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Surgical Techniques for Treatment of Unilateral Cleft Lip

Chapter · March 2017

DOI: 10.5772/67124


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3 authors, including:

Donald Laub
University of Vermont


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Provisional chapter
Provisional chapter

Surgical Techniques for Treatment of

Surgical Techniques
Unilateral Cleft Lip for Treatment of
Unilateral Cleft Lip
Mustafa Chopan, Lorasb Sayadi and Donald R. Laub
Mustafa Chopan, Lorasb Sayadi and Donald R. Laub
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

A surgeon intending habilitation of a child with cleft lip should be familiar with the
normal anatomy of the lip and nose, the distortions introduced by the cleft deformity,
and the many techniques available to employ those best suited to that child's deformity.

Keywords: surgical techniques, cleft lip, cleft surgery

1. Introduction
“Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.”

—Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield

The treatment of children with cleft lip deformity has long challenged surgeons. Numerous
surgical techniques have been developed to restore function, symmetry, and aesthetics. Early
surgical techniques in treatment of cleft lip deformity involved straight‐line repairs were
limited in restoring symmetry to the lip of a child with unilateral cleft lip. LeMesurier and
Tennyson developed the use of flaps that allowed reconstruction of the cupid's bow of the
lip. Millard's technique of “rotation‐advancement” brought about the modern era of cleft lip
reconstruction. Later refinements by Salyer, Noordhoff, Cutting, and others have allowed the
surgeon to more effectively restore function, symmetry, and aesthetics

2. Normal anatomy

“All cleft surgery is merely applied embryology.”

—Victor Veau [1]

© 2016 The Author(s). Licensee InTech. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
© 2017 The Author(s). Licensee InTech. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
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distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2 Cleft Lip and Palate

The pathologic origins of a cleft lip are traceable to distinct embryological events. The fusion
failure during gestational weeks 4–7 of facial primordia: the central frontonasal prominence
and two lateral maxillary prominences result in a typical cleft lip of a newborn. Advances in
developmental science have promoted our knowledge and understanding of this phenom‐
enon, helping to guide diagnosis and surgical reconstruction; however, craniofacial embryol‐
ogy is beyond the scope of this chapter.
It is important to note that cleft lip and palate is considered a distinct entity from isolated cleft
palate, the difference chiefly characterized by the location of the cleft palate anterior or posterior
to incisive foramen, respectively. Soft‐tissue and bony deficiencies are variable with accompany‐
ing nasal distortion (Figure 1). Surgical management hinges upon the accurate identification of
involved structures and methodical attention to detail in surgical techniques in reconstruction.

Figure 1. (A) A child with a microform or “forme fruste” cleft lip, demonstrating vermilion notching, scar‐like depression.
(B) A child with a complete unilateral cleft lip, demonstrating tissue hypoplasia and asymmetry.

2.1. Normal anatomy of the lip

The layers of the lip include the skin, a thin layer of subcutaneous tissue, orbicularis oris and
other facial muscles, and mucosa. The vermillion is a unique tissue consisting of modified
mucosa, and the white roll is a ridge at the junction of the vermillion and the lip skin. The
lips are divided into four aesthetic subunits: the philtrum, two lateral wings (from the philtral
columns to the nasolabial folds), and the entire lower lip.

Muscles of the upper lip include orbicularis oris, levator labii superioris alaeque nasi,
­zygomaticus major and minor, levator labii superioris, and nasalis. The orbicularis oris con‐
sists of superficial and deep layers. The deep fibers run circumferentially between modioli
and function as the primary sphincter in feeding. The superficial fibers originate from the ipsi‐
lateral modiolus and run obliquely toward midline, interdigitating with the other muscles of
facial expression and inserting into the dermis. The superficial fibers are further distinguished
into either superior fibers (pars peripheralis) or inferior fibers (pars marginalis) of the upper
lip. The pars marginalis courses along the vermillion border connect with the contralateral
pars marginalis fibers at midline and inserts into the region of the vermilion tubercle. The pars
peripheralis has a flat‐fan shape diffusing out from each modiolus, and inserting into the skin
of the contralateral philtral ridge [2]. Two other distinct fibers of the pars peripheralis have
Surgical Techniques for Treatment of Unilateral Cleft Lip 3

also been identified using micro-computed tomography [3]. One bundle terminates at the tis‐
sue below the ipsilateral anterior nasal spine, in continuation with depressor septi. The other
bundle crosses midline and continues with the alar portion of nasalis muscle. The decussation
of fibers creates the philtral columns, and lack of insertion at the midline creates the philtral

Superficial layers of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, zygomaticus minor, and levator
labii superioris cross the nasolabial groove and migrate toward the superficial orbicularis.
The levator labii superioris alaeque nasi originates from the upper face, enters the upper lip
superior and lateral to the ipsilateral philtral column, and descends on the medial side of
the column. A bundle of fibers terminate in the dermis of the lateral aspect of the ipsilateral
philtral column. Another bundle of short and long fibers terminates in the skin of the vermil‐
lion border; however, the long fibers interlock with the pars marginalis before their insertion.
Thus the lip peak of the vermillion border, which creates cupid's bow, is due to a balance of
muscular tension between the pars marginalis and levator labii superioris alaeque nasi.

Superficial reticular fibers of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, zygomaticus major and
minor, levator labii superioris, and orbicularis oris insert into the medial philtrum ridge. The
intersection of these fibers and the contralateral orbicularis oris forms the philtral ­column.
The bulging appearance of the region lateral to the philtral column, however, results from
a greater number of muscle insertions into the lateral skin than to the philtral dimple [4]
(Figure 2A).

Figure 2. (A) A schematic representation of the orbicularis oris, demonstrating symmetry and continuity. (B) A schematic
representation of the orbicularis oris affected by a cleft, demonstrating asymmetry and discontinuity.

2.2. Normal anatomy of the nose

The nose can be divided into anatomical thirds. The proximal third consists of the paired
nasal bones and bony septum (vomer, perpendicular plate of ethmoid, nasal crest of maxilla
and palatine bone). Upper lateral cartilages and cartilaginous septum comprise the middle
third. Lower lateral cartilages, the tip, and caudal cartilaginous septum form the lower
third of the nose. The lower lateral cartilages consist of the medial, middle, and l­ ateral crura
4 Cleft Lip and Palate

(Figure 3A). The scroll area refers to the overlapping of lateral crura with the caudal edge of
upper lateral cartilages. The nasalis muscle originates at the incisive fossa and inserts into
four different regions. The transverse part courses past the alar base around the lateral side
of the nose, and ascends medially to join procerus and the contralateral transverse fibers at
midline. Fibers that course around the alar rim and above the lower lateral cartilages are
the alar portion of nasalis. The columella and basal parts insert in the membranous sep‐
tum, medial crura, and nostril sill skin. The columellar part of nasalis is synonymous with
depressor septi.

Figure 3. (A) A schematic representation of the lower lateral cartilages demonstrating symmetry. (B) A schematic
representation of the lower lateral cartilages demonstrating asymmetry: a short medial crus, an obtuse genu, and a
lateral crus that is longer and drawn into an S‐shaped fold on the cleft side.

The facial artery is the main blood supply to the upper and lower lips. The facial artery travels
through the cheek beneath zygomaticus major and superficial to buccinator muscles, giving
rise to the inferior and superior labial arteries. Once the superior labial artery emerges from
the zygomaticus major, it may dive into the substance of the orbicularis oris, giving rise to
the ipsilateral columellar artery. After giving rise to the superior labial artery, the facial artery
terminates as the angular artery. The lateral nasal artery is a branch of the angular artery.

3. Abnormal anatomy of unilateral cleft deformity: muscle imbalance,

tissue hypopvlasia, and skeletal asymmetry

“If you can articulate a problem, it is 98% solved.”

—Edwin Land
Surgical Techniques for Treatment of Unilateral Cleft Lip 5

The severity of a unilateral cleft lip varies from the microform (Figure 1A) to a complete cleft
extending into the nasal sill (Figure 1B). Varying degrees of nasal deformity and alveolar
deficiency may also be present [5, 6]. There is varying degree of absence of central lip, philtral
and nasal columella tissue [7].

The unilateral cleft typically results in a disruption of cupid's bow and the absence of one
philtral column. The continuity of the orbicularis oris circumferentially is compromised, with
abnormal insertions. In the lateral lip element, the upper part of cutaneous orbicularis (Pars
Superficialis) inserts in the lateral aspect of the alar base and the nasolabial fold, while the
lower part inserts into the nostril base periosteum of the pyriform rim. In the medial lip ele‐
ment, the cutaneous orbicularis (pars superficialis) inserts into the anterior nasal spine and
columella. The deep orbicularis (pars marginalis) is simply interrupted by the cleft deficiency
and results in a diminished vermillion‐cutaneous ridge at the cleft margin (Figure 2B).

Anatomical characteristics of unilateral cleft lip include nasal deformities of the tip, columella,
nostril, alar base, septum, and skeleton. The lower lateral cartilages on the cleft side have a
short medial crus, an obtuse genu, and a lateral crus that is longer and drawn into an S‐shaped
fold (Figure 3B). The caudal septum is deviated toward the noncleft side. The nasal tip it typi‐
cally directed toward the noncleft side [8]. In addition, the columella is shorter on the cleft side
with deviation toward the noncleft side due to the unopposed action of the orbicularis oris.
The alar base is more horizontal on the cleft side with deviation of the nasal septum toward the
noncleft side. The alar base on the cleft side is positioned laterally, inferiorly, and posteriorly.

Nasal deformities in a unilateral cleft lip‐nose arise from this cartilage deformity, muscle
imbalance, and skeletal hypoplasia [5]. The various deformities are listed here:

1. Alar base displacement posteriorly and inferiorly, causing a flattening of the dome

2. Lateral crus of the alar cartilage and underlying skin is drawn to an S‐shaped fold

3. Short medial crus of the alar cartilage on the cleft side

4. Columellar deviation toward the noncleft side and shortening on the cleft side

5. Nasal tip displacement and asymmetry

6. Caudal septum and anterior nasal spine displacement toward the noncleft side, with
­deviation to the cleft‐side airway causing obstruction

7. Inferior turbinate hypertrophy of the cleft side

8. Hypoplastic maxillary segment and displacement on the cleft side

9. Nasal floor is lowered or absent

10. Nasal pyramid asymmetry

4. Goals of surgical repair

“If you know what you value, then making a decision is easy.”

—Walt Disney
6 Cleft Lip and Palate

The goals of unilateral cleft lip repair are both functional and aesthetic. In order to address these
goals, one must understand the anatomical characteristics of unilateral cleft lip. Aesthetically
the goals of surgical intervention include formation of lip continuity, establishing symmetry of
the cupid's bow and the nose in a manner that places scars in less discernable areas. Recreation
of the orbicularis muscle to circumferentially surround the opening of the oral cavity is impor‐
tant for long‐lasting cosmetic outcomes and lip and mouth function. Patients with isolated
cleft lip rarely have feeding problems, unlike those with cleft palate. However, enrolling the
child in a multidisciplinary clinic is advised to address the needs of each patient and family.

5. Preoperative tissue mobilization

“Success depends on preparation, and without preparation, there is failure.”


The goal of preoperative tissue mobilization is to lessen the soft tissue and bony cleft and
accompanying deformities prior to definitive surgical treatment. Preoperative improvement
facilitates surgical repair and results in better outcomes.

5.1. Adhesive tape

Pool and Farnworth advocated the use of adhesive tape for soft tissue mobilization prior to
surgical repair of unilateral and bilateral clefts Long strips were applied from cheek to cheek
for 6 weeks prior to surgery (Figure 4). They found a 53% average reduction in alveolar gaps,
and lip segment narrowing from 40% to complete apposition [9].

Figure 4. A child with a complete unilateral cleft lip, with adhesive tape therapy in place. This is the same child in
Figure 1B. Note the mobilization of soft tissue.
Surgical Techniques for Treatment of Unilateral Cleft Lip 7

5.2. Nasoalveolar molding

Alveolar molding is performed with an intraoral appliance to align the maxillary alveolar
segments and narrow the cleft. Latham developed an active orthopedic device consisting
of methyl methacrylate bases attached to the palatine bone with metal pins, and connected
by a screw [10, 11]. Turning of the screw exerts an anterior force on the cleft‐side segment,
narrowing the gap.
Grayson and the NYU group employ presurgical molding, using the nasoalveolar mold‐
ing (NAM), a passive orthodontic appliance [12, 13]. An acrylic orthodontic plate is fitted
to cover the entire maxillary arch, with two buttons placed at 45° angle to the occlusal
plane. Circular elastics are attached from the buttons and to steristrips on the face bilat‐
erally (Figure 5). Every 1–2 weeks the orthodontist adjusts the device small amounts by
removing and adding acrylic. Once the alveolar gap measures less than 5 mm, a nasal
stent is added to the appliance by wire extending from the plate. The stent is positioned
under the soft triangle, and periodically augmented by adding soft acrylic. This tissue‐
expansion effect molds the alar cartilage and lengthens the columella with the goal of
increasing tip projection.

Figure 5. A child with a complete bilateral cleft lip, with an NAM device in place.
8 Cleft Lip and Palate

5.3. Surgical lip adhesion

Lip adhesion is a first surgical stage in a two‐stage reconstruction developed by Randall [14].
A lip after adhesion not only molds the alveolar segments, but also improves nasal contour
and vertical lip height of both medial and lateral segments. The disadvantages of a two‐stage
surgical repair include an additional procedure and scarring, possibly making dissection more
difficult during the second, definitive surgery. Randall made incisions on the vermillion of the
medial and lateral lip elements. On the lateral lip element, supraperiosteal dissection is per‐
formed through a buccal incision. Subcutaneous dissection is performed on the medial segment
to the nasal tip, allowing for mobilization of the cleft‐side lower lateral cartilage independent
from rest of the nose. Mattress sutures are passed through the medial cleft margin incision,
through the orbicularis oris and buccal mucosa. The mucosal flaps are then closed in layered

6. Surgical techniques of unilateral cleft lip repair

“Things done well, and with a care, exempt themselves from fear.”

—William Shakespeare

In unilateral cleft repairs, regardless of the name assigned, except for straight‐line techniques,
have an oblique medial incision to correct the nasal malposition and drop the cupid's bow
into a horizontal posture [15]. If the lateral segment is contoured to interpolate a congruent
tissue flap, the repair can be conceptualized as a Z‐plasty. We have categorized lip repairs in
this chapter by the level at which in the tissue is interpolated.

6.1. Straight‐line repairs

6.1.1. Early repairs [16, 17]

Ambroise Paré described a straight‐line repair for cleft lip in 1575. He excised the skin margins
of the cleft with a razor, freeing the lip elements from the upper jaw and joining them together
by transfixing the edges of the cleft with a needle and securing the needle with thread in a
figure of eight pattern. In 1570 Gaspar Tagliacozzi of Bologna described excoriating the cleft
edges and using interrupted sutures to close the cleft.

6.1.2. Rose-Thompson (et al.) principle

Some of the earliest changes in cleft lip repair were based on modifications to the straight line
repair to increase the vertical length of the lip. In 1879, William Rose developed a design for cleft
lip closure using curved incisions mutually concave from nostril to vermilion at a 60° angle [18].
This method was significant as it lengthened the union of the two cleft margins (Figure 6).
Later, James E. Thompson who aspired to reproduce a natural cupid's bow designed his
­paring procedure in a shape of a diamond excision. He emphasized the need for accurate
markings for precise matching of the cleft sides when brought together [19]. In addition,
when the vermilion thickness varied, Thompson altered the angle of his incisions to balance
Surgical Techniques for Treatment of Unilateral Cleft Lip 9

the vermilion closure [20]. Victor Veau performed a modified straight‐line closure, where
on the noncleft side he excised the mucosa just distal to the mucocutaneous junction line to
achieve a normal length [1]. He was successful in approximation of the muscular ­elements
but rarely achieved a symmetric cupid's bow. The British surgeon Thomas Kilner described
a technique of straight‐line closure combining methods used by Rose, Thompson, and
Veau. Kilner's technique, known for its simplicity, lengthened the lip, and reapproximated
the muscle. Kilner believed that a superior cosmetic result could be achieved by secondary
surgery to perfect the initial repair. Nakajima and others utilized curved incisions on the
noncleft side and but straight incisions on the cleft side to equalize the length and allow a
straight line repair [21].

Straight‐line repairs have grouped together as the “Rose‐Thompson principle.” While these
techniques have the advantage of simplicity and speed, they often result in an asymmetric
cupid's bow, a prominent scar and retrusion of the maxilla.

Figure 6. (A) Schematic representation of the incisions for a Rose repair. (B) Schematic representation of the closure of
a Rose repair.

6.2. Upper lip flaps

6.2.1. Millard technique

Millard conceptualized his rotation‐advancement technique while serving in Korea and

first published in 1957 [22]. His technique is the most widely used by cleft surgeons, but has
been modified since its inception. Its principles serve as the foundation of many unilateral
repairs today.
10 Cleft Lip and Palate

Millard preserved anatomical landmarks: the cupid's bow and the philtral column. Downward
rotation of the medial lip element restores vertical lip height and advancement of the lateral
lip element repositions the alar base.

Millard marked the nadir and peaks of cupid's bow on both the lateral and medial lip with
methylene blue. The distance from the alar base and the point selected for cupid's peak on the
lateral segment should equal that of the noncleft side. His medial segment incision extends
from the lateral cupid's peak of the medial element through the columellar‐labial junction to
the philtral column of the noncleft side. The lateral advancement flap extends from the nasal
sill around the alar base. The medial segment with cupid's bow is rotated downward, and the
lateral segment flap is advanced into the defect created.

Millard felt that markings served as a guide only, with the actual repair being “cut‐as‐you‐go”
individualized surgery (Figure 7).

Figure 7. (A) Schematic representation of the incisions for a Millard repair. (B) Schematic representation of the closure
of a Millard repair.

6.2.2. Salyer's modification

Salyer modified the rotation advancement with many improvements, most notably by mak‐
ing the transverse incision of the lateral segment B‐flap not below the alar rim, but instead
intranasally [23].

6.2.3. Mohler technique

Whereas the scar runs obliquely across the philtral column in Millard's repair, Mohler modi‐
fied the technique to create a “mirror image” of the philtral column on the noncleft side [24].
He accomplished a straight‐line closure of the lip by moving the rotation flap up into the
Surgical Techniques for Treatment of Unilateral Cleft Lip 11

c­olumella. His technique used a back‐cut that terminated at the midpoint of the ­philtral
depression. The defect created by the downward rotation was filled by tissue from the
lateral element.

6.2.4. Cutting technique (“Extended Mohler”)

Mohler's technique was modified by Cutting who moved the upper end of the incision to
just beyond the midline of the columella (about 4/7th of the width on the noncleft side), and
extended the back‐cut down to the noncleft philtral column [25]. This left a enough columellar
tissue to fill in the defect created by downward rotation. A straight-line closure symmetric to
the noncleft side philtral ridge is the result. There is then abundant lateral segment tissue that
may be used to provide nasal lining, as shown in Figure 8A and B.

Figure 8. (A) Schematic representation of the incisions for a Cutting repair. (B) Schematic representation of the closure
of a Cutting repair.

6.3. Middle lip flaps

6.3.1. LeMesurier technique

In the LeMesurier technique, a quadrilateral shape flap is created on the lateral side of the
cleft lip which is rotated to the medial side where a notch is formed by a back cut, as shown
in Figure 9A and B [26].

In addition to creating fullness in the lower lip, an advantage of this technique includes the
placement of the suture line down the center of the lip. Thus, the cupid's bow can be made
symmetrical. The scar that develops from the LeMesurier technique is a “step line” scar
which is unlike most scars associated with cleft lip repair. This may overcome the characteris‐
tic appearance of a cleft lip repair and can look like an accidental wound to the observer [27].
12 Cleft Lip and Palate

Figure 9. (A) Schematic representation of the incisions for a LeMesurier repair. (B) Schematic representation of the
closure of a LeMesurier repair.

6.3.2. Pool repair

Pool placed the transverse limb of his Z-plasty repair of the lip approximately 3–4 mm below
the alar bases [28]. He found that positioning the incision of the medial segment allowed
for complete caudal rotation and proper horizontal positioning of the cupid's bow without
the need for back‐cuts or secondary flaps, see Figure 10A and B. He also found that this

Figure 10. (A) Schematic representation of the incisions for a Pool repair. The blue dotted line represents a horizontal
approxi­mately 3 mm below the alar bases for planning the Z‐plasty. (B) Schematic representation of the closure of a
Pool repair.
Surgical Techniques for Treatment of Unilateral Cleft Lip 13

technique allowed a better contour of the lip, especially the curve of the columellar‐labial
juncture, which may be distorted by the transverse scar in higher rotation advancement tech‐
niques. The incisions also allow a “cut as you go” adjustment to the alar base for symmetry.

6.4. Lower lip flaps

6.4.1. Tennison-Randall repair

In 1952, Charles Tennison proposed a repair based on the Z‐plasty principle to gain vertical
lip length [29]. His technique, in particular, has proven to be advantageous in wide complete
clefts. Peter Randall devised a mathematical system for designing the lip operation [30].
The base of the isosceles triangle of the lateral element is determined by the difference in
lengths between the noncleft cupid's peak to the alar base and to the base of the columella.
The isosceles triangle side length should equal the length of the 90° back cut of the medial
element, as shown in Figure 11A and B.

Figure 11. (A) Schematic representation of the incisions for a Tennison‐Randall repair. (B) Schematic representation of
the closure of a Tennison‐Randall repair.

6.4.2. Fisher “anatomic subunit” repair

Fisher designed a repair utilizing the Rose‐Thompson principle with close attention to the bor‐
ders of aesthetic subunits of the lip, as well as a small lower lip triangular ­interpolation flap [31].
Many have found that this technique yields esthetic scars and achieves a natural contour of
the upper lip (Figure 12).
14 Cleft Lip and Palate

Figure 12. (A) Schematic representation of the incisions for a Fisher repair. (B) Schematic representation of the closure
of a Fisher repair.

6.5. Vermilion flaps

6.5.1. Noordhoff technique

The Noordhoff technique utilizes a lateral lip triangular flap to reconstruct the dry
­vermilion [32]. A triangular flap is made on the lateral side of the cleft, where the vermilion
height is the greatest, just before the red line converges to meet the white roll at the cleft
edge (Noordhoff's point). The vermilion tissue medial to this triangular marking is used to
augment the deficient vermilion underneath the cupid's bow. A straight cut is made on the
medial side of the cleft to fit the inset of the lateral triangular flap (Figure 13).

Figure 13. (A) Schematic representation of the incisions for a Noordhoff flap. (B) Schematic representation of the closure
of a Noordhoff flap.
Surgical Techniques for Treatment of Unilateral Cleft Lip 15

6.5.2. Powar technique

The Powar Technique for unilateral cleft lip repair is a modification of the Noordhoff's lateral
vermilion flap. The Powar technique not only maintains the parallel relationship of the muco‐
vermillion “red line” with the white roll but also more accurately matches the vermilion on
the noncleft side [33]. In Power's modification, the vermilion deficiency is measured on the
medial cleft segment and a custom matching triangular flap is created above the muco‐ver‐
milion junction on the lateral slide (Figure 14). This avoids the mucosal bulge that often is the
result of the Noordhoff triangular flap inset.

Figure 14. (A) Schematic representation of the incisions for a Powar flap. (B) Schematic representation of the closure of
a Powar flap.

6.6. Adjuntive flaps

Creation of the cupid's bow is a critical aesthetic concern in cleft lip surgery and has two
major elements: continuity of the white roll and sufficient caudal rotation. It is tempting for
the ­surgeon, when faced with a wide cleft, to preserve as much tissue width as possible.
However, preserving lip tissue with attenuated or absent white roll yields unsatisfactory
outcomes. The vast majority of patients who present for a revision of cleft lip scar benefit
from excision of scar to an accurately determined Noordhoff's point and meticulous suture
approximation of the white roll.
A cleft lip repair may be unacceptable if the cupid's bow is not horizontal due to insuf‐
ficient caudal rotation of the lip. A great advantage in the Pool technique is that it easily
provides sufficient caudal rotation. In the case of insufficient rotation, enlarging the Z‐plasty
flaps, a flap “back cut,” or a second Z‐plasty may bring cupid's bow horizontal. A second
smaller Z‐plasty just above the white roll is a very useful tool: the tightness caused by the
­Z‐plasty enhances the prominence of the white roll, and small flaps also break up a long
linear scar (Figure 15). The Tennison and Fisher techniques employ this principle as part of
their initial design.
16 Cleft Lip and Palate

Figure 15. (A) Schematic representation of closure of a cleft repair with the cupid's bow under‐rotated. The incisions
for a second, smaller Z‐plasty above the white roll are planned. (B) Schematic representation of the closure of Z‐plasty.

6.7. Hard palate repair at the time of lip repair

Sommerlad advocates the Oslo Protocol for closure of the hard palate: a single-layer mucop‐
erichondral flap of the vomarine septum simultaneous with primary cleft lip repair [34]. While
the lip is incised and retracted, tissue exposure is optimal to the anterior palate. This tech‐
nique seems not to have unfavorable outcome on maxillofacial growth [35].

6.8. Primary nasal repair

Early nasal reconstruction is important for the patient's self‐esteem from a young age, and
eliminates the need for correction of worsening nasal deformities as one matures and grows.
The reparative success of cleft nasal deformity is dependent on dissection that frees the alar
cartilage and its translocation into normal position.

6.8.1. McComb's technique

McComb's technique lifts the alar cartilage with its vestibular lining to shorten the cleft‐side
nose [36]. Dissection in a subcutaneous plane is performed from the upper buccal sulcus
and also through the columella to release the medial and lateral crura. The dissection then
is extended from the nostril rim to the tip, dorsum, and nasion. The alar lift is achieved with
either one or two mattress sutures through the nasal lining at the intercrural angle, raising the
cleft side lower lateral alar cartilages to a symmetrical position.

6.8.2. Anderl's technique

The Anderl technique utilizes the incisions made for cleft lip repair and wide undermining
of the nasal skin. The Anderl technique has extensive mobilization by undermining of the
nasal dorsum, supraperiosteal dissection on the surface of maxilla from the vestibule to the
infraorbital rim and from the piriform aperture to the maxillary tuberosity [37]. This maneuver
allows for greater medial excursion of the lateral element during repair of the lip and nose. The
cartilaginous septum is also released from its base attachment to the hard palate, straightened
and sutured to the anterior nasal spine.
Surgical Techniques for Treatment of Unilateral Cleft Lip 17

6.8.3. Salyer's technique

Salyer also uses extensive subcutaneous freeing of all elements and floating them above an
abnormal skeletal base. He uses two intranasal‐transdermal sutures to create the genu of
the ala [38]. In the completion of the lip and nasal repair, additional sutures may be used to
contour the alar base.

7. Outcomes assessments repair

“It is very difficult to understand the effectiveness of our actions without measurements.”

—Steve Killelea

Most outcome studies for unilateral cleft lip‐nose repair are single‐surgeon experiences with
their preferred techniques [39]. Outcomes are measured with postoperative photographs that
assess various anatomic landmarks and features. Other studies compare results as surgeon's
technique change over time [40, 41].

AmeriCleft, a large, multicenter study in the U.S., validated the use of the Asher‐McDade
rating scale, to audit four different institutions each with their own protocols [42]. The
Asher‐McDade system stratifies cleft patients on a seven‐point scale in each of the following
­nasolabial characteristics [43]:
a. Nasal form
b. Symmetry of the nose
c. Shape of the vermillion
d. Nasal profile including upper lip
The EuroCleft, a large multicenter European study, found that physical metrics correlated
poorly with satisfaction [44]. Furthermore, there are few studies that examine the functional‐
ity and quality of life of cleft patients postoperatively [45]. Future metric systems should be
comprehensive, incorporating all patient‐related outcomes in a cleft population.

8. Author's experience

“It is life's tragedy that we get old too soon and wise too late”

—Benjamin Franklin

The senior author (DL) was trained in plastic surgery residency, as many were, to repair
unilateral cleft lips with the Millard rotation‐advancement technique. Later, while on sur‐
gical missions to developing world countries, I had the opportunity and honor to work
with Dr. Robert Pool, and learn his midlip Z‐plasty technique of lip repair. Moreover, I also
­observed his meticulous surgical technique and attention to detail that brought the children
on whom he operated such excellent results. When I began practice with the Vermont State
Cleft/Craniofacial Center, I used the Pool technique.
Still later in my practice, I was quite intrigued by the extended Mohler technique advocated by
Dr. Court Cutting. While in New York City attending Dr. Barry Grayson's excellent workshop
on nasoalveolar molding, Dr. Cutting graciously invited me to observe him operating on an
18 Cleft Lip and Palate

infant with unilateral cleft lip. I observe his similar scrupulous attention to detail and excel‐
lent technique. I then began using this technique for a period of time. For reasons discussed
below, I have returned to a midlip Z‐plasty technique for surgical reconstruction of children
with unilateral cleft lip.

In my experience, the upper lip techniques of lip reconstruction have the disadvantage of a
transverse scar across the columellar‐labial junction. The columellar‐labial junction naturally
has a gentle curved shape, but a transverse scar across this curve will frequently result in a
tight, noncurved junction.

Linear scars the entire height of the lip often results in scar hypertrophy (Figure 16). The
linear Cutting/Mohler surgical linear scar line mimics a natural philtral ridge, however may
result in a hypertrophic scar of the vertical limb.

Figure 16. A child 5 months after cleft lip repair by the Cutting “Extended Mohler” technique and Powar vermillion flap.
This is the child from Figure 1B and Figure 4. Note the somewhat hypertrophied straight‐line vertical limb of the scar.

Continuity of orbicularis oris is the critical functional concern of cleft lip surgery. Midlip
surgical techniques have a great advantage in that the incisions are made over the abnormal
muscle bundles, and flap transposition redirects those muscle bundles with less extensive
dissection (Figure 17).
Surgical Techniques for Treatment of Unilateral Cleft Lip 19

Figure 17. (A) An infant with a complete unilateral cleft lip. (B) The infant in the operating room with markings for a Pool
midlip Z‐plasty and Noordhoff vermillion flap repair. (C) The infant in the operating room with dissection completed.
Because the Z‐plasty design and muscles are freed from their abnormal insertions without as much undermining of the
skin. (D) The infant in the operating room with surgical repair completed. (E) This child at 3 years of age.
20 Cleft Lip and Palate

In my opinion, this technique yields very satisfactory results (Figure 18).

Figure 18. (A) An infant with a wide, yet incomplete unilateral cleft lip. Note the narrow Simonart's band. (B) The infant
after a Pool midlip Z‐plasty and Powar vermillion flap repair. (C) The same child at 5 years of age.

At Vermont State Cleft/Craniofacial Center, we perform formal NAM presurgical orthopedics only
on children with bilateral clefts who have premaxillary protrusion (Figure 5). Unfortunately, we
have found that the frequent visits and lack of insurance coverage for NAM result in a high burden
of care for families in Vermont. Because of this, we have not adopted this modality for children
with unilateral clefts. We have found presurgical taping (Figure 4) to be an efficacious yet inex‐
pensive modality and it offers an opportunity for parents to play an active role in their child's care.
Surgical Techniques for Treatment of Unilateral Cleft Lip 21

Thoughtful selection of a surgical method and careful attention to detail in the execution of
surgical technique will yield the best results. We hope that this chapter will help surgeons in
the care of children with cleft lip.

Author details

Mustafa Chopan, Lorasb Sayadi and Donald R. Laub*

*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]

University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, Vermont, USA


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