Certification IEC Ex, ATEX, cCSAus

Compliance RoHS

Galvanic Isolation

Input to output 1500 VAC

HAZLOC side interface

Input Channels 1 per module

Transfer accuracy at 20°C +/- 20uA

Max load 650 ohms

Type of devices connected 2 wire type

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 78

Influence of ambient temperature Influence of ambient temperature reference to +20°C

a. -30 °C to +70°C : 2uA /°C

b. -40 °C to -30°C : 6uA /°C

Safe side interface

Voltage Input 24V DC

Current Input 4 to 20mA

Open wire current <3.7mA

Wiring scheme 2 wire

8.7.5 Associated part numbers

Sl # Part details Model number Part number
1 FTA assembly CC- UGIA01 51156590-100

3 MTC cable 51156516

8.7.6 Label

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 79

When the QR code is scanned, the following link will be opened.


8.7.7 List of IO modules supported

1 CC-PAON01 AO Analog Output with non-HART

2 CC-PAOX01 AO Analog Output with non-HART
3 CC-PAOH01 Analog Output with HART

8.7.8 Fuse rating

Field side terminals of FTA assembly is provided with options for install M5 x 20mm glass
fuse. In the case of Div2/zone2 installations instructions provided in HAZLOC manual to
be followed. Exact current rating of the fuse may be decided based on the functional load
current for a given IO.

8.7.9 Protection scheme

• Power supply terminals of the modules are provided with reverse polarity

• Power rail is provided with inrush current control

• Field side terminals are provided with short circuit protection and reverse polarity

• Modules are provided with mistake proofing keys

8.7.10Conditions of use
Refer to HAZLOC manual (document number 50149737) for conditions of use.

8.8 Universal Digital Input Output barrier (model CC- UGDA01)

CC-UGDA01 is a single channel galvanically isolated digital input/output barrier
module. This module configure itself to DI/DO mode based on IO module type interfaced
at DCS side. DIO module also supports DI NAMUR mode.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 80

8.8.1 Module physical specification

Dimensions 141.5mm (L) x 85.75mm (W) x10mm (H)

Assembly option Backplane mount, screw less

Mistake proofing mistake proofing keys provided

8.8.2 Features
• Single channel Isolated Digital Input Output Barrier.
• Interfaces with Digital Inputs or Digital Outputs
• Self-Configuring Digital Input Output Module
• Digital Input support for NAMUR sensors or Dry Contacts
• Digital Output Drive up to 40mA
• Transparent Open Wire Detection
• 3 way Isolation
• Field Device Status Indication
• Reverse Polarity Protection

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 81

8.8.3 Connections diagram

8.8.4 Specification
Parameter Specification
Input / Output Model CC-UGDA01 - IS Digital Barrier Module

Power Supply

Supply 24V DC

Rated Current
<= 22mA @ 7.5mA Load (DI)
<= 67mA @ 40mA Load (DO)
Power Consumption 525mW @ 7.5mA Load (DI)
1.608W @ 40mA Load (DO)
Power Dissipation 1.1W at 24V supply, 300Ω output load

Electrical Isolation

Power/Control to Field 1500 VAC

Digital Inputs

Input Channels 1

HAZLOC Terminals Through 3 tier terminal blocks on CC-UGIA01

A(+), B(-) for DI dry contacts
C(+), B(-) for DI NAMUR Sensor
Input Type DI NAMUR Sensor (IEC/EN 60947-5-6),
Dry Contacts
DI NAMUR Open Source Voltage 10V, 1KΩ Series Resistance

Current Output (Low Current Mode) <= 8mA, Source Mode

Current for Guaranteed ON Condition > 2.1mA

Current for Guaranteed OFF Condition > 1.2mA

Status Indication LED GREEN: DI ON

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 82

OFF : Open Wire
Control Terminals

Voltage Input 24V DC

Current Input Sink Mode

ON >2.1mA … <7mA
OFF < 1.2mA
Open Wire < 100uA
Settling Time < 1ms

Digital Outputs

HAZLOC interface

HAZLOC Terminals Through 3 tier terminal blocks on CC-UGIA01

A+(+), B-(-) for DO
Output Type Solenoid Valves, Relays Coils, Alarms

DO Open Source Voltage ~21.5V

Current Output (High Current Mode) 12V/40mA at 300Ω load

Current Output Limit (High Current Mode) 48mA max

Current Output Limit (Low Current Mode) 8mA max

Safe side interface

DO On/OFF Voltage Thresholds ON → 18 … 30V

OFF → 0 ... 5V
DO On/OFF Current Sink Mode
ON >2.1mA … <7mA
OFF : 1mA
Open Wire < 100uA
Response Time < 1ms


Ingress protection IP20 as per IEC 60529

Flammability rating V0 as per UL 94

Conformance ANSI/ISA 60079-0; 60079-15

EMC directive 2014/30/EU (IEC 61326-1 2012)

Certification IEC Ex, ATEX, cCSAus

Compliance RoHS

Entity parameters

Parameter Specification

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 83

Maximum Safe Voltage (Um) 250V

Field Terminal A+(+), B-(-) DI Dry Contact/DO

Uo 25.2 V

Io 129.4 mA

Po 816 mW

Field Terminal C(+), B-(-) DI NAMUR Sensor

Uo 12.6 V

Io 13.3 mA

Po 41.8 mW
Additional Configuration

The IS Digital Barrier Module additionally supports configurations with a use of a DIP switch located in the
front panel of the module.

Switch Position Configuration Specification

1 Up Field Current Output Low Current Mode

Down High Current Mode

* this is a dual pole switch, second pole is reserved for future

8.8.5 Label

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 84

When the QR code is scanned, the following link will be opened.


8.8.6 List of IO modules supported

IO module IOTA IO type Description

1 CC-PDIL01 DI-24 Low Voltage Digital Input (24 volts DC)

2 CC-PDIS01 DI-SOE Low Voltage Digital Input (24 volts DC)

Bussed Low Voltage Digital Output (24 volts
3 CC-PDOB01 DO-24B

4 CC-PDIL51 DI-24 Low Voltage Digital Input (24 volts DC)


8.8.7 Fuse rating

Field side terminals of FTA assembly is provided with options for install M5 x 20mm glass
fuse. In the case of Div2/zone2 installations instructions provided in HAZLOC manual to
be followed. Exact current rating of the fuse may be decided based on the functional load
current for a given IO.

8.8.8 Protection scheme

• Power supply terminals of the modules are provided with reverse polarity

• Power rail is provided with inrush current control

• Field side terminals are provided with short circuit protection and reverse polarity

• Modules are provided with mistake proofing keys

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 85

8.9 Universal Digital Input Output isolator (model CC- UDXA01)
CC- UDXA01is a single channel galvanically isolated digital input/output module. This
module configure itself to DI/DO mode based on IO module type interfaced at DCS side.
DIO module also supports DI NAMUR mode.

8.9.1 Module physical specification

Dimensions 141.5mm (L) x 85.75mm (W) x10mm (H)

Assembly option Backplane mount, screw less

Mistake proofing mistake proofing keys provided

8.9.2 Features
• Single channel Isolated Digital Input Output Isolator .
• Interfaces with Digital Inputs or Digital Outputs
• Self-Configuring Digital Input Output Module
• Digital Input support for NAMUR sensors or Dry Contacts
• Digital Output Drive up to 40mA
• Transparent Open Wire Detection
• 3 way Isolation
• Field Device Status Indication
• Reverse Polarity Protection

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 86

8.9.3 Connections diagram

8.9.4 Specification
Parameter Specification
Input / Output Model CC-UDXA01 - IS Digital Isolator Module

Power Supply

Supply 24V DC

Rated Current <= 22mA @ 7.5mA Load (DI)

<= 67mA @ 40mA Load (DO)
Power Consumption 525mW @ 7.5mA Load (DI)
1.608W @ 40mA Load (DO)
Power Dissipation 1.1W at 24V supply, 300Ω output load

Electrical Isolation

Power/Control to Field 1500 VAC

Digital Inputs

Field interface
Field Terminals Through 3 tier terminal blocks on CC-UGIA01
A(+), B(-) for DI dry contacts
C(+), B(-) for DI NAMUR Sensor
Input Type DI NAMUR Sensor (IEC/EN 60947-5-6),
Dry Contacts
DI NAMUR Open Source Voltage 10V, 1KΩ Series Resistance

Current Output (Low Current Mode) <= 8mA, Source Mode

Current for Guaranteed ON Condition > 2.1mA

Current for Guaranteed OFF Condition > 1.2mA

Status Indication LED GREEN: DI ON


Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 87

OFF : Open Wire

Control Terminals

Voltage Input 24V DC

Current Input Sink Mode

ON >2.1mA … <7mA
OFF < 1.2mA
Open Wire < 100uA
Settling Time < 1ms

Digital Outputs

Output Channels 1

Field Terminals

Field Terminals Through 3 tier terminal blocks on CC-UGIA01

A+(+), B-(-) for DO
Output Type Solenoid Valves, Relays Coils, Alarms

DO Open Source Voltage ~21.5V

Current Output (High Current Mode) 12V/40mA at 300Ω load

Current Output Limit (High Current Mode) 48mA max

Current Output Limit (Low Current Mode) 8mA max


Ingress protection IP20 as per IEC 60529

Flammability rating V0 as per UL 94

Conformance ANSI/ISA 60079-0; 60079-15

EMC directive 2014/30/EU (IEC 61326-1 2012)

Certification IEC Ex, ATEX, cCSAus

Compliance RoHS
Additional Configuration

The IS Digital Barrier Module additionally supports configurations with a use of a DIP switch located in the
front panel of the module.

Switch Position Configuration Specification

1 Up Field Current Output Low Current Mode

Down High Current Mode

* this is a dual pole switch, second pole is reserved for future

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 88

8.9.5 Label

When the QR code is scanned, the following link will be opened.


8.9.6 List of IO modules supported

IO module IOTA IO type Description

1 CC-PDIL01 CC-TDIL01, CC-TDIL11 DI-24 Low Voltage Digital Input (24 volts DC)

2 CC-PDIS01 CC-TDIL01, CC-TDIL11 DI-SOE Low Voltage Digital Input (24 volts DC)

3 CC-PDOB01 CC-TDOB01, CC-TDOB11 DO-24B Bussed Low Voltage Digital Output (24 volts DC)

4 CC-PDIL51 CC-TDIL51, CC-TDIL61 DI-24 Low Voltage Digital Input (24 volts DC)


8.9.7 Fuse rating

Field side terminals of FTA assembly is provided with options for install M5 x 20mm glass
fuse. In the case of Div2/zone2 installations instructions provided in HAZLOC manual to
be followed. Exact current rating of the fuse may be decided based on the functional load
current for a given IO.

8.9.8 Protection scheme

• Power supply terminals of the modules are provided with reverse polarity

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 89

• Power rail is provided with inrush current control

• Field side terminals are provided with short circuit protection and reverse polarity

• Modules are provided with mistake proofing keys

8.10 Low Level Input Adapter (CC-ULLI01)

This document provides technical information on the Low Level Input Adapter.

The CC-ULLIO1 is a universal low level signal conditioning module which acts as isolated
barrier and used for intrinsic safety applications.

CC-ULLIO1 is high performance temperature adapter that supports measurement using

thermocouples (TC), millivolts, potentiometers, or resistance temperature detectors (RTD)
from a hazardous area and converts them to an isolated linearized analog output in the
safe area.

This temperature Adapter is suitable for the majority of process applications including
those for control and safety while delivering excellent performance at a lower operational
cost. The module offers high accuracy and stability over a wide range of process and
ambient temperatures.

The adapter is installed in a universal signal conditioning assembly (USCA01).

CC-ULLIO1 is a single channel low level analog input module (also called as SCA TC/RTD
Adapter) which measures the temperature of a process using TC and RTD Sensors and
reports the measurements to the receiving IO Module. The module can be configured
through Experion either as TC / mV input Or 2Wire /3Wire RTD / Ohms input and
communicates over 4-20mA with Series C UIO2 module.

The CC-ULLIO1 is a loop powered device which source the power directly from the UIO2
input channel and transmits the data over same channel. The UIO2 module process this
data and communicates with Experion which displays the actual process value. The
process value can be displayed in units such as deg C, deg F, Kelvin and Percentage
depending on the configuration.

The CC-ULLIO1 also does cold junction compensation for temperature measurements
with thermocouple sensor.

The adapter is installed in USCA slots which connects to DCS side through MTC cable.

CC-USCA01 is a back plane assembly which can accommodate 16 signals of CC-ULLIO1

modules. Field side terminals of each channel is provided with integrated fuse and knife
disconnect function. DCS side interface is provided through a single mass termination
cable (MTC) which connects all 16 channels. CC-USCA01 is DIN rail mountable.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 90

8.10.2Module Physical Specification

Parameter Specification
Dimensions 141.5mm (L) x 85.75mm (W) x10mm (H)

Assembly option Backplane mount, screw less

Mistake proofing mistake proofing keys provided

• Single input temperature module configurable as Thermocouple Or RTD.

• Loop Powered

• Analog 4-20mA Output

• 1500 VDC Galvanic isolation between input and output

• Sensor Break Detection and comprehensive diagnostics.

• 500ms update rate.

• Loop accuracy ± 0.025% Span

• Improved measurement stability

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 91

8.10.4 Connections diagram

The field side wiring of CC-ULLIO1 channel on USCA for various input types can be connected as follows.

Thermocouple, RTD Ohm and mV Connections

The mV/ TC uses two input terminals, whereas Ohms/RTD can be connected in 2Wire or 3Wire fashion as shown
above. It is recommended to use the shielded twisted pair field wiring for improved noise performance.


Parameter Specifications

Physical Specification

Dimensions 118 mm (D) x 85.5 mm (W) x 10.0mm (H)

Assembly option Back plane mount, screw less

Mistake Proof Mechanical Keys

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 92

Indicators None

Ambient Conditions

Ambient temperature (operation) -40 degree C to + 70 degree C

Ambient temperature (storage/transport) -40 degree C to + 85 degree C

Permissible humidity (operation) 5 % ... 95 % (non-condensing)

Vibration Non-Operational 1g 10Hz to 150Hz, Operational 0.5g 10Hz to 150Hz

Shock 5g operational, 15g Non-Operational

Electrical Specifications

Sensor Inputs & Types TC / Millivolts , 2W/3W RTD / Ohms

Sensor Types – TC B, C ,E, J, K, N , R, S, T, L (ITS -90)

Pt100, Pt200 (α = 0.00385) --- Per IEC751

Ni 120 (α = 0.00672) --- Edison Curve #7
Sensor Types – RTD Pt 50 ,Pt100 (α = 0.00391) --- GOST 6651-94
Cu50, Cu100 (α = 0.00496) --- GOST 6651-94
Cu50, Cu100 (α = 0.00428) --- GOST 6651-94

Millivolts Ranges -7 to 22 mV , -20 to 125 mV

Ohms Range 0 to 500 Ohms , 0 to 2K Ohms

Galvanic isolation between DCS to Field 1500 VDC

Power Loop Powered (4-20mA) ; 24V DC (+/- 10%)

Start Up Time 6 Secs

Update Time 500 mSec

Communication Protocol (LLIA - DCS) Analog 4-20 mA

Damping Time Constant Default: 0.3 seconds

Lightning Protection Impulse rating: 8/20 uS 5000 A (>10 strikes) 10000 A (1 strike min.)
10/1000 uS 200 A (> 300 strikes)

Power Consumption 400 mW

Performance Specifications

Cold Junction Accuracy ± 1.0 °C

Analog Output Accuracy (D/A) ± 0.025 % Span @ 25°C

RTD : ± 0.65 ° C
Reference Accuracy @ 25 ° C Thermocouple : ± 0.1 % to 0.15% Of Full Span (° C)

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 93

Output D/A: 0.0045 % of span/°C

Thermocouple : 0.02°C /°C + 0.0045% of span/°C

RTD : (Pt100,Ni120,Pt50,Cu50,Cu100) and 500 Ohms :

Ambient Temperature Effect
0.015°C /°C + 0.0045% of span/°C

Pt200 and 500 Ohms : 0.030°C /°C + 0.045% of span/°C

Span : Span of full scale range of RTD and TC

Honeywell Standard
Output Failure Modes Normal Limits: 3.8 – 20.8 mA
Failure Mode: ≤ 3.6 mA and ≥ 21.5 mA

Sensor Lead Wire Resistance: RTD: 25 ohms / line

- Sensor Input Open ( RTD / Ohms , TC / mV)

- Sensor Input Short ( RTD Only)
Sensor Diagnostics
- Sensor Out Of Range
- Electronic Module Failure

Safety Compliance SIL 2/3 Readiness

Common Mode :
AC (50 or 60 Hz) : 120dB (with maximum source impedance of 100 Ohms)
Stray Rejection DC :120dB (with maximum source impedance of 100 Ohms)
Normal Mode :
AC (50 or 60 Hz): 60 dB (with 100% span peak-to-peak maximum)


Sensor Configuration / Diagnostics From Experion System

Default Factory Configuration K – Type TC

Measurement Units Supported Deg C (default ) , Deg F, Kelvin , Percentage

Certifications and Compliance

Ingress protection IP20 as per IEC 60529

Flammability rating V0 as per UL 94

Conformance ANSI/ISA 60079-0; 60079-15

EMC directive IEC 61326-1 2012

Certification IEC Ex, ATEX, cCSAus

Compliance RoHS

Input Types and Ranges

Input Types Maximum Range Limits Standards

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 94

RTD (2 , 3 wire) °C °F

Pt100 ( α =0.00385) -200 to 850 -328 to 1562 IEC751:1990

Pt200 ( α =0.00385) -200 to 850 -328 to 1562 IEC751:1990

Ni 1205 (α=0.00672) -80 to 260 -112 to 500 Edison Curve #7

Pt505 ( α =0.00391) -200 to 600 -328 to 1112 GOST 6651-94

Pt1005 ( α =0.00391) -200 to 600 -328 to 1112 GOST 6651-94

Cu 505 (α=0.00426) -50 to 200 -58 to 392 GOST 6651-94

Cu 1005 (α=0.00426) -50 to 200 -58 to 392 GOST 6651-94

Cu 505 (α=0.00428) -200 to 200 -328 to 392 GOST 6651-94

Cu 1005 (α=0.00428) -200 to 200 -328 to 392 GOST 6651-94

Thermocouples °C °F

B 200 to 1820 392 to 3308 ANSI / ASTM E-230 (ITS-90)

C 0 to 2300 32 to 4172 ANSI / ASTM E-230 (ITS-90)

E -200 to 1000 -328 to 1832 ANSI / ASTM E-230 (ITS-90)

J -200 to 1200 -200 to 2192 ANSI / ASTM E-230 (ITS-90)

K -200 to 1370 -328 to 2498 ANSI / ASTM E-230 (ITS-90)

N -200 to 1300 -328 to 2372 ANSI / ASTM E-230 (ITS-90)

R -50 to 1760 -58 to 3200 ANSI / ASTM E-230 (ITS-90)

S -50 to 1760 -58 to 3200 ANSI / ASTM E-230 (ITS-90)

T -250 to 400 -418 to 752 ANSI / ASTM E-230 (ITS-90)

L -200 to 800 -328 to 1472 GOST R 8.585-2001

Other Input Standards
Maximum Range Limits Accuracy

Millivolts ( Range 1) -7 to 22 mV 0.017 mV --

Millivolts ( Range 2) -20 to 125 mV 0.051 mV --
Ohms ( Range 1) 0 to 500 Ohms 0.47 Ohms --
Ohms ( Range 2) 0 to 2000 Ohms 0.71 Ohms --

1. Above performance specifications are specified at reference conditions of 25°C
2. For Thermocouple inputs, CJC accuracy shall be added to the reference accuracy to calculate the total digital
3. The additional error due to temperature drift shall be taken into account for change in ambient from reference
conditions .
4. Spec for ambient change : Reference Accuracy + Ambient Temp Effect.
Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 95
5. For better stability and accuracy of measurements, the CC-ULLI01 module needs stabilization time of 45 mins
after Powerup.


When the QR code is scanned, the following link will be opened.


8.10.7List of IO modules supported

S.No IO module IOTA IO type Description

1 CC-PUIO31 UIO-2 Universal IO Module 2

8.10.8Fuse rating
Field side terminals of FTA assembly is provided with options for install M5 x 20mm glass
fuse. In the case of Div2/zone2 installations instructions provided in HAZLOC manual to
be followed. Exact current rating of the fuse may be decided based on the functional load
current for a given IO.

8.10.9Protection scheme
• CC-ULLI01 module has inbuilt Surge protection for TC and RTD inputs.

• Modules are provided with mistake proofing keys

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 96

8.10.10 Conditions of use
1. TC/RTD modules found to perform with better stability and accuracy when installed
alone with 1 slot gap between 3 SCA TC modules bunch in FTA.

2. CC-ULLI01 TC module shall use first 8 slots of FTA from bottom side as it provides
better stability for CJC.

3. The use of CC-ULLI01 TC modules is restricted with AI/AO/DIO barrier modules.

4. CC-ULLI01 TC Modules can be used with combination of DI/DO Relay and

feedthrough provided a gap of 1 slot between SCA TC module and other modules
(DIR/DOR/feedthrough) is maintained.

5. USCA installed with CC-ULLI01 (TC /RTD) module shall be placed at the bottom side
of the cabinet.

6. All 16 slots in FTA can be used with SCA TC modules provided the FTA is placed

in horizontal position in the cabinet.

7. The recommended installation for this mix combination shall be as shown in the
diagram –


MTC Connector
Top DOR\DIR\Feedthrough
LLIA Module
LLIA Module
LLIA Module
LLIA Module
LLIA Module
Bottom LLIA Module

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 97

9 Troubleshooting

9.1 CC-USCA0s1
Observations Inputs for troubleshooting
1 Power indicator LED Indicates that 24V DC power is not reaching the back plane.
on back plane is OFF Check is the power supply is active/operational and any
fuse provided for this power rail (external to SCA) is blown.

Also check for any loose connection of power cable to the 2-

pin power terminal block on SCA backplane.

2 One of the slots in Mistake proofing keys got 2 parts. One part goes into the
back plane is specific slot in the back plane and the other part stays with
configured wrongly the module. The part which goes into the back plane
by mistake-proofing prevents a wrong module insertion. Revising a slot type can
key. be done by pulling out the mistake proofing key from the
back plane using a nose plier. Please refer to section 7.9 &
7.10 for more details.

3 Unable to remove Fuse levers are designed to physically remove from

the fuse from fuse backplane (optionally) assembly by opening the lever and
lever of one of the pulling it out. Refer to section 7.12 for more details. Fuse
field channels in FTA lever can be removed, and fuse can be replaced and
back plane inserted back to the same slot.

4 Backplane assembly There are two captive screws (one at the top side and one at
is sliding down in a bottom side) on the base plate of backplane which engages
vertical DIN rail the DIN rail to hold it steady in a vertical assembly. Check
assembly these screws and tighten it.

5 Unable to open Operating sequence for fuse and disconnect levers and the
disconnect levers or tool details are provided in section 9.13 for more details.
fuse levers Please follow these operating instructions

6 Backplane assembly Backplane housing is assembled on to the back-plane base

is loose on DIN rail. by snaps. Check if these snaps are engaged.

7 Unable to plug in Check if the mistake proofing keys in the back plane in that
module to a slot of slot preventing the module to slide in. two ways
back plane

• The slot is wrongly configured by mistake-proofing


Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 98

• Backplane slot is configured for a different type of
SCA module.

If wrongly configured the following steps can be followed.

Mistake proofing keys got 2 parts. One part goes into the
specific slot in the back plane and the other part stays with
the module. The part which goes into the back plane
prevents a wrong module insertion. Revising a slot type can
be done by pulling out the mistake proofing key from the
back plane using a nose plier.

8 Blown fuse Open the fuse lever on the FTA assembly and replace the
indication fuse and close the lever. Refer to section 7.11 for more

9.2 CC-UDOR01
Observations Inputs for trouble shooting
1 DCS side IO is 1. Check MTC connection from DCS to SCA back plane.
activated activities Remove and re-insert the module so that it sits in the
but no coil side LED backplane slot tightly.
indication in DOR 2. If MTC is ok and still LED indication not active, the
module module may be faulty. Replace the module.

1 DO relay not 1. Activate the DO channel from DCS side and check
functional. LED indication (GREEN) on relay module is ON. If the
LED is not turning ON check MTC connection from
DCS to SCA back plane
1. If MTC is ok and still LED indication not active, the
module may be faulty and need to be replaced.

2 DO relay indications Check the field side fuse, replace the fuse if blown.
are ON but output
signal not reaching
If fuse is ok and still fault persist, check if the knife
field device
disconnect lever is closed properly
Check wire connection to the terminal blocks
Still if fault persist consider replacing the module

3 LED is functional Few possibilities

and indicating coil 1. Field side cables are faulty (open wire or short wire).
side activity of the Check the field cables and confirm such faults are
relay. But field side rectified
device connected to
2. Field side cables are ok, but the fuse provided on FTA
the contact side is
for field side terminals is blown. If this is the case the

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 99

not operating fuse blown LED will glow. Replacing fuse will rectify
accordingly. this issue.
3. If options 1 and 2 are checked and rectified and still
issue persists, check if the ticking sound of the relay
can be heard. If no ticking heard it’s possible that the
module is faulty. It is recommended to replace the
module in such cases.
4. If all above options are not yielding results this
module can be faulty. It is recommended to replace it.
5. If all above options are not yielding positive results,
there can be some fault with FTA. One option could be
to shift the module to a new slot if that is possible.
Else replace the FTA itself
6. If none of the above steps are helping to resolve the
issue, please check the health of field device itself.

3 Output is going OFF Relay NO and NC connections to field might have

when relay is interchanged.
switched ON (or vice

9.3 CC-UDIR01
Observations Inputs for trouble shooting
1 DCS side DI 1. Activate the DI channel from field side and check LED
channels are indication (GREEN) on relay module is ON. If the LED
functional but the is not turning ON, then
channel is not ⎯ check field side connections
receiving DI signals
⎯ check if fuse blown indication is active, replace
from DIR module.
the fuse if required
⎯ check if the disconnect levers are closed
2. Check if MTC is ok
3. Still if DI is not functional consider replacing DIR

1 DI relay not 1. Activate the DI channel from field side and check LED
functional. indication (GREEN) on relay module is ON. If the LED
is not turning ON, then
⎯ check field side connections
⎯ check if fuse is blown, replace the fuse if

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 100

⎯ check if the disconnect levers are closed
2. Check if MTC is ok
3. Still if DI is not functional consider replacing DIR

2 DI relay indications 1. Check MTC cable connections.

are ON but output 2. Check if the relay tick sound can be heard when
signal not reaching activated from field side. This indicates that the relay
DCS side IO module is operational. In such cases check the MTC cable
3. If the relay is not ticking, recommendation is to
replace DIR module.
4. If all above troubleshooting options are not yielding
positive results, recommendation would be to try a
spare slot in FTA if possible. Else replace the FTA

9.4 CC-UPTA01
Observations Inputs for trouble shooting
1 PTA not functional. • check field side connections
• check if Fuse on Disconnect board is blown, replace
the fuse if required
• check if the disconnect levers are closed properly
• Check if MTC is ok
• Still if PTA is not functional consider replacing the
• If none of the above options are yielding positive
results, consider using an alternate channel in same
FTA if possible
• Else replace the FTA itself.

9.5 CC- UGAI01 & CC-UAIA01

Observations Inputs for trouble shooting

1 UGAI / UAIA not • UGAI / UAIA needs power to work, check if 24V DC
functional connection is made to FTA. Ensure power LED

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 101

(Green) on FTA is ON. Else check the power
connection & power source to FTA.
• Check if UGAI / UAIA module is plugged in properly.
Check if the power LED on UGAI is ON. If not check
the power connection & power source to FTA.
• check field side connections. Make sure the
connections are made to the correct set of terminal
• check if Fuse on Disconnect board is blown, replace
the fuse if required
• check if the disconnect levers are closed properly
• Check if MTC is ok
• Check if the DCS side modules types and
configurations are accurate
• Still if the module is not functional consider
replacing the module
• If none of the above options are yielding positive
results, consider using an alternate channel in same
FTA if possible
• Else replace the FTA itself.

• Check MTC cable and make sure cable is not faulty

and the connector are plugged properly
• Make sure the module is plugged in to the correct
slot on FTA which is matching with the channel
number configured in DCS
• Make sure correct module type is used at DCS side
and this module configuration in Experion is correct
• If all above conditions are good and still open wire is
reported by DCS, recommend checking this slot of
FTA with a PTA module (remember, PTA works only
for 2 wire source mode).
UGAI / UAIA powered
on , field side • If DCS is recovering from NaN with PTA plugged in,
connections are fine then consider replacing UGAI / UAIA module.
but DCS side is showing • If DCS is not recovering from NaN when PTA is plugged in,
NaN then consider replacing FTA.

• Check field side connections are intact

UGAI / UAIA powered
• Make sure fuse on FTA fuse lever is good
on, field side
connections are fine • Make sure disconnect arm is closed properly

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 102

but DCS side is showing • Make sure MTC cable is functionally good and the
open wire connectors are plugged properly
• Check if the module power LED is ON

• If all above conditions are good and still open wire is

reported by DCS, recommend to check this
particular slot of FTA with a PTA module (remember,
PTA works only for 2 wire source mode).

• If DCS is recovering from open wire alarm with PTA

plugged in, then consider replacing UGAI / UAIA
• If DCS is not recovering from open wire fault when
PTA is plugged in, then consider replacing FTA.

9.6 CC- UGAO01 & CC-UAOA01

Observations Inputs for trouble shooting
1 • UGAO / UAOA needs power to work, check if 24V DC
connection is made to FTA. Ensure power LED
(Green) on FTA is ON. Else check the power
connection & power source to FTA.
• Check if UGAO / UAOA module is plugged in properly.
Check if the power LED on UGAO / UAOA is ON. If not
check the power connection & power source to FTA.
• check field side connections. Make sure the
connections are made to the correct set of terminal
• check if Fuse on Disconnect board is blown, replace
the fuse if required
• check if the disconnect levers are closed properly
• Check if MTC is ok
• Check if the DCS side modules types and
configurations are accurate
Still if the module is not functional consider replacing the
If none of the above options are yielding positive results,
UGAO / UAOA not consider using an alternate channel in same FTA if possible
functional Else replace the FTA itself.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 103

• Check MTC cable and make sure cable is not faulty
and the connector are plugged properly
• Make sure the module is plugged in to the correct
slot on FTA which is matching with the channel
number configured in DCS
• Make sure correct module type is used at DCS side
and this module configuration in Experion is correct
If all above conditions are good and still open wire is
reported by DCS, recommend checking this slot of
FTA with a PTA module (remember, PTA works only
for 2 wire source mode).
UGAO / UAOA powered
on, field side • If DCS is recovering from NaN with PTA plugged in,
connections are fine then consider replacing UGAI / UAIA module.
but DCS side is showing • If DCS is not recovering from NaN when PTA is plugged in,
NaN then consider replacing FTA.

• Check field side connections are intact

• Make sure fuse on FTA fuse lever is good
• Make sure disconnect arm is closed properly
• Make sure MTC cable is functionally good and the
connectors are plugged properly
• Check if the module power LED is ON
• If all above conditions are good and still open wire is
reported by DCS, recommend checking this slot of
FTA with a PTA module (remember, PTA works only
for 2 wire source mode).

UGAO / UAOA powered • If DCS is recovering from open wire alarm with PTA
on, field side plugged in, then consider replacing UGAI / UAIA
connections are fine module.
but DCS side is showing • If DCS is not recovering from open wire fault when
open wire PTA is plugged in, then consider replacing FTA.

9.7 CC- UGDA01 and CC-UDXA01

# Observations Inputs for trouble shooting
1. Power LED on the UGDA / UDXA module should be
DI/DO Channel in
ON (GREEN). If LED is OFF, check the following.
1 DCS Always Shows
Open Wire Fault • UGDA / UDXA requires 24V DC power to function,
check if 24V DC connection is made to FTA. Ensure

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 104

power LED on FTA is ON(Green). If OFF, check the
supply wiring to the power connector & power
source to FTA.
• Check if UGDA / UDXA module is plugged in properly.
Unplug the module and reinsert the module into the
2. Status LED on the UGDA / UDXA module should be
ON (AMBER or RED). If LED is OFF, check the
• Check field side connections. Make sure the
connections are made to the correct set of terminal
• Check if Fuse on Disconnect board is intact, replace
the fuse if required
• Check if the disconnect levers are closed properly
• Check MTC cable and make sure cable is not faulty
and the connector is plugged in properly
• Make sure the UGDA / UDXA module is plugged in to
the correct slot on FTA which is matching with the
channel number configured in DCS
• Make sure correct module type is used at DCS side
and this module configuration in Experion is correct

1. Status LED on the UGDA / UDXA module should be

ON (AMBER) when load current >2.1mA. If LED is
RED or OFF, check the following.
• Check field side connections. Make sure the
connections are made to the correct set of terminal

DO Field device does • Check if Fuse on Disconnect board is blown, replace

not turn ON even the fuse if required
when Series UIO DO • Check if the disconnect levers are closed properly
shows ON • Check MTC cable and make sure cable is not faulty
and the connector is plugged in properly.
• Make sure the module is plugged in to the correct
slot on FTA which is matching with the channel
number configured in DCS.
2. Check if the “Open Wire” configuration in Series C
UIO DO is enabled. If yes,

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 105

• Uncheck the “Open Wire” checkbox using Control
3. Check the specification for the DO drive current of
the DO field device. The DO channel of the UGDA /
UDXA module is energy/current limited with a series
resistor. Ensure that the field device is compatible
with the DO load specifications as mentioned in the
tech and spec document.

1. Status LED on the UGDA / UDXA module should be

ON (AMBER) for load current >2.1mA and ON(RED)
for load current <1.2mA.
DI channel status in
DCS displays • Check field side connections are intact
remains stuck at one • Make sure fuse on FTA fuse lever is good
state. • Make sure disconnect arm is closed properly
• Make sure MTC cable is functionally good and the
connectors are plugged properly

9.8 CC- ULLI01

S. No Conditions Failure Identification Corrective Action
1. If detail status indicate input fault (open, short...),
correct the root error by checking the input connection
to the SCA LLIA and sensor type configuration.
Check Alarms/Warnings
1 Sensor Input Failure 2. Check Fuse on USCA .
from Experion
3. If problem persists even after verifying the input
connection and sensor input type configuration, replace
the LLIA module.
Diagnostics Failure.
A critical failure has
Check Alarms from Power cycle the LLIA module and if problem persists
2 been
Experion replace the module.
detected on the LLIA
1. Check for polarity of Thermocouple. Connections.
2. Ensure conditions of use are followed for LLIA
3 measurement No Warning or Alarm
3. Ensure Cabinet Fans are ON and running properly .
going out of spec
4. Power cycle the LLIA module and if problem persists,
replace the module.
Check Alarms/Warnings Power cycle the LLIA module and if problem persists
4 Unable to retain the
from Experion replace the module.
1. Check for Sensor configuration and input
Module showing PV out
Check Alarms/Warnings connections.
5 of range or
from Experion 2. Power cycle the LLIA module and if problem persists
BAD PV always .
replace the module.

9.9 Field side cable faults

DIR and DOR modules have no capability for open wire detection or fault transparency .
Field side open wire conditions shall be diagnosed by manually measuring voltage /

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 106

current at the field terminals or by checking the indicator LEDs. Details are provided in
troubleshooting manual

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 107

10 Maintenance

10.1 Removal and installation under power

• PTA, DIR and DOR can be removed or inserted under power when installed in a safe area.

• When installed in a Div2/Zone2 environment removal or insertion under power shall be performed only
when no hazardous gas, fumes or dust is present. Refer to HAZLOC manual for details.

• Removal or insertion of module shall be performed only after taking necessary precautions to avoid
any possible electro static discharge to the SCA hardware.

• Some of the modules can be warm/hot while operational. Necessary precaution shall be taken to avoid
any thermal hazard during removal of a working module.

10.2 Spare parts list and description.

The following is the list of spare parts that are applicable to FTA, PTA, DIR & DOR hardware.

Sl No Model number/HPN Description

1 CC-UFPA01 Fuse protection arm on FTA assembly

2 CC-UBPL01 Back plate assembly for mounting FTA

3 CC-UDOR01 DO relay module

4 CC-UDIR01 DI relay module

5 CC-UPTA01 Pass through module

6 CC-USCA01 SCA Housing assembly

7 50144592 Mistake proofing key – male part

7 50144590 Mistake proofing key – female part

8 50150243 Dummy fuse

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 108

10.3 Disassembly
Disassembly sequence for SCA assembly is explained in the following diagrams.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 109

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 110
Press the notch to the side of the module which locks to the FTA housing side wall. This
will enable the user to pull out the module.

Gently pull out the module so that it disengages from the backplane connector and the
FTA housing key.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 111

After pull out the key of the module will come out along with the module and the
corresponding FTA key will be retained in the housing.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 112

11 Repair
The SCA Hardware cannot be repaired by the user . Repairs must be carried out by the
manufacturer only.

Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 113

12 Notices

Experion®, PlantScape®, SafeBrowse®, TotalPlant®, and TDC 3000® are registered

trademarks of Honeywell International, Inc.

ControlEdge™ is a trademark of Honeywell International, Inc.

OneWireless™ is a trademark of Honeywell International, Inc.

Matrikon® and MatrikonOPC™ are trademarks of Matrikon International. Matrikon

International is a business unit of Honeywell International, Inc.

Movilizer® is a registered trademark of Movilizer GmbH. Movilizer GmbH is a business unit

of Honeywell International, Inc.

Other trademarks

Microsoft and SQL Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft
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Trademarks that appear in this document are used only to the benefit of the trademark
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Third-party licenses

This product may contain or be derived from materials, including software, of third parties.
The third party materials may be subject to licenses, notices, restrictions and obligations
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The licenses, notices, restrictions and obligations, if any, may be found in the materials
accompanying the product, in the documents or files accompanying such third party
materials, in a file named third_party_licenses on the media containing the product, or at


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Copyright 2020 - Honeywell International 114

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To report a potential security vulnerability against any Honeywell product, please follow the
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