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Cfa L1 - 2024: Subjects

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Syllabus | CFA L1 | '24

CFA L1 | Syllabus | 2024


Reading LOS No. of

Subject Chapters Weightage
No. Average Total Questions
Quantitative Methods - Pre-requisites 7 8 55 - -
1-11 Quantitative Methods 11 3 38 6-9% 11-16
Economics - Pre-requisites 7 7 48 - -
12-19 Economics 8 4 30 6-9% 11-16
20-21 Portfolio Management (Part One) 2 8 16
8-12% 14-22
85-88 Portfolio Management (Part Two) 4 6 24
22-28 Corporate Issuers 7 3 22 6-9% 11-16
Financial Statement Analysis - Pre-
9 6 57 - -
29-40 Financial Statement Analysis 12 4 53 11-14% 20-25
41-48 Equity 8 8 66 11-14% 20-25
49-67 Fixed Income 19 3 51 11-14% 20-25
68-77 Derivatives 10 2 22 5-8% 9-14
78-84 Alternative Investments 7 3 22 7-10% 13-18
88-93 Ethics 5 4 21 15-20% 27-36
TOTAL 116 69 525 100% 180

1 * Reading Number is as per Schweser, not Institute Material +91 98311 49876
Syllabus | CFA L1 | '24


Reading No No. of
Subject Reading Name
2024 LOS
PR1 Interest Rates, Present Value, and Future Value 6
PR2 Organizing, Visualizing, and Describing Data 11
Quantitative PR3 Probability Concepts 8
Methods - Pre- PR4 Common Probability Distributions 12
requisites PR5 Sampling and Estimation 4
PR6 Basics of Hypothesis Testing 10
PR7 Appendices 4
1 Rates and Returns 5
2 Time Value of Money in Finance 3
3 Statistical Measures of Asset Returns 4
4 Probability Trees and Conditional Expectations 3
5 Portfolio Mathematics 3
6 Simulation Methods 3
7 Estimation and Inference 3
8 Hypothesis Testing 3
9 Parametric and Non Parametric Tests of Independence 2
10 Simple Linear Regression 6
11 Introduction to Big Data Techniques 3
PR8 Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis 5
PR9 Introduction to the Firm and Market Organization 6
PR10 Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth 15
Economics - Pre-
PR11 Introduction to Business Cycles 6
PR12 Monetary and Fiscal Policy 6
PR13 International Trade and Capital Flows 6
PR14 Currency Exchange Rates 4
12 The Firm and Market Structures 5
13 Understanding Business Cycles 3
14 Fiscal Policy 4
15 Monetary Policy 4
16 Introduction to Geopolitics 6
17 International Trade 3
18 Capital Flows and the FX Market 3
19 Exchange Rate Calculations 2
Portfolio 20 Portfolio Risk and Return-Part I 7
Management (Part
One) 21 Portfolio Risk and Return-Part II 9
PR15 Introduction to Financial Reporting 5
PR16 Income Statements 9
PR17 Balance Sheets 6
Financial Statement PR18 Cash Flow Statements 4
Analysis - Pre- PR19 Inventories 12
requisites PR20 Long-Lived Assets 7
PR21 Income Taxes 6
PR22 Non-Current Long-Term Liabilities 3
PR23 Applications of Financial Statement Analysis 5

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Reading No No. of
Subject Reading Name
2024 LOS
22 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership 3
23 Investors and Other Stakeholders 3
24 Corporate Governance-Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits 3
Corporate Issuers 25 Working Capital and Liquidity 3
26 Capital Investments and Capital Allocation 4
27 Capital Structure 4
28 Business Models 2
29 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis 5
30 Analyzing Income Statements 5
31 Analyzing Balance Sheets 5
32 Analyzing Statements of Cash Flows I 4
33 Analyzing Statements of Cash Flows II 2
Financial Statement 34 Analysis of Inventories 3
Analysis 35 Analysis of Long-Term Assets 3
36 Topics in Long-Term Liabilities and Equity 3
37 Analysis of Income Taxes 4
38 Financial Reporting Quality 8
39 Financial Analysis Techniques 6
40 Introduction to Financial Statement Modeling 5
41 Market Organization and Structure 12
42 Security Market Indexes 11
43 Market Efficiency 7
44 Overview of Equity Securities 8
45 Company Analysis-Past and Present 5
46 Industry and Competitive Analysis 5
47 Company Analysis-Forecasting 5
48 Equity Valuation-Concepts and Basic Tools 13
49 Fixed-Income Instrument Features 2
50 Fixed-Income Cash Flows and Types 2
51 Fixed-Income Issuance and Trading 3
52 Fixed-Income Markets for Corporate Issuers 3
53 Fixed-Income Markets for Government Issuers 2
54 Fixed-Income Bond Valuation-Prices and Yields 3
55 Yield and Yield Spread Measures for Fixed-Rate Bonds 2
56 Yield and Yield Spread Measures for Floating-Rate Instruments 2
57 The Term Structure of Interest Rates-Spot, Par, and Forward Curves 3
Fixed Income 58 Interest Rate Risk and Return 3
59 Yield-Based Bond Duration Measures and Properties 2
60 Yield-Based Bond Convexity and Portfolio Properties 3
61 Curve-Based and Empirical Fixed-Income Risk Measures 4
62 Credit Risk 3
63 Credit Analysis for Government Issuers 1
64 Credit Analysis for Corporate Issuers 3
65 Fixed-Income Securitization 2
66 Asset-Backed Security Instrument and Market Features 4
67 Mortgage-Backed Security Instrument and Market Features 4
68 Derivative Instrument and Derivative Market Features 2
69 Forward Commitment and Contingent Claim Features and Instruments 3
70 Derivative Benefits, Risks, and Issuer and Investor Uses 2
71 Arbitrage, Replication, and the Cost of Carry in Pricing Derivatives 2
Pricing and Valuation of Forward Contracts and for an Underlying with Varying
Derivatives 72 2
73 Pricing and Valuation of Futures Contracts 2
74 Pricing and Valuation of Interest Rates and Other Swaps 2
75 Pricing and Valuation of Options 3
76 Option Replication Using Put–Call Parity 2
77 Valuing a Derivative Using a One-Period Binomial Model 2

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Reading No No. of
Subject Reading Name
2024 LOS
78 Alternative Investment Features, Methods, and Structures 3
79 Alternative Investment Performance and Returns 2
80 Investments in Private Capital-Equity and Debt 3
81 Real Estate and Infrastructure 4
82 Natural Resources 3
83 Hedge Funds 3
84 Introduction to Digital Assets 4
85 Portfolio Management-An Overview 6
86 Basics of Portfolio Planning and Construction 8
Management (Part
87 The Behavioral Biases of Individuals 3
88 Introduction to Risk Management 7
89 Ethics and Trust in the Investment Profession 8
90 Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct 3
Ethics 91 Guidance for Standards I–VII 3
92 Introduction to the Global Investment Performance Standards 5
93 Ethics Application 2

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Learning Outcome
Reading Name LOS Learning Outcome
Quantitative Methods- Pre-requisites
a interpret interest rates as required rates of return, discount rates, or opportunity costs
explain an interest rate as the sum of a real risk-free rate and premiums that compensate investors
for bearing distinct types of risk
Interest Rates, calculate and interpret the future value (FV) and present value (PV) of a single sum of money, an
PR1 Present Value, and ordinary annuity, an annuity due, a perpetuity (PV only), and a series of unequal cash flows
Future Value d demonstrate the use of a time line in modeling and solving time value of money problems
e calculate the solution for time value of money problems with different frequencies of compounding
calculate and interpret the effective annual rate, given the stated annual interest rate and the
frequency of compounding
a identify and compare data types
b describe how data are organized for quantitative analysis
c interpret frequency and related distributions
d interpret a contingency table
Organizing, e describe ways that data may be visualized and evaluate uses of specific visualizations
PR2 Visualizing, and f describe how to select among visualization types
Describing Data g calculate and interpret measures of central tendency
h evaluate alternative definitions of mean to address an investment problem
i calculate quantiles and interpret related visualizations
j calculate and interpret measures of dispersion
k calculate and interpret target downside deviation
a define a random variable, an outcome, and an event
identify the two defining properties of probability, including mutually exclusive and exhaustive
events, and compare and contrast empirical, subjective, and a priori probabilities
c describe the probability of an event in terms of odds for and against the event
Probability d calculate and interpret conditional probabilities
Concepts e demonstrate the application of the multiplication and addition rules for probability
f compare and contrast dependent and independent events
g calculate and interpret an unconditional probability using the total probability rule
identify the most appropriate method to solve a particular counting problem and analyze counting
problems using factorial, combination, and permutation concepts
define a probability distribution and compare and contrast discrete and continuous random
variables and their probability functions
b calculate and interpret probabilities for a random variable given its cumulative distribution function
describe the properties of a discrete uniform random variable, and calculate and interpret
probabilities given the discrete uniform distribution function
describe the properties of the continuous uniform distribution, and calculate and interpret
probabilities given a continuous uniform distribution
describe the properties of a Bernoulli random variable and a binomial random variable, and
Common e
calculate and interpret probabilities given the binomial distribution function
PR4 Probability f explain the key properties of the normal distribution
Distributions contrast a multivariate distribution and a univariate distribution, and explain the role of correlation in
the multivariate normal distribution
h calculate the probability that a normally distributed random variable lies inside a given interval
i explain how to standardize a random variable
j calculate and interpret probabilities using the standard normal distribution
describe the properties of the Student’s t-distribution, and calculate and interpret its degrees of
describe the properties of the chi-square distribution and the F-distribution, and calculate and
interpret their degrees of freedom

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Reading Name LOS Learning Outcome
a identify and describe desirable properties of an estimator
b contrast a point estimate and a confidence interval estimate of a population parameter
calculate and interpret a confidence interval for a population mean, given a normal distribution with
Sampling and
PR5 c 1) a known population variance, 2) an unknown population variance, or 3) an unknown population
variance and a large sample size
describe the issues regarding selection of the appropriate sample size, data snooping bias, sample
selection bias, survivorship bias, look-ahead bias, and time-period bias
define a hypothesis, describe the steps of hypothesis testing, and describe and interpret the choice of
the null and alternative hypothesis
b compare and contrast one-tailed and two-tailed tests of hypotheses
explain a test statistic, Type I and Type II errors, a significance level, how significance levels are used
in hypothesis testing, and the power of a test
explain a decision rule and the relation between confidence intervals and hypothesis tests, and
determine whether a statistically significant result is also economically meaningful
e explain and interpret the p-value as it relates to hypothesis testing
f describe how to interpret the significance of a test in the context of multiple tests
Basics of Hypothesis identify the appropriate test statistic and interpret the results for a hypothesis test concerning the
Testing g population mean of both large and small samples when the population is normally or approximately
normally distributed and the variance is (1) known or (2) unknown
identify the appropriate test statistic and interpret the results for a hypothesis test concerning the
h equality of the population means of two at least approximately normally distributed populations
based on independent random samples with equal assumed variances
identify the appropriate test statistic and interpret the results for a hypothesis test concerning the
mean difference of two normally distributed populations
identify the appropriate test statistic and interpret the results for a hypothesis test concerning (1) the
j variance of a normally distributed population and (2) the equality of the variances of two normally
distributed populations based on two independent random samples
a Cumulative Probabilities for a Standard Normal Distribution
b Table of the Student’s t-Distribution (One-Tailed Probabilities)
PR7 Appendices
c Values of X2 (Degrees of Freedom, Level of Significance)
d Table of the F-Distribution
Quantitative Methods
interpret interest rates as required rates of return, discount rates, or opportunity costs and explain an
a interest rate as the sum of a real risk-free rate and premiums that compensate investors for bearing
distinct types of risk
calculate and interpret different approaches to return measurement over time and describe their
appropriate uses
1 Rates and Returns
compare the money-weighted and time-weighted rates of return and evaluate the performance of
portfolios based on these measures
calculate and interpret annualized return measures and continuously compounded returns, and
describe their appropriate uses
e calculate and interpret major return measures and describe their appropriate uses
calculate and interpret the present value (PV) of fixed-income and equity instruments based on
expected future cash flows
Time Value of
2 calculate and interpret the implied return of fixed-income instruments and required return and
Money in Finance b
implied growth of equity instruments given the present value (PV) and cash flows
explain the cash flow additivity principle, its importance for the no-arbitrage condition, and its use in
calculating implied forward interest rates, forward exchange rates, and option values
calculate, interpret, and evaluate measures of central tendency and location to address an
investment problem
Statistical Measures
3 b calculate, interpret, and evaluate measures of dispersion to address an investment problem
of Asset Returns
c interpret and evaluate measures of skewness and kurtosis to address an investment problem
d interpret correlation between two variables to address an investment problem

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Reading Name LOS Learning Outcome
calculate expected values, variances, and standard deviations and demonstrate their application to
Probability Trees investment problems
4 and Conditional formulate an investment problem as a probability tree and explain the use of conditional
Expectations expectations in investment application
c calculate and interpret an updated probability in an investment setting using Bayes’ formula
calculate and interpret the expected value, variance, standard deviation, covariances, and
correlations of portfolio returns
Portfolio calculate and interpret the covariance and correlation of portfolio returns using a joint probability
5 b
Mathematics function for returns
define shortfall risk, calculate the safety-first ratio, and identify an optimal portfolio using Roy’s
safety-first criterion
explain the relationship between normal and lognormal distributions and why the lognormal
distribution is used to model asset prices when using continuously compounded asset returns
6 Simulation Methods b describe Monte Carlo simulation and explain how it can be used in investment applications
describe the use of bootstrap resampling in conducting a simulation based on observed data in
investment applications
compare and contrast simple random, stratified random, cluster, convenience, and judgmental
sampling and their implications for sampling error in an investment problem
Estimation and explain the central limit theorem and its importance for the distribution and standard error of the
7 b
Inference sample mean
describe the use of resampling (bootstrap, jackknife) to estimate the sampling distribution of a
explain hypothesis testing and its components, including statistical significance, Type I and Type II
errors, and the power of a test.
8 Hypothesis Testing construct hypothesis tests and determine their statistical significance, the associated Type I and Type
II errors, and power of the test given a significance level
compare and contrast parametric and nonparametric tests, and describe situations where each is the
more appropriate type of test
Parametric and explain parametric and nonparametric tests of the hypothesis that the population correlation
Non Parametric a coefficient equals zero, and determine whether the hypothesis is rejected at a given level of
Tests of significance
Independence b explain tests of independence based on contingency table data
describe a simple linear regression model, how the least squares criterion is used to estimate
regression coefficients, and the interpretation of these coefficients
explain the assumptions underlying the simple linear regression model, and describe how residuals
and residual plots indicate if these assumptions may have been violated
calculate and interpret measures of fit and formulate and evaluate tests of fit and of regression
Simple Linear c
10 coefficients in a simple linear regression
Regression describe the use of analysis of variance (ANOVA) in regression analysis, interpret ANOVA results,
and calculate and interpret the standard error of estimate in a simple linear regression
calculate and interpret the predicted value for the dependent variable, and a prediction interval for
it, given an estimated linear regression model and a value for the independent variable
f describe different functional forms of simple linear regressions
describe aspects of “fintech” that are directly relevant for the gathering and analyzing of financial
Introduction to Big data.
Data Techniques b describe Big Data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning
c describe applications of Big Data and Data Science to investment management
Economics - Pre-requisites
calculate and interpret price, income, and cross-price elasticities of demand and describe factors
that affect each measure
Topics in Demand
b compare substitution and income effects
PR8 and Supply
c contrast normal goods with inferior goods
d describe the phenomenon of diminishing marginal returns
e determine and interpret breakeven and shutdown points of production

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Reading Name LOS Learning Outcome
describe characteristics of perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and pure
explain relationships between price, marginal revenue, marginal cost, economic profit, and the
Introduction to the b
elasticity of demand under each market structure
PR9 Firm and Market
c describe a firm’s supply function under each market structure
d describe and determine the optimal price and output for firms under each market structure
e describe pricing strategy under each market structure
f explain factors affecting long-run equilibrium under each market structure
a calculate and explain gross domestic product (GDP) using expenditure and income approaches
b compare the sum-of-value-added and value-of-final-output methods of calculating GDP
c compare nominal and real GDP and calculate and interpret the GDP deflator
d compare GDP, national income, personal income, and personal disposable income
explain the fundamental relationship among saving, investment, the fiscal balance, and the trade
f explain how the aggregate demand curve is generated
g explain the aggregate supply curve in the short run and long run
Aggregate Output, h explain causes of movements along and shifts in aggregate demand and supply curves
PR10 Prices, and describe how fluctuations in aggregate demand and aggregate supply cause short-run changes in
Economic Growth the economy and the business cycle
distinguish among the following types of macroeconomic equilibria: long-run full employment, short-
run recessionary gap, short-run inflationary gap, and short-run stagflation
explain how a short-run macroeconomic equilibrium may occur at a level above or below full
l analyze the effect of combined changes in aggregate supply and demand on the economy
m describe sources, measurement, and sustainability of economic growth
n describe the production function approach to analyzing the sources of economic growth
define and contrast input growth and growth of total factor productivity as components of economic
describe how resource use, consumer and business activity, housing sector activity, and external trade
sector activity vary as an economy moves through the business cycle
b describe types of unemployment, and compare measures of unemployment
Introduction to
PR11 c explain inflation, hyperinflation, disinflation, and deflation
Business Cycles
d explain the construction of indexes used to measure inflation
e compare inflation measures, including their uses and limitations
f contrast cost-push and demand-pull inflation
a compare monetary and fiscal policy
b describe functions and definitions of money
Monetary and c explain the money creation process
Fiscal Policy d describe theories of the demand for and supply of money
e describe the Fisher effect
f contrast the costs of expected and unexpected inflation
a compare gross domestic product and gross national product
b describe benefits and costs of international trade
c contrast comparative advantage and absolute advantage
International Trade compare the Ricardian and Heckscher–Ohlin models of trade and the source(s) of comparative
PR13 d
and Capital Flows advantage in each model
e describe the balance of payments accounts including their components
f explain how decisions by consumers, firms, and governments affect the balance of payments
define an exchange rate and distinguish between nominal and real exchange rates and spot and
forward exchange rates
Currency Exchange
PR14 b calculate and interpret the percentage change in a currency relative to another currency
c describe functions of and participants in the foreign exchange market
d explain the effects of exchange rates on countries’ international trade and capital flows

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Reading Name LOS Learning Outcome
determine and interpret breakeven and shutdown points of production, as well as how economies
and diseconomies of scale affect costs under perfect and imperfect competition
describe characteristics of perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and pure
The Firm and
12 explain supply and demand relationships under monopolistic competition, including the optimal price
Market Structures c
and output for firms as well as pricing strategy
explain supply and demand relationships under oligopoly, including the optimal price and output for
firms as well as pricing strategy
identify the type of market structure within which a firm operates and describe the use and limitations
of concentration measures
a describe the business cycle and its phases
b describe credit cycles
Business Cycles describe how resource use, consumer and business activity, housing sector activity, and external trade
sector activity vary over the business cycle and describe their measurement using economic indicators

a compare monetary and fiscal policy

describe roles and objectives of fiscal policy as well as arguments as to whether the size of a
national debt relative to GDP matters
14 Fiscal Policy
c describe tools of fiscal policy, including their advantages and disadvantages
explain the implementation of fiscal policy and difficulties of implementation as well as whether a
fiscal policy is expansionary or contractionary
a describe the roles and objectives of central banks
describe tools used to implement monetary policy tools and the monetary transmission mechanism,
b and explain the relationships between monetary policy and economic growth, inflation, interest, and
15 Monetary Policy
exchange rates
describe qualities of effective central banks; contrast their use of inflation, interest rate, and
exchange rate targeting in expansionary or contractionary monetary policy; and describe the
d explain the interaction of monetary and fiscal policy
a describe geopolitics from a cooperation versus competition perspective
b describe geopolitics and its relationship with globalization
describe functions and objectives of the international organizations that facilitate trade, including the
Introduction to c
16 World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Trade Organization
d describe geopolitical risk
e describe tools of geopolitics and their impact on regions and economies
f describe the impact of geopolitical risk on investments
a describe the benefits and costs of international trade
compare types of trade restrictions, such as tariffs, quotas, and export subsidies, and their economic
17 International Trade b
c explain motivations for and advantages of trading blocs, common markets, and economic unions
describe the foreign exchange market, including its functions and participants, distinguish between
a nominal and real exchange rates, and calculate and interpret the percentage change in a currency
Capital Flows and relative to another currency
18 describe exchange rate regimes and explain the effects of exchange rates on countries’
the FX Market b
international trade and capital flows
c describe common objectives of capital restrictions imposed by governments
a calculate and interpret currency cross-rates
Exchange Rate explain the arbitrage relationship between spot and forward exchange rates and interest rates,
Calculations b calculate a forward rate using points or in percentage terms, and interpret a forward discount or
Portfolio Management (Part One)
a describe characteristics of the major asset classes that investors consider in forming portfolios
Portfolio Risk and b explain risk aversion and its implications for portfolio selection
Return-Part I explain the selection of an optimal portfolio, given an investor’s utility (or risk aversion) and the
capital allocation line

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Reading Name LOS Learning Outcome
calculate and interpret the mean, variance, and covariance (or correlation) of asset returns based on
historical data
Portfolio Risk and e calculate and interpret portfolio standard deviation
Return-Part I f describe the effect on a portfolio’s risk of investing in assets that are less than perfectly correlated
describe and interpret the minimum-variance and efficient frontiers of risky assets and the global
minimum-variance portfolio
a describe the implications of combining a risk-free asset with a portfolio of risky assets
b explain the capital allocation line (CAL) and the capital market line (CML)
explain systematic and nonsystematic risk, including why an investor should not expect to receive
additional return for bearing nonsystematic risk
d explain return generating models (including the market model) and their uses
Portfolio Risk and
21 e calculate and interpret beta
Return-Part II
explain the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), including its assumptions, and the security market line
g calculate and interpret the expected return of an asset using the CAPM
h describe and demonstrate applications of the CAPM and the SML
i calculate and interpret the Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, M2, and Jensen’s alpha
Financial Statement Analysis - Pre-requisites
describe the objective of financial reporting and the importance of financial reporting standards in
security analysis and valuation
describe the roles of financial reporting standard-setting bodies and regulatory authorities in
establishing and enforcing reporting standards

describe the International Accounting Standards Board’s conceptual framework, including qualitative
Introduction to characteristics of financial reports, constraints on financial reports, and required reporting elements
Financial Reporting
describe general requirements for financial statements under International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS)
describe the roles of the statement of financial position, statement of comprehensive income,
e statement of changes in equity, and statement of cash flows in evaluating a company’s performance
and financial position
describe the components of the income statement and alternative presentation formats of that
b describe general principles of revenue recognition and accounting standards for revenue recognition
c calculate revenue given information that might influence the choice of revenue recognition method
describe general principles of expense recognition, specific expense recognition applications, and
implications of expense recognition choices for financial analysis
PR16 Income Statements
e contrast operating and non-operating components of the income statement
f formulate income statements into common-size income statements
evaluate a company’s financial performance using common-size income statements and financial
ratios based on the income statement
h describe, calculate, and interpret comprehensive income
i describe other comprehensive income and identify major types of items included in it
a describe the elements of the balance sheet: assets, liabilities, and equity
b describe uses and limitations of the balance sheet in financial analysis
c describe alternative formats of balance sheet presentation
PR17 Balance Sheets
d contrast current and non-current assets and current and non-current liabilities
e describe different types of assets and liabilities and the measurement bases of each
f describe the components of shareholders’ equity
compare cash flows from operating, investing, and financing activities and classify cash flow items as
relating to one of those three categories given a description of the items
b describe how non-cash investing and financing activities are reported
Cash Flow
PR18 compare and contrast the direct and indirect methods of presenting cash from operating activities
Statements c
and describe arguments in favor of each method
contrast cash flow statements prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and
US generally accepted accounting principles (US GAAP)

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Reading Name LOS Learning Outcome
contrast costs included in inventories and costs recognised as expenses in the period in which they are
b describe different inventory valuation methods (cost formulas)
calculate and compare cost of sales, gross profit, and ending inventory using different inventory
valuation methods and using perpetual and periodic inventory systems
calculate and explain how inflation and deflation of inventory costs affect the financial statements
and ratios of companies that use different inventory valuation methods
e explain LIFO reserve and LIFO liquidation and their effects on financial statements and ratios
demonstrate the conversion of a company’s reported financial statements from LIFO to FIFO for
PR19 Inventories purposes of comparison
g describe the measurement of inventory at the lower of cost and net realisable value
h describe implications of valuing inventory at net realisable value for financial statements and ratios
i describe the financial statement presentation of and disclosures relating to inventories
explain issues that analysts should consider when examining a company’s inventory disclosures and
other sources of information
k calculate and compare ratios of companies, including companies that use different inventory methods
analyze and compare the financial statements of companies, including companies that use different
inventory methods
describe the different depreciation methods for property, plant, and equipment and calculate
depreciation expense
describe how the choice of depreciation method and assumptions concerning useful life and residual
value affect depreciation expense, financial statements, and ratios
explain and evaluate how impairment, revaluation, and derecognition of property, plant, and
equipment and intangible assets affect financial statements and ratios
PR20 Long-Lived Assets describe the different amortisation methods for intangible assets with finite lives and calculate
amortisation expense
describe how the choice of amortisation method and assumptions concerning useful life and residual
value affect amortisation expense, financial statements, and ratios
f describe the revaluation model
g compare the financial reporting of investment property with that of property, plant, and equipment
a calculate the tax base of a company’s assets and liabilities
calculate income tax expense, income taxes payable, deferred tax assets, and deferred tax
b liabilities, and calculate and interpret the adjustment to the financial statements related to a change
in the income tax rate
PR21 Income Taxes c evaluate the effect of tax rate changes on a company’s financial statements and ratios
identify and contrast temporary versus permanent differences in pre-tax accounting income and
taxable income
e explain recognition and measurement of current and deferred tax items
describe the valuation allowance for deferred tax assets—when it is required and what effect it has
on financial statements
a determine the initial recognition, initial measurement and subsequent measurement of bonds
Non-Current Long- describe the effective interest method and calculate interest expense, amortisation of bond
PR22 b
Term Liabilities discounts/premiums, and interest payments
c explain the derecognition of debt
evaluate a company’s past financial performance and explain how a company’s strategy is reflected
in past financial performance
b demonstrate how to forecast a company’s future net income and cash flow
Applications of
describe the role of financial statement analysis in assessing the credit quality of a potential debt
PR23 Financial Statement c
d describe the use of financial statement analysis in screening for potential equity investments
explain appropriate analyst adjustments to a company’s financial statements to facilitate comparison
with another company

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Reading Name LOS Learning Outcome
Corporate Issuers
a compare the organizational forms of businesses
Forms, Corporate
22 b describe key features of corporate issuers
Issuer Features, and
c compare publicly and privately owned corporate issuers
a compare the financial claims and motivations of lenders and shareholders
Investors and Other b describe a company’s stakeholder groups and compare their interests
c describe environmental, social, and governance factors of corporate issuers considered by investors

Corporate a describe the principal-agent relationship and conflicts that may arise between stakeholder groups
describe corporate governance and mechanisms to manage stakeholder relationships and mitigate
24 Conflicts, b
associated risks
Mechanisms, Risks,
describe potential risks of poor corporate governance and stakeholder management and benefits of
and Benefits c
effective corporate governance and stakeholder management
a explain the cash conversion cycle and compare issuers’ cash conversion cycles
Working Capital
25 b explain liquidity and compare issuers’ liquidity levels
and Liquidity
c describe issuers’ objectives and compare methods for managing working capital and liquidity
a describe types of capital investments
Capital Investments describe the capital allocation process, calculate net present value (NPV), internal rate of return
26 and Capital (IRR), and return on invested capital (ROIC), and contrast their use in capital allocation
Allocation c describe principles of capital allocation and common capital allocation pitfalls
d describe types of real options relevant to capital investments
a calculate and interpret the weighted-average cost of capital for a company
b explain factors affecting capital structure and the weighted-average cost of capital
27 Capital Structure
c explain the Modigliani–Miller propositions regarding capital structure
d describe optimal and target capital structures
a describe key features of business models
28 Business Models
b describe various types of business models
Financial Statement Analysis
a describe the steps in the financial statement analysis framework
b describe the roles of financial statement analysis
Introduction to describe the importance of regulatory filings, financial statement notes and supplementary
29 Financial Statement information, management’s commentary, and audit reports
Analysis describe implications for financial analysis of alternative financial reporting systems and the
importance of monitoring developments in financial reporting standards
describe information sources that analysts use in financial statement analysis besides annual and
interim financial reports
describe general principles of revenue recognition, specific revenue recognition applications, and
implications of revenue recognition choices for financial analysis
describe general principles of expense recognition, specific expense recognition applications,
b implications of expense recognition choices for financial analysis and contrast costs that are
capitalized versus those that are expensed in the period in which they are incurred
Analyzing Income
30 describe the financial reporting treatment and analysis of non-recurring items (including discontinued
Statements c
operations, unusual or infrequent items) and changes in accounting policies
describe how earnings per share is calculated and calculate and interpret a company’s basic and
d diluted earnings per share for companies with simple and complex capital structures including those
with antidilutive securities
evaluate a company’s financial performance using common-size income statements and financial
ratios based on the income statement
a explain the financial reporting and disclosures related to intangible assets
b explain the financial reporting and disclosures related to goodwill
Analyzing Balance
31 c explain the financial reporting and disclosures related to financial instruments
d explain the financial reporting and disclosures related to non-current liabilities
e calculate and interpret common-size balance sheets and related financial ratios

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Reading Name LOS Learning Outcome
a describe how the cash flow statement is linked to the income statement and the balance sheet
describe the steps in the preparation of direct and indirect cash flow statements, including how cash
32 Statements of Cash b
flows can be computed using income statement and balance sheet data
Flows I
c demonstrate the conversion of cash flows from the indirect to direct method
contrast cash flow statements prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and
US generally accepted accounting principles (US GAAP)
Analyzing a analyze and interpret both reported and common-size cash flow statements
33 Statements of Cash calculate and interpret free cash flow to the firm, free cash flow to equity, and performance and
Flows II coverage cash flow ratios
describe the measurement of inventory at the lower of cost and net realisable value and its
implications for financial statements and ratios
Analysis of calculate and explain how inflation and deflation of inventory costs affect the financial statements
34 b
Inventories and ratios of companies that use different inventory valuation methods
describe the presentation and disclosures relating to inventories and explain issues that analysts
should consider when examining a company’s inventory disclosures and other sources of information
compare the financial reporting of the following types of intangible assets: purchased, internally
developed, and acquired in a business combination
Analysis of Long- explain and evaluate how impairment and derecognition of property, plant, and equipment and
35 b
Term Assets intangible assets affect the financial statements and ratios
analyze and interpret financial statement disclosures regarding property, plant, and equipment and
intangible assets
a explain the financial reporting of leases from the perspectives of lessors and lessees
Topics in Long-Term explain the financial reporting of defined contribution, defined benefit, and stock-based
36 Liabilities and b
compensation plans
Equity describe the financial statement presentation of and disclosures relating to long-term liabilities and
share-based compensation
contrast accounting profit, taxable income, taxes payable, and income tax expense and temporary
versus permanent differences between accounting profit and taxable income

explain how deferred tax liabilities and assets are created and the factors that determine how a
company’s deferred tax liabilities and assets should be treated for the purposes of financial analysis
Analysis of Income
c calculate, interpret, and contrast an issuer’s effective tax rate, statutory tax rate, and cash tax rate

analyze disclosures relating to deferred tax items and the effective tax rate reconciliation and
d explain how information included in these disclosures affects a company’s financial statements and
financial ratios
compare financial reporting quality with the quality of reported results (including quality of earnings,
cash flow, and balance sheet items)
b describe a spectrum for assessing financial reporting quality
c explain the difference between conservative and aggressive accounting

describe motivations that might cause management to issue financial reports that are not high quality
and conditions that are conducive to issuing low-quality, or even fraudulent, financial reports
Financial Reporting
38 describe mechanisms that discipline financial reporting quality and the potential limitations of those
Quality e

describe presentation choices, including non-GAAP measures, that could be used to influence an
analyst’s opinion
describe accounting methods (choices and estimates) that could be used to manage earnings, cash
flow, and balance sheet items
describe accounting warning signs and methods for detecting manipulation of information in financial

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Reading Name LOS Learning Outcome
a describe tools and techniques used in financial analysis, including their uses and limitations
b calculate and interpret activity, liquidity, solvency, and profitability ratios
c describe relationships among ratios and evaluate a company using ratio analysis
Financial Analysis demonstrate the application of DuPont analysis of return on equity and calculate and interpret
39 d
Techniques effects of changes in its components
e describe the uses of industry-specific ratios used in financial analysis
f describe how ratio analysis and other techniques can be used to model and forecast earnings
a demonstrate the development of a sales-based pro forma company model
explain how behavioral factors affect analyst forecasts and recommend remedial actions for analyst
Introduction to explain how the competitive position of a company based on a Porter’s five forces analysis affects
40 Financial Statement prices and costs
Modeling explain how to forecast industry and company sales and costs when they are subject to price
inflation or deflation
explain considerations in the choice of an explicit forecast horizon and an analyst’s choices in
developing projections beyond the short-term forecast horizon
a explain the main functions of the financial system
b describe classifications of assets and markets
describe the major types of securities, currencies, contracts, commodities, and real assets that trade in
organized markets, including their distinguishing characteristics and major subtypes
d describe types of financial intermediaries and services that they provide
e compare positions an investor can take in an asset
calculate and interpret the leverage ratio, the rate of return on a margin transaction, and the
Market f
security price at which the investor would receive a margin call
41 Organization and
g compare execution, validity, and clearing instructions
h compare market orders with limit orders
define primary and secondary markets and explain how secondary markets support primary
describe how securities, contracts, and currencies are traded in quote-driven, order-driven, and
brokered markets
k describe characteristics of a well-functioning financial system
l describe objectives of market regulation
a describe a security market index
b calculate and interpret the value, price return, and total return of an index
c describe the choices and issues in index construction and management
d compare the different weighting methods used in index construction
e calculate and analyze the value and return of an index given its weighting method
Security Market
42 f describe rebalancing and reconstitution of an index
g describe uses of security market indexes
h describe types of equity indexes
i compare types of security market indexes
j describe types of fixed-income indexes
k describe indexes representing alternative investments
describe market efficiency and related concepts, including their importance to investment
b contrast market value and intrinsic value
c explain factors that affect a market’s efficiency
43 Market Efficiency d contrast weak-form, semi-strong-form, and strong-form market efficiency
explain the implications of each form of market efficiency for fundamental analysis, technical
analysis, and the choice between active and passive portfolio management
f describe market anomalies
g describe behavioral finance and its potential relevance to understanding market anomalies

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Reading Name LOS Learning Outcome
a describe characteristics of types of equity securities
describe differences in voting rights and other ownership characteristics among different equity
c compare and contrast public and private equity securities
Overview of Equity d describe methods for investing in non-domestic equity securities
Securities e compare the risk and return characteristics of different types of equity securities
f explain the role of equity securities in the financing of a company’s assets
g contrast the market value and book value of equity securities
compare a company’s cost of equity, its (accounting) return on equity, and investors’ required rates
of return
a describe the elements that should be covered in a thorough company research report
b determine a company’s business model
Company Analysis-
45 c evaluate a company’s revenue and revenue drivers, including pricing power
Past and Present
d evaluate a company’s operating profitability and working capital using key measures
e evaluate a company’s capital investments and capital structure
a describe the purposes of, and steps involved in, industry and competitive analysis
Industry and b describe industry classification methods and compare methods by which companies can be grouped
46 Competitive
c determine an industry’s size, growth characteristics, profitability, and market share trends
Analysis analyze an industry’s structure and external influences using Porter’s Five Forces and PESTLE
e evaluate the competitive strategy and position of a company
a explain principles and approaches to forecasting a company’s financial results and position
b explain approaches to forecasting a company’s revenues
Company Analysis- c explain approaches to forecasting a company’s operating expenses and working capital
d explain approaches to forecasting a company’s capital investments and capital structure
e describe the use of scenario analysis in forecasting
evaluate whether a security, given its current market price and a value estimate, is overvalued, fairly
valued, or undervalued by the market
b describe major categories of equity valuation models
describe regular cash dividends, extra dividends, stock dividends, stock splits, reverse stock splits,
and share repurchases
d describe dividend payment chronology
explain the rationale for using present value models to value equity and describe the dividend
discount and free-cash-flow-to-equity models
f explain advantages and disadvantages of each category of valuation model
g calculate the intrinsic value of a non-callable, non-convertible preferred stock
Equity Valuation-
48 Concepts and Basic calculate and interpret the intrinsic value of an equity security based on the Gordon (constant)
Tools growth dividend discount model or a two-stage dividend discount model, as appropriate
identify characteristics of companies for which the constant growth or a multistage dividend discount
model is appropriate
explain the rationale for using price multiples to value equity, how the price to earnings multiple
relates to fundamentals, and the use of multiples based on comparables
calculate and interpret the following multiples: price to earnings, price to an estimate of operating
cash flow, price to sales, and price to book value
l describe enterprise value multiples and their use in estimating equity value
m describe asset-based valuation models and their use in estimating equity value
Fixed Income
Fixed-Income a describe the features of a fixed-income security
Instrument Features b describe the contents of a bond indenture and contrast affirmative and negative covenants
describe common cash flow structures of fixed-income instruments and contrast cash flow contingency
Fixed-Income Cash provisions that benefit issuers and investors
Flows and Types describe how legal, regulatory, and tax considerations affect the issuance and trading of fixed-
income securities

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Reading Name LOS Learning Outcome
a describe fixed-income market segments and their issuer and investor participants
b describe types of fixed-income indexes
51 Issuance and
Trading c compare primary and secondary fixed-income markets to equity markets

Fixed-Income a compare short-term funding alternatives available to corporations and financial institutions
52 Markets for b describe repurchase agreements (repos), their uses, and their benefits and risks
Corporate Issuers c contrast the long-term funding of investment-grade versus high-yield corporate issuers
Fixed-Income describe funding choices by sovereign and non-sovereign governments, quasi-government entities,
53 Markets for and supranational agencies
Government Issuers b contrast the issuance and trading of government and corporate fixed-income instruments
Fixed-Income Bond a calculate a bond’s price given a yield-to-maturity on or between coupon dates
54 Valuation-Prices b identify the relationships among a bond’s price, coupon rate, maturity, and yield-to-maturity
and Yields c describe matrix pricing
Yield and Yield
a calculate annual yield on a bond for varying compounding periods in a year
Spread Measures
for Fixed-Rate
b compare, calculate, and interpret yield and yield spread measures for fixed-rate bonds
Yield and Yield
a calculate and interpret yield spread measures for floating-rate instruments
Spread Measures
for Floating-Rate
b calculate and interpret yield measures for money market instruments
The Term Structure a define spot rates and the spot curve, and calculate the price of a bond using spot rates
of Interest Rates- define par and forward rates, and calculate par rates, forward rates from spot rates, spot rates
57 b
Spot, Par, and from forward rates, and the price of a bond using forward rates
Forward Curves c compare the spot curve, par curve, and forward curve
a calculate and interpret the sources of return from investing in a fixed-rate bond
Interest Rate Risk describe the relationships among a bond’s holding period return, its Macaulay duration, and the
58 b
and Return investment horizon;
c define, calculate, and interpret Macaulay duration
Yield-Based Bond define, calculate, and interpret modified duration, money duration, and the price value of a basis
59 Duration Measures point (PVBP)
and Properties b explain how a bond’s maturity, coupon, and yield level affect its interest rate risk
a calculate and interpret convexity and describe the convexity adjustment
Yield-Based Bond
calculate the percentage price change of a bond for a specified change in yield, given the bond’s
60 Convexity and b
duration and convexity
Portfolio Properties
c calculate portfolio duration and convexity and explain the limitations of these measures
explain why effective duration and effective convexity are the most appropriate measures of
interest rate risk for bonds with embedded options
Curve-Based and calculate the percentage price change of a bond for a specified change in benchmark yield, given
Empirical Fixed- the bond’s effective duration and convexity
Income Risk define key rate duration and describe its use to measure price sensitivity of fixed-income instruments
Measures to benchmark yield curve changes
d describe the difference between empirical duration and analytical duration
a describe credit risk and its components, probability of default and loss given default
62 Credit Risk b describe the uses of ratings from credit rating agencies and their limitations
describe macroeconomic, market, and issuer-specific factors that influence the level and volatility of
yield spreads
Credit Analysis for explain special considerations when evaluating the credit of sovereign and non-sovereign
63 a
Government Issuers government debt issuers and issues
describe the qualitative and quantitative factors used to evaluate a corporate borrower’s
Credit Analysis for
64 b calculate and interpret financial ratios used in credit analysis
Corporate Issuers
describe the seniority rankings of debt, secured versus unsecured debt and the priority of claims in
bankruptcy, and their impact on credit ratings

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Reading Name LOS Learning Outcome
Fixed-Income a explain benefits of securitization for issuers, investors, economies, and financial markets
Securitization b describe securitization, including the parties and the roles they play
describe characteristics and risks of covered bonds and how they differ from other asset-backed
Asset-Backed securities
Security Instrument b describe typical credit enhancement structures used in securitizations
and Market describe types and characteristics of non-mortgage asset-backed securities, including the cash flows
Features and risks of each type
d describe collateralized debt obligations, including their cash flows and risks
a define prepayment risk and describe time tranching structures in securitizations and their purpose
b describe fundamental features of residential mortgage loans that are securitized
Security Instrument
67 describe types and characteristics of residential mortgage-backed securities, including mortgage
and Market
c pass-through securities and collateralized mortgage obligations, and explain the cash flows and risks
for each type
d describe characteristics and risks of commercial mortgage-backed securities
Derivative a define a derivative and describe basic features of a derivative instrument
68 Instrument and describe the basic features of derivative markets, and contrast over-the-counter and exchange-
Derivative Market traded derivative markets
Forward define forward contracts, futures contracts, swaps, options (calls and puts), and credit derivatives
Commitment and and compare their basic characteristics
69 Contingent Claim
b determine the value at expiration and profit from a long or a short position in a call or put option
Features and
Instruments c contrast forward commitments with contingent claims
Derivative Benefits, a describe benefits and risks of derivative instruments
70 Risks, and Issuer
and Investor Uses b compare the use of derivatives among issuers and investors

Arbitrage, a explain how the concepts of arbitrage and replication are used in pricing derivatives
Replication, and the
Cost of Carry in explain the difference between the spot and expected future price of an underlying and the cost of
Pricing Derivatives carry associated with holding the underlying asset

Pricing and
explain how the value and price of a forward contract are determined at initiation, during the life of
Valuation of a
the contract, and at expiration
Forward Contracts
and for an
Underlying with explain how forward rates are determined for interest rate forward contracts and describe the uses
Varying Maturities of these forward rates.

Pricing and a compare the value and price of forward and futures contracts
73 Valuation of Futures
Contracts b explain why forward and futures prices differ
Pricing and a describe how swap contracts are similar to but different from a series of forward contracts
Valuation of
Interest Rates and
Other Swaps b contrast the value and price of swaps

a explain the exercise value, moneyness, and time value of an option

Pricing and contrast the use of arbitrage and replication concepts in pricing forward commitments and contingent
75 Valuation of claims
Options identify the factors that determine the value of an option and describe how each factor affects the
value of an option
Option Replication a explain put–call parity for European options
76 Using Put–Call
Parity b explain put–call forward parity for European options

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Reading Name LOS Learning Outcome
Valuing a
a explain how to value a derivative using a one-period binomial model
Derivative Using a
Binomial Model b describe the concept of risk neutrality in derivatives pricing

Alternative Investments
Alternative a describe features and categories of alternative investments
Investment Features,
78 b compare direct investment, co-investment, and fund investment methods for alternative investments
Methods, and
Structures c describe investment ownership and compensation structures commonly used in alternative investments
Investment a describe the performance appraisal of alternative investments
Performance and
b calculate and interpret alternative investment returns both before and after fees
a explain features of private equity and its investment characteristics
Investments in
80 Private Capital- b explain features of private debt and its investment characteristics
Equity and Debt
c describe the diversification benefits that private capital can provide
a explain features and characteristics of real estate
Real Estate and b explain the investment characteristics of real estate investments
Infrastructure c explain features and characteristics of infrastructure
d explain the investment characteristics of infrastructure investments
a explain features of raw land, timberland, and farmland and their investment characteristics
b describe features of commodities and their investment characteristics
82 Natural Resources
c analyze sources of risk, return, and diversification among natural resource investments
a explain investment features of hedge funds and contrast them with other asset classes
83 Hedge Funds b describe investment forms and vehicles used in hedge fund investments
c analyze sources of risk, return, and diversification among hedge fund investments
a describe financial applications of distributed ledger technology
Introduction to b explain investment features of digital assets and contrast them with other asset classes
Digital Assets c describe investment forms and vehicles used in digital asset investments
d analyze sources of risk, return, and diversification among digital asset investments
Portfolio Management (Part Two)
a describe the portfolio approach to investing
Portfolio b describe the steps in the portfolio management process
85 Management-An c describe types of investors and distinctive characteristics and needs of each
d describe defined contribution and defined benefit pension plans
Overview e describe aspects of the asset management industry
f describe mutual funds and compare them with other pooled investment products
a describe the reasons for a written investment policy statement (IPS)
b describe the major components of an IPS
c describe risk and return objectives and how they may be developed for a client
explain the difference between the willingness and the ability (capacity) to take risk in analyzing an
investor’s financial risk tolerance
Basics of Portfolio describe the investment constraints of liquidity, time horizon, tax concerns, legal and regulatory
86 Planning and e
factors, and unique circumstances and their implications for the choice of portfolio assets
Construction f explain the specification of asset classes in relation to asset allocation

g describe the principles of portfolio construction and the role of asset allocation in relation to the IPS
describe how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations may be integrated into
portfolio planning and construction
a compare and contrast cognitive errors and emotional biases
The Behavioral
b discuss commonly recognized behavioral biases and their implications for financial decision making
87 Biases of
describe how behavioral biases of investors can lead to market characteristics that may not be
Individuals c
explained by traditional finance

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Reading Name LOS Learning Outcome
a define risk management
b describe features of a risk management framework
c define risk governance and describe elements of effective risk governance
Introduction to Risk d explain how risk tolerance affects risk management
e describe risk budgeting and its role in risk governance
f identify financial and non-financial sources of risk and describe how they may interact
describe methods for measuring and modifying risk exposures and factors to consider in choosing
among the methods
a explain ethics
b describe the role of a code of ethics in defining a profession
c describe professions and how they establish trust
Ethics and Trust in
d describe the need for high ethical standards in investment management
89 the Investment
e explain professionalism in investment management
f identify challenges to ethical behavior
g compare and contrast ethical standards with legal standards
h describe a framework for ethical decision making
describe the structure of the CFA Institute Professional Conduct Program and the process for the
Code of Ethics and enforcement of the Code and Standards
Standards of
90 b identify the six components of the Code of Ethics and the seven Standards of Professional Conduct
Conduct explain the ethical responsibilities required by the Code and Standards, including the sub-sections of
each Standard
demonstrate the application of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct to
situations involving issues of professional integrity
Guidance for recommend practices and procedures designed to prevent violations of the Code of Ethics and
91 b
Standards I–VII Standards of Professional Conduct
identify conduct that conforms to the Code and Standards and conduct that violates the Code and
explain why the GIPS standards were created, who can claim compliance, and who benefits from
Introduction to the
b describe the key concepts of the GIPS Standards for Firms
Global Investment
92 c explain the purpose of composites in performance reporting
describe the fundamentals of compliance, including the recommendations of the GIPS standards with
Standards d
respect to the definition of the firm and the firm’s definition of discretion
e describe the concept of independent verification
evaluate practices, policies, and conduct relative to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of
Professional Conduct
93 Ethics Application
explain how the practices, policies, and conduct do or do not violate the CFA Institute Code of Ethics
and Standards of Professional Conduct

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