Year 7 Mathematics Term 3 Schemes of Work
Year 7 Mathematics Term 3 Schemes of Work
Year 7 Mathematics Term 3 Schemes of Work
5 Probability
7.5 Topic 2
7.5 Topic 1 Mutually
exclusive Thinking and Working
Learning objectives covered in Unit 7.5 and topic summary: Expressing
outcomes and Mathematically
Use the language associated with probability and proportion to describe, compare, TWM.04 Convincing
order and interpret the likelihood of outcomes. TWM.07 Critiquing
Understand and explain that probabilities range from 0 to 1, and can be represented TWM.04 Convincing
as proper fractions, decimals and percentages. TWM.07 Critiquing
Identify all the possible mutually exclusive outcomes of a single event, and
7Sp.03 TWM.02 Generalising
recognise when they are equally likely to happen.
7Sp.04 Understand how to find the theoretical probabilities of equally likely outcomes.
Design and conduct chance experiments or simulations, using small and large
7Sp.05 numbers of trials. Analyse the frequency of outcomes to calculate experimental
Unit 7.5 Topic 1 Expressing probability
Outline of topic:
Learners will become familiar with the language of probability. They will write theoretical probabilities of equally likely outcomes in the context of a game. Learners
will create and critique probability statements and consider their relationship by ordering them in terms of how likely they are to occur.
Key vocabulary:
probability scale
theoretical probability
impossible, likely, certain
Key phrases:
The probability of …. is ….
p(___) =__
Each learner should play the game to see how many cards they can guess
After each learner has played the game, ask learners to calculate the
theoretical probability of each card being higher or lower once the first card
was turned over and to write this in a table. For example:
Mental strategies, possible misconceptions
Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities and resources
and comments
Playing cards
7Sp.01 Use the language Learners work in pairs write six probability statements onto cards: two that are To support learners with this activity, display a
associated with probability and impossible, two that are likely and two that are certain. On the reverse of the probability scale from 0 to 1, with appropriate
proportion to describe, two likely cards they should indicate how likely they are by writing a fraction, descriptors written below.
compare, order and interpret decimal or percentage. Collect the likely statements from all learners and
the likelihood of outcomes. discuss with the class an agreed order from least likely to most likely.
Afterwards, the probabilities, recorded as fractions, decimals or percentages
7Sp.02 Understand and on the reverse, can be shown.
explain that probabilities range
from 0 to 1, and can be Learners will show they are critiquing (TWM.07) when they challenge
represented as proper any probabilities which appear out of order. They will show they are
fractions, decimals and convincing (TWM.04) when they determine whether the statement
percentages. order should be adjusted or whether the probability of some
statements could be changed, and explain their reasoning.
TWM.07 Critiquing
Comparing and evaluating For example:
mathematical ideas,
representations or solutions to Probability a consonant
identify advantages and Probability of scoring at Probability this
is chosen when you pick
disadvantages least 2 when you throw maths lesson will
a random letter from
a die finish on time
TWM.04 Convincing 5
Presenting evidence to justify or 0.99 90%
challenge a mathematical idea or
solution 5
In this case the probabilities and 90% are accurate theoretical probabilities,
so cannot be adjusted. As the middle probability is an estimate, learners could
decide to adjust 0.99 to be lower than 90%, or to reorder the statements to be
Blank cards
Unit 7.5 Topic 2 Mutually exclusive outcomes and experimental probability
Outline of topic:
Learners will become familiar with the meaning of mutually exclusive outcomes of an event and the significance of calculating outcomes. Learners will be able to
write probability statements, making use of the knowledge of chosen outcomes and possible outcomes and expressing them in fractional form.
Learners will explore the difference and relationship between experimental probability and theoretical probability and recognise the importance of increasing the
number of trials when doing an experiment.
Key vocabulary:
theoretical probability, experimental probability
mutually exclusive
outcome, event
Key phrases:
The experimental probability of … is …
… and … are mutually exclusive outcomes
Ask learners to find the total of the probabilities of all the colours.
What do the probabilities of outcomes total? Why do you think this is?
What does ‘1’ represent on a probability scale?
TWM.02 Generalising Discuss the results as a class. Learners will show they are
Recognising an underlying pattern generalising (TWM.02) when they notice that although each person
by identifying many examples that had a different selection of counters, each person calculated the same
satisfy the same mathematical total, so the sum of the probabilities of all mutually exclusive outcomes
criteria is 1.
Coloured counters
7Sp.05 Design and conduct Give each pair of learners a selection of 10 coloured counters in a non-
chance experiments or transparent bag or box. Learners should not look at the counters.
simulations, using small and
large numbers of trials. Ask learners to choose a counter from the bag, record its colour and then put it
Analyse the frequency of back into the bag. They should do ten trials and record their results. Ask
outcomes to calculate learners to write the experimental probability of each colour. Explain to learners
experimental probabilities. that this is different from theoretical probability, as they are basing their
probabilities on an experiment and they do not know how many of each colour
are in the bag.
Now ask learners to do 100 trials and record their results. Before they begin,
ask them to predict what will happen, and then to explain their prediction.
Once they have calculated the experimental probabilities for each colour based
on 100 trials, learners can look at the counters in their bag. They should reflect
on all their results and consider the effect of doing more trials.
Mental strategies, possible misconceptions
Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities and resources
and comments
Coloured counters
Non-transparent bags or boxes
Key vocabulary:
term, position, rule
nth term
Fibonacci sequence
Key phrases:
The next number in the sequence will be …
The term-to-term rule for this sequence is …
The nth term of the sequence is …
Ask learners to find a sequence like this where the 10th term is 165.
(Answer: start with 3 and 3).
Ask learners to find a sequence like this where the 10th term is 144.
(Answer: start with 2 and 3).
TWM.01 Specialising
Choosing an example and Learners will show they are specialising (TWM.01) when they
checking to see if it satisfies or systematically try different starting numbers to generate a sequence
does not satisfy specific with the required 10th term.
mathematical criteria
Ask learners:
What other questions could you ask about these types of sequences? What
could you investigate further?
TWM.03 Conjecturing Learners will show they are conjecturing (TWM.03) when they
Forming mathematical questions suggest questions or ideas that may or may not be true. For example,
or ideas learners may conjecture that they can find a similar sequence where
the 5th term is 50. Or they may question whether it is possible to have
an odd number in the10th term when at least one of the two starting
terms is even.
7As.02 Understand and Give learners a set of cards showing nth term rules in the form a × n and the It is important to establish that nth term relates
describe 𝑛th term rules matching sequences. Ask learners to match the nth term with the sequence. to position-to-term. 2n does not mean double
algebraically (in the form For example, 5𝑛 and 5,10,15 …, 11𝑛 and 11, 22, 33, … the previous term. Rather, it is the double the
𝑛 ± 𝑎, 𝑎 × 𝑛 where 𝑎 is a position. So, the value of the 10th term will be
whole number). Ask learners: 2 × 10 which gives 20.
What do you notice?
Ask learners to create other similar ‘times table’ sequences and establish the
nth term for each one.
Mental strategies, possible misconceptions
Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities and resources
and comments
Then repeat the activity for sequences with nth term rules in the form n ± a. Ask
learners what they notice about sequences in the form n ± a where a is a
whole number. (Answer: they always increase by one each time, but have
different starting points.)
Key vocabulary:
input, output
operation, inverse operation
Key phrases:
The input of the function is …
The output of the function is …
Ask learners to choose an integer input number and generate the output. Then
they should give the output number, and the 3-step function, to their partner
and ask them to try to find the input they used. They should repeat this several
times and aim to find the inputs by using inverse operations rather than using a
trial and error method.
TWM.02 Generalising
Recognising an underlying pattern Learners will show they are generalising (TWM.02) when they begin
by identifying many examples that to recognise and describe a relationship between the output values
satisfy the same mathematical and the input values.
Then show learners other representations of functions, such as mapping
diagrams or tables of values, and ask them to describe in words how the
7As.04 Understand that a
function works. They should also write each representation as a linear function
situation can be represented
in two variables e.g.
either in words or as a linear
function in two variables (of
the form 𝑦 = 𝑥 + 𝑐 or 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥), and move between Double the input to get the output
the two representations.
𝑦 = 2𝑥
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Input Output
𝒙 𝒚 Add 5 to the input to get the output
36 41
2 7 𝑦=𝑥+5
477 482
Mental strategies, possible misconceptions
Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities and resources
and comments
Then tell learners the amount of money Safia will donate to Jamila can be
represented by the function 𝑠 = 𝑗 + 5.
Ask learners:
How much money will Safia donate if Jamila runs 16 miles?
If Safia donates $24, how many miles did Jamila run?
Ask learners to describe in words how much money Safia will donate. (Answer:
Safia will donate $5 more than the number of miles Jamila runs.)
Unit 7.6 Topic 3 Straight line graphs
Outline of topic:
Learners will use rules (nth term) to generate sets of coordinate pairs to represent sequences graphically. They will consider the positions of these lines and their
gradients to support their understanding of the sequence rules.
Key vocabulary:
nth term
coordinate pairs
linear graphs
gradient, intercept
y-axis, x-axis
Key phrases:
The graph with equation … is parallel to the x-axis/y-axis
7As.05 Use knowledge of Draw an empty table of values and a set of axes on the board. Ask learners to
coordinate pairs to construct write a coordinate pair where the y-coordinate is double the x-coordinate. Then
tables of values and plot the ask each learner to write their coordinate pair in the table of values on the
graphs of linear functions, board and plot their coordinate on the set of axes, if possible.
where 𝑦 is given explicitly in Ask learners:
terms of 𝑥 (𝑦 = 𝑥 + 𝑐 or What do you notice about the coordinates?
𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥). Learners should notice the coordinates can be connected with a single straight
7As.04 Understand that a
situation can be represented Explain to learners that, as a class, they have drawn the graph of the linear
either in words or as a linear function 𝑦 = 2𝑥. Then ask them to follow the same process, firstly to draw a
function in two variables (of set of axes and table of values for the linear function 𝑦 = 3𝑥 and then to draw
the form 𝑦 = 𝑥 + 𝑐 or the graph.
𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥), and move between
the two representations. Ask learners:
Describe the function in words (Answer: the y-coordinate is treble the x-
What do you think the graph will look like?
How is the graph of 𝑦 = 3𝑥 similar to, and different from, the graph of
TWM.03 Conjecturing 𝑦 = 2𝑥?
Forming mathematical questions
or ideas Learners will show they are conjecturing (TWM.03) when they
suggest ideas of what the graph of 𝑦 = 3𝑥 will look like. Learners will
TWM.02 Generalising show they are generalising (TWM.02) when they notice how changing
Recognising an underlying pattern
by identifying many examples that
the value of 𝑚 affects the graph of 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥.
Mental strategies, possible misconceptions
Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities and resources
and comments
satisfy the same mathematical Repeat this activity with graphs of 𝑦 = 𝑥 + 𝑐.
Key vocabulary:
rate of change
Ask learners:
How would you describe this graph to someone who could not see it and had
to recreate it on a blank piece of paper?
What variables might be on the two axes? Think of as many examples as you
Are there any variables for the two axes that would not be good examples for
this graph? Why?
TWM.05 Characterising
Identifying and describing the
Learners will show they are characterising (TWM.05) when they
mathematical properties of an
object describe the features of the graph using mathematical terms and
definitions. They will show they are specialising (TWM.01) when they
TWM.01 Specialising think of possible and impossible variables for each of the two axes.
Choosing an example and
checking to see if it satisfies or Then ask learners to choose one pair of variables (e.g. time and temperature)
does not satisfy specific and ask:
mathematical criteria What is the ‘story’ of this graph?
For another challenge, involving graphs related to rates of change try the
NRICH task: Maths Filler (
Mental strategies, possible misconceptions
Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities and resources
and comments
NRICH task
7.7 Topic 1
7.7 Topic 2
Distance Thinking and Working
Learning objectives covered in Unit 7.7 and topic summary: between
rotation and Mathematically
and translation
Understand that if two 2D shapes are congruent, corresponding sides and angles
7Gg.02 TWM.04 Convincing
are equal.
Use knowledge of 2D shapes and coordinates to find the distance between two
7Gp.02 TWM.04 Convincing
coordinates that have the same 𝑥 or 𝑦 coordinate (without the aid of a grid).
Rotate shapes 90º and 180º around a centre of rotation, recognising that the image
is congruent to the object after a rotation.
Understand that the image is mathematically similar to the object after enlargement.
Use positive integer scale factors to perform and identify enlargements.
Unit 7.7 Topic 1 Distance between coordinates and translation
Outline of topic:
Learners will develop understanding of finding dimensions of 2D shapes from given coordinates and will explore properties of congruent shapes. They will identify
corresponding points between original and translated images.
Key vocabulary:
x- and y-coordinates
translation, translate
Key phrases:
The distance between the coordinates … and … is …
The shape has been translated … right/left and … up/down
7Gp.03 Use knowledge of A computer game involves moving shapes onto their identical shapes. Shapes Tracing paper can be used to support this
translation of 2D shapes to can only move horizontally or vertically. Learners discuss in pairs how activity. Learners will see that there is a
identify the corresponding rectangle A can be moved so that it is on top of matching rectangle B. The movement across and down. Establish that the
points between the original rectangle is 4 units long and 3 units wide. ‘across’ movement is given first, positive
and the translated image, indicating to the right, negative indicating to the
without the use of a grid. left. The ‘vertical’ movement is given second,
positive indicating up, negative indicating
7Gp.02 Use knowledge of 2D down.
shapes and coordinates to find
the distance between two
coordinates that have the
same 𝑥 or 𝑦 coordinate
(without the aid of a grid).
Tell learners the top left corner of rectangle A is on the coordinate (9, 4). Ask
Mental strategies, possible misconceptions
Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities and resources
and comments
What is the coordinate of the top left corner of rectangle B?
What are the other coordinates of rectangle B?
Ask learners:
How would you move shape A so that it is on top of shape B?
Fill in the missing coordinates of the vertices of triangle A and triangle B.
Can you find the length of the base of the triangle?
Tracing paper (for support)
Key vocabulary:
corresponding sides and angles
grid, x- and y-axis
reflect, rotate, enlarge
congruent, similar
mirror line
centre of rotation, direction, clockwise, anticlockwise, angle of rotation
scale factor
Key phrases:
The shape has been enlarged by a scale factor of …
Squared paper, tracing paper
7Gp.05 Rotate shapes 90º and Establish that rotation is defined by specifying the centre of rotation, the Possible misconceptions:
180º around a centre of amount of rotation and the direction of rotation (clockwise or anticlockwise), Learners may not recognise that shapes are
rotation, recognising that the e.g. 'Triangle ABC is rotated 90° in an anticlockwise direction about (0, 0).' congruent if they are in different orientations
image is congruent to the after a rotation.
object after a rotation. Give learners three coordinates. Ask them to join the points and then rotate the
triangle 90° anticlockwise around (0, 0) three times.
Ask learners:
What do you notice about the coordinates of the new points?
What do you notice about the triangles?
Learners should recognise that the triangles are congruent after each rotation
because the corresponding sides and angles are equal.
For another challenge involving rotations of 90º try the NRICH task: Attractive
Rotations (
NRICH task
Squared paper, tracing paper
7Gp.06 Understand that the Show learners a rectangle measuring 4 units by 3 units and another rectangle Possible misconceptions:
image is mathematically measuring 8 units by 6 units. Learners often think that enlargements also
similar to the object after have an effect on the angles of the shape.
enlargement. Use positive Ensure learners notice that in the first example,
integer scale factors to the angles of the rectangle are still 90º after the
perform and identify enlargement.
Learners should notice that the rectangles are not congruent. Establish that the
rectangles are mathematically similar, as the length of the sides of rectangle B
are double the length of the sides of rectangle A. The transformation is an
enlargement by scale factor 2.
Ask learners:
Does an enlargement change the angles and the lengths of a shape or both?
What happens when a shape is enlarged by scale factor 1? (Answer: the
shapes will be congruent).
Learners now create similar questions, by drawing two similar shapes and
asking another learner to find the scale factor of the enlargement.
Squared paper, tracing paper
7.8 Topic 1
7.8 Topic 2
Collecting, 7.8 Topic 3
Learning objectives covered in Unit 7.8 and topic Using Thinking and Working
recording and The statistical Mathematically
summary: interpreting
Understand the effect of sample size on data collection and TWM.07 Critiquing
analysis. TWM.08 Improving
Key vocabulary:
categorical data, discrete data, continuous data
primary data, secondary data
survey, questionnaire, experiment
data, statistics
diagram, tally, table, frequency, data collection
sample, sampling
Key phrases:
Data collection method
Sampling method
Appropriate presentation of data
The group should then agree on a set of related questions they wish to ask and
based on this, decide what data to collect. They should also discuss which
methods of data collection and which sampling methods are most appropriate.
7Ss.01 Select and trial data collection Learners work in pairs for this activity. Give each pair of learners a set of ten cards One possible way of sorting the
and sampling methods to investigate where each card shows a different type of information such as: data is into groups of categorical,
predictions for a set of related a person’s height discrete and continuous data.
statistical questions, considering what a person’s favourite colour Discuss these data types as a class
data to collect (categorical, discrete the number of pets a person owns to ensure learners understand the
and continuous data). a person’s favourite food difference between them.
the time it takes a person to run 100m
how many brothers a person has
the number of marks a person gets on a mathematics test
the length of a person’s hair
the month of a person’s birthday
the colour of a person’s eyes.
Ask learners to decide how they could sort the data into two or more groups and
must be prepared to explain their choice of groupings to the rest of the class.
TWM.05 Characterising Learners will show they are characterising (TWM.05) when they can
Identifying and describing the mathematical identify and describe properties of the data types. They will show they are
properties of an object classifying (TWM.06) when they organise the data into groups according
to the mathematical properties they have identified.
TWM.06 Classifying
Organising objects into groups according to
their mathematical properties
Sets of cards with different data types
Mental strategies, possible
Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities and resources
misconceptions and comments
7Ss.02 Understand the effect of Write this information on the board for learners to discuss, first in pairs, and then Possible misconceptions:
sample size on data collection and as a class: Learners may incorrectly think that
analysis. Samira must ask all 1000 learners
Samira wants to find what the favourite drink is of the 1000 learners in her school. in the school their opinion about
She asks three of her friends, and they all agree with her that orange juice is their their favourite drink to make a
favourite drink. Samira concludes that orange juice is the favourite drink of conclusion. Explain that while three
learners in her school. learners is too few in this case, it is
often necessary to take a sample of
Ask learners to identify the advantages and disadvantages of Samira’s survey and the population to make data
suggest how she could design a better one. collection more time and cost
TWM.07 Critiquing efficient. Allow learners to discuss
Comparing and evaluating mathematical
Learners will show they are critiquing (TWM.07) when they can identify what they think the size of Samira’s
ideas, representations or solutions to
identify advantages and disadvantages possible problems with Samira’s data collection method, such as only sample should be in this situation.
asking her friends, asking too few people and trying to make sure they
TWM.08 Improving agree with her. They will show they are improving (TWM.08) when they
Refining mathematical ideas or suggest how Samira could refine her survey and data collection method to
representations to develop a more effective develop a more reliable conclusion.
approach or solution
7Ss.03 Record, organise and Provide learners with secondary data for a number of different countries, such as:
represent categorical, discrete and average temperature for each month
continuous data. Choose and explain average rainfall for each month
which representation to use in a given population
situation: gold, silver and bronze medals won in the last Olympics
- Venn and Carroll diagrams number of tourists visiting per year
- tally charts, frequency tables and area of the country
two-way tables colours of the country’s flag.
- dual and compound bar charts
- waffle diagrams and pie charts They should choose which data they wish to use and present the data using
- frequency diagrams for continuous appropriate graphs or charts to help them decide which country they would like to
data visit. Learners should make conclusions and explain their decision based on what
- line graphs the graphs and charts show.
- scatter graphs
- infographics. Learners could also use their graphs and charts to create an infographic about the
country they would most like to visit.
Mental strategies, possible
Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities and resources
misconceptions and comments
7Ss.05 Interpret data, identifying Resources:
patterns, within and between data Data on a number of different countries
sets, to answer statistical questions.
Discuss conclusions, considering the
sources of variation, including
sampling, and check predictions.
Key vocabulary:
average, mode, median, mean, range
primary data, secondary data
Key phrases:
The mean/mode/median/range of the data is …
Ask learners:
Are all the averages appropriate to use in this context? Is one average more
appropriate than the others? Why?
Data showing shoe sizes and gender of 100 adults
7Ss.04 Use knowledge of Give learners four situations on cards, each with a partial set of data. Learners conduct statistics investigations as
mode, median, mean and part of a four-part statistical enquiry cycle:
range to describe and Ask learners:
summarise large data sets. Which measure of ‘average’ (mean, mode or median) would be the most
Choose and explain which one appropriate to use in each situation? Why?
is the most appropriate for the
context. 1) The average household savings ($) of two streets in a town are compared,
but it is known that on one street, a neighbour recently won a competition
7Ss.05 Interpret data, with a large cash prize. Street A: 2000, 3500, 4000, 12 000 000, 1000 ….
identifying patterns, within and 2) A cricketer wants to see if she has improved her batting average since last
between data sets, to answer season. In her matches this season, she has scored the following number
statistical questions. Discuss of runs: 25, 49, 78, 35, 55, 35, 50, 25, …
conclusions, considering the 3) A swimming club caters for swimmers of all abilities. New members were
sources of variation, including asked how many meters they can swim. Their responses were: 10, 25,
sampling, and check 100, 0, 400, 0, 2000 ….
Mental strategies, possible misconceptions
Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities and resources
and comments
4) A shoe shop sold the following sizes of shoes: 4, 3, 6, 5, 7, 4, 9, 11,12, 6,
11, 9 …
They need to order some new stock.
To explore this data further, ask learners whether calculating the range would
be useful in each situation and if so, why.
Sets of cards showing situations with partial data sets
Consider the following and how they might impact data collection and
primary versus secondary data sources
method of data collection and why anonymity is important
how to ensure the sample is representative
how to ensure the data collection method is accurate and reliable.
Unit 7.8 Topic 3 The statistical cycle
Outline of topic:
Learners will apply the statistical enquiry cycle to conduct a statistics investigation by:
specifying the problem, planning the investigation and making predictions
collecting, recording and organising the data
considering how to appropriately represent the data
interpreting the data and discussing conclusions.
Key vocabulary:
categorical data, discrete data, continuous data
primary data, secondary data
survey, questionnaire, experiment
data, statistics
tally, table, frequency
diagrams, tables, graphs, charts
average, mode, median, mean, range
Key phrases:
Data collection method
Sampling method
Appropriate presentation of data
The mean/mode/median/range of the data is …
Learners could also decide to calculate the mean, median or mode for their data, including data
7Ss.04 Use knowledge of presented in a frequency table, such as the table showing number of misconducts above. Learners
mode, median, mean and should consider which of these averages is most appropriate and how well the average represents the
range to describe and data, e.g. they might note that most values were a long way from the mean, so it does not represent the
summarise large data sets. data very well.
Choose and explain which one
is the most appropriate for the Learners should then interpret their data and identify patterns within and between data sets.
For example, for the graph above learners may identify that the graph for Team A is quite flat which
shows they have been consistent between 2008 and 2018, whereas the graph for Team B has more
bumps and drops significantly between 2012 and 2013.
Learners should discuss conclusions, identifying reasons for these, and check their predictions. For
example, when interpreting the graph above, they might discover 2013 was the year Team B received
more funding or employed a new manager. They should also consider possible sources of variation,
including data sampling. For example, they might have noticed their sample of games for Team A
included mostly low-stakes games against local teams, whereas the sample for Team B included many
high-stakes games against international teams.
Mental strategies,
Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities and resources
and comments
Access to the internet to gather data