Synergy Between The Convention On Biological Diversity
Synergy Between The Convention On Biological Diversity
Synergy Between The Convention On Biological Diversity
Advances in Climate Change Research 12 (2021) 287e295
The Convention on Biological Diversity and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change are the two most important
environmental conventions for biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation. Both conventions have carried out a variety of work and
established a joint working group to promote synergy. This study reviews the cooperation process between both conventions, and identifies the
gaps in the synergistic mechanism by analyzing the status of implementation in China. The following problems in China were found to be
associated with convention implementation: 1) shortage of coordination among implementing organization; 2) the existing strategic plans lack
planning for synergistic implementation; 3) the monitoring system lacks coordination management, thus making the sharing of monitoring
results among each unit challenging; and 4) information sharing from partner ministries is inadequate. Combining the status of China's
implementation and the experience of other contracting parties, the following strategies are proposed: 1) a synergistic implementation mech-
anism should be established at the national level; 2) a national strategic plan should be developed for synergistic implementation; 3) a monitoring
system and management mechanism should be developed that comprehensively consider the monitoring indicators of each convention; and 4) an
implementation information-sharing platform should be built.
1674-9278/© 2021 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
288 HU Y. et al. / Advances in Climate Change Research 12 (2021) 287e295
conventions, the two conventions have intensified institutional has not yet been established, which leads to the two conventions
cooperation, and the synergy trend has become more notice- failed to exert a synergistic implementation advantage. As a
able. However, incompatible duties across different in- developing country with rich biodiversity, it is very important to
stitutions have hindered the coordination across regimes establish a synergistic implementation mechanism to balance
(Els€asser, 2017). Therefore, the establishment of a synergistic the relationship between climate change and biodiversity. This
implementation mechanism has been called for as an effective study analyzes the implementation status and synergies between
way of implementation. With the introduction of nature-based the CBD and UNFCCC in China and provides recommenda-
solutions (NbS) and the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity tions for establishing a synergy strategy in China. This study can
Framework (Post-2020 GBF), as well as other related content, provide a reference for the parties to establish a synergistic
strengthening synergy among international conventions will implementation mechanism, save implementation costs, and
become a mainstream trend of global environmental gover- improve implementation efficiency.
nance (Arneth et al., 2020; Mori, 2020).
At present, limited research exists on the synergy of CBD 2. International cooperation process
and UNFCCC. Els€asser (2017) analyzed the connection,
conflicting, cooperation, and synergetic of the Rio Conven- 2.1. Cooperation between conventions
tions, and explored the possibility of forming an overarching
environmental institution through joint institutional manage- Since the CBD first included the ‘cooperation with other
ment of Rio Conventions. Taking five Southeast Asian coun- conventions and international organizations and initiatives, as
tries as a case study, Morita and Matsumoto (2018) studied the well as engagement of stakeholders’ as an issue on the agenda
synergies among mitigation, adaptation, and biodiversity/ of the conference, parties have recognized the importance of
ecosystem conservation in the forest sector, and found that scientific cooperation between each environmental conven-
national actors, financial mechanisms, programs, and projects tion. At the 5th CBD conference of parties (COP), the CBD
have important impacts on these three measures. Mustain and urged the UNFCCC to take action and address the issue of
Saifullah (2018) analyzed the deficiencies in Bangladesh's coral bleaching. This was the first time the CBD focused on
implementation of CBD and UNFCCC, and studied the role of issues associated with climate change. In 2001, the CBD,
multilateral environmental agreements in achieving sustain- UNFCCC, and the United Nations Convention to Combat
able development goals. In China, scholars have proposed the Desertification (UNCCD) established the Joint Liaison Group
establishment of a synergistic implementation strategy related (JLG) of the Rio Conventions. This is an informal platform for
to biodiversity conservation among different conventions, the exchange of information, the exploration of cooperation
including the CBD and UNFCCC (Liu, 2015; Xue, 2015). opportunities, and the strengthening of collaborations. The
Most studies focused on the negotiation progress and the CBD established an Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group
achievements of China's implementation, while neglecting the (AHTEG), which includes scientists from the Intergovern-
synergistic implementation mechanism (Xue et al., 2012; mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and experts from the
Wang et al, 2014, 2017). One article examined the synergy UNFCCC process and secretariat. The AHTEG completed a
between the CBD and the Ramsar Convention (Liu et al., report on the internal links between biodiversity and climate
2015). Li et al. (2016) analyzed the development trends and change, and promoted the integration of biodiversity issues
characteristics of major global multilateral environmental with the UNFCCC and the Tokyo Protocol (CBD, 2003).
agreements including CBD and UNFCCC in 2016, and put By assessing the documents of the previous COP, we
forward suggestions for China's future implementation work. found many synergistic issues proposed by the two conven-
Although biodiversity loss and climate change are generally tions (Table 1). Both conventions not only overlapped in
considered as intertwined issues, they do not receive equal these issues but also in the obligations of parties, such as
attention (Legagneux et al., 2018). Climate change has been research, reporting, and public education. The responsible
widely regarded as a threat for biodiversity, but the role that institutions for implementing conventions by parties may be
biodiversity in mitigating climate change has not received different. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a synergistic
enough attention (Hisano et al., 2018). In the context of global
climate change and increased biodiversity loss, it is imperative Table 1
to review the relationship between these two environmental Synergistic issues.
issues and explore a synergistic way (Mori, 2020). One of the CBD UNFCCC
best ways is to establish a synergistic implementation mecha- Synergy REDDþ
nism between CBD and UNFCCC at the national level. Since Forest and biodiversity LULUCF
the joining of the CBD and UNFCCC, China has actively Geo-engineering Geo-engineering
completed the implementation work. It has published a series of Ecosystem-based approaches to Warsaw international
climate change adaptation and mechanism for loss and damage
documents, such as the Technical Guidelines for Identifying disaster risk reduction
Ecological Protection Red-line and China's National Climate Marine and coastal biodiversity
Change Program (MoEP, 2015; NDRC, 2013). After the over- Post-2020 GBF
haul of China's ministerial institutions, a synergy trend was Note: The content was compiled from COP meeting documents of the CBD
found in the implementation. However, a complete mechanism and the UNFCCC (CBD, 2019, 2008, 2004; UNFCCC, 2014, 2008, 1999).
HU Y. et al. / Advances in Climate Change Research 12 (2021) 287e295 289
implementation mechanism at the national level, which can synergy between the CBD and the UNFCCC. In Brazil, the
decrease costs and avoid duplicating work. national focal points of the CBD and the UNFCCC are the
Secretariat of Biodiversity and Forests (SBF) under the
2.2. Post-2020 GBF and NbS Ministry of the Environment (MoE), and the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs (MoFA). The MoE is responsible for coordi-
Decision 14/34 of the 14th COP of the CBD stipulated the nating relevant departments. The Secretary of Climate Change
‘comprehensive and participatory process for the preparation of and Environmental Quality (SMCQ) under it and the MoFA
the post-2020 global biodiversity framework’, and the zero draft are responsible for coordinating both the CBD and the
of the Post-2020 GBF had already been published (CBD, 2020). UNFCCC. Through this mechanism, the SBF participated in
The Post-2020 GBF has formulated a series of plans to stabilize preparing biodiversity-related parts in the National Plan for
the current trend of biodiversity loss. The zero draft states that Adaptation to Climate Change (MoE, 2014). MoFA is in
“the Post-2020 GBF is intended to be used not only under the charge of coordinating the Ministry of Science, Technology,
Convention on Biological Diversity and its Protocols, but also for Innovation, and Communications (MCTIC). The MoE and
the other biodiversity-related and the Rio conventions, other other departments form a working group, which provides
multilateral environmental agreements, other international pro- technical support for the General Coordination on Climate
cesses and instruments and the broader international commu- (CGCL) under the MCTIC to complete reports (MoFA, 2019).
nity” (CBD, 2020). The Post-2020 GBF involves multiple Although the leading departments for the implementation of
synergy contents (CBD, 2020). The 2030 Action Target 7 in the the CBD and the UNFCCC are different in Brazil, the gov-
framework proposed to increase the contribution to climate ernment chose the SMCQ to coordinate their implementation.
mitigation adaption and disaster risk reduction from NbS and This mechanism helps to promote the synergy between the
ecosystems-based approaches. The goal was to ensure resilience work and strategic plans of both conventions.
and minimize any negative impacts on biodiversity. Target 10 The competent authority for implementing the CBD and
proposed to regulate air quality, environmental hazard and other the UNFCCC in South Africa is the Department of Envi-
extreme events, as well as quality and quantity of water through ronmental Affairs (DoEA), which established the Project
NbS and ecosystems-based approaches. The framework's theory Steering Committee (PCS) and the South African National
of change considers both the long-term strategies and targets of Biodiversity Institute (SANBI). The PSC, which is composed
Rio conventions and other biodiversity-related conventions to of 16 governmental departments, coordinates various de-
ensure that these agreements can synergistically solve environ- partments to complete reports related to the UNFCCC. As a
mental problems. The enabling conditions in the framework public entity, the SANBI is mainly responsible for biodi-
propose that to implement the framework, synergies are required versity management national commitments related to biodi-
among participants. versity research progress, policies, and recommendations, as
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN, well as for monitoring and reporting (DoEA, 2019). More-
2016) published Nature-based Solutions to Address Climate over, South Africa has established Ministerial Technical
Change in 2016, which systematically explained the concept Committees (MINTECH), which hold quarterly meetings to
of NbS, and provided ten related case studies. NbS have been facilitate coordination between and provincial environ-
recognized to have the ability to tackle climate change, mental departments. MINTECH established multiple work-
although it was proposed during the past 10 years. The IUCN ing groups for different environmental issues. For example,
has published the IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Working Group 1 addresses biodiversity conservation and
Solutions, which proposes eight criteria and 28 indicators. Working Group 10 addresses climate change (DoEA, 2014).
Criterium 1 focuses on identifying whether NbS can be a The leading units of the CBD and the UNFCCC in South
response to the societal challenge, which includes climate Africa are different organizations under the same department.
change (adaptation and mitigation), disaster risk reduction, This mechanism is more conducive to a synergy between
ecosystem degradation, and biodiversity loss. Criterium 3 both conventions. Moreover, the formation of the MINTECH
mentions that NbS result in net gains in biodiversity and model to solve different environmental problems helps the
ecosystem integrity (IUCN, 2020). Research indicated that coordination of various departments. This experience is a
NbS can contribute more than 30% to fulfilling the Paris suitable reference for countries with multiple ministries that
climate goal and can deal with the impacts and harms of participate in the implementation of the convention.
climate change (Griscom et al., 2017). Since climate change is
the paramount threat to biodiversity, NbS can protect biodi- 3. Current status of synergy between the CBD and the
versity while mitigating climate change (Griscom et al., 2017). UNFCCC in China
Therefore, NbS can be regarded as a synergistic method to
protect biodiversity and tackle climate change. 3.1. Implementation organization
2.3. National experience China has established three committees to fulfill the CBD:
China's National Coordinating Group for the CBD Imple-
With the continuous advancement of related issues, various mentation (CNCG), the Inter-ministerial Joint Conference for
States Parties have taken a variety of actions to promote Protection of Biological Resources (Joint Conference), and the
290 HU Y. et al. / Advances in Climate Change Research 12 (2021) 287e295
National Committee for Biodiversity Conservation (NCBC). adjusted the units or personnel of the Leading Group. In 2003,
CNCG was established in 1993 by the Ministry of Environ- the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)
mental Protection (MoEP), which holds annual meetings to assigned the secretariat to the Office of National Coordinating
formulate annual work plans. CNCG plays an important role Group on Responses to Climate Change. This secretariat is
in biodiversity conservation in China (MoEE, 2003). The responsible for implementing the UNFCCC, as well as for
meetings were frequent at the initial stage but their frequency preparing the national report and the national greenhouse gas
gradually decreased with the establishment of new coordina- emission inventory. The Department of Climate Change,
tion mechanisms. The Joint Conference, which focuses on which belongs to the MoEE (formerly belonged to the
strengthening the protection and management of species and NDRC), undertakes the work of the Leading Group and its
genetic resources, was established in 2003 by the MoEP secretariat. Its main functions are: to take the leading role in
(MoEP, 2003) and played an important role initially, and the addressing climate change and greenhouse gas emission
frequency of meetings gradually decreased. The NCBC was reduction; to carry out China's role in the UNFCCC and work
established in 2011, and was composed of 23 ministries and with the relevant governmental departments to participate in
administration departments of the State Council. The chairman international negotiations; to analyze the impact of climate
of NCBC is the vice premier, and the members are vice change on the economic and social development; and to
ministers in charge of each department.1 As the highest formulate China's major objectives, policies, programs, and
decision-making and coordinating mechanism of biodiversity plans for climate change mitigation.2 The Department of
conservation in China, the NCBC is responsible for making Climate Change has a Division of National Policies and
international implementation decisions and for domestic Implementation of International Conventions and a Division of
biodiversity conservation. International Policies and Negotiations, which implement
At present, three organizations exist simultaneously. The domestic climate change measures. In addition, the National
NCBC is the main coordination committee and undertakes Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Coop-
the implementation work of the CBD. The NCBC and the eration (NCSC), which belongs to the MoEE, is also a
Joint Conference have gradually replaced the function of the national-level strategic research institution.3
CNCG. The secretariats of the above three committees are
located in the Department of Nature Environmental Con- 3.2. National strategic plan
servation, which belongs to the Ministry of Ecology and
Environment (MoEE). The Department of Nature Environ- According to China's National Biodiversity Strategy and
mental Conservation is responsible for the daily work of Action Plan (2011e2030) (NBSAP) (MoEP, 2010), China has
these three committees, while coordinating biodiversity identified 10 priority areas and 30 priority actions in biodi-
protection throughout China. Its main functions include: versity conservation. The NBSAP focuses on improving the
coordinating and supervising ecological conservation and policy and legal system, biodiversity resources monitoring,
restoration efforts; formulating policies, laws, administrative conservation and use of genetic resources, as well as responses
regulation regarding ecological conservation, and restora- to climate change. Action 25 (i.e., to develop an action plan to
tion; organizing ecological conservation plans and evalu- address climate change impacts on biodiversity) and Action 26
ating national ecological conditions; monitoring nature (i.e., to assess the impacts of biofuels on biodiversity) in Pri-
reserves and the ecological conservation redline; protecting ority Area 8 (i.e., increasing the capacities to respond to
biodiversity, biological species resources, and bio-safety; climate change) concern the contents of the UNFCCC. Both
operating the secretariat of the NCBC, and the National actions in this priority area have made certain progress. Since
Bio-safety Management Office; and implementing interna- the Post-2020 GBF will succeed the 2011e2020 Biodiversity
tional conventions. Furthermore, the Foreign Environmental Plan and the 2020 Aichi Targets to the guiding document in
Cooperation Center (FECO) under the MoEE provides a biodiversity conservation, the MoEE is actively promoting
platform for foreign cooperation for the protection of the research on China's Post-2020 GBF.
ecological environment. The FECO takes charge of imple- In China's National Climate Change Program, published in
menting several environmental conventions, and its Project 2007, China's government defined the specific goals, basic
Management Division II undertakes the technical and principles, major fields, and policies that affect climate change
transactional work of implementing the CBD and related until 2010 (NDRC, 2007). The content relevant for biodiver-
protocols. sity conservation is Goal 2 (enhancing the climate change
The National Leading Group on Climate Change, Energy adaption capability). Based on the China's National Climate
Conservation, and Emissions Reduction (i.e., the Leading Change Program (NDRC, 2007), the National Climate Change
Group) is the central organization to implement the UNFCCC. Adaption Strategy (NDRC, 2013) launched in 2013, which
According to the requirements of organizational structure,
personnel changes, and work needs, the State Council has
MoEE (Ministry of Ecology and Environment), 2020. Departments. http:// (accessed 6 January
NCBC (National Committee for Biodiversity Conservation), 2020. Com- 2021).
mittee composition. (accessed 6 January NCSC (National Committee for Biodiversity Conservation), 2020. De-
2021; Chinese). partments introduction.
HU Y. et al. / Advances in Climate Change Research 12 (2021) 287e295 291
improved China's strategic plan to adapt to climate change. marine, water conservancy, environmental protection, agri-
This strategy proposed adaption goals, key tasks, as well as culture, and science. The National Climate Center has con-
regional spatial and guarantee measures. Among them, Task 4 ducted climate monitoring, diagnosis, prediction, and
(i.e., relevant coastal and sea areas) and Task 5 (i.e., forestry evaluation to monitor basic climate data and predict extreme
and other ecosystems) are related to the CBD. China's Inten- weather events. As of 2016, the meteorological department has
ded Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) put forward established more than 6000 land- and marine-based stations,
a series of actions, policies, and measures to address climate and 190 net-generation weather radars. Furthermore, five
change. It also involves biodiversity-related content, which particulate matter mass concentration observation stations,
includes: the tracking, monitoring, and assessing of the impact 376 acid rain observation stations, 29 sandstorm observation
of climate change on biodiversity; enhancing resistance to stations, one global atmospheric background station, and six
marine disasters and management of coastal zones; and regional atmospheric background stations are being operated.
improving the resilience of coastal areas against climatic di- The monitoring results are regularly released in the form of
sasters (NDRC, 2015). specific reports. The China Bulletin on Climate Change
Monitoring and the China Bulletin on Greenhouse Gases have
3.3. Monitoring been published annually since 2011 and 2012 (CMA, 2012,
The monitoring work related to the CBD in China is mainly Related departments or scientific research institutes manage
in charge of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the the data collected by these monitoring networks. During the
MoEE, the State Forestry and Grassland Administration writing of the national report, the main coordination mecha-
(SFGA), the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the nism of the two conventions formulates an outline and orga-
National Oceanic Administration. The main monitoring ac- nizes an expert group by departments. This expert group
tivities include inventorying national forest resources, biodi- collects materials and data from their respective departments
versity survey, biodiversity monitoring, and biodiversity following the requirements specified in outline and draft sector
assessments. The CAS has established the Chinese Ecosystem reports. Then, the expert group finishes the national report by
Research Network (CERN), which monitors changes of reviewing and integrating sector reports. China's CBD and
China's ecological environment. The 45 institutes under the UNFCCC coordination departments have organized a large
CAS have successively established 212 field stations in body of monitoring work on the content required by the
different fields (such as ecology, environment, agriculture, convention. Most of this work was based on the reality of
ocean, geophysics, and astronomy), 53 of which are in the China's ecological environmental construction and the gov-
biological field. Since 2011, the Nanjing Institute of Envi- ernment's overall plan for its construction (Table 2).
ronmental Science (NIES), a national scientific research
institution directly affiliated with the MoEE, established the 3.4. Information sharing
China Biodiversity Observation Network (China BON), which
has access to 749 observation plots across the country and According to Article 7 of the CBD, parties should manage
released a series of guidelines of biodiversity observation. The the data about the biodiversity situation and establish a
network aims to observe the status and changing trends of Clearing-House Mechanism (CHM). The MoEP (now the
biodiversity. Based on the monitoring results of this network, MoEE) has established the CHM and established information
the NIES released the Annual Report on Biodiversity Moni- links with relevant departments. The CHM is managed by the
toring in China (2017) (NIoES, 2018). The SFGA has built the Coordinating Group, which publishes relevant information on
Chinese Forestry Ecosystem Research Network (CFERN),
which has 103 ecological stations. The CFERN, the Chinese
Wetland Ecosystem Research Network (CWERN), and the Table 2
Chinese Desert Ecosystem Research Network (CDERN) China's monitoring activities for the implementation of CBD and UNFCCC.
constitute the Observatory and Research Network. The Na- CBD UNFCCC
tional Marine Environmental Monitoring Center has estab- Inventorying national Atmospheric Integrated land-based meteorological
lished a marine environmental monitoring system and has built forest resources observation observations
18 marine ecological monitoring areas in ecologically Meteorological satellite observations
Biodiversity survey Greenhouse Gases observation
vulnerable and particularly sensitive coastal waters. Climate change
China has already established a comprehensive climate Biodiversity monitoring Marine and Integrated ocean observation network
observation system with more than 2000 national surface ecological Polar and oceanic investigations
meteorological stations, integrating space-based, ground- Biodiversity assessments observation Marine biochemistry, sea level
based, and air-based monitoring. Its monitoring range includes monitoring, and products
Terrestrial ecosystem observation
meteorological observations, remote sensing monitoring sys- Other elements of the climate system
tems, and agricultural meteorological monitoring systems. The
Note: The content was compiled from China's fifth national report on the
collection of atmospheric, oceanic, and ecological observa- implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and The People's
tions as well as data related to climate system observations Republic of China third national communication on climate change (MoEE,
was separately completed by the academies of meteorology, 2014; MoEP, 2018).
292 HU Y. et al. / Advances in Climate Change Research 12 (2021) 287e295
China's implementations of the requirements of the Conven- NDRC, 2013, 2007), which considered the implementation
tion Secretariat, and achieves unified networking with inter- targets of both conventions to varying degrees. The related
national organizations (CHM, 2004). Furthermore, to further strategic plans of both conventions put forward strategic
facilitate information sharing, other departments and in- guidelines, goals, and tasks for cross-domain protection. Each
stitutions have also established their own information-sharing plan involves related contents of the other convention. In this
mechanisms. For example, the SFGA has established the regard, a trend toward synergy between the CBD and the
National Forestry and Grassland Data Center (NFGDC, 2019) UNFCCC has gradually emerged. However, there is no
and the CAS has established the Chinese Academy of Sciences detailed plan for how to establish a synergistic implementation
Node of Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF-CAS) mechanism. The existing strategic plan does not fully reflect
(GBIF-CAS, 2014). However, these databases or systems the plan toward synergy.
suffer from a low level of data management and information
sharing. At present, information sharing is only achieved 4.3. The monitoring system lacks coordinating
within each institution, department, or system, and several consideration
databases have not even achieved this goal of data sharing
within the department and system. Although most of the tasks in Table 2 can be regarded as
China has established basic meteorological observing the monitoring content of China's implementation work, in
networks and is participating in the international exchange general, they have not been carried out under the monitoring
of scientific data on climate change. To realize data-sharing, content as stipulated in the convention. The monitoring teams
related departments have established the China Climate of both conventions belong to different institutions. The
Change Info-Net, the Ocean and Climate Change Network, implemented content and monitoring methods are based on the
and the Clean Development Mechanism. Governmental needs of each department, which leads to a lack of overall
departments, research institutes, industry management consideration of monitoring indicators by different
agencies, and individuals have accumulated climate change conventions.
information, a considerable part of which is stored in data-
bases. However, because of insufficient funds to meet 4.4. Incomplete information-sharing mechanism
maintenance costs, the China Climate Change Info-Net and
the Clean Development Mechanism lack updates. Moreover, Research on the data management and information ex-
the data format and quality standards of basic climate data change of the conventions showed that there are currently
lack uniformity. more than hundreds of research institutes in China with
various types of biodiversity-related databases. Although a
4. Gaps in the synergistic mechanism number of public databases of species inventories can be
queried on the Internet, none of the information and data about
Although the implementation work of both conventions the national reports of the conventions are available on any
overlaps, and the implementation mechanism follows a trend publicly accessible web platform. Because the institutions that
toward synergy, no effective synergistic mechanism exists to develop such data resources belong to different departments,
date. The main problems are presented in the following. they lack opportunities for communication and sharing of
obtained results. This situation causes the data lack continuity
4.1. Lack of coordinating mechanism among and repeatedly, and also increases the cost of implementation.
implementation mechanism The inability to share data among departments originates from
the lack of a national management mechanisms, that could
Most importantly, both conventions have their national plan and coordinate the databases of biodiversity and climate
implementation coordination mechanisms to coordinate their change monitoring.
respective member units. Each mechanism consists of multiple
departments (Fig. 1). Furthermore, individual offices exist for 5. Establishing a synergistic mechanism for the
the two conventions. Since the establishment of these mech- implementation of the CBD and the UNFCCC
anisms, these offices have carried out much work in interna-
tional negotiation and environmental policy formulation. With 5.1. Establishing a synergistic office
the reform of national institutions, the responsible department
has been unified, which has enhanced the cooperation between In reference to Brazil's coordination mechanism (MoE,
both conventions. However, there is no dedicated office or 2014), we suggest to set up a Synergy Working Office
entity that charges the communication and cooperation be- under the MoEE, which undertakes the synergy imple-
tween the implementation organizations of both conventions. mentation of the CBD, the UNFCCC, and other environ-
mental conventions (MoE, 2014). This office would be
4.2. Insufficient synergy of the strategic plan responsible for coordinating the contact and information ex-
change between relevant conventions, as well as for holding
To protect biodiversity and mitigate climate change, China regular meetings to communicate international progress and
has proposed a series of national strategic plans (MoEP, 2010; domestic implementation achievements. Moreover, it should
HU Y. et al. / Advances in Climate Change Research 12 (2021) 287e295 293
Fig. 1. Coordinating mechanism components of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) in China.
summarize the implementation progress of each convention can be combined with ecological civilization construction and
in the form of an annual report. This office manages each ecological compensation.
implementation organization, ensuring that each organization
knows the standpoint of relevant conventions. Furthermore, 5.3. Developing a comprehensive and united monitor
we suggest to refer to South Africa's MINTECH model system
(DoEA, 2014), to establish inter-departmental working
groups according to different themes (MoE, 2014), and to The duplication of several indicators in China's CBD and
hold regular meetings for various departments to communi- UNFCCC monitoring work leads to repetitive implementation.
cate the progress. Furthermore, the existing implementation Therefore, it is necessary to develop a monitoring method and
organizations should be reformed, and those that are similar associated technology that comprehensively considers moni-
or have been replaced in function should be merged or toring indicators and standards of each convention. Monitoring
cancelled. For example, the three implementation organiza- results need to be shared, thus decreasing implementation
tion of the CBD should be merged and only the NCBC should costs. We suggest to expand the monitoring indicators and
be kept. scope based on the existing network, and incorporate moni-
toring indicators related to biodiversity and climate change
5.2. Establishing a synergistic national strategic plan into the same monitoring network.
We suggest to add a plan for synergistic implementation into 5.4. Establishing an information-sharing mechanism
the strategic plan and to clarify the path toward synergy. The
Post-2020 GBF and NbS are undoubtedly key research di- China has not established an information-sharing platform
rections for the international community to deal with biodi- for these two conventions, which hinders the cooperation be-
versity conservation and climate change in the future. It is tween different implementing organizations and generates ob-
recommended to revise the domestic NBSAP according to the stacles for the cooperation between both conventions. It is
new target as outlined in the framework. To evaluate imple- therefore necessary to build an implementation information-
mentation achievements, the NBSAP needs to pinpoint national sharing platform and databases management mechanism at
targets, which should be related to the goals of the framework. the national level. Through such a platform, the implementing
Based on the multiple benefits of the NbS on climate change, organization can exchange information, international progress,
biodiversity, the environment, and socio-economic benefits, it is as well as domestic fulfillment actions and results in time. The
suggested to investigate NbS-related policies and mechanisms implementation organizations for each convention can publish
in China. NbS can be included in the next stage of the NDC and their annual reports on this platform so that all departments can
294 HU Y. et al. / Advances in Climate Change Research 12 (2021) 287e295
acquire the status of implementation. Moreover, it is possible to CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity), 2019. Report of the conference of the
communicate the problems and experiences during the nego- Parties to the convention on biological diversity on its fourteenth meeting.
tiation and to issue early warning for possible problems. 14-en.pdf.
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6. Conclusions the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.
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plete synergistic implementation mechanism. The following gaps (accessed 6 January 2021, Chinese).
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