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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL BANGALORE EAST Cambridge International Academic Session 2021-22 Grade 9 Chapter - Equations and Inequalities ies Linear inequal ‘The statement isles than canbe writen a: ‘This inequality can be manipulated in the following ways: adding 2 to each side: 8<10 thisinequality isstill true subtracting 2from each side: 4<6 this inequality is till true multiplying both sides by 212-516 ty is til ewe dividing both sides by 2: 3<4 ty is still true ‘multiplying both sides by 2. -12.<-16 this inequality is not true dividing both sides by -2: -3<-4 thisineauality is not true As cam be seen, when both sides of an inequality are either multiplied ‘or divided by a negative number, the inequality is no longer true. For it to be true, the inequality sign needs to be changed around. 1e -1Z>-10 and 3-4 When solving lineae inequalities, the proce for solving linear equations. e is very similar to that Mieco Remember: {implies that the numeri not included in the solution. Tis, > associated with > and {implies that the number is included inthe solution tis *——— associated with = and =. Solve the following incqualties and reprosent tho solution on a number line: 2 1S+30<6 frend ved i = * s b remt3 wets 2x thats x2 Nete the inequality © 9-av 217 sign has changed direction, ———_ 5 >= CEI ‘Find the range of values for which 7-< Sr +1 = 13 and iustrate the solutions on amber ine. ‘This isin fet two inequalities, which can therefore he solved separately eartt and aries (603 (jose (63) 922 thats 52 (3) 4=4 ————— aaoixO 8107 wouequieg ans o SNOILWNODA YVANIT ONIAIOS PoYEsse TR LDULIPLI| aaoixO 8107 wouequieg ans o E-bb=e-€+Xx2 __sapis yjoq wioy ¢ aye} LL=e+xz bL=€+X% aajog | ajdwexy PoYEsse TR LDULIPLI| aaoixO 8107 wouequieg ans o S+OL=S+S—XE | S@pIs YJoq 0} Z ppe- gh=2-xe QL=E-XE BAS Z ajdwexy PoYEsse TR LDULIPLI| aaoixO 8107 wouequieg ans o z ao re ge Lx% 7 Aq sapis yjog apiap L=XZ Z+G=Z+2-xZ _ Sepls YjOq 0} Z Pe g=z-xz Xy-—G4+Xp = Xp-Z—XQ | Sepls Yjoq WOY xp Oye) G+xp=2-x9 _ sjeyoriq ayy puedxe g+Xxy=(L-xe)z G+xpy=(L-xe)e% enjos ¢ J ajdwexy PoYEsse TR LDULIPLI| aaoixO 8107 wouequieg ans o v Vo=x ee ae oe 8 Aq sapis yiog epiaip 0g =x8 - S@pis Y}Og 0} Z) PPE gb=zh-x8 | Sepls Yjoq WOY xp Oye) 8b+Xp=ZL-xZh - sjeyoeiq ou) puedxe (6+xzZ)2 =(L- X21 x (6+xZ)Z=(L-X)ZL aAloS vy a ajdwexy PoYEsse TR LDULIPLI| aaoixO 8107 wouequieg ans o Z=x 9 Aq sapis yjog apiaip 8=Xp _ Sapis Yjog Woy J ee) SL=L+xp “Audis b= +x7-Z+x9 _ sjeyoriq ayy puedxe SL =(G-xZ)-(L+xe)2 GL=(G—XZ)-(L+x€)% aalog ¢ = ajdwexy PoYEsse TR LDULIPLI| aaoixO 8107 wouequieg ans o gr=x os QP 01 Aq sepis yiog epinip gv =x0L | SEpis jog 0} g PPE Ly=S-XOL "SOPs YjOd 0} XE PPE XE-Ly=G-XL XE-bW=G-XL Bajos ¢ S ajdwexy x PoYEsse TR LDULIPLI| aaoixO 8107 wouequieg ans o Z=x - g Aq sapis yjog apiap xS=01 _ SOpls YIOq OF J PPE L-xg=¢ | Sepis YjOg 0} XZ ppe- L-XE=XZ-€ | Audis | L-XE=Z-xZ-§ _ sjeyoriq ayy puedxe L-XE=(L+X)0-5 L-XE=(L+x)Z-G — aAOS 9 J i ajdwexy PoYEsse TR LDULIPLI| aaoixO 8107 wouequieg ans o 7 Ov =v2+?~2 =H7+X 9b PUR ob “oOEL rare se[buy vy =99-OL =22x€-O0L =XE-OL O€L =07+OLL =0%+27xS =07+XG 9 eZ =x -€ Aq sapis yjoq apap =. gg = xE | Sapls Yjoq Woy HLL eY2} — O8L= HLL +xe | Agius O8L=p7+xX+xXE-OL+07+XG & ‘9/6uel} au} Ul [Bue Yoee Jo azis 94} UMOP SILA G a1vos *X JO aNjeA ay} pul4y e& OL LON *X JO SWJ9} Ul UMOYs dJe a/GueL} ay} Jo sajBue salu} ey, 1 my ajdwexy PoYEsse TR LDULIPLI| aaoixO 8107 wouequieg ans o wo 02 =$xv=(L+4)xv=(L+X)p = apis jo yybue7 pax 7 Aq sapis yjog epiaip 8=XxZ _ Sapis Y}Og 0} y Ppe- v= -XZ | sapis Yjoq Wo Xp aye} v+Xy=7-X9 _ syeyoeig eu puedxe (+ x)p = (e-xe)z | | “wo ul ale syj6u2] [IV “azenbs siy} Jo apis e jo yj6ua] ay} pul4 g (L+x)p ajdwexy PRY h LTO LTA | aaoixO (xe-2)s 6-xXL wo G=6—-pL=6-2xL "s2pis uiog 0} 6 PPE " s9pis Yiog 0} x51 PPE xL 102 voriequiag ns. 0 = 9[Buejoal jo ujbue7 Z=x by =X7Z GE=6-X7Z XGL—-GE=6-XL (x€-1)G =6-XL “wo ul ae suybu9| [IV ‘a|Buejoei aly Jo yyBua] ayy pul4 6 ajdwexy PoYEsse TR LDULIPLI| aaoixO 8107 wouequieg ans o | SOpIs YOq WON |Z ae} Gl-=l2+xp | SOpIS Y]Oq WON xe 22) GL-XE=1Z+XL | Ayiduis | GL-X€=L-92+XL _ sjeyoeiq ayy puedxe (g-Xe=L-(b +L a Vv “x Jo anjea ay} pul4 ISSeldxe UY} BJO / SI YW UOISSaldxy OL. & ajdwexy PRY h LTO LTA | aaoixO 8107 wouequieg ans o or=s-£ BAlOS LL x ajdwexy PoYEsse TR LDULIPLI| aaoixO 8107 wouequieg ans o LL=X _ Sepis Yjog Woy p axe} le=ptx Ce pox €= TZ eos ZL ajdwexy PoYEsse TR LDULIPLI| aaoixO 8107 wouequieg ans o fog,=x 12 2 Aq sepis jog epinip 6 =xz eNOS EL ajdwexy PoYEsse TR LDULIPLI| aaoixO 8107 wouequieg ans o x toot $ BAOS PL UL ajdwexy PoYEsse TR LDULIPLI| aaoixO 8107 wouequieg ans o _S9PIS Hog wow Z1 SH g=zi+x9 " slaypeiq ou puedo s=(z+n9 Cake 2 9 Z+x a =Q 98Al0g SL el. ajdwexy PoYEsse TR LDULIPLI| aaoixO 8107 wouequieg ans o le=x 7 Aq sapis yjog apiaip” zy =xz _ S@pIs Y}Oq 0} OF PPE Zb=0€-xz _ sapls Yjoq Woy XE aye) ZL+x€=08-xg ytxX Q-X e@nlog SL J i ajdwexy PoYEsse TR LDULIPLI| aaoixO 8107 wouequieg ans o \e=x 7 Aq sapis yjog apiaip” zy =xZ _ sapls Yjog 0} OF PPE ZL=08-xz _ sapls Yjoq Woy XE aye) ZL+x€=0€-XS - fidyru sso, cece Aidt yas ‘uBis =, ayy JO apis yoee uO UONeY ,a|Buls, & S| 494} UBYM pasn aq ued poyjal yoINb ey] of “ajdwexa jse] ay} Bulop 10) poyjaw Jayoinb e si aay]. 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