Madda Walabu University: College of Agriculture Andnatural Resoucs Department of Agricultural Economics

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1 Abdurahman Guye
2 Temesgan Dame
3 Kibabush jemar

ADVISOR:Amanule .Z



II. Acknowledgement
 First of all I would like to thanks almighty God who support me in every direction within
the temptation of full world.
 Secondly the contribution of my major advisor amanuel .Z is unforgettable forever because
of his advice, suggestion, criticism, encouragement, and guide me in a good manner at any
time at any place without any confusion and wastage of my time. Really I’m surprised him
for his good knowledge and good approach to me.
 Thirdly, I would like to extend my gratitude to my family members, specially my father and
I am also grateful to my friends(Abdulwahid)and relatives those who supported me both morally
and financially to complete this seminar review.


BERSMP Bale Eco-Region Sustainable Management Programmed

FAO Food and Agricultural Organization
IBC Institute of Biodiversity Conservation
NVO Netherlands Development Organization
MT Metric tones

IP CC intergovernmental panel on climate chan


The words ‘apiculture’ and ‘beekeeping’ tend to be applied loosely and used synonymously: in
some parts of the world, significant volumes of honey are today still obtained by plundering wild
colonies of bees. ‘Honey hunting’ cannot be properly described as ‘beekeeping’. However, hone
hunting still remains an important part of many rural livelihoods (Nicola 2009). According to the
same author the product that most people first associate with bees is honey, although beekeeping
generates much more than just honey. The maintenance of biodiversity and pollination of crops are
the most valuable services provided by bees. Beekeeping is an environmentally friendly and non-
farm business activity that has immense contribution to the economy of segments of the society and
to a national economy(Bersmp, 2008).honey generates income and can create livelihood for several
sectors within a society(Gotte1998).
Beekeeping is an environmentally friendly and non-farm business activity that has immense
contribution to the economies of t society and to a national economy as whole. Ethiopia has a huge
natural resource base for honey production and other hive products, and beekeeping is traditionally
a well-established household activity in almost all parts the country. However, the benefit from the
sub sector to the nation as well as to the farmers, traders, processors and exporter is not satisfactory
(Beyene and David, 2007).

In Ethiopia strategies to eradicate poverty in the country honey production is the priority
agricultural area (IBC 2007). Beekeeping can be practised as a safety net, providing households
with extra income from the sales of honey and other beehive products. According to the report by
Oxfam beekeeping in Ethiopia provides employment for two million people and, with more than 10
million bee colonies, Ethiopia is the largest producer of honey in Africa (Oxfam 2010). Moreover,
bee products are nutritious food that can be an extra source of energy and nutrients. 4 of 6 3/3/2016
9:24 AM Honey can be easily stored, and sold or consumed in times of need (SNV 2009). As
mentioned above, beekeeping can be started up with few resources, even by landless households, as
bees collect nectar where they can and it is easy to manage by women. It is not a labor-intensive
activity and can therefore easily be combined with the other daily activities. Beekeepers can
organize themselves in Beekeeping Associations, improve their techniques, increase production
and strengthen their position on the market (Charlotte 2010).

Ethiopia has a huge natural resource base for honey production and other hive products, and
beekeeping is traditionally a well-established household activity in almost all parts of the country.
Moreover, it has a “variety” of honeybees, each with demerits and variations in productivity. With
three major climatic zones in Ethiopia, there are different lengths in flowering seasons, also
influencing the honey productivity (Robert 2010).

Honey hunting and bee keeping i.e. keeping bees inside man made hives and harvesting honey
from them has bees practice by human for at least 45000 year ago so human society have been
awareness of benefit from the bees (crane,1990). Apis lati words for bees and apiculture is science
and practice of bee keeping. Honey hunting cannot be describe as bee keeping however honey
hunting still remain in many rural livelihood ( al, 2009). The maintenance of biodiversity
and pollination of crop are the most valuable service provide by bees. Beekeeping is an
environmental friendly and none farm business activities for society and national economy
(BERSMP, 2008). If there are enough bee colonies in the area at flowering time, the plants will
give higher yields and the quality of the fruits will also be improved (Leen et al 2005). According
to Crane (1990) honeybees can increase the yield of Citrus sinensis by 30%, watermelon by 100%
and tomatoes by 25%. Adimasu et al (2004) also reported that onion yields had increased by 94%
due to honeybee’s pollination. Moreover, in Ethiopia researches indicate bees can benefit 250 –
300 folds through pollinating particularly pulse seeds and vegetables in raising the production
higher than their direct products – honey and wax.“ (Walta Information Center 1999 as cited by
Ingrid (2004). Ingrid also stated that the global estimate of the value of the service of pollination is
US$ 65 – 70 billion, representing a 4
ultural area (LBC 2007) honey can be easily store and sold or consumed in time of need (SNV
Honey is produced when honey bees (Apis mellifera) suck nectar, sweet juice and pollens from
different plant species available; composition of honey therefore varies according to the source of
the nectar. . Honey is hence a forest product, this means that its quality and quantity depend much
on forest vegetative and floral viability (Brown, 1993).

This may explain why honey contains many different substances important in human nutrition such
as proteins, carbohydrates, organic acids, hormones, antibiotic elements and small quantity of
unknown substance (Brown, 1993). Honey is hence a forest product, this means that its quality and
quantity depend much on forest vegetative and floral viability. Agro-apiculture according to
Adekola et al.(2006) means domestication of bees for the purpose of honey production and
utilization of the other hive products such as bee wax propolis, bee venom and pollens for the
benefits of mankind. It is also management and maintenance of colonies of honey bees in their
natural home for honey inside tree hollow, log or cave but humans have transported some of them
home for domestication. Products of beekeeping are honey, bees wax, propolis, bee venom, royal
jelly and pollen. Honey is used for tobacco products especially cigarettes to keep it moist, in bread
making as substitute for refined sugar, treatment of gastrointestinal ailments, surgical wounds and
bad sores (Adekola et al., 2006).
FAO statistical data indicated that in 2004 estimated world honey and bees wax production was
1.38 million metric tones (MT) and bees wax production 60.153MT In comparison to these
amounts, production in sub-saharan Africa was 135,373MT of honey and 14,165 mt of bees wax
most of which came from a very few countries.

1.1 Objective

1.1.1 General objective

 To review the role of honey bee in climate change mitigtion and poverty alleviation

1.1.2 Specific objective



Beekeeping (apiculture) is the practice of managing honeybee colonies to attain desire objectives.
Beekeeping is an environmentally friendly and non-farm business activity that has immense
contribution to the economies of the society and to a national economy as whole. Ethiopia has a
huge natural resource base for honey production and other hive products, and beekeeping is
traditionally a well-established household activity in almost all parts of the country. However, the
benefit from the sub sector to the nation as well as to the farmers, traders, processors and exporter
is not satisfactory (Beyene and David, 2007)

2.2 Concept and Factors Responsible for Climate Change

Climate change over any particular place around the world is caused by a host of interacting factors
both natural and man-made.Okali (2007) defined climate change as a deviation from
the normal climatic conditions of an area due to land-atmosphere, land ocean and
ocean-atmosphere interactions and which cause alterations in balance of gases in the
atmosphere. The gases are otherwise called radioactive forcing factors and are responsible for
global warming and climate change. They include greenhouse gases of carbon dioxide, nitrous
oxide, methane and halocarbons. They also include aerosols which are negative
forcing values producing cooling effects in atmosphere and solar activities with volcanic
eruptions. These reduce ozone layer factors and manifest themselves as rising temperature,
irregular humidity and rainfall patterns flooding, erosion of coastal plains, rising sea levels,

drought, desertification, threat to natural water resources and increase in land erosion

2.2.1 Impact of Climate change on Honeybees

Temperature increase rang ing from 1. 1-6. 40C by the end of this century

The I PCC documented the increased global temperatures, a decrease in snow and ice cover,and
changed frequency and intensity of precipitation as the major consequences of climate change (I
PCC, 2007).However ,increased temperature is thought to be the most important effect of
climate change with respect to plant pollinator interactions(Kjo l et al.201 1).The possible
responses of species to cli mate change are adaptation to the new environment migration to
another suit able area and extinction . The first response i s unlikely since expected climate
change occurs too rapidly for populations to adapt by genetic change. With increase in
temperatures many species move towards poles and higher altitudes. Tropical pollinators may
respond to different temperature cues than pollinator species thigh her latitudes (Coope,1995)

2.3 Honey Biology and its Sustainable Production

Honey is produced when honey bees (Apis mellifera) suck nectar, sweet juice and pollens from
different plant species available; composition of honey therefore varies according to the source of
the nectar. This may explain why honey contains many different substances important in human
nutrition such as proteins, carbohydrates, organic acids, hormones, antibiotic elements and small
quantity of unknown substance. Honey is hence a forest product, this means that its quality and
quantity depend much on forest vegetative and floral viability (Brown, 1993).

Agro-apiculture according to Adekola et al (2006) means domestication of bees for the purpose of
honey production and utilization of the other hive products such as bee wax propolis, bee venom
and pollens for the benefits of mankind. It is also management and maintenance of colonies of
honey bees in their natural home for honey inside tree hollow, log or cave but humans have
transported some of them home for domestication. Products of beekeeping are honey, bees wax,
propolis, bee venom, royal jelly and pollen. Honey is used for tobacco products especially
cigarettes to keep it moist, in bread making as substitute for refined sugar, treatment of
gastrointestinal ailments, surgical wounds and bad sores (Adekola et al., 2006).

FAO statistical data indicated that in 2004 estimated world honey and bees wax production was
1.38 million metric tones (MT) and bees wax production 60.153MT In comparison to these
amounts, production in sub-Saharan Africa was 135,373MT of honey and 14,165 mt of bees wax
most of which came from a very few countries. Table below shows the quantity of honey and bee
wax produced by selected African countries (Adekola et al., 2006)

2.4 Contribution of Bee on Management and Forest Conservation

Beekeeping in Ethiopia plays an important role in income generation for beekeepers (farmers).
According to Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation pure honey production in
Ethiopia is estimated to be about 26 tons a year, about 2/3 of which is used for making the honey
wine, "tej". Ethiopia is ranked as the third exporter of wax in Africa, collecting about 3000 tons of
beeswax annually (Robert 2010). , honey hunting still remains an important part of many rural
livelihoods (Nicola 2009. Honey hunting cannot be describe as bee keeping however honey hunting
still remain in many rural livelihood ( al, 2009).
The maintenance of biodiversity and pollination of crops are the most valuable services provided
by bees. Beekeeping is an environmentally friendly and non-farm business activity that has
immense contribution to the economy of segments of the society and to a national economy
(Bersmp, 2008). In Ethiopian beekeeping activity is based on three major climatic zones. In
Ethiopia there are different length flowering seasonal also influencing honey bee productivity
(Robert.2010). In Ethiopia estimate about 26 tone /year 2/3 of which used for wane” tej” and
export 3000tone bee of wax annually (Robert .2010) in the country an average of 420 million
Ethiopian birr obtain from honey bee product demand for globally (gideyand kibron 2010).

There are different challenges of honey bees among those aggressions of bees’ disease, pest, lack
of knowledge of bee management etc. In Ethiopia since the past few years it is observed such type
of traditional effort towards conservation of natural vegetation through bee keeping. Ingrid (2004)
and Admasu etai (2004) also reported that onion yield increased by 94% due to honey bee
pollination in Ethiopian strategy to eradicate poverty in the country honey production is priority of
agricultural area (LBC 2007) honey can be easily store and sold or consumed in time of need (SNV
In the country, an average of 420 million Eth. Birr or 35 million USD is obtained annually from the
sale of honey. Honey production of the country meets beverage requirements of the urban and rural
population. It is also demanded for its nutritional and medicinal values. The others hive products
such as beeswax; royal jelly, propolis and bee venom have high demand globally but little is done
in the case of Ethiopia (Gidey and Kibrom 2010). As a result of this the benefit from the sub-sector
to the nation as well as to the farmers, traders, processors and exporters is not satisfactory. In fact
this is due to challenges related to aggressiveness of the bees, disease, wind, pest, robbery, lack of
knowledge about bee management and a need for usage of more modern equipment. It is still
possible and important to harvest high quality, excellent products from bees using simple
equipment and techniques, building on the traditions held in almost every society.

Moreover, it is critical to identify alternative mechanisms in which the honey producers and other
actors can overcome and add value to their products, and become stronger negotiators in local,
regional, and international markets, thereby securing their income and livelihoods. As one of the
best options diversification of bee products into beeswax, pollen and propolis, royal jelly and bee
venom, and the use of bees in apitherapy, which is a medicine value using bee would be crucial.
The objective of this piece of paper is therefore to high light the benefits of bees in addition to that
of honey and wax production (Gidey and Kibrom 2010).

According to the study by Japan Association for International Collaboration of Agriculture and
Forestry, once local people begin practicing apiculture, they become accustomed to be conscious of
their relation with apiculture resources surrounding them through honey bees and the products.
They begin to think about the question from where honey bees settling hives originate, and to
contemplate the relationship between the abundance of stored honey and that of flowers coming to

bloom (Mary 2009). It is clear that in the areas where the acquisition of honey bees depends on
wild colonies and the nectar sources depend on natural vegetation, the basic elements of apiculture
derive from the richness of the nature that provides two resources (nectar 2 of 6 3/3/2016 9:24 AM
and pollen). Therefore the closer the relationship between life and apiculture becomes, the much
higher the consciousness of conservation of forest and natural vegetation is raised. In most parts of
Ethiopia since the past few years it is observed such type of traditional efforts toward the
conservation of natural vegetation through beekeeping (Ingrid 2004). Hence, the apiculture
development has made it possible to raise people´s awareness of the natural environment and to
lead them to engage in the conservation activities side by side with beekeeping.

Moreover, Ingrid (2004) stated that apiculture which depends on the natural vegetation for nectar
sources, the richness of natural vegetation assures the richness of natural vegetation assures the
richness of the nectar source and sustains the honey production. The ecological structure like this
can be recognized most readily by beekeepers from the viewpoint of economics that the natural
vegetation as nectar sources is equivalent to the production of honey, and constitutes the most
important element in the principle of conservation. When the activities of apiculture is introduced
and developed, the more heavily a region depends on the natural environment for nectar sources the
higher can become the level of improvement of awareness of conservation of natural vegetation
(recognition that it is important to respect the forest preserve and to protect the remaining
vegetation, from the viewpoint of conservation of nectar and/or pollen sources), and the level of
responsive actions of the residents there.

2.5 Bees Pollination and Plant Productivity

The greatest added value of beekeeping lies in the fact that bees pollinate agricultural and
horticultural plants. About one third of all plants or plant products eaten by humans depend directly
or indirectly on bees for their pollination (Bradbear 2009). Crops pollinated by bees have been
proven to produce higher yields and better quality, often at no extra cost for the farmer, rather crop
seed yield increment. Yet, many farmers consider bees and other as harmful insects (Berenbaum,

When a bee has found the flowers of a certain kind of plant, it investigates their comparative
advantage. If the flowers produce a fair amount of nectar and/or pollen, the bee encourages hive-

mates to use this source. The bees will visit these flowers as long as sufficient food can be collected
from them. This flower constancy makes bees exceptionally valuable to plants needing to be cross-
pollinated. If there are enough bee colonies in the area at flowering time, the plants will give higher
yields and the quality of the fruits will also be improved (Leen et al., 2005).

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations for human nutrition the
benefits of pollination include not just the abundance of fruits, nuts and seeds, but also their variety
and quality. The contribution of animal-pollinated foodstuffs to human nutritional diversity,
vitamin sufficiency and food quality is substantial. Just as the agricultural community is taking
stock of the contribution of pollination to orchard, horticultural and forage production, populations
of managed pollinators (the honeybee Apis mellifera and its Asian relatives) are experiencing new
and poorly understood threats. Fortunately, with a greater appreciation of the role of pollination in
food production comes a greater understanding of the major contribution of wild pollinators
(Bradbear 2009). According to the study of Roger and Nicholas in U.S honey bees are very much a
part of the modern American agricultural picture. It is estimated that there are 2.9 million colonies
in the United States today (owned by beekeepers with five or more colonies). Over two million of 3
of 6 3/3/2016 9:24 AM these colonies are on the road each year to pollinate crops and to produce
honey and beeswax.
This represents a major change in U.S agriculture since the first colonies of honey bees were rented
for pollination on apples in New Jersey in 1909, and since the first migratory beekeeping for the
purposes of honey production began in this country in latter part of the 1800s (Roger and Nicholas
The yield of plants pollinated by honeybees can be increased in quality and quantity. According to
Crane (1990) honeybees can increase the yield of Citrus sinensis by 30%, watermelon by 100%
and tomatoes by 25%. Adimasu et al (2004) also reported that onion yields had increased by 94%
due to honeybee’s pollination. Moreover, in Ethiopia researches indicate bees can benefit 250 –
300 folds through pollinating particularly pulse seeds and vegetables in raising the production
higher than their direct products – honey and wax.“ (Walta Information Center 1999 as cited by
Ingrid (2004). Ingrid also stated that the global estimate of the value of the service of pollination is
US$ 65 – 70 billion, representing a 46% loss of global harvests. The following table indicated that
the number of honeybee colonies required for different cultivated crops per hectare.

2.6 Potential Role of Beekeeping in Poverty Alleviation
In Ethiopia strategies to eradicate poverty in the country honey production is the priority
agricultural area (IBC 2007). Beekeeping can be practised as a safety net, providing households
with extra income from the sales of honey and other beehive products. According to the report by
Oxfam beekeeping in Ethiopia provides employment for two million people and, with more than 10
million bee colonies, Ethiopia is the largest producer of honey in Africa (Oxfam 2010).

Moreover, bee products are nutritious food that can be an extra source of energy and nutrients. 4 of
6 3/3/2016 9:24 AM Honey can be easily stored, and sold or consumed in times of need (SNV
2009). As mentioned above, beekeeping can be started up with few resources, even by landless
households, as bees collect nectar where they can and it is easy to manage by women. It is not a
labour-intensive activity and can therefore easily be combined with the other daily activities.
Beekeepers can organize themselves in Beekeeping Associations, improve their techniques,
increase production and strengthen their position on the market (Charlotte 2010).

The returns for beekeeping will eventually contribute to the wellbeing of the whole community. In
terms of apiculture, the least visible livelihood outcome is the pollination of flowering plants, both
wild and cultivated: this is an outcome impossible to quantify. However, in the developed countries
the use of bees by renting or purchasing from the beekeeper or bee breeder in different farm is
important source of income for the family.
Honey is a traditional medicine or food in nearly all societies and whether sold in a simple way at
village level or packaged more sophisticatedly, honey generates income and can create livelihoods
for several sectors within a society (Gotte 1998).

Beeswax is also a valuable product from beekeeping, although in some places its value is not
appreciated. Industrialized countries are net importers of beeswax, and the supply comes from

developing countries. The beekeepers and other people in a community can create further assets by
using honey and beeswax to make secondary products, such as candles, beauty creams or beer.
Selling a secondary product brings a far better return for the producer than selling the raw
commodity (Gotte 1998).

Bees also generate other products (pollen, propolis and royal jelly) that can in some situations be
harvested, marketed and made into secondary products: all of this work effectively strengthening
people’s livelihoods (Leen et al, 2005). And the family becomes less vulnerable, strengthening
their ability to look into the future, and reducing the chance that they will slip into poverty if a
member of the family becomes ill or if a season is bad for farming or other activities. In addition to
their financial value, honey and beeswax have many cultural values and form part of ceremonies
for birth, marriages, funerals, Christmas and other religious celebrations in many societies.
Beekeepers are generally respected for their craft. All of these aspects are Livelihood Outcomes
from the activity of beekeeping. While some may be difficult or impossible to quantify, they are
real outcomes that strengthen people’s livelihoods and therefore should be acknowledged by a
beekeeping intervention (Bradbear 2009).


Beekeeping generates by far much more than honey: the maintenance of biodiversity and
pollination of crops are perhaps the most valuable services provided by that bee products are
nutritious food that can be an extra source of energy and nutrients. Other products like beeswax,
pollen, propolis, royal jelly and bee venom, and the use of bees in apitherapy are as important as
other products. Honey production in Ethiopia is estimated to be about 26 tons a year, about 2/3 of
which is used for making the honey wine, "tej".

Bee keeping lies in the fact that bees pollinate agricultural and horticultural plants onion yield
increased by 94% due to honey bee pollination in Ethiopian strategy to eradicate poverty in the
country honey production is priority of agricultural area bees.

Honey is hence a forest product, this means that its quality and quantity depend much on forest
vegetative and floral viability. honey production in Ethiopia is estimated to be about 26 tons a year,
about 2/3 of which export 3000tone bee of wax annually in the country an average of 420 million
Ethiopian birr obtain from honey bee product demand for globally roles that bees can play in nature
preservation and agriculture and the positive impact that beekeeping can have on the lives of


This sector is very important and advantageous to build a green economy for countries, all
responsible bodies (Farmers, expertise and policy-makers) should consider beekeeping as a viable
commercial and productive activity that should always be considered and integrated in national
forest programs and in other development programs such as poverty reduction strategies.
 Protection of existing trees and forest
 Planting new trees according to local needs
 Placing emphasis on community forestry
 The use of locally-suited trees
 Use of fast multipurpose trees
 Use of fast growing species
 Strive for floral diversity
 Wildlife conservation using different mass media extension strategies
 Education and training of industrialists against indiscriminate release of pollutants into
 Promotion of controlled bush burning controlled application of pesticides and herbicides by
farmers’ beekeepers by NGOs. Embarking on homogenous honey production as being done
in Forestry Research Institute, Ibadan where Thevetia peruviana Steud plantation is being
used for comparative honey research.


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Browns, Royden (1993). Bees Hives Product Bible. Avery Publishing Group Inc, N.Y.226.
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Received 14 November 2015; Accepted 15 February 2016; Published 1 March 2016
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