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GEE1: LIVING IN THE I.T. ERA multiplication and dividing).

The Pascaline, a hugely

popular mechanical computer, was created by Blaise
CHAPTER1: Pascal. Charles Babbage created the difference engine,
A.) EVOLUTIONS OF INFORMATION AND which used the method of finite differences to tabulate
COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY polynomial equations. Other devices were developed
“Information and Communication Technology” (ICT) is during this period; but, unlike current calculators, these
a term used to describe technologies in manipulating and machines could only perform one sort of computation at
communicating information. a time. The sizes of machinery in the mechanical period
ICT is used especially in relation to modern and the modern day are also incomparable.
telecommunication systems as they have evolved to the 3. ELECTROMECHANICAL
intensive use of computing technology, coupled with the The electromechanical age encompasses the years 1840
enormous increase in communications between to 1940. We are finally coming close to certain
computers relying on the telecommunications technologies that are like what we have now. These are
infrastructure to do so. the preliminary stages of telecommunications. In the
The two areas, ICT and telecommunications, have early 1800s, the telegraph was created. In 1835, Morse
increasingly merged as telecommunications moved from code was created by Samuel Morse. In 1876, Alexander
analog-to-digital and then to packet technologies, and as Graham Bell made the telephone, one of the most
the internet has emerged to become one of the dominant popular forms of communications used up until today.
data communications systems in use today. The first radio was developed by Guglielmo Marconi in
The very first forms of ICT, together with what we have 1894. These technologies are extremely crucial to our
currently, make up for the technologies that we modern technology; this led to big advances in the
experience today. The evolution of the first ICT to our information technology and telecommunications field.
current form of ICT goes through 4 stages: Pre- After the creation of fundamental telecommunications
mechanical, Mechanical, Electromechanical, and technology, computing machines soon followed. The
Electronic. These 4 stages helped ICT evolve and adapt first large scale automatic digital computer was the Mark
to the latest forms of ICT. 1; this was created by Harvard University’s staff in the
1. PRE-MECHANICAL 1940s. This computer was 8 ft. high x 50 ft. long x 2 ft.
The pre-mechanical age of technology is the earliest wide and weighed 5 tons. It was programmed using
known form of ICT that occurred between 3000 B.C. punch cards. It was from huge machines like this that
and 1450 A.D. This is when the first human people began to look at downsizing all the parts to first
communications were observed; communications make them usable by businesses and eventually in your
included trying to use simple symbols and pictures, own home.
known as petroglyphs, which were usually carved into 4. ELECTRONIC (Our Current Technology)
rock formations. These petroglyphs made up stories, The electronic age is what we currently live in. It can be
messages, and warnings. Early alphabets were also defined as the time between 1940 and right now.
developed such as the Phoenician Alphabet. As There are 4 main sections of digital computing. The first
alphabets became more popular and more commonly was the era of vacuum tubes and punch cards like the
used for writing information down, pens and paper ENIAC and Mark 1. Rotating magnetic drums were used
began to develop. It started off as marks on wet clay, but for internal storage. The second generation replaced
later on, paper was created out of papyrus plants. Since vacuum tubes with transistors, punch cards with
people were writing a lot of information down, they magnetic tape, and rotating magnetic drums with
needed ways to keep it all in storage. This is where the magnetic cores for internal storage. During this time,
first books and libraries were developed. Egyptian high-level programming language, such as FORTRAN
scrolls were one popular way of writing down and COBOL, were created. Transistors were replaced by
information permanently. Some people were binding integrated circuits in the third generation, magnetic tape
information together in book form. was utilized in all computers, and magnetic core was
2. MECHANICAL replaced by metal oxide semiconductors. Around this
The mechanical age occurred between 1450 and 1840. time, a true operating system appeared, along with the
This when we first start to see connections between our advanced programming language BASIC. The fourth
current technology and its ancestors. More technological and most recent iteration included CPUs (central
advancements were made during this time. Inventions processing units) that integrated memory, logic, and
included the slide rule (an analog computer used for control circuits on a single chip. Personal computers
were created (Apple II). In addition, a graphical user Furthermore, the cost of connecting to the Internet is
interface (GUI) was created. low.
EVERYDAY LIFE Computers are a reliable communication tool.
Information and Communications Technology have Information may be accessed and retrieved from
multiple practical applications in everyday life. These anywhere and at any time using computers and computer
are the following: networks.
Today, most schools and higher educational institutions People all over the world can now share information
have computers in the classroom for teachers and thanks to advances in ICT. People can share and
students. Teachers, students, researchers, and school exchange opinions, news, and information on the
administrators benefit from the usage of ICT. Internet by using discussion groups, mailing lists, online
BANKING forums, and social media. This facilitates knowledge
The computer is the nerve center of the banking system sharing, which aids in the development of a knowledge-
around the world. It functions to control the entire based society.
banking system that also includes ‘Electronic Banking PAPERLESS ENVIRONMENT
Services.’ Electronic banking provides 24-hour services. The term "paperless environment" was coined by ICT
The services include: a. Automated Teller Machine technology. This refers to the ability of information to be
(ATM), b. Cheque Deposit, c. Electronic Fund Transfer, stored and retrieved digitally rather than on paper.
d. Direct Deposit e. Pay by phone system, f. Personal Online communications, such as e-mail, online chat, and
computer banking/internet banking. instant messaging, also contribute to the creation of a
In the banking sector, customers, businessperson, and paperless environment.
bank administrator benefit from the usage of ICT. BORDERLESS COMMUNICATION
INDUSTRY The Internet provides quick access to information,
Computers are used to facilitate production planning and interactivity, accessibility, and versatility. It has evolved
control systems, to support chain management, and to into a borderless provider of services and information.
help in product design in the industrial sector. In the Through the internet, information and communication
industrial sector, workers, researchers, and can cross borders.
administrators benefit from the usage of ICT. SOCIAL PROBLEMS
E-COMMERCE ICT has various negative consequences. It has caused
E-commerce helps in boosting the economy. It makes societal issues in society. People nowadays prefer
buying-and-selling activities easier and more efficient. internet communication over face-to-face interactions.
For this application, computers, internet, and shared Individualism and introversion grow increasingly
software are needed. In the e-commerce sector, prevalent in people as they age. Multiple studies have
customers, suppliers, and employees benefit from the also shown that increased social media have a strong
usage of ICT. link with negative self-perception.
SPECIALIZATION A computer can be harmful to people if they use it for
FASTER COMMUNICATION SPEED lengthy periods of time. Users of computers are also
In the past, it took a long time for news or messages to subjected to poor posture, eyestrain, and physical and
be sent. Now with the internet, news or messages are emotional stress. An ergonomic computing environment
sent via e-mail to friends, business partners, or to anyone might be utilized to tackle these health issues. For
efficiently. Social media has also increased the spread of example, an ergonomic chair can reduce back strain and
news and information. With the increased bandwidth a screen filter can minimize eye strain.
capability and connection speed on the internet, any D. CURRENT TRENDS AND EMERGING
information can travel fast and instantly. TECHNOLOGIES
LOWER COMMUNICATION COST Technology is expanding at such a fast pace nowadays,
Using the internet is less expensive than other modes of allowing for faster development and advancement in
communication such as telephone, mailing, or courier society.
services. It enables people to gain access to enormous Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning
amounts of data at an extremely low cost. Basic internet Artificial Intelligence is a method of making a computer
services are also provided at little or no cost. think intelligently like the human mind. AI is carried out
by studying the patterns of the human brain and by the user in a virtual environment, while AR augments
analyzing its cognitive process. Using AI is essential in the user's real-world circumstances. Although this
the development of intelligent software and systems. The technology trend has primarily been used for gaming
following are tasks processed by AI-enabled devices: thus far, it has also been used for training, as with
• Speech Recognition • Object Detection • Predictive Virtual Ship, a simulation software used to train U.S.
Evaluation and Anticipating Analytics • Smart Devices Navy, Army, and Coast Guard ship captains.
Machine Learning is a subcomponent of Artificial Blockchain
Intelligence. ML applications learn from previous data A blockchain is a public and chronologically ordered
or previous experience through supervised or series of documents called blocks. Encrypted
unsupervised learning. When the ML application is information is done through cryptography; the encrypted
exposed to new data, these applications learn, grow, information ensures that user privacy is not
change, and develop by themselves. ML involves compromised, and data cannot be altered.
computers finding useful information without letting Unlike modern financial institutions, blockchain network
them know where to look. Instead, ML leverages information is not controlled by a centralized authority.
different algorithms that learn from data using an The network's participants maintain the data, and they
iterative process. have the democratic ability to authorize each transaction
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) that can occur on a blockchain network.
Robotic Process Automation is the application of Internet of Things (IoT)
artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the connectivity of
software capable of handling high-volume, repeatable computing devices embedded in ordinary things that
tasks that previously required human labor. Some of allow them to send and receive data. Sensors are
these tasks include: • Addressing queries • Making installed on IoT devices to collect data from their
calculations • Maintaining records • Making transactions surroundings. Environmental data is used to trigger and
RPA is useful in manufacturing industries. make automated judgments in this manner.
Edge Computing Consumer-level application of these devices include
Edge computing is designed to solve some of the latency placing them on phones and appliances, medical and
problems caused by cloud computing. It exists “on the fitness equipment, livestock, and more. On an industrial
edge closer to where there is a need for computing. level, these devices can be used for machineries,
Because of this, edge computing is used in real-time or shipping equipment, vehicles, robots, warehouses, and
time-sensitive data processing in remote locations with others. But the location of these devices matters less than
limited-to-no connectivity to a central location. In these what they do. IoT devices “talk” to each other by sharing
scenarios, edge computing is utilized as mini data data and getting feedback based on said data. These data
centers. Edge computing will increase as use of Internet include those that are generated, analyzed, and acted on
of Things (IoT) devices increase. by other devices connected through the internet.
Quantum Computing 5G
Quantum computing takes advantage of quantum 5G services improve the bandwidth capabilities and
phenomena, including superposition and quantum network latency of computer networks. This is expected
entanglement. Quantum computing is applied in banking to revolutionize our lives, by enabling services that rely
and finance, such as for issues in fraud detection and on advanced technologies like AR, VR, and cloud-based
credit risk management. This technology is also involved services. Cloud-based gaming companies like Google
in preventing the spread of the coronavirus; it helps in Stadia, NVidia GeForce Now and much more will
the development of potential vaccines and the further improve their performance through 5G. 5G will
management of epidemics, thanks to its ability to easily also be used in factories. An example of this is the use of
query, monitor, analyze and act on data. Quantum camera security systems using 5G; this help improve
computers are now faster than regular computers; safety and traffic management, smart grid control, and
multiple companies such as Microsoft, AWS, Google, smart retail.
and many others are making innovations in the field of Cybersecurity
quantum computing. Cybersecurity focuses on defending devices and services
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality from electronic attacks by hackers.IT professionals focus
Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and on removing the offensive components of computer
Extended Reality (ER) are the most often used networks, and improving network security for network
technologies for environment simulation. VR immerses
nodes, such as computers and smartphones, and webpages quickly, play online games, communicate in
database. real time with others, and more.
• Many public locations, such as shopping malls, coffee
Chapter 2 – The Web and the Internet shops, restaurants, schools, airports, hotels, and city
A.) INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNET parks have WI-FI hot spots. Hot Spot is a wireless
The internet is a worldwide collection of networks that network that provides Internet connections to mobile
connects millions of businesses, government agencies, computers and devices. Although most hot spots enable
educational institutions, and individuals. Each of the unrestricted or open access, some require that users
networks on the Internet provides resources that add to agree to terms of service, obtain a password, or perform
the abundance of goods, services, and information some other action to connect the Internet.
accessible via the Internet. Internet Service Providers (ISP)
The Internet has its roots in a networking project started An Internet Service Provider (ISP), often known as an
by the Pentagon’s Advanced Research Projects Agency Internet access provider, is a company 13 that provides
(ARPA), an agency of the U.S> Department of Defense. free or paid Internet connection to consumers and
ARPA’s goal was to build a network that (a) allowed companies. ISPs (Internet Service Providers) often
scientists at different physical locations to share charge a flat fee for an Internet connection, with
information and work together on military and scientific consumers able to choose from a range of plans based on
projects and (b) could function even if part of the desired speeds, capacity, and services. Bandwidth is a
network were disabled or destroyed by a disaster such as measure of a network's capacity to send and receive data.
a nuclear attack. That network, called ARPANET, During the same period, a high bandwidth connection
became functional in September 1969, linking scientific sends more data than a low bandwidth connection. Data
and academic researchers across the United States.The sizes are commonly expressed in megabytes and
Internet consists of many local, regional, national, and gigabytes. Megabyte (MB) is equal to approximately one
international networks. Both public and private million characters. Gigabyte (GB) is equal to
organization own networks on the Internet. These approximately one billion characters.
networks, along with phone companies, cable and Mobile Service Providers
satellite companies, and the government, all contribute A mobile service provider, also known as a wireless data
toward the internal structure of the Internet. The popular provider, is an Internet service provider that provides
term for the Internet is the “information highway”. wireless Internet access to computers and mobile devices
Rather than moving through geographical space, it that have the necessary built-in wireless capability,
moves your ideas and information through cyberspace – wireless modems, or other communications devices that
the space of electronic movement of ideas and enable wireless connectivity. To communicate with a
information. mobile service provider, an antenna attached to or
Connecting to the Internet integrated into a computer or device, wireless modem, or
Users can connect their computers and mobile devices to communications device commonly delivers signals over
the Internet through wired or wireless technology and the airways. Connected computers and gadgets use
then access its services free or for a fee. With wired servers and clients, as well as different wired and
connections, a computer or device physically attaches wireless transmission mediums, to send data around the
via a cable or wire to a communication device such as a world. Your computer or device is a client on the
modem, that transmits data and other items over a Internet, which may access data and services on several
transmission media to the Internet. For wireless servers. Phone lines are examples of wired transmission
connections, many mobile computers and devices medium.
include the necessary built-in technology so that they IP Addresses and Domain Names
can transmit data and other items wirelessly. IP address, which stands for Internet Protocol address, is
• A wireless modem uses a wireless communication a series of digits that uniquely identify the location of
technology (such as satellite or WIFI) to connect to the every computer or device connected to the Internet or
Internet. any other network. A domain name is a text-based name
• Today, users often connect to the Internet via that correlates to a server's IP address, such as a web
broadband Internet service because of its fast data server that hosts a website. It is part of the web address
transfer speeds and its always-on connection. Through that you put into the address bar of your browser to
broadband Internet service, users can download access a website. The top-level domain (TLD) is the
suffix of the domain name that specifies the kind of
organization linked with the domain. The table below websites. Electronic commerce sites are those that allow
includes several prominent TLDs. users to purchase and sell items on their websites.
7. Electronic Fax (E-Fax). It is a service that allows
TLD INTENDED PURPOSES users to send and receive faxes from one computer to
.biz Business another. A computer with a modem, an e-fax
.com Commercial organization, application, and access to the internet is required to
businesses, and companies utilize the electronic fax service.
.edu Educational institutions 8. Newsgroup. A newsgroup is one of the services given
.gov Government agencies by the Internet that allows users to publish notes or
.mil Military organizations messages on a variety of topics.
.net Network providers or 9. Internet Relay Chat. It is also one of the most
commercial companies popular Internet services, allowing users in different
.org Nonprofit organizations regions to exchange and receive instant messages. We
.pro Licensed professionals may use Internet Relay Chat to transmit voice or text
• The organization that approves and controls TLDs is
the Public Technical Identifiers (PTI). This nonprofit
Although the Internet was developed in the late 1960s,
organization is an affiliate of ICANN which stands for
the World Wide Web (WWW) appeared in the early
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
1990s as an easier way to access online information
• The domain name system (DNS) is the method that the
using a web browser. The World Wide Web (WWW) is
Internet uses to store domain names and their
a system of interconnected hypertext documents
corresponding IP addresses.
accessed through the internet. To access text, images,
videos, and other multimedia tools online, one must have
an internet connection. Tim Berners-Lee and Robert
Some of the services provided by the internet are as
Cailliau proposed the use of hypertext to integrate
information into the web as nodes; through a browser,
1. Electronic Mail (E-mail). Electronic mail is an
users can view the hypertext. In this way, World Wide
electronic message that is transferred from one computer
Web was designed as the first web service.
to another computer through the internet. Here are some
• Web 1.0: The Read-Only Web/ The Hypertext Web
of the advantages of e-mail: a. It is the cheapest and
Web 1.0 is the first generation of WWW and lasted
fastest mail service. b. you can send any form of data
between 1989 and 2005.Berners-Lee coined the term
like text, image, video, etc. c. physical presence or
Web 1.0, and stated it as the read-only web. Through
recipient is not needed. d. It can be read anywhere in the
read-only, internet users were only reading information
presented to them. It is less dynamic and less interactive
2. Telenet. Telenet is an Internet service that allows a
in comparison to what we currently have. The primary
computer in another area to access a computer in another
aim of websites at this time was to make information
location. A remote computer may be accessed from
public for anyone and set up an online presence; web
another place via Telenet.
was mainly focused on content delivery rather than
3. File Transferring. The Internet allows for the
interaction and production.
downloading and uploading of massive amounts of data.
• Web 2.0: The Read-Write Web/ The Social Web Web
To upload or download files from a distant computer, we
2.0, or the read-write web, is more people-centric and
require an FTP Client application.
participative compared to its precursor. Unlike 1.0
4. Video Conferencing. Video conferencing is an
version, Web 2.0 allows more control to users and
innovative Internet servicethat allows individuals in
provides interaction. At this point, the web has
various locations to converse by observing one other.
introduced a business revolution in the computer
5. World Wide Web (WWW). This site has millions of
industry; businesses have moved into the web platform
pages of information on a variety of topics. There are
to introduce their services to more people. Interaction in
millions of information-provider websites on the
Web 2.0 is bidirectional; businesses publish content, as
internet. The Internet Address or Uniform Resource
do people. That is why Web 2.0 is also distinctly called
Locator identifies each website (URL).
as the Social Web. Blogs and other social profiles
6. E-commerce. It is an Internet service that allows us to
became popular at this time.
sell or purchase items. We may get it using specialized
• Web 3.0: Executable Web/ The Semantic Web Web to governmental authorities for investigation purposes
3.0 is known as the semantic web; it includes are all possible risks to privacy.
integration, automation, data, and discovery. It 3. Piracy. This is the act of illegally reproducing or
encourages mobility and globalization. Through Web disseminating copyrighted material, such as computer
3.0, users are allowed to find, share, and collaborate programs, books, music, and films, and other media.
among each other. The semantic web allows a person or 4. Fraud & Misuse. The introduction of fake records
a computer to start off in one database, and then move into a computer system, theft of money by electronic
through an unending set of databases. From Berners- methods, theft of financial instruments, theft of services,
Lee, “if HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and the and theft of valuable data are all examples of computer-
Web made all the online documents look like one huge related fraud.
book, RDF, schema, and inference languages will make 5. Liability. An explicit warranty includes promises and
all the data in the world look like on huge database”. affirmations made by the software creator to the user
• Web 4.0 Web 4.0 is founded on the use of wireless concerning the nature and quality of the application.
communications. Computers and mobile devices are Express warranties can be defined by programmers or
utilized to connect people and objects anytime and merchants. As a result, businesses must be realistic when
anywhere. An example of Web 4.0 technology is the making claims and forecasts about the capabilities,
GPS (Global Positioning System). quality, and nature of their software or hardware. They
• Web 5.0 Currently, Web 5.0 is still progressing. This is should think about the legal implications of their
defined as linked, emotive, and symbolic web that affirmative promises, product demonstrations, and
promotes human-computer interaction. To add, Web 5.0 product descriptions. Every word they say might be as
is centered on emotional connections with humans. It legally binding as if it were written down. As a result, all
acts similarly to a personal assistant. Technology and agreements should be in writing to avoid responsibility.
human contact have grown inextricably linked. In this A disclaimer of explicit guarantees can protect a
approach, they will pave the path for a more customized provider from liability for any informal, hypothetical
experience, which will attract an increasing number of remarks or forecasts made during the transaction.
individuals. 6. Patent and Copyright Law. A patent can safeguard
D.) ETHICAL ISSUE – A GLIMPSE OF PRIVACY an idea's unique and confidential qualities. In
Computer ethics are defined as a “set of moral principles comparison to copyright, obtaining a patent is extremely
that govern an individual or a group on what is difficult. Complete disclosure is necessary in the case of
acceptable behavior while using a computer.” It governs computer software; the patent holder must publish all the
the usage of computers and the sharing of information specifics of a program for a skilled programmer to
over the internet. Some of the common issues of develop the program. Copyright law is an extremely
computer ethics is the violation of copyright issues, powerful legal instrument for safeguarding computer
accessing personal information of other people, software, both before and after a security incident. This
confidentiality and privacy issues, among other issues. sort of breach might involve the theft of data, computer
These common issues are defined below. Computer programs, documents, or other comparable materials. As
Ethics Issues: a result, the information security professional should be
1. Ethics and Responsible Decision-Making. An IT conversant with the fundamentals of copyright law.
student/practitioner/professional should be made aware 7. Trade Secrets. A trade secret safeguards something
of their individual responsibility in making ethical valuable and beneficial. This legislation safeguards the
decisions associated with information security. unique and private elements of ideas that are known only
2. Confidentiality & Privacy. Computers can be used to to the discoverer and his/her confidants. Once revealed,
frighten, deceive, or swindle victims metaphorically. the trade secret is no longer a secret and can only be
Attorneys, government entities, and companies are protected by one of the following laws. The use of
increasingly using piles of computer-generated data to tradesecret legislation is especially crucial in the
confuse their audiences legally. The computer has made computer industry, where even a little head start in the
invasions of our privacy much easier and perhaps more creation of software or hardware can give a major
hazardous than they were before the computer. competitive advantage.
Individuals' data is gathered and kept in a variety of 8. Sabotage. The computer can be the object of attack in
digital files. The illegal commercial use of electronic computer crimes such as the unauthorized use of
data, breaches of confidentiality through revealing computer facilities, alternation or destruction of
sensitive data to other parties, and the leaking of records information, data file sabotage, and vandalism against a
computer system. Computers have been shot, stabbed, 1.4. Passwords. Make secure passwords with at least 10
short-circuited, and bombed, which affects their (ten) characters and a mix of upper-case letters, lower-
performance. case letters, symbols, and digits. Personal information
Protecting Yourself While Using the Internet should not be included. When dealing with sensitive
1.1 Educating Children/Teens. For parents and or older information, consider changing your password at least
siblings, talk to and teach your children/younger siblings every 90 days (approximately 3 months). Passwords
about the perils of the internet and the threats of cyber should never be left near your computer or in plain sight.
predators. Tell them not to meet people they met online Use multiple passwords for different online activity
in person and not to chat to people they do not know. since if one is compromised, all are vulnerable. Never
Discuss the significance of not sharing identifying give out your password. If you are offered the option of
information, sensitive information, images, or details setting up a password "hint" on an account, do not use
about forthcoming events on the internet. Make sure kids something that others may simply guess.
realize that what they see on the internet may not be 1. Personal Information. Think twice before posting
accurate. Teach children that anything they put online is anything online or sending information in an email.
public unless they properly regulate the privacy settings. Anyone can see what you publish online. Sharing
Spend time on the internet with your kid, learn about personal information with someone you don't know is
their favorite online sites, know their passwords, restrict one of the most dangerous things you can do online.
the amount of time they spend online, and consider Sharing sensitive information like your address, phone
putting the computer in a public area of the house. number, family members' names, car information,
Examine your child's PC and emails on a regular basis. passwords, work history, credit status, social security
Know who your kids/siblings are chatting with online. numbers, birth date, school names, passport information,
1.2 Emails, Phishing, and Malware. When opening driver's license numbers, insurance policy numbers, loan
emails from unfamiliar individuals or sources, especially numbers, credit/ debit card numbers, PIN, and bank
when they are unsolicited, use caution. By clicking on account information is dangerous and should be avoided.
links or downloading attachments, you risk infecting Consider deleting your name from websites that disclose
your computer with a virus or being a victim of fraud, your personal information gathered from public records
malware, or a scam. Some viruses can destroy your with everyone on the internet (including your phone
computer, while others can steal your personal number, address, social media avatars, and images).
information and, eventually, your identity. When you get 2. Photos. Photos taken with cellphones include GPS
emails that appear to be from your bank or another coordinates, which allow people to decide the position of
financial institution, be suspicious, especially if they the photograph and may be used to locate you. When
require you to verify or submit personal or financial uploading images to online social networking sites, keep
information. Be wary of scams that employ email links this in mind. Remember that photographs you upload
to take you to a website or provide you with a phone online can be copied, edited, and shared with many
number to call. Some email links might be deceptive. people without your knowledge or agreement, unless
Consider entering your own link to the banks and you use privacy settings to limit who can see them.
corporations, or search for them. In general, be wary of 3. Public Computers. Avoid typing sensitive
email scammers and websites that aim to deceive you information on public computers, such as those in a
into disclosing personal information. A legitimate- public library or an internet café. Spyware may be
looking website may be created fast. Remember that installed on these computers that record your every
professional customer care employees will never request keystroke. Also, you never know who may be watching
personal information or passwords from you. Consider your activity. Never select the feature that automatically
not replying to unwanted emails, never click on links in signs you on to email or check any box to “Remember
these emails, and use caution if a speedy response is my Password” on websites.
asked. Consider buying or downloading an excellent 4. Selling. Beware of selling and listing items in local
antivirus package that includes spyware protection. ads or elsewhere online. Never meet someone alone. If
1.3 Parental Controls. To limit internet access to safe necessary, consider meeting in a public place, like a post
websites, parents should consider using parental controls office or bank rather than a parking lot. Beware of
through their internet service provider and/or blocking posting photos taken from smartphones for online adds.
software on family computers and smartphones. If you You could be sharing your home address with a
have any questions, please contact your internet service criminal.
provider. Research your options when it comes to 5. Shopping. Avoid purchasing products and services
parental controls on different items. from websites that do not have a secure check-out using
“HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure).” Pay a) Intrusion into seclusion – It refers to the purposeful
attention to checkout page’s address line; the checkout intrusion of another person's private affairs. It also
page asks you to enter your credit card information. If involves the act of looking for confidential information
the checkout page does not have an “S” after “HTTP”, of a confidential nature, even if the information is not
consider shopping elsewhere. Be warned that certain publicly available. In this sort of tort, the legal criterion
information transferred on HTTP pages is in plain text,
should be deliberate and extremely offensive to a
which computer hackers may intercept.
reasonable person.
6. Social. Be wary about meeting somebody in person
who you met on the internet or over email. Not everyone b) Appropriation of name or likeness – it refers to the
is truthful about their identity, age, gender, or objectives. act of using the name and likeness of another person
Do your investigation using public documents if publicly without authorization for his/her own benefit
required, and consider finding reliable
such as trading and advertising purposes.
recommendations. If you decide to meet someone, never
travel alone, notify others of your plans, meet in a public c) Public disclosure of private facts – it refers to the
spot, and have your mobile phone nearby. publication of another person’s private affairs with the
7. Updates. Keep your computer’s operating system, state that it is highly offensive to a reasonable person
browsers, antivirus, and other software up to date with and in legitimate public concern.
the latest or daily security patches.
8. Webcams. Be careful when using webcams. These d) Placing a person in a false light – the act of stating
devices can be high-jacked and turned on remotely. This information that is based on opinion and may be
allows others to illegally view and listen to individuals technically true but indicates to a reasonable person
without their knowledge. Consider turning them off or that anything bad and/or incorrect about the target is
disconnecting them when not in use. Limit or do not true. It is like defamation, except that no false
allow your children to use webcams and talk to them
statements are required.
about the risks.
9. Wireless. Beware when connecting your laptops or Hacking System penetration is the act of getting
mobile devices to any unsecured networks. Computer unauthorized access to data via a system or other digital
hackers on the same network can intercept your internet device such as a computer. Because information in
use; in some cases, they can also access files on your digital form is subject to numerous forms of assaults, it
computer. To add, consider password protecting your
is one of the most prevalent dangers in cybersecurity.
home wireless network and using a personal firewall
There are various labels for different types of hacking,
program for added protection.
which include the following:
Chapter 5 - Ethical Issues in Digital Age a) Black-hat hacker – it refers to an act that takes
Ethical Issues in Digital Age advantage of security vulnerabilities to gain unlawful
access to private networks for the purpose of private
Privacy advantage.
According to law, privacy is the right of every individual b) White-hat hacker – it is a type of hacker that works
to make personal decisions and conduct their life in a for the common good by hacking networks to call
reasonable manner away from public observation. In attention to flaws in security to be fixed.
other terms, it is an individual's or a group's capacity to
choose, to express themselves and keep themselves or c) Gray-hat hacker – It refers to the person who enacts
information about themselves private. Privacy Invasion activities of both black hat and white hat hacker.
It is a legal term that describes a circumstance or d) Script Kiddie – a novice in hacking. To hack networks,
condition in which a person intrudes on the privacy of it follows instructions and uses pre-existing software.
others, such as the abuse or disclosure of sensitive
information and unlawful monitoring. Invasion of There are also different tools and methods used in
privacy is an unlawful conduct that carries legal hacking:
ramifications since it causes loss or hurt to people's a) Key-logging software – it is remotely installed on a
lives. computer to record keystrokes and commands. These
Types of Privacy Invasion
recordings will be collected over the Internet and to the copyright owner. It may also consist in aiding or
played back to spy and steal username and password. abetting such infringement. The IP Code also provides
for the liability of a person who at the time when
b) Packet-sniffing software – it is used to steal private
copyright subsists in a work has in his possession an
data that is being transported over a network. It focuses
article which he knows, or ought to know, to be an
on capturing and analyzing packets that flow over the
infringing copy of the work for the following purposes.
network or Internet. It might capture valuable
information such as passwords and credit card (a) selling or letting for hire, or by way of trade offering
numbers. c) Port-scanning software – it is used to or exposing for sale or hire, the article;
search random IP addresses for open ports to be
(b) distributing the article for the purpose of trade, or
for any other purpose to an extent that will prejudice
d) Social Engineering – it refers to the exploitation of the rights of the copyright owner in the work; or
natural human tendency to trust others. For example,
(c) trade exhibit of the article in public..”
pretending to be an administrator through phone call to
Different forms of copyright infringement:
make the person provide a password or other valuable
• Film recording in a movie theater
• Posting a video on your company’s website that
e) Dumpster diving – a method of going through trash features copyrighted contents such as songs, wordings,
of other users to steal personal information such as and images
credit card numbers. • Modifying copyrighted image or videos and displaying
it to company’s website
Theft Another ethical issue concerning the use of
• Creating merchandise for sale that features
computers is theft. The most popular type of theft is
copyrighted works
known as identity theft – an act of stealing other’s
• Downloading films or music without paying their use
personal information to commit fraud. It can also be in
• Copying any artistic or literary work without license
the form of pretending to be someone else, using the
Freedom of Expression and Online Defamation
information of other people for money and other
Freedom of expression is the right to search, receive,
benefits. An identity thief can make unauthorized
and impart information of your choice regardless of
purchases and transactions using other person’s credit
boundary without interference. It is the right of every
card information. Personal information can be obtained
person to express themselves even online and to access
using computer technology by accessing computer-
information, opinions, and expressions of others
based public records, hard drives of discarded and
including views on religion, political speech, opinions,
stolen computers, hacking computer networks using
and expressions that are inoffensive, but also
information-gathering software/malware, or by simply
expressions and opinions that might be offensive and
sending deceptive text messages or emails, and
disturbing to others. Having the right to express
browsing social networking sites.
yourself should consider the rights of others and the
Copyright Infringement The act of using copyrighted right to privacy.
works or covered by copyright law without permission. Online Defamation is the act of giving false statements
Specifically, reproducing, distributing, displaying, that is harmful to someone’s reputation verbally or in
performing protected work, or making derivative works written form using online platforms such as social media
without authorization of the copyright holder. A platforms. There are two types of defamation: a) Libel –
copyright holder can be a creator of the work, it refers to the written defamatory statement b) Slander
publisher, or other business that copyright was assigned – it refers to the spoken defamatory statement for
where they invoke legal and technological measures to example, if the defamatory statement is posted online
prevent and penalize copyright infringement. such as comment in a Facebook post, it is considered as
libel and identified as online defamation. Other
Copyright infringement in the Philippines constitutes examples include public comments on media websites
the following statement: “Under Philippine law, such as online newspapers or magazines, chatrooms,
copyright infringement occurs when there is a violation and blog posting comments.
of any of the exclusive economic or moral rights granted Piracy
Piracy entails the unauthorized reproduction, use, and pictures, movies, drawings, animations, and even
distribution of digital intellectual property such as computer-generated imagery. In certain circumstances,
software, music, and movies. Piracy and plagiarism are child pornography involves an adult being portrayed as
types of violations of intellectual property laws, such as a kid. Child pornography can also entail the alteration of
copyright offenses. Pirated software, music, and films a picture to make it appear like a child. Internet
can be obtained via file sharing networks or handmade pornography includes uploading and downloading
CDs and DVDs. pornographic materials via internet illegally, this is also
Examples of Piracy includes the following: regard as internet pornography crime.
• Illegal use or interception of internet connection of
other people
• Publication, reproduction, and/or use of patented or
copyrighted work without permission
• Unauthorized copying of protected software • Using
protected software without license
In general, it is a wrongful act and criminal deception
resulting in financial or personal gain. Computer fraud is
the term used in executing the illegal act using
computer system or attacking a computer intends to
alter, damage, or worst disable it.
Types of fraud includes:
a) Mail Fraud – fraudulent activity that uses mail or
emails such as sending a letter to someone to scam
money or gain personal information. It also includes
using chain letters to collect items or money, or by
simply stealing and opening someone else’s mail.
b) Health Care Fraud – it refers to a situation where an
individual such as an insurance provider or medical
office misuses the insurance information for their own
personal gain.
c) Debit and Credit Card Fraud – accessing other
people’s debit or credit cards that can completely drain
bank accounts.
d) Internet Fraud – fraudulent activity using the internet
to take advantage of other people. It includes data
breaches, malware, and phishing.
Internet Pornography
Accessing pictures or films that contain representation
of sexual behavior using the Internet. It is accessible
over the Internet via file sharing and websites. The
increasing availability of public access via the World
Wide Web fuels the proliferation of internet
pornography. Pornography is illegal for children, yet it
has grown so accessible and widely available that it is
seen as one of the most serious hazards to children's
internet safety.
Internet pornography is regarded as illegal when there
are minor children involved. Online child pornography
has become a major issue, and it can take the form of

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