Application of Internet of Things in Smart Greenho
Application of Internet of Things in Smart Greenho
Application of Internet of Things in Smart Greenho
Article in International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering and Information Technology · April 2021
DOI: 10.18517/ijaseit.11.2.13638
11 1,624
2 authors, including:
Irfan Ardiansah
Universitas Padjadjaran
All content following this page was uploaded by Irfan Ardiansah on 14 July 2021.
Abstract— Microclimate control is very important for the cultivation of plants in greenhouses. Some microclimate variables are
temperature and humidity, these variables can be controlled using several methods, one of which is the misting of the cooling system,
but this process is still done manually. This research aims to create an internet-of-things-based system to automatically control the
greenhouse microclimate, controlled and controlled through a website. The results showed that the system could automatically activate
the cooling system misting when the temperature is above 30 ℃ and the humidity is below 80%. The greenhouse microclimate data can
be controlled and controlled via the website. The automation system works better in maintaining the greenhouse's microclimate
conditions than before using the automation system with a difference of 6.25 ˚C temperature and 28.06% higher humidity. Microclimate
data can be displayed and accessed via the website, and minimum and maximum temperatures can be set via the website. The factor
that affects the greenhouse temperature is the UV index. The higher the UV index, the higher the temperature. When the UV index
reaches < 10, the greenhouse temperature can still be reduced to ± 3 ℃. If the UV index > 10, the temperature can still be reduced to a
smaller value. The automation system's microclimate data processing is more effective, accurate, and the performance of the automation
system reaches 115.22% but will decrease to 80.40% when the light intensity is high.
Manuscript received 3 Nov. 2020; revised 13 Mar. 2021; accepted 8 Apr. 2021. Date of publication 30 Apr. 2021.
IJASEIT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
plant growth, especially found in tomato hydroponic between 80% to 90% to get high yield and excellent quality
cultivation [10]. Protected plant growth is usually favorable [15].
to sustainable microclimate and realizes its maximum Using the mist cooling system on microclimate with high
production even than the need for various environmental precision; could help tomato farmers predict harvest data and
conditions [11]. control, monitoring automatically in the smart greenhouse,
such as high temperature and low humidity during a dry
A. Internet of Things season [16]. Application of the Internet of Thing was a big
The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the key elements in data analysis for automatically condition process to make
the development of this revolution. The existence of the IoT pleasant activities with actual time and usually influenced in
is very useful in various fields of life, particularly in the agriculture sector by technology [8]. The realization of
agriculture. The utilization of IoT in agriculture can smart IoT makes farmers work more easily, effectively, and
greenhouse technology. The application of IoT in the efficiently because farmers do not need to control the engine,
greenhouse system can monitor microclimate such as but the engine will control themselves and collaborate with
temperature, humidity, and in real-time, the farmers can other engines.
control the plant remote [12].
Internet of Thing is a platform which used cable and B. Smart Greenhouse
wireless sensor for data process by sensory until becoming A smart greenhouse or precision greenhouse or intelligent
information, and daily communication becomes precision. greenhouse builds and protects plants' growth from excessive
The Internet of Things concept is divided into three layers. heat, cold, dust, and control from pests and diseases. A smart
These are sensing, data transfer, and application (data safety greenhouse automation system is the technical approach in
[13]. IoT technology will be alternative methods that are very which automatic monitoring and control of a smart
popular for various agriculture plants such as tomatoes. IoT greenhouse environment will benefit the farmers. A smart
in the agriculture sector was expected to raise productivity greenhouse is made as monitoring automatically of
and predict future harvesting and solve some problems in the monitoring and controlling microclimate used the sensors and
agricultural system. The Internet of Things in agriculture also farmers need not control and to spend on expensive
very potential because the farmers could raise food and monitoring and problems, cost-effective than get optimum
animal operational production [14]. temperature, for varied plant growth remotely. Urbanization
Various are suitable to get an available monitoring will affect the lack of land availability: there is a need to build
environment in a smart greenhouse such as a microclimate a smart greenhouse used mostly for growing crops like a
which as temperature and humidity can be controlled using tomato [17]–[19].
several methods, but the mist cooling is one option to sensors The utilization of methods in the smart greenhouse uses not
and controllers can change it for tomato growth. Data in a only information technology but also the main key. Therefore,
smart greenhouse will send it to the control station over the the method system measured the parameters needed by plants,
internet. Tomato is one of the most popular horticulture plants especially tomatoes, such as maintenance for tomato plants,
in Indonesia, because high vitamin C (25,16 mg/100 gram); which will be more controlled compared to a tomato grown
protein (2,18%), fat (0,26%), and carbohydrate (6,01%); but outside a smart greenhouse. Figure 1 below shows the smart
tomato required a relatively cold climatic environment were greenhouse in Indonesia.
needed temperature between 18 oC to 28 oC and humidity
temperature and humidity in a smart greenhouse for tomato
II. MATERIAL AND METHODS growth, as shown in Figure 2. The data required in the smart
The research was conducted from January to March 2020 greenhouse for tomato growth is estimated temperature
in a smart greenhouse on Universitas Padjadjaran Jatinangor, between 20 oC to 28 oC; while humidity between 80% to 90%
Sumedang West Java province of Indonesia. The research in all seasons. The sensor data will be accessed from
aims to design the application technology of the Internet of anywhere from the internet or smartphone and updated every
Things using mist cooling on microclimate, which is 20 minutes.
The fogging system pipe is made in the form of a trident
with 18 (eighteen) fog valve points so that the mist
distribution can reach all points in the greenhouse when
conditions are not ideal. The device runs from 06.00 - 18.00
every day. All sensor data is immediately recorded every
minute into the database.
The data is then processed and displayed in tabular form on
a website that can be accessed via the internet using
DynDNS's services, as seen in Figure 4a. Temperature and
relative humidity configuration parameters are set through the
admin page seen in Figure 4b, which is directly updated after
the greenhouse administrator clicks on the submit button.
Fig. 4 (a) Micro-Climate Automation System Information Page, and (b) Micro-Climate Automation System Configuration Page
TABLE I 12 26.51 77.45
Day Temperature (C) Humidity (%) 14 27.06 74.27
1 25.51 78.31 15 26.87 76.62
2 26.77 76.18 16 26.12 79.18
3 27.10 72.22 17 26.09 79.39
4 26.50 77.54 18 26.18 79.41
5 26.06 79.63 19 26.66 78.97
6 25.96 78.86 20 25.45 84.83
7 25.28 81.76 21 26.01 84.86
8 24.02 86.64 22 25.93 84.57
9 24.58 83.45 23 27.08 78.54
10 24.22 85.22 24 25.64 77.60
11 25.64 80.17 25 25.22 84.26
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