ESIA - ON Washed Coffee Industry Establishment
ESIA - ON Washed Coffee Industry Establishment
ESIA - ON Washed Coffee Industry Establishment
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
ARCCH Authority for Research and Conservation for Cultural Heritage
oC Degree Cellicious
EP Environmental Protection
ha Hectare
KM Kilo Meter
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
mm Millimeter
PH Power of Hydrogen
PE Personal Protective
SS Suspended Solids
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
ACRONYMS .......................................................................................................................... 1
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................... 11
1. BACKROUND .................................................................................................................. 11
1.1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 11
1.2 THE PURPOSE OF THE EIA ............................................................................................................................ 12
1.3 SCOPE OF THE STUDY .................................................................................................................................... 13
1.4 OVERALL OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT.................................................................................................. 13
1.5 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY .................................................................................................... 14
1.6 TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) ...................................................................................................................... 14
1.7 CONSULTALTING FIRM ................................................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER TWO ................................................................................................................... 16
2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY................................................................ 16
2.1 METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................................ 16
2.2 LEGAL AND POLICY ASPECTS ANALYSIS ................................................................................................. 18
2.3 PREDICATION OF IMPACT.............................................................................................................................. 19
2.3.1 IDENTIFICATION OF POSITIVE IMPACTS ........................................................................................... 19
2.3.2 NEGATIVE IMPACTS ASSOCIATED TO THIS WASHED STATION ............................................... 19
2.4 POTENTIAL MITIGATION MEASURES ......................................................................................................... 19
2.5 OUTPUT OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................................................. 20
CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................................... 21
3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION, DESIGN AND OPERATION ........................................................ 21
3.1 OWNERSHIP AND LOCATION OF THE PROJECT .................................................................................... 21
3.2 NATURE OF THE PROJECT ............................................................................................................................ 21
3.3 JUSTIFICATION OF THE ESTABLISHED WASHED STATION .............................................................. 22
3.4 COMPANY/ APPLICANT AND THE PROJECT ........................................................................................... 22
3.5 BRIEF HISTORY OF PROMOTERS ................................................................................................................ 23
3.6 PROJECT SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................... 23
3.7 PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 24
3.8 PROJECT OPERATION ..................................................................................................................................... 24
3.9 BY PRODUCTS AND DISPOSAL METHODS ............................................................................................... 25
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
This report presents the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Waste
Management Plan (EWMP) study of Bona Zuria Woreda KAWET coffee Pulping (PLC)
Project. The Wet-Mill project area is located in Bona Zuria Woreda is one of the twenty on
major coffee producers woredas of the Sigama Zone, SNNPRS. Bona Zuria woreda is located
at bout 42km the south east direction from Aleta Wendo town of Aleta Wendo woreda and
102k from Sidma Zone capital town Hwassa, through Haws’- Abosto- Abosto-Aleta Wendo,
Aleta Wendo-Bensa Daye woreda wall-weather road route. The geographical location of the
woreda is 6’30’North Latitude and 38’50’ East Longitude and The specific feature of the
project area in terms of temperature is from 27 to 29oC and a rainfall pattern is average
The report incorporates baseline surveys, environmental and social impact analysis, and
impact management/mitigation plan to identify the adverse impacts for the proposed Wet-
Mill industry. The Environmental Impact Management Plan (EIMP) is instrumental for the
sustainability of the project and maintains environmental safety.
The owner off the project (client) is ATO: Kebede Kabiso which has been carried out the
new KAWET coffee Pulping (PLC) Project here in SBona Zuria district of Sidama Zone,
SNNPR, at specific location Aniso kika Kebele rural peasant Administrative (RPA). As
stated in the Environmental Protection Guidelines of Ethiopia, environmental and social
impact analysis is a prerequisite before implementing any development project. In line with
this the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People Reginal State(SNNPRS) Environmental
Protection Authority was order the newly and previously established Wet Coffee Processing
Industry must pass the EIA screening and prepared the mitigation measure of
Environmental Impact Management Plan(EIMP). Based on this the owners was invited local
compete consulting to carry out the consultancy service of to this Wet-Mill industry in
identification of the negative impact and preparing the possible mitigation measure plan.
Based on the invitation REKIK Development Consultant PLC, was made an agreement to
carry out the work.
Furthermore the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change order No. 9/3-
1/1136/10 of 26/01/2010 nominates the list of consultant by giving the competency
certification with list of works activities and coffee processing Industry projects should have
undertaken an environmental impact assessment from construction to final Implementation
activities carried out in phase by phase. In this regards that Rekik Development
Consultants (PLC) hired the consultancy firm, with this coffee processing industry, to carry
out the present Environmental Impact Assessment.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
The wet-coffee processing industry project, like many other development projects, may have
undesired consequences on the biophysical environment as well as the local communities. It
is thus important to known and identify the nature of such impact on the environment and
community. The community are known the early established have a negative impact on
There will be also an important number of positive impacts on the human environment
such as in short the positive benefits associated with the Provision of technology transfer
and red cherry coffee market opportunity, Improvement of the local economy and Provision
of indirect and direct employment opportunities during operation phases in the washed
station. The potential of washed coffee supply to the export world market, in the country at
large, the employment opportunities to the population of the local district, increase in the
income of the coffee farmers working at the site, the payment of taxes to the local and
central government as well contributing then to the poverty reduction in the country in
The project will also have some marginal negative impacts especially during the coffee
process time such as fermented toxic substance and cause air pollution; on the socio-
economical and biophysical environment such as the pollution of air quality by the bad odor
emitted during the site operation online and offline time, risk of workers heal, excess in soil
killing soil organism being contaminated from the site where coffee waste are drained to soil
and water is polluted if it release to the downstream river and other water bodies.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
The consultant over view to address the coffee industry waste environmental impact mitigation
strategy and four sequential approach tasks was undertaken by consultants. The approach was
site visit and walkover; interview with surrounding of site dwellers; reviewed of supplementary
information by consultant; and finally analysis the data and new data was generated. The corner
stone of the wet coffee industry Waste Management Plan (WMP) based on the Ethiopia police and
legal framework well described, various international and national coffee industry waste
environmental impacts and the possible mitigation measure was detailed reviewed. Finally, the
consultant was estimated and analysis the owner’s annual coffee production businesses by this the
amount coffee waste speculated, how it is polluted socio and physical environment.
The public consultation have been done during practical field assessments and public
consultations with the community neighboring to the established project site, the promoter
and pertinent stakeholders in three sub-local area (Aniso Kika, Anaso Ore, Seerre and
Dalo Kebele in local name) in the rural peasant association dwellers of local leaders and
religion leaders were participate in community consultation
Different holistic mitigation measures have been proposed to reduce to the minimum their
effects on the socio-economic environment as well as on the biophysical environment.
Among the proposed mitigation measures are the use of Effective Microorganism technology
(EM) to degrade toxic substances generated from coffee industries by-products such as
coffee pulp and husk is mainly contains carbohydrates, proteins, fibres, fat, caffeine,
polyphenols, and pectins that cause bad odors of the surrounding atmosphere, application
of biological measure is that the use of ‘’Vetiver grass’’ developing system of waste
management, construction of physical waste management structure (septic tank/pit) for
sustainable coffee waste collection, use of coffee by-product for commercial
purpose(composite, mushroom production, animal feed etc) and disposed of sediment waste
is the final option in washed coffee waste management, sediment waste is disposed on the
permit landfill area (if permitted by the authorized organization), An ecosan toilet to
be installed to prevent pollution from human waste.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
of the negative impact, the proposed mitigation measures, the indicators in the execution of
these mitigation measures, the time period, the responsibilities and the follow-up needed
from concerned and specified parties. An emergency plan in case of accident was also
developed. Some negative impacts of this project can be eliminated, reduced or
compensated if the proposed environmental management plan is followed as proposed.
Accordingly the consultant was formulate to the established washed station Environmental
waste management plan (EWMP) costs are estimated about Birr 148,900 to this year and
for the next four years of the project, the cost increased by 2% throughout the project life.
Additional to that some recommendations have been proposed so that the execution of the
project becomes a success without harming or with the least negative effect to the
environment in general.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
The Ethiopian coffee sector, is very important for the country and for its economic
development due to the reasons that: (i) as a major source of cash income and provider of
employment, it supports millions of farming families (for instance, those estimated as
dependent on coffee production and marketing for livelihood are about 29 million) and, (ii)
coffee is the first item in terms of revenue generated from export with a share of about 34
per cent. The coffee sector can contribute to the growth of the industrial sector share in the
national GDP, owing to its high potential of creating industrial roasting capacity that, at
present, is rather marginal.
components of the biophysical and socioeconomic environments that will be at stake, and
indicates measures to be put into effect to contain the likely impact from the project.
Vinous methodologies were applied to carry out this EIA study. Field study at the proposed
project area was carried out along with review number of documents as background
information. National policy documents were referred to see whether the project operation
complies with national standards and guidelines. Technical documents from the reginal,
Zone and Woredas offices and local sectoral offices were gathered consultative meetings
and interviews with stakeholders were also made.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
coffee washing station. The Project is expected to raise both the potentially positive and
negative impacts likely to emanate from the established washed station Integrating
Sustainable Environmental Management principles in the planning and implementation
processes of to this established project is a milestone in reducing/mitigating conflicts as
well as enhancing control and revitalization of the much-degraded environment
The overall objective of EIA is to ensure that environmental concerns are integrated in all
development activities in order to contribute to sustainable development. The specific
objectives of conducting Environment Impact Assessment study with respect to this
established project were to:
Examine in detail likely adverse environmental aspects and associated impacts
Propose appropriate mitigation measures for the significant negative impacts and
Develop an Environmental Management Plan with mechanisms for monitoring and
evaluating compliance and environmental performance.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
The EIA project report was written by private consultants duly registered by National
Environment Protection Authority (NEPA) to undertake an activity of this nature. The study
was carried out between 18th September and 8th Soctober 2019. Over this period, a number
of valuable data pertaining to the project’s design, technology and legal framework were
collected and analyzed
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
Appropriate review procedures were followed in the assessment of the environmental
impact of the project. These are briefly provided herewith.
The study assessed and qualified the potential impacts of the established washed station.
The baseline information collected was used to analyze the potential impacts of the
established washed station. The EIA study team embarked on various methodologies such
as literature review, field visits, and consultations with the neighbors among others in order
to generate adequate baseline information which served as a benchmark for analyzing
potential impacts and generating an Environmental Management Plan (EMP).
The fieldwork is extensive and included several activities. A reconnaissance visit was made
to the project area by the EIA team. Based on this, the team set out key areas of
observation. This was then followed by detailed visits of the project area and neighboring
facilities taking records of observations as well as interviewing community members
Different stakeholders were interviewed to give their views on the expected impacts of the
washed station Literature review was also done. Their impacts on the environment were
reviewed too. Environmental (impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003) and other
relevant statutes that have a direct significance to the established project were reviewed.
Other reports and reference materials on physical and biological data on the study area
were also studied and reviewed. The established project is located within an area which is
already developed. As a result, the planned project may have adverse effects on the
surrounding environment. In addition, considering that the intended renewed is of a waste
pit facility, an environmental project report was seen to be adequate for this washed station
Potential negative impacts and mitigation measures during operation of the established wet
coffee processing station were taken in to consideration during the study. The scope of this
study was guided by the requirements of the federal democratic republic of Ethiopia’s
Environmental impact assessment and management proclamation 299/2002.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
Scoping Process: The scoping was conducted to evaluate the washed station in its entirety
so as to identify areas of concern and the sources of potential environmental impacts that
will be and/or associated with the development. It was accomplished through the following;
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
times during the detailed field baseline data collection and interviewed in order to discuss
the established project to seek their views and opinions on the established development.
Purpose of Stakeholder Consultation: The main purpose of carrying out consultation
with neighbors/stakeholders, local community and local administration to obtain their
views and concerns on the existing project and incorporate their contribution into the project
development to improve on safety concerns and safeguard of the environment. Secondly,
stakeholder consultation was conducted to take the opportunity to elaborate the essence of
the washed station, to inform them of any potential negative impacts and elaborate on the
positive aspects so that an informed decision is made by the stakeholders.
Stakeholder Consultation, Questionnaire Administration and Public Consultation
Meeting: Stakeholders were consulted and interviews conducted on the established
washed station thereafter questionnaires were administered to obtain their views and
suggestions. A Public Consultation Meeting was held where stakeholders, local
administration and local authorities met to discuss benefits and impacts of the established
washed station.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
iv. Capacity building and training of personnel with respect to environment, health and
safety shall be observed. Personnel protective equipment as per health safety
regulations and medical checkups of workers as is required by the Occupational
Health and Safety Act shall be observed.
v. To reduce health and safety risks, effective emergency response plans will be
observed, both during operation phase.
vi. During washed coffee processing operation phase use of Effective Microorganisms
(EM) to recycling industrial waste to degrade toxic substances generated from coffee
industries by-products such as compost of coffee pulp and husk is organic and mainly
contains carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, fat, caffeine, polyphenols, and pectins that
cause bad odours of the surrounding atmosphere.
vii. Use of Vetiver grass for its important uses in solving the wet-mill effluent impact
because of its morphological and physiological characteristics Vetiver grass has the
unique attributes of multiple uses, environmental friendly, effective and simple to use
for waste management.
The output of this study is the production of this EIA washed station report with
recommendations of mitigation measure and MP, for submission to Zonal EPA for purposes
of seeking an EIA license
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
KAWET Coffee Puliping(PLC) project site is found at Bona Zuria district area of specific
location of Aniso Kika Kebele, Sidam Zone, SNNPR. This EIA project report is based on
information and consultations with the project proponent, Values and financial Analysts
and details contained in the established washed station. The washed station highlights
include:- the Red Cherry Sorting Shade, Red Cherry Reception, Cherry Hoper/Siphon,
Pulpier Machine House and water channels, Fermentation and Firs Washing Tank, Water
reservoir/water sump, Skin Separator tank, Washing and Grading Channels and Soaking,
Motor House, Washed Coffee Storage, Office and Residence. Below is the list of facilities to
be included in the station plan
Table 3.2: Summary of Site Facilities
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
Washing and Grading Channels and Soaking 1 Concrete slab and paving
Motor House 2 Concrete slab and paving
Washed Coffee Storage 2 Concrete slab and paving
Office and Residence 1 Concrete slab and paving
Kitchen and Equipment’s 1 Concrete slab and paving
water Pump pipis Pipe line 1 Concrete slab and paving
Electric Institution
Guard House 1 Concrete slab and paving
Skin drying tray 160
Main drying Bed 200
Toilet House 1 Gents with urinal, ladies with
sanitary bins
Industry Compound Fence 20,000M2
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
The project was developed on land that the proponent already owns. The Architectural
plans have had submitted and approved by Zonal and Woreda Coffee, tea and spices office.
Building & civil works plans was submitted to the wereda administrative of Bona Zuria and
was approved during 2011 Ethiopia colanders. For full implementation of the project, the
following pre-requisites will be met:
i) Acquisition of funding to complement the developer’s contribution.
ii) Appointment of established competent and capable consultants to undertake the
iii) Acquisition of Zonal-EPA approval. After this pre-requisites are met the proponent will
then commission the development as is planned regarding environmental concern.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
This wet coffee processing Station was previously established in 2011 and were comprise of
the following:
i. Tow lagoon collection sup compartments above -ground Storage Tanks (AGST) was
made with no concrete and slab filling.
ii. There have been a reinforced concrete to the river side of fermentation tank and
washing and final soaking tanks which are not water leaked. The washing and
soaking will be located on the front side of pulpier machine and have manholes for
product offloading and wooden dipstick checks.
iii. Remote fill of washing water and removal of fermented mucilage open cannels was
made typical incorporating spill containment to prevent accidental releases entering
the environment.
iv. The installation of husk separate and mucilage filler points. The filling points have
been positioned such that they allow for easy maneuvering of the canals and be
contained within open sumps so that in the event of a spillage when connecting and
disconnecting the pipes from the filler points, such spilled material would be
contained within the sumps.
v. Installation of piping for the distribution of the washing water from the rivers to the
sumps and from the water sump points to the water dispensing units. All subsurface
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
piping will be contained within the secondary piping and laid in reverse graded
trenches on non-cohesive bedding material.
vi. The washed station have been constructed based on applicable standards of Ethiopia
and any other wet coffee processing industry standards was been incorporated.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
The technologies for the management of the solid wastes will incorporate the collection of
the waste from the source, transportation of the waste to the place of processing, treatment
and final disposal. The following waste management techniques shall be used in the
different stages of the washed station.
i) During processing operation - The following methods will be used to manage wastes:
Pulped Husk- Pulped husk shall be separated thrown in designated husk and mucilage
separation place ‘husk only’. The husk waste shall then be collected and kept in a central
place pending disposal through to produce composite.
Mucilage contaminated husk - These will be collected and stored in a designated septic
tank area pending disposal to interested parties for recycling to other purpose.
ii) Decommissioning - During this stage, the following shall be observed: Solid wastes
generated as a result of wet coffee processing activities will be characterized in compliance
with standard waste management procedures, like treated the waste with EM application
as well as by planting waste purification Vetivers grass before pass to the collection centers.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
Bona Zuria district of Aniso Kika Kebele on a landmass of 24,000 ha (CSA, 2007), is
located between Latitudes 6°30′N and Longitudes 38°50′E (Google Earth, 2012). These
Bona Zuria weoreda has total population of 121,236, of whom 61,001 are men and 60,235
women; 6,016 or 2.49% of its population are urban dwellers as at CSA, 2007 with Sidama
as the predominate tribe (CSA, 2007). The project site lies within the Hwassa- Morcho,
Morcho-Aleta Wendo, Aleta Wendo-Bensa Daye Woreda all weather road route. Bona Zuria
Woreda high landscape and at a mean level of 18000 meters above sea level. Bona Zuria
district is one the most coffee producing in the Sidama Zone (CSA, 2007).
The people of Bona Zuria district are engaged in various economic activities for their
livelihoods. Whereas the majority is engaged in agriculture, especially coffee as cash crops
and livestock keeping still remains the income earner in the district. People practice mixed
farming because livestock acts as a buffer during poor rain seasons. Most of what is
harvested is consumed domestically, and there is hardly any net surplus. Coffee ginning,
till a major commercial activity has greatly declined due to worsening climatic conditions.
Bona Zuria district that have more than 1,480 tons of washed coffee were produced in in
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
the year ending in 2011, based on inspection records from the SNNPR Coffee and Tea
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as a tool for environmental conservation has been
identified as a key component in new project implementation. At the national level, Ethiopia
has put into place necessary legislation that requires EIA to be carried out on every new
project, activity or programme. (EMCA, 1997.), and a report submitted to the National
Environment Management Authority (NEMA) for approval and issuance of relevant
certificates. To facilitate this process, regulations on EIA and environmental audits have
been established under the Ethiopia Gazette Supplement No. 56 of 13th June 2003.
Besides, a number of other national policies and legal states have been reviewed to
enhance environmental sustainability in national development projects across all sectors.
Some of the policy and legal provisions are briefly presented in the following sub-sections
Over the last two decades, the Ethiopian government has put in place a number of policies,
strategies and laws that are designed to support sustainable development. The country has
developed and implemented a wide range of legal, policy and institutional frameworks on
environment, water, forests, climate change, and biodiversity. Under the plan for
Accelerated and Sustained Development to End poverty (PASDEP), implemented from
2005/06 to 2009/10, Ethiopia achieved rapid economic growth and laid a foundation for
future growth by e.g investments in infrastructure and human capital.
Ethiopia’s new five years strategic plan, the growth and transformation plan(GTP) for
2010/11,2014/15 sets even higher growth and investment targets, including achievement
of all Millennium Development Goals. The Environmental policy of Ethiopia was approved in
1997 and is the first key document that captured environmental sustainable development
principles. Ethiopia’s program of Adaptation to Climate Change (EPACC) is a program of
action to build a climate resilient economy through adaptation at sectorial, regional and
local community levels. The EPACC updates and replaces Ethiopia’s National Adaptation
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
program of Action (NAPA), which was formulated and submitted it to the UNFCCC
Secretariat in 2007.
Ethiopia also has on overarching framework and a national strategy towards a green
economy, the ‘’ Climate Resilient Green Economy’’ (CRGE) 2011. EIA procedures should be
applied to plans according to the EIA proclamation No: 299/2002. Strategic Environmental
Assessment (SEA) has been introduced to Ethiopia quite recently. However, there is no SEA
proclamation or guideline on SEA in place.
The overall goal of the Environmental Policy of Ethiopia(EPE) is to improve and enhance the
health and quality of life of all Ethiopians, and to promote sustainable social and economic
development through the sound management and use of natural, human-made and cultural
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
resources and the environment as a whole (EPA, 1997). The policy seeks to ensure the
empowerment and participation of the people and their organization’s at all levels in
environmental management activities, and to raise public awareness and promote
understanding of the essential linkage between the environment and development.
EIA policies are included in the cross-sectorial policies of the EPE (EPA, 1997). They
emphasis, among others, the early recognition and incorporation of environmental issues
and mitigation plans in project design and implementation.
Environmental guidelines are among the tools for facilitating the consideration of
environmental issues and principles of sustainable development and their inclusion in
development proposals. The promoter of this project fulfills the basic requirement from the
concerned governmental and non-governmental bodies.
The problem of improper handling of hazardous substances related to activities such as pest
and insect, crop diseased, fertilizer application management and industrial development are
becoming a serious environmental concern. In association with this, proclamation provides a
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
basis from which the relevant environmental standard applicable to Ethiopia can be
developed, while sanctioning violation of these standards as criminally punishable offence.
For the sake of an appropriate project implementation, environmental standards and related
requirements, inspectors belonging to EPA or the relevant regional environmental agency are
empowered by the proclamation to enter, without prior notice or court order, land premises
at any time, at their discretion. Such wide power was drive from Ethiopia’s serious concern
and commitment to protecting the environmental from pollution.
The regulatory devices underline under the EPE and emphasized in most environmental
legislation is the necessity of Environmental impact Assessment (EIA) before engaging in
development acuities. Furthermore, Articles 11 and 12 of the proclamation No.299/2002
requires EPA to follow up and monitor the implementation of the project already done
according to the EIA and to see, whether circumstances have occurred whether might
require a new EIA to be done. The project is intended to wash coffee to supply for national
and global market. So the promoter of the project should facilitate to undertake ongoing
study or assessment during implementation of the washed station
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
EPA’s activities, as well as the activities of sectorial agencies and environmental units with
respect to environment management.
The proclamation stipulates the mandatory need for establishment of Environmental organs
by regions. Mandates of the regional environmental organs are to enable regions to
coordinate environmental activities, avoid duplication of efforts and improve the
dissemination of environmental information. This proclamation also mandates the EPA to
undertake studies and research, to develop action plans etc, in the area of combating
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
The highest administrative structure at district level is the District council consisting of the
administrative arm and a cabinet. Therefore, the Woreda environmental issues were seen at
district level. The most policies, laws and directives of the state Coordination of the activities
applied at woreda level.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
a) Safety
Fencing of the premises and dangerous work stations should be done. Workers must be
trained on personal safety and how to handle waste emission from washing station. They
should be provided with Personal Protective equipment which should be worn at all times..
There should be a toxic acidic contamination risk preparedness plan clearly spelt out and
implemented. Adequate protection close should be installed at every pump, in the office,
escape route clearly marked and an assembly point provided and marked.
b) Health
Associated with wet coffee industry are vector borne diseases such as malaria. Conditions
favoring the proliferation of vectors include stagnant waste water in disposal thank, drains,
reservoirs and seepage sites. Furthermore, lack of sanitary and waste water treatment
facilities as well as increased incidence of human-water contact will exacerbate the problem
of vector-borne diseases. Wastewater generated from this process is acidic, rich in
suspended dissolved and organic matter. This processing activity in the coffee area could
affect public health and safety in a negative manner; because of appropriate mitigation
measures are not implemented. Specific risks include:
Spinning sensation, eye, ear and skin irritation, stomach pain, Nausea and breathing
problem among the residents of nearby areas and risk of increase of water-related diseases
from standing wastewater in abandoned borrows areas and seepage.
c) Welfare
Every occupier shall be provide and maintain so as to be readily accessible, a first-aid box
or cupboard of the prescribed standard. The occupier of a workplace shall cause a thorough
safety and health audit of his workplace to be carried out at least once in every period of
twelve months by a safety and health advisor, who shall issue a report of such an audit
containing the prescribed particulars to the occupier on payment of a prescribed fee and
shall send a copy of the report to the Zonal and district EPA.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
The effluent is consists of different toxic chemicals such as tannins, alkaloids (caffeine) and
polyphenolic compounds and nutrients like Nitrate and Phosphate. Discharge of such
kinds of coffee washed effluent into open environment and the river will bring various
environmental and public health problems. It can also cause socio-economic impacts mainly
due to human health problems and contaminated the downstream rivers and other water
sources. Due to contamination of coffee waste is causing a severe threat to the aquatic
ecosystem and the downstream users.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
coffee production in order to estimate the coffee waste /by-product/ to setup the mitigation
It also important for the project owner’s that help to planned budget from the gross benefit
10% of income for established waste management mitigation measure for the eco-
solution of the business. The allocating of annual budget is important to reduce the
environmental cost and to seeking an approval in relation to environmental from the legal
environmental protection institution. Therefore, the consultant was formulated the
Operation Waste generated from the washing station based on the industry annual
businesses plan in line. Here, therefore, the detailed amount of waste influxes estimated
and show below table 5.2.3.
Table 6.2.3: Implementation Phase Washed Coffee Processing Waste Arising
Description Unit Qt
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
The coffee processing activities on the site will result to increased fermented toxic emissions.
Such toxic mucilage have direct negative impact to the quality of air and hence human
health. Hooting of the involved workers will generate nuisances and skin irritation which
may have effect to the workforce and neighborhoods. Fermented and toxic mucilage as
drain to the downstream rivers and water body may cause to the aquatic ecosystem.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
The most commonly used coffee processing method in Ethiopia is wet processing one. It
demands high amount of water to separate the outer red coffee skin and pulp and also for
the removal of the mucilage in fermentation tank. Due to this water demanding nature, this
wet coffee processing plants was usually constructed very near to river or other water
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
streams. Coffee processing plants is among the coffee industries which is expected for water
Coffee effluent consists of different sugars, crude protein, crude fiber, different nutrients
and chemicals are generated from both pulping and fermentation processes. This organic
compounds in coffee wastewater create high BOD and COD. Fermentation of sugars in
fermentation tank also generates high acidity. This acidity as effluent also consists of
different toxic chemicals such as tannins, alkaloids (caffeine) and polyphenolic
compounds and Nutrients like Nitrate and Phosphate. Discharge of such kinds of effluent
into open environment and river can bring various environmental and public health
problems. It can also cause socio-economic impacts mainly due to human health problems
and several physiological disorders human with the most sensitive parts being kidneys,
blood and nervous system. The emissions may also contaminate the environment including
soil and water.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
The EIA experts explained the structure of the established project development to the
individual stakeholders neighboring the Project site and responded to their questions as
appropriate. At the same time, the EIA experts also inquired of the local environmental
history of the site and adjacent areas in order to identify potential environmental impacts.
The respondents were later asked to fill the questionnaires provided to them the surrounding
area (Aniso Kika, Aniso Orre, Serre and Dalo Kaebele in local name). The
questionnaires contained the description of the established development, the location details
and the legal requirement for public consultation.
Affected Environment: Evaluation and analysis of the established action indicated that
resources generally subject to ground disturbing activities have the highest potential to be
affected. For this EA, the potentially affected environment centers on the established
operation location as well as the natural, cultural, and socioeconomic resources they contain
or support.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
Resources Analyzed: Table 8.3 presents the results of the process of identifying resources
to be analyzed in this EA. This assessment evaluates air quality; soils and water resources;
biological resources; socioeconomics; land management and use; and hazardous materials
and waste management. These resources are analyzed because they may be potentially
affected by implementation of the established action. Therefore the public consultation and
resources analyzed in the Environmental Impact Analysis Process results are shown below
summarized table 8.3.
Table 8.3: Summary Interviewees and their Comments to this Washed Coffee
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
Wet coffee processing is generally a positive impact in terms of economic development in the
coffee sector. However, the negative impacts are observed, it should be appreciated and
necessary measures are incorporated in this wet coffee processing industry project
eventually throughout its operation. The duty of achieving this, therefore, lies with
proponent, the Project operation phase. In view of the above, it is suggested that;
i. Appropriate environmental, health and safety guidelines are developed at the initial
annual coffee processing planning stages of the Project to guide the entire Project
implementation process,
ii. Other ongoing activities at and around the site be evaluated with respect to the
environment, health and safety with a view to incorporating the established
washing station and improvement of the related infrastructure,
iii. The washing station implementation is cause unnecessary disruption to public
utilities (e.g. water supply, water resources, Air an soil, etc.) and other land users in
the area,
iv. That safety and security of the surrounding communities will not be compromised,
v. Necessary technological considerations are taken into account to provide an
acceptable waste quality and disposal procedures to safe guard natural resources
such as people’s health and ground water sources.
Therefore, before go to the mitigation measure the waste privation hierarchy and nature
should be identified in accordance of the waste impact and the treatment stage including
designing, purchasing and adoption of the technologies to reduce the cost of waste
management. The stage of waste privations are prevention, preparation for re-use,
recycling, other recovery and disposal are seating in inverted pyramid line of waste
hierarchy. For the detailed information reveled below the figure 9.1.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
Stage Includes
Using less mateials in design and manufacture localy
Prevation Use EM and Not the by-product keepin for long fermentaion
Effective Microorganisms (EM) have been in existence much longer than any other beings
on earth. The founder of Effective Microorganism technology was Professor. Dr.TeruoHiga
of University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan, has genuinely assorted beneficial
microorganisms to support agriculture and environmental management.
Effective Microorganism technology is based on nature’s power to remedy itself. With the
enabling government policy that calls for the adoption of appropriate technology, Woljeejii
Agricultural PLC initiated the production of EM technology in the country to address the
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
pressing problems related food security, animal feed and environmental management. The
technology being new and different from chemical inputs has its own peculiar
EM-solution application is planned based on the owner’s wet coffee processing annual
plan and the rise of waste influxes is calculated by the consultant in the above table 5.2.2
and 5.2.3. Equivalent amount of EM solution per litters of mucilage and tones of husk and
pulp was determined in order to purchase and delivered for the application of operation
time. The application also done in all part release by-product and including the by-
products to re-use for commercially purpose .
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
groundwater are being protected, provides the opportunity to more reliably quantify
Vetiver treatment effects because the effluent is fully controlled and
measurable(Truong and Baker, 1998). Therefore, due to its extraordinary
morphological and physiological characteristics, Vetiver grass has been used
successfully for environmental pollution coffee waste protection.
Evidence: Some study shows in Ethiopia Very high capacity for N and P uptake under
Coffee waste polluted area or Hydroponics conditions (AlemayehuHaddis and Rani, 2008).
The result of the research is shown below figure:
Planting Materials: Develop plant material in the washing station. Planting material is
taken from other source, the materials contained thirty-three clumps on average and
eighty tillers per clump, bare-rooted Vetiver grass is uplifted and transported from the one
year old nursery site. The thirty-three clumps were divided carefully, to avoid damage
operate by hand. The shoots and roots were trimmed to remain 20 and 10 cm long,
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
respectively and bare-rooted plat materials multiplied in the designed area of the industry
site. The prepared tillers were gathered together and the roots were dipped in slurry to
initiate fast development of roots before planting in the field for one week. The material and
related cost was planned below table 10. The designed and the application are
demonstrated in below pictures.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
Planting Design
Planting Area 144m2
48 rows of vetiver
- 10m long each
- Inter-row spacing 1m
- Plant spacing 5/m
- Total plants 2400
- Gravel trench 60cm deep
- Land area 100 sqm
COFFEE - Bund wall W54 X H30cm
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
Coffee pulp is a rich source of nutrients: 0.5% nitrogen; 0.15% phosphorus, and 0.5%
potassium in 100kg decomposed husk and pulp. It can be treated and used as organic
fertilizer. Usually the coffee pulp is placed on piles treated with EM and left to composite
after 45 days. The mature of compost, the coffee pulp turns into rich, black humus excellent
for composting. Using organic fertilizers improves soil conditions and increases agricultural
yield. This serve for coffee farmers to save money otherwise spent money buying inorganic
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
husks as the energy source for burners for heat exchangers of coffee driers is both a great
environmentally friendly waste-recycling and energy-saving solution
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
Wet coffee processing Industry includes the costs of raw material for mitigation measure
development, waste disposal transport, training for labour. There are different method of
estimated the mitigation cost, the complication arises from the fact that, the consultant
estimated for this KAWET coffee pulping PLC to applied waste Management measuring,
the cost were calculated by reviewing the different country coffee industry waste
management plan experience which is applicable in our context.
Therefore, for to achievement zero environmental pollution this washing station waste
management plan is planned for the five years operation period. Hence, the mitigation
cost increased by 5% of rate through the project life. For more detailed information show
below table 10.
Mitigation cost includes works’ Safety: periodic check of the safety of works is
important to prevent on job accidents and employees health hazards. Resource for
implementation of the above recommended environmental management program is two
parts; personal and finance. The recommended personnel include the environmentalist at
the operations of the wet coffee industry, environmental management and technical
administration; and finance (including from top management, department of production,
technical administration and finance) to government officials at all levels. Regular internal
auditing and monitoring were made and audit report should be submitted to SNNPR
environmental protection, Forest and climate change authority from regional to kebele on
quarter basis in hierarchy levels.
Production Yare Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5
Total Production volume(in tons) 0 0 0 0 0
Raw Materials cost 55,000 57,750 60,638 63,669 66,853
For Sediment waste Disposal cost 45000 47,250 49,613 52,093 54,698
Labor Cost 18900 19,845 20,837 21,879 22,973
Training cost 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000
total of processing plant cost(000 birr) 148,900 154,845 161,087 167,642 174,524
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
This washing station EMPs outlined in tables hereafter address the potential negative
impacts and mitigation measures as well as roles, costs and monitor able indicators that
can help to determine the effectiveness of actions to upgrade the quality of environment; as
regards to KAWET Coffee Pulping PlC. .
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry 2018
Source of Mitigation measure Monitoring Monitoring and Cost of mitigation/ Responsibility bodies
potential Indicators reporting frequency enhancement
Impact measure
Liquid and Constructions of waste disposal Presence of well At the end of every Part of operational worked, zonal environmental
solid waste pit/tank Maintained work months and cost protection Forest and climate
receptacles and report change Authority
central collection
Coffee husk Coffee by- products should be No contaminated Monitoring every two Part of operation worked, zonal environmental
stored in a separate site store and husk waste month or quarterly expense protection Forest and climate
handled carefully. change Authority
An coffee husk used for compost
Office waste & building of toilet and solid waste healthy Monitoring every two part of operation worked, zonal environmental
human pit environment and month or quarterly expense protection Forest and climate
extraction workers from air change Authority
coffee waste Fulfillment of facility for disposal fully protected Monitoring every two part of operation worked, zonal environmental
influxes and treated with EM and environment from month or quarterly expense protection Forest and climate
establishing of Vetiver grass noise, fire hazards change Authority
& seeing dressed
workers Health Provide Personal Protective Workers using Monitoring every two part of operation worked, zonal environmental
and Safety equipment Protective month or quarterly expense protection Forest and climate
Train workers on personal safety Equipment change Authority
and how to handle coffee waste Presence of a First
Aid Box
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
Recommendations for the prevention and mitigation of adverse impacts are as
The proponent should therefore follow the guidelines as set by the relevant
departments to safeguard and environmental management principles during
operation/occupation phases of this established washed station
The proponent should therefore follow the recommended mitigation measure as
set in this EIA report.
It is important that warning/ informative sign (bill boards) be erected at the
site. These should indicate the operation hours and when works are likely to be
started and completed.
All solid waste materials resulting from operation activities should be disposed-
off at approved dumpsites.
Proper and regular maintenance of construction collection pit/lagoons will
reduce emission of hazardous resulting from friction of waste bodies.
Maintenance should be conducted in a designated area and in a manner not to
interfere with the environment.
A fully equipped first aid kit should be provided within the site.
Workers should get food that is hygienically prepared. The source of such food
should be legalized or closely controlled.
The owners should provide adequate security during the period of operation
phase of washing coffee processing.
KAWET Coffee Pulping PLC waste management plan has integrated mitigation
measures with a view to ensuring compliance with all the applicable laws and
procedures. This washing station should implemented to the approvals by among
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
others, Zonal and Woreda EMA. During industry processing implementation and
occupation, Sustainable Environmental Management (SEM) should be ensured
through avoiding inadequate/inappropriate use of natural resources, conserving
nature sensitively and guaranteeing a respectful and fair treatment of all people
working on the washing station, general public at the vicinity and inhabitants of the
washed station area.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Waste Management Plan on Wet Coffee Processing Industry
1 Birley (1991), Guidelines for forecasting the vector-borne disease implications of
2 Resources Development. PEEM Guidelines Series 2. Second edition PEEM Secretariat,
WHO, Geneva. WHO/CWS/ 91.3
Ethiopia-Addis Ababa-2003
4 Bureau of Africa; Office of Sustainable Development (June1996); Environmental
Guidelines for Small-scale Activities in Africa
No 295: ``Environmental Organs Establishment Proclamation``
proclamation No 299: ``Environmental Impacts Assessment Proclamation``
proclamation No 300: ``Environmental pollution control Proclamation`` Guidelines
Washington D.C, fourth printing
8 IIRR (2002), Managing Dry land Resources-An Extension manual for Eastern and
9 Africa. International Institute of Rural RE- construction, Nairobi,Kenya. Impact
Assessment Service of EPA (June 2003), Environmental and social Management plan
(ESMP) for Agricultural Support project
10 The World Bank (2002), the Environment and the Millennium Development Goals.
11 The world Bank (May/1995) Environmental Assessment Sound Book; Volume II
Sectorial FDRE August 24,1995-proclamation No9: ``Environmental protection
Authority Establishment proclamation``